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Backfire/Gone-wrong Stories & Experiences

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Playing under the rain

Playing under the rain
We were outside, engrossed in a lively game of football under the pouring rain when we sensed the thunderstorm. At that point, I had already managed to score two goals, securing a solid lead for my team. Suddenly, the earth beneath our feet began to tremble and a lightning bolt struck nearby, sending a jolt of fear through our bodies.

Although we observed the lightning, we assumed it was a distant occurrence. To our astonishment, it was much closer than we had anticipated.

In a split second, we all understood the grave danger we faced and, in an instant, our amusing football game turned into a mad run for safety.

Abandoning the football and the field, we fled helter-skelter to seek refuge in different directions. Looking back, it was a funny sight to behold. Each one of us ran wildly, leaving the game behind, heading for cover. I couldn't help but ponder that it might be the last time I engage in such a wild football match under the rain.

@kingsleysom would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sun, 21st Jul. 2024.
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Kently Slips

Kently Slips
It had just stopped raining when we all set out to head to school. The streets were in a mess, paints of mud littered the whole roads, but we walked carefully, mindful of the potential disaster if we decided to walk faster acknowledging that we were late for the class. We figured the teacher would be lienient.

Kently seemed oddly indifferent to the conditions. Despite the mud and slippery surfaces that lay in wait, he forged ahead, leaving the rest of us behind. As he hastened, it appeared as though he had effortlessly scaled through the muddy trap, and for a moment, it seemed like he might indeed make it to school ahead of us

Kently was still walking with vigour when his feets were swept from the ground, letting out a grunt, he landed on the muddy pool.
We couldn't hide our laughter at the hilarious sight, yet we extended a hand to help him to his feet as he struggled to regain his balance, and helped him brush off the worst of the mud. Realizing the need to return home to clean up, Kently had no option but to retrace his steps.

We arrived at the school, and dutifully reported his (Kently's) unfortunate adventure to the teacher. Miraculously, despite his unfriendly response, the teacher excused Kently, allowing him to sign the attendance sheet after he arrived later in class.

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Nose Troubles

Nose Troubles
Today was a really tough day for me at school. Everything was going fine until the afternoon when I started feeling a tickle in my nose. At first, I thought it was just a small thing, maybe some dust or something that got stuck in there. But as time went on, it started to get worse.

I couldn't concentrate in my classes, and it was super frustrating. I kept sniffling and feeling uncomfortable. Even when I tried to eat my snacks, I couldn't enjoy them because I couldn't taste anything properly. It was like I was getting sick, even though I knew I wasn't.

By the time evening rolled around, I was really struggling. I was so relieved when the school day finally ended and I could go home. As soon as I got home, I rested my head and took some paracetamol to help me feel better. It did help a little, but I'm still sniffling, and I hope it goes away soon. It was definitely a challenging day, and I'm looking forward to feeling better. Good night

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My skills

I was in my bedroom when I inhaled the simmering aroma of the pot of meat from the gas cooker, my nostrils was literally blocked by the aromatic wonder, obviously I knew it was the handy work of my mum so when i approached the kitchen i heard my mom singing with her sonorous voice so decided to retreat.
I payed close attention to her waiting for the perfect time to strike my kid bro started crying in the room so she went in to see what the problem was and I made way into the kitchen and I took four pieces of meat to my room and I ate like a prudent thief to my satisfaction.
Time came for us to have dinner and I went to the time I noticed no plate was given to me and my mom dished the food and she gave me none and I asked why she said she saw what I did my heart started racing she said my punishment is I wouldn't eat 3 square meat I felt I huge remorse and regret.

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Bug invasion

Bug invasion
About 4 days ago, my friend Enable visited me. It was a much-needed catch-up session, and we spent the evening discussing everything under the sun while laughing and reminiscing about the year that had just passed.

As we chatted, Enable mentioned something that caught me off guard. She started telling me about the bed bug infestation in her apartment and how there were reports of bed bugs just a few blocks away from her residence.

I was genuinely taken aback by this news. I couldn't recall ever hearing about bed bugs being a problem in our area. I asked her if she had noticed any signs of bed bug attacks in her own room, to which she nodded and detailed the distressing experience.

Her words made me briefly worried, but I quickly reassured myself. I hadn't observed a single trace of bed bugs in my room, and I was confident that I wouldn't be suffering from any bed bug infestations anytime soon.
I reminded myself that our lodge had never had any reports of bed bug infestations, yet Enable's explanation about how terrifying they can be at night lingered in my mind.

