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Love over all

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there were two powerful kings named King SAPA and King Garri. These kings were known by all, not for their wisdom, but for their stubbornness. They never saw eye to eye, and their kingdoms were always at war with each other.

The reason for their constant quarrels? Well, it was like they couldn't agree on the color of the sky. They argued about everything from where the sun rises to the best way to plant crops. Their kingdoms, once friends, were now like two hissing cats.

In King Garri's kingdom, there lived a kind and beautiful princess named Berry. She was as sweet as honey and had a heart that was even kinder. One day, as she wandered through the forest, she bumped into a handsome young man named Shege. Unknown to everyone, Shege was King SAPA's son.

As they spent time together, Berry and Shege's hearts fell in love. They were careful to keep their friendship hidden, knowing that their fathers would not approve. But love is a tricky thing, and it has a way of finding its path even in the darkest corners.

One fateful day, while they were enjoying a peaceful moment beneath the shade of a tree, King Garri stumbled upon them. His heart sank, for he knew that the young man was from the enemy's kingdom. He felt torn between his love for his daughter and his hatred for the rival king.

Berry and Shege confessed their love, fearing the worst. But to their surprise, King Garri's face softened. He looked at his daughter, his heart melting at her happiness. He realized that love was stronger than any war, any anger. With a heart full of love for his daughter, King Garri did something unexpected. He sent messengers to King SAPA's kingdom, proposing a truce. The two kings agreed to meet, putting aside their differences for the sake of Berry and Shege.

In a grand hall filled with melodies, King Garri and King SAPA shook hands, ending years of bitterness. Their kingdoms, once divided, were now united by the power of love.

You see? Love can heal the deepest wounds we have gotten from being hurt, spread more love.

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Squirrels with my property

Once upon a time, in the town of Oakville, there lived a curious and tech-savvy boy named Stephen. Stephen was known for his love of gadgets, and his most prized possession was his trusty laptop, which he used for all sorts of adventures and creative projects.

One sunny afternoon, Stephen decided to take his laptop to a local park for some fresh air and a change of scenery. Little did he know that mischievous squirrels were lurking nearby, eager to cause trouble. As he became engrossed in his work, Stephen momentarily turned away from his laptop, only to discover that it had vanished when he looked back.

Panicked, Stephen searched high and low, but his beloved laptop seemed to have disappeared without a trace. Determined to get it back, he devised a plan. Stephen decided to leave a trail of his favorite snacks – cookies and nuts – leading from the park, all the way to his front door. He hoped that the scent would entice the culprits to return his laptop.

As luck would have it, the squirrels weren't able to resist the trail of treats. They eagerly followed the path, gobbling down the delicious offerings, and unknowingly leading Stephen right to their hidden stash. To his amazement, there it was, nestled among a pile of acorns, his laptop safe and sound.

Relieved and overjoyed, Stephen couldn't help but laugh at the comical situation. The mischievous squirrels had inadvertently become his laptop's protectors. From that day forward, he made sure to keep a close eye on his laptop, while also leaving occasional treats for his newfound squirrel friends.

Word of Stephen and his squirrel adventure spread throughout Oakville, becoming a favorite neighborhood tale. Stephen became known as the "Squirrel Laptop Hero," and his story served as a reminder that even in the most unexpected ways, laughter and a touch of silliness can turn a tale of loss into a hilarious and heartwarming memory.

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Bush baby

I've heard so much about this drèadful bush baby but nēver encountered it. It was said to be an ev!l pūssy cāt. Whenever I heard someone talk about how it atē hūmān, I listened aptly, with my eyēs widely stuck out.

I could remember when a friend of minē, testified on how he êscaped from it. He had gone out in the middle of the night, to urīnate.

He was already in the business of unzipping when he heard a baby cry, close by. However, he was too engrōssed in letting out the waste.

He humbly releasēd the Oga and díd his thing. With relīef written all over him, he turned back to leave. A step back, the voice cried again, even more louder.

Ozugbo Ozugbo, he managed to on the torch. Lo and behold, he had ūrinated on the bush baby, a few steps Infront. You know guy's urine can go far.

Immediately, he activated his legs and ran like never before. The way he shouted by 3am made his neighbors think he was robbēd.

As early as 7 am, they were knocking on his door to console hīm.

"Brother Josh, I hēard you scream at night. It seems you were robbēd. I just wanted to sympathize with you, my condolences. It is well. They didn't even hūrt you. Wow you're lucky. Eāch and every one of us here has been robbēd but none still lōoked as fresh as you. The lord is your armour"

He had stood speechless, not knowing how to narrate his ordeal. This was the fifth neighbor.

