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Happy Ending Stories & Experiences

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Our ball

Our ball
We had been having a fun time playing outside in the sun. Just yesterday afternoon, my friends and I were playing football in the field near my house. We were obviously having fun and chasing the ball around when the ball was shot out of the field.

A group of boys came from behind the trees. They looked angry and wanted to take our ball. I felt scared and didn’t know what to do, they looked like cultists. My friends and I stood close together, hoping they would leave us alone.

Then, one of the boys grabbed the ball and threatened us with a broken bottle, he walked away with his pack with him, we were stunned but we took courage and chased after them running as fast as we could. My heart was beating fast, and I felt very worried.

We ran through the field and into the street.Finally, he stopped near a big tree. He looked back at us and saw that we were all after them, so he dropped the ball and they wandered off with their troubles.

@destinyhunter would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Tue, 4th Feb. 2025.
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Never to be seen again

Back in college, we had to distribute questionnaires for the data collection part of our project. I told my colleague that we had to do it properly, no shortcuts or data manipulation like others were doing. If we got it right, we’d be able to defend our work confidently later on. So, we split up; he went toward the main entrance of the school while I took the back gate side, handing out questionnaires to everyone I saw on my way.

After a while, I got tired and decided to take a break. I walked into a small kiosk, bought a soft drink, and sat down to relax. As I sipped my drink, a young man walked in. Seeing an opportunity, I handed him a questionnaire. He filled it out without hesitation, but after he was done, he looked at my dusty feet and the stack of papers still in my hands. He asked if he could help me distribute the rest.

At first, I politely declined. It wasn’t his responsibility, and I didn’t want to trouble him. But he insisted, so I reluctantly gave him a small portion. To my surprise, he shook his head and asked for the whole stack, promising to return the completed forms within two days. He gave me his contact, took the papers, and left. I was still in shock at his willingness to help a complete stranger.

The next day, much earlier than expected, he came back. He handed me the stack of questionnaires, all filled out by different people. I flipped through them, and everything looked properly done. I was beyond grateful. It was rare to see someone go out of their way like that without expecting anything in return.

I couldn’t let him leave empty-handed, so I quickly pulled out a 2000 naira note and squeezed it into his hand. He hesitated but eventually accepted it with a small smile. After that day, I never saw him again. His phone number didn’t go through when I tried calling. To this day, I still wonder who he was and why he helped me so willingly.

@thestephen would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Mon, 3rd Feb. 2025.
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Creating histories in the kitchen

Creating histories in the kitchen
I love cooking and trying new things. Last time I cooked, I made fish soup. But it was a bad experience. There were many bones in the fish, and it made eating stressful. I didn't enjoy my soup.

So today, I decided to do something different. I went to the market and bought some meat instead. I had never made soup with meat before, but I thought, Why not? Let's give it a try!

As I started cooking, the smell was amazing. The meat was cooking nicely, and I was excited. I added some vegetables and spices to make it taste even better.

Finally, my soup was ready. I served myself a bowl and took a seat at the table. I was a little nervous, but as soon as I took my first bite, I knew I had made the right choice. The soup was delicious

I ate my whole bowl without worrying about bones. It felt great to enjoy my meal without any stress. I was proud of myself for trying something new.

After lunch, I felt happy and satisfied. I thought, "I should do this more often!" Trying new things can be scary, but it can also lead to new discoveries and happiness.

@bestie_love would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sat, 1st Feb. 2025.
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Golden Fruit

Golden Fruit
One sunny day, I went for a walk in my neighborhood. The sky was blue, and the birds were singing happily. As I walked, I saw a big pawpaw tree in someone’s garden. The pawpaw fruits were bright yellow and looked very tasty.

I felt curious and wanted to try one. I looked around to make sure no one was watching, then I reached up and picked a ripe pawpaw from the tree. It felt warm in my hands, and it smelled so sweet! I was so excited to eat it.

I ran home, holding the pawpaw carefully. When I got inside, I washed it with water to make it clean. Then, I took a knife and cut it open. The inside was golden and looked so yummy! The sweet smell filled the kitchen, and I couldn’t wait to taste it.

I took a big bite, and it was so sweet and juicy! It made me feel really happy. I closed my eyes and enjoyed every bite. It reminded me of fun summer days and how nice it is to eat fresh fruit.

When I finished the pawpaw, I felt very good inside. It was not just a fruit; it was a special moment that made me smile. I learned that sometimes, the best things in life are simple, just like that sweet pawpaw.