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Extreme disappointment

Tonight was supposed to be easy. I was getting ready to go out and thought I had everything I needed. But when I reached for my charger, something unexpected happened. The charger head suddenly broke, and sparks flew everywhere! I was so surprised.

I had been looking forward to a trip that I thought wouldn't cost too much. But when I checked the prices, I was shocked again. They had doubled! I felt terrible. What was supposed to be a fun and relaxing journey had turned into a financial disaster. I just stood there, staring at my broken charger and feeling like my plans had been ruined. It was a really bad start to the evening.

I had been counting on that charger to keep my phone charged during my trip. Now it was useless. And to make things worse, I didn't have enough money for the trip anymore. I felt frustrated and disappointed. I had been so excited, and now everything was falling apart. I didn't know what to do.

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Nature is the best teacher

Nature is the best teacher
Sylvia, my dear friend, is a free-spirited girl who has a penchant for wearing tight gowns and short, skimpy skirts. No matter how many times I tried to advise her on her fashion choices, she just couldn't resist the temptation to wear these attention-grabbing outfits. I must admit, they always created an interesting impression, to say the least.

Now, one fateful day, as we were making our way to the minimarket in school, the heavens decided to open, and a harsh wind accompanied the rain. And wouldn't you know it, disaster struck! As the wind whipped around us, it caught Sylvia's short, skimpy gown and lifted it skyward, much to her dismay. Poor Sylvia looked utterly mortified as her dress billowed around her.

Doing my best to shield my friend from the intrusive gaze of onlookers, I guided her to a more sheltered area, and we managed to exchange her outfit for something more weather-appropriate. As I comforted her that day, I knew that this comical incident would serve as a turning point. I was confident that Sylvia, despite her love for unconventional fashion, would finally wave goodbye to her skimpy skirt collection.

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angeltalented✓☆ 🏆43 🌟85Angel Chidiebube Mbaoma
24d 5h

Twice a Distance

Twice a Distance
I have this vivid memory from my time back in secondary school. We always took this long route to school, though it was short for some, it was quite a lengthy journey for us. The walk to the school took about 40 minutes, and I trudged along this route every day. On this particular day, after reaching the junction where we usually waited for the school bus, I realized my trousers had torn at the back. It was beyond frustrating, and the only solution was to walk back 40 minutes to change into a different pair. I could feel my frustration growing, and it was a traumatizing experience for me.

The thought of retracing my steps for such a significant distance was daunting. I made the journey back, changed into a new pair of trousers, and finally made my way to school. It was a day I certainly wouldn't forget. Fortunately, I've moved on from those days. Now that I'm at university, I take extra care to double-check my clothing before leaving in order to avoid any uncomfortable experiences.

I vividly recall feeling deeply embarrassed that day, even though no one seemed to take notice—thankfully, I was able to conceal my frustration. However, it taught me a valuable lesson and led to a daily routine of checking my clothing thoroughly to prevent such dilemmas. Looking back, it was still a rather embarrassing experience, but I've grown from it.

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Late night ruins

Late night ruins
I had spent the entire day and part of the night engrossed in my books. By the time I finally decided to take a break and sort out some of my things, it was already 11 o'clock. As I began ironing my clothes, I suddenly recalled that I had left my bedsheet hanging outside to air. I left the iron forgetfully on my chair and dashed outside to retrieve the bedsheet. I got so caught up in arranging my bed that I completely forgot about the iron plugged in.

It wasn't until I felt a nudge in my mind that I was still freshening my clothes. I glanced over at the table and realized with true horror that the iron was still resting on my shirt. I raced over to it and thankfully managed to remove it in time, but it had already left a faint stain. I let out a sigh of relief and silently thanked the Lord that it was only a slight mark. I couldn't bear to think about what I would wear to school the next day if the stain had been worse.

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victorugochukwu✓☆ 🏆5 🌟6Victor Ugochukwu Okonkwo
27d 18h

Water with Taste

Two days ago, I went to buy a bag of water. I expected to pay the usual 250 Naira, but to my surprise, the price had gone up to 400 Naira. It was a bit of a shock, but I really needed the water, so I paid the new price.

When I got back to my place and took a sip, the water tasted weird. It didn't seem right, so I decided to do a chemical test. To my dismay, the water didn't pass the test. I had paid 400 Naira for water that didn't meet my standards. I felt frustrated and disappointed.

