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Stories posted on Sun, 11th Feb. 2024

Alone with the clock

Alone with the clock
With each tik, the sound got nearer and my hearing capacity got better. It was 12 pm and I couldn't do anything but roll side by side on my bed.

The heat was too much, so I took of my clothes and lay naked, thanks to the fact that I lived alone.
The heat wasn't easing after all so I had to pick a thin book to give myself one of the most popular traditional method of ventilation that I knew about.

At each stroke, my arm grew weaker.
God knew that I wanted nothing more than the electricity distribution company to perform a miracle at that point in time.
Just recently, I have noticed a downside from their end...
... they always ensure that in a day of 100% we are with 7% with power, the rest of 93% leaves us wallowing in blackouts.

But then it's alright, I've got to go take my bath now and prepare for the AFCON match that awaits us, see yall later.

Category Competition Winner!

2,000 NGN Prize successfully withdrawn to winners' wallet
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On getting to the back of the crowd, someone cried out.
"Isn't that Jeslyn? What is she doing here?"

At those words, the reporters rushed to her and pointed their cameras at her while others shoved their mics into her face.

"Miss Jeslyn, tell us. Is it true you killed your grandfather?"

"Miss Jeslyn, why did you kill your grandfather?"

"Miss Jeslyn, what can you say for yourself?"

"Miss Jeslyn, how could you cheat on your poor fiance and abandon him at the altar?"

"Miss Jeslyn, don't you think you are too heartless to remain a celebrity?"

"Miss Jeslyn, say something. The people wants to know.

"Miss Jeslyn…."
Jeslyn grabbed her messy hair tightly as she felt a throbbing pain in her head. Just when she thought the reporters would be the death of her, a loud sound rang in her ear accompanied by a stinging pain on her right cheek.

She turned her gaze to see who it was and came face to face with her sister's teary eyes mixed with rage.

"You monster! I'll kill you!" Christine yelled and was about to attack Jeslyn's face with her long nails when Ray rushed forward and grabbed her by the waist, preventing her from going physical.

"C–Christine?" Jeslyn called as she held her stinging cheek.

"Don't call me, you devil! What did grandfather do to you? Grandfather loved you so much and saw only you as his granddaughter, yet you paid him back with this? You killed him! What kind of heart do you have? You devil!!"

She flung her hands in the air in an attempt to fight Jeslyn but Ray wouldn't let her go further.

"Christine, I didn't do anything, I–"

"When has a thief ever agreed that they stole anything? Even when they are caught red-handed, they would say they were just about to keep the stolen goods in its right place."

Hearing that voice, Jeslyn shifted her gaze to Ray's older sister who just spoke, and returned her gaze to her sister. It doesn't matter if the world doesn't believe her, but her sister has to.

"I didn't do anything. Grandfather was poisoned and he–"

"Stop lying! Grandfather was healthy. He was pushed and hit his head on the coffee table. Maya and the guards witnessed it all!"

"W–what are you saying?" Jeslyn looked lost and immensely confused.
"Maya and the guards gave their testimony to the police, which included video clips of how you and grandfather argued over what you did to brother Ray.
Then you disagreed with grandfather and he slapped you.
You got upset and started to yell at him. Realizing his mistake, he tried to pull you for a hug like he always did and you pushed him, you pushed him!" Christine yelled.

By now, all the guests were gathered and most of them were already jeering at her and pointing fingers, while the others were loudly cursing her and calling her names.

"Christine, that's not true, that's a lie!" She yelled as she held her head to block off all the noises in her mind.

"Shove the evidence in her face. She will never cry until she sees the coffin." Someone said from the crowd.

Ray's older sister pulled out her phone. She scrolled through it and brought out the evidence. She started playing the video before literally shoving the phone into Jeslyn's face.

Jeslyn subconsciously rescued the phone from falling while coincidentally seeing the footage.

What drew her attention was her old man. Teardrops slowly fell from her eyes and dropped on the screen.

All that was being said or scripted in the video didn't gets to her. She wasn't even hearing any of it as all her attention was focused on her old man.

She brushed the phone with her fingers, outlining his figure and suddenly she jolted when the lady on the screen that looked like her pushed the old man who fell back and hit his head on the side of the coffee table.

