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A weekend to cherish

A weekend to cherish
Saturday remains one of those days that all ladies spend their full week preparing on how to make the weekend such an amazing one. especially when you have a deal either to go out with friends or on a dinner date with your boyfriend.

But in this case there was no sign on any of those events happening, so I was already prepared for a boring weekend little did I know that my best boy is cooking up something huge for the weekend.

It was morning and there was no need waking up I mean why should I be in a haste to leave my sweet and soft bed without any important reason and besides it's Saturday I should have a good bed rest.

Just massaging myself on my bad I received a text message, it was from my best boy, with a smile on my face I unlocked my phone to check the content of the message. And it reads " get ready we're going out on a date"

You don't want to know the type of strength that I entered me all of a sudden and in the next one hour I was ready and was waiting for him.

He eventually showed up and we left for his most preferred event center where we had fun, hosting different games to another. And of course there was lot of snacks and food to eat. It was indeed an amazing time with him once again, even though I couldn't get enough of him.

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Beautifying a friend

Beautifying a friend
Today, I had to plait my roommate’s hair, and everything would have gone smoothly if she had brought new wool. But she came with old, rough wool, which made things way harder than expected. We had to rub cream on each strand just to make it usable. After two hours, my fingers were red and sore from twisting.

What started as a simple task quickly turned frustrating when we realized, after four hours, we had barely made progress. The wool was tough, and it kept tangling, slowing us down. I was feeling so tired, but we couldn’t give up halfway.

I had no choice but to call in help. Our neighbors, who were better at plaiting, came to the rescue. They helped us rush through the rest of the hair, but even with extra hands, it was still a long process. At that point, we just wanted to finish before nightfall.

Finally, after hours of twisting, pulling, and cream-rubbing, we were done. It had taken way longer than expected, and we finished by 11 a.m. It was exhausting, but we laughed about it afterward, grateful to have gotten through it.

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Levels in Perfume

Levels in Perfume
I thought the perfume that I bought smelled great and was sure others would notice it too. But then, a friend of mine came to visit, and everything changed.

The moment she walked in, the smell of the fragrance he wore immediately entered my nose, filled the room and instantly brought me joy.

The scent was so strong and captivating that it made mine feel a little inferior.
I could tell this because as we stepped outside, whenever he passed by, people would comment on how great he smelled. It was not like my perfume wasn't good, but his own dispersed far and stronger. I felt like people would need to hug me really closely to even notice my perfume.

I later found out that he bought his perfume for 15,000 Naira, while mine was only 8,000 Naira. Even though the prices differed, he said it wasn’t a competition. But honestly, who has 12,000 Naira to spend on perfume?

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Broke To Heartbroken 💔

Broke To Heartbroken 💔
My life in the university wouldn't be complete without this keen story of mine. I was staying with two of my friends in a single room in school so where I came from we don't really have funds , so my parents tried their best to just buy little foodstuffs for me and with transport fare and send me off to school like an orphan. Due to my financial status I don't really mingle with some kinds of friends because they use me as a subject matter always to mock me , the closest to me that I can do anything for was my roommates I can literally lay my life for them.

As life went on in school, I started to develop cold 🥶 feets for a certain lady in my department she was everything a man would wish for , her dentition, colour of her eyes , height , hour glass figure literally she seemed an angel that fell off the sky. Am so timid, considering the fact I am a broke guy made it worse and I didn't want to lose her either, I went to my drawing board and mapped out a strategy to get her to know me and eventually fall in love with me. I started to sit in the first row that's where she always sits so we got close and started talking eventually.

I started seeing new changes in her and her frequent mood swings, when we usually see I make sure I get something for her most times I borrow the money to get very little stuff for her she doesn't really show appreciation, there was a particular day I got chocolates for her and she yelled in anger and said why on earth will i get her such cheap chocolates , she threw it on the ground and left.

I sent her numerous messages and she didn't reply, i even went to see her she didn't want to see me. I didn't have airtime so I took my roommate's phone and I saw his chats with her he planted the seed of discord in her, that was why she hated me so much he told her I was a broke boy and even told her detailed lies that my family is cursed and all sorts of nonsense. I had a spill over because I couldn't bear the traumatic experience it was indeed heavy as I speak they are married.

