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A week of wonder

Last week, I left home to our village, I have been there before but that was a long time ago. With a sense of adventure and a curious heart, I packed my bags and set out for a week filled with new experiences, I was eager to meet with my cousins, dance around the family tree, like we did when we were young.

As I entered the village, everyone I came in contact with could tell I was new here, my hair, look, dress, bags gave the simple message that I am from the city. There was no network, so,I couldn't call my Aunty to tell her I had arrive. A man approached me to ask if I was a corp member, I told him I was here to visit "Iya Shade"(My Aunt), with excitement, he took me to my Aunty's house.
I was happy and relieved (at least they didn't use me for ritual😅). My Aunty welcomed me with open arms, and led me to her cozy but, adorned with flowers and with the scent of fresh herbs. Some of the villagers gathered with their eyes sparkling with curiosity, every need was anticipated, every comfort I needed they were ready to provide, except for electric light. I couldn't come online, because they had no electricity, I had to listen to stories from my grandpa or go to the king's palace in the evening to watch cultural presentation in order to kill boredom.

After some days, I felt a sense of belonging, like I am part of a larger family, the villagers showed me that even in a world of strangers, there exists a deep well of kindness. It was unbelievable to me, that a small village and typically traditional could bim with such openness.

As I prepared to leave yesterday, I was given some foodstuffs, the Baale gave me a bottle of honey, I left with a heart full of gratitude, the village might not have electricity but it shine brightly with warmth, love and especially delicious food 😂.

I'm back to give Y'all reminders🤭

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Safina always wanted to be a happy wife with a husband who would appreciate and love her and with whom they would create a happy future. She started to feel the signs of disappointment accumulating in her every day. Her parents always told her to wait for the man of her dreams, but Safina could wait no longer, especially after meeting Abdulwaheed.

The rain of bullets, however, didn’t deter Abdulwaheed from visiting the town as he was not new to the place. He was famous not for being rich or for being generous but for the difficult marital relationship he had with his first wife, Talatu, and five children. Safina didn’t mind that he was a bad husband and father to their kids, who left them alone to suffer while he enjoyed his reckless hearty life. This caught the eye of Daw Thirty Years, and she was mesmerized by the façade Abdulwaheed presented before her.

Since they came across each other, Abdulwaheed began spoiling Safina with material things, ranging from ornamental jewels to beautiful apparel and stacks of money. It was like he had the formula for laying down power where her heart was concerned. She was special, loved, and, at long last, wanted – sentiments that every lady admires most. He showered her with words of affection saying that he wanted someone like her by his side since she knew him better than Talatu.
Safina's friends warned her. They dragged her to the many times the man had failed in his responsibility as a husband and a father, how Talatu had been left to fend for their children and the house alone while Abdulwaheed roamed the streets for who knows what. However, all these Safina did not get a chance to see at all. To them, Abdulwaheed was not quite like them; even in their presence, she was misunderstood. “He has become different,” she says it. “He does exactly what I have said a man should do: he treats me like a queen. ”
And so, Safina ignored all the red flags and succumbed to Abdulwaheed’s proposal, hearsay and disapproval from relatives and friends. The wedding was the best, and Abdulwaheed did not conform to budgeting since Safina was well-dressed in the best dress. It seemed like this could be a fairy tale— at least it was till the time it was not.
However, once the excitement of the wedding wore off, the true Abdulwaheed began to reveal himself. His once kind gestures disappeared, replaced with a coldness that Safina could not understand. The gifts stopped. The money, which once flowed generously, dried up. When Safina asked about the change, Abdulwaheed would snap, blaming her for nagging or inventing problems. Within months of their marriage, Safina found herself trapped. Abdulwaheed had not only stopped providing for her, but he had also begun to mistreat her. He became cruel and demanding, expecting her to take on the responsibilities of his household without support. He would come home late, barely acknowledging her presence, and when he did, it was only to complain or make unreasonable demands. Safina’s world began to crumble. She saw firsthand the life that Talatu had endured for years—the neglect, the cruelty, the lack of support. She had been deceived by Abdulwaheed's initial charm, only to be trapped in the same misery Talatu had long suffered. The fairy tale she had imagined turned into a nightmare. Months passed, and Safina’s patience wore thin. She could no longer bear the pain and suffering Abdulwaheed had brought into her life.
The man who had once professed love for her now treated her as an afterthought, a mere inconvenience. She realized her mistake—she had fallen for a mirage, believing the sweet words and lavish gifts without seeing the truth. Finally, after much reflection, Safina made the difficult decision to leave Abdulwaheed. It wasn’t easy; there were moments of doubt and fear of the unknown. But Safina knew that staying with Abdulwaheed would only destroy her further.As she packed her things and prepared to leave, Safina reflected on the choices she had made. She had been blinded by material things, by the desire to be loved, and had ignored the signs that were so clear to everyone around her. Abdulwaheed had never changed; he had simply pretended to be someone else long enough to deceive her.Safina returned to her family, wiser and more cautious. She had learned a painful lesson—one that Talatu had known for years. True love is not bought with gifts and promises, and a person’s character is not something that can be hidden for long. What matters most in any relationship is respect, responsibility, and kindness—qualities Abdulwaheed never possessed.
In the end, she emerged stronger and more aware of the true value of love. She now knew that material things could never replace genuine care and responsibility, and that rushing into marriage with the wrong person could bring a lifetime of regret.