"Umm Josh, are you ok? You're not saying anything? Why do you look so frightened. Cheer up, the armed robbers are gone"

After hearing this from my friend, I stopped goīng out at night to urīnate. Infact, I developed a phobīa for urinating outside at night.

I was doing well until yesterday evening. I was returning from work by 10:40 pm, humming, catwalking and singing one of this blue songs. Enjoying the moment and shaking my head, oblivious of the fact that no single human was on the road.

I was so happy and needed to lift my spirits. The breeze was cool. The silence tempting. The trees dancing giving off cool breeze.

My voice suddenly became mēlodious. All my life, I had never knew I could sing like that. I cleared my throat and even increased the tempo. OMG!

"See voice" I imagined someone saying that to me.

Few poles to my house, I even employed dance moves. Then I saw something white, moving like a cat. I froze and forgot my lines. My voice cēased. My legs began to shake. My mind began to convince me it was bush baby. My head was already composing a baby cry.

At that point I remembered Jesus. I began to bind in my mind. Then this church song entered my heart "Come and fight my battle, fight my battle
Papa fight my battle, fight my battle
Holy ghost fight my battle, fight my battle"

With that song, I received strength and started shouting it. The way it looked at me. It was as if the cat laughed and said "make I just free you, blues singer". It was in a happy mood and catwalked into the nearby bush.

I heaved a sigh of relief and contīnuēd my journey, this time with speed. My heart beating timkpom timkpom.

My neck was stressed out more than my legs, because I had to turn like 100 times, to be sure the cat did not change it's mind. I had to evēn walk with my back facing the front, like someone walking with her back. When I made sure the coast was clear, I walked normally and murmured "Thank you Jesus" I said and began another set of worship "Thank you, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, for everything, you've done!"

My step changed to it's normal way. I was close to the gate when I saw something black moving towards my direction, with speed. I picked up my a stick, ready to scare whatever it was. Instead, the thing's speed increased times too. Omo I didn't have to act like a cool Christian this time, I dived towards the gate. My clothe tore at the armpits because of the diving. I never knew I had such defense skills.

Gbim it opēned and I ran inside and locked it. Only for me to peep through the holes and find out it was Black Nylon that was chasing me.

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Found my love

there was a man named Steve. He felt empty inside, like something was missing. But one day, he found a special book in a little bookstore. This book had stories about love and fate. Steve was inspired by one story and made a wish to find true love and happiness.

After a few months, Steve met Emily at a community event. They instantly connected with each other. They had so much in common, shared dreams, and felt a deep emotional bond. Being with Emily made Steve feel complete and loved like never before.

Their love story grew and they supported each other through all the ups and downs of life. Steve's encounter with the magical book had led him to the love he had always wanted.

This story reminds us that love can heal and make us feel whole. It shows that the universe guides us towards love, even when we least expect it. If you're looking for love, have hope and be open to new experiences. Trust in the power of destiny.

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At Radiant Secondary School, Dominion was a constant target for bullies who took pleasure in tormenting him daily. Their relentless teasing and mocking shattered his self-confidence, leaving him feeling defenseless and isolated.

Every day, Dominion wished he could muster the courage to stand up to the bullies and put an end to their tyranny. Yet, fear gripped his heart, preventing him from taking a stand. He longed for someone to protect him, to show him that he was not alone in his struggles.

Everything changed when Dominion's little brother, Ben, joined the same school. Ben was a bright-eyed and fearless boy, completely different from his older brother. When Dominion saw the innocent smile on Ben's face, he knew he had to protect him from experiencing the same torment he endured.

Determined to shield Ben from the bullies, Dominion decided that it was time to conquer his fears. He made a life-changing resolution to transform himself both physically and mentally. The very next day, he marched into the school gymnasium and began his journey towards becoming stronger.

With each passing day, Dominion dedicated himself to rigorous workouts and martial arts training. The once timid boy transformed into a determined young man, driven by the desire to protect his little brother and regain his own self-respect.

As his muscles grew, so did his inner strength. Dominion's newfound confidence began to shine through in his interactions with others. He was no longer the boy who slunk away from bullies; instead, he stood tall with a newfound courage, refusing to be a victim any longer.

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The Guy who sacrificed everything for Love

Once upon a time, there was a kind-hearted young man named Alex who lived in a small town. He fell in love with a beautiful girl named Emily, who was rich and came from a wealthy family. Alex's love for Emily was so strong that he couldn't stop thinking about her.