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Safina always wanted to be a happy wife with a husband who would appreciate and love her and with whom they would create a happy future. She started to feel the signs of disappointment accumulating in her every day. Her parents always told her to wait for the man of her dreams, but Safina could wait no longer, especially after meeting Abdulwaheed.

The rain of bullets, however, didn’t deter Abdulwaheed from visiting the town as he was not new to the place. He was famous not for being rich or for being generous but for the difficult marital relationship he had with his first wife, Talatu, and five children. Safina didn’t mind that he was a bad husband and father to their kids, who left them alone to suffer while he enjoyed his reckless hearty life. This caught the eye of Daw Thirty Years, and she was mesmerized by the façade Abdulwaheed presented before her.

Since they came across each other, Abdulwaheed began spoiling Safina with material things, ranging from ornamental jewels to beautiful apparel and stacks of money. It was like he had the formula for laying down power where her heart was concerned. She was special, loved, and, at long last, wanted – sentiments that every lady admires most. He showered her with words of affection saying that he wanted someone like her by his side since she knew him better than Talatu.
Safina's friends warned her. They dragged her to the many times the man had failed in his responsibility as a husband and a father, how Talatu had been left to fend for their children and the house alone while Abdulwaheed roamed the streets for who knows what. However, all these Safina did not get a chance to see at all. To them, Abdulwaheed was not quite like them; even in their presence, she was misunderstood. “He has become different,” she says it. “He does exactly what I have said a man should do: he treats me like a queen. ”
And so, Safina ignored all the red flags and succumbed to Abdulwaheed’s proposal, hearsay and disapproval from relatives and friends. The wedding was the best, and Abdulwaheed did not conform to budgeting since Safina was well-dressed in the best dress. It seemed like this could be a fairy tale— at least it was till the time it was not.
However, once the excitement of the wedding wore off, the true Abdulwaheed began to reveal himself. His once kind gestures disappeared, replaced with a coldness that Safina could not understand. The gifts stopped. The money, which once flowed generously, dried up. When Safina asked about the change, Abdulwaheed would snap, blaming her for nagging or inventing problems. Within months of their marriage, Safina found herself trapped. Abdulwaheed had not only stopped providing for her, but he had also begun to mistreat her. He became cruel and demanding, expecting her to take on the responsibilities of his household without support. He would come home late, barely acknowledging her presence, and when he did, it was only to complain or make unreasonable demands. Safina’s world began to crumble. She saw firsthand the life that Talatu had endured for years—the neglect, the cruelty, the lack of support. She had been deceived by Abdulwaheed's initial charm, only to be trapped in the same misery Talatu had long suffered. The fairy tale she had imagined turned into a nightmare. Months passed, and Safina’s patience wore thin. She could no longer bear the pain and suffering Abdulwaheed had brought into her life.
The man who had once professed love for her now treated her as an afterthought, a mere inconvenience. She realized her mistake—she had fallen for a mirage, believing the sweet words and lavish gifts without seeing the truth. Finally, after much reflection, Safina made the difficult decision to leave Abdulwaheed. It wasn’t easy; there were moments of doubt and fear of the unknown. But Safina knew that staying with Abdulwaheed would only destroy her further.As she packed her things and prepared to leave, Safina reflected on the choices she had made. She had been blinded by material things, by the desire to be loved, and had ignored the signs that were so clear to everyone around her. Abdulwaheed had never changed; he had simply pretended to be someone else long enough to deceive her.Safina returned to her family, wiser and more cautious. She had learned a painful lesson—one that Talatu had known for years. True love is not bought with gifts and promises, and a person’s character is not something that can be hidden for long. What matters most in any relationship is respect, responsibility, and kindness—qualities Abdulwaheed never possessed.
In the end, she emerged stronger and more aware of the true value of love. She now knew that material things could never replace genuine care and responsibility, and that rushing into marriage with the wrong person could bring a lifetime of regret.

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A New Likeness

A New Likeness
I visited my cousin’s house about a week now. I was excited to see him, but when I got there, I noticed something very interesting, it was a small dog.