I went back to the seller to explain the issue, hoping to either get a refund or exchange the water. However, the seller was uncooperative and refused to take the water back or give me my money back. Feeling stuck, I had no choice but to throw the water away because I couldn't stand the taste.

The next day, I went to a nearby shop to buy water again, but this time I made sure the previous seller saw me. I wanted her to know that I didn't appreciate the way she had treated me. I bought a different bag of water from a different seller, and even though she seemed disappointed, I didn't care.

I felt better knowing I had stood up for myself and made it clear that I wouldn't tolerate being treated unfairly. I won't let anyone take advantage of me, especially when it comes to something as essential as water.

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Advantageous Rain

Advantageous Rain
I woke up at 3am to the sound of rain pouring outside. Normally, I would have rolled over and gone back to sleep, but I felt a sudden urge to relieve myself. I got out of bed and headed outside into the darkness, the breeze penetrating me to the bone.

Afterwards, I went back inside and decided to treat myself to a warm cup of hot chocolate. I boiled some water and mixed it with the rich, chocolatey powder, feeling the warmth spread through my body as I took a sip.

Just as I was starting to relax, I heard suspicious footsteps outside. I cautiously approached the window and peeked outside, my eyes scanning the darkness.

That's when I saw him - a stranger lurking around my neighbor's door, trying the handle to see if it was unlocked. My mind raced as I realized he was a thief, trying to take advantage of the rain to break in unnoticed.

Without hesitation, I raised an alarm, shouting loudly to scare him off. The stranger took off running, his footsteps echoing in the night as he fled the scene.

Thanks to my unexpected wakefulness and decision to relieve myself outside, I had foiled the thief's plans and kept my neighborhood safe. A night to be proud and grateful for indeed!

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When the Stomach Cries for Help

When the Stomach Cries for Help
I woke up this morning with a sense of urgency. We were supposed to have a lecture starting from 10:00 am today. As I hurried around, I realized I was lagging in time, so I skipped breakfast and hastily made my way to school. Little did I know, that was the beginning of my plights for the day.

Arriving at the school, my classmates and I were informed that the lecturer had moved the supposed lecture to 1:00 pm. Hunger was creeping in on me, but it wasn't too serious at that point. So I decided to hang on until the first lecture was over.

Time seemed to drag on slowly, and by 1:30 pm, the lecturer finally arrived and commenced the lecture. My stomach couldn't bear its thirstiness for food, and it grumbled, making it difficult to concentrate.

I silently prayed for the lecture to end so that I could go find something to eat. Finally, when the lecture did end, to my dismay, another lecturer took over immediately.

My stomach's growls were becoming more audible, and my face must have shouted hunger. After a seemingly endless class that ended by 3:00 pm, I could finally eat.

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Night Class Discoveries

Night Class Discoveries
As I entered the dimly lit classroom for night class, I spotted Odili, a long-time acquaintance, sitting at a desk. We weren't particularly close, but having a familiar face in the room gave me a sense of comfort. Little did I know that this nightly study session would reveal a side of her I had never seen before.

As we settled in for a long night of reading, I couldn't help but notice the array of snacks that Odili had brought along. Carbonated drinks, biscuits, sausage rolls (gala), and peanuts surrounded her, creating a mini feast on her desk. When she offered me a sausage roll, I accepted it with a smile, but as I observed her consumption of the sugary and processed snacks, I couldn't help but feel concerned.

I gently expressed my unease about her indulgence, especially the carbonated drinks, and cautioned her against consuming too many unhealthy snacks. I could sense her surprise at my unsolicited advice, but I felt compelled to speak up, despite our limited friendship.

As the night wore on, I thought nothing more of our discussion about snacks until Odili suddenly began to gasp for breath, her chest heaving as she struggled to inhale. Panic gripped me as I rushed to her side, trying to understand what could be causing such distress. Desperately, I reminded her of our earlier conversation about the carbonated drinks and their potential impact on her breathing.

While I comforted her as best I could, I couldn't shake the feeling that her excessive consumption of sugary and carbonated snacks had contributed to her current predicament. As we sought help, I hoped that Odili's health scare would serve as a wake-up call, not only for her but for anyone who underestimated the effects of unhealthy eating habits. It was a night that taught me that sometimes, even casual acquaintances can reveal unexpected sides of themselves, and that genuine concern knows no boundaries.