Even though they were from different backgrounds, Alex couldn't help but admire Emily from a distance. He wanted to tell her about his feelings, but he knew it wouldn't be accepted in their society.

As time passed, Alex's love for Emily grew even stronger. He decided to do something special to show his love. He sold all his belongings and gave the money to people in need. He believed that by giving up everything he had, he could prove his love for Emily was real.

People in the town didn't understand why Alex was doing this, but he didn't care. All that mattered to him was Emily and the love he had for her.

When Emily heard about Alex's sacrifice, she was moved and wanted to know why he did it. Alex told her that his heart belonged only to her and that he would do anything to show his love.

Emily was touched by Alex's selflessness and realized that she couldn't let go of such a rare and genuine love. From that day on, they became a couple, and their love story became famous in the town.

Together, they showed everyone the power of true love that goes beyond material things. They proved that love can overcome anything and create a bond that is unbreakable.

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As I sat down after paying for my pint I was taken with how much the pub had changed over the years. Not in a bad way, per se. Just moved along with the times, I supposed. It was no longer the haunt of 16 year olds drinking strong cider and hoping the landlord wouldn't throw them out. And quite right, too, for 16 year olds had no business being in pubs. God, I was getting more and more like my old man

Anyhow, I was into my third sup when a young lady held out her hand and said "Hi, Jeff, it's Louise."

Taken aback, because my name's Paul, I must have looked like a right plonker. "Louise? Daffygirl 75? From the website," she continued.

Then I got it. She must be having a blind date and I'd looked enough like the description of this Jeff guy for her to introduce herself. I shook my head and shrugged.

"Im sorry, Louise. My name's Paul. You've got the wrong guy, I'm afraid."

And in that moment she seemed to be disappointed, though enough girls have been disappointed when it IS me they're meeting. So that meant nothing. But though I've never been confident with women, I then suggested to her that if she took a seat at an empty table, Jeff would turn up. But if he didn't, she was very welcome to sit with me. Because she was really pretty and that would have been nice. And I was brave enough to suggest that because there was no chance of rejection and embarrassment. Either the guy would turn up or he wouldn't. In which case she'd slope off feeling hurt.

After about thirty minutes, though, she introduced herself again, much to my surprise. "Looks like Jeff's stood me up," she said. "Would it be alright if I sat down?"

And in that moment I kind of lost the power of intelligent conversation. "Err.....yea," fell out of my mouth instead. Long story short, we talked for ages. It was relaxed and low key. Because I wasn't on notice to play the part of a sophisticated, witty, sexy guy, I was relaxed and my conversation was the better for it. We talked about tons of stuff and, because it wasn't a date, I didn't fumble or stumble. That said, I was still surprised when she wrote her phone number on a scap of paper and put it into my hand just before she left the pub.

I rang her a couple of days later, worried that the magic of our first meeting was a one hit wonder. As it turned out, though, it was the opposite. It wasn't exactly love at second sight, but over the next few weeks, and then the next month or three, it developed into it. And we moved in together a year later. And I've never been happier.

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You Hurt Me

I think I was in primary 4 when it all began.
Beaula was obviously a pretty little girl and so was I a handsome little boy on the other hand 😁.

We began to relate closely and more fond of each other. We'd come to school together, play together and even share our snacks.
We were often seen as siblings but we had no blood relation what so ever.

You could call it love at childhood, but we know little about it's true meaning then. We were just friends, closer friends. She was always around me, yes. But that doesn't mean we were always together.

So it happened that we were playing during one of those short break times in school when I roughly stepped on her foot with my full weight unintentionally.
Immediately, she released a slap on my forehead.

Her eyes were filled with remorse because she didn't mean to slap me but in reaction to the pain, she did.
I didn't expect the slap, not from her. Though I knew it was not her intention to retaliate with a slap, I couldn't forgive her when she begged.

I left her when the bell which marked dismissal rang. She ran to me on my way and grabbed my hand, but I shook it off. She recoiled and her face lost colour.

Her parents came to our house the following morning to ask about what transpired between us that had left their daughter in a bad and unhappy state throughout the previous day.

We walked to school together after they tried settling it. She was still sad and I uttered no words to her nor did I crack my usual jokes.
I looked at her face and it was gloomy, I stretched out my hands to her.
She was amazed and grabbed me at once, she grinned and said sorry softly.
I looked at her and with a smile I told her that I was still angry at her despite.
She brought out the biscuits she had in her bag, we shared it and then I forgave her.

