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Did Wrong?

Did Wrong?
I have this female friend in my department who’s quite fond of me. We are really good friends just platonic, nothing more. Recently, she mentioned she’d be visiting me, but she didn’t give me a heads-up.

We had a conversation, and as I was about to leave for home, she casually mentioned that she would come over the next week. Well, the next week rolled around, and yesterday she told me to wait a bit so she could grab her bag and come to my place.

I wasn’t really on board with that. I felt uncomfortable because we usually discuss these things beforehand. It shouldn’t have been presented as a surprise; it felt unexpected and a bit like an emergency. I didn’t plan for her visit, and I wasn’t prepared at all.

After much pleading and trying to find the right words, I finally told her that I wouldn’t appreciate her coming over that particular day. To my surprise, she took offense. I felt pretty annoyed; instead of understanding where I was coming from, it seemed my words had hurt her.

When we saw each other at school today, she wouldn’t speak to me. Not a single word. I could see the disappointment in her eyes, and I knew that I had let her down. But the truth was, I simply wasn’t willing to have visitors that day. It didn’t feel right to invite her over when I hadn’t planned for it, I just knew it wasn’t the best idea.

@emmanuelofoma would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Tue, 4th Feb. 2025.
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Influenced Effect

Influenced Effect
I’ve always been someone who attended school early and never missed lectures. I would always sit in the front row during class, and my peers knew me as a very serious person. I wouldn’t say I was the brightest student, but I was certainly intelligent and knew how to handle my studies.

However, everything changed when I relocated and made a new friend in my department. Unfortunately, he turned out to be a bad influence. He often encouraged me to take things lightly, and as a result, my punctuality took a hit. Instead of leaving the house early for our 8 a.m. classes, he would ensure that we left at exactly 8 a.m just when class was starting.

Today was the worst example of this. We had an exam scheduled for 10 a.m., and instead of being prepared and arriving on time, I found myself scrambling at the last minute.

Just as we were about to leave our residence for school, another friend called to inform us that the exam had already started, and we were still far from campus. Panic set in, and we instantly began running. You can imagine how I was trying to maintain my composure, all while wearing my polished shoes, which quickly became covered in dust with every step.

When we finally arrived at the exam venue about ten minutes late, we faced additional delays. The invigilators lingered before allowing us in, and it took a lot of pleading and arguing before they would even listen to our explanations for our tardiness. It was a humiliating experience.

In that moment, I made a decision: instead of letting someone else’s negative influence drag me down, I would focus on making a positive impact on my own life and choices.

@kingjoeo would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Fri, 31st Jan. 2025.
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One more chance

One more chance
Yesterday, one of my friends called me, saying he wanted to break up with his wife. I was surprised because they are both still very young, not even up to 20 years old. Sadly, this kind of situation is becoming very common in my area. I decided to hear him out and asked him why he was considering such a big decision.

He explained that the main problem was a lack of respect from his wife. According to him, she would wake up in the morning and start eating without even greeting him. This kind of behavior hurt him deeply, and over time, he became fed up with her attitude. He felt that she didn’t regard him as her husband, which made him believe the marriage was no longer working.

After listening to him, I could tell he was angry and frustrated, so I advised him not to make a decision in the heat of the moment. I reminded him of their baby and how important it was to think carefully before breaking up their family. I told him that sometimes it’s better to talk things through and try to fix issues rather than give up too quickly, especially since they are both so young and still learning about life and relationships.

In my opinion, many young couples today are not fully prepared for marriage. They rush into it without understanding the responsibilities and sacrifices involved. It’s sad to see them struggle with things that could be resolved with proper communication and patience. I just hope my friend takes my advice and gives his marriage another chance.

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finding freedom and love

finding freedom and love
For three months, a nice guy had been asking me out. I liked him, but I was already in a relationship that was not good. Even though I felt unhappy, I did not want to hurt my current boyfriend by breaking up with him. I stayed in the relationship, hoping things would get better.

I noticed that I stopped reaching out to my boyfriend. It felt like I was pulling away, but deep down, I knew I was unhappy. My boyfriend was still trying hard to make things work, but we had many differences. I realized I didn’t want to be with someone like him anymore.