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All hope in airdrop

Today, as I was passing through my neighborhood, I couldn’t help but notice a group of boys gathered around. They were all shouting with excitement about airdrops and the promises of quick cash. I paused for a moment, intrigued by their confidence as they made mockery of those who weren’t participating in the latest trends, I felt guilty.

“Just wait until the hamster airdrop list comes out! We’re going to cash out big time” one boy declared with a genuine smile. His friends joined in with cheers and laughter, excitedly envisioning the cars they planned to buy with their supposed money bag. I shook my head, all these their dream..

As a grown-up, I couldn't take their talks too seriously. After all, putting that much faith into a single airdrop seemed naïve, especially when the market was so unpredictable. I wondered what other dreams they had, aside from what they saw as an easy ticket to success.

While they laughed and ridiculed those who chose not to join in, their banter struck me as amusing in a way. “If everyone cashes out from hamster and becomes rich, who’s going to wash their cars?” one of them joked, and I chuckled softly.

It was both funny and a little sad, knowing how easily hope could be misguided. But still, their energy was infectious and I hope the airdrop is worth the time and hype.

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Shortened Life

Shortened Life
It was around 5:45 in the evening, I went to fill my gas cylinder, I was really hungry and needed to cook. The gas station is not far from my house, so I just walked down there, looking very tired because I had just returned from work. I met a queue at the gas station, it was not much, but for a hungry human being like me, I felt I might faint if I stood a little longer without getting my cylinder filled.

It was my turn to get my cylinder filled and all of sudden, I saw some group of boys with matchets and guns, chasing down one guy, just across the gas station. They held the guy down gave him a beating of his life with the matchets, and started shooting bullets in the air. Everybody ran for their life, I was not an exemption, initially I was looking weak like someone who is at the point of collapse, I was surprised to know that I had that much strength left in me, I left my cylinder and ran with all my strength.

I branch a compound and took cover until the gunshots had gone completely and it was safe to come out, I slowly walked back to the gas station, on guard to take off in case I hear any further gunshots or see the guys that shot the gun. They were gone, leaving only the guy they had beaten seriously with matchets, it's obvious he was one of them, and he must have tampered with the rules. The police soon arrived and the guy was taken to the hospital. I returned to the gas station only to find out that they closed immediately because of the incident that just occurred.

I was left with no other choice than to take my empty cylinder home, the hunger came back worse than before. On my way home, I met some students singing funeral songs and holding a picture flex of one of them who died, rumors has it that he was killed by his fellow cult members. My thought shifted from hunger to how people willingly endanger their lives by getting their selves involved in ungodly groups, therefore cutting their life short. I bought some snacks, and that was what I took for dinner, I wasn't satisfied, but it helped. At least I was alive, got my cylinder filled the next day.

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Not current

Not current
The last two days have been really tough for me. My phone, which I loved very much, suddenly stopped working. I tried to turn it on, but nothing happened.

