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Life Hack Stories & Experiences

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Stay Afloat

Stay Afloat
I had a dream last night that was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. It had been a long time since I dreamt something so fascinating. Usually, my dreams were serious and profound, holding deep meaning or revelatory insights. But yesterday was different. In my dream, I found myself floating and experiencing pure joy. I was flying amidst the clouds, soaring alongside the birds. Everyone around me was also flying, but it felt as though I was truly relishing every moment of my flight.

When I woke up, I lay in bed for a while, reflecting on the dream. I couldn't shake off the feeling of enjoyment and renewal it had given me. As I got up and went outside, I saw the birds flying freely in the sky, and a part of me wished I could join them. I longed for my dream to manifest in reality, for the ability to fly like a bird.

In the wake of that dream, a sense of longing and wonder lingered within me. Even though I knew the dream was just a product of my subconscious, it left me with a deep desire to experience the same freedom and exhilaration I had felt while flying through the clouds.

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Tired of the digital world today

Tired of the digital world today
I was feeling a bit tired of the constant digital overload that had become a standard part of my life – online activities, internet surfing, gaming, and movies. It all began to feel suffocating, and I yearned for a break from the digital world.

It suddenly dawned on me that I hadn't read a physical novel in a long time. As I rummaged through my bag, I remembered picking up my favorite novel on the way back to school, and I became determined to immerse myself in its pages. I spent nearly two hours searching, determined to find it and have a change of pace.

Eventually, just when I was about to give up, I spotted it at the bottom of my bag, buried amidst a heap of notes and quotes. I struggled to yank it out, and when I finally managed to retrieve it, I eagerly opened the book – only to find the pages in disarray. It was a complete mess.

I let out a frustrated sigh as I tried to straighten out the book, feeling a mix of irritation and disappointment. All I wanted was a peaceful retreat into the pages of a beloved novel, but it seemed that fate had other plans for me. As I started to tidy up the book, I couldn't help but wonder if this was a sign that I should persist in my quest for a much-needed break from the digital world, or whether this was just a test of my determination.

But what more could be said whereas I found my lovely novel?
After I packed up the heap into the box, I jumped on my soft foam and soaked myself in the sweetness of this romantic art work- Cyprus Love affair.

Category Competition Winner!

Prize successfully withdrawn to @miracleukwueze's wallet
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