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Heartbroken But Not Broken

Heartbroken But Not Broken
It was the eve of Christmas, while other family members went about doing their last minute shopping and preparations, Ada sat at the backyard of her father’s compound, chin on hand, lost in thought. As tears flowed freely on her face, she remembered her last conversation with Victor, her ex-boyfriend.

Victor didn’t have much but he took care of her and her five siblings who depended on her for their upkeep, since their parents didn't have much. Ada had been the breadwinner of her family since she was 18, and when she met Victor she thought she had met a life saver or an angel because he took up the burden of taking care of her and her family. Ada then relaxed and only focused more on loving him and doing his bidding.

One fateful day, Victor had had enough and he started lashing out on Ada at any slightest provocation, on further interrogation, he shouted at Ada and said her family members were parasites who were out to suck him dry with their unending demands. Ada cried her eyes out at this revelation, but Victor was no longer having it so he told her he no longer wanted to have anything to do with her ever again. This broke her down emotionally and broke her spirit because she thought she had found the 'one' in Victor.

After much efforts to win Victor's heart back, Ada finally summoned courage and left the city to clear her head. She had been in the village ever since almost withering away because of her constant tears and depression.

She finally returned to reality and vowed within herself that she was not going into another relationship until she gets a job and is able to stand on her feet financially, after all Victor had moved on and had even gotten married to someone else, who she heard was rich and doing well for herself. With this new resolve, Ada wiped her tears and went to bed, because it was already evening.

After months of job hunting and doing menial jobs to survive, Ada finally got a well paying job and was able to take care of her folks back home. On one occasion, a colleague of hers jokingly said he was going to get her a husband, and that was how he introduced her to Richard.

Ada made sure she wasn't dependent on Richard for anything because she didn't want history to repeat itself. In fact she made sure she got things for Richard instead and even cooked for him with her money. Even when Richard would insist on giving her money Ada would reject it, saying she really wanted to do it. In less than a year, Richard knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Ada, and wasted no time in popping the question. They both got married in an intimate wedding ceremony, with friends and family members present. And after the ceremony the first gift Richard got for Ada was a brand new car. Even though Richard is a generous man, Ada still makes sure she contributes her quota to the family and does her best for her siblings as well.

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On the edge of ignorance

On the edge of ignorance
The church TV stopped working, and everyone, including my leader and the media unit, believed it had a major fault. I was given the task of repairing it, and we planned to get it done on Tuesday. But on Sunday evening, I had this thought to go and check the TV myself on Monday, just to confirm it wasn’t working before we started repairs.

On Monday, I went to the church and got the keys to the media room. The person who was supposed to help me couldn’t come because of exams, so I was left alone with two problems: how to start the generator and how to fix the TV. I didn’t know much about the generator, but after about five minutes of trying, I figured it out, and the gen started running.

With power available, I focused on the TV. I pressed all the buttons I could find, trying different combinations, but the screen remained blank. I was about to give up when I decided to check the TV manual, something I should have done earlier. That’s when I discovered a hidden button at the back, bigger than the others. I pressed it, and to my surprise, the TV came back to life!

I couldn’t believe it. The problem was as simple as pressing the main power button, yet everyone thought the TV was damaged. If we had called a repairman, he could have easily charged us a lot of money for something so small, especially if he wasn’t honest.

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Paying it forward

Paying it forward
As I watched students rushing around, I felt a wave of memories wash over me. Just two years ago, I was one of those nervous second-year students, studying hard for a tough exam. Many students had failed that course, and I remembered how stressful it was.

I saw my classmates flipping through textbooks and writing notes. They looked stressed, and I felt some sympathy for them. I remembered all the late nights and cups of coffee I had gone through to prepare.

Let's go back to the main business of the day as I wouldn't want to waste my entire morning on things that wouldn't benefit me. Just then the memories of a senior colleague who happened to be of a great help and assistance during those hard times and how we had grown close while studying together.

Feeling inspired, I decided to talk to some students nearby. I walked over to a group at a table covered with books. “How’s the studying going?” I asked with a smile.

They looked surprised. One student admitted, “It’s overwhelming. This course feels impossible.”

I remembered those feelings from two years ago. “I know how you feel,” I said. “But it’s manageable. I got through it.” I shared some powerful mnemonics that will help them remember some important points, and I left them with some tips on staying organized and taking breaks. Their faces brightened, and soon they were laughing.

