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How I escape relationship with a mermaid

How I escape relationship with a mermaid
Base on true life story...
Me and favour have been dating for over 3 years now,, she love and. I love her, but anytime I ask of her parent she never seem to give me answers even when I told her about our wedding,, and I also notice she doesn't like mirror, all the mirrors in my house was broken to pieces I was not suspecting anytime I taught it was just a normal thing,, until one faithful night when I was half asleep I notice she looking at me at this moment I was scared don't why she is looking at me she did for good 3 days until one day I decided to tell my mum about her,, my mum was a prayer warrior immediately she saw her I notice some changes of moment and mood but i kept quiet that same night my mum ask me to stay in her room and I should not sleep so that night my mum start praying for me at 12 am to 3am during unGodly hour this girl came to my door and start knocking but my mum refuse to be distracted she keep praying and praying till it was 5 am by this time this girl have disappeared uptill now haven't seen her even her cloths too gone ,, my mum now told me that she was a mermaid that want to take me to her world so I can be her husband,, but the prayer of my mum saved me....

@malik would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Fri, 26th Jul. 2024.
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The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

In today's digital age, social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook have become integral parts of our lives. While they offer unprecedented connectivity and opportunities for self-expression, they also come with a significant impact on mental health.

Take Sarah, a 22-year-old university student. She starts her day by scrolling through Instagram, where she sees images of friends traveling, influencers flaunting perfect bodies, and ads promoting an ideal lifestyle. Although she enjoys staying updated, Sarah can't help but compare herself to these seemingly perfect lives. This constant comparison leads to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Sarah is not alone. According to recent studies, a significant number of social media users report experiencing anxiety, depression, and loneliness. The highlight reels presented on these platforms often create unrealistic expectations and pressure to conform to certain standards of beauty, success, and lifestyle.

On the flip side, social media can also offer support and community. For instance, John, a 30-year-old freelance graphic designer, found solace in an online group for individuals dealing with anxiety. Through shared experiences and support, John was able to manage his symptoms better and feel less isolated.

Experts suggest that the key to a healthier relationship with social media lies in mindful usage. Setting boundaries, such as limiting screen time, curating your feed to include positive and inspiring content, and engaging in offline activities, can help mitigate negative effects.

Moreover, platforms themselves are starting to take notice. Instagram, for example, has experimented with hiding like counts to reduce pressure and promote mental well-being. Despite these efforts, the responsibility ultimately falls on users to navigate their social media experience consciously.

Social media is a double-edged sword. While it connects us and provides a platform for self-expression, it also has the potential to harm our mental health. By being mindful of our usage and prioritizing real-world connections, we can harness the benefits of social media while protecting our mental well-being.

@mghdeveloper would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Fri, 26th Jul. 2024.
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betty✓★ 🏆113 🌟80Bethrand Chibuike
1d 7h

All that is Needed

All that is Needed
As I sat late at night, buried in chores and studying for an upcoming MCQ test, I suddenly heard a loud explosion nearby. It was the transformer close to the street, and within seconds, the entire area was thrown into darkness. I couldn't help but hope that the transformer had just blown due to some minor glitch and that it would be fixed soon.

The next day, when I woke up, the entire street was still blanketed in blackout. It seemed that the issue with the transformer was more severe than I had initially thought. I had wished that I ironed my shirts earlier but I didn't.

After what seemed like an eternity, the electricity came back, but to my surprise, it was of low current, and the appliances struggled to work properly. Despite this, I found it amusing that I could still iron my clothes even though the pressing iron heated slowly and that my phone was still adding a charge after charge from the low current.

At that moment, it struck me that perhaps the brightness was unnecessary. In that dim glow, I found what I needed. The low current allowed me to meet my basic necessities, and I started to think that maybe I didn't need full brightness to carry on with basic life needs and you all must agree with me.

