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Dangerous/Tense/Insecurity Stories & Experiences

Read interesting Dangerous/Tense/Insecurity stories from this online community.
At Least

Life In Universities

This is a true life story of a cousin of mine, his name is Joel and during his first year in the university, he was just few inches away from ruining his life, that's if he doesn't lose it. He was very young back then, and he wasn't really that grown to really understand and comprehend the outside world, had it not been for his elder sister, he would have been tossed.

In such a new environment he found himself, a lot of things tickled his fancy, of which one of those things wasn't what it looked like. He saw set of people that wore a particular outfit on particular days, well dressed and in uniform, and he could see many of his colleagues in the group, they seemed to be very intelligent. This was a secret cult. To him, he admired them so much already and immediately showed interest to join them. He later got to know their real identity and yet still didn't give up the idea of joining them. He met them and they gave him a form to fill, which he gladly did and submitted. A day was fixed for initiation. Somehow his elder sister got to know about this and informed their parents which dealt with him heavily, they even had to move him away from school for a while that he missed the day for the initiation.

They managed to talk sense into him and made him realize what he was about doing since obviously he didn't really know a lot about cultism. He understood and made up his mind not to join them again. Of course he had no choice, because he knew for sure that dad will either disown him or hand him over to the police if he still dared to join the cult. He avoided them from that day till his final year.

On the day of the final examinations, it was then he thanked God that his sister and parents had saved him. All the members of the cult that were supposed to write the final examinations with him were being tracked and gunned down by the same cult group, the few that managed to escape didn't write the final exams and so haven't graduated till date. Even the ones that moved to another state were still being traced there and killed. A life of fear, ruins and frustration lived by the very few that escaped. They had let their family and sponsors down for joining an ungodly society.

My cousin narrated this to me so I won't fall victim. He would have been ruined too if not for his sister. At the end, the cult members lost everything; lives, dignity and peace of mind. Absolutely no gain.

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My Traveling Experience

When I was traveling home for the holidays, I decided to take a bus since it was late at night. I boarded the bus with a mix of excitement and tiredness from a long day of travel. The journey started off fine, with the bus rolling smoothly along the dark, deserted roads.

However, as we got further into the journey, I noticed something unsettling. The bus driver, instead of focusing on the road, was engaging in lively conversations with the passengers. At first, it seemed harmless—a bit of banter to keep everyone awake during the late-night ride. But then, things took a turn for the worse.

I heard the driver talking about stopping for a break, and soon enough, he pulled over at a dimly lit roadside shop. What happened next shocked me. The driver and some of the passengers got off the bus and started buying alcohol. They brought the bottles back on board and began drinking, right there in their seats.

I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. Here we were, hurtling down dark highways at night, with the driver under the influence of alcohol. It was terrifying. I sat there, clutching my phone tightly, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach.

To make matters worse, my parents kept calling to check on me. They were worried sick, knowing I was traveling alone at such a late hour. Each time I answered their calls, I couldn't bring myself to tell them what was happening. I didn't want to worry them even more.

As the journey continued, the situation only grew more tense. The driver's conversation with the passengers became louder and more animated, filled with laughter that seemed out of place given the circumstances. I glanced nervously out of the window, praying silently that we would reach our destination safely.

Thankfully, after what felt like an eternity, the bus finally pulled into the terminal. I hurried off the bus, my legs shaky from fear and relief. I couldn't believe I had made it through such a harrowing experience. As I walked away from the bus, I vowed never to travel with that transportation company again.

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Thin Escape

As I finished reading at 11:30 pm, I packed up my things and decided to head home through the bushy path. It was a shortcut that I had taken many times before, and I didn't think twice about it. The path was dark and quiet, but I knew it like the back of my hand.

When I emerged from the bushy path and onto the open road that leads home, I felt greatly relieved. I had made it through the tricky part, and now all I had to do was walk a few more minutes to get to my front door. I picked up my pace, eager to get home and get some rest.