"Grandfather!" She screamed, at the same time, dropping the phone to the floor.

"Officers, arrest her!" Christine said to the policemen that just walked over.

"Miss, please come with us to the police station." Said one of the policemen.

"I didn't kill my grandfather, he was poisoned, ask the doctors. Christine, I did nothing to grandfather."

Christine chuckled in rage. "What doctors? Is it the ones you bribed? Unfortunately for you, the doctors testified against you. They told the police that you urged them to cremate grandfather the minute he was pronounced dead to hide what really caused his death and you also forced him to diagnose you with fake mental health issues…"

"That's not true! Stop lying!"

"I didn't lie against you, sister, those were the doctors' statements in the station."

"Where are the doctors, tell me, they–"

"It's unfortunate because the two doctors committed suicide out of guilt."

"W– w– what are you talking about?" Her heart dropped to her stomach when she heard that. How was she going to prove her innocence now?

"You heard me. You killed two innocent workers too! Officer, take her away." Christine turned her face away in disgust as the policemen tried to force the resistant Jeslyn out of the crowd.

"Let her go." The voice wasn't loud, nor was it low. However, it was able to stop the commotion.

The people turned to look at him. He pulled the policeman's hand away from Jeslyn's wrist and said: "I'll bring her."

Jeslyn raised her misty eyes to look at the man in front of her and slowly recalled he was the man she got married to.
She wasn't the only one who remembered who she was. Those present that attended the wedding last week knew this man because of his outstanding appearance and the suppressed air around him.

"I–it's you?" Jeslyn asked like she didn't expect him to be here.

"What are you doing here?!" Ray, who hasn't said anything since finally spoke up when he saw this man again, his enemy.

The groom ignored everyone else and held Jeslyn by the wrist as he walked her out of the crowd with the policemen following behind them and camera lights flashing after them.

The crowd watched as the man and Jeslyn got into a black inconspicuous car parked not far away and Ray suddenly laughed.

It wasn't clear why he was laughing, but he murmured: "The last time he wasn't wearing custom-made, nor branded clothes. This time also he is still wearing an unknown brand and even a rickety car. I was right, he only has that superior air and nothing else."

Ray was supposed to be happy that the man who stole his bride and assisted her to humiliate him in public was not richer than him, however, all he felt was a burning rage to destroy the man.

"Christine, your sister is something else. She's not only humiliated my brother and my entire family, but she also became a murderer and now, she had the guts to bring that wild man here. Wow, just wow." Ray's older sister clapped in amazement.

With the commotion that just happened, the funeral was hastened and the people appeared to be upset, but not the reporters and media personnel that were present.

They arrived at the station, but before the groom could follow them in, his phone rang and he stepped aside to answer it.

"Master, it's little Valen, his condition has relapsed. The doctors need you to be here, quick." The nanny sounded anxious the whole time.

"Ok," he ended the call and dialed Rex's number. When he heard the programmed voice of the lady, he pinched the middle of his brows.
That's right, he made Rex phoneless a while ago.

When he walked into the station, he saw Jeslyn being taken to the cell. He strode to her and said: "Miss, something came up, I'll send someone over."

Jeslyn only nodded. She didn't have much hope that she would be freed from this trial, but she was happy that there was someone who stood by her when her family and friends deserted her. "Thank you," she uttered before she stepped into the cell in her hospital gown.

For some reasons, he didn't feel like leaving but he had to, his son is more important than the woman he just met– his wife now.

He walked out of the station and dialed a number. "Get Jeslyn Lee out of this mess." He said before he disconnected the call and got into the car to leave for the airport.

Jeslyn stayed behind bars for two days before she was charged to court.

In court, she had no lawyer. Her bank account was frozen, so she couldn't get herself a competent lawyer and had to stick with the waste she was given.

Ever since she was arrested, nobody paid her a visit, not that she was expecting many people, but her sister was the only person she badly wanted to see, but she never came. However, to her surprise, Christine came to court to testify against her!

What could be worse than a person you trust so much giving false testimony to a case they knew would ruin your life completely?