After a good chat, I wished them luck and went to my usual study spot. I didn’t get my favorite table, but I felt good for helping others who were facing the same challenges I once had.

As I opened my textbooks, I felt a boost of energy. I thought about how important it is to encourage each other. Today was about more than just my studying; it was about building a supportive community. With that in mind, I dove into my work, grateful for how far I had come.

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The Battle of the Fruits

Once upon a time, in the vibrant town of Fruitville, nestled next to the neighboring Nuttyville, an epic love triangle was brewing. Ms. Groundnut, the most beautiful peanut in all of Nuttyville, had captured the hearts of two determined suitors: Mr. Banana, the tall, smooth-talking fruit with a curve as sharp as his wit, and Mr. Apple, the round, polished charmer with a shine brighter than the morning sun.
The Love Dilemma

Ms. Groundnut was flattered but flustered. "Oh dear," she sighed, smoothing out her peanut shell. "How do I choose between two such fine gentlemen?"

Banana leaned casually against a coconut tree, his yellow peel glistening in the sunlight. "Ms. Groundnut, you don’t need to think twice. I’m the sweetest fruit in all of Fruitville. My potassium levels are off the charts, and my smoothies are legendary!"

Apple rolled into the conversation with a dramatic bounce. "Don’t listen to him, Ms. Groundnut. He’s all mush inside! I’m firm, reliable, and versatile. I can be a pie, a juice, or even a cider. Plus, an apple a day keeps the doctor away!"

Ms. Groundnut giggled nervously. "You both have strong points, but this is a tough nut to crack."
The Great Showdown

To settle the matter, the fruits of Fruitville and the nuts of Nuttyville agreed to host a competition. The winner would earn Ms. Groundnut's hand in marriage.
Round 1: Talent Show

Banana performed a daring slip-and-slide routine, leaving the crowd in stitches as he zoomed across the stage. "They call me the comedy king for a reason!" he boasted, bowing dramatically.

Apple, not to be outdone, performed a juggling act using oranges, grapes, and even a kiwi. "Versatility, folks!" he declared. The crowd roared in approval.

Ms. Groundnut clapped politely. "Very impressive, gentlemen. But I’m not quite convinced yet."
Round 2: The Cooking Challenge

Banana whipped up his famous banana split, complete with whipped cream, cherries, and sprinkles. "Taste the magic!" he exclaimed as the judges dug in.

Apple prepared a warm apple crumble with a dollop of vanilla ice cream. "Simple, classic, and delicious," he said with a confident grin.

The judges were torn. Ms. Groundnut was beginning to sweat.
Round 3: The Love Declaration

Finally, it was time for the heartfelt declarations.

Banana stepped forward, holding a bouquet of sugarcane. "Ms. Groundnut, my heart has been peeled for you since the day we met. You’re my better half, and together, we’d make the perfect trail mix!"

The crowd swooned.

Apple, not one to lose, rolled up with a box of caramel apples. "Ms. Groundnut, you are the crunch to my sweetness. Without you, life would be the pits. Marry me, and let’s make Fruitville and Nuttyville the sweetest place on earth!"

Ms. Groundnut felt her shell blush. Both were so convincing!
The Twist

As the crowd waited with bated breath, a sudden commotion erupted. A cheeky coconut strutted onto the stage. "Wait a minute!" he yelled. "Why should Banana or Apple win? Ms. Groundnut, I’ve loved you since forever. I’m sturdy, I’m tropical, and I make excellent oil!"

Gasps filled the air as the audience turned to Ms. Groundnut. She giggled and finally spoke.

"Banana, Apple, and Coconut, you’ve all been amazing. But the truth is…" She paused dramatically, "...I’m already married—to Mr. Cashew!"

The crowd erupted into laughter as Mr. Cashew, a humble and quiet nut, waved shyly from the sidelines.

Banana slipped in shock, Apple rolled offstage, and Coconut cracked under the pressure. Ms. Groundnut held her husband's hand and said, "Sometimes, the best match isn’t the loudest or the shiniest—it’s the one who’s been there all along."

And so, the fruits and nuts of the land learned that love, much like a good trail mix, is all about balance.

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Rest for another day

Today was my resting day, and I didn’t even plan to step outside until evening. I cooked on Sunday so I could relax properly without worrying about food. The plan was to stay indoors, sleep, and enjoy my own company. Everything was going smoothly until the unexpected happened.