@betty would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Fri, 26th Jul. 2024.
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How to be my baby

This is the first entry of the love story of a girl looking for man . That is so very hard to reach.

Her name is Sarah .and this is her story.

Sarah broke up with his long time bf .

Jerome .Jerome Is loving boyfriend . Loyal to Sarah .

But Sarah wants more .

More money . More than she has right now

She decided to broke up with his boyfriend and install dating app .

Jerome secretly is a billionaire . He is tycoon son of Henry sy .a wealthy bussiness man .

Then he took an challenge on Sarah . And Sarah found out Jerome is rich .and wanted to become together again . And Jerome declined it. And found a girl .that is not greedy of the money .and they end up together .

The end .

Thank you

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Rekindled Talent

Rekindled Talent
As I sat in my room with nothing much to do, my eyes fell upon an article lying on the table. It looked like a cartoon pot on a sheet, but I realized it was actually an interesting sight to draw. Suddenly, I felt the urge to get creative, and the idea of making a drawing popped into my mind.

It had been ages since I last picked up a pencil to draw something, but the idea of trying my hand at it again excited me. I decided to give it a shot. As I began sketching, I quickly realized that drawing wasn't as easy as I remembered. My first attempt didn't turn out as expected, and the result was far from what I had envisioned.

Undeterred, I was determined to get that perfect image on paper. I wiped the slate clean and started over, attempting to recreate the design with more precision and care. The second attempt was better, but I felt there was still room for improvement.

Drawing and erasing, cleaning and retrying, I persisted until I finally achieved the image I had in mind. It took several tries, but with each attempt, I learned and improved. When I finished, I looked at the drawing in front of me, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. The lines and shapes came together to form a beautiful image, and I couldn't help but admire my handiwork.

It was a small victory, but the process of creating something from scratch and persevering until I achieved the desired result was incredibly gratifying. This experience reminded me of the satisfaction that comes from pursuing a creative endeavor and the joy of seeing improvement through dedication and patience. It was a simple drawing, but it left me with a sense of fulfillment and a newfound appreciation for the art of creating.

Alright put call if you want your picture on a portrait. I can draw, no reason am.

@china would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 25th Jul. 2024.
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Twist of friendship

Twist of friendship
When I was still a little girl of 8, I had a friend who was a daughter to a neighbour living in thesame flat with us. We were often seen together both in the compound and outside the compound.

During one occasion when we were playing hide and seek in one of the peaceful street nearby, a grown up girl came and confronted us for nothing, she bullied us and we planned revenge even though we were little.
The day after, we eavesdrop were she lived and heard her aunt send her on an errand, so quickly we kept banana peels on the stairs, it was just 3 steps away from the ground to avoid her having any serious injury.

To our amazement, she stepped on it and slipped, landing with her buttocks. It was a loud thud accompanied by her short scream, her eyes was reddened and we felt pity.
We came out of hiding and helped her up, she thanked us in sorrowful voice while we muffled up our laughters.

We were friends after that day and she treated us very nicely with the conception that we helped her while she was down.

@emmanuelofoma would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 25th Jul. 2024.
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Brighter Triumph: A youthful tomorrow

Brighter Triumph: A youthful tomorrow
I remember when I was a teenager, full of dreams and ambitions, ready to conquer the world. But then, life happened. Disappointments, failures, and setbacks started to pile up, and suddenly, my once bright future became a dark and uncertain path. I lost hope, and with it, my drive to keep going. I was just another youth lost in the sea of hopelessness and despair. But then, I met him. An old man with a weathered face and a gentle smile. He told me his story, how he had faced countless challenges and failures, but he never gave up. He said that life is all about perseverance and resilience. It's not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up. At that moment, I realized that hope is not something to be lost but something to be found within ourselves. We may stumble, we may fall, but we must never lose hope. It is the fuel that keeps us going, the light that guides us through the darkness. The old man became my inspiration, my guiding light. Every time I felt like giving up, I thought of him and his unwavering determination. He taught me that failure is not the end, but an opportunity to learn and grow. He showed me that no dream is too big and no obstacle too great if we have hope and resilience. Now, as I look at the present youth generation, I see the same struggles and doubts that I once had. But I also see potential, passion, and determination. I want to be an inspiration to them, just like the old man was to me. I want them to know that despite the challenges and uncertainties, they must never lose hope. They are the future, and their dreams are worth fighting for. So, my message to the present youth generation is this - never lose hope. Believe in yourself, and never give up on your dreams. You may face obstacles and failures, but remember, they are just temporary roadblocks on your journey to success. And one day, when you look back, you will see that they were the stepping stones that led you to greatness.

