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alexclara 🏆92 🌟96Precious Nnenna Okechukwu
4mo 8d

Behind every bestie there is a hidden agenda.

Behind every bestie there is a hidden agenda.
My Wife's bestie wants to sleep with my wife, so I lodge his wife and daughter in the same hotel.

I observed a shift in my wife's behavior at home, as she began asserting her rights within our household. Instead of preparing breakfast as usual, she insisted on equal treatment and asked me to pick up snacks on my way to work. But when I cook, she doesn't hesitate to eat. Atimes, she takes the bigger portion or even all while I go to the office hungry.

Did I complain? No.

Before, she never used to sneak out to make calls, but suddenly, it became a regular occurrence, and now, she doesn't even bother hiding it from me.

Did I complain? Never!

She even went as far as suggesting we create a cooking schedule, completely against the idea of hiring a housemaid. And to add insult to injury, she implemented a timetable for our intimate encounters; once every two weeks, or sometimes, nothing for three months straight. And all this while we don't even have a child?

Did I give a heck? H*ell no!

What did I do to deserve this treatment? She found out I was building a house without informing her, and despite my apologies and efforts to make amends, she remains stubborn in her accusations.

Did I continue to beg? H*ell No!

Now, I've stumbled upon evidence of her communication with another man. I conducted my own investigation and uncovered his residence and workplace. He's a married man with two daughters, aged 19 and 8.

What am I going to do? Wait and see.

I don't need anyone else to fight my battles; I'm fully capable of being a formidable force on my own.

I found myself frequenting his wife's shop, engaging in playful banter and forming a bond that transcended the confines of customer and shopkeeper. Gradually, she became my confidante, her presence a welcome respite from the monotony of everyday life.

As our friendship blossomed, she began to seek solace in my company, yearning for the attention that her husband seemed unable to provide. I became her rock, offering her the support and comfort she craved.

In a moment of vulnerability, she offered me more than just her friendship—she offered me her body, a tempting proposition that marked the purpose of my revenge.

The same time, I met her daughter. She caught my eye, her innocence juxtaposed against the complexities of her mother's desires.

Driven by impulse, I showered her with gifts, money and attention, buying her an iPhone and indulging her with promises of secrecy. She was happy that I took her to school, far away in Osun State.

Then, I invited her to a hotel. The same hotel I invited the mum to, but separate rooms. They ate and were waiting for me. While they were waiting, I was in her husband/father's office.

As I stood in the doorway of his office, I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, my heart pounding with a mixture of rage and apprehension. The confrontation that lay before me was fraught with tension, the outcome uncertain, yet I was determined to confront the man who had encroached upon my marriage.

I caught him talking to my wife on the phone.

“You said you like riding but your husband doesn't want to. I love riding and touching all those touchable things dangling like a pendulum. You will thank me by the time I am through with you.”

Mind you, his phone was on speaker, so I heard everything crystal clear. They were indulging in fantasies about each other, leaving only the physical touch to complete their desires.

As soon as he realized I was there, he abruptly ended the call and feigned ignorance of my presence.

"Hello, gentleman, what can I do for you?" he asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Yes, but by the end of our conversation, you might be the one in need of help, sir," I retorted.

His expression shifted, a hint of unease flickering in his eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

"Sir, with all due respect, stay away from my wife. Trust me, you won't like what I'll do if you don't," I warned, my voice laced with determination.

His smirk faded, replaced by a look of disdain. "Oh, it's you? You're just as she described—insensitive and foolish. Get out of my office. Now!"

I couldn't say for certain if he had already crossed the line with my wife, but the way things were going, it seemed inevitable.

"Listen to this voice note, sir," I insisted, undeterred. "My wife went from sweet messages like 'Hey baby, I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you,' to cold statements like 'Hey, if you want to end this marriage, that's fine. There are plenty of better men out there.' And this change started when you began meddling in my marriage.”

"I never forced her to stop loving you. You can coerce a woman into marriage, but you can't compel her to continue loving you. She's my best friend, and we love each other. You're not God. She deserves a say in the house. Are you finished?" He stood up and yelled at me. I looked at him, pleading for calmness. The confidence in his voice was remarkable. If only he knew what awaited him.