In the afternoon, my close friend called me out of the blue. She was screaming so loudly on the phone that I thought someone had proposed to her! Curious, I quickly asked what was going on. She laughed and told me her uncle abroad had just sent her a New Year gift. Wahala for who no dey collect New Year gifts o! She sounded so happy, and honestly, I couldn’t help but share in her excitement.

She suggested we go out and treat ourselves to something nice to celebrate, and I couldn’t say no. Rest or no rest, this was too good to miss. I got ready quickly, and we left. The outing was super fun, and we laughed so much that I forgot how tired I was.

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Surviving the scorching days

Surviving the scorching days
It’s been so hot lately, and the heat has been unbearable. To make matters worse, my fan is currently undergoing repairs, leaving me with no other choice but to sleep shirtless to avoid the discomfort. The nights have been a struggle, and I find myself wishing for any form of relief from this heatwave.

Even at the barbershop yesterday, the weather’s intensity was obvious. The barber, despite having a big OX fan circling him every few seconds, was shirtless, trying to stay cool. It made me realize that everyone is battling this heat in their own way.

Thankfully, nature finally showed some mercy when it rained in the evening. The cool breeze and the soothing petrichor that filled the air were a blessing. I decided to take an evening walk to enjoy the refreshing change, letting the coolness seep into my skin and clear my head.

To end the day on a good note, I stopped by a shop to grab some sour candies and a chilled soft drink. With my small treat in hand, I headed back to my residence, grateful for the brief break from the relentless heat.

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Visit to Kanji

Visit to Kanji
I explored the area around the Nigerian Kanji Dam, the well-known electric dam in Naija It wasn't very close, but it was in the vicinity of my school, and I had never visited or seen how it worked. Today, I went on a little trip with three friends to check it out.

We took a vehicle that brought us straight to the entrance. After making the necessary arrangements and chatting with the security personnel, they ushered us in and gave us some instructions on how to behave. We paid a small fee and then entered the dam area. We found a good spot and admired the impressive concrete structure.

The structure of the dam was massive, and we stood in awe, looking at the waterfalls. There was a designated area nearby where people could play and have fun in the water, though it was a bit farther from the main dam. This spot was perfect for tourists who wanted to enjoy the beauty of the waterfall.

Unfortunately, we hadn't prepared for swimming or getting wet, so we could only watch, wishing we could dive in or magically produce our swimming suits. But our main purpose was to explore the area around our school, and we hadn't planned for swimming.

Afterall, it was a remarkable experience and a great sight to see. I encourage everyone to visit the Kanji Dam and see what generates electricity for your country.

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City Ego

It had been a long time since I played football. I used to enjoy football when I was back in the village, before I entered university. But now that I’m in university and living in the city, I feel like playing football is somewhat of a village thing or a wild activity. I’m not trying to ridicule the sport—it's actually enjoyable and very entertaining. It’s just that, you know, the city vibes and everything.

When I return to the village for holidays, I don’t really fancy playing on the dusty fields and grounds; it just feels out of place for me. However, I decided to put aside my fancy city-boy attitude and participate in the community game event. I hadn't realized how much I had lost in terms of my skills and regular playing until I started the football match. To my delight, I was pleased to take the wing position, number 11.

That was how the game started, and then we began playing. Everybody was just too fast for me. I couldn't even see the ball. The moment the ball touched my leg, it flew past me so fast that I barely saw it. We were playing, and they were scoring against our team, and I felt like I was the culprit. They always said that my wing required more action and participation, but I was just too slow.

They even planned on removing me from the game, but I wouldn’t let them. I couldn't let them ruin my confidence or cause me embarrassment. So, after the opponent scored their second goal, I decided to take off my shoes. That was when I began to recover my skills and expertise. I refused to let my city ego or whatever it was to affect my playing. I took it upon myself to push through.

With new found determination, I increased my speed and improved my skills. That was how I scored the first goal and then the second goal, too. I also made an assist pass to the 4th goal. We took the win and I was just too proud as people hailed my name.

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making the most of extra time

making the most of extra time
It was a bright Monday morning, and I was excited but nervous. Today was my presentation day. I had worked hard on it for weeks and couldn’t wait to share it. Even though I had wasted extra time maybe to prepare harder and build this core confidence.

When I got to school, I took my seat in the classroom. The first few students presented, and I felt my excitement grow, and I can't wait to share my thoughts

Some part of me was already telling me that I might not present considering the number of students and the the little delay the lectures had, though they tried to catch up with time

He rushed through the presentations, and I waited for my turn. Just when I thought it was almost my time, the lecture said he couldn’t continue. He was too tired and promised we would start with me next week.