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Her gaze was thrilling as she stared towards my direction. She had pink lips and her nose was carefully carved to perfection.
Her skin glowed and radiated the light coming from the window where she stood, she was a god.

I looked upon her in awe. Captivated by her beauty and feminine stature, my jaw dropped.
"who is this girl", my mind spoke audibly.
I took another quick look around, to regain consciousness and then fixed it back on her face, her eyes caught mine and...

I had never looked upon a woman the way I was doing. In fact no beauty could ever move me. I have trained myself over the years never to be carried away by any female and have maintained this until now.

I should have pulled my face away from her beautiful prying eyes, but I didn't. I kept on looking until the lecturer began.
While he (lecturer) taught, I stole glances at the angel, some which were noticed by her and some which she was oblivious of.

I was pushing through between a group of students who chose no better place to exchange pleasantries but the exit when my arm was seized by a soft flesh. I swerved back and it was her, it was the angel, it was the treasure, it was my weakness.

"what is your name?, I am Amaka"
she said.

"I am Andy, you have a pretty name"

We went back in and picked two seats, adjusted and sat.
We spoke for at least 15minute. She laughed at all my jokes and I smiled at her presence.
Her voice were like melodious strings which rang rhythms that suited my heart.

I think I have found love.

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My tooth

When I was a child and a tooth🦷 of mine would fall out, I would place that tooth under my pillow and hope the tooth fairy 🧚‍♀️ would come during the night as I slept. To my excitement the tooth fairy did come. I would find 50naira under my pillow in replacement for that tooth. 50naira bought you alot in the early 90s 😁. On another occasion when another tooth had fallen out, I decided to write the tooth fairy a letter 📝. In this Ietter I had apologised for the state of my tooth, it had a hole or one of those black fillings in it 😂 and being a child I thought the tooth fairy wouldn't be happy. To my surprise😲 the tooth fairy did come, my tooth was gone but there was no money, what I found was a tiny little note with tiny little writing and it was covered in what I believed to be fairy dust ✨. The note was from the fairies. They thanked me for my tooth and told me that the tooth fairy could only give me money for a nice good tooth. Although I received no money, my note from the fairies was the best ever. I called out to my Mum. Mum!! Mum!! I told her what had happened, the tooth fairy had taken my tooth but left me a note. Mum smiled 😊 at me as she did and told me how lucky I was and how special it was that the tooth fairy left me that note. That settled it, I was convinced and excited that tooth fairies were real. My tooth fairy was a very special person 💕 and through her actions, I am fortunate to have these childhood memories which I have been able to recreate for other little girls to get enjoyment from.
Thanks Mum, my fairy angel xx 🧚‍♀️ 😇 ❤️

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My hubby took my business

So my hubby opened a boutique for me when we got married, after work he comes there and stays with me , I later taightt him the business and told him to add male wears for me and he did , he invested 100percent in the business, I didn't bring any money. But he said he was opening it for me as a family business
In the long run when he saw how I have built customer base and the money I was making, he started investing more in the business, expanded the business and somehow started giving me ownership attitude and started acting like I was competing with him to be the boss in the business.

Long story short , he even stopped me from taking a dime, even if it's to buy a bag of water, I must tell his sales girls to record, any time I ask for money, he will say I want to run him down financially, So I decided to look for a job

I got a job that pays 150k but I miss my business so bad, he has now cut me off the business completely, he has girls that do everything, from the WhatsApp marketing I do , to the stock taking, to accounting, he has put structures in place , now I feel like a stranger when I come to pick the kids from the shop(school bus drops them off at the shop)

Now he just travelled and I just got to the shop , expecting as usual to be the one to do accounting in his place while I instruct the girls but he just called me that he told the girls to tie all the daily money and keep somewhere, when he's back after 3 weeks , he will do accounting

Am in tears now , because what in the name of trust issues is this , this has never happened, I always do accounting when he travels and tells him when the girls didn't account for some money. Now I feel like he just called me a criminal in front of the girls

And he expect me to just sit down and be looking at them work and close the shop with them at night

Am really hurt, should I stop going to the shop for this 3 weeks he will be away?
I see this my husband like someone who can surprise me at anytime.
I miss my business, should I save up and start same business somewhere else ? What happens to me 150k job?

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The Future is bright

The Future is bright
Randy was a child who grew up strong and confident admits his not-too-comfortable background. He was a friendly fellow with a good sense of humor.