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Following a Trend

Following a Trend
I had never been one to follow fashion trends, but there was something about the cargo pant craze that caught my eye. Everywhere I looked, young people were sporting these baggy trousers, and they seemed to be all the rage.
Even though the price tag was a bit challenging, my curiosity got the better of me, and I found myself wanting to join in on the trend.

After some haggling with the sellers, I finally managed to negotiate a pair for myself. Excitement bubbled within me as I slipped the cargo pants on, but as I gazed at the reflection in the large mirror, my heart sank. The trousers seemed to engulf me, and the style was a far cry from my usual wardrobe choices. I felt like a clown in an oversized disguise.
The flair end was it's regular style but it wasn't working for me.

With a heavy breath, I resignedly hung the cargo pants in my wardrobe, silently acknowledging that they would remain nothing more than an addition to my collection.
Despite their price and popularity, I couldn't see myself ever donning them again. Some fashion trends, it seemed, were better admired from a distance.

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betty✓★ 🏆112 🌟80Bethrand Chibuike
2mo 11d

Heartbreak in the Kitchen

Heartbreak in the Kitchen
Three days ago, I found myself in the kitchen, engrossed in trying to fix a kettle of water on the verge of boiling over a fire. It was a rare moment where my attention was glued to my phone, an unusual sight for someone who prided himself on not being overly attached to the device. There was an urgent task that demanded my time and focus, and I couldn't afford to be distracted.

As I faced distraction from the kettle and my phone, disaster struck. The phone slipped from my grip, landing with a sickening thud on the hard kitchen floor. I winced as I saw the impact gravely crack the screen and touchpad. Annoyingly, the phone rebooted, and I silently hoped for the best as I bent down to inspect the damage.

To my relief, after the device came back on, it appeared that, apart from the crack on the screen, everything else seemed to be functioning normally. With a sigh, I carefully placed the phone in a safe spot and turned my attention back to the boiling water, swiftly pouring it into the awaiting custard.

However, when I finally returned to retrieve my phone, my heart sank. My previously operational device had become a victim of unseen damage. The crack, which I had hoped to be superficial, had extended to the inner screen, rendering the phone almost unreadable. I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment as I realized the extent of the harm.
But despite all this, we thank God.

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betty✓★ 🏆112 🌟80Bethrand Chibuike
2mo 17d

A Golden Quest

A Golden Quest
I want to take you all back in time to when I was in my early years, let's say 10/11. The interesting age, where the world was fun, where you can play with anything and everywhere.

Let's look past the playful part, my family is a learned one, we were rarely allowed to play after schools but during the festive seasons or long breaks, I was sent to the village along with my siblings to stay with my granny.

Life in the village is everything that home isnt, there we were free to play. Intact, there was a specific time that all neighbouring children comes out to play, it was usually lively and joyous.

Did I fail to mention that we did not need gas to cook? We used firewood and how we go about in search of these firewood is a whole new experience.

There was this massive mansion been constructed along the village square as at then, we decided to go hunt for some plank woods there. It was during this quest that we scaled a tall fence to get into its vicinity.

I was a newbie in this kind of lifestyle but I couldn't dull or else those village children would make mockery of me.
Replicated their moves and I was in.
We got enough woods, each of us with our own burden, now it was time to climb out, with a lot of tussle, I got my wood over the fencing and climbed on also.

I was seated on the fence waiting for the rest to climb up so we can get going when all of a sudden, there was a shout.
"The owner of the house is here!"
Everybody scampered, I didn't know what to do, I couldn't jump off due to the height of where I was, but I was struggling to get down when I slipped.

My head was banging when my eyes opened, I had fallen flat on the solid ground and felt pain all over.
I got up after all by the way, and the rest of the story...
I wish not to tell 😆

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HoneyBees injustice

HoneyBees injustice
I woke up to the sound of a sudden lightning strike, followed by a deafening thud coming from behind our house. I rushed outside, and there it was: a massive tree had fallen, its trunk hollowed out by honey bees that had made their home there for months. We had been anticipating the tree's fall, but we never expected it to be brought down by lightning.

The next morning, I walked outside to find my brother standing near the fallen tree, a jar of honey in his hands. He was dressed in a mishmash of clothes, looking almost like a colorful masquerade. I couldn't help but wonder about his strange appearance. Ignoring my mom's warnings, I dashed toward the fallen tree, only to be met with a searing pain as a bee stung me right on the nose. It was a shock unlike anything I'd ever felt before. My nose felt like it was swelling and pulsating, and tears welled up in my eyes as I sprinted back to the house and collapsed on the ground. My mom rushed over, soothing the sting with palm oil as I silently sobbed.

