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Life Hack Stories & Experiences

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Last week Thursday, I left the house early, determined to make the most of my day. I had school in mind and planned to read and stay productive. As soon as I got to school, I settled in, and the morning went by smoothly. I was finishing off tasks on my list, feeling good about my progress. By 1pm, I resolved it was time for a break.

One thing I’ve learned about staying productive is that knowing when to pause is just as important as getting the work done. I needed a moment to rest and recharge. I found myself in a large, empty hall. It was so quiet that I felt the need to just sit and relax. My phone battery was running low, but I decided not to worry about it too much. I thought it was better to conserve what was left for later.

Before I knew it, the calmness in the hall had me dozing off. I ended up taking an unplanned nap that lasted about 40 minutes. When I woke up, I felt like a new person, completely refreshed and ready to get back to work. Sometimes, all you need is a short rest to regain your energy and focus.

After my nap, I stayed in the hall, reading and getting more things done. The hours flew by quickly, and by evening, I was feeling accomplished. Just when I was wrapping up my study session, I got a call from my good friend. She told me she had prepared some food, and you already know what that means.

With my day’s work behind me, I headed straight to her place. We shared a nice meal, and it was the perfect way to end my day. After eating, I felt content and ready to go home, knowing I had balanced both productivity and rest well.

@applecoral would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Mon, 21st Oct. 2024.
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Scam alert

Scam alert
Yesterday, I received a call around 4 PM from an unknown number. The caller claimed that someone had referred my contact to him. Naturally, I was curious and asked for his details. He gave me another number to call, saying that the person on the other end was the one I would be working for. At that moment, it all seemed legitimate, and I didn't think twice about it.

After a short while, I called the number he provided. The man on the other line introduced himself as Mr. Anthony, a contractor who specializes in supplying anti-corrosive materials for underground pipes. He said he wanted to offer me a one-year contract. The conversation felt professional, and I started to get excited about the opportunity. Mr. Anthony even mentioned a specific location for his company and gave me the number of the CEO, which made everything seem even more official.

Feeling optimistic, I decided to reach out to the CEO. When I finally got through, the CEO also seemed pleasant, but then he dropped a bombshell: I would have to pay for the goods to be delivered. At that moment, all my excitement turned to doubt. I started connecting the dots and realized that something was off. I had never met any of them in person, and asking me to pay upfront was a huge red flag.

The whole situation felt like a well-orchestrated scam. I couldn’t believe how cleverly they had set it up, making everything sound so real and convincing. From the referral to the professional tone of the calls, it all seemed designed to put me at ease.

I realized how important it is to trust your instincts. It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of a potential opportunity, especially when it seems so legitimate. I’m just grateful I caught on before it was too late.

@sorano would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sat, 19th Oct. 2024.
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The Untold Story: working experience

The Untold Story: working experience
You all still remember the last ASUU strike?
We the students had presumed wrongly that it was only going to last a few weeks, but few weeks turned into months and into several months.

During the third month, my family unarranged talked about how several months had passed and how I had wasted doing nothing beneficial. Mom further suggested that if I was interested in working to earn an extra income rather than just sitting back at home and claiming that I was studying python (something she never understood) on my phone all day, that I could rather get myself busy with something and still make extra money for myself.

I took the night to think about it and the next day, I affirmed to my mom's suggestions and then she also had to reach out to one of our relative working at a foreign charcoal factory within the state.

Well, after some few minutes of negotiation my mother called out informing me that a space was waiting.
The factory work, she said: was going to add to my confidence, experience and the best part, I was going to earn extra income for myself.

The days after, I was set for the journey, leaving behind my smartphone, and anything that could distract my focus.
I went with one of my button phones instead.

After I arrived at the large factory, I met with the relative who showed me around and instructed to always call to his attention whenever I needed anything.

About the factory, there was many things to talk about: bad network, the smokey environments...
everything was just dissatisfying for me but I was kind of uhmm trying to adapt.
Gaining an experience on this field was priority at that moment.

@betty would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Fri, 18th Oct. 2024.
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Working Technique

Working Technique
I was sitting listening to a French song, trying to pronounce each lyric.
French can be so deceiving, the way the words look on books often has little to do with how they sound, and I was determined to wrap my mouth around each note, even if I was making mistakes. I loved the very song playing and it was always heartbreaking listening to one of my favourite songs and yet I couldn't sing a verse.

With my headphones still on, I focused on the music, trying to translate some of the words into English, that was how I made french less difficult back in secondary school.
Suddenly, a flashback hit me, transporting me back to my secondary school days, and I couldn’t help but smile.