He communicated well and though he had few enemies, it didn't hinder him from continuing with his welcoming lifestyle.

At a time Randy wouldn't have it anymore, he needed money to sort out problems, feed, and many other things he needed money for.
His friends and people he knew were diving into fraudulent activities but he didn't want to.

He could remember his mum's instructions never to engage in fraudulent practices even though his friends were.
Even though Randy had access to join his friends and make some cash, he didn't but rather endured despite the pressure.

He went online looking for skills and opportunities to earn. Many he found were fake and not paying. He didn't give up.
Sometimes later, he saw a campaign and picked it to learn. He started learning how to trade forex. Within months, he became an international tutor and made hundreds of dollars from a single trade.

He bought a car and started building his house after few months later.
He would never run out of money again. His money was pure and legal.

Be like Randy today.
Just focus on your hustle.
Don't be distracted.

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A parents worse Nightmare

Losing a child and having to bury them. A man lost his son and couldn’t bare the thought of living without him. He was suffering and couldn’t believe his son was gone. He cried and cried every day and night, missing his son, wishing things were different.
He couldn’t sleep and hadn’t slept in a long time. One night an old medicine man came to him in a dream and told him “Enough!! That’s enough crying!!” The dad told him “I cannot stop, I am never going to see him again!” The old Medicine man said, “Do you want to see him again?” The dad says “yes of course” the old medicine man takes him to the entrance of happy hunting ground where he sees many little beautiful children, so happy and innocent, carrying eagle feathers into the happy hunting grounds, smiling and laughing and just so beautiful. The dad asks “where is my son? Who are these kids?” The old medicine man said “these are the children that are called home early, they are innocent and loved and they go right through to the happy hunting grounds, so happy” the dad says “and my son? Where is he? Why isn’t he with these children?” The old medicine man said, “come this way” and guided him to the side of entrance. A small boy with a beautiful smile was standing there watching all the children enter the happy hunting grounds. He was standing there within reach of an eagle's feather. His dad grabbed him and hugged him, and the boy kissed his dads' cheeks and told him he missed him. The dad said “why don't you have a eagles feather like the other kids? Why are you waiting here at the entrance?”
The boy said “I keep trying to get the eagle feather Daddy, but your tears pull it out of reach. I see you are so sad, and I am tied to that feeling so I wait here until you’re ok” the dad burst out crying for the last time, he told his son, “Get that eagle feather and go, I will be ok, and I know you will be too”
- Don't cry too long for that loved one you lost, whether son, daughter, husband, mother or father!! Let them rest in peace, don't torment your life, because they won't come back, have faith that you will be together again, and that Creator makes us a beautiful home with all our loved ones when we leave this world.

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She dreamed of the stars. She became one

She dreamed of the stars. She became one
*The Starry Dream*

Lola was a young girl who loved to look at the stars. She dreamed of becoming an astronaut and exploring the wonders of the universe. She read books about space, watched documentaries, and joined the astronomy club at school. She was fascinated by everything related to astronomy and astrophysics.

However, not everyone shared her passion. Some of her classmates teased her for being a nerd and a weirdo. They said that she was wasting her time on something that was impossible and unrealistic. They told her that she should focus on more practical things, like fashion, sports, or music. They said that she would never achieve her dream, because she was not smart enough, brave enough, or rich enough.

Lola felt hurt by their words, but she did not let them discourage her. She knew that they were just trying to make themselves feel better by putting her down. She knew that they did not understand her vision and ambition. She knew that she had a unique gift and a special purpose in life.

She decided to ignore their negativity and stay true to herself. She continued to study hard, work hard, and dream big. She applied to the best universities and scholarships that offered programs in aerospace engineering and astronautics. She participated in various competitions and projects that showcased her talent and skills. She made friends with other people who shared her interests and supported her goals.

She never gave up on her dream, no matter what obstacles or challenges she faced. She never let what people said distract her from her path. She always stayed true to herself, no matter what.

And one day, she finally got the opportunity to make her dream come true. She was selected as one of the candidates for a mission to Mars. She was overjoyed and grateful for this chance. She packed her bags, put on her spacesuit, and boarded the rocket.

As she looked out of the window, she saw the Earth fading away and the stars getting closer. She smiled and whispered to herself:

"I did it. I made it. I am a star."

*Moral lessons:*

- The story teaches us that we should always follow our dreams and passions, no matter what others say or think.
- The story teaches us that we should not let negative comments or opinions affect our self-esteem or confidence.
- The story teaches us that we should work hard and persevere to achieve our goals and aspirations.