@mghdeveloper would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Wed, 24th Jul. 2024.
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The Shear Road

The Shear Road
I remember when I was still preparing to write jamb, my parents enrolled me in a jamb class which starts by 4pm and ends by 6pm on a daily basis, excluding Sundays. Since it was not so far from home, I used to trek to the jamb and trek back home, and at times it will already be 7pm before I get home.

There is this narrow and long path my parents used to be very pissed off with, the path was known as ‘shear road’. The path was always very quiet with no houses around and you barely see people in it. My mother used to warn my siblings and I not to use that path, even in the day time, except we’re walking together with group of people. But as for the night, even if you’re walking with 50 people, my mother won’t still approve any of us to use the shear road.

Initially I used to say that she’s just stressing too much about the shear road and there might not be anything cruel related to it. She will counter by giving stories of the negative happenings she heard about the path, it will say it’s just mere stories and there is no evidence of who ever had been a victim of that lonely road. Even then, I had never for once used that path in the night, only in the day time, and with friends.

One day, I had a cartoon series, named ‘Dragon Ball Z’ that I really wanted to watch on startimes decoder, and the series was to start by 5:30pm and end by 6:30pm. I really wanted to watch that episode and wished I could skip the jamb class that day, but I couldn’t. I went for the class, and immediately it was 6pm, I packed my things and started running home to catch up with the remaining half of the already started episode. And then I came across the shear road, a very shortcut to get home faster, and without thinking I took the path. I was still running when two guys immediately stepped out of the bush and stood in front of me, it was too late for me to stop immediately and I ran into them and they felled to the ground, including me. I stood up before them, and this time, with adrenaline pumping through my veins, I ran like Flash, without looking back and with my school bag firmly held in my arms. I know I ran very fast, because my vision was blurred and the only thing I could hear was the faint shout from the two guys, “hey stop there, I will shoot you, oboy hey!”. I didn’t stop, I ran with all the strength I had till I got home.

I was so tired, sat down in front of the house and panting aggressively, checked myself to confirm if I was still intact, good thing the smart phone my parents bought for me was still in my pocket, the phone was barely a month old and I would have been dealt with if I had lost it. Whether those guys were truly with gun or not, I was home safely and vowed never to set my foot on that road. Entered the house and saw that the cartoon series I risked my life to run home and watch just ended as 6:30pm clocked, what a waste. I should have heed to my mother’s instruction about that road, good thing I’m safe and so are my properties. Till date, I have not told my parents about that incident, for the fear of being scolded for going against their orders.

@grandmaster would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Wed, 24th Jul. 2024.
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This is my story

One day I woke up like a general,very energized and incorporated to give an order,the year was in 2010,and all my friends had neglected me ,my partner in crime was also mad at me,but on this day was different.
A couple days earlier before the present day,I was really heartbroken, demeaned and I was on an option of giving up in life,each day when I woke,I felt like getting back to sleep ,I would cry cry and cry alone,as was on a state of falling into depression.
Present day,"my love,my love"these were the words I heard from a far from my wife, dilemma,the other day she would call me by real name,I became so surprised,what had happened all over sudden!while I looked from the side I heard the voice,I saw a smiley face,which was staring at me as if I was a mahogany tree mesmerizing and nourishing on a desert land ,,,,catch-up on the next post for the next episode.

