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But Owl 🦉 Is A Beautiful Bird

But Owl 🦉 Is A Beautiful Bird
In the heart of the African night, where shadows dance and moonlight weaves its silver threads, there lies a creature of grace and wonder—the owl. Yet, in the tapestry of tales spun through time, the owl has often been cast as an omen of darkness, a symbol of witchcraft and malevolence in the minds of many Nigerians. Let us unravel this cloak of misconception and unveil the true essence of these enchanting birds.

Beneath the cloak of the night, owls emerge as guardians of the dark, their wings whispering secrets through the inky sky. They are the sentinels of the nocturnal realm, where mysteries abound, ensuring the balance of nature's delicate dance. Their hoots, once feared, are but songs of wisdom carried on the night's gentle breeze.

In the ancient world, the owl was revered as a symbol of Athena, the goddess of wisdom. They are not harbingers of doom but messengers of insight, whispering sagacious secrets to those who dare to listen. Wisdom, like an owl, is a beacon in the night, illuminating the path of knowledge.

Owls, with their striking plumage and haunting cries, are nature's enigma, captivating the human soul. Their silent flight, a marvel of evolution, carries a lesson of grace and precision. They are warriors of the twilight, hunting in silence to maintain the delicate equilibrium of our ecosystems.

These creatures are the protectors of the fields, the stewards of the earth's bounty. They keep watch over crops, ensuring the balance of nature's bounty by controlling the populations of rodents and insects. Farmers are their allies, not adversaries, in the realm of agriculture.

Marvel at their adaptations, the enigmatic eyes that pierce the darkness, the ability to rotate their heads, and the art of regurgitating pellets that unveil the story of their meals. These are not the tools of witches but the mechanisms of survival in a world of twilight.

In the mosaic of nature, owls are not omens of evil but rather canaries in the coal mine of ecosystems. Their presence or absence speaks volumes about the health of our environment, a vital thread in the web of life.

Let us cast away the shadows of ignorance, embracing these enigmatic birds as they truly are—mysterious, wondrous, and wise. Let us celebrate the ancient stories of wisdom and beauty that owls have graced us with throughout history. For in understanding, we can unveil the truth of these nocturnal guardians, the owls of Nigeria, and cherish their role in the ever-unfolding story of our world.

📸 Nigerian man catches an owl, burns it because he thought it was “witch” 😢😭


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When the reverse happens

He was a diligent employee at a local software company, where he had worked for many years. John loved his job, and he had always believed that it was the cornerstone of his stable and content life.

One fateful day, the company's management announced that they were downsizing, and John was among the unfortunate ones chosen to be let go. He was devastated. Losing his job, he thought, meant losing everything he had worked so hard for. He worried about his mortgage, his bills, and his family's well-being. What was once a source of fulfillment had turned into a crushing disappointment.

Weeks turned into months, and John struggled to find a new job. It seemed like every door he knocked on remained firmly shut. As his savings dwindled, he felt a growing sense of despair. But little did he know that the storm he was weathering would eventually lead him to a new and unexpected blessing.

One day, while attending a local networking event, John struck up a conversation with a stranger named Emily. She had overheard him talking about his background in software development. Emily, as it turned out, was an entrepreneur working on a groundbreaking project. She needed someone with precisely John's skills to help bring her vision to life.

John's disappointment had made him more open to new possibilities, and he decided to join Emily's startup. As they worked tirelessly together, they not only built an innovative product but also a deep friendship. John realized that he had discovered a passion for entrepreneurship that he had never known existed.

Years passed, and the startup thrived. John and Emily's creation became a household name, and they became industry leaders. John had not only found a new career path but also a newfound sense of purpose and fulfillment. His initial disappointment of losing his job had transformed into a blessing that had reshaped his life in the most unexpected and wonderful ways.

Looking back, John often marveled at the twists of fate that had brought him to where he was. He had learned that sometimes, the disappointments that hit the hardest could lead to the most incredible blessings when we are open to new opportunities and willing to embrace change.

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Samuel was undoubtedly slow in class and can be called a dullard but he was always a conscious child.
Growing up, he had received strokes either for being a slow right, having rough handwriting, or not being able to read.

Despite the flaws, Samuel had charming looks, a white set of teeth, and captivating eye balls. He dreaded canes and anytime he came to school, his heart throbbed hardly at his chest till it was dismissal.

Samuel experienced a hard life, basically in school. Always bullied, bellitled and when he should seek safety from his teacher, she ends up stroking him.
No one knew or understood why Samuel hated going to school because he wasn't much of a talker and so his life continued.

Break time was the only opportunity that placed Samuel in an important position. Due to the fact that it was Third term and the school regularly hosted a graduation ceremony where they display many colourful exhibition in honour of the graduants and all moving on to a higher class.

During breaktime, they practiced marching walks and Samuel was always put at the front as a result of how stylishly, he moves his hands and legs and how he tilted his head and shoulders.

