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Stories posted on Tue, 13th Feb. 2024

Heat of a lifetime

Heat of a lifetime
Last night was absolutely unbearable. The heat was unforgiving, and I found myself tossing and turning, drenched in sweat. It was as if my body had turned into its own personal sauna. I could hardly believe how profusely I was perspiring; it felt like I could literally wring out my clothes and take a bath in my own sweat. The thought was far from appealing, but that's just how relentless the heat was.

As the night dragged on, it became clear that sleep was a distant dream. I lay there, feeling like I was melting, unable to find any relief. It wasn't until the early hours of the morning, around 4am, that I finally caved in to my desperation for sleep. Feeling defeated, I grabbed a towel, wet it thoroughly, and laid it out on the floor. It was the best I could do. I collapsed on the damp, cool surface, hoping for some respite.

Eventually, the floor chilled my overheated body, and exhaustion finally won over the oppressive heat. I drifted off into a fitful sleep, with the faint aroma of the damp floor serving as a reminder of the night's torment. It wasn't the most dignified way to pass the night, but in that oppressive heat, any relief was a blessing. I could only hope that tonight would be kinder.

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Soon, the inmates were seen in a large open space, queuing for food. Jeslyn joined the queue when she got there.
The line was well arranged and traffic-free until it got to her turn.

Just when she stretched her plate to get her weird-looking share of the good, a complete rouge, looking like a wild man with her uniform tied to her waist and hair left to look like that of a porcupine. Plus almost all of her face and body had tattoos drawn on them with different colors, and face and ear piercings that would disgust any onlooker, pushed her plate away then stood in front of her to queue for food.

It was obvious the person was a troublemaker, so Jeslyn took a step back for all her followers to get in front of her, unbeknownst to her that she just made a huge mistake.

Well, not her fault though. What could she have done?

After the five troublemakers had taken their share, Jeslyn was about to walk forward when she was unceremoniously pulled from the back and shoved out of the line.

"Pretty idiot"

Those abusive words came out from the lips of a few people in the queue as they glared at her.

Jeslyn stood dumbfounded. She didn't understand why she was getting hated on for staying out of trouble until she heard, It

"No more food. You came too late. Come back early next time."

"Huh?" Jeslyn widened her eyes in horror. What do they mean by 'no more food?' In this large and beautiful prison?

Well, not very beautiful, but better than those she had seen with toilets and water in the same space where prisoners sleep.

Jeslyn glanced around the place and saw that there were only five people, plus herself that hadn't gotten any food.

Those prisoners who got nothing to eat glared at Jeslyn with fire brewing in their eyes.

Jeslyn felt her head growing numb from all the glares she was receiving from all sides and just wanted someone to save her from this situation.

"Hey, little bunny, come here."

'God, thank you!'
Jeslyn hurried off to her friends who were waving for her to come over.

She sat beside the two while looking at the disgusting food they were eating. It looked like beans, but the water was enough to drown a fish.

The bread or whatever they call it was burnt on both sides. She subconsciously frowned.

'Why would the cook even bother to burn bread? Does it add to the number they produce?' All she could come up with was that whoever made those bread was plainly wicked!

"You just got into the black book. Stick with us from now on, or else you'll be getting your a*s whopped." The pink said while her eyes were focused on her food.

"But I haven't done anything wrong," She said.

"Listen, little bunny. In here, you don't need to do anything wrong before you get killed, so obey her when she tells you anything," Yellow advised.

"Ok, I'm Sorry."

"Don't be apologetic when you are sure you did nothing wrong. However, that only applies to when you aren't weak like you are right now," Pink lectured.

"Ok, I understand, I'll remember that, thank you."

"Giving thanks should also come when the person you are thanking deserves it." Pink orate again.

Jeslyn blinked. But she deserved the appreciation, right?

"So, older sister, do you mind telling me what I did wrong?" She asked with pleading eyes.

"Stop acting coquettish with me. I might rape you right here," Yellow frowned.

Jeslyn bit her lip and lowered her head. What was she supposed to do as the humble girl she was?

"You are doing it again. Keep doing that and the queen might think you are calling her attention by seducing her. Get into anyone's bad book, but never, I mean, never, allow the queen to notice you. If she does, even though you get freedom from here, she will get out of jail just to look for you," Pink warned.

"Let me tell you a secret," Yellow smiled.

Jeslyn looked towards yellow and nodded.

"The queen is not simple. She goes in and out of jail the way she likes and nobody can stop her. Just now, she and her babies took two portions of food, which included yours and those four other girls and that's why they want to eat you whole. But don't worry, you are safe with us. No fly can hurt you when you are with us, well, except the queen and her babies, so watch out for that group of five."

Jeslyn nodded.

"Why are you so nice to me?" She asked after a while of silence.