I didn't know enough in french but I loved French back then. It didn’t matter that it was a bit tough because I had my own little tricks to read and pass all tests and exams. I would often memorise my French classes with the help of familiar french music's that I knew their translations in English. Those songs made everything feel so accessible. I would sing along with joy, effortlessly picking up vocabulary that would come in handy later.

Compositions were always the best that i loved the most because i had those french songs at the back of my fingers, i would just translate the words and join them together to create complete sentences with meaning. I could also speak french by extracting and joining words from the many songs that I know.

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Still got it

Still got it
Back then in my secondary school days I used to be very good in mathematics but after my WAEC I forgot everything about mathematics because I wanted to do medical course in the university so all my attention was on biology

Though from time to time I still try to test my knowledge on mathematical problems but most times I fail either I had forgotten the right approach or maybe I missed it along the line but that was never a problem because it has nothing to do with my academic but just an extra knowledge

Today happens to be one of those days to prove my intelligence a very good friend of mine she had just tried all things possible to remind me that she is more brilliant than myself but trust me a wouldn't allow that

The entire process began she was asking me medically related questions and I was doing so well but from know were she jumped into mathematics funny right

Anyways I am the man here so I was ready for any of her questions and then she drop the question which happens to be matrix particularly adjunct of matrix.

Omo it was actually the last I expected but what to do I just have to refresh my memories and dive into the the solving it was from one mistake to another but more excitingly is the fact that we were able to arrive at the exact answer.

The whole experience was indeed lit and getting to prove myself once again to her that I can be the boss just mad my day

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Fire accident

One day, I was really craving something fried, but there was no groundnut oil in the house. I decided to go with palm oil instead, which seemed like a decent backup. Things were going smoothly while I bleached the oil, but when I added salt, everything changed. A huge flame came up, nearly burning my face. I ended up dropping some of the yam slices on the ground.

In my fear, I quickly covered the pot to stop the fire from spreading and turned off the gas immediately. My whole body was vibrating, and the thought of continuing to cook was out of the question.

For the rest of the day, I couldn't even go near the kitchen. The whole experience left me too shaken to try frying anything again. That night, I ended up buying food from a nearby shop because cooking was officially off the table.

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Lets see what the attempt brings

Lets see what the attempt brings
My friend came up to me at school some days ago, looking a bit worried. She asked if I could help her set up a Cash App. She was almost pleading. “I really need it for some transactions, to explain how desperate she was, she was willing to pay any amount to get it done.

At first, I hesitated. I knew Cash App wasn’t officially available in Nigeria, and I knew all about how complicated it might be. But she was pleading too much as if i was her last hope.
She spoke on how she had met soecialist in the field but none arrived at anything useful.
After all the back and forth, I decided to at least see what I could do, so I reached out to a couple of my friends who might know more about it.

After contacting three of them, it became clear that they all found it an impossible task. They lamented about the processes involved in setting up a functional Cash App for someone in Nigeria and if at all it would work after all the stress.
I almost backed out after hearing from my friends, but then I thought, “What could be so tough about it after all?”

I spent the next two hours straight working on it. I read up on the requirements, downloaded all the necessary apps, and configured them one by one. The process felt overwhelming at times, but I was focused.

After a lot of trial and error and mixing all sort of delibrated possibilities and trying to match the recommended settings, I was finally making progress.

After those two hours of intense work, I realized I was about 60% done. I had set up the basic structures for a working Cash App, complete with an active dollar card.
I had to call it a day cos hunger was pressing on my neck.

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From setback to success

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

Meet Mary, a young woman who lost her job due to company cuts. Devastated, she felt lost.

But instead of giving up, Mary used the setback as an opportunity. She started a small business, pursued her passion for baking, and now runs a successful bakery.

Mary's story teaches us: adversity is not defeat. It's a chance to rediscover, reinvent, and rise stronger.

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Toughest made the Easiest

Toughest made the Easiest
Today's exams was the best I've ever faced in the university, I didn't expect it to be so easy, right from the beginning of the semester, but it surprised me. The course title is Engineering Mathematics III, and as easy as it was to me, many came out lamented about how tough it was for them.

From the beginning of the semester, the lecturer that is taking the course doesn't allow anybody to enter the lecture hall again after he has started lecturing. He gives assignment every week, to be typed and printed, and submitted in the next class, anybody that doesn't make it to the lecture hall on time won't submit, as the door would have been shut.

The course had a practical aspect where an application called MATLAB is used to calculate the Engineering Mathematics. The practical was held twice in a facility outside the school, not too far from school, and it was already fixed by 4 pm, you're sure to be tired by this time of the day after stressing yourself from the beginning of the day. The practical was our C.A.