Shaa, I’m not usually a fan of dogs. They can be loud and jumpy, and I usually prefer to stay away from them. But this little dog was different. It had curly hair all over and was so small and friendly. It shaked it's so fast when I walked in, and I couldn’t help but smile.

At first, I watched the dog from a distance, but as time passed, I got closer. I sat down, and the dog came up to me, looking up with its big, sparkling eyes. It cuddled my hand playfully, asking for some love. I started to pet it, and lol, I'll be truthful, it was adorable.

As I spent more time with my cousin and the dog, I realized something, I was starting to like dogs. Not all dogs, but this special little dog. We played together, and it made me laugh with its silly hop from here and there.

Now that I’m back home, I can’t stop thinking about that little dog. I want one for myself! But then I remember that having a dog means spending money and taking care of it. I know I would have to make sure it eats well and stays healthy.

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Didn′t feel like it

Didn′t feel like it
I felt really different today. When I got to school, I wanted to smile and play, but instead, I just felt like sitting quietly in a corner.

All my friends were laughing and chatting about things. I love to talk and share stories, but today, I didn’t want to talk at all. I just wanted to listen to my music through my headphones, abi air pods.

Everyone was busy talking about shoes or funny things that happened, but I just nodded my head and smiled. Inside, I felt like I wasn't really there, like I was a balloon that lost its air.

Some of my friends came over to me and tried to talk, but I didn’t say much. I just wanted to listen to my music and relax. I didn’t know why I felt this way. I usually love talking and gossiping, but today was different.

As the day went on, I started to feel a bit better. I thought maybe it was just one of those days, and tomorrow would be fun again. It was okay to take a break today.

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Agba Representative

Agba Representative
I was call to represent my football team in a community meeting. When the meeting started, the Chairman stood at the front, smiling and welcoming everyone. I listened carefully as people began to share their concerns and ideas. I was amazed at how cooperative everyone was about making our town a better place, I had thought that I would be meeting the village touts but no. Some spoke about improving local foot ball fields, while others discussed the need for better Agencies that could attract external relationships .

Finally, it was my turn to speak. I walked up to the front, my heart pounding. I looked out at the crowd and took another deep breath. “Hello, everyone! My name is Destiny and I’m here to share some ideas from my neighborhood.

I talked about our community set ups and how unorganized we were which needed more support, and how we could create fun events to bring people together. The crowd listened, some even nodding in agreement. As I spoke, I felt kingly inside. This was my moment to shine.

After I finished, I received applause, and I felt a big smile spread across my face, I couldn't even control it. I returned to my seat, my heart still racing, but i still felt proud as i listened as the redt made their nice contributions.

As people started to leave, many came up to me and said how much they liked my ideas.
That alone would be sufficient to make my whole week.

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Love in a party

Love in a party
The music was loud, and everyone was dancing. Obi saw a girl named Ada. She was dancing and smiling, and she looked so happy!
In the spirit of the happiness, Obi decided to move closer, she might as well welcome the lonely man.

Obi wanted to dance with her and have fun together all night long.
So, he walked over to Ada and said, "Can you dance with me?" She smiled and said yes! They started to dance together. It felt really nice.

After dancing for a while, Obi joked with Ada and said, "Can you count to ten?" They both giggled, and it made them feel even closer. But inside, Obi felt a little nervous. He really liked her and wanted to tell her but worried if she would like him back.

Then, Ada looked up at him and said, "Don’t worry! Just be yourself." Obi felt better when he heard that. So instead of being scared, he said, "let’s enjoy this fun night together!"

They kept dancing and laughing, holding hands and forgetting about everything else around them. The bright lights and happy music made them feel like they were in their own special place.

And from there, something grew.
I know love is not found in clubs or its likes, but Obi found his own in that party.