But just as I was feeling safe, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a WhatsApp message from an acquaintance. My heart began to race as I read the words on the screen. "Hey, be careful on that path," he wrote. "I just got robbed there. I managed to run away, but they might still be around."

My mind raced as I processed this information. I had just walked through that path, and I had made it out unscathed. Had I just missed the robbers by a few minutes? Or had they seen me and decided to leave me alone? I didn't know, but I was grateful (to God) to have made it past them.

I quickened my pace, my heart still racing with fear. I couldn't believe how close I had come to danger. I made a mental note to avoid that path from now on, and to always be more aware of my surroundings. Those "jobless beings" might have missed me this time, but I knew that I would always have to be on my guard.

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The test part 1

The Test 🚫
One certain Sunday at a certain church, terrorists attacked a church ⛪️ with guns. They order the security man to close the gate. Amhed their leader, called out "who is the GO of this church come out. A man dressed in a very nice attire came out "I am the one he said. Samad point the gun at him.Now don't be afraid, I am not going to kill anyone we just want to have some fun they laugh.
Now bring out your Bible open the middle all of you Ahmed shouted now spit into the bible he told the pastor."out of anger the pastor shouted abomination I will not do it. Ok you no go do am abi samad said, you come out he pointed at a woman wearing the same attire with the pastor, this is your husband abi yes his my husband she said while shaking her body. a little boy came and hold the woman Ahmed said now give me a cutlass, he took it and cut the little boys head
To be continued

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Today being 1st of June, I came across an unwise customer who after printing his
paper work, ask how much was his bill? which probably his boss was the supposed person to make payment for the paper work.
Boy: Gooday Sir! calling... his boss on phone, I am done with the paper work
and my charged bill is 3,500
Boss: Okay please give the phone to the typist let me ask for a discount
Typist: Goodday sir, you total bill for the job is 3,500 but you can bring 3,000 as your discounted price.
Boss: Thank you, give the phone to my boy.
Boss: Please tell the typist to send the account number or pay the typist the sum of 3,000
Boy: The typist don't receive transfer but you can send to my account let me make transfer to the typist
Boss: Okay just pay the typist and come and collect the cash at home since you can make transfer.......
Boy: okay sir.
Boy: Please typist I have 2500, I will come and balance you the remaining balance tomorrow
Typist: No..... my management won't accept part payment, pay complete, I even gave you people discount and you are telling me that you will give me later, why didn't you tell your boss that your money is not complete, so he can send you the total bill.
Boy: You cause it because you won't accept what I have because I have told my boss I can make transfer, ooooooooooooooo................
Typist: I don't have anything to say pay me my complete bill
Boy: How can I pay you when my cash is not complete and I can't call my boss again.
Typist: That is your business, you better pay me or I will not let you go......
Boy: Agitated, let me call my oga again, calling..................
Boss: You are a stupid fellow, why won't you come and collect it at home or better give me a nearby POS account number , so I can make the transfer:
Boy: I am sorry sir.
Boss: I don't know how you will pay the bill but for your foolishness, trek home and
collect the money.
Boy: Okay sir, trekking and lamenting................. uncultured boss everywhere.

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simon11✓☆ 🏆30 🌟67Keghtor Elijah Mamakaa
2mo 6d

The bus Palava

I was on my usual commute home after a long day at work, the bus was packed with people, and the air was heavy with the scent of rain-soaked clothes. I boarded the bus and quickly found a spot to stand, gripping the overhead rail as the vehicle lurched forward.

As the conductor made his way through the crowded aisle, I reached into my pocket for change. To my dismay, I realized I had forgotten to withdraw cash and only had my card. I explained my situation to the conductor, hoping for some leniency, but his expression hardened.

"We don't take cards," he snapped. "You should know that by now."