It was the day of the graduation and the students were already lining up. Samuel was waiting to join the queue when his brother Mark caught his hand and begged that he borrowed him his shorts.
Mark was graduating that year and was given many roles to perform. Considering this, Samuel agreed to exchange after gaping at the ink stain that painted the shorts which would have spoilt his brother's image.

After they exchanged, Samuel ran to retain his front position but when the coordinator sighted his shorts. She asked him out...

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At Radiant Secondary School, Dominion was a constant target for bullies who took pleasure in tormenting him daily. Their relentless teasing and mocking shattered his self-confidence, leaving him feeling defenseless and isolated.

Every day, Dominion wished he could muster the courage to stand up to the bullies and put an end to their tyranny. Yet, fear gripped his heart, preventing him from taking a stand. He longed for someone to protect him, to show him that he was not alone in his struggles.

Everything changed when Dominion's little brother, Ben, joined the same school. Ben was a bright-eyed and fearless boy, completely different from his older brother. When Dominion saw the innocent smile on Ben's face, he knew he had to protect him from experiencing the same torment he endured.

Determined to shield Ben from the bullies, Dominion decided that it was time to conquer his fears. He made a life-changing resolution to transform himself both physically and mentally. The very next day, he marched into the school gymnasium and began his journey towards becoming stronger.

With each passing day, Dominion dedicated himself to rigorous workouts and martial arts training. The once timid boy transformed into a determined young man, driven by the desire to protect his little brother and regain his own self-respect.

As his muscles grew, so did his inner strength. Dominion's newfound confidence began to shine through in his interactions with others. He was no longer the boy who slunk away from bullies; instead, he stood tall with a newfound courage, refusing to be a victim any longer.

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My hubby took my business

So my hubby opened a boutique for me when we got married, after work he comes there and stays with me , I later taightt him the business and told him to add male wears for me and he did , he invested 100percent in the business, I didn't bring any money. But he said he was opening it for me as a family business
In the long run when he saw how I have built customer base and the money I was making, he started investing more in the business, expanded the business and somehow started giving me ownership attitude and started acting like I was competing with him to be the boss in the business.

Long story short , he even stopped me from taking a dime, even if it's to buy a bag of water, I must tell his sales girls to record, any time I ask for money, he will say I want to run him down financially, So I decided to look for a job

I got a job that pays 150k but I miss my business so bad, he has now cut me off the business completely, he has girls that do everything, from the WhatsApp marketing I do , to the stock taking, to accounting, he has put structures in place , now I feel like a stranger when I come to pick the kids from the shop(school bus drops them off at the shop)

Now he just travelled and I just got to the shop , expecting as usual to be the one to do accounting in his place while I instruct the girls but he just called me that he told the girls to tie all the daily money and keep somewhere, when he's back after 3 weeks , he will do accounting

Am in tears now , because what in the name of trust issues is this , this has never happened, I always do accounting when he travels and tells him when the girls didn't account for some money. Now I feel like he just called me a criminal in front of the girls

And he expect me to just sit down and be looking at them work and close the shop with them at night

Am really hurt, should I stop going to the shop for this 3 weeks he will be away?
I see this my husband like someone who can surprise me at anytime.
I miss my business, should I save up and start same business somewhere else ? What happens to me 150k job?

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Evening walk

Late evening walk was my thing.
Actually after my senior WAEC I did nothing much to keep myself busy during the first months. So I suddenly developed the habit of going for evening walks around the university in my area.

The sites and people I meet along the way during my strolls are usually worth it. I would take a longer route around the heart of the university with my music on and which after, I headed back home.

I did this for over two weeks without missing a day. It was later added to my hobbies by the way.
Anyway that I missed taking a stroll into the university area due to more important reasons, I end up feeling unfulfilled for that day.

Just like the normal times, I started a walk into the school as usual, but this time, the time was a bit late than my normal coming.
The roads were almost scanty. There wasn't electricity lights in the buildings too except the few using generators.

I had already walked past the heart of the school and heading back with my headset on and my voice echoeing through the streets when suddenly, a Honda motorcycle pulled up in front of me.

I wanted to avoid them and pass but one of them acted to be stranded and demonstrated a pleading hand, so I pulled out my headset to understand them better. My eyes caught a gun immediately, the second man on the motorcycle quickly pointed a gun at me and requested for the phone I had in my pocket.

After he collected the phone, he unplugged the headset and placed it on my shoulder and went on to search my pockets. Left in my pocket was a #100 note which I was saving to buy 2 cups of cooked groundnuts on my way home. They collected the note and threatened to shoot me.

And that was my story😭

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The madman

The madman on sallah day
So, just yesterday I got off from bed filled with joy and happiness all because it was sallah and I was to rest and not attend lectures or even bother about anything.

So I quickly got up prepared like I had a whole year to rest, after which I ate and slept off. After a while, my friends visited and after some fun filled moments playing ps4 they had to go and I escorted them.