One day, my boyfriend called me. He said he couldn’t keep trying to make the relationship work. I could hear the sadness in his voice. When he decided to end things, I felt as though I'm about to lose something special but on a second that thought this was all I have wanted and as a matter of fact I initiated the process.

Now that I was single, I felt free and hopeful. There was another guy who had been very interested in me. He treated me kindly and seemed ready to do anything for my happiness. I started to think that maybe he could be the right person for me.

I took a deep breath and decided it was time to say yes to a new relationship. I smiled at the thought of starting fresh with someone who truly cared for me. It felt like a new beginning, and I was excited for what was to come.

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Knowing Your Worth: A Lesson in Self-Respect

Last year, I found myself in a situation that taught me a valuable lesson about self-worth. I had mustered up the courage to ask someone special out on a relationship, only to be rejected. But that wasn't the hardest part – it was what came after. She asked if we could just be friends, and I declined.

At first, it might seem harsh or prideful, but for me, it was a matter of self-respect. I knew that accepting her offer would have meant settling for something less than what I deserved. It would have been a compromise, a consolation prize.

But here's the thing: I'm not desperate. I'm not so eager to be in someone's life that I'll accept any terms. And I'm certainly not a coward who will hide in the friend zone, hoping that someday things might change.

Men, like fine wine, only get better with age. But sometimes, we forget our own worth. We settle for less, we compromise, and we lose sight of what we truly deserve.

I've had no regrets about my decision. In fact, it's been liberating. Since then, she's tried to reach out, but I haven't looked back. Why? Because I know my worth. I know that I deserve someone who wants me for who I am, without conditions or compromises.

So, to all the men out there, remember this: you are worthy of love, respect, and happiness. Don't settle for anything less. Don't be afraid to walk away from something that doesn't serve you. And never, ever forget your own worth.

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Networking again

I got invited to a business seminar and decided to attend because I wanted to meet new people and learn something useful. It seemed like a great opportunity to expand my network and gather some fresh ideas. I arrived early, settled in, and listened attentively as the speakers shared their insights.

During the break, the organizers encouraged us to connect with at least two people. I stood there, scanning the room for someone who seemed approachable. Just as I was about to make a move, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around, and to my surprise, it was Emma, someone I used to know from my old neighborhood.

Emma had been my neighbor back then, and I remembered how he would pray every night while playing his guitar. It was such a calming thing to hear, and I mentioned it to him right away. He laughed, saying he still plays but not as often. Seeing him brought back memories, and we started catching up on life.

From his appearance and the way he spoke, it was clear he was doing much better than when I last saw him. He seemed more confident and at ease. We shared a few more stories, and I couldn’t help but feel happy for his progress. Before the break ended, I asked for his contact, which he gladly shared.

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Planned Surprise

Planned Surprise
Yesterday was my best friend's birthday, and earlier, her elder sister had called me to help plan a wonderful surprise for her. I collaborated with her sister to create an exciting and fitting surprise for my best and closest friend. They felt like sisters to me, and I always felt very comfortable around them. Both their mother and father, along with their other siblings, treated me as one of their own. In fact, they made me feel incredibly special whenever I visited. Their mother often came to visit me as well.

Our friendship had not only brought us closer but also turned our families into a friendly, extended family. The bond we shared meant so much to all of us. So, I went to help plan the birthday surprise yesterday morning, deciding to visit randomly without prior notification.

When I arrived, my friend was suspicious about why I would visit so early in the morning, especially since I had mentioned I would be busy that day. I had to quickly come up with an excuse to dodge her questions. I then turned to our older sister and offered to accompany her to the market, which kept my friend from suspecting anything.

At the market, we gathered everything we needed for the surprise: a special cake, some festive decorations, and a money bouquet. It was just awesome! When we returned, we made sure to keep my friend distracted while we set up and decorated her room.

When we finally brought her in, it was a shock to her eyes, she was startled at the loads of surprises, all she could do was shout, and jump in joyful celebration. She was utterly amazed and so happy and I’m truly grateful to have her in my life.

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Puzzled Language

Puzzled Language
It's been a long while since we started sharing eye contact. I noticed this beautiful girl starting from my first year, 100 level. She was pretty, and I can say for myself that I was too handsome. Most times, I still get most of these girls, you know, under my beck and call. But I was a disciplined guy all the way. Even though someone flirts and they come into my direct message box to message me and text me all sorts of flirty things, I always stay true to myself and my discipline. I've come from a not-too-rich, less able background, and I haven't come to this university to frolic with girls or anything like that. The Lord has continued to sustain me all this while, and I owe Him all my respect and my integrity.

