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Mindviewers Stories

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Blowing minds

Blowing minds
Today was the day of our seminar presentation. Pheeeew 😞 I was feeling both excited and nervous. But I had worked really hard to prepare. Day and night, I was reading these materials like I don't have life.
I wanted to impress everyone with my knowledge.

When it was time to present, my orher classmates started showing their PowerPoint slides on the whiteboard. As I watched my classmates present, I noticed that many of them added beautiful images and nice backgrounds to their slides.
my own presentation was different. I didn’t have any images at all. My slides were plain, and I worried that they might not catch anyone's attention.

Despite this, I focused on my demonstration. I spoke clearly and passionately about my topic. I shared important points and explained everything in a way that I hoped they would understand.

After everything, i finished my presentation and answered questions which I was sure I did justice to and when I was done, I was surprised with their loud reactions.
Even though my PowerPoint slides weren’t as impressive as some of the others, my demonstration stood out in a special way and their loud clapping proved my point.
It's actually sweet to read.

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What a day

Today felt like a year long as we sat in attendance to a long lecture that ended around 5 PM.
Wnen the class finally ended, i returned home with my course mate, who lived next door to my room.

On our way back, we talked about how tired we were and hope to go together to the nearest restaurant to grab some food as soon as we have taken a little rest.

Our plans changed when the skies opened up, and it started raining heavily. The rain came down without warning for over three hours, and by 9 PM, I couldn't wait any longer, my stomach growled in tiredness.

When my instincts told me that the rain wasn't going to stop any soon, I took my umbrella and dashed out into the downpour, making my way to my course mate’s room.

I knocked on her door, and when she answered, the look on her face was showing frustration. She admitted that she couldn't wait any longer either, and without hesitating, we decided to venture out together, under the rain.

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It never made sense

After church yesterday, I decided to do some cleaning in my room. As I was sweeping and dusting off my old books, I came across upon a course textbook from my university days. I remembered how much I hated that subject back then. It brought back memories, mostly of frustration and night classes filled with confusion.

Out of curiosity, I decided to sit down and flip through the notes. As I read through the pages, something interesting happened. Concepts that had once seemed impossible to know started to click, everything began to make sense. I couldn't believe it was the same content that had driven me crazy before.

I thought about all those late nights I spent attending extra classes, desperately trying to understand the subject. I recall feeling overwhelmed, sitting in the back of the class, staring at the lecturer, and wondering why I couldn’t grasp what everyone else seemed to find so easy. I worked hard, but all I managed to get was a D.

But now, looking back, those memories don’t feel so bad. They remind me of my perseverance and that it’s okay to struggle sometimes; it’s part of the journey

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This morning, in our WhatsApp group chat, we received a message reminding us to purchase a whiteboard marker on the way to school. We didn't know what to do, everyone was asking questions on the group chat. I on the other hand did not know the use of the whiteboard marker that we were told to buy so instead of wasting money I decided to just go with my usual 6B pencil

. This raised concerns among us about the unusual requirement, as we were accustomed to using 6B p

encil for our exams on computer answer sheets. Many of us didn't buy the marker, unsure of how it would be used in the exam.

When the exam began, the coordinator explained that using a marker would allow the computer to detect our answers more easily compared to those marked with a pencil. I had brought all my materials, but I felt anxious as I watched my classmates struggle with the last-minute change.

Quickly, I dashed out and got my own whiteboard marker. No be me Go risk my exam marks

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Triumph through persistence

I’ve been struggling to make good custard for a while now. Two weeks ago, I decided to go on YouTube and learn how to make it. I watched a few videos and thought it looked simple enough. But when I tried it myself, it turned out too watery each time. I gave up after four failed attempts.

Since then, I kind of left it alone. I figured maybe custard wasn’t for me. But today, I decided to try again, this time with a friend’s help. She made hers, and it came out perfectly. Watching her do it gave me some hope that maybe I could finally get it right.

When it was my turn, I tried again, but the same thing happened, it was too watery. I was really frustrated at that point. My friend saw my struggle and gave me a little tip. She said to keep pouring hot water until the custard changes color, which is something I hadn’t heard before.