She knew that it was rare for anyone to be this nice, especially in a place like this.

The two ladies ignored her and continued eating their food.

Jeslyn also stopped feeling curious. She just sat there with her palm placed under her jaw and with her elbow on the table as she watched them eat. She wasn't hungry as the food wasn't appealing.

In fact, putting that thing in her mouth would cause her to puke her guts out.

After they were done eating, the prisoners were taken to the open field to work on planting grains.

Jeslyn, who had no idea of how farming works stood by those two colored hair ladies while watching as they planted some grains, corn to be precise.

After a while, she learned that one had to make a little hole in the soft soil with a stick and put in two seeds before closing the hole.
She saw it as fun while others saw it as hard labor.

Yes, they have been doing this for the past one month and they still haven't covered half of the field that the eyes cannot even see where it ended.

Some places they planted on had grown, some were just sprouting, and others were still bare.

She admires the field whenever she decides to take a rest.

During the day, Jeslyn tries to act like everyone else, like she had nothing eating her up, but at night, she cries herself to sleep.

It's been three days since she was brought here and she hasn't eaten anything.

Those prisoners were taking revenge on her and she was sure of it.

Whenever she gets in the queue, they push her out.

At first, she didn't feel anything, but after not eating for two days straight, her body started to protest, and today being the third day of starving, her stomach was no longer giving her face as it had started to contend with her, making growling sounds.

"Little bunny, what's that sound? It's f*cking my ears, shut it!" Pink grumbled in annoyance as the grumbling of Jeslyn's stomach disturbed her peaceful sleep.
"I can't control it," she said in a small embarrassing tone.

"Don't tell me you are hungry?"

"Hehehe…" Jeslyn laughed awkwardly.

"So, little bunny is a mortal? I thought you were immune to food. Serves you right. This will teach you to stop letting others bully you into giving them what is rightfully yours. If you can't sleep, start doing exercise, it will tire you out and probably put you to sleep in no time." Pink suggested.

"Or, I can bang you and you'll fall asleep very quickly after a few orgasms, what do you say?" Yellow chimed in with a tease in her voice.

"Shut that damn hole of yours. Little bunny shouldn't be corrupted. Use your f"*cking fingers on your freaking pot!" Pink yelled.

"F*ck you, pink! I don't get satisfaction from my punny fingers. I want a tongue and a large pecker down there. I've missed those modafackers, like damn! When are they coming?"

"Just use the girls, gush!" Pink felt irritated. She didn't know when Yellow started to crave girls and she freaking wants to give her a black eye.

"Don't take my word for it, I don't do girls. You talk like you don't know me."

"Nah, I don't know you anymore. You keep saying girls these days and I just want to spank you for being bad."

Yellow sighed. "I saw the queen the other day and her girls doing bad things. She didn't even bother to keep her business clean. Anyways, I was just playing around and as for that nerdy wardress, you know me. I hate being woken from sleep with that banging on the bar like I'm some criminal."

"Aren't you? You are in the unit for hardcore criminals, first-degree murderers so, what makes you innocent?" Pink teased.

"Yeah, we all know the law is blind and unjust. Thank you for reminding me." A flicker of emotion other than sarcasm and a playful tone could be heard in her voice for a moment before it switched back to her usual playful tone.

Their words got Jeslyn thinking if they were unjustly sentenced like her and she found it to be likely. Although it's obvious that they are bad, not all bad people are killers, right?

So naive!

All she hopes for is that a kind-hearted person to remember her one day and save her from this mess. She mustn't let those people go, she must seek her vengeance as only a shell of the once carefree. Jeslyn was left to wander in this prison cell along with dead-hearted inmates.

All that her family and friends served her, she must return with interest.

As she made that declaration, unbeknownst to her, her loving husband whom she had forgotten she married was looking at the headlines his brother was reading aloud in another country.

"I can't believe this. She really killed her grandfather and was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole? Her lawyers must have been the most useless set of humans to live on earth. Even me, an idiot of law, could have handled her case better. Even though I couldn't prove her innocence, I could have appealed for a lesser punishment and labeled her crime as a mistake or self-defense. What type of a–"

"Call Smith," an emotionless voice sounded in Rex's ear.



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Jeslyn walked into the prison cell with a folded white towel, another pair of orange uniforms, and toiletries.
Hearing the sound of the door closing, she turned to look back but the wardress had left.

There were two ladies in the cell. Both of them giving the vibe of cold-blooded murderers. They had lots of tattoos on their bodies.

One was wearing her jumpsuit with the upper part tied around her waist, leaving only her white singlet while the other had her jumpsuit falling off one shoulder.

They had lots of piercings and weirdly colored hairs with yellow as the outline for one and pink for the other.