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Fear Women

Once upon time, back in those days as a young guy. My girlfriend told me she was going over to her friends place for a visit and possibly sleepover. I asked which of her friends and she told me her bestie, Richard. They've been friends for years, longer than even our relationship. I helped her pack the few clothes she needed while she ordered Uber. We chatted and talked throughout her trip to his place. Then I got busy and attended to other things. Few hours later, around 8PM, my phone rang and it was my baby.
"Hello, love, you didn't even call me to find out if I've gotten here."
I replied, "Sorry, baby, I was just about to call you."
"Okay, love. I got here over an hour ago, the traffic was crazy."
"Pele my love, how's Richard?"
"He's fine, he's here. Richard, my baby is saying hi."
"King King, I greet you brother!"
I heard Richard shout over the phone. I smiled.
"Okay baby, Richard want to prepare dinner and since I don't want to die of food poisoning, I have to monitor his kitchen duties."
"Alright love, you guys should have..."
"Big head, I thought you said you have Yoghurt in the fridge, I'm not seeing anything."
Sandra's voice interrupted my call.
"Check the freezer" I said to her.
"Baby, who's that?"
My girlfriend asked.
"Oh, it's my friend"
"Which friend?"
"Sandra, my bestie. She just came in a few minutes ago."
"You didn't tell me Sandra was coming".
"I didn't know she was coming, but she was passing through and decided to stop by so I asked her to sleepover."
My girlfriend ended the call immediately. One hour later, around past 9PM, I heard a knock on the door.
It was my girlfriend. She was back with her things.
Fear Women.

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Heart warming

Heart warming
Not much happened today but since I am skilled to make out a story from nothing, let me talk about a minor incident that happened while I was on my way back from evening service.

My eyes met little girl who was holding the hand of an old man, a weak figure who appeared to struggle with his sight. The darkness was settling in around us, but the little girl held him tightly and determined.

Suddenly, I heard the old man mumbled some words that sounded like a kind statement. Even though he was speaking loudly, I couldn't understand a thing he said; his voice was muffled and unclear. But the little girl seemed to understand him perfectly. She let out a joyful laugh and replied, "Grandpa, I think you're being funny!"

When I saw the old man smile with satisfaction, I couldn't help but feel a warmth in my heart. I just loved the fact that the little child, whether she understood or not, didnt give room for the old man to feel bad or forlorn.

I'm sorry for the late story, we had a two days program.

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Embracing the unexpected

Embracing the unexpected
With big relief of finally finishing my exams. I had planned to travel today to avoid waiting until Tuesday, and I was excited for a change of environment. But little did I know, my day was about to take an unexpected turn.

Out of nowhere, someone tried to snatch my side bag but I quickly grabbed hold of it, and the thief managed to tear the leather before running off. I was shaken but grateful that nothing was stolen. I quickly folded my side bag into my traveling bag and continued on my way.

When I arrived at the bus park, I paid for my ticket and boarded the bus. Exhausted from the morning's drama, I closed my eyes for a bit. But when I woke up, I was surprised to see a familiar face staring back at me (my old friend) We hadn't spoken in years, and I wasn't sure what to say.

I broke the silence by asking how she was doing, but she just replied "nevermind" and sat down. The atmosphere was awkward, but I figured there was no use dwelling on the past. We were both on this journey now, and I might as well make the most of it.

So, I decided to just enjoy the ride and not let the awkwardness get to me. Maybe this chance encounter would lead to a new beginning or a closure. Either way, I was determined to make the most of this journey and not let the past define it.

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Imperfect beauty

Imperfect beauty
A beautiful short story of a Pearl
A man found a beautiful pearl.It was very beautiful but a small flaw in it. The man thought, if he can remove the flaw, it would be the biggest and most beautiful pearl ever in his possession. He peeled off a layer to correct the flaw. The flaw was still there. He peeled off another layer, the flaw was still there.He kept on peeling off the layers until all the layers were gone. Now there was no flaw, but there was no pearl too.
In this life, no one is PERFECT. Each person you meet would have some FLAW or the other. You will end up losing the person completely while trying to correct his/her flaws. So try to learn by accepting people with their flaws and you will be surrounded by beautiful people all around you.
Imperfection is beautiful too !

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If only I had known

If only I had known
*Title: If Only I Had Known*

In the quiet solitude of her dimly lit room, surrounded by echoes of a life that could have been, Amaka murmured to herself, "If only I had known..."