I followed her advice and, to my surprise, it worked. The custard finally came out smooth and just the right consistency. Now, I can finally say I know how to make custard, and I’m proud of it. It’s going straight onto my list of things I can cook.

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I’ve always been the kind of person who prioritizes my time. As a serious student (not too serious oo), I try channel most of my energy into my academics and online learnings.
I'm still on a beginning journey in Coding, specifically Python and web development, I also do study the stock market statistics (I know it's a lot but theres no time).
After I realised that university was actually a place of learning (not basically the things we learn in classrooms), but informations we gather from other calibers of people and the environment at large.

I am aware that in this current era, majority invest their time and focus on airdrops and cryptocurrency, I’ve remained distantly detached from this field. The constant conversation about making quick gains, currency gambles, and jumping into the latest trends has never really appealed to me. I’ve always preferred to invest my time in things that build a solid foundation for my future (no brags 🥲)

However, just yesterday, a close friend of mine triggered a little change in my perspective.
He shared some motivational insights in crypto, stating that no matter how little time we think we have, we can always create time for activities that can be beneficial. This speech got to me because I knew that no matter how busy I usually am, there's always a little space/rest which I could utilize and do some airdrops.

I realized that while I often feel out of time, there are periods when I could take a break from my studies and over seriousness. Those moments don’t have to be wasted; I could explore crypto mining or dive into airdrops.

To cut the long story short, I began my airdrop journey yesterday after a long time away from anything related to crypto. As they say: no knowledge is a waste, and everything counts no matter how little.

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So while in school, my dad had always told me how he had usually burnt his candle light everyday in his school days to read.
So i decided to try mine today and here's what happened.

Coming back from school,I decided to buy a candle stick to use for my experiment at night cos I was determined to see our it felt to read with a candle light cos I grew up reading with a lamp.
After everything,everybody went to sleep and I went to our study room to try it out.

I led the candle but funnily, I slept up few minutes into the reading not until I felt a hot feeling on my finger which was the dissolved wax of the candle.

I saw that the candle was already in its last stage there I discovered that its not how long the candle burn but how far you read while the candle lit that matters but I also knew that its better you used the method convenient to you in order to achieve your aim

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Unfinished business

Two days ago, I went to buy an extension socket. The man selling it assured me that it was of good quality and would work perfectly. He seemed confident, so I trusted his word, paid 3000, and took it home. Since there hadn't been electricity for two days, I hadn’t had the chance to test it.

When power was finally restored last night, that’s when trouble started. To my shock, the socket caught fire almost immediately! Luckily, I wasn’t sitting close to it when it happened, but the fire was scary. My sister, being the first to notice, ran outside. But me, as a sharp guy, I knew the quickest thing to do was to switch off the changeover, so I quickly handled that.

Thankfully, the fire didn’t spread too much. It only affected a small part of the wall, leaving a black mark behind. If I hadn’t acted fast, who knows how bad it could have gotten? We all calmed down after the situation was under control.

This morning, I marched straight to the man’s shop. I wasn’t about to let this slide. I confronted him about the faulty socket, and after a bit of arguments, he surprisingly took responsibility for it. He apologized, which I didn’t expect, and offered me a partial refund of 1000. He also took the socket back.

Even though I didn’t get my full money back, I was relieved that the man owned up to it and didn’t argue foolishly.

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Survival of the fittest

I had plans to work on my system for days, expecting to use the electricity to power my work. But NEPA had other plans. For days on end, they failed to bring light, leaving me frustrated and unable to achieve anything.

I tried to find an alternative solution by buying fuel for my generator, but the current fuel price in Nigeria was too expensive. I couldn't afford it, so I was stuck.The deadlines for the summition of my project was fast approaching , but unfortunately there is actually nothing I could do to help the situation.

Just when I thought all hope was lost, I remembered my friend's place, which has a renewable energy, and as such not affected by the unfortunate situation. I packed my bags, grabbed my system, and headed to their house. Luckily, they welcomed me with open arms and allowed me to use their power to boost mine. I was finally able to work on my system.