As I lay there, nursing my throbbing nose, I realized that this was my first bee sting, an unforgettable lesson learned.

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How I escaped from street robbers

How I escaped from street robbers
Heading to pick up my laptop from the repair shop was like going on a mission. I'd been without it for days, and I couldn't wait to have it back. I was pumped to catch up on work and chat with my friends online. It was going to be awesome.

But as I walked down the street, I noticed some sketchy-looking people hanging around. They seemed like trouble, and I got this uneasy feeling in my gut. I clutched my bag tighter, feeling a bit nervous.

Then, one of them stepped in front of me with a mean grin. He demanded I give them my stuff. My heart raced as I realized they were trying to rob me!

I tried to walk past them, but they surrounded me, blocking my way. I knew they wanted my laptop with everything in it, and I wasn't about to let them take it.

So, I swung my bag at one of them and took off running. They chased after me through the streets, but I was determined to keep my laptop safe.

Finally, I made it to the repair shop, out of breath but relieved. I grabbed my laptop and walked away, feeling grateful to have escaped without any harm. It was like something out of a movie, but I was just glad to have my laptop back in my hands.

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The cursed River

The cursed River
Have you heard of the Cursed River in Nigeria?

This River is one of the most mysterious places in Africa, according to history, it is said that if you capture a fish and try to cook it, the fish remains RAW regardless of how much heat you apply. This River is called INACHALO RIVER, Located in Idah local government Kogi state Nigeria. In ancient time, king IDOKO who ruled during the cessant inter tribal wars between the Jukuns and Igala Kingdom made an order for the inachalo river to be poisoned as a war tool to weaken the Jukun, because the jukun warriors depend on that river for their daily food supply whenever they came for attack as a result of the poisoning many Jukn warriors became weak and eventually died of starvation and food poisoning. Legend goes that the supernatural fishes are a result of the Jukum warriors who used the river escape by transforming into fishes. As part of ritual to end the war and bring peace to the Igala kingdom, princess “Oma Idoko” was buried alive along with 9 other female slaves. Till this day people in the area does not catch or eat the fish.

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Tade peeped behind the curtain separating his room from the living room for the third time.

"Ohhhhh" He mumured "Make dis woman comot nah"

He watched as his mother finally repacked her makeup kit and stowed it in it's usual position on the shelf.

"Tade!" She called

"Ma" he replied and walked into the room.

"I'm off to see Iya Gbenga, please don't leave this house, Salihu will come by to drop a new bale of clothes for me"

Tade's face soured 'No nah' he thought 'Not today of all days'

"Mama, but I have to go to church by Six" he said

"Church?!" His mother yelled "Dem no born you well, is it the church that is feeding you, Tade if you're not at home when Salihu deliver those clothes this house will not contain both of us" She hissed, tweaked her bright yellow gele that matched the rest of her outfit, picked up her handbag and stormed out of the house.

Tade sat on the steps in front of the house and waited on Salihu. He glanced at the cheap watch strapped to his left wrist, it was few minutes till Six, soon Kola would call for him.

He got up and walked a few paces forward and turned to stare at the rickety apartment he and his mother lived in. The walls were brown and so dirty he couldn't discern the original colour it was painted in, that is if it had ever been painted. The roof was rusty and leaked in several places. Most of the window shutters were broken giving free entrance to mosquitoes and other vile insects.

He sighed and shook his head but not after that day, after that day, things would change, after that day, his mother would never have to suffer again, instead of selling those nasty clothes, he'd open a boutique for her so that she can hold her head up high in the midst of other women. Yes, he assured himself, it was all for his mother, to give her a comfortable life.

Kola don show am the way, Kola don show am say good boy no dey pay.

He took one last glance at the road stretching to the end of the street. Seeing no sign of Salihu, he locked the house and dropped the key in it's usual hiding place.

He turned around and saw Kola behind him.

"Kola" he grinned

"My Gee" Kola replied bumping Tade's fists and patting his back "You don ready?"

"Yes" Tade said, nodding his head.

The two of them made their way around the cluster of houses Calling out to friends and replying greetings.

"Tade You dey go church?"

"Tade remember to pray for me oo"

"Tade, church boy"

"Tade where your Bible nah"

Tade shook his head, if only they knew...

It was not quite seven when they made it to the rendezvous point but it was already dark, it was the season where people ascribe the days as being 'shorter' and the nights 'longer'.