Three years into the university, I think having a girlfriend for myself wouldn't be a bad deal any longer. As I told you before, I believe I need to have that experience, and then this girl came to mind. She has always been secure and has acted disciplined all the way, except when she’s around me. She always likes to sit near me, keeps seats for me during lectures, and frequently checks up on me through phone calls, texts, and physical meetings. I've never heard that she was in a relationship or flirting with other guys, so she seemed like the best option.

I approached her, talked to her, and even took her on a date, but she said we could still be friends. I don’t understand what that statement means, especially since she also said she was not in a relationship.

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My paddy

My paddy
A friend of mine visited me, and while he was on his way, he got some food for himself without getting any for me. We are good friends; we see each other almost every day, we share things together, and we are very cool friends. It’s just that he didn’t get my own plate of food while he was getting his.

He claimed he was hungry and had been in school for several hours from morning until the evening when he came and hadn’t had anything to eat. So, I allowed him to eat, but he finished about half of the plate of food. Then, he received a call from his dad and went outside to answer it. That was when I picked up a new spoon and fed myself with the remaining half.

When he came back in, he was puzzled and then just burst out laughing. He knew he couldn't just eat food while I was there and wouldn’t have any, I no go allow am.

I just maintained my seriousness and continued eating. He cannot intimidate me in my own house. By the way, he was the one who came to visit me; he cannot come here, put me in a tight corner, or make me uncomfortable with the good smell of the food oozing all over the place. I couldn't let that happen. I fed myself and when I was done, got some soft drink for the both of us to complement the mood.

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For the sake of friendship

I’ve never really been a fan of alcohol; it always irritates me. But my good friend Prosper loves his drinks. When his birthday came around, I thought long and hard about what to get him. In the end, I decided on a nice bottle of wine, knowing it would make him happy.

On his birthday, I dropped off the wine and headed home. I figured he would have a busy day celebrating, so I thought he’d enjoy it. A few days later, I decided to visit him, thinking he might have finished the wine by now.

When I arrived, we exchanged pleasantries, and then he surprised me by pulling out that same bottle of wine I had given him. part of me wanted to say no, but I also didn’t want to hurt his feelings. After all, I was the one who bought it.

So, I sat down with him, and we shared the wine together. It was tempting, and we ended up having a good time, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of being unhappy. I had gone against my own preferences just to please a friend.

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Marriage Troubles

Marriage Troubles
She took my hands and made us swirl around in the dust as she sung what she thought was a romantic song- what she learnt from watching a lot of Nollywood movies.
She always dragged me by hand and forced marriage on me despite how young I was. Though I didn't like the fact that she paraded me along the village square and commanded my friends to stay away or snatching my privacy away each day, I still endured her company because she was pretty.

My younger sister and I had gone down to the Villa to celebrate Christmas with Granny and that was where I met my partner- Dubem.
Dubem was obviously older than me and schooled at a private junior secondary school at the town boarder. She was fluent in English which made her a bit respected by her fellow peers and it was with this ego that she had the courage to think she deserved me, a city-boy for herself.

We were walking down the red sand holding hands when she got distracted by an Udara tree (African star fruit). The tree was standing gloriously in a known compound decorated and decorated by the delicious yellow fruits.

"Pluck some Udara for me na, nwoke mara mma" Chidubem said, staring into my face with a pitiful look.

I was hesitant at first but as she pestered me, I decided to challenge my fear, knowing fully well that plucking any fruit in the community was against the village rules.
I was about to throw a second stone to a branch that held ripe seeds, when I felt something grab my arm.
I quickly stared at the spot where my supposed wife Dube was, and Voila! She was gone!
I glanced up to what was holding my arm, it was Mr. Maduka, a scary man who taunted children and disciplined the slightest misconduct.
"Are you from the Eze's? ", he asked me. I nodded instantly in affirmation, trying to wipe my teary eyes with the one hand I was left with.
"I will let you go today, but don't try this again", Mr. Maduka said, taking off his grip on me.