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Trying a New Technique

Trying a New Technique
I started gathering all the ingredients to cook my "Spag", but as I reached for the bottle of oil to start frying the tomatoes, something struck me and I thought, "Do I really need to use so much oil just to fry some tomatoes?" The thought came from my desire to be more careful with my cooking habits, and also due to rising grocery costs.
I stood contemplating and finally I decided that I would try cooking the tomatoes instead of frying them.

This was totally new for me, and I was a bit nervous about it. I had always stuck to the traditional method of frying the tomatoes, and trying a new technique felt quite risky. But I decided to trust my instincts and give it a shot. As I watched the tomatoes cook, I couldn't help but wonder if this was going to turn out well or become a disaster.

Time passed, and soon enough, the tomatoes were cooked. When I tasted them, I was pleasantly surprised. Not only were they perfectly cooked, but they also had a sweetness that was missing when I fried them.
I started questioning all the oil I had been using for so long. I realized that I had been using too much oil and this new method not only saved oil but also brought out the flavors of the tomatoes in a way I hadn't experienced before.

Taking it a step further. I added a small portion of oil to the mixture and watched as the textures and flavors melded together beautifully. The final dish was exquisite. In that moment, I felt like a first class chef, creating something truly flavorful and memorable. The discovery of this new cooking method not only changed my perception of how I used oil in my cooking, but also boosted my confidence in experimenting with different techniques in the kitchen.

I know my readers will be like- don't you know they cook tomatoes before?

What can I say, its my first time trying and as such, I discovered the technique.

@miracleukwueze would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Tue, 23rd Jul. 2024.
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l was sleeping next to my wife when I got a notification from Facebook.

I stood up to check; it was a friend request from a lady.

I decided to go through her profile to know who she is. Finally, I found out that it was my old time school mate.

I accepted her friend request and I sent her a massage "Hello" since she was still online. She replied "Hi, I heard you are married with kids" I responded, "Yes". she said, I really lōve you and I'm willing to do whatever it takes just to be part of your life"

Hmmm, I quickly closed the chat to make sure my wife was slēeping.
I left the bed and sat on the chair that is in my bedroom.

I looked at my wife, she was deeply slēeping after the busy and exháūsted day from work and house chores.

As I was still looking at her, something came into my mind. "This woman doesn't deserve to be chēäted on, look at how safe and comfortable she's slēeping in our bedroom.

She really trusted me so much that I can't hûrt her" I started thinking, " she left her family, her caring mother, her Dad who at all times was providing almost everything she needs and her siblings who always brighten her day and joined me in my one bedroom apartment leaving her dad's mansion.

All these thoughts and more was driving me crâzy. Then I asked myself, "how can I do this wiçkëdnēss to this innocent woman?" So I hurriedly picked up my phone and hit the "BLØCK" button.

I turned to my wife and I walked straight to the bed and kiss her and she adjusted herself to accommodate me.

I can't afford to løøse her trust or make her çry. NEVER!

@ndiana would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Tue, 23rd Jul. 2024.
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The photo shows a fast race between dogs and a cheetah, the goal was to see who was the fastest. Everyone was surprised that the cheetah did not budge from its place. We asked the race coordinator what happened.
After seeing this picture, he replied: Sometimes trying to prove that you are the best is an insult.
We do not need to go down to the level of others, to show our strength.
Think carefully and save your energy for what you
The cheetah uses its speed only to hunt, not to prove to the dogs that it is the fastest and strongest."

@danzi20 would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Tue, 23rd Jul. 2024.
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*Good Morning Conqueror 🤝* When a FLASHLIGHT grow

Good Morning Conqueror 🤝

When a FLASHLIGHT grows dim or quits working, you don't throw it away, you change the batteries. When a person messes up and finds themselves in a dark place, do you cast them aside? Of course not, you help them change their batteries! Some need AA.. attention and affection; Some need AAA.. attention, affection and acceptance; some need C.. compassion; some need
D.. direction. And if they still don't seem to shine, simply sit with them quietly and share your light.