My project was done in few hours and I found my way back home, just few steps to my compound I heard a shout "UP NEPA"

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Formal Approach

Formal Approach
It’s been a long and frustrating week. My group and I scheduled four meetings with our project supervisor, hoping to get some guidance and direction on our project. But unfortunately, out of all those meetings, not once did he show up. We had heard rumors that he wasn’t capable of handling the group, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. However, after this week, it’s clear that the situation is even worse than I imagined.

Every time we scheduled a meeting, he came up with a different excuse to cancel or not attend. From “family emergencies” to being “stuck in traffic,” the excuses never seemed to end. It’s almost as if he was avoiding us entirely. We’ve been left hanging multiple times now, and it’s starting to feel like he doesn’t take his responsibilities seriously. Our project is important to us, and we need someone we can rely on, but sadly, he hasn’t shown us that he’s willing or capable of helping.

Today was the final try. Despite the heavy rain, I made my way to the meeting location, hoping that this time, he would show up. I stood there soaked, waiting for him, but once again, he was a no-show. It’s incredibly disappointing to see this kind of behavior from someone who is supposed to guide and support us. I’m not one to easily complain, but this level of irresponsibility can’t be ignored any longer.

I’ve spoken to the other group members, and we all agree that we’ve had enough. We can’t keep wasting our time chasing after someone who isn’t willing to do his job. Our project is suffering because of his lack of commitment, and at this point, we need to take action. We deserve better, and we need a supervisor who will actually show up and help us succeed.

As a result, I’ve decided to write a formal letter to the department to report this situation. It’s not something I wanted to do, but we’ve been left with no choice. Our supervisor’s behavior is unacceptable, and we need the department to address this issue before it’s too late for our project. We’ve worked too hard to let someone else’s irresponsibility drag us down.

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Make everybody rest

Make everybody rest
After our first semester examinations wrapped up, I couldn’t contain my joy that I ran all the way home the next day. It felt refreshing to be free from the stress of exams and back in the comfort of my house. For the next two weeks, I relaxed, ate my mom's delicious cooking, and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere.

But then, last week, I saw a frightening update: that second semester was going to start soon. Even though according to the timetable, classes were supposed to begin on the 21st of September. I was displeased and I lamented all through.

Before I knew it, the first lecture was fixed, and I found myself making my way back to campus. It was a uneasy to rebigin my studentife again but, I still went from home to school rather than from the school hostel.
In the past week alone, I had been to three classes.

My friends tease me about it. They laugh and called me a family girl, a home girl, and I jiust smile about it. I didn’t mind their playful remarks one bit. I felt blessed to have a loving home to return to and my special about home-cooked food and for now, I'll still be attending any lectures from my father's house until I am satisfied.

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The Prank

The Prank
One Saturday morning, I woke up to see that in our University level Whatsapp group, a test was announced the previous night by our class representative, to be held that Saturday morning. I was really disturbed, Saturday was the only day I had the chance to be at home and do some clean ups, including having some good rest to relief the stress during the week. Our class representative announced the test to be by 12 pm, and also announced a football competition between our level and another level to also be by 12 pm. We chatted him up and even placed calls to find out how the two activities will be possible at the same time, but he snubbed our messages and calls.

I took my bath with a warm water because I wasn't feeling too well, I left my house by 11 am and started trekking to school since I didn't have any money on me to pay my way there, I wanted to borrow the transport fare from my neighbor, but I just gave up on the idea. Just when I left my house, rain started falling, I couldn't wait for the rain to stop, I still had a long distance to cover before I get to school, and I was running out of time. The luck I had was that the rain wasn't heavy, but it was enough to get my clothes very wet and I was shaking from the cold, coupled with the fact that I wasn't feeling too well. I knew that the lecturer is very strict and lateness won't be tolerated, didn't want to jeopardize my chance to write the test, so I had to keep moving.

I arrived at school about few minutes to 12 pm, and I met only three of my colleagues at the hall, out of 85 students in my level. The Class Representative wasn't there and the lecturer wasn't there too, we waited patiently and about four of our colleagues came to join us. I saw some of my coursemates for the first time this semester, they came to school because they heard about the test, they have never been to any class since resumption and this was just three weeks to exams. The turnup was so poor that we began to believe that the test won't hold, and some of them that don't come to classes started expressing how sad and angry they will be if the test doesn't hold. Some of them came from far distance and their transport fare was much, some were business guys and some were working, maybe that's why they don't come to classes.