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This particular girl stole my wallet when we first met at a Hotel.
She was sitting beside the receptionist. I thought she was also working as a receptionist but that was not the case.
I booked a room and stood at my door when she came there.
“Any error?" I asked thinking maybe there was an error in filling my files.
“No"she said, she was wearing slim trousers, having big buttocks and surreptitiously staring at me.
“Oh I thought there was a problem with my registration." I said as i held the door knob, trying to open to open it.
“I'm not even working as a receptionist." she said with a smile on her joys.
I turned with a stun, and stole a glance at her.
“Oh I see." I said.
“What are you doing there If you are not working as receptionist. I asked her straight.
I'm bored so i just want to visit the hotel.
“Oh I see."
“If you can take me up i will me happy."
“Oh seriously this time around I'm very tired. I don't need a guest. I just want to sleep."
“Oh I see, she said trying to approach me. She stood beside me and put her two hands on my shoulders, rubbing her lips as if she needs a hug.
“Don't you need someone to help you then?" She asked trying to makes me feel hot.
“Oh I will like to but I'm...."
“Shhhh" she intervened, “don't say anything." She pushed the door and entered the room before me.
But what disturbed most was smelling of Beer and cigarettes. This girl is suspicious.
I entered to the bathroom and left her at the room. I was bathing when I heard the door swung opened.
I wore my uniform as fast as I could. I stormed in the room. only to see the bed was empty. I stole a glance at my bag only to see it opened. I rushed and opened the bag hurriedly. She took my wallet with 105N in it.
I rushed at the corridor,i turned left, and right, but i did not see her.
I went down stairs at the receptionist.
“Hi this girl that was sitting with you, took my wallet and there was money there."
“Oh sorry I saw her going out. She was walking fast. She told me that she was waiting for her boy. I thought you were the man she was waiting."
“Oh my God" I screamed putting my hands on my head.

Fear this gender.

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Mood swing

Nicholas had just gotten scholarship to one of the best University in the world after staying at home for 3years without gaining admission. His joy knew no bounds, he couldn't wait to share the good news with his family members, he hurriedly left the cafe and jogged to the nearest bus stop and boarded a bus going to oluaje street. The bus was moving very slow because it had been stopping at every junction they had come across, the driver was either calling for more passengers or alighting passengers. Nicholas was now being very impatient, he stomped his leg frequently on the rusted iron floor of the bus, at the same he was screaming at the driver to move fast. Almost immediately, a heavy rain downpour swept across the streets, causing a total halt to all moving vehicles.
And once again Nicholas got very impatient, he went on rattling to himself, everyone around him wondered if he was in a good state of mind, finally the rain stopped and the traffic cleared. Two junctions to his destinated street,the bus stopped again to pick up an elderly woman with five small children. The elderly woman spent a lot of time getting on the bus and this made Nicholas lose his nerves, he began to shout at the woman to hurry up and also scolded the kids to smart up. It was then, everyone in the bus got harsh towards Nicholas. The passengers rebuked him, the driver asked him to drop off from his bus, though not until he had paid the the bus fare. This got Nicholas mad and an hot argument broke out, which led to physical combat.
Nicholas strolled down to his street with swollen eyes and bleeding lips. His younger sister saw him afar off and ran to meet him.
"Welcome brother, how was it? Is it good news?"
"Whatever", Nicholas answered and brushed past her, he walked sluggishly into the house and bumped into his mum who was heading out of the house.
" Thank goodness you are back, I have been waiting for eternity, what took you so long?"
"I had........................"
" I'm heading out, can I get the change of the money I gave you".
Nicholas was getting irritated already, he had out of annoyance given the driver #500 without collecting change, his younger sister barged in almost immediately, Nicholas heaved a sigh of relief as he quickly made his escape into his room.
"Mummy is Nicholas okay? He seems to have fallen off a bike in annoyance"
"What do you think; that spells bad news ofcourse, he will have to wait another year at home".
Nicholas kept his good news to himself for two days, he was just not in the mood to tell anyone yet. Early the next morning, while they were having a family devotion, Nicholas mum started casting and binding the demons behind her son's progress, Nicholas at first was silent but not until his mum asked him to kneel in the mist of everyone, so they can lay hands on him.
"Mum I'm not bewitched by anybody"
"You don't understand my son, there are some..............."
"I got the scholarship!"
" Yes, by faith we claim it"
"Not that, I mean I was given the scholarship two days ago".