I calmly dialed a number and put it on speaker. "Hello, baby, where are you right now?" His wife's voice filled the room. I smiled at him. "Yes, baby, are you at the hotel now?" I asked, watching his reaction. He stared at me, seemingly transfixed, recognizing the voice. He tried to dial the number, but it was busy.

"Baby, I'm totally free. I'm ready for anything with you. Any position you want, I'm all yours. Please come quickly," his wife's voice continued.

"What's the name of your husband again?" I inquired.

"You mean that useless b@stard? He's a one-minute man. I wish I'd met you earlier in my life. Please, let's not talk about him; he'll ruin my mood," she responded.

"I'm sorry, baby. Can you send me a picture of you? Or maybe make a short video and send it to me," I requested.

"Right away, honey. I can't wait to be with you. Please come soon," she replied, feigning distress.

"Does he not satisfy you? I'll teach you a lesson he never could. I'm not a one-minute man, Benjamin; I last two hours," I continued, emphasizing his name.

"You didn't pronounce the name correctly. Benjamin Olaleye, aka Olele.”

We ended the call and she sent the short video. I didn't show him. His initial confidence faltered as I played the incriminating phone call, the words of his wife echoing through the room like a damning verdict. The realization dawned upon him, a flicker of fear dancing in his eyes as he grasped the gravity of his indiscretions.

I wasn't finished with him yet. This was just the beginning of my retaliation.

"Let's give my young girlfriend a call. I'm sure you'd love to hear this," I said, a smirk playing on my lips.

I dialed his daughter's number, his eyes widening in disbelief as I recited each digit. Yes, the number was all too familiar, but who cared?

"Hey sugar... Been waiting here for an hour. Where are you, babe?" His daughter's voice was like music to my ears, innocent and angelic.

"Calista Cali-berry, ọmọ Olaleye. My super angel that flies without wings. Sorry I was caught up with something. Will be there shortly," I replied, my tone dripping with faux affection.

"Oh baby, come joor... You know I have been looking forward to today. I promise you I am going to injure you. We are going to be there for a week," she responded eagerly.

"I am ready, baby. But, what about your Dad? What if he came to your school?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

"Which Daddy? He doesn't know what's going on in my life. Please let's not talk about him. I wish I never had a father," she replied, her contempt for him thinly veiled. Already lost her completely.

"Okay love. Send me some racy pictures to set the mood," I said, the anticipation evident in my voice.

As I listened to her voice, dripping with anticipation and desire, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was crossing a line, venturing into territory that was fraught with danger and moral ambiguity. But the desire for revenge burned hot within me, driving me forward even as doubt gnawed at the edges of my conscience.

"I would rather make a short video. You are going to love it. Gimme some minutes.”

I wasn't finished with him yet. This was just the beginning of my retaliation.

"Let's give my young girlfriend a call. I'm sure you'd love to hear this," I said, a smirk playing on my lips.

I dialed his daughter's number, his eyes widening in disbelief as I recited each digit. Yes, the number was all too familiar, but who cared?

"Hey sugar... Been waiting here for an hour. Where are you, babe?" His daughter's voice was like music to my ears, innocent and angelic.

"Calista Cali-berry, ọmọ Olaleye. My super angel that flies without wings. Sorry I was caught up with something. Will be there shortly," I replied, my tone dripping with faux affection.

"Oh baby, come joor... You know I have been looking forward to today. I promise you I am going to injure you. We are going to be there for a week," she responded eagerly.

"I am ready, baby. But, what about your Dad? What if he came to your school?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

"Which Daddy? He doesn't know what's going on in my life. Please let's not talk about him. I wish I never had a father," I replied, my contempt for him thinly veiled.

"Okay love. Send me some racy pictures to set the mood," she said, the anticipation evident in her voice.

As I ended the call, a sense of satisfaction washed over me. This was just the beginning of my revenge, and I wasn't about to go easy on him.

I showed him the short videos they both sent to me. As tall as he is, he knelt down begging.

"You should have considered the repercussions before embarking on this journey.

My wife and I are still young, and we haven't had any children together. If we were to part ways now, we could easily move on and find new partners. Can you comprehend the investment you've made in your marriage? Twenty-five long years!

You have nothing substantial to offer her. All those foolish gestures, loans, and care were merely ploys to pull her pants down. We know your type.