You see, a little while ago, my phone’s battery broke, so I got a new one that wasn’t the original. At first, it seemed okay, but then my phone started turning off by itself, like it wanted to play hide and seek. I hoped it would be alright, but one day, it just stopped working completely.

I was heartbroken! I thought I could fix it, so I went to the market. I hoped to find an original battery, one just like the one that came with my phone. I walked around, asking all the sellers if they had it. But one by one, they shook their heads.
Without my phone, I couldn’t play my favorite games or watch funny videos. I really missed those things! In school, I paid attention to my teachers, but in my mind, I was thinking about my phone and all the fun I was missing.

You might wonder how I wrote the story but to be honest I have this phone plugged onto the electricity before I'm able to.

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Change waves

I recently attended a conference called "Change Waves" that focused on important aspects of life such as money management, career growth, and building a healthy home. It was a three-day event packed with valuable insights and practical advice. The sessions were well-organized, and I felt that the topics covered were relevant to many of the challenges we face in our everyday lives.

One of the highlights of the conference was meeting an old friend. It was a huge surprise to run into him just as the event was wrapping up. Even though we had only a short time to catch up, it was great to reconnect. He mentioned that he had been invited to the conference and that he really appreciated the kind of discussions and learning opportunities that were offered.

My friend was enthusiastic about the conference, sharing that these are the kinds of events he values. He emphasized how important it is for people to learn the basic principles of life, something that often gets overlooked in our busy schedules. It was encouraging to hear his thoughts and realize that we both saw the same value in the program.

As we talked, I could see how much we both gained from the conference. The knowledge shared about managing finances, advancing in our careers, and maintaining a balanced home life was truly beneficial. It felt like the kind of learning experience that can make a real difference in one’s life.

Before we parted ways, I made sure to get his contact details so we could stay in touch. The experience was enriching, and I look forward to more opportunities for growth and learning like this one.

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Yes, can I say the old days were good or can I say it was just there? Let's get down to the memory lane...
The 21st century kids may see this as a story and certainly it is but for those who have a first hand experience will tell the story better how it was. Before the coming of electronic irons this was the international iron. How this was able to straighten your clothes without getting burnt was shocking. How you'll iron your clothes and the smoke is not there was still a wonder and puzzle to crack but then these questions are yet to be answered.
📌Who discovered a metal can straighten fabric?
📌Who discovered if heat is applied it can straighten it and not burn it when it's moderated?
Such person(s) must be a guru... Today this masterpiece is gradually fading with the introduction of her superior called ELECTRONIC IRON we will only have it at home to show our next generation what we use to have in those days. Today I bring to remembrance and to celebrate our legendary CHARCOAL IRON.
If you've used this before say Hi and tell us your experience. Remember to like and share.
Have a great day ahead

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A close shave with disaster

A close shave with disaster
I got off my bike and noticed the smell of roasted corn from the woman across the street by the Post Office. I could hear market women talking softly as they finished up for the day. In the background, a church choir was practicing for tomorrow’s service, with the pianist hitting the wrong notes but it didn’t bother me much as long as people were praising God. I also heard a child crying, and I knew it was just a typical African mom doing her thing.

I looked straight into the small barbershop that had seen better days, the mirrors were so dusty you could barely see your own reflection, But no wahala sha, the men wey dey there no come for clean mirror, na hair we come barb. I walked in, ready for my normal lowcut, no tapers. The air was thick with the smell of aftershave and one other foul smell (E sure me die say person mess for that shop true-to-god! But all man lock up), The evening sun was peeking through the tiny window, casting long shadows across the faded Nollywood posters on the wall, so faded you could barely make out actual faces. I could swear I saw Hitler on the catalog.

I sat down, looked the barber dead in the eye, and said, "Oga, I want make my carvings show!" He nodded like he knew exactly what I meant. So, I relaxed in the chair, feeling the cool metal of the clippers glide over my head. The sound of the buzzing clipper was almost soothing, like a lullaby. But then, something felt off. I opened one eye and caught a glimpse of the mirror... CHRIST!!!