I scurried away happily, hopping along the shorter part that let to my Granny's house. It was my second chance to life and I won't let any Dubem influence my will ever again. Away with the marriage rubbish! I said before throwing myself on the bed.

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picnic at last

I always wanted to spend time with John, but we lived far apart. When I heard he was coming for Christmas, I was so happy! I decided to plan a picnic for us.

I thought about a nice spot by the lake, with tall trees around. I made a list of things to bring: a warm blanket, hot cocoa, and snacks. I even packed a small speaker for our favorite songs.

The day finally came. I woke up early, feeling excited. It was cold outside, which was a perfect weather for a perfect picnic I dressed warmly and took everything to the lake.

When I got there, I saw John walking toward me, all bundled up. His cheeks were red from the cold. We smiled at each other and hugged. It felt great to finally be together.

We sat on the blanket, drank hot cocoa, and shared stories. We laughed and talked about good times we had. As the sun set, the sky turned beautiful colors, and I felt really happy.

I played our favorite song on my phone, and we sang along. In that moment, I knew this was what I wanted a fun time with John, without any distance between us.

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Thought we shared a lot

Thought we shared a lot
When people usually spoke of roommate issues and similar topics, I would often exclude myself from the conversation. However, I must say that I now have personal experience with these roommate challenges. I once had a roommate with whom I shared a lot. I literally took care of him by providing most of the food. Every meal I cooked or bought, we would typically eat together.

He was usually very conservative with his own food, but I wasn't like that. I lived a very simple and transparent life. Eventually, it reached a point when my food supplies ran low, and I needed to rely on what little we had left until I could get more groceries from my parents. However, he reacted strangely; he seemed upset and even angry about the situation.

headed home, hoping to replenish my supplies. When I returned, I discovered he’d already eaten most of his own food, leaving only a few raw items behind. This time, I wasn’t as willing to share my food like I used to; I needed to look out for myself too. My change in attitude seemed to drive him even more over the edge.

He accused me of being a bad person, and shortly after, he decided to move out. I was conflicted. While part of me felt relieved, another part of me felt uneasy about how things had escalated. As the weeks passed, I noticed changes in him at school. He looked very stressed and was slimming down each day; the weight loss was evident, and he appeared pitiful to the eyes.

As weeks passed, he tried to rekindle our friendship. Yesterday, he even texted me, pleading to come back to our previous arrangemen, but I just couldn't overlook the betrayal. Trust, once broken, is hard to mend.

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Bad Stalker

Today, I was walking home from a friend's place when I noticed a car following me. It had been trailing me for at least fifteen minutes before I registered it. To be sure, I deliberately changed my route. The car followed suit, diverging right behind me. I took another turn and again, it followed my movements. Then, I started to run. That's when the car stopped.

A young man came down from the car, he called out to me, but fear had already taken hold. I stopped, keeping my distance. Seeing only one person in the car, the driver who had been following me, eased my terror slightly, but I still hesitated. He pleaded with me to approach, but I remained where I was, close enough to hear him, but not close enough to feel safe.

I could bet it was an admirer but he had already made an impression and it was clear that if I hadnts picked up pace, he might have followed me until I reached my house, isnt that creepy?
He was looking fine for a man and even though he repeated that he was carried away by my beauty that he didn't want to loose sight of me, I had defined him as a creepy person and all he said to me passed right through me.

At last, I gave him a fake number and continued my journey before he could utter another word.

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Breaking a habit

Breaking a habit
I had become very much uncomfortable with cooking for myself. This was unusual, as I typically only enjoyed food prepared by my immediate family. Before, I wouldn't even consider eating food made by anyone outside of my nuclear family.

However, my busy lecture schedule had disrupted my eating habits. I often found myself skipping breakfast and waiting until afternoon to eat. This had become a normal routine for me, and my body had adapted to it. Sometimes, I could even go a whole day without feeling hungry.

But when my friend visited, she expressed concern about my eating habits. She took the time to educate me on the potential health consequences of my actions. She warned me about the risks of stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal problems, which could arise from irregular eating and poor nutrition. Her words makea a whole lot of meaning, and I felt remorseful for my actions.

I decided then and there to make a change. I resolved to resume cooking my own meals, ensuring that I eat regular, balanced meals. If necessary, I would buy food that's easy to prepare, rather than relying on irregular meals or going hungry. I was determined to prioritize my health and avoid developing ulcers or other health problems.

