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The Arrival

The Arrival
Heloise and Ghal ride deeper into the forest, still feeling uneasy after their encounter with Theron.
As they move forward, the trees seem to close in around them, making them feel trapped. They exchange worried looks, staying alert for any signs of danger lurking nearby.

Suddenly, they hear shouting and the clashing of metal in the distance. Without hesitation, they rush towards the noise, determined to help whoever is in trouble.
They find a group of bandits attacking a lone traveler. Heloise and Ghal jump into action, fighting off the bandits with all their might.

The bandits are caught off guard by their sudden attack, and Heloise and Ghal manage to defeat them, driving them away into the shadows of the forest.
After the battle, the grateful traveler approaches them, thanking them for saving their life. Heloise and Ghal exchange tired smiles, relieved that they were able to help.

Emerging from the thick forest, Heloise and Ghal were greeted by a stunning sight: the kingdom of Azhi, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. The city spread out before them, its tall buildings and busy streets showing off its grandeur.
As they entered the city gates, they were met with a lively scene. Market stalls were filled with colorful spices and fabrics, while musicians played lively tunes on the streets. There was an energy in the air that made everything feel alive.

Heloise and Ghal couldn't help but be impressed by the beauty and culture of the kingdom as they walked through its streets. They admired the detailed designs on the buildings and the colorful paintings that told stories of the kingdom's past.

They tried the local food, enjoying the spicy dishes and sweet treats that filled the air with delicious smells. They watched as dancers performed traditional dances in the town square, moving gracefully to the music.

But it wasn't just the sights and sounds that captured their attention; it was the kindness and friendliness of the people of Azhi. Everywhere they went, they were welcomed with smiles and open arms, treated like honored guests in King Sun's kingdom.

to be continued...

@applecoral would win 2000 NGN in if this story gets 15+ likes and higher likes than other stories of Mon, 6th May. 2024.
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