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Seems like love but..

Seems like love but..
Seventeen years after parting ways with my former lover, I never imagined that I would run into him again. It was a chance encounter that changed everything, and little did I know that it would lead to a beautiful chapter in my life.

After our breakup, I had resigned myself to being alone. I focused on my work and tried to move on from the heartbreak of losing what I had thought was my forever love. But then, Akan came back into my life in the most unexpected way. We ran into each other at a local café, and I was taken aback to see him after all these years.

As we got talking, I found myself opening up about how broken I had been after our breakup. I didn't know why I was sharing these personal details with him, but something about the way he listened and understood put me at ease. With time, Akan and I started bonding over our conversations and shared experiences, and like magic, love began to bloom between us.

The feeling was so different from what I had experienced in the past. It was as if I had discovered a connection that was truly heavenly. With Akan, there was trust, open communication, commitment, and genuine love. I knew that this was the kind of love I had always yearned for.

A year later, we got married in a beautiful ceremony, surrounded by our friends and loved ones. We started a new chapter of our lives together, one built on trust, respect, and unwavering affection. I had learned valuable lessons from my past, and I promised myself that I would teach my daughter, when she was old enough, that not all that seems like love is indeed love. Akan and I lived happily ever after, creating a loving and nurturing environment for our family.

@betty would win 2000 NGN in if this story gets 15+ likes and higher likes than other stories of Fri, 3rd May. 2024.
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