It was almost 1 pm, the rain stopped and neither the class representative nor the lecture came, we decided to check the WhatsApp group and realized that the test was a prank by the class representative, he wanted to bring us to school so that we will watch the football match between our level boys who have been training for weeks and another level, since we don't like coming out for extra curriculum activities. The class representative posted in the WhatsApp group that we should come to the school stadium, that he is there, we were very annoyed because of the sacrifices we made to be there, my coursemates started abusing and insulting the class representative in the WhatsApp group. Some people went home from there, and some went to stadium, I went to the stadium and told the class representative that such a prank is not good, it was a Saturday and we had plans for that day, others spoke to him and he kept mute.

They played the match and lost by 4 - 0 to the opponent, this is when the course representative was enraged and decided to reply the people that abused him earlier, they exchanged insults and even went as far as abusing somebody's father. The course representative angrily suspended extra curriculum activities in our level since we don't like participating fully in them, it wasn't our fault, the activity for the semester is overloaded and we are rarely chanced. The Course representative made a lot of enemies within our level that day, he refused to admit that the prank was very expensive, people wasted transport fare, time, and even risked their health to be there. My coursemates demanded an apology from him, but he refused to apologize. I didn't really say anything about it, we don't participate in those activities because of the distance to school, time and complex academic activities, and he should have thought it through before making such a prank.

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Didn′t feel like it

Didn′t feel like it
I felt really different today. When I got to school, I wanted to smile and play, but instead, I just felt like sitting quietly in a corner.

All my friends were laughing and chatting about things. I love to talk and share stories, but today, I didn’t want to talk at all. I just wanted to listen to my music through my headphones, abi air pods.

Everyone was busy talking about shoes or funny things that happened, but I just nodded my head and smiled. Inside, I felt like I wasn't really there, like I was a balloon that lost its air.

Some of my friends came over to me and tried to talk, but I didn’t say much. I just wanted to listen to my music and relax. I didn’t know why I felt this way. I usually love talking and gossiping, but today was different.

As the day went on, I started to feel a bit better. I thought maybe it was just one of those days, and tomorrow would be fun again. It was okay to take a break today.

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A Day In The Labouratory

A Day In The Labouratory
It was another chemistry practical day in the laboratory with my colleagues, with the lecturer addressing us on how to go about the practical in a simple way, at first we were nervous because it was our first time to carry out that particular experiment, but then the lecturer explained everything in details, till I understand how to carry-on the experiment without any further assistance.

The lecturer divided us into eight groups and I happened to be in group two, he then appointed one person from each group as the group leader, and I was among the people he appointed. The experiment was to be conducted per group, and as group leaders, we were asked to meet the laboratory assistant who is a woman in her 60s, sign and get the apparatus we are to use for the practical, which we did. The rule was that the apparatus must be returned complete, and in good condition, otherwise the group will pay for any damage or loss.

We started the experiment without any further waste of time since we had just two hours to make sure we finish the experiment and make our reports, I understand how to go about the experiment as the group leader, so I was leading. All of a sudden, one of the apparatus (a conical flask) we were using for the experiment went missing, I was terribly scared because I knew if we couldn't find it, that would mean that we will pay for it. And then I saw my colleague that is in another group with two conical flasks, I approached him and told him about the missing conical flask on our table and asked how he managed to be in possession of two conical flasks when we were assigned only one.

He told me that he went back to the laboratory assistant to get another conical flask, I doubted it and told him that I will go to the laboratory assistant and find out if he is telling the truth, he told me to go and ask. I went straight to the Lab assistant and she told me that we are to use the one conical flask she assigned to us for all the experiments, I wanted to be sure so I asked if she had given any of us a conical flask just few minutes ago, and she said she didn't. I was enraged, went back to the guy and asked why he lied to me, he couldn't say a word, I yelled at him why he would have the intention of jeopardizing this practical for me and trying to put my group into problem. He knew that any loss or damage of any of the apparatus will be paid for by the group, and he still didn't care about the penalty we would face. I was really angry, my tone was so high that my fellow colleagues starting pleading that I should calm down, the guy couldn't say a word, his lie had been exposed, I took the conical flask and return to my group's table.