I tried to reason with him, explaining that it was an honest mistake and that I could pay double the fare tomorrow. But he wasn't having any of it. His voice grew louder, drawing the attention of other passengers. Some of them started muttering, casting judgmental glances my way.

"Pay up or get off at the next stop," he barked.

Frustration bubbled inside me. I felt the eyes of everyone on the bus boring into my back. The conductor's aggressive stance and harsh tone made it clear he wasn't open to negotiation. My pride was hurt, and my patience was wearing thin.

"Look," I said, my own voice rising, "I've been taking this bus for years. You know I'm good for it."

But the conductor stepped closer, invading my personal space. "Rules are rules," he insisted, his breath hot with anger. "You either pay now or get off."

In that moment, I could feel my fists clenching, my heart pounding in my chest. The thought of having to walk the remaining distance home in the rain, combined with the conductor's belligerence, was pushing me to the edge.

Just as I was about to say something I might regret, an older woman sitting nearby spoke up. "I'll cover his fare," she said, holding out a few coins. "There's no need for all this shouting."

Her calm intervention snapped me out of my rage. I took a deep breath and forced myself to relax. The conductor grumbled something under his breath but took the money, moving on to the next passenger.

I thanked the woman profusely, feeling a mix of gratitude and embarrassment. The tension in the bus dissipated, and I found a seat, reflecting on how close I had come to losing my temper over something so trivial.

As the bus continued its journey, I realized that while the conductor might have been unnecessarily harsh, escalating the situation wouldn't have helped anyone. Sometimes, it's better to let go of your pride and accept a little help from a kind stranger.

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In the Woods

In the Woods
Heloise and Ghal rode swiftly through the zigzag forest paths, their horses' hooves pounding against the earth. The sun projected dotted shadows through the dense canopy above as they made their way deeper into the woods. Heloise couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled over him since leaving the castle. It was as if the very trees themselves were watching them with silent suspicion.

As they traveled, Ghal regaled Heloise with tales of legendary archers who roamed these woods, skilled marksmen known to test their mettle against any who dared to trespass upon their domain. Heloise listened intently, his senses heightened by the anticipation of what lay ahead.

Suddenly, the tranquility of the forest was shattered by the twang of a bowstring and the whistle of an arrow slicing through the air. Before they could react, a figure emerged from the underbrush, clad in the gear of a skilled hunter, bow at the ready."
Halt! Who dares to intrude upon my territory?" the figure demanded, eyes narrowed in suspicion. Heloise recognized the voice as belonging to none other than the renowned archer, Theron, whose reputation preceded him."
We mean no harm, good sir," Heloise called out, raising his hands in a gesture of peace. "We are messengers of King Darius, bearing news of his daughter's upcoming wedding. We seek only to pass through these woods in peace."

Theron regarded them with a steely gaze, his bow still trained on them. "King Darius, you say? I care not for the affairs of kings and their kin. These woods are my home, and I will defend them from all who would trespass."

Before Heloise could respond, Ghal stepped forward, his voice steady despite the tension thick in the air. "Please, sir archer, we mean you no harm. We only seek to carry out our king's orders and spread the news of the wedding. If you allow us safe passage, we will trouble you no further."

Theron hesitated, his gaze flickering between the two men before finally lowering his bow. "Very well," he conceded, stepping aside to allow them to pass. "But beware, travelers. Not all who wander these woods are as forgiving as I."
With a nod of thanks, Heloise and Ghal urged their horses forward, leaving Theron and the shadows of the forest behind them.

...to be continued

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Emma′s Insecurity

Emma′s Insecurity
Once upon a time, in a small town nestled between rolling hills and whispering forests, there lived a young woman named Emma. From a young age, Emma had always been filled with a quiet confidence and a fierce determination to chase her dreams. She excelled in school, shone on the soccer field, and had a natural gift for connecting with others.