I felt frustrated. I had spent the whole day waiting, and now I had to wait even longer. I walked home feeling disappointed.

When I got home, I dropped my bag and lay on my bed. I thought about how I had imagined sharing my work. But then I realized I still had a week to prepare. I decided to use that time to make my presentation even better. Next week, I would be ready.

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The troublemaker in a pot

Saturdays were always for farming. Our parents would wake up by 5 am, prepare everything we needed, and then wake us up to join them. By the time the roads were clear, we would all head to the farm together, ready for a day of hard work. It was a routine we had come to know so well.

One particular Saturday, we got to the farm and were shocked to see that wild animals had destroyed part of our crops. Some plants were uprooted, and others were just scattered all over. It wasn’t the first time this had happened, but it always hurt to see our hard work ruined. We got straight to work, trying to fix what we could and cleaning up the mess.

As we were working, we suddenly heard strange sounds coming from the lower end of the farm. Out of curiosity, I went to check what it was. There, I saw the culprit; a wild animal trapped in a pit with two of its legs stuck in the mud. I quickly called my brothers, and they came running. They tied the animal up and pulled it out of the pit. I felt pity for it and wished we could let it go, but my family was upset about the constant damage it caused to our farm.

Instead of releasing it, we brought it home. That evening, it was made into dinner. While we ate, my father said it was justice for all the trouble the animal had caused us.

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Just as the blasting sounds died out, the air weighed heavy of pungent smoke, and the lit tire burned in a distance.
The opponents thought it was the end of the firework show, but it was just the start of our Deceitful plans.

The residents who lived at Behind Zik's Flat street always held a youthful contest filled with fireworks with the next street - Amobi Street during each festive period, whether Christmas, New year or Easter celebration.
Usually, during this competition between us and the next street, other neighbouring streets came to witness the display and eventually, make judgements from the display that they had witnessed.

Earlier on, before the fixed time, I had planned with my friends to play low at first and then when our opponents had used up their finest bangers, we would then startle them with our finest reserves. It is a known saying that the last effect is always the loudest, and it was this last effect that we were after.

The crowed jeered in praises as we launched the last minute reserves in the air. It was so beautiful that even our rivals clapped in praise.
A great plan after all after we won the challenge.

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Outing: father and son

Outing: father and son
Now that I was dressed up, I heard my father say from the bedroom, "dress up let’s go." He was already getting ready, and I had no idea where he was headed. Hearing him tell me to dress up was unfamiliar, but it excited me. Whenever I dressed up to go somewhere with him, it was always a fun experience. Places like the kingsman meeting, youth gatherings, etc.

So, I dashed into my bathroom, had my bath, and put on one of my favorite casual outfits—just a bit of white and black paired with my flat shoes. I was waiting for him, and when he came out, he was smiling as he told me to get in the car. I entered the car, still unsure of where we were going, and shortly after, we made a turn and entered a beautiful space. It was like a restaurant but larger.
It was bigger than a restaurant; it was quite large, like a hotel but without all the big apartments for lodging. I sat down, and then surprisingly, my dad told me that I could order anything from the menu—anything at all, he said. I was feebly smiling; I couldn't even control it. I wanted to ask my dad, but I couldn't. I was all smiles as I murmured a thank you to him.

I quickly gestured to the waitress and gave her my order. I wanted pepper soup; the aroma of the pepper soup was all over the place, and I think immediately, even before looking at the menu, that was what I wanted with a drink to go with it. My father also collected the menu and made his order.
After some time, he gave me some advice and explained the reason for our outing. It was for a father-son advice talk, and it was memorable

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Tonight′s Blessings

Tonight′s Blessings
I will not lie; I did not attend the crossover night during Christmas, but this New Year, I made sure to be there. I prepared early—ate all my meals in advance—and was ready for the special night. Right now, I'm in church, and I had typed this story, knowing how the outcome of the event would unfold, and it's already going as planned.

We've already kicked things off with good music, the kind that makes you want to jump and shake the whole building. It's crossover night, and everyone is in high spirits, filled with vigor and energy. We are ready to celebrate and thank the Lord for helping us enter the new year of 2025 in good health.

