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Happy Ending Stories & Experiences

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Unbearable Temptation

Unbearable Temptation
Chikamso had been eyeing the tempting, luscious coconuts on the towering tree near the path to his school for a long time. Every day, as he passed by, he could feel his craving for the succulent fruits grow stronger. The coconuts seemed to call out to him, appearing like a prize waiting to be claimed.

One fateful day, after school, Chikamso decided it was time to seize the opportunity. He had been pondering over the idea for a while, and today, his desire to taste the fleshy, fruity coconuts won over his hesitation. He made a sly plan to gather a few of the coconuts for himself before anyone arrived to claim ownership.

With determination burning in his heart, Chikamso approached the tree as his heart raced with excitement. With skill and a bit of fearlessness, he ascended the heights of the coconut tree, driven by the promise of the delicious fruits. When he reached the top, his eyes widened with amazement at the size and lushness of the coconuts, hanging like treasures waiting to be discovered.

He carefully plucked a few of the ripe coconuts and was savoring the prospect of tasting them. However, in the midst of his delight, an unexpected interruption occurred - the owner of the tree appeared, catching Chikamso in the act. The owner stood there, stunned to find a young boy perched in his prized coconut tree.

Chikamso's heart sank as he felt an impending sense of guilt and fear of the consequences. He was initially tongue-tied, feeling trapped and unsure of how to explain himself to the owner. However, the owner, after his initial surprise, managed to understand Chikamso's temptation, and after some negotiations and explanations, he allowed Chikamso to pick one coconut as a gracious compromise.

Chikamso descended the tree, grateful for the owner's understanding and generosity. With one ripe, juicy coconut in hand, he made his way home, realizing that despite the unexpected turn of events, he had managed to bring home a small portion of the abundance he had sought

@peejaylalar would win 2000 NGN in if this story gets 15+ likes and higher likes than other stories of Sat, 4th May. 2024.
Show some love. Gift @peejaylalar something as TIPs

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