If only I had known that leaving him would lead to a lifetime of regret, I would have stayed.

If only I had known that the grass wasn't greener on the other side, I would have tended to my own garden.

If only I had known that true love was worth every battle, I would have fought with all my might.

Amaka’s mind drifted back to the day she first met Emmanuel, her first love. They were young, wild, and filled with the boundless energy of youth. Their love was untainted, and their hearts brimmed with hope. But as the years rolled on, doubts began to creep in, and fears slowly overshadowed their joy. Allowing her insecurities to take the lead, Amaka made the heartbreaking decision to walk away.

The years passed, leaving Amaka with a life filled with "what could have beens." She measured every relationship against what she once had with Emmanuel, but none ever came close. The painful truth settled in far too late—true love is rare, and she had let hers slip away.

As tears traced silent paths down her cheeks, Amaka made a promise to herself: if fate ever granted her a second chance, she would cling to it with everything she had and never let go. But for now, all she could whisper was, "If only I had known..."

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The evening caught a new friend

The evening caught a new friend
This evening, i was so weak to cook and even if i decided to cook, I knew that i would be buying foodstuffs which are costly now and my budget can't cover, so I decided to get already made food at a nearby restaurant.

As I headed back from the nearby restaurant with my hot takeout, the tasty smell filled the air. My stomach grumbled, and I couldn't wait to eat. The evening air felt nice, and I enjoyed the cool breeze against my skin as I walked. The security groups were already mounting roadblocks on the road sides and the road was busy as people made their way to their home, I guess.

Ahead of me, I saw a guy walking at a relaxed pace. He seemed to be lost in his thoughts, but he looked friendly. I kept my distance, respecting the space between us, as we both walked along the sidewalk as strangers.

Suddenly, I saw him take out a few 200 Naira notes. He looked surprised and said something I couldn't hear. Without really thinking, I called out, “Oh, it looks like you’re out of cash! Money really doesn’t mean much during times like this!”

To my surprise, he turned around and smiled. “You could say that!” he replied, laughing. His friendly tone made me feel more at ease. We started talking, and soon we were both walking along the same path, laughing and sharing stories.

I found out he was studying engineering at a nearby university and living just a few streets away from me. It was amazing to think we had lived so close without knowing each other.
I cannot say that we are friends already, but the next time we meet each other, it won't be as strangers.

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Despite devoting the four years of my life in a relationship with promises, this is what I get from you Chris - your mum as an excuse. You should have told me straight that you won't be marrying me and we would have just worked as partners and follow everything lawfully

My years, my resources, my time, my commitment, my love, my devotion, my abilities, my emotion, my knowledge, my work, my drafts. Chris, my everything - Charity listed

What is my wrong? Did I wrong your mum? So my age has become a restriction to my love life and happiness? She kept questioning

You obviously deserve more and I'm not that. Please forgive me for being so hopeful all these years, I promise to leave and never disturb you again

I will pay you any amount Charity. I'm really sorry things turned out this way. My mum went through a lot and I can't watch her stay angry at me over this important decision. Please allow me to pay you - Christ emphasized

To heIl with your money Chris, to hell. So you think money is all I want? You think you can just pay me off and that's it? I don't want to have anything to do with your money or anything that comes from you please

I worked together to achieve this, at least you deserve something from me. Even if you don't want money, please don't leave your position

Chris, you must be very wicked. After everything? So you want me to still be in the company and watch you marry another woman?

I will be fine. Don't worry about me. I will definitely be fine. Thank you for everything. May you find happiness and may your mum be at peace haven separated us at last - Charity's last words as she stood and left

She moved her things and relocated to her friend's place where she stayed revamping herself

Charity was such a strong woman and God-fearing too that despite the hurt, she healed and reconnected with old friends. She moved on with her life, got a new job and started off. She was hot cake in the digital world as a tech guru so it was easier for her to get a good paying job

Within months she was back on tape, started building her life from scratch again

Chris got married after six months to the girl his mum introduced to him

He wasn't entirely happy but he stayed because of the mum

On Chris's wedding day, Charity decided to do something different. She wore the best dress and went to the beach and luck shone on her that same day

