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Stories posted on Thu, 4th Jul. 2024

Fried rice but not green

Fried rice but not green
On that fateful Easter Sunday, I found myself stranded at school due to unyielding exams and the impending festive season. Deciding not to waste time and energy on trekking back home, I embraced the idea of celebrating my Easter festivities right within the school grounds. My chosen lodging was located in the outskirts, a little away from the hustle and bustle of the main campus.

Rather than bemoan my situation, I took charge of my fate and decided to whip up a celebratory meal. Fried rice was on the menu, and after procuring the necessary condiments, I got to work. To my dismay, the resulting rice wasn't the vibrant green I had anticipated; evidently, my culinary skills did not extend to color coordination. However, upon tasting my creation, I was pleasantly surprised! The dish was a triumph, and I couldn't help but be proud of my accomplishment. With the addition of some garnished chicken, my Easter feast was complete.

Later, a friend from the same school paid me a visit, and together we enjoyed the impromptu Easter celebration, feasting on the unexpectedly green-less but delicious fried rice. It was a delightful and unexpected turn of events, turning a potential underwhelming Easter into a delightful mini adventure. It just goes to show that sometimes, the best experiences come when you least expect them.

@henrykosi would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 4th Jul. 2024.
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destinyhunter✓☆ 🏆3 🌟4Destiny Chidiebere Nwachukwu
3d 15h

True Test of Strength

True Test of Strength
As a youngster, I was infatuated with wrestling matches. The world of WWE and its larger-than-life characters enthralled me, and I eagerly devoured every match, buying CDs and spending a small fortune on my devotion to the sport. I was captivated by the dramatic plots, the acrobatic stunts, and what I believed were hard-hitting punches; it was my ultimate form of entertainment.

However, as I grew older, a realization slowly began to dawn on me, and it was a tough pill to swallow. I came to understand that what I had thought were bone-crushing punches were, in fact, meticulously choreographed maneuvers. The entire wrestling spectacle was meticulously planned out beforehand. It was a revelation that shook the foundations of my passion for wrestling, and I could feel my fervor fading away.

With each match, my interest steadily waned until I lost all enthusiasm for wrestling. I couldn't help but feel a tinge of pity for the younger fans who still believed in the authenticity of it all, unaware that the thunderous blows and awe-inspiring stunts were nothing more than smoke and mirrors. I longed for them to see through the manufactured ruse, to recognize that my beloved sport was more performance art than genuine competition.

Despite this disillusionment, I still maintain a respect for the wrestlers and their incredible stunts and strategizing. Their athleticism and showmanship are undeniable, and I can appreciate the talents and hard work that go into their performances. It's just that I wish others would come to see wrestling for what it truly is.
But I must add that wrestling was my favourite sports until I looked closer.

@destinyhunter would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 4th Jul. 2024.
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Life lessons

As a small child , I was very selfish, always grabbing the best for myself.
Slowly, everyone left me and I had no friends. I didn’t think it was my fault and I criticized others. But my father gave me 3 sentences to help me in life. One day, my father cooked 2 bowls of noodles and put them on the table. One had an egg on top while the other bowl had none on top.
Then he asked me to choose a bowl of noodles. Because eggs were hard to come by those days, I chose the bowl with egg! I was congratulating myself on my wise choice/decision and decided to wallop the egg . To my surprise, I saw that my father's bowl of noodles had two eggs at the bottom beneath the noodles!
With much regret, I scolded myself for being too hasty in my decision. My father smiled and taught me to remember that what your eyes see may not be true. He added that, If you make a habit of taking advantage of people, you will end up losing.
The next day, my father again cooked 2 bowls of noodles: one bowl with an egg on top and the other bowl with no egg on top. Again, he asked to choose the bowl I wanted. This time, I felt smarter so I chose the bowl without any egg on top.
Hmmm to my surprise, there was not even a single egg at the bottom of the bowl! Again, my father smiled and said to me, My child, you must not always rely on experiences because sometimes, life can cheat you or play tricks on you. Never be too annoyed or sad, with situations, just treat experience as learning a lesson that cannot be gotten from any textbooks.
The third day, my father again cooked 2 bowls of noodles, one bowl with an egg on top and the other with no egg on top. He asked me to choose the bowl I wanted. But this time, I told my father, Dad, you choose first. You are the head of the family and you contribute the most to the family.
My father was very happy and he chose for me.
He chose the bowl with one egg on top. But as I ate my bowl of noodles, to my surprise, there were two eggs at the bottom of the bowl.
My father smiled at me with love in his eyes. He said, my child, you must remember that when you think for the good of others, good things will always naturally happen to you.
I always remember these 3 sentences of my father.
As we continue on the remaining journey of 2024, think for the good of others. Don't be selfish, Put others first and your joy will be completed. Don't run after post, position, wealth, fame etc and bruise others to get it.
God Bless you as you wish others well.