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right in my face

right in my face
I ran into Cynthia today was an old friend and my former classmate from JSS3. She was my first crush, though I'm not willing to disclose any details about that.
Back then, I had drawn a very beautiful picture of a flower, and to make it special, I wrote Cynthia’s name on it. I brought it to classhappy to show my artwork.

I was quite skilled at drawing, and when I displayed it, my classmates marveled at my creation. However, everything changed when a good friend of mine, a guy in particular, approached the picture. Without asking for my permission, he grabbed it from my hands and rushed over to Cynthia. As he presented the artwork to her, he shouted that I was into her.

Kaii! That moment left me completely speechless. It felt like my heart had stopped for a second.

Cynthia appreciated the picture, but disappointedly, she gently declined to accept it. She claimed her parents would be against it. I didn’t understand her reasoning at the time. To me, it was just a thoughtful gift, a good gesture meant to show my appreciation for her beauty and nothing more. I hadn't pushed for anything romantic; I didn't even accompany the gift with a wish or a declaration of feelings. I was still young and inexperienced, simply wanting to express my admiration.

Reflecting on that moment now, I realize how much I've grown. When I ran into Cynthia recently, it opened my eyes to how naive I had been. Perhaps then, I was just a kid, caught up in the idea of beauty without grasping its complexities. Cynthia was a fair girl, definitely beautiful in her own right, but she was also quite short compared to my preferences these days.

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The Meet up

The Meet up
I was standing outside my lecture hall when I saw some nursing students coming out of their class. They were in a big hall down the road, right in front of me. Suddenly, I spotted an old friend from secondary school! We hadn't talked in almost five years, so I was really surprised to see her.

I didn't even know she was in school, and this was the first time I was seeing her since then. We started talking and catching up on everything. It felt really nice to see her again, and we exchanged our phone numbers so we could stay in touch.

While we were chatting, she mentioned that she was surprised by how confident and talkative I was now. Back in secondary school, I was shy and didn't speak much, so no one really heard my voice. It was fun to reconnect and share how we have both changed.

As we continued talking, my friend started to share how her school program was making her feel very stressed. She talked about how tough her classes were and how strict the teachers were about everything. I could understand how she felt because even though my own classes weren't as hard, I still had a lot to do every time we moved to a new clinical posting.

I think her department made things harder with their rules and schedules. It was interesting to hear about her experiences because it reminded me of my own challenges.

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Glaring Red Flag

I have been very good friends from 100 level. That's my first year. Till now, we are still friends. But recently, I decided to elevate this friendship into something else. Because this girl always told me about her feelings about me and how she thinks she wanted to take it serious. But me, I'm a very intentional guy. Not to talk more of myself, but I'm intentional. I do not want any relationship that I cannot picture in a family setting. This girl, I do not trust her moves. I do not like the way she behaves. So I just have kept her in a platonic zone for a very long time. And I never wanted a relationship until she was very serious about it. So I decided that we would talk about it after meeting up.

On our first meet up, she was steadily on her phone chatting, chatting. And then there was this chat. A name of a man appeared. I wanted to take a peek and she hid the phone.

It was very upsetting. Normally, she's a very open friend to me, and I knew immediately that there was something up with the chat, so I demanded to see it. It wasn't me trying to be possessive or acting jealous; I didn’t mean to peek or invade her privacy. It was just the name that captivated me, and how she was constantly hiding the phone, moving it up and down, trying to shield the contents while she typed. That increased my interest.

I told her to show it to me if she had a clear conscience. Remember, I was supposed to talk about the relationship between us on this day. But after that incident, when she refused to show me the chat for about 20 minutes while she fiddled with her phone, deleting texts or whatever she was doing, it became hard to ignore the red flags.

Eventually, she decided to come and show me, but by then, I had already made up my mind. The thoughts of a relationship were completely canceled for me. I couldn't move forward with someone I couldn't trust, and that was it.

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from ashes to beauty

Life in medical school has never been easy, especially when it comes to professional exams. My God, the system is just designed to frustrate students' efforts. I had worked so hard for my professional exam. Going for series of night classes with my friend Angela. The experience has never been easy, but we believe together we can cross this bridge.