But as Emma grew older, a shadow began to creep into her heart – the shadow of insecurity. It started as a whisper in the back of her mind, a nagging doubt that she wasn't good enough, smart enough, or worthy enough of the success and happiness she craved. At first, Emma brushed off these thoughts, telling herself they were just passing clouds in an otherwise sunny sky.

However, as she entered her teenage years, the whispers grew louder, more insistent. Emma found herself constantly comparing herself to her peers, measuring her worth by their achievements and appearances. She began to doubt her own abilities and talents, questioning whether she truly deserved the love and admiration she received from those around her.

The turning point came during Emma's senior year of high school. She had been selected to give a speech at graduation, an honor that should have filled her with pride and excitement. But instead, as the day drew closer, Emma felt a gnawing sense of dread in the pit of her stomach. What if she stumbled over her words? What if she failed to inspire her classmates? What if she let everyone down?

On the day of the graduation ceremony, Emma stood at the podium, her heart pounding in her chest. As she looked out at the sea of expectant faces before her, a wave of panic washed over her. The weight of her insecurities bore down on her like a heavy cloak, suffocating her voice and stealing her confidence.

In that moment, Emma faltered. Her words stumbled and tripped over each other, her voice trembling with uncertainty. The speech she had worked so hard on became a jumbled mess of half-formed sentences and lost thoughts. And as she stepped down from the stage, the applause that followed felt hollow, tinged with disappointment and pity.

For weeks after the graduation ceremony, Emma was consumed by shame and self-doubt. She couldn't shake the feeling that she had let herself and everyone else down, that her insecurity had gotten the best of her in the most crucial moment of her young life.

But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Emma began to see a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of her insecurity. She realized that her stumble at graduation was not a reflection of her worth or potential, but rather a reminder of the power that fear and doubt can hold over us if we allow them to.

With newfound determination, Emma set out on a journey of self-discovery and healing. She sought out therapy to work through her insecurities, surrounded herself with friends who lifted her up and encouraged her to be true to herself. She dove headfirst into her passions – writing, painting, hiking in the woods – and rediscovered the joy and confidence that had once fueled her spirit.

Slowly but surely, Emma began to chip away at the walls of insecurity that had held her captive for so long. She learned to embrace her imperfections as part of what made her unique, to see failure not as a reflection of her worth but as an opportunity for growth and resilience.

And as she stood on the precipice of adulthood, looking out at a world full of endless possibilities and unknown adventures, Emma knew that she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and grace. Her journey through insecurity had been a rocky one, filled with twists and turns, highs and lows. But in the end, it had led her to a place of deep self-awareness and unwavering strength – a place where she could stand tall, unafraid to shine brightly as the remarkable soul she was always meant to be.

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types of Kidnappers in Abuja

Residents of Abuja now live in fear as report of kidnapping keeps spreading like wild fire.
we did not just get here overnight.the security agencies have refused to find a lasting solution giving them more confidence to perpetrate their nefarious activity .
Downlisted are 3 types of Kidnappers and their modus operandi

1 bandit kidnappers - these guys are very very deadly.they operate like terrorist.they attack villages around the capital city from Niger, kaduna and Kogi state .they mostly operate around Bwari, Kaduna road, abaji, keti and Interiors of Kuje. In recent times, they attacked some estates around pyakasa,Keiti and sheretti.
They mostly attack at night and take their victims on foot or bikes into the forest .these guys are dangerously armed and mostly non Nigerians .

2 City Boys- called them city Boys because they work inside the city centers and the surburbs.
Their targets is mostly isolated estates and quiet estate roads . They work both at night and day .their weapons are mid range .they are often opportunistic kidnappers who walks around like hungry lions looking for who to devour.

3 One chance Kidnappers - popularly known for using unpainted taxis to carry passengers . Most times they rob their victims for those operating withing town and area one while those running kubwa express often take their victims for ransom . Most times they take them to kaduna road and dump them somewhere after collecting small ransom via POS or the victims card .