The atmosphere got cold immediately as silence made host that moment.

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True love

There was this guy that was in love with one of the f ok finest girls I have ever seen. The girl had brown eyes and pink lips, she looked like a Barbie. She was the true definition of beauty, perfect height, fair in complexion, voice as sweet as honey, and thick curly hair.

While the guy, her boyfriend on the other hand was a bushman, with the biggest brown teeth in history, well-shaped k-legs, a ridiculous height and a very decent pot belly.

I would love to finish the story but let's do this next time.
Remember to leave a like and wait for my next story

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After breakfast, Daniel washed and dressed and made ready to leave for school. With a quick kiss for his mum, he was out on the street, laughing as he hopped along, his best friend, Ben, joins him at their usual spot. They chatted away about the usual boys topic while Daniel giggles at everything. Ben had hit his leg on a stone and Daniel had laughed for 30minutes stretch till the bell was rung for assembly.
The assembly began with morning prayer,
"Their father, who's art upon heaven, hallowed to the name..........."
A young girl had confidently and loudly memorized the lord's prayer wrongly, Ben taps Daniel who is at his back and they both burst into a loud giggle. Suddenly the assembly hall grew silent and Ben stopped giggling, but Daniel won't, the principal screamed at him to keep quiet but he wouldn't listen.
That day Daniel was used as a scapegoat.
On their way home from school, the two boys were as silent as ever, Ben kicks at everything that touches his feet while Daniel walks slowly, taking one step at a time.
"Why wouldn't you stop laughing? Ben had asked quietly
"Don't know too, I just laughed and couldn't stop"
The next morning, Ben had waited for Daniel at their usual spot but had to go to school alone after waiting hours for Daniel. This went on for days and weeks, Daniel was also absent from school. Ben summoned courage on a Friday and knocked at the big gate where Daniel lived.
It was after midnight and Ben had just gone to bed, as he lay there, waiting for sleep to come, his thought troubled him.
"How could he be sick? He was fine until that day". Ben had discovered of Daniel's ailment.
Daniel was suffering from pseudobulbar
Came the early hours of the morning, Ben hurried to Daniel's house, sad faces welcomed him, he instinctively knew that it spelt bad news. Will had passed away that night.
20years later
Ben drove his kids down to school, they were 5minute late, he dropped his kids and turned to leave, twas then the pupils started chanting the "the lord's prayer". He freezes as he was long gone into MEMORIES

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**I'll appreciate everyone's opinion and additions...🙏**
# **Story**

The story of Alex is one of heartbreak, loss, and ultimately, resilience. Alex had already experienced the pain of abandonment when his father left him, but he had found solace in the love of his grandmother and the comfort of his therapy sessions. However, when Lily died in a tragic car accident, Alex was completely shattered.

His sensitivity, which had been both a strength and a challenge for him, became a burden that he struggled to bear. He felt as if he had lost a part of himself, and the pain was overwhelming. He became withdrawn and shut himself off from the world, unable to cope with the reality of his loss.

The first threshold that made Alex cry was the moment he found out about Lily's death. The news hit him like a ton of bricks, and he was unable to control his emotions. He cried uncontrollably, his grief consuming him.

The second threshold that made Alex cry was when he had a massive fight with Jake. In his pain, he lashed out and pushed away the one person who was trying to help him. He ran away, leaving everyone worried sick, and felt ashamed and guilty for what he had done. When he finally returned, he cried as he apologized to Jake, realizing the depth of his mistake.

The third threshold that made Alex cry was when he realized that he couldn't keep running away from his pain. He knew he had to confront his emotions and try to find a way to move forward. It was a difficult and painful process, but he talked to his therapist and his loved ones, and he slowly started to work through his grief. He cried as he let out all the pain he had been holding inside, but he also felt a sense of relief and release.

As time went by, Alex learned to find joy in the moments he shared with others. Although he would never forget Lily, he realized that he could honor her memory by living his life to the fullest. He also learned that his sensitivity was a gift, and he was grateful for the support of his grandmother, his therapist, and his friend, Jake.

Through his tears, Alex found strength and resilience. He knew that life was full of challenges, but he also knew that he had the strength to face them. He had learned that it was okay to cry, that it was okay to feel pain, and that it was okay to lean on the people who loved him. And with that knowledge, he faced the future with courage and hope.

*the end*

Category Competition Winner!