I turned and stared at the barber, speechless. He was still nodding, as if he had just delivered the masterpiece of the century. "Oga na you talk say you want make your carving show na," he said with a grin, clearly proud of his work. And show they did-every single one, in all the wrong places! I opened my mouth to speak, he blow powder fuuuuu for my face so I swallowed powder and kept quiet immediately In my full life I have never felt so

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Dogs Revolution

Dogs Revolution
Few years back when I was still a kid around the age of 9 years old, there are certain things that happened that time, that there are no explanation of why they happened even till date. It was in a very interior village, where there was no road, even electricity supply didn't reach there as at that time, most of their lives revolved around the community, since the community was rich with granites, okro and rubber plantation. The people engaged themselves in these things.

During my stay, there came a time that a small boy died of dog bite, he was bitten by their own dog, and he refused to let anyone about it for months, which later resulted in his death. But before he died, he told his parents about the bite, the parents tried to chain the dog and maybe perhaps sell it, but the dog suddenly turned wild and ran to the bush to live. Some boys passed through where the dog was, the dog jumped on one of them and gave the boy a very serious bite, and then the dog returned to it's position. The boy went home and informed his parents, the youths of the community angrily went and killed the dog because it was obvious that it no longer had dog instinct anymore, the boy survived though.

Few days later, we started hearing rampant news of dogs biting people, including their owners without reasons, it was not funny. I remember taking our goat to the bush where it can feed on leaves, and all of a sudden, I saw about 5 local fowls running and flying randomly and shouting as if something was pursuing them. To my greatest shock, it was a dog that was pursuing the fowls, and it was running towards me, I left the goat, threw away the matchet I was holding and ran home to inform my parents, my father went to the bush and saw the dog attacking and wounding our goat, my father managed to scare the dog away and brought the goat back home. I went back to look for the matchet that I threw away carelessly while running from the dog, I could not find it, I didn't even know which part of the bush it fell into and so I never found it.

The attacks of dogs became so serious that the village head gave a decree that there should no longer be any dogs in the village, and any dog found should be killed. This was good news for people, dogs were hunted by the youths, killed and roasted publicly for free consumption. All the dogs in the village were eliminated till no single dog could be found in the land, people now had their peace and comfort back. Till today I still wonder why all the dogs in the village went wild and started attacking people and other animals, it looks very mysterious to me, it looked like a kind of dog revolution, nice one, but they can't win over humans, the dogs learnt that the hard way as they were completely erased in one week.

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Forever In My Heart

Forever In My Heart
It was the third term in JS2, I still remember how I had to say goodbye to my friends because of my father who is a pastor, and was transferred to another station and I was going to change school too. During the last days of exams, I told my classmates and friends of how we won't be seeing and might never see each other again after the end of the term, it was a very heart breaking period for me. The friends I had made always made my day bright and fun, smiles is sure to be on my face anytime I set my eyes on them.

Although in JS2, I used to represent the school in quiz competition, and so I was known by the principal and all the teachers and students, I was well loved, and the pains of giving up such a sweet environment was just too much. My best friend back then; Cynthia, she gave me her phone number to call her when I finally have a phone, I got my first phone when I was in SS1 and I called the number, but it was never reachable. I remember how some of my classmates even asked where my father was transferred to, so they can know where to find me, it showed how much they cared about me.

On the day of closing for the third time, I knew I would never see them again after that day, and so I cried so much, and my classmates couldn't hold their tears too, my principal and teachers gave me a farewell hug, I was a brilliant student with a constant first position and the students I used to help do home works felt like it's the end of the world for them. It was a very emotional moment, I cried till I was home. Few days later, we packed and moved to my father's new station, I remember seeing about three of my classmates while I was in the vehicle that drove us to the new station, I waved at them till I could not see them anymore, I still remember them screaming my name on top of their voice, hot tears ran down my cheek and I felt pains in my heart, I felt like going back.

A new term came and I was now in JS3, got enrolled in a new school and certainly made new friends, but the friends and classmates I had in my JS2 were still very fresh in my head, I still remember their names till today and it's as if it was just yesterday. But the painful thing is that I have never seen any of them again, except on Facebook for some of them. The same thing played out again when I got to SS3 where we graduated and left secondary school, I have only seen few of them over the years, the rest are either married or single parents, and that connection was totally cut off after our secondary school days. I got to realize that life revolves, and no matter what, our set of friends will keep on changing till our last day on earth, you keep the ones you can and feel pains for the others you're unable to keep in touch with. But to me, the memories of friends I have had, will always and forever be in my heart, they will always be remembered.