In summary it is important that the security agencies partner with the citizens to effectively secure the citizens.emmergency toll lines are not reliable .and even when you get through,they don't respond on time .
They need to be proactive rather than reactive to nip insecurity in the bud.
Citizens also should avoid unnecessary late nights and notify the authorities when ever they notice suspicious movements around them.
May God see us through.

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How I was freed

The first day I going back to school. I got admission to college in the year 1994. It happened, it was in another state. I was going on a friend's uncle's hospital Mitsubishi ambulance because my friends unle is a medical Doctor. On Geting to the last two towns boundary bus engine went of and it was getting late as well. A made came out from a bush nearby asked us who we are of which he was told I am a student going back to school. He left without words. After some minute, many men started coming out of the bush, as I can here the sound of many dried leaves because it was hamartan. They were all armed with guns,marchers,bows and so on. The terror was written all over my face they were up to hundred or more heading towards me. When they came, surrounded the means the vehicle, their leader asked who am I? The driver answers, that I am junior student one going to boarding the first time. Their claims follows, "you people are liers, you were simple sent as usual by the other village to kill our villagers as we are in war with them", they claimed. They said that as the war rages the opposition village will hire killers pay them, all they do is come in the middle of the bush stop the bus, when asked someone the answer that the vehicle is spoilt. Once they come out in mass they will open on then and all of them to the last person, then start the (bus) vehicle and drive off. By now I was breathing hard, bathed in sweat and almost shivering. We I finally freed after this long long engaging emotional and psychological war between me and this men. I told to search the vehicle and see for themselves college school student provisions, classroom locker, dornirtory or hostel cupboard. When they are done searching, "!they freed me"!.


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There was a woman who had a six-year old son. One day, she bought a new mobile phone. When she came home from work, she started cooking dinner and left her phone down on the kitchen table.

Her son came into the kitchen and saw the phone. He asked his mother if he could play with it. She told him that he could, as long as he did not call anyone or delete any text messages. Of course, the boy agreed and went off to his bedroom to play with the phone.

Around 10PM that night, she went upstairs to tuck in her son and found him fast asleep on his bed. The new cell phone was lying on the ground beside the bed. She picked it up and began browsing though the settings to make sure he had not deleted anything. She noticed some minor changes. He had changed the theme, the background and had given her a new ringtone.

She noticed that he had taken some pictures with the cell phone. She opened the images folder and browsed through them. “How cute,” she thought. He had been taking pictures of himself.

Then she came across the last photo in the folder. When she first saw it, she couldn’t quite believe it. Were her eyes playing tricks on her? It was a photograph of her son, lying asleep on her bed. But the disturbing thing was what was lurking in the far left corner of the picture👆👆👆

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Anambra man Builds two storey building with Bamboo

a rather unconventional move, a yet-to-be-identified man in Ụmụdiala village, Ezinifite, Nnewi South Local Government Area of Anambra State, has taken a unique approach to construction by using bamboos in place of irons, to cast the decks and pillars for his two-storey building. The builder has gone against the conventional style, shunning traditional materials such as iron, in favour of bamboo in the ongoing construction.

A concerned resident of the area, Chief CKC Obiekwe, drew the attention of this reporter to the bizarre construction through a video currently trending on the social media — a testament that the first-of-its-kind bamboo-based construction in the area has gone viral online.

The video shows that while bamboos had been used in place of irons to cast pillars and lintels of the ground floor of the two-storey building, some portions of the first deck have also been cast with bamboos in place of irons, while the remaining portions of the deck and pillars for the second deck are also already constructed with bamboos, waiting to be cast with concrete.

Commentator on the viral video also revealed that this was not the first time the builder had employed such a method in the construction of his house. He is said to have previously constructed similar bamboo-reinforced buildings in Abuja and Lagos before bringing it down to his hometown.

Although sources described the builder as a wealthy man, this reporter, Izunna Okafor, could not reach him to confirm the prime motivation and reason behind the bamboo-centric construction. Some locals, however, quoted him as saying that using irons to construct house is not only expensive, but also a waste of money, given the present-day economic realities in Nigeria.