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The Fake Pastor and the Yahoo Boy

There was a young man named Chidi who was a yahoo boy. He used to scam people online by pretending to be a rich businessman or a foreign lover. He made a lot of money from his victims, but he was not satisfied. He wanted more.

One day, he met a fake pastor named Olu who claimed to have spiritual powers. Olu told Chidi that he could help him get more money from his clients if he followed his instructions. Chidi was curious and agreed to try.

Olu told Chidi to bring him a goat, a chicken, and a bottle of palm wine. He said he would use them to perform a ritual that would make Chidi's clients more gullible and generous. Chidi bought the items and brought them to Olu's church.

Olu took the items and went inside his office. He told Chidi to wait outside and pray. Chidi did as he was told, but he was also suspicious. He decided to peek through the window and see what Olu was doing.

To his shock, he saw Olu eating the goat and the chicken and drinking the palm wine. He realized that Olu was a fraud who was only interested in his money. He became angry and decided to teach him a lesson.

He went back to his car and took out a gun. He stormed into Olu's office and pointed the gun at him. He shouted, "You are a fake pastor! You have been deceiving me! Give me back my money or I will shoot you!"

Olu was terrified and begged for mercy. He said, "Please don't kill me! I'm sorry for what I did! I will give you back your money! Just spare my life!"

Chidi said, "Where is the money? Show me!"

Olu said, "It's in my bank account. I will transfer it to you right now. Just give me your account number."

Chidi gave him his account number and watched as Olu typed it on his phone. He waited for the alert to come.

But instead of an alert, he received a message from Olu that read: "You have been scammed by Pastor Olu. Thank you for your donation to God's work."

Chidi looked up and saw that Olu had escaped through the back door. He ran after him, but it was too late. Olu had vanished.

Chidi cursed and cried. He realized that he had been outsmarted by another scammer. He learned a bitter lesson that day: what goes around comes around.

The moral of the story is: don't cheat others or you will be cheated yourself. Be honest and work hard for your money. God bless Nigeria! 🇳🇬


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A Jayant Crocodile

A Jayant Crocodile
Once upon a time, in a lush and verdant jungle nestled along the banks of a serene river, there lived a Jayant crocodile named Jax. Jax was not your ordinary crocodile; he possessed a gentle heart and a kind soul. Unlike his fellow crocodiles, who were known for their ferocity, Jax had a reputation for his compassion and understanding.

Jax spent his days basking in the warm sun and observing the abundant wildlife that shared his habitat. He was fascinated by the harmony of the jungle and the diverse creatures that coexisted peacefully. His friends included mischievous monkeys, colorful birds, and wise old turtles, all of whom admired Jax's caring nature.

One day, as Jax was enjoying the tranquility of the riverbank, he heard a faint cry for help. Curiosity piqued, he swiftly swam towards the sound and discovered a baby monkey perched on a tree branch, tears streaming down its tiny face.

With a warm smile, Jax gently approached the distressed monkey. "What seems to be the matter, little one?" he inquired, his voice soothing and comforting.

The baby monkey sniffled and replied, "I've lost my way. I can't find my family, and I'm scared."

Jax's heart swelled with empathy. He understood the feeling of being lost and alone, and he knew he had to help. With his agile tail, he created a makeshift bridge for the young monkey to cross safely to the riverbank.

"Come with me," Jax offered kindly, "I will guide you back to your family."

Grateful for Jax's kindness, the baby monkey hopped onto his back, holding on tightly as they navigated through the dense jungle. Jax skillfully maneuvered around treacherous vines and dense undergrowth, making sure to protect his tiny passenger at every turn.

Finally, after a long and adventurous journey, they reached a towering tree where a group of anxious monkeys awaited their lost family member. The baby monkey's parents were overjoyed to see their beloved child, safe and sound, thanks to the selfless actions of Jax.

The monkey family expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Jax, and the entire jungle soon heard of his heroic deed. Animals from far and wide flocked to the riverbank, eager to meet the compassionate crocodile who had proven that kindness and bravery could overcome any obstacle.

Jax's reputation as a gentle guardian spread throughout the jungle, and he became a trusted friend to all creatures. He spent his days helping others, whether it was rescuing a stranded bird or offering a comforting presence to those in need. Jax's acts of kindness touched the hearts of everyone he encountered, and his presence brought harmony and unity to the jungle.

And so, the story of Jax, the Jayant crocodile with a heart of gold, was passed down from generation to generation. His selflessness and compassion served as a reminder to all that kindness and empathy can truly change the world, one act at a time.

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