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How I Collected my Money

One married lady who was owing me money refuse to pick my calls whenever I called her.

So, when I notice that her husband was not at home, I sent her a message that goes thus, "Hello, I'm not calling because of the money you are owing me, I only want to inform you that two ladies were fighting over your husband in the town. It was a big fight and he was just there watching, until one of the ladies managed to escape into his car and they drove off".

Before I could say Jack, her call start coming in which I refuse to pick until I found twenty one missed calls and a message which read:

"Where was the fight? Where did they go? Did you Notice those girls? Please tell me, I am falling apart."

I read the message and I did not respond. She called I didn't pick her call, then another message from her that read "I have your money, please can we meet, so you tell me more?"

Then I replied, "Okay, you can Send it through my Opay which is my mobile number, so that when I am coming, I will pass by the filling station to refuel, then I will pick you and drive you to one of the ladies house because I know them."

After like five minutes, I checked my account balance, my money was fully paid.

I then switched off my phone and slept like a baby.

Please, kindly tell me, do I do the right thing?

Happy New Month.

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Chasing Small dreams

Chasing Small dreams
One day for hostel, my guy ask me say, "Bro, you get any online update?" I don dey shy to tell am before, but I think say, after all, we all dey hustle for money. I gather courage tell am, say, "Omo, I get one legit website wey dey pay." E quick ask me, "How much?" I tell am, "If you dey very active, you fit make like 50 to 300 naira per day."
E come ask me, "How long I go dey do am?" I tell am, "Na from 8am to 9pm, just 11 hour work." To my surprise, the guy burst laugh. He say, "Na all be this?" I come dey try explain give am again, I say, "Omo, you fit still make 3k every month if you serious, but you go first subscribe with 2k."

As I talk finish, the guy continue to dey laugh. He say, "You don finish look me finish, na this one you think say I dey find? Abeg, this kind level no reach for me." I try calm am down, I tell am, "Guy, na just side hustle o, nothing serious." But the guy no gree, he just dey laugh, say, "The least side hustle wey I wan do online now na 5k monthly. If na this one be your own, abeg, dey do am well."
At the end, I shame for myself as the guy waka commot. But anyhow, life go still continue. Na hustle we all dey, one day better go come. 😔

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Just an appreciation

Just an appreciation
In our lodge, we had an odd way of showing thanks to workers like him, an electrician who was a neighbour. Instead of paying them money for their hard work, we usually offered drinks or snacks as a way to say thank you.
On this day, the electrical guy was fixing our light which usually had issues almost everyday.
I often wondered if the electrician felt a little underappreciated, but he always worked with a smile and chatted with everyone around.

Finally, after what felt like forever, he finished the job. I was excited, hoping to see some kind of thanks for him. I thought people would offer him a drink or at least say a proper thank you. He had worked so hard, and it felt right that he should get some recognition.

But as soon as the lights were on, I was disappointed. A few people nearby shouted a quick “thank you!” as they hurried back to their rooms. There were no drinks, no snacks, nothing nothing.

Watching this made me feel sad. The electrician deserved better after all he had done. He had spent weeks making things right for us, and in the end, he got nothing more than a few rushed words. I wished I could do something to show him that he was appreciated, but I felt stuck just watching, my wallet was lying empty lolz.

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The Showoff

The Showoff
Many years back, when I was still in the secondary school, there is a time I almost lost my life because of show off, to please my classmates and other people around, and it would have been the end of my life in a twinkle of an eye if not for God. I shiver whenever I remember the incident.

One day on my way back home from school with my classmates, we decided to branch a nearby stream and have our baths, at least to make us feel refreshed since the weather was very hot. The stream was big and wide, some part of it can cover a 5 feet human being. I knew very well that I wasn't that good in water when it comes to swimming.

It all started when my classmates climbed a high ground just beside the stream, jumped and dived into the water using their head, it was fun to watch but I knew I couldn't do it. But all of a sudden, they started laughing and taunting me that I was too scared to do it, and instead of me to admit that I couldn't dive into the water from such a height, I decided to try it for the first time, just to show them that I can and quench the laughter.