Gratitude is like a FLASHLIGHT. It lights up what is already there. You don't necessarily have anything more or different, but suddenly you can actually see what it is. And because you can see, you no longer take it for granted.

Have a gratifying Tuesday

Here is our verse for today:
The jailer called for lights (FLASHLIGHTS) rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and Silas. Acts‬ ‭16‬:‭29‬ ‭NIV


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Hope in Frustration

Last Thursday, I woke up early, ready to tackle the day. Before getting in the shower, I tried to charge my AirPods case, but it wouldn't budge. I tried everything to get it to work, but nothing did. I was running late for class, so I put it aside for the time being.

When I got back home, I tried charging it again, but this time, it suddenly blew up! I saw smoke coming out of it, and I was shocked. I was already having a bad day, but this made it even worse.

Feeling tired and frustrated, I decided to take a break and grab a snack. I ate a biscuit and tried to shake off the bad mood. Despite everything that had gone wrong, I didn't want to let it ruin my day.

On Saturday, I had another unexpected surprise. My power bank blew up too! I was able to get it fixed, but it cost me a pretty penny. As I was heading back home, I couldn't help but think about all the strange things that had happened in just two days.

As I walked, I put my hand in my pocket and felt a piece of paper. It was a note someone had given me the previous Sunday with a Bible verse written on it - Job 6:8 Oh, that I might have my request, and that God would grant me the thing that I long for!. It didn't change my circumstances, but it did bring me some comfort.

The verse reminded me that I'm not alone in my struggles, and that God is with me. It helped me put things into perspective and be grateful for what really matters - my life. I realized that material things can be replaced, but my life is precious. It was a small reminder that helped me appreciate the bigger picture.

Even though it had been a tough couple of days, I was grateful to be alive and well. The note and the Bible verse were a timely reminder to focus on what truly matters, and to trust that everything will work out in the end.

@applecoral would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Mon, 22nd Jul. 2024.
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Growing up,I faced a life different from what other kids faced. While growing up without a mother,I passed through a miniature of hell but my dad tried to play both roles which was not possible.

Like kids of my age, I got enroll into a school which I later discover it was not for me. I mean parents especially mothers will come pick their children while I will be picked by my dad's driver.

I really missed my mom that sometimes I starve myself and cry my eyes out but nothing happened. I accepted life the way it came and continued with my life still with the sadness of not having a mother.

A day came I became fed up and decided to confront my dad, my dad for some reasons did not want to tell me about my mom. But after much persuasion I was told my mom gave up for me to survive after I was put to birth

It broke me so hard, knowing that my mom died because of me. The love was priceless and I regret I couldn't payback.
Your mom is priceless,don't tread her for anything

@goddyfrank would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sun, 21st Jul. 2024.
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Playing under the rain

Playing under the rain
We were outside, engrossed in a lively game of football under the pouring rain when we sensed the thunderstorm. At that point, I had already managed to score two goals, securing a solid lead for my team. Suddenly, the earth beneath our feet began to tremble and a lightning bolt struck nearby, sending a jolt of fear through our bodies.

Although we observed the lightning, we assumed it was a distant occurrence. To our astonishment, it was much closer than we had anticipated.

In a split second, we all understood the grave danger we faced and, in an instant, our amusing football game turned into a mad run for safety.

Abandoning the football and the field, we fled helter-skelter to seek refuge in different directions. Looking back, it was a funny sight to behold. Each one of us ran wildly, leaving the game behind, heading for cover. I couldn't help but ponder that it might be the last time I engage in such a wild football match under the rain.