It took me sometime to bring back my concentration in the experiment, as I kept wondering such level of wickedness the guy displayed, he obviously thought that I won't be able to meet the laboratory assistant and ask about the conical flask. I used to hear some of our colleagues saying bad things about the guy, and I was never closed to the guy before, but on that day, the guy had proven the things I had been hearing about him to be true, he didn't even apologize. He had put himself in a situation where his heart will skip anything he sets his eye on me till we graduate and I don't think I will ever have anything to do with him, not to talk of recommendation, some people are just naturally wicked and are to be avoided at all cost.

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1 PM

1 PM
This morning, our class representative called us for an important lecture that was supposed to start at 10 AM. We were all excited and quickly got ready to attend. However, when we arrived at the venue, we found out that there were some problems with the schedule. It turned out that there were other events happening there, which meant we could not hold our lecture at 10 AM as planned.

After waiting for a while, we finally learned that our lecture was moved to 1 PM. At first, this was a bit annoying because we had to change our plans and wait so long. Now, as the sun beats down on me, I am walking around, feeling the heat and stress, trying to make sure I arrive on time.

Even though I’m feeling uncomfortable in the hot weather, I still want to meet up with my classmates and attend the lecture. It makes me think about how sometimes things don’t go as planned, and we have to be flexible.

As I experience all of this, I decided to share my story. Who knows? Maybe someone else will find it relatable or interesting.

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My phone was almost dead, and there wasn't anywhere nearby to charge it. The only option was to leave the house and walk for about 20 minutes to a street that had electricity. Our own street had been in a blackout for over two months, so finding a place to charge was always a struggle.

Just as I was about to head out, it started raining heavily. The worst part was that I didn’t have an umbrella. I waited for about two hours, hoping the rain would stop, but it just kept pouring. I was getting anxious because I really needed to charge my phone.

Eventually, I realized the rain wasn’t going to let up anytime soon. I wrapped my phone and power bank in a bag to keep them dry and decided to brave the rain. By the time I got to the street with electricity, I was completely soaked from head to toe. I blame NEPA for everything I'm going through this period, it hasn't been easy at all.

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A lasting solution

When the handle of my knife broke, it was like the start of a bad habit. My roommate and I kept procrastinating buying a new one, telling ourselves we'd do it soon. Instead, we started buying food from outside almost every day. On the days we felt like cooking, we had to borrow a knife from our neighbor. It worked, but it wasn’t ideal.

Each time I had to ask for the neighbor’s knife, I felt a bit uncomfortable. I didn’t like the idea of using someone else’s things every time I wanted to cook. It made me feel like I was always bothering them, even though they didn’t seem to mind. Still, it wasn’t a great feeling.

At one point, my friend who was traveling close to my hometown offered to help. I asked him to pick up a knife from my parents’ place. It seemed like a perfect solution, but when he got back, he had forgotten all about it. I was frustrated, but I couldn’t blame him.

Today, though, I hit my breaking point. I couldn’t bear the thought of borrowing the neighbor's knife again. So, I decided to search for a new one myself. I walked around, determined to find a place where I could buy a decent knife. After some effort, I finally found a shop that had what I needed.

Now that I have the knife, I feel relieved. It’s a simple thing, but it makes a big difference. No more procrastinating, no more borrowing from the neighbor. I’m just glad I can cook in peace again.

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Still on It

Still on It
Today at school was pretty boring. After our final exams, most of my colleagues rushed home. I watched them leave, feeling a bit left out and while they were celebrating their freedom, I was stuck in the classroom, waiting for my seminar preparation to finish.

The reason I couldn't leave was that I had a seminar coming up next week, and I needed to gather a lot of information for it. As I sat there, I noticed how the clock seemed to move so slowly. It was hard to focus on my research with everyone else enjoying their time off.