She met Wisdom, a business man who is based abroad. He came to Nigeria for a few business connections and was to leave the next weekend so he decided to give himself the best treat

Meeting Charity was like he had met a woman he had searched all along for

Charity never relented. She didn't allow her past experience to deprive her to feel love again or welcome a new person

Her outing that day ended up being the best decision of her life

They got talking, spent day after day together

It was as though they knew each other far before then but nothing of such, they just connected so well and agreed with so many things

Wisdom left back to the States, but couldn't stay away for long because whom he loves was far even though they spoke on the phone like every minute

Wisdom paid every bit on her head and returned in six months for the wedding

Charity's wedding was the talk of town. Chris and his mum heard it but couldn't attend due to guilt

After the wedding, Charity joined her husband back to the States for honeymoon and afterwards to his residence

Everything she had ever wanted was at her beck and call - the love, the wealth, the care, the respect, etc

She felt fulfilled and was happy she found love again

After a year, God visited her and she delivered of twins the next year - that's two years in marriage (two bouncing baby boys)

The news reached Nigeria and friends and family celebrated her victory

She was not just happy but she was fulfilled

What seemed like lost turned into her Joy and Plenty

Chris lived regretting and blaming his mum for making him lose a good woman.

Charity's life became a point of reference for women and mothers

Don't allow bitterness Crip into your heart and life because of a disappointment

Every disappointment they say works for our good

Instead of killing yourself over what won't be, focus your energy in rebranding yourself while believing in God; the best will definitely emerge at the right time.

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This is my story part two

My eyes glued referring to where I saw my so called love of my life, surprisingly my expectations became doomed,her name was Stacey,next to her a well built man,with six-pack,she had tightly hugging him,what brought more worries is how close she was to him,more she was to an extent of kissing him right on his cheeks,tears started trolling down and water flowing to an an extent of shocking my vest that I was in.
What's happening,is none to be narrated,I found my self rushing out like a lightening,no looking back,later in the course of the day,I found my self around a multitude of people who had surrounded me, trying to figure what was wrong with me.no word could come out my mouth,just tears dropped out,but I looked upon myself I found out I had no shoes on my legs,still with sleep garments.
All over sudden,a man called my name at a far distance,running a herbivore being out chased by a carnivore,he came and just grabbed my hand pushing me and forcing me to unknown,,,,,,,,,, please share and like,let's meet on next part and know who was this and where did we go.thanls.

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Love in full bloom

Love in full bloom
Yesterday was supposed to be a great day. My girlfriend had promised to come over to my place, and I was excited to spend some quality time with her. I took my bath early, feeling refreshed and ready for the evening ahead. As I was getting dressed, I reached for my trusty body deodorant (Riggs perfume), only to discover that it was empty. I couldn't believe it! I had been using it for a while now, and I loved the way it made me feel confident and attractive.

Determined not to let this minor setback ruin my plans, I quickly rushed to the nearby supermarket to buy a replacement. But when I got there, I was shocked to see that the price had doubled I couldn't believe it. I had been buying this perfume for a while now, and I had never seen such a drastic price increase.

I was torn. Part of me wanted to just buy the perfume anyway, but another part of me was hesitant to pay such a high price. In the end, I decided to just pay it, hoping that it would be worth it. As I applied the familiar scent, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. Maybe this evening wouldn't be a total loss after all.

But as I waited for my girlfriend to arrive, I couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment. Why did the perfume have to run out now, of all times? And why did the price have to increase so suddenly? I pushed the thoughts aside and focused on enjoying the evening ahead. After all, sometimes life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and it's how we respond that matters.

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How to be my baby

This is the first entry of the love story of a girl looking for man . That is so very hard to reach.

Her name is Sarah .and this is her story.

Sarah broke up with his long time bf .

Jerome .Jerome Is loving boyfriend . Loyal to Sarah .

But Sarah wants more .

More money . More than she has right now

She decided to broke up with his boyfriend and install dating app .

Jerome secretly is a billionaire . He is tycoon son of Henry sy .a wealthy bussiness man .

Then he took an challenge on Sarah . And Sarah found out Jerome is rich .and wanted to become together again . And Jerome declined it. And found a girl .that is not greedy of the money .and they end up together .