They were the first to arrive and while Kola chose to sit on a fallen log, Tade chose to remain standing, he was a bundle of nervous energy and he wondered how Kola could remain calm but then that was probably not his first time.

Not long after, the others arrived, three guys dressed in black.
Kola stood up and fist bumped each of them while Tade stood aside awkwardly.

One of the men came up to him "Na de boy be dis?"

"Yes boss K" Kola replied

Boss K surveyed Tade, from his low-cut hair to his button down shirt and plaid trousers.

"See as he dress, you think say na evangelism we dey go do?" He chuckled and his henchmen laughed along side him.

Boss K punched Tade's shoulders and he flinched

"Dis boy dey fear oo, you get de mind?"

"Yes sir" Tade replied

"Oya nah, make we go"

The site of the operation was Chief Olushola's house. Chief Olushola, a widower was a real estate tycoon, owning properties all over Lagos and surrounding states.
The house was enclosed in high walls and an iron fence but that was not a problem. Boss K had an 'in' with Ajayi, the gateman. He walked up to the gate, tapped lightly and the gate creaked open noiselessly.

"He dey inside?"

"Yes Boss" Ajayi replied "de money dey him study"

"Good boy" Boss K grinned "Go wait for us for location, when we return, I go settle you"

"Yes sir" Ajayi said and ran out of the compound.

Tade watched as Boss K dropped the bag he held on the ground and began handing out black masks and guns, he shivered as his fingers closed over the cold metal of the one given to him.

"No worry" Kola assured him "You no go use am"

Boss K led them to the door of the house and knocked. The door opened and he shoved the person inside the house.

Tade's breathing hiked, he could feel the sweat pouring out of his forehead and his shirt was already soaked despite the chilliness of the evening.
He took deep breathes " Do it for mama" he whispered to himself, trying to keep calm. He noticed that the others were already inside the house and he quickly followed them.
He saw a middle aged woman, probably the house help cowering on the floor beside chief Olushola who was being tied by one of Boss K's Lackeys.

Tade and Kola was left to cover both of them while the rest of the gang went upstairs to raid the study.
Tade surveyed chief Olushola, he was lying on the ground, his eyes closed, his breathing shallow. There was an angry gash on his forehead, he must have been hit by one of the guys. Tade wished the men to be faster so they'll leave the house and the Chief can be taken to a hospital.

"Tade" Kola called "I dey come, make I go piss"

Kola stepped out of the front door to relieve himself and Tade sighed he was feeling very uncomfortable and wondered why Boss K and his men were taking so long.
Suddenly, he heard a shriek and something shattered behind his head, he could feel blood trickling down his neck. Without looking back, he aimed the gun behind him and shot twice, he heard a gasp and a heavy thud as the person fell.

He turned to glance at the person on the ground behind him and screamed. All he could see was yellow, a bright yellow with two large patches of crimson.
He dropped to his knees pulling off his mask so he can see better.
"No...No..." He chanted "Not mama, mama is at Iya Gbenga's house ,No..."

"Tade" She whispered, blood sputtering from out of her mouth, the brightness in her eyes fading.

"No..." Tade clutched her hand with one of his own and stared at her glassy, lifeless eyes. Closing his fingers around the gun still in his other hand, he shoved it into his mouth and pulled the trigger.

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Won′t still let me be

Won′t still let me be
I was disturbed last night by a relentless buzzing, the familiar sound of mosquitoes on the prowl. No matter how many times I swatted, turned on fans, or used repellent, those persistent insects seemed to always find a way to bother me. I had made up my mind that enough was enough; I needed a more potent solution. As soon as the morning light filtered through my window, I headed out to buy an insecticide.

After a trip to the store, I had the insecticide in hand. I followed the instructions carefully and sprayed it throughout my room before retiring for the night. I decided to give the room some time to clear of fumes, standing outside for a while and patiently waiting for the action to take place. Finally, when I returned to my room, I felt confident that I could finally enjoy a mosquito-free evening.

However, as night fell, I was awakened by the familiar hum of mosquitoes. In disbelief, I turned on my flashlight, hoping to catch a glimpse of my adversaries, but there was nothing to be seen. I found myself questioning whether I was simply on the verge of numbness to the bites or if my mind was playing tricks on me. Perhaps, after battling with mosquitoes for so long, I no longer recognized the sensation of my skin being left untouched and the bites themselves. It seemed I could no longer differentiate between being bitten and simply the feeling of being preyed upon by the small, relentless pests so accustomed to bugging me.

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