I felt frustrated at first because my department had this high standards, and I was trying hard to meet them. Sure, the pressure pushed me to do better, but at that moment, it felt like a burden. My friends were out having fun, while I was facing more work ahead of me.

Even though all these bothered me, I was determined to make the best of my time, I took my laptop and headed to the library. It was my favorite place on campus, filled with the smell of books and a quiet atmosphere that helped me think. I knew I could really focus there but not at home where I would while away 70% of my time on my phone screen.

Inside the library, I began to search for books and articles that would help me with my seminar topic. I wanted to find information that would support my ideas and make my presentation strong, you know how it goes.

I spent an hour at the library, reading through different resources and taking notes but not actually progressing with the seminar article.

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In a small town situated among the hills, there was a school different from any other. This school opened its arm to students of all ages, from curious children to intelligent adults.

Every day, students gather in a sunny classroom where learning is more important than the lesson, learning is an adventure.The teacher, a woman with a mature and bright eyes, has a unique way of teaching. More than just talking, she encourages her students to explore, create, and discover tbings for themselves.

Some students pour themselves in the books and their thoughts grow with each page. Others loved to experiment, mix colorful liquids that bubbled and boiled. Among the students were also those that prefer to write and express their thoughts through vivid colors and shapes.

One lovely day a new student, a little girl named Lily, entered the classroom. She was shy and afraid that she will not be able to catch up with the rest. But as the days passed, she was lost to the joy of learning. She writes, reads, and tries her hands at tests.

One evening, when the sun was setting, the teacher gathered the students together and she pointed to the blackboard, where the words "Learning never Ends" were written in beautiful cursive. And she said with a warm smile "No matter how old we are, no matter how much we think we know, there is always something new to learn,".

Our journey never ends because we never stop learning.

Lily knew from that day that it was not how much she had, but how much she wanted to learn that really matters and there are plenty more things to learn and keep learning.

The classroom became more full of curiosity and creativity, as each student, young and old, embraces the endless journey of learning.


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Hillarous sight

Hillarous sight
As I was leaving class today after a lecture, I watched somd studente from another department rush off to their business exams.

Everyone was moving quickly and their faces tense with worry. Suddenly, I noticed a short guy running with all his energy. While everyone else was just Hasty, he looked like he was running for his very life.

We couldn’t stop ourselves from laughing at the sight. It was a moment that cooled the tension due to stress that was in the air.
To describe the guy and what made the view such a funnily one was that, this black short guy had very baggy plain trousers on and tucked in with his afro hairstyle. It was all funny.

I headed home, still chuckling about the guy who raced like he had a deadline to beat, papa been carry the exam for head.

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You can Learn Anything

You can Learn Anything
I've always wanted a laptop since I was in Year 1. I remember sitting in class, watching my friends use their laptops for their homework and projects. I would dream about having one of my own. But when I got into the university, I started to think more about my family's situation. My parents spent a lot of money on my education, especially before I began university. I had siblings who were also in school, and I did not want to be selfish and ask for a laptop when I knew they needed things too.

Two years later, something amazing happened. It was my birthday, and I walked into the living room, expecting to find the usual cake and birthday wishes. Instead, my parents surprised me with a brand-new laptop! I was so shocked.

I couldn't wait to use it for my classes, to do research, and to connect with my friends. But once I turned it on, I realized I had a lot to learn. There were so many buttons and features I didn’t know how to use. Basic tasks felt challenging at first, and I sometimes felt frustrated.

I decided that instead of giving up, I would take my time to learn. I started by watching simple how-to videos online. I learned how to open files, create documents, and use different programs. Each small victory made me feel more confident. I also found some apps that helped me study and manage my time better.

Every day, I would sit down with my laptop and practice. Sometimes I asked my friends or older siblings for help when I got stuck. They showed me new tricks and shortcuts that made using the laptop much easier. The more I learned, the more I realized how useful it could be for my studies and hobbies.

I also started exploring creative skills, like digital art and music production. With my laptop, I could write stories, edit videos, and even learn to code.
It doesn't end, for now, the advantages that I've seen is the larger frame and more tools for each tab, also the faster processor.

Always learn my people.

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