The end .

Thank you

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This is my story

One day I woke up like a general,very energized and incorporated to give an order,the year was in 2010,and all my friends had neglected me ,my partner in crime was also mad at me,but on this day was different.
A couple days earlier before the present day,I was really heartbroken, demeaned and I was on an option of giving up in life,each day when I woke,I felt like getting back to sleep ,I would cry cry and cry alone,as was on a state of falling into depression.
Present day,"my love,my love"these were the words I heard from a far from my wife, dilemma,the other day she would call me by real name,I became so surprised,what had happened all over sudden!while I looked from the side I heard the voice,I saw a smiley face,which was staring at me as if I was a mahogany tree mesmerizing and nourishing on a desert land ,,,,catch-up on the next post for the next episode.

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Relationship scam

“I am not ready for a relationship right now” these were the words Joshua said to me that night after a wonderful love making session, well I thought we were making love but realized later on that to him it was just casual sex.

This was something I was familiar with. Is it when David told me we should just remain friends or when Philip said he likes my friend better.

Dating has taught me a lot, especially in this part of the world, particularly Nigeria, where arguments come up online almost every two to three days. Arguments like who is to pay on the first date, should a girlfriend cook for her boyfriend and so many others.

I for one view dating from a subjective point of view, what works for you might not work for me and what works for me might not work for you.

Four years ago, I was at this party where I got dragged to. I didn't want to go, typical me like the pleasures of my house. Even after arriving there I sat down by the side watching my friend who invited me to the party, as she walked around mingling with different people, of course she knew almost everyone there. It was the birthday celebration of her coursemate.

I sat down quietly while games were going on, and we were divided into three different groups. The Master of ceremony then said every group should pick a female representative to come out. I don't know what it was on my face or maybe something I wore or probably the fact that I had been quiet the whole evening that made my group members pick me.

I stood up and went to where the other two girls who represented their groups stood. I had no idea what I was going to say or what game we were going to play but I had already prepared myself to lose easily and go back to my seat.

Interestingly it was a game I loved so much and I ended up winning, I believe that was what had drawn attention to my presence. Immediately I sat down, Joshua came to my side and sparked up a conversation, we spoke at lengths and I won't lie I was pretty much attracted to him.

We exchanged numbers before leaving and I believed that was a start of something great, he would call me and we'd gist about random stuff, I was the definition of “Fallen in love”.

Everybody close to me knew how I loved Joshua so much we were “The IT couple” or so I thought, gradually I started noticing changes in Joshua he'd stay days without speaking with me and even when I call we would talk for few minutes and he comes up with a flimsy excuse to end it.

Bear in mind that while all these were happening, Joshua had never for once asked me out, yeah! Funny, I know how stupid I was . Hey I'm not being harsh on myself, read to the end and if you don't agree I was stupid, then you'd surely agree I'm dumb.

I hadn't noticed we were not formally in a relationship because in my head we were married!!. Till that night I asked the most cliche question , “what are we?” It was at this moment Joshua gave me the most ridiculous answer I've ever heard “I am not ready for a relationship right now”.

You'd think after this, I'd receive sense and
Keep by pride intact by cutting ties with him, but No!!, instead I offered to be “the friend” he needed.

I guess deep down I believed that when he is ready for a relationship, he would choose me.

Joshua then traveled and things became worse, I will call and he won't pick up. Out of concern I begged my friend to follow me to his Friend's place and what I saw there shocked the living daylight out of me, it was his wedding program to another lady.

There was no way of committing suicide I didn't look up. It took a whole three months for me to get myself back, and by “get myself back” I mean continue my day to day activities. My once happy self was nowhere to be found…so when I say I've seen it all , you can at least give me a pass mark.

But hey! This is just one of many stories, it shouldn't determine your view on love because even for me it didn't. I admit it took a while for me to come back out into the dating world but I did.

And when I tell you I'm with one of the most amazing men right now, believe me and sure I didn't repeat my mistakes, he asked me out formally.

One thing I can say for sure about dating is that you need to experience it, to know it. But it all works out in the end.


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