Here's the deal: Transfer a total of ₦3 million to this account within the next two hours, and your family will be returned to you. Afterward, I won't have to remind you to stay away from my wife again.”

Did he pay the money? Yes.

Did his wife and daughter return home? Oh yes.

Did my wife know about my revenge? Of course yes. She left the house for a few months. And later she filed for d!vorce and I signed.

I don't believe in having close friends of the opposite sex. It seems like a setup to either replace you or snatch you away from your partner.. Behind every bestie there is a hidden agenda.

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How I Rode Into Police/Protesters Clash Today

How I Rode Into Police/Protesters Clash Today
The midday Makurdi sun beat down mercilessly as I cycled towards the IBB Way. My usual route took me past the bustling new market, the air thick with the aroma of spices and sizzling meat. Today, however, a detour was necessary. The sound of distant shouts and whistles drew me away from the familiar chaos of the market, towards the APC secretariat.

Curiosity, a weakness I readily admit, tugged at me. I steered my bike closer, the shouts growing louder. I neared the secretariat, the red and blue party flags a beacon amidst the dusty streets. Suddenly, the air crackled. Shouts pierced the market din, sharp and panicked. One passenger in a bus yelped, "Trouble! Turn around!"

Too late. A wave of bodies surged forth - young men mostly, faces grim, a few wielding sticks and stones. Ahead, a line of police, their shields glinting, braced themselves. My heart hammered against my ribs. Nowhere to go. I was caught in the crossfire.

A rock whizzed by, shattering a car window. I whimpered, cowering on my bike. Chaos reigned. Police whistles blared, a tear gas canister arced, releasing choking fumes. The crowd roared back, defiant.

The governor's ban on political gatherings in the state had done nothing but pour fuel on the fire. They said it curbed violence, but to those whose voices were already stifled, it felt like a fist slamming shut.

Blindly, I gunned the bike engine, swerving around a fallen barricade. The acrid tang of tear gas stung my eyes, tears streaming down my face. I clung to my faith, my voice almost a terrified squeak.

Somehow, I broke through the turmoil, bursts of adrenaline propelling me past the worst of the melee. Reaching a side street, I finally pulled over, gasping for air.

"They just want their say," a passenger in a close by bus croaked, his face pale. "Just a chance." I nodded silently, the lump in my throat mirroring his fear and frustration.

I sat there, the rumble of distant clashes fading. The governor meant well, maybe. But the road to the party supporters voice in Benue was paved with stones, and passions blazed hotter than any ban could extinguish.

My bike and I, we were just humble witnesses caught in the storm, survivors of a day when democracy's voice turned hoarse with shouting.


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seyimola✓☆ 🏆22 🌟50Oluwaseyi Ademola Ajibuwa
6mo 7d


Once upon a time, there lived a single pretty girl named Sarah. She had been single for so long that she had forgotten what it was like to be in a relationship.
One day, Sarah decided to try online dating. She created a profile and started swiping left and right. After a few days, she matched with a guy named John.
They started chatting and hit it off immediately. They decided to meet up for a date at a fancy restaurant.
Sarah arrived at the restaurant and saw John waiting for her. He looked nothing like his profile picture. He was shorter, bald, and had a beer belly.
Sarah was disappointed but decided to give him a chance. They sat down and ordered their food. As they were eating, John suddenly burped loudly.
Sarah was embarrassed and tried to ignore it. But then John farted loudly.
Sarah couldn't take it anymore and excused herself to go to the bathroom. She called her friend and told her what had happened.
Her friend laughed and said, "Well, at least you know he's not the one!"
Sarah agreed and decided to end the date early. She thanked John for the meal and left.As she walked home, she couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. She realized that being single wasn't so bad after all.

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Drugs and friends

Dan was a neighbor, he went for a party last week and the story is about to be told.

Dan was a young boy trying to survive, people always saw him as a hard working person but Dan kept bad friends, he was either seen gambling with touts sometimes or clubbing whenever he was done working.

Just last week, he was arrested.
Police came late evening and dragged him away.
We never heard the real gist yo to the reason why he was arrested until two days later.

In the usual restaurant where Dan clubbed, his friends ridiculed him and claimed he wasn't smart and that was arrested.
The story holds that Dan had made out with lady at the party but had no money to pay because he was drunk at first.