In all this, I was very active and participated in all, I never missed a lecture, did all the assignments and never went late to the lecture. The lecture was always by 8 am every Tuesday, and I was quite very afraid of the course, so I took it as a priority. I would leave my house by 6:45 am, just to make sure I'm there on time, and believe me, the attendance was very poor, only 20 students will show up in a department of 85 students. I personally did my assignments, studied in excess, I was fully involved.

The reason why the exam was very easy for me, and why it's difficult for others is very clear now. We all prayed concerning the course, it is the toughest of all, but only few could smile after the exams. God would only help those who help themselves. I told my coursemates as we walked back home, that there's no secret or shortcut to success, even God won't do anything in cases such as this. Study and God will help you understand and retain it, otherwise, you're on your own.

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For a Cable?

For a Cable?
Whenever I was on my phone whild laying on the bed, I knew that was stretching my charging cord. I guess I didn’t realize how much I was pulling on it. One moment, it was working fine, and the next, it just stopped.
I needed to get a new one, I had been wanting a chance to replace the old one that just got spout because it was slow in charging. So I resolved to use my last 500 Naira for that.

To me, 500 Naira wasn’t a small amount, but I convinced myself I could remove it from my daily budget. After all, it was as of I spoilt the charging cable intentionally.

When I got there, I approached the counter and asked for a charging cord. Immediately, they started talking in foreing languages and calling prices that left me baffled.
Because how can wire be sold for 2,000 Naira, 3,000 Naira, and even up to 4,000 Naira! I couldn’t believe it.

I explained that I only needed a charging cord to plug into my charger, but they didn’t seem to understand the difference that I was making from whatever expensive appliance that they were stating those costly pricesfor.
After a lot of back and forth, I reluctantly decided to buy a cord for 2,500 Naira.

Till now, I am shocked.
Ordinary charging cord?
Even this one that I got for 2500 isn't that original.

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The ease

The ease
Last night, before I slept, I was deep worried about how stressful today was going to be.
I was worried about the always disturbing schedules by my school.

We were supposed to have a long lecture this morning which is supposed to start by 8 AM and end at 4 PM. That is a long time to sit, isn't it? But this school keeps treating us as if we were robots.

I thought about how I was to get breakfast this morning as there were no shops usually open at 8 AM to buy food from.

This morning, at 7 AM, my phone rang. I checked my phone and saw a message that our class was cancelled.
I was so happy that I jumped up and down in Celebration.

Around 9 AM, I got up to get some tea from a nearby shop and that was the last stressful thing that I remembered doing today, after that, I spent the day in bed. I did nothing and just rested.

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Zero accountability

Zero accountability
This morning, I woke up really late, just a few minutes to 11am, even though I went to bed around 3am. Right from when I opened my eyes, I could already feel it was going to be one of those lazy days. I wasn’t in a hurry to do anything, but I knew I had to get a few things done.

The first thing I did was wash my clothes. I didn’t want to wait too long before the neighbors started their weekend washing. I finished washing and spread the clothes out to dry, thinking I’ll go out later to get some fresh air.

By the time I was done with the pile of clothes, I was already feeling drained. It was more work than I expected. I decided to take a quick bath to refresh myself, but that quick bath turned into a long nap. I was so tired that I crashed and slept for about five hours.

When I woke up later, I had something to eat and, feeling even more relaxed, went right back to sleep. It was honestly one of the most peaceful, lazy Saturdays I’ve had in a long time. No calls, no need to go anywhere, just pure rest.

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Face with adversity

There was a time when I hadn’t yet secured a place to stay, so I ended up squatting with a friend in her hostel. I reasoned it would be temporary, but just two weeks after moving in, I noticed my hair had become infested with lice. It was shocking and frustrating, and after trying different things, the only real solution was to cut it all off.

This was my long, cherished hair that I had been growing for three years. Losing it because of the dirty environment around me felt so unfair, but I knew it had to be done. Even though it hurt to let go of my hair, my health came first, so I made the tough decision and cut it all off.

A week later, things got worse. The environment around the hostel became so unsafe that I was forced to pack my things and leave. It wasn’t just about the lice anymore, my safety was at risk, and staying there any longer was not an option.
Sometimes, the girls will complain of seeing a man at night walking around the girls' hostel and so many other disturbing things. Omo, thank goodness I survived.

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Uni beginner

Uni beginner
A'ght.. people always mistake my personality and identity to something untraceable or rather unpredictable. I'm not proud about that, but well...