@kingsleysom would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sun, 21st Jul. 2024.
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sorano✓☆ 🏆26 🌟73Christian Nwachuku
6d 23h

A day of chaos

A day of chaos
I left my music player at a friend's house to charge. He's a friendly guy who often has lots of people over, so I was a bit worried about my belongings. But I asked him to keep an eye on it, and he said he would, so I trusted him. Then I went to work, hoping to have a good day.

Unfortunately, I had a terrible day at work. A client was very angry with my boss because he hadn't finished a project on time. The client came to our office and was very mean to me. He even threatened to call the police and have me arrested! Luckily, he didn't, but he told me to pass on a message to my boss, which made me feel really uncomfortable.

I was really upset and stressed out after that. I was looking forward to listening to some music to calm down and take my mind off the awful day I had. Music always helps me relax and improves my mood. But when I got back to my friend's apartment, I found out that my music player had been stolen! I couldn't believe it.

I was so annoyed and frustrated. I didn't know what to do. I had been counting on listening to music to lift my spirits, and now it was gone. I felt like everything was going wrong. First, the terrible day at work, and now my music player was stolen. It seemed like the universe was conspiring against me.

I decided to just go to sleep and hope that things would get better the next day. Sometimes, a good night's sleep can help put things into perspective and make you feel better.
I just had to move on and focus on the good things in my life, even if it felt like everything was going wrong at that moment.

Category Competition Winner!

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betty✓★ 🏆113 🌟80Bethrand Chibuike
8d 8h

Life saver

Life saver
Today was a really tough day in school. We started classes around 8 a.m., and things seemed normal at first. But then everything got all mixed up. Our first class was supposed to end at around 2 p.m., giving us a nice, long break before the next one. But that's not how it went. Two other teachers made them go on and on, and we didn't finish until around 7 p.m. It felt like the day would never end.

I was so drained and tired when I finally got home. Throughout the day, I had only managed to snack on a few things, and they didn't fill me up at all. When I got home, I was so tired that I couldn't even muster up the energy to cook, even though I had bought some groceries. My legs were aching from sitting on a hard chair for the whole day.

I just sunk into the sofa, and I couldn't decide what to eat for dinner. That's when I suddenly remembered I had some bread. It was like a lightbulb went off in my head – a surge of relief and gratefulness washed over me. Finding that bread was a small victory in a long, tiring day. It may seem like a simple thing, but it made a huge difference in my evening. After struggling through such a difficult day, just having the bread was enough to soothe my tired soul.

You might be wondering why I am awake by this time, well...
...Its my ALARM.
Good night.

Category Competition Winner!

10,000 NGN Prize successfully withdrawn to winners' wallet
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From Distress to Trust, Emilia′s Excursion

From Distress to Trust, Emilia′s Excursion
There was a young lady called Emilia, from Ogun dele town, who had recently return home after her youth service graduation. She was anxious to rejoin her folks, whom she had missed beyond all doubt during her time away. In any case, as she moved toward her family home, she saw a solemn state of mind waiting in the air. The residents were crouched in little gatherings, talking in quiet tones, and their countenances were carved with distress. As she moved nearer, Emilia's heart started to race with a developing feeling of disquiet. She revived her speed, her feet conveying her towards the house with a feeling of fear. And afterward, she saw it—a burial service pennant with her folks' names and faces embellished on it. The ground underneath her feet appeared to give way, and she felt like she was suffocating in an ocean of despondency. The days that followed were a haze of tears, sympathies, and deadness. Emilia felt like she was sleepwalking through life with no reason or bearing. The aggravation of losing her folks was choking her out, and she was unable to track down the solidarity to continue. She had never felt such a significant feeling of misfortune and sadness previously. At some point, as she meandered capriciously through the town, she coincidentally found a little cabin concealed in a corner. Smoke was ascending from the chimney stack, and the smell of newly heated bread drifted through the air. Emilia's stomach snarled with cravings, and she felt attracted to the glow and solace that appeared to exude from the inside. She thumped on the entryway, and a sort of confronted stranger replied. He presented himself as Gabriel, and his delicate eyes appeared to belong to her spirit. Without a word, he guided her in, and Emilia felt a feeling of harmony wash over her. Gabriel offered her food, cover, and a listening ear, and Emilia thankfully acknowledged. Under Gabriel's direction, Emilia gradually started to revamp her life. She found an enthusiasm for baking and found comfort in the straightforward demonstration of making something lovely. As the days transformed into weeks, her heart started to mend, and her grin returned. Gabriel turned into a guide, a partner, and a companion, assisting Emilia with finding her balance once more. Also, however long the agony of her misfortune actually waited, she understood that she was, as of now, not the only one. With Gabriel close by, she started to see that life was still worth living and that occasionally, in the haziest minutes, trust can emerge out of the most surprising spots.