Howbeit, while some applaud the man's ingenuity and thriftiness, others express concerns about the long-term structural integrity of a bamboo-reinforced building, describing it as a death trap and a very risky adventure.

Reacting another resident of the area who pleaded anonymity said, “With this unconventional approach to construction now in the spotlight, it calls for attention from the relevant agencies to ensure that the buildings comply with the standard building codes.

“This oversight is critical to avoid any occurrence of building collapse, which could lead to another unnecessary waste of innocent lives, because the builder himself may not even be there when the building will collapse.

“The safety and structural integrity of such construction methods should be a top priority for all stakeholders in the building industry, especially given the high rate building collapse in the society today.”
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simon11✓☆ 🏆30 🌟67Keghtor Elijah Mamakaa
10mo 20d

Little Touts

Just yesterday, I went to visit a friend just to cool off and rest from the stress of week and all. As I arrived there, he was about going to the field to play football, so I just decided to follow so I could watch. We got there and there was too much crowd in the field and it was just only one field. So since everybody wanted to play, they were shared into up to six sets and gave 7mins for each round that will be played.
Everything seemed to be going well at the start and almost half of the sets have played when I noticed a group of small children came to the field claiming that one of the guys on the field insulted them and they brought sticks to fight the guy with. So some people tried calming the boys down but there was one who seemed to be their leader who wasn't ready to listen to anything. It was actually a funny and annoying experience because these little guys had their hair dyed red and none of them was more than 12yrs old and they were already showcasing and practising the life of cultist. Before we knew it these guys entered the field and said everyone should get out and not play ball there again that it's their land and their state that they are supposed to be paid before we can access the field which didn't even belong to them. There were series of arguments and all which almost led to a fight but everyone was cautious not to hit any of them because we are students in the area and their people might do anything to us anytime they like if we tried anything funny. That was how the whole fun was stopped by little children whom normally with one slap everything will be settled but because of improper home training these children were given they had enough guts and do anything they like.
It was a bad experience and it showed me the importance of proper home training respect to elders.

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Petrol Station fight

I went to buy fuel in my area, I waited in line for a long time before finally getting the chance to get my fuel. After buying I met an old friend, he was so happy to see me after 5 years, I was excited as well.

After we exchanged contacts, he offered lunch for me in a nearby eatery opposite the filling station, I accepted cause I was already hungry after being on queue for long. We got the same meal, jollof rice and chicken laps, we talked, laughed and ate our food for at least one hour.
We were not done when we heard screams coming from the petrol station, Jude, my friend was the first to rush outside before I joined him. Two boys were engaged in a hot struggle, part of their clothes were torn and smeared with dirt.

Fortunately for them, people rushed in and separated the fight, after the atmosphere was calm, one of them accused the other of trying to pour some of his petrol to another gallon. It was not nice at all, but it does not call for a fight, I stood there with Jude until they were sent off in peaceful terms.

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It was just another busy day in Uyo, Nse had got up at 4am to prepare for his work as a school bus driver. The nature of the work required punctuality, the kids he will have to transport everyday are usually ready from 7am, and to meet up, he has to be the earlier bird.

Within one hour, he had finished the necessary tasks, washing, bathing and most importantly eating to gain energy. He climbed into the Toyota HiAce (Hummer Bus) assigned to him, sleep messing with his mind but he has to go on.

Two trials and the bus came to life, he inspected his environment trying to figure if he forgot something before he drove out. On his way, he felt the sudden urge to urinate, "I didn't urinate at home", he murmured in annoyance. It's not safe at such a time as 5am to stop in the middle of nowhere and urinate but the urge was too strong.