Even the lawyer she was given by the court was no good. He sat there and watched as allegations upon allegations were leveled against her by those people she had given her heart to. Like, Ray, Maya, Ray's sister, Christine, and a few other celebrity friends.

Jeslyn closed her eyes. Her tears had dried off but hearing her tell the court that:

"Grandfather loved Jeslyn a lot, however, Jeslyn constantly fought with him, and on that day that grandfather died, I was just coming in as they left me behind at the wedding venue…"

A teardrop slid from Jeslyn's eyes and that was the last tear she promised to reveal in front of these people.

She didn't wait for Christine to tell more lies and opened her mouth. "I'm guilty, please close the case and sentence me accordingly."

She looked at Christine after that, but Christine had her face turned and refused to look at her. Jeslyn smiled bitterly. This was the sister she loved and cherished so dearly.

She looked around the courtroom and saw her father and his wife sneering at her.

Ray had a complicated look on his face and his sister was all smiles. Maya had no visible emotions on her face but she didn't look like she was being forced.

"Is that your decision?" The judge asked her.

"What else can I say or do to prove my innocence? Those who want me to be hanged won't give up, and neither will you and the court believe that I'm innocent without 'sufficient' proof.
The world hates me now and even my fans must have thought I did it too, after all, my dear sister didn't believe me. To please you all, I'll take the blame. It's the death of my grandfather. Since I cannot give him justice, then what good would I be in living freely?"

She threw the questions at the judge who stayed silent for a while before declaring his judgment.

"On the 15th of October, Jeslyn Lee was charged with first-degree murder. The court finds Jeslyn Lee has no prior criminal history and has no health issues. Although there are cases of her taking hard drugs as some leftovers were found in her blood.
The court finds the evidence presented by the defendant to not hold substantial proof of her innocence and hereby sentence Jeslyn Lee to life imprisonment without parole for the murder of her grandfather, Mr. Lee." The judge struck the gravel to finalize his words.

Jeslyn looked from the judge to her sister who had a deadpan expression and then, to Ray and everyone else she knew, including her father and stepmother.

"Are you happy now? Of course, you will." Then she looked at the cameras and smiled bitterly. "Thank you everyone for ruining the life of an innocent person. I don't wish you to be in my shoes one day, but when you eventually do, you will understand how it feels to be condemned when you are innocent."

She doesn't take drugs, but they were miraculously found in her system. She knew it was from that drink she had before her wedding.

She stretched her hands out to the police officer who was coming towards her with handcuffs.

Once the handcuffs were placed on her, she followed the police officers as they escorted her out of the court and shielded her from the angry mob standing outside the court, ready to tear her into shreds.

Meanwhile, the judge was seen in his office, sitting there in deep thought, wondering if he had wrongfully sentenced a person. Then he shook his head. The evidence against her was too enormous and real.

So many people testified against her, including her family members. From her stepmother to her sister, friends, ex-fiance, assistant, and even her grandfather's workers, so it can't be a lie, but why was he feeling restless after her parting words?

The judge couldn't help, feeling frustrated with this case he just concluded.



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At the Lee's family mansion…...

Grandpa Lee could be seen patting Jeslyn on the back as she cried on his lap. After crying for a long time, she finally raised her head to look at her grandfather.

"W– when did you find out about…sniff, about the poison?" The old man's pupil dilated, ' She knew?' he thought.

"Don't lie to me, grandfather!" She yelled, knowing he was about to hide things from her.

She had lived with this man for 5 years after coming back from abroad, so she was very familiar with the expressions he makes when he wants to lie or cover things up.

The old man swallowed and asked: "How is my health related to you changing grooms at the last minute?"

"Because someone sent me messages on my phone…" that's right. Her phone! She searched her body but couldn't find her phone. "Where is my phone?"

"Your phone hasn't been with you since we left the wedding venue, Miss." A young lady with her hair made into a ponytail said from where she was standing.

"You said what?" Jeslyn couldn't believe it. Her phone was with her even when she was hugging her grandfather… no, that's not right. There was no phone with her… then where did she dropped her phone!?

"Maya, please, search for my phone. The evidence is on my phone. Call the hotel management, do everything you can to search for my phone!"

"Yes, Miss." Maya, who seems to be Jeslyn's assistant, walked a little distance from them to place calls to the hotel.