I climbed the high ground and dived into the water with my head, what followed next wasn't funny. I jammed my head so hard at the bottom of the water, it was as if my head splitted into two, the pains was out of this world. I had no idea that the sand under the water could be that painful to collide the human head with, it was as if I hit my head on tiles. I tried to raise my head out of water but I couldn't move, the effect of the hit on my head paralyzed my body.

My classmates noticed and dived into the water to save me and took me out of the water, it was so serious that I started bleeding from my nose, I had made myself a more laughing stock to the people I was trying to please and showoff. I slowly felt better, wore my clothes and went straight home, my parents scolded me and banned me from stopping at that stream on my way home from school. I was taken to the clinic for some checkup and treatment. Right from that day, me and showoff don't take the same path.

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Heart warming

Heart warming
Not much happened today but since I am skilled to make out a story from nothing, let me talk about a minor incident that happened while I was on my way back from evening service.

My eyes met little girl who was holding the hand of an old man, a weak figure who appeared to struggle with his sight. The darkness was settling in around us, but the little girl held him tightly and determined.

Suddenly, I heard the old man mumbled some words that sounded like a kind statement. Even though he was speaking loudly, I couldn't understand a thing he said; his voice was muffled and unclear. But the little girl seemed to understand him perfectly. She let out a joyful laugh and replied, "Grandpa, I think you're being funny!"

When I saw the old man smile with satisfaction, I couldn't help but feel a warmth in my heart. I just loved the fact that the little child, whether she understood or not, didnt give room for the old man to feel bad or forlorn.

I'm sorry for the late story, we had a two days program.

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An unwanted Admirer

I was sitting on a crowded bus with my mum this morning, trying to ignore the commotion around me. But then, a gentle tap on my shoulder broke my concentration. I turned to see a charming smile.
"Hi, mind if I sit here?" he asked, pointing towards the empty seat beside me. I shrugged, not wanting to be rude, and he sat down. His leg brushed against mine, making me feel uneasy.

We exchanged pleasantries, but I couldn't muster up much enthusiasm, I was already tired even before the bus took off. He introduced himself as James and kept talking, asking questions and sharing stories, I wasn't even interested😩 but, I nodded and faked a smile, trying to be polite, but my mind began to wander.
My mum noticed my discomfort and turned around, raising an eyebrow. As we approached my stop, he asked for my number, his eyes locked into mine. I hesitated, unsure of how to let him down easy, without others noticing. That's when my mum intervened, saving me from an awkward situation.

"Thank you, young man, but my daughter isn't interested," she said firmly but kindly. I felt bad for him, especially her manner of approach towards him. He looked taken aback, but he nodded and stood up, letting me exit the bus.

As we stepped off, my mum turned to me and whispered,(in Yoruba) "you don't have to be polite to someone who makes you uncomfortable." I nodded in agreement, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude for her protective instincts.

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Beyond the Canvas

Beyond the Canvas
With a sigh of relief, I finally finished my art project. I had planned to visit my favorite coffee shop today to celebrate and enjoy a change of scenery. But little did I know, my day was about to take an unexpected turn.

Out of nowhere, a strong gust of wind blew my sketchbook out of my hands, and the pages scattered everywhere. I quickly chased after them, and a kind stranger helped me gather the scattered artwork. I was shaken but grateful that nothing was damaged. I thanked the stranger and continued on my way.

When I arrived at the coffee shop, I ordered my favorite latte and sat down at a cozy table. Exhausted from the morning's chaos, I closed my eyes for a bit. But when I opened them, I was surprised to see a familiar face staring back at me my old art mentor, Mrs. Jenkins.

We hadn't spoken in years, and I wasn't sure what to say. I broke the silence by asking for feedback on my art, and she offered valuable insights. The atmosphere was nostalgic, and I figured there was no use dwelling on past critiques. We were both on this creative journey now, and I might as well learn from it.

As we chatted, I realized that Mrs. Jenkins was on a journey of her own a journey of rediscovering her passion for art after years of teaching. We talked about our shared love of art, our inspirations, and our dreams. The conversation flowed effortlessly, and I felt a sense of connection I hadn't felt in years.