The prison cell wasn't that bad, compared to the ones she saw on TV and the news.

The bunk bed had three frames with the first and middle one occupied, so she walked towards the bed to climb to the top.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The one tying the upper part of her uniform on the waist asked with a villainous tone.

Jeslyn shivered and all the facade of confidence she had on was about to crumble when she saw the stare they were both giving her.
Those eyes were like those of a butcher who had seen a customer after so long.

"H–hi, I'm Jeslyn, Jeslyn Lee." She introduced herself. The last thing she wanted was to have a problem with any of them.

"Nobody cares, newbie. Come here," the other one with pink hair waved her over.

Jeslyn put down her stuff on the middle bed and slowly walked to the lady.

"Good. Go down on your knees," she instructed.

"Huh?" Jeslyn subconsciously reacted the way she would have if she was told to kneel by a stranger in her home.

There was a frown of disapproval on her face.

"Are you deaf?" The one with yellow hair asked.

Jeslyn's head reacted before her senses. She shook her head in denial.

"So go down on your knees, you are too tall," said the pink-haired lady.

'Too tall?' She was just a girl with a normal height of 5'ft 4, so how was she too tall?

It was clear that Jeslyn didn't understand that what they meant wasn't about her height, but for her to come down to their level since they were sitting and she was standing.

"Yellow, get her to her knees." The pink-haired one said to the yellow-haired one.

"W–what are you– thud!"

She was forced to her knees as yellow kicked the back of her knees.

Jeslyn yelped in pain with her head lowered to look at her kneeling legs.

Rough fingers entered her view and rested under her jaw and raised it to make her look at the pink-haired lady in the eyes.
"You are beautiful," She stated.

'It's an obvious fact! I'm the prettiest lady in Rose city!' She wanted to yell at the lady, but couldn't find the courage.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Too bad I hate to see pretty faces." The pink lady said with a shake of her head, shocking Jeslyn into leaving her mouth open.

"Hey, are you a goldfish now? Close your mouth." Yellow slapped her gently on the head. It was more like she was teasing than bullying her.

"Let her be, she was too stunned by my words. Little goldfish, do not blame me too much for what I'm about to do to your face. You should blame the lady who seduced that asshole that turned me into a mass murderer. If only she didn't seduce my man with that pretty face of hers, I wouldn't have tasted heartbreak and I wouldn't have killed all the guests at their wedding."

Jeslyn froze in shock, fear, and disbelief consumed her senses. She was brought into a cell with such a sick person?

"Do you want to know what I did to the cheating duo? I took them out of the church and boiled them alive until they–"

Jeslyn subconsciously dry heaved. Her innocent mind captured the scene and she couldn't help but retch.

"Hahaha… She's really a bunny, a cute bunny. I was just joking…" Pink laughed out loud.

Jeslyn was a little relieved when she heard that, but then, Pink said this.

"... I didn't boil them in a pot though, I poured hot oil on his d*ck and her p*ssy."

"Hahahah." Yellow laughed seeing Jeslyn's widened eyes.

"Ok, now that is another joke. But your expression is priceless, I love it." Pink said with a laugh and let Jeslyn's jaw go.

She rested her back on the wall and asked: "So, what brought a little bunny like you here?"

Jeslyn sat on the floor, feeling pains in her knees. "I– I was framed…"

"For a murder?"

She nodded even though she didn't know how Pink knew.

"Don't be shocked. These prison units are for murderers. So, who did you kill?"

"I didn't kill him…"

"It doesn't matter, little bunny. You were brought here, so accept you killed him."

"I didn't." She shook her head. How can she boldly accept she killed her grandfather?

"That's your problem. You better man up and be brave. If you show the queen this bunny side of yours, you'll be dangling from the ceiling the next day." Pink threw the warning nonchalantly.

Jeslyn blinked her long lashes in confusion.

"Ah, you don't know who the queen is. She's the–" Yellow was about to explain when Pink stopped her.

"Forget it. She'll find out tomorrow. She just came in, let her rest."

"That's right. You should rest first." Yellow said before she lay on the floor with her back.

Jeslyn climbed to the top bed with difficulty due to her aching knees and lay down on the bed, trying to block off their words that didn't seem to make sense as they looked at her. It was obvious they were talking about her, but she wasn't in the right frame of mind to care.

How again did she have such wicked people in her life?

Her sister, Christine, wasn't really her biological sister. Her mother had seen little Christine roaming around the streets without a grown-up to watch over her, so she made the authorities take her away.

The authorities placed Christine under their care for some time while looking out for her parents. Christine was only three years old then. So when nobody claimed the child after three months of daily adverts and awareness to the public, the authorities decided it would be best to send her to an orphanage but little Christine held on to Ms. Alice and refused to let go.