On our way, we saw how kids who normally look dirty and not well catered for where properly dressed for the sallah celebration. Just immediately my eyes caught a madman with a stick chasing the children because they were making fun of him, you know how children play with madman, they like being chased by them. So with his big stick he will chase them and stop until he saw a cow that was tied nearby, so he went straight to the cow and he was talking, what he was saying didn't even make any sense to me and then he seemed like he was getting angry and then he used the big stick to hit the cow and immediately the cow reacted and the road with which it was tied snapped and it was about to use his horn on the madman and I thought the madman would use the stick on it but to my greatest surprised the madman run away, I was surprised oh, so mad people can be scared to die too, no wonder it rare for you to see them being hit when crossing the road

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It was a really hot own in my school, as a tanker driver kills a student and he was been asked he said it's only one person he killed and that made students very angry and students were fighting to kill the tanker driver and unfortunately the man escaped and students started to destroy tanker drivers vehicle and it resulted into a war and they brought out knives and machete and wanted to enter into the school and kill students some students stood at the gate to prevent it , it was a very serious contention they fought for almost two days but the SA to the governor helped to cub the war.


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It's so painful on Friday a final year student heard asuu wants to embark on a strike again he fainted it was so intense because it was in public he was poured waterseverally it was when we got to the clinic he woke up this asuu issue is getting out of hand he was like he has spent about 7 years in school and isn't done with a 5years course so pathetic.


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I had lectures yesterday I wanted going to school I had no cash on me , I decided to go to the POS to make withdrawals and the man told me I have to buy the new currency 10% of any amount am withdrawing with anger I left that place the country is really hot people use little opportunities to extort from the masses.


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I was privileged to attend a wedding y'day the wedding was so well packaged the Outlook of everything was just beautiful . Not until they started sharing food and the occasion wasn't even over then disrupting everything because the women sharing food were just looking at faces I wasn't given food because most of the women sharing the food doesn't know me. Please women sharing in occasions t
Should try to give everyone in an occasion food 😁 because it seems right and not just their family members.


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Soo during this week alot happened in the market like the chairman of the town telling okrika sellers to move to modern market omo Wahala dey oo 😹.


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Abubakar-Rimi, a Medicine and Surgery final year student, opened a food outlet and Indomie joint in the Diplomat area in Sokoto.
Abubakar-Rimi, who ventured into food selling business due to the prolonged strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) died recently. He never got to graduate due to the prolonged strike may his soul rest in peace


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Topic for discussion
Gist for the day

You got pregnant for a man and he asked you abort the baby, you refused and kept the baby. He didn't do anything till after 27yrs he resurface and demand for the custody of his child.

Ladies can you allow such man into your daughter's life?

Men will you even think of showing your face and self?

Note that, this said man didn't wanted the baby, didn't even know. And never ever showed up in decades.

This discussion is important and for everybody.

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Most people are going crazy because of the on going asuu strike students at home are going into several criminal acts and of recent a lecturer heard his 6 months salary wouldn't be payed he fell down and died instantly , something should be done about these because some lecturers have only one stream of income.

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Nigeria fast becoming a hell for her citizens and unless the Federal Government takes decisive steps to curb insecurity and address the crisis in the aviation sector, economic activities across the country may experience worse downturn in the nearest future.
Many Nigerians are now already avoiding travelling by road and rail as a result of the activities of terrorists and kidnappers while the air option left to them has suddenly gone out of their reach due to the high cost aviation fuel, which has forced domestic airlines to hike their fares.
Recall that the oldest operating carriers in the country, Aero Contractors, recently suspended operations over its depleted fleet capacity to operate reliable scheduled operation. The airline had about eight out of its nine airplanes on the waiting list for routine maintenance, but lacked foreign exchange to purchase spares and meet obligations.
Less than 24 hours after Aero closed shop, the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) suspended Dana Air operations with immediate effect, citing inability to run safe operations and meet financial obligations.
With 10 local airlines suddenly down to eight, the effects have started to tell on local travels. Just imagine how can a whole airline lack fuel, the government must do something about this, terrorists are killing people everyday

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The Delta State Police in collaboration with some human rights activists has rescued a physically abused boy in the Udu Local Government Area of Delta State.His mother, Naomi Esther Batubum reportedly tied him to an electric pole, beat him up with cutlass and iron and laced his injuries with pepper.
The incident occurred on Friday, July 22 at Otor-Udu in the Udu Local Government Area of Delta State.
The victim has been hospitalized.


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OMG, some Nigerians are something else
I woke up very late yesterday forgetting I had a church program to attend. So I quickly prepared and left the house, I boarded a Costa bus, when the bus was filled up they collected money from us to go to the first bus stop which was 100 naira
People began to drop after the bus stop another money was collected for the next journey so the man beside me brought 200 naira and was making a phone call and the conductor collected it and gave him change
After the man finished the call he began to ask for his change and the conductor told him he has given him already but the man kept on shouting and the conductor joined him, deep down I knew the man was not telling the truth
After much arguments the conductor gave him another change without knowing what else to do
Cheating is bad let's try to be fair to each other

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