@emmanuelsunday61 would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 4th Jul. 2024.
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Nature is the best teacher

Nature is the best teacher
Sylvia, my dear friend, is a free-spirited girl who has a penchant for wearing tight gowns and short, skimpy skirts. No matter how many times I tried to advise her on her fashion choices, she just couldn't resist the temptation to wear these attention-grabbing outfits. I must admit, they always created an interesting impression, to say the least.

Now, one fateful day, as we were making our way to the minimarket in school, the heavens decided to open, and a harsh wind accompanied the rain. And wouldn't you know it, disaster struck! As the wind whipped around us, it caught Sylvia's short, skimpy gown and lifted it skyward, much to her dismay. Poor Sylvia looked utterly mortified as her dress billowed around her.

Doing my best to shield my friend from the intrusive gaze of onlookers, I guided her to a more sheltered area, and we managed to exchange her outfit for something more weather-appropriate. As I comforted her that day, I knew that this comical incident would serve as a turning point. I was confident that Sylvia, despite her love for unconventional fashion, would finally wave goodbye to her skimpy skirt collection.

@china would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 4th Jul. 2024.
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Once upon a time they lived a girl called Deborah.who lived with her parents in a village called asia village.

She's a very obedient and talented child.

One day her parents went to the farm and they never returned.

She and the villagers all wanted for two days but yet they never showed up.

So the villagers all began to search but instead they never found them.

Deborah got up angrily and then decided to go to the that particular farm where her parents do fetch firewood.

On she getting there,her eye's could not believe what she saw.

Her parents had already been devoured into pieces by an unknown creature.

To be continue ,..,

@muyiwa_01 would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 4th Jul. 2024.
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The handwriting 👌

The school bus always came as early as 7a.m to pick my kids up for school.

So I usually woke up as early as 5a.m to start getting them prepared for school and also get ready for work since I equally left home for work at that time too.

On this particular day, I had woken up very late. I ran a very high temperature in the night.

Since it was glaring that they were going to miss the school bus that morning, I decided to take permission from my work place to be a few minutes late to work.

That was the only way to avoid my salary getting slashed by month end.

I quickly took them to school before heading to work that morning.

I was still at work when a staff at my children's school called telling me to come pick my kids up from school.
From the tone of her voice, I could sense that she was very angry with me for keeping her in school by that time.

It was already 5p.m, I was already an hour late.

"Please madam, don't be annoyed. I'm coming now" I said as I packed the files in front of me

I still had piles of work in front of me but at that moment, I needed to pick my kids up from school first.

That was the hardest part of being a single mum!

After spending almost an extra one hour on the road because of the terrible traffic jam, I finally got to their school but met it locked!

I quickly dialed the number that had called me earlier;

"Hello madam, please I'm in school now. Where are you?" I asked feeling sorry for the poor woman.

"I left school thirty minutes ago. They should be with the school security man. Just knock on the gate." She said.

"Okay, thank you very much and I'm really sorry for keeping you in school till that time" I apologized before I ended the call.

After standing in front of the gate knocking for over 5 minutes, the security man finally opened the gate.
He must have been deeply in sleep seeing how drowsy he looked.

"Good evening...Please I came to pick my kids" I said

"Your pikins still dey school?" he asked looking confused as he walked towards the waiting room.

"No child dey inside there oh" he said walking towards the hate

"Those two children one madam wey dey teach here drop for you" I tried explaining to him.