Paying the huge sacrifice for success and to make Mum and Dad proud. Every day, after each exam, we stayed back and have a recheck on our answers, and judging by our performance, I thought we're both doing well. And somehow, I was convinced it will all end in victory.

Finally, our results were out, and we both went to the notice board to check for our results with so much enthusiasm, just with little uncertainty. I was very excited when I saw that I passed. I wanted to celebrate, but then I saw Angela's face. I needed no other explanation; she didn't pass. "How can I celebrate?" I thought.

Angela looked so sad, and I felt her pain. Instead of partying, I sat with her and said, "I'm so sorry. You worked so hard." Angela smiled through her tears. "I'm happy for you, but I just wish it was me too." At that point, I couldn't help it, as tears flowed down my eyes.

"What's left to do with these broken pieces on the floor?" she asked. "Beauty can always come out of ashes," I said to her, and then she felt encouraged and was energized to sit for the exam again, and this time around, she passed, even better than I did, with two distinctions.

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Are all Dreams Worth it

Are all Dreams Worth it
Owning a pet was something I looked forward to when I was still much younger. I always admired those movies where the protagonist or the actor would have one fluffy, admirable, small puppy that could talk.

I anticipated that when I grew up, maybe in the university, I would like to get myself a puppy. Not until some months back, a friend of mine kind of suggested that a particular seller was willing to sell a cute puppy for a lower amount. I quickly opted in on them, had to join money from this person and that person until then I met up with the amount and then I got this small puppy dog.

Since then, I've spent on this dog what I have not spent on myself.
I've stayed with this dog for some months now, and I must say that the money I've spent on this puppy is far more than what I've spent on reckless or careless expenditures. You know those expenditures that don’t require deeper thought you just spend, and then you realize you have wasted your money. I think this dog has taken its place.

I do not buy accessories again, I do not go for things that I admire anymore, and I do not even have any savings. Because of my fantasies, I have to budget for myself, and budget for this dog too, and it's taken much.

This dog is already family, and I do love it despite all its disadvantages, I must say. I can't give it up now I've come too far to give up. So let's see where it leads.

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The love that never worked

The love that never worked
It all began two years ago when I met her. There was an instant spark, a connection that felt undeniable. We laughed, shared secrets, and quickly began to spend more time together, getting to know each other's thought on destiny and purpose. It was a blissful time filled with youthful excitement and hope.

I've known mercy for quite some time now and there is know need snicking around, we both decide to be more official and by implications we started visiting each other's homes, not longer the formal way of waiting behind after lectures but this time around she can come to my house and me to her place as well.

My first visit to her place wasn't a bad one, as her parents thought I was just a school friend and probably came to have some home lectures with her. Little did they know that something fishing is going down 🤣 trust me I was looking cool and gentle all true my stay.

Things has been going so well but not this time around, I visited and she went to the market, it was just her dad at home. Cheerfully the old man offered I stay with him while I wait for my friend. Hmm 🤔 I was left with know choice but to sit, the man was not just interesting to be with but also very funny. I could not help but become very free with him.

I know you love my daughter he questioned? at this point I knew the man it's becoming very interested in our relationship, on a first thought I wanted to lie but on the other hand I knew he had seen us more offen than expected if i claim of just being a friend. I only said nothing but the truth.

Just like every other Nigerian man his next question was who are your parents and what is your family name. The atmosphere changed immediately I answered him. I suspected something was wrong, but just couldn't pick point what the problem was. Unfortunately my friend is home and our conversation was interrupted.

I wasn't surprised to see mercy with her dad in my place the next morning. I could sense the gravity of what was coming. Somewhere wetin my spirit I knew I had not done anything wrong and besides I and mercy hasn't bounded so there is no way she could be pregnant.

My dad was already in the sitting room when they entered, I was suprise to see both parents exchange pleasantries as though they've known from somewhere. With heavy hearts, they revealed the truth we were distantly related. Not close enough to be considered immediate family, but the connection was there a thread that tied our families together in a way that made our relationship complicated and, ultimately, unacceptable.

The news wasn't a good one. All at once, the joy we had shared turned into heartache. We were faced with an impossible decision to end what had blossomed between us. It was as if the universe had conspired to tear us apart just as we were discovering the depths of our feelings. In that moment, we both understood that love sometimes comes with boundaries we cannot cross.

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