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Life after lectures

Life after lectures
I sat back down after a long day of lectures. As the school day came to an end, some of my classmates matched casually in our classroom, each with their own plans for the post-lecture period. While many had plans of reading their textbooks, a few others were engrossed in gists and conversations. A couple of my peers had decided to form a study group, and I was interested

As the chatter and camaraderie filled the room, I found myself drawn towards a group of students who were animatedly exchanging movies. The excitement in their voices as they discussed the plots and characters was captivating, and I felt tempted. However, I resisted the urge to join in. I had made a conscious decision to refrain from watching movies, as I believed that indulging in them often led to a squandered time that could be spent on more better things. While I acknowledged that movies could be enjoyable, I deemed it an unwise choice in the midst of my academic responsibilities.

Despite the distractions, I managed to maintain my focus and dedicate my time to reading. I was determined to make the most of the remaining hours of the day and ensure that I was maximizing my productivity. Now, as I prepare to retire for the night, I am content in the knowledge that I stayed true to my commitment. I might not have given in to the allure of films, but I am proud of my determination to devote my time wisely.

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Evil Deeds Hunts

Evil Deeds Hunts
Few years back, there was this neighbor I had that was a tailor, his name was John, he had just moved in newly. He rented a shop for his tailoring work just in front of his house, so he was always around. He was very friendly and easy to relate with, but it later turned out to be only a camouflage.

There came a time John came to borrow certain amount of money from me and promised to pay back in two weeks, I gladly helped him out. But then the two weeks came and passed, months passed and nearly a year, and he didn't still pay me the money back. He had lots of customers he sew clothes for, so he had the money, but I wondered why he refused to redeem himself from the debt.

Soon, John was no where to be found, he ran away from the town entirely and even changed his phone number, unlinked himself from all the friends and customers he had made while he was still here. Then I discovered I wasn't the only one John was owing, he had borrowed money from almost all the neighbors, including his landlord. He ran away with electric stabilizer and pressing iron he had borrowed from his friend. He took along with him, the clothes his customers had paid him to sew. People came out and lamented bitterly.

A year later, I heard about how John went to apply and get a contract to sew uniforms for an organization which was worth millions of naira. He entered the presentation room to present designs he had come up with. But then he quickly recognized one of the board members to be one of the people he had borrowed money and items from, and ran away with it some time ago. He knew for sure he wasn't going to get the contract, and so he made a move to turn back and leave immediately. But that was too late as the securities were asked to detain him and he was handed over to the police.

The man who arrested John demanded that John must pay him back, but John had nothing at the moment, he was very broke and even his family members refused to help him because he had duped them too. John owed so many people of which amounted to the sum of one million naira, and since he didn't have the money, but could sew very well, he was made to sew all the uniforms for the organization for free, under the supervision of the police. The sewing took him up to a month without a day's rest and he wasn't paid a dime. I was surprised hearing this. He paid heavily for his deeds, lost trusts, friends, and his reputation as no one ever wanted anything to do with him ever again.

Category Competition Winner!

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