Let's take a ride back to my first year in the university.
Oh how friendly the guy was. But I am an introvert, so how possible was I so friendly?
Perhaps it was the excitement of being in the Uni?
Or maybe I had turned an extrovert after being admitted?
Who knows?, I don't myself.

Well let's get to the best part, I had very personal and intentional relationship with everyone in the department, and with time I took the post of the departmental DOI (director of Information) expanding my little influence afar from just the department.

The university and it's beauty had no ends, talk about all the pretty faces, the complexions, unimaginative elegance and the unique personalities of the lot that I encounter daily.

Usually before I write a story, I pick a plot, but not this time, so let's get on with it.
My position as the DOI got my DM filled up with texts and messages from students who are either texting for fun or to make inquiries, and I enjoyed it.
I never turned off my data, and if I'm gone by a minute, then I must have kept a hundred unread messages waiting (exaggerating).

Life was certainly beautiful in first year until the Nationwide academic strike struck.
Skip to later, after the strike, I lost my touch with people as the strength was subdued. All this time away from school, focusing on earning extra income and all other things had clouded a part of me, and in some way the influx of messages and all the uneccessary questioning became tiring.

I should continue this story but I've got to rest a bit.

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School Prefect

School Prefect
I was in SS2, it was a third term, a time where the school management will choose prefects from SS2. I never pictured myself becoming a perfect, because I was extremely shy and I didn't want to take on so many responsibilities and tasks, so I made up my mind to decline any offer of prefectship, should it be pointed to me.

I was in class with my classmates during break time, when the compound master walked in and pointed out some of my classmates, including me, and took us to the principal's office. They wanted to make me the Senior Prefect, but I declined as planned and even recommended my classmate to them, to be appointed the Senior Prefect.

The principal wanted to know why I rejected the position, so I told him about my shyness, and he told me that we learn to do new things by doing them. After school was over, the compound master met me and told me that I have been appointed as the Senior Prefect, and that I should prepare a speech to be rendered after our inauguration the next day. I was terribly scared, I had never held any position before.

I got home and began to compose my speech, in as much as I was afraid, I didn't want to look confused when I'm called out to say something. The next day came, we were inaugurated and I had to address the whole school, both teachers and students, something I had never done in my life, I tried as much as possible to comport myself while I was addressing the school. I felt a sweet sensation when everybody clapped for me at the end of my speech, wasn't so difficult.

As time went on, the shyness couldn't just stay anymore, because I used to address the school twice a day, including meetings with principals and teachers, I was used to it already. Handling tasks and responsibilities helped improve me as an individual, I didn't abuse my power as the Senior Prefect, teachers and students loved me, because I always stood for the right thing. I'm happy to have been in that position, I learnt a lot, which includes how to handle tasks and responsibilities, how to manage people, boldness and decision making. It stays in me, I'm happy for that foundation.

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Small Life In A Small World

Small Life In A Small World
I have always emphasized the need to treat people nicely and avoid saying terrible things to people, it hurts so much and might leave an emotional trauma. My lady, although a very young lady at 23, did something that made me cry. Our toilet chambers had issues, so the tenants contributed money so that it can be repaired, and this happened during the repay of the chambers.

We were told that nobody will use the toilet till the repair is complete and is set to be used, we had no choice than to comply so that it can be fixed. The plumber came late in the afternoon and worked on the chambers, couldn't finish that day and had to come back the next day to complete the work. And after the work was done the following day, he told us that the toilet will be ready for use the next day which is the third day.

I met the landlady and told her that somebody like me doesn't have any relative or friend around, where I can go and use their toilet, and that it is not possible to tell people to stay for straight three days without using the toilet. She had friends and relatives around, and so she wasn't bothered because she had where to use a toilet. I was sure not to sound harsh or insulting, but I was shocked by her reaction, I didn't expect that from her.

She insulted, abused and cursed me, telling me I'm useless, stupid, senseless, uneducated and many more, telling me that it's not her business as to how I'll ease myself till the third day. I kept quiet, went inside and cried bitterly, no one has ever called me 'useless'. And now I just discovered that the final year project term paper that I have been spending sleepless nights, data and time to compile, belongs to my landlady, what a small world. She asked somebody to help her do it, and they person gave it to me to help do it, now her fate lays in the hands of the person she termed 'useless'. My landlady got to know that I'm the one doing her project, I don't know if she is ashamed of herself, because she has been avoiding eye contact with me, she hasn't said anything yet, I'm still waiting.

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switching to Chrome

switching to Chrome
They told us Chrome was the major browser for operating an account efficiently, and then, I nodded, already planning how I'd make the switch.

Three days ago, I logged out of my usual lite browser and made the change to Chrome. The interface was a little different because it was long since I used the browser .