"Child, calm down, breathe in and breathe out…yeah, like that. Calmly tell me what the problem is. I don't need evidence to believe you." The old man gently rubbed her back to calm her down.

"Grandfather, Ray, he's a bad person. I was in my hotel room…" her mind flashed back to the event of that morning.

Few hours earlier…

Jeslyn was seen in a grand room getting dressed by two stylists and their assistants. One was applying makeup on her while the other was almost done with her hair.

The bride looked stunning with a beautiful smile on her lips as she imagined herself with Ray on the altar exchanging rings and kissing.

She chuckled to herself, evidence that she couldn't contain her happiness.

The stylist left after they were done with her. She stood by the floor to ceiling mirror in the room as she checked herself out. "I'm a beauty goddess." She stated with confidence.

Yes, she truly was a beauty goddess, no denying that, however her phone beeped, calling her attention from admiring herself any further.

She picked up the phone and saw a notification message for her email.

She opened it and saw there were a few videos, pictures and a note.

Jeslyn decided to watch the videos first. It might be a crazy fan's video of her. She thought.

Some of her enthusiastic fans edit her pictures most times with themselves in it and send them to her email with a love message attached to it, which was why this kind of message didn't look weird to her.

She sat on the bed and opened the first video. Instead of her picture, she saw Ray speaking to someone in a car. Somehow, only Ray's face was visible and the other person's appearance was blurred.

"Ray, what is wrong with you? Do you have to marry her? I thought the plan was different?"

"It was but she wanted the marriage and her grandfather approved of it. Also, if I don't marry her on her 26th birthday, the properties will be transferred to the orphanage the following day. It's not like you guys don't know that."

"Young Miss knows, but she's not happy about you getting married to another woman."

"I know she's angry, I'm also angry too, but what can I do? This whole idea of approaching the Lee family was hers in the first place, so why is she angry at me and not taking my calls?"

"Young Miss is afraid that you might grow feelings for Jeslyn after you both get married. She's a woman, so it's natural to get jealous and battle insecurities."

"Hahaha… how can she think so lowly of me? Jeslyn and I have been together for four years and I didn't fall for her. Will a marriage of six months make me start loving her? After our wedding, I'll travel with young Miss for six months and when I return, it's to divorce her. Young Miss already knows that, so why is she still upset? I only have my eyes for your young Miss–"

"And me?"

"Come on, we both know we don't have feelings for each other. We are just f*cking each other and nothing else, so don't take it serious." He touched the girl's face and leaned towards her.

A while later, Jeslyn could hear lewd sounds coming from the video as they kissed.

The girl's fingers traveled all over his body as she started to hastily take his clothes off, including his pants.

Jeslyn hurriedly paused the video as she looked at her screen dumbly for a long time. She couldn't believe what she just watched.

Tears slowly gathered in her eyes as she felt a stabbing pain in her heart. She slowly swallowed the lump that was forming on her throat and scrolled to the next video with her shaky fingers.

It was in a room, a hotel room. Ray and someone were in bed talking. The girl's photo was edited again. Her image was blurred, just like the first one. only Ray could be seen stark naked and standing in front of the bed.

Jeslyn closed her eyes for a moment, prompting the river of tears in her eyes to gush onto her cheeks. When she opened her eyes again, there was the determination to watch whatever they would be doing on that bed, after all, she had already heard enough on the first video.

"Ray, I delivered your message. Young Miss isn't throwing a tantrum anymore, but she still doesn't want to talk to you."

"I know." He sighed and got onto the bed. "She knows that if I don't marry Jeslyn, the brat won't be able to get those properties, and our plans over the years will be for nought."

"Hmm… that woman, Alice remained a bitch even to her death!" It was clear that the lady on the video was upset about Jeslyn's mother.

"That's why her husband hated her… so, why did you call me here? Don't tell me it's only to have a taste of me," Ray said.

"That aside. Young Miss said that the last dose of the poison has been administered to old man Lee and he won't have much time to live anymore, so our plan to get rid of that idiot after taking the properties from her will be a smooth sailing," The lady replied.

"That's good, and his properties, did he give a share to young Miss Christine?"

