The Night Fight
Something happened some nights ago in our compound, a fight between two roommates, Calista and Juliet. Juliet is the oldest, a 400 level student, while Calista is a 200 level student. They have been living together for some months, during which time I noticed that they don't get along very well, they are two different human beings who behave very differently. Juliet is a calm and straightforward person, while Calista will even trade her lectures for clubbing.
Though they are roommates, Calista's boyfriend do visit them in their room and stays till midnight, making Juliet very uncomfortable in the house, especially if she wants to change up or take her bath. Calista refused to heed to any advise or warning of letting her boyfriend visit her and stay that late till night, she will even insult Juliet in the process. Anything that Juliet objects that is not good, Calista will cease the opportunity to insult her.
There was a day I overheard Calista telling her friends that she will do anything she wants, and that Juliet can't do anything to her, and that even if she tries, she will fight her back. I laughed silently, knowing very well, that physically, Juliet will literally crush Calista like a bug. So many other incidents where Calista took advantage of Juliet's quietness and softness piled up till it was filled up some nights back. I always suspected that a physical fight is likely to happen between the two.
They use the same gas cylinder, and often contribute money equally to fill it. And Calista is a type of human being that baths hot water in the morning, afternoon and evening, she says she can't bath cold water. Juliet was not happy with it, she saw it as a waste of gas and tried to advise Calista to instead try and put the water under the sun. It was a complain that every human being jointly filling gas would do.
As usual, Calista replied with insults and dared Juliet to the face that she can't do anything about it. I'll say that her words provoked Juliet and there was a retaliation. Juliet got tired from all the piled up insults and landed Calista a slap, of which beatings followed after. They literally scattered everything inside their room, as Calista tried to fight back. This was around 11 pm and the neighbors came out to separate them, and see how it could be settled that night.
The two of them were so enraged that they still wanted to get back at each other and continue the fight, Calista knew she can't beat Juliet, but didn't want to feel like a weakling, so she refused to give up. Juliet that has always been known to be gentle and quiet was now looking violent and wild, all because she was pushed too much by her room mate. At least Calista learnt her lesson that Juliet isn't a weakling, she just doesn't like problems. We were outside till 2 am, trying to settle the issue, but it didn't work. They had to sleep in different rooms for that night. Calista has changed in a good way because of that incident, even though they were fined for fighting, but the fight had to come so somebody can learn.
Though they are roommates, Calista's boyfriend do visit them in their room and stays till midnight, making Juliet very uncomfortable in the house, especially if she wants to change up or take her bath. Calista refused to heed to any advise or warning of letting her boyfriend visit her and stay that late till night, she will even insult Juliet in the process. Anything that Juliet objects that is not good, Calista will cease the opportunity to insult her.
There was a day I overheard Calista telling her friends that she will do anything she wants, and that Juliet can't do anything to her, and that even if she tries, she will fight her back. I laughed silently, knowing very well, that physically, Juliet will literally crush Calista like a bug. So many other incidents where Calista took advantage of Juliet's quietness and softness piled up till it was filled up some nights back. I always suspected that a physical fight is likely to happen between the two.
They use the same gas cylinder, and often contribute money equally to fill it. And Calista is a type of human being that baths hot water in the morning, afternoon and evening, she says she can't bath cold water. Juliet was not happy with it, she saw it as a waste of gas and tried to advise Calista to instead try and put the water under the sun. It was a complain that every human being jointly filling gas would do.
As usual, Calista replied with insults and dared Juliet to the face that she can't do anything about it. I'll say that her words provoked Juliet and there was a retaliation. Juliet got tired from all the piled up insults and landed Calista a slap, of which beatings followed after. They literally scattered everything inside their room, as Calista tried to fight back. This was around 11 pm and the neighbors came out to separate them, and see how it could be settled that night.
The two of them were so enraged that they still wanted to get back at each other and continue the fight, Calista knew she can't beat Juliet, but didn't want to feel like a weakling, so she refused to give up. Juliet that has always been known to be gentle and quiet was now looking violent and wild, all because she was pushed too much by her room mate. At least Calista learnt her lesson that Juliet isn't a weakling, she just doesn't like problems. We were outside till 2 am, trying to settle the issue, but it didn't work. They had to sleep in different rooms for that night. Calista has changed in a good way because of that incident, even though they were fined for fighting, but the fight had to come so somebody can learn.