With a soft heart, Ms. Alice adopted Christine after having a talk with her husband, Mr. Wales.

Six years old Jeslyn was excited to know that she would be getting a sibling. After all, she had been on her parent's necks, disturbing them with the issue of wanting a sibling to play with.

Unbeknownst to her that she was pressuring her mother whom the doctor said could no longer give birth due to some medical condition that forced her womb to be removed.

Jeslyn could remember the first fight which happened between her parents was due to Christine being called an adopted child and getting bullied repeatedly in school. Ms. Alice took the matter with the school and the child's parents so incredibly that it ended up in court and the school got closed down.

Mr. Wales was angry that Ms. Alice took the matter to the extreme and ordered Christine to be sent back to the orphanage as she tends to cause too much trouble.

Ms. Alice packed out of the house to live alone in one of her mansions with her two daughters.

To her, telling her to return Christine to the orphanage was the same as telling her to denounce Jeslyn as her child.

What mother would do that?

At that time, Christine was already ten years old, so she had never been able to forget that day to date.

Learning what her adopted father said, Christine couldn't live freely with the family anymore and wouldn't dare to make mistakes assuming she would be sent away and that made the mother and daughter go all out to show her massive care and love.

On the day of Jeslyn's 18th birthday, Ms. Alice got drunk for the first time after the party, and the next day, she issued a divorce letter to Mr. Wales.

To this day, Jeslyn didn't know the full story, but from what she could gather, Ms. Alice found out that her husband whom she had married and given everything to was cheating on her with her assistant who was also her best friend.

Not just that, they had been betraying her for close to eighteen years, which meant that when Ms. Alice was pregnant with Jeslyn, her good husband was busy sleeping with his wife's assistant.

After the divorce, her mother returned to Country A while she and Christine chose to stay with their father who wouldn't let them leave with their mother.

At that time though, she was about to graduate from high school, so Ms. Alice saw no reason to fight for her custody since she was old enough to make her own decisions.

Jeslyn chose to stay with her father in Country G, but in a different apartment which her mother got her. She only had two months until she graduated high school before she would return to her mother in country A.

Christine chose to be with Jeslyn as she was more closer and free with her sister than their mother.

On the day of Jeslyn's graduation, a massive party was thrown in her name and weirdly enough, that was all she remembered before she found herself lying in a hospital bed in country A and realized later that she had been in a coma for 2 years and had selective amnesia, so everything that happened from the day of her graduation to the night before she woke up from coma were lost and nobody wanted to tell her about it.

A few days after she woke up from the coma, she discovered that her mother had died some months into her coma and it was that same month Mr. Wales held a lavish wedding for his pregnant mistress.

To Jeslyn's ears, it was more like they were celebrating Ms. Alice's demise.

From there on, Jeslyn's hatred for Mr. Wales was born and she cut communication with him, after all, he never asked about her well-being when she was in a coma.

She moved in with her grandfather after leaving the hospital. She had thought that her grandfather and her would live awkwardly since they didn't know each other well, but surprisingly, they hit off real good and that was the greatest decision she ever made in her life.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Christine and Mr. Lee.

Although the old man didn't show any hostility towards her, he also didn't try to force the bond that wasn't there, so they had an awkward relationship.

However, that didn't stop the old man from being a nice grandfather who wouldn't cater to his granddaughter. Whatever he did for Jeslyn, he also did for Christine.

Jeslyn blinked when she heard the sound from the iron gate. She turned to look at her inmates, but they weren't where she had left them earlier.

"Wake up!" The wardeness yelled as she hit her baton on the gate, creating a loud ringing sound in the room.

"Come on, stop being a frustrated b!tch! Did you not get enough shag from your man last night? I can relieve your stress right here, by eating your hole right here, after all, I do both genders, I'm neutral." Yellow said in an annoyed tone.

Even though Jeslyn wasn't the best when it comes to such slang, she still understood what that person was saying and it was gross.

What does she mean by eating her hole here?

"Shut the f*ck up, you as*wipe!" The wardeness yelled with her face turning red.

"Hahaha… it seems she's a nubcake," Yellow laughed.

"That's right, I haven't seen this face before… so red like a tomato," Pink added.

The two ladies made fun of the wardeness who clearly wasn't having it as she glared at them.

After feeling satisfied from mocking the wardress, Yellow asked: "What do you want? Don't tell us it's morning already."

"Glad you know that, now get your worthless a*s out of my sight!" The wardress yelled at them.

"M–morning?" Jeslyn whispered. It was already morning? She remembered she got into bed in the evening, so does that mean she was in deep thought until morning!?

"Hey, noob, get down!" The wardeness pointed the baton to Jeslyn who looked lost.

"Yes, ma'am," she responded as she tried to get down from the bed..



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