"He willed it all to Jeslyn, stating she can only get them after she got married."

"Why do they all want her to get married before getting the inheritance? I'm so tired of hearing that! That stupid rule is the reason I'm having issues with the love of my life right now and also, why is that idiot so lucky? She got all her mother's inheritance and now, her grandfather's. What about Christine? Is she not their daughter too? How do they expect Jeslyn to manage the empire of the richest man and woman in Rose city? Is that old man senile?"

"As if you don't know how careless and simple Jeslyn wants to live her life. She thinks she's a princess, so I bet they were scared that she'll be cheated out of her properties if she didn't have a husband to support her…ironic!"

"Ironic indeed. I wonder what her grandfather's face would look like when he finds out I'm one of those enemies he had been trying to tell Jeslyn about. Hahaha…"

The phone slid off Jeslyn's hold after watching that video. Her world shook and everything in it tumbled. She stood up and tried taking a step to the door but she fell against the coffee table. Her head felt heavy and her eyes turned blurry.

"No, Ray cannot do this to me. They are lying about everything, it must be a prank. Grandfather, my grandfather."

She murmured to herself even though she was suffering. She wanted to get up to go check up on her grandfather but she couldn't stand properly as the world was spinning under her legs and her eyes were also starting to dim.

Just when she was thinking of calling her assistant or grandfather, the door clicked open and someone walked in. It was a lady, but she couldn't see her clearly. She was wearing a black off shoulder dress.

The lady stood In front of her. Jeslyn could only see her mouth moving, but heard no sound. She struggled to stand on her feet with the support of the bed and tried to read the lady's lips but her unfocused blurry eyes were bastards.

Her sight started to go dimmer and dimmer, solidifying her belief that she was drugged.

The lady lowered herself and got back up with something like a phone. Yes, that should be her phone, but before she could make sense of what the lady wanted with her phone, her world turned dark and she felt herself falling.

When she woke up a while later, the truth she just discovered rushed back into her mind and the first thing she wanted to do at that moment was to call off the wedding.

But what happens to her mother's will? Her grandfather's will can still be changed, but her mother's can't? Will her grandfather even have enough time to change his will before anything happens to him? Because in the video, they didn't specify when the poison would ruin her grandfather.

Calling the cops will require enough evidence, but what if they claim the evidence she has was fabricated? She's a celebrity and has seen lots of such things happen in the entertainment industry.

So the only idea that stuck to her confused brain at that moment was to get married, but definitely not to Ray. Even a janitor, or a waiter would do, until she's able to sort things out.

She picked up her phone and left the room while crying along the way. It was like luck wasn't on her side because after walking through the corridors of her hotel room, she didn't find anyone until she saw him, that weird man coming out or entering the restroom.

She didn't care if her words would sound desperate or if she was making the wrong decision, however all she wanted at that moment was to solve one of the biggest problems, so she shamelessly proposed to him, ignoring the weird air surrounding him.

After hearing his granddaughter's story, old man Lee was so furious that he yelled. "That bastard!! I will–"

The old man frowned in pain and clawed his chest. "Argh!" He cried out. "Puff!" He coughed out black blood which got onto Jeslyn's wedding dress.

"G– grandfather, grandfather!"

Jeslyn rushed to support the old man who was slowly going down with his side.
"Grandfather, help!" She screamed while looking around the quiet and empty sitting room.

Her assistant was here a while ago, why isn't she here now? She didn't have the time to think of why the servants and guards that kept patrolling around the sitting room on other days like they were moths attracted to flame could not be found anywhere today.

"Somebody help me!!!" She continued to scream but no one came.

The old man kept coughing out black blood. He slowly raised his shaky hands to his granddaughter's cheeks and used a finger to wipe her tears. The stubborn old man who had never cried for decades felt hot tears sliding down his cheeks as he looked at his poor granddaughter screaming her lungs out for help.

He knew help won't come because the servants and guards in the house have been bought. He just found out a few days ago that he had been living with a deadly poison in his body when he started to cough out black blood.

He called his doctor to the house and his doctor told him he was only stressed and that nothing was wrong with him. The old man didn't believe his doctor and that was when he started to suspect that enemies were lurking around them.



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