It was time to log in to my account, and I went through the process by entering my email, password, and confirming my settings.
The whole process was as if I was stepping onto a new stage where all the action, maybe a new earning feature would unfold, who knows.

After I logged in they mentioned an automated wait time of 24 hours before I could take action on my account again. That didn’t seem too bad initially, just a little patience, right?
But as each interval ticked down and I kept checking back, hoping to begin my usual tasks but I found myself locked out again. And I still had to wait an extra 24 hours.

Day after day, I went through this maddening cycle. I’d log in, only to find out that i was logged out, I was starting to feel frustrated at first, tussling through the chrome settings like I was a developer.

Then yesterday, something changed. Àfter I logged in directly from Google, it stuck, and here i am.

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School No be Joke

School No be Joke
See ehhn, I never knew nursing would be such a demanding course to study.
While I was yet to resume as a nursing student, I had always perceived nursing as a smooth going course, friendly, having to wear our white sparkly gowns and just address people's problems in peace.

It wasn't until I got to spend just a week in the school did I notice how tasking it was.
Me that was known to be chubby before, now I can't tell because today I'm chubby and the next day, i am one skinny girl.

It's my fault that whenever I heard people complained that the tertiary institutions was not an easy experience, I always saw them as lazy and carelessly speaking.
Recalculating my experience in this nursing school, I think there's no word good enough to define how stressful it really is especially for serious students.

Where should I start?
From the expenditures?
Should I talk about the long hours of teaching?
Should I talk about our steady relocations for an outreach, or the fact that I don't currently have a thousand naira as savings?

Whenever it is said that the school is a center for learning, you people shouldn't just focus on the surface meaning.
As for me, I have learnt to be hungry, I've learnt to spend the money that I don't have, I have learnt to speak up, to explore any opportunity I catch and many other things.
My people, school no easy and I congratulate everyone of you in school. And if you are not in school, work hard on yourself and dont ever feel inferior because as they say: what Ada doesn't have, Obi will have.

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Change in Preference

Change in Preference
During my time in secondary school, I was pretty attached to wired earpieces and headphones. I always preferred reliability of the ones with wires and I can’t quite explain why, but there was something comforting about it, nobody should call me a cave man.
For me, it was never about the price; I just fancied earphones and headphones more than the wireless.

When I entered university, I noticed many of my friends using wireless AirPods.
I never took it at heart and have never talked less on how everyone on the street was using air pods, but after one day, they ridiculed my earpiece, I had to get a pair, but I initially saw them as just another gadget and nothing special. So I just put it away in my box while I rocked my earpiece.

It wasn't until about a week ago when a friend of mine got AirPods and let me try them on again after months of not using mine. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the experience this time around. The convenience of being wireless, the way they fit in my ears, and the ease of use all came rushing back to me.
After I got home, I threw the contents of my box apart and searched through for my long preserved Airpods.

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Frustrating coincidence

Frustrating coincidence
I had this important event at school that I was told I absolutely had to attend. But, at the same time, I was waiting for a client of mine to give me the final go-ahead to start his work. It was a confusing situation because I didn’t want to miss out on the event, but I also didn’t want to delay the client’s project.

After weighing my options for a while, I made up my mind to head back to school. The trip itself took about five hours, and I was much tired by the time I arrived. I decided to take some time to rest and prepare for the next day, thinking everything would go as planned.

Later that night, I got the frustrating news that the school event had been canceled. That alone was disappointing enough. But to make matters worse, my client finally reached out, right after the event was called off and gave me the signal to start working on his project.

At that point, I was beyond frustrated. I had already made the long trip to school, which now felt like a total waste, and I realized I’d have to make the stressful journey back just to get started on the work. The timing of everything was worse.

It’s hard not to feel a bit annoyed by the whole situation. If I had just known about the event cancellation a little earlier, I could have avoided all this unnecessary stress and stayed where I was, ready to begin the client’s work as soon as he called.

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Me and my Catarrh

Me and my Catarrh
started having a really bad cold, What we call catarrh.

At first, I was just sniffling a bit, but then as hours passed, it got worse, and soon I couldn't even breathe.

Miraculously, i dont know why but I couldn't stop crying because my nose was so runny. It felt like I had been beaten up.
My face got puffy too, and I realized this was not like the usual small cold I usually had before, where I would just sniffle a little for one day and forget about it. This time, it didn’t go away, it was like it booked a long session because it stuck around for three whole days.

I’ve been taking some medicine called Flu-J with some vitamin C, ans so today, I feel a bit better, even though my voice sounds funny and hoarse. I’m thankful to God for the gift of life by the way.

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