Now Dan's image is totally ruined, he can't even keep his head up while he walked. His friends deserted him. His friends are said to be more responsible than him.

Keep good company.

Category Competition Winner!

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Show some love. Gift @kingsleysom something as TIPs

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Hi guys

So it was about noon yesterday when my friend called in, saying she just saw something that gave her a shock.
Guess what?
She was at a function (event) and was "meandering," in order to get noticed by the cool guys (I already know😝).
Next she walked in onto TWO WHITE MEN WHO WERE POUNDING YAM with all iota of seriousness.
She thought she didn't see correctly and looked sternly.
And it was what it was.

She kuku stole a shot or two and forwarded to me.

I almost would not have believed sef.

Category Competition Winner!

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Something I experienced yesterday that didn't support the saying "a patient dog eat the fattest bone".
I took some children for a children and ladies program, the traffic was so much on our way to the extend we were all hungry the extra money I took I couldn't use it because our transport got short on the way I had to add my money.
We got there safely after the program the children were asked to go and collect their lunch while the ladies continue with their program.
I was so hungry so I asked one of the children to tell the person in charge of the food to give me because the person is someone I know. The lady by my side said I should wait that after d ladies program we will have others I told her I can't wait the time was already 2pm before we finish it will be around 6pm and we left home from 8am.
So after I finished eating the program continued until later in the evening after the program everyone was expecting something but to our surprise nothing was given.
Lol then I concluded a patient dog isn't always lucky.
Pls like and comment

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I attended a wedding this month, an unprecedented union between an famous Area boy and God fearing church girl.

You see its unprecedented because it was those kind of weddings that would normally surprise neighbours and well wishers because these two had little in common at least to the eyes of unlookers.

They were a beautiful couple and before the traditional marriage the groom made sure to make everyone happy so that everything would go smoothly.

You and I know that village people are hard to please😆.

On the traditional ceremony all went fine and well until it was time to share food. Man was a notable person in his home base and made sure to bring all his friends.

More than 50% of them were not entertained properly as many were not given anything to drink or eat. It was total chaos. This would not have happened if the huge sum of money given by the groom was utilized properly, but so the thing goes.

After much deliberation they agreed to serve their guest separately during the reception of the White wedding.

After their marriage that fateful day, the reception began with dancing, and much celebration, you should have seen me that day,

I had eye's for 😘 somebody's daughter. As one of groomsmen i made sure to exhaust all the dancing step I had been dancing secretly since and occasionally turned my neck to see if she was watching me perform. And as the dance was coming to an end I walked gently with my hand folded on my chest to toast this fine gurl in the crowd.

Me; Hello beautiful, Can i have this dance with you. She hesitated, "I will go easy on you" I affirmed.

Her friends were cheering her on.

She was blushing uncontrollably when she replied " I have a boyfriend"

Me: That's fine, we'll look for another girlfriend for him cause what you need now is a husband.

My hand was stretched towards her the whole time. She was about to take my hand when I heard "Kpaa... Kpa... Kpaaaa...".

It was one of those rare moments when a perfectly going wedding turned into sheer disaster.

Mehn, just when I was about to have one of the best moments of my life, the whole auditorium went from a lovely party 🥳 to a place of total pandemonium.

The groom's family had exhausted the food needed to take care of their invited guest. The groom's mother had approached the bride to ask for little assistance in food and drinks to help cater for those left in the hall but she declined saying many of her friends are on the way coming and some guest from the village are waiting at home for the food her mother kept aside.

The groom's mother paid deaf ear's to her, went to where the food was kept and started sharing to her guest.

The bride on noticing this left her husband and went to accost the groom's mother who gave her that resounding slap, Kpaa..... that rendered me single till date😣.

The bride returned the slap on its arrival, this time her own slap felt like it came from both hands but it was just her left hand swinging in the hair.

Some good Samaritan had stopped the slapping wrestling from having a round 2 when the husband walked boldly to where the wife was standing and gave her a resounding slap for hitting his mother.

At the end of the Slapping SMACKDOWN, I look everywhere for my soon to be bride but she was nowhere to be found.

I guess she moved outta the hall like everyone else as the party came to a close abruptly.

Now who should I blame for my misfortune, THE GROOM, THE BRIDE or THE GROOM'S MOTHER.


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