Maybe this chance encounter would lead to new inspiration or a fresh perspective. Either way, I was determined to make the most of this moment and let art bring us together again.

As I finished my latte and prepared to leave, Mrs. Jenkins handed me a small sketchbook. "For your next project," she said with a smile. I thanked her and left the coffee shop feeling inspired, renewed, and grateful for the unexpected turn my day had taken.

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Not a disappointment

I was eagerly waiting for my clothes to arrive via waybill, but the delivery person was running late. I had expected him to arrive early, but as the day turned into night, I started to get worried. I tried calling him, but he didn't pick up or call back. I was left wondering if everything was okay.

Around 9pm, I decided to go to bed, hoping that the delivery person was safe and sound. I received a call from him at midnight, explaining the reason for his delay.

He told me that he had forgotten his main phone at the bus park and didn't realize it until an hour after they had left. He had to plead with the driver to inform the park staff about his issue and drop him off so he could take another vehicle back to the park.

Fortunately, an elderly woman working at the park had found his phone and kept it safe in her purse, waiting for the owner to return. She handed it over to him, and he had to wait for the next bus to continue his journey. When he finally called me, he was apologetic, but I reassured him that it was okay.
I told him not to worry about the delay, and that I was just relieved he was safe. I could get the clothes anytime he arrived, so there was no need to stress.

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Witness to God′s Mercy

Witness to God′s Mercy
As I was walking down the path with my umbrella, I heard a loud crash. It was such a shocking sound that I quickly unplugged my earpiece. When I looked up, I saw two cars that had crashed right next to me! They were sliding on the slippery road after the rain.
Not like overturned, they were just pushing each other along the road as an effect of the collided force.

How life could be gone in an instant, it could be anyone else. The people around began to gather around the spot, ready to help if theres meed to and I joined too.

At first, I felt scared about what I would see. But then, I noticed that the crash wasn't as bad as the sound made it seem. The drivers got out of their cars, looking surprised but okay. A wave of relief washed over me.

We all stood there for a moment, taking in what had just happened. I felt grateful to see everyone safe. The drivers began to thank each other for being unharmed, and we all looked up and thanked God that day.

As I continued my walk, I thought about how quickly things can change and how important it is to appreciate life. Happy Sunday.

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When disaster strikes

I remember when our community road was flooded. The water was really deep, and everyone knew to slow down when they got to that part. But one day, a motorcycle rider didn't slow down at all.

He was carrying a woman and driving really fast, following a car too closely. It was very dangerous, and he didn't even slow down when he got to the flooded part.

The motorcycle slipped on the water, and the woman fell off. The rider tried to control the bike, but it was hard. The car behind them stopped just in time, so they didn't crash.

People rushed to help the woman and the rider. Luckily, they weren't hurt too badly. It was after that incident, that the government finally stepped in to do something about that poorly built road.

Were they waiting for people to involve in serious accident before doing the needful? I'm just glad no one got seriously hurt.

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Embracing the unexpected

Embracing the unexpected
With big relief of finally finishing my exams. I had planned to travel today to avoid waiting until Tuesday, and I was excited for a change of environment. But little did I know, my day was about to take an unexpected turn.

Out of nowhere, someone tried to snatch my side bag but I quickly grabbed hold of it, and the thief managed to tear the leather before running off. I was shaken but grateful that nothing was stolen. I quickly folded my side bag into my traveling bag and continued on my way.

When I arrived at the bus park, I paid for my ticket and boarded the bus. Exhausted from the morning's drama, I closed my eyes for a bit. But when I woke up, I was surprised to see a familiar face staring back at me (my old friend) We hadn't spoken in years, and I wasn't sure what to say.

I broke the silence by asking how she was doing, but she just replied "nevermind" and sat down. The atmosphere was awkward, but I figured there was no use dwelling on the past. We were both on this journey now, and I might as well make the most of it.

So, I decided to just enjoy the ride and not let the awkwardness get to me. Maybe this chance encounter would lead to a new beginning or a closure. Either way, I was determined to make the most of this journey and not let the past define it.

Category Competition Winner!

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