He pulled over the car to the roadside just few metres away from a well fenced compound and alighted, he deemed it inappropriate to urinate around there, "I don't want to be harassed this morning by security men. I shouldn't have even parked there, let me just hurry." After half a minute walk from where he had parked, he finally felt the freedom to empty his bladder. He sighed as he completed easing himself, at least now he can continue driving, his comfort was terminated the moment he noticed an incoming ruffling in the nearby bush.

𝑇𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑒𝑑...

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It was on a Sunday morning, and as usual, I started my motorcycle and headed out to church. The morning started smoothly I must say and the mist in the air accompanied the chilly weather which I preferred to warmness.

On my way, I was cautious of the busy road and put my speed in check. It was at a junction where a small mass was attempting to cross and because I was in a light and happy mood, I halted my motorcycle entirely, and just as they went across the main road, I started behind their back, and then it happened.

A Bike man had hit the back of my motorcycle. It spun and threw me off. I landed on my shoulder, with my head hitting on the sharp end of the sidewalk drainage. I lost consciousness.

I began to regain consciousness when they pushed me on a wheelchair to a ward. My face was gushing blood, and I hardly could breathe.

"no we cannot do anything for him", a cold voice answered one of the strangers who conveyed me to the hospital when he requested my immediate treatment.

They didn't lay a hand on my pathetic body, nor was I offered a bed while I battled unconsciousness and loss of blood.
It wasn't one of my Sundays I guess. But after everything, I am here, stronger and better by each day.

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emmyiyke✓☆ 🏆32 🌟82Emmanuel Chidindu Ike
1y 1mo

The scared thief

Good morning guys I want to share a life story of what happened to me early this week.
So, quickly, I went to school very early that morning because I had lectures by 7am,so I had to go early so that I could secure the front seat in order not to be left out in the class because the lecturer was that audible enough. But on getting to school, it was like the class has started because the class was almost filled up by just some minutes to 6. I was wondering whether everyone knew what was in my mind and planned ahead of me. An hour later, our lecturer arrived and the lecture kicked off. All my lectures for that day ended by 6pm but I didn't go home immediately because I had tutorials from 6:30pm to 8pm.
After the tutorials, I decided to use the Wi-Fi to download some important things and after I finished, it was already 10pm. As I went on the way I decided to take a short cut which wasn't along the road and people weren't passing there because it was dark but I was tired and couldn't follow the main road. So almost close to the school gate I noticed a giant guy approaching, he was very muscular and I was scared because there have been cases of theft and attack on students. So a thought came to my mind and I pretended that I was doing incantations and I noticed he was getting scared and he fled and that was how I was saved from him.
I didn't know that thieves too are also afraid of death and other things, imagine him running away, it was a scary and wonderful experience.

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Encounter with the underworld

So as early in the morning last week Monday I went outside to wash my mouth and I saw a letter underneath our gate and. The content of the letter States that some thieves will come and Rob us and they gave the dates they were to come and do that and they told us in 5 days times they will come but they didn't come that day not until yesterday when no one was expecting they robbed us empty such a painful experience.

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My campus is really really choked up right now students everywhere so insecurity and everything has increased too so last night 6 phones were stolen in my lodge and the windows and all were shut it was just like a jinx they used charms to steal their phones and my phone wasn't stolen buh I feel the pains for the victims.


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Show some love. Gift @targemajoy something as TIPs

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So today was just so so weird 😬 because there was a robbery in my area, the operation took 3hrs, the gunshots was so terrifying and we couldnt sleep in our house either we were just praying the operation doesn't get to us , everyone if us didn't go to church buh we thank God it didn't get to our house.


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I and my sis were attacked in a Keke we were coming from mpape and when we were approaching Bingham junction a university most of the passengers alighted the Keke already before we came towards that junction and there was a guy with the rider in front they were having conversations since when we got to that junction the guy pulled out a knife and said we should give him our phones unfortunately I wasn't with my phone that day I left at home 😔 we were gripped with fear they took my sister's phone and left so painful.


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Show some love. Gift @targemajoy something as TIPs

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