At this moment, I've supported about five of my friends, and we've also gathered some vanguards, knockouts, and rockets for the prime time to reach. The fireworks are already set up, waiting for the clock to strike 12 AM. Once the church minister announces the crossover into a Happy New Year, we will make the fireworks look like pure magic. I can't wait for that moment.

Happy New Year, friends! 🎉

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Regaining my trust

Regaining my trust
I had gone back to the tailor who sewed one of the most disappointing clothes I had ever seen in my life. I returned to her shop about two days ago, and you wouldn't believe what I saw there. I noticed what I call top notch fashion dress. It was so goodlooking, and beautiful that I couldn't take my eyes off it. At first, I didn't even realize it was mine, but I recognized the material immediately.

Many thoughts were running through my mind, and I wondered whether it was still the same tailor who had sewn something so rubbish the last time I visited now creating something so beautiful. I decided to first meet the tailor and ask her about it.

When I finally confirmed that it was my clothing, I was filled with joy. I didn’t even know how to express myself, especially since the last time I had come, I vented my anger and showed her how disappointed I was. But this time, I didn't know how to react. I felt disappointment from the past and happiness from what I was seeing hanging before me.

She understood immediately that she had done a nice job, so she smiled and told me to try the cloth on. I put on the cloth, and it was a perfect fit. Not only was it a perfect fit, my waistline showed, and I admired myself in the mirror for several minutes until she was begging me to take it off so she could iron it before I took it. Well, I took it off, and then she ironed it. I paid her a tip, you know, an extra tip for the work, and everyone was happy. This is what I expected, not the other garbage.

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Not for me

Today was one of those free days, so I decided to try something new – learning how to play PES with a gamepad. Honestly, I wasn’t excited about it because I’ve never been into those types of games, but my brother insisted. He kept telling me, “Don’t worry, it gets easier after a while.” So, I thought, why not give it a shot?

The moment I started, I knew I was in trouble. Holding the gamepad felt so awkward; my fingers didn’t know where to go. Then trying to focus on the screen while pressing all those buttons? It was like trying to do two things at once with no clue how to do either. My brother kept explaining, but everything he said just made it more confusing. I couldn’t even make the players move in the right direction!

After struggling for what felt like forever, I finally gave up. I dropped the gamepad and told my brother I wasn’t built for this. He laughed and said I just needed more practice, but I wasn’t buying it. I already knew where my comfort zone was, and it wasn’t PES.

I went back to playing Candy Crush on my phone, where life made sense again. No complicated hand placements, no confusing controls, just me, some candies, and a simple goal. That’s my kind of game, and I’m perfectly fine with it.

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The new hotel

The new hotel
There was a new hotel around the corner, and during this festive season, I had already concluded with some of my siblings that we were going to go there and spend our Christmas, enjoying the atmosphere and all the fun that comes with it. On Christmas Day, I had saved up a little money, and my siblings had saved up as well for our hotel outing.

When we arrived, we ordered a plate of chicken and some drinks. It wasn't as expensive as we had feared, but we were pleased that our savings had served their purpose.

We were seated and moved from one form of entertainment to another. There was also a hype man who made the whole atmosphere even more enticing and enjoyable. I enjoyed every single bit of the experience—the lively clubbing, the excellent hotel management, and everything else. The staff was surprisingly friendly, which added to the warm

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River Fun

River Fun
The village people named the river the Echava River, E-C-H-A-V-A. That's where I went to swim with some of my friends. I think I had swum there once before, maybe twice, but this time I was swimming very freely. I had never heard of any rules governing the rivers or anything of the sort, and it was Christmas Day, so we went there to have fun.

We brought along some drinks, delicious cakes, tasty chops, and some chicken, which we enjoyed along the riverbank. Whenever we came to the riverbank, we took a few bites of our food before diving back into the water. It was truly a fun day, and I cherished the time with my friends.

While swimming, I decided to take a very long swim back to the other end of the river. I started off, and all of a sudden, I heard people shouting. At first, I had no idea they were shouting about me; I thought they were reacting to something else happening by the river. But when I looked up and waved, I realized they were actually telling me to come back. I quickly realized that I had made a mistake and had ventured too far. I never knew I could swim that fast these days; it amazed me all the way. However, I was also filled with fear and uncertainty as I made my way back.

As I swam and noticed that I was getting closer to them, I switched from swimming to walking when I reached the shallow end to meet my friends. When I finally got to them, they grabbed me and exclaimed how that part of the river had a history of drowning people and all sorts of bad news.
But such is never meant for me, God's favourite!

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