"Oh!...Oh!...Oh!...i don remember...They don go since na" he said

"I don't understand...go how?" I asked confused

"Look at it here na...your husband name no be Stephen?
He don come carry them...He no tell you?" he said pointing at the student's sign out register.

The handwriting looked exactly like my late husband's writing😱

@jahismine4essy would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 4th Jul. 2024.
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I did not know whether I should run away or scream. I felt my legs trembling profusely. This man was huge, he looked like a Dwayne Johnson in a black skin .

I looked at him straight in the eyes and met his gaze. I noticed his eyes were fixed on my chest. I was about to asked him who the heck he was when I heard footsteps again, this time it was the woman who brought me here that was coming down from the stairs with a tray in her hands. It must be food I guess, I really needed to eat because I was d.ead famished.

"Oh!" She uttered as she headed for the dinning table..." Honey I'm so sorry for not informing you about our guest; I picked her up today at the motor park"

The man did not even move a muscle, he just smiled at me and made his way to the dinning table. ..." Join us for lunch" he said in his thick voice as he hanged his coat at the back of the chair he was sitting on.

"Yes come and join us" the woman beckoned too.

I dropped my bag by the corner of the sofa and gently walked towards the dining table. They were both looking at me as I walked to join them. The woman took out a plate and dished out food for me. It was egusi and eba. I really needed something like this and I was hallucinating already.

When she placed the food in front of me, I hurriedly washed my hands and dug into it like a hungry soul who hasn't eaten for five years. My gosh! the food was tasty, who ever made this meal must be very good at it. I have never in my life had something like this to eat. Thick egusi soup with two large pieces of goat meat garnished with small small pieces of fish ; where I come from, soups are often times very watery and you would hardly find meat in our meals,

They let me eat to my full. The woman even added extra when I was done...." Eat my dear" she said smiling......" You are really hungry I guess"

I did not even respond to her, I was busy with the food, my worry was just the man who has not touched his food yet. He was just looking at me with a face void of emotions. "Should I be concerned?" I asked myself in whispers as I swallowed the eba I had in my mouth. That was the last of it and I made sure to lick my plate clean.

"Drink water" the man said. "You might choke" he added.

I looked at him for a while and then shifted my gaze to the woman who nodded in agreement. I reach out my hand and grabbed the bottle of water and drank cautiously.

Something is not right, I could feel it in my spirit. There's something fishy about this people.

"Did you say you are a pastor's wife?" I asked boldly like an investigative journalist.

" Oh yes" she replied wearing a smile on her face. " I'm so sorry I did not introduce myself earlier on, you never did too, but by the way, I'm Mrs jala aguiche and this is my husband Ian aguiche the senior pastor of word of life international"

"I'm sure you must have heard about word of life before " the man said as he began to eat his food.

"Not at all" I responded....."my first time actually "

"Really?" He said as he raised a ball of eba to his mouth.

"Tell us about yourself too" Mrs jala requested. " We have to know you too if you must stay with us"

"Stay with us?" Ian asked, almost choking. He quickly reached out for a bottle of water filled his cup to drink.

I looked at him and he was looking at me too while he drank the water.

When he was done drinking, he cleared his throat and turned to his wife.

"Honey we cannot just bring up a stranger from the street and house them under our roof just like that. The world has become something else lately"

"But she is stranded " she replied him compassionately

They kept at it for a while and I just sat there looking at them both as they argued about whether to let me stay or let me go. Clearly, the man was scared, but how can huge man like this be scared of what a fifteen years old girl could do. Is he that weak?

"It's fine " I screamed at them both....." It's okay, you don't have to argue about whether I'm staying or not, I'm a stranger and I don't belong here so I guess I'd have to go. Thanks for the meal"

I stood up to go but the woman dragged me back and asked me to sit down for a minute. She then beckoned on her husband to follow her. He stood up swiftly and I sensed a form of agitation. They both disappeared into a room just by the corner of the dinning area.

I just sat there with my eyes fixed on the door. It was now that It was beginning to hit me that I made a mistake to just run away to the city without connection. What if they don't allow me to stay with them here tonight, how would I do this night? Where would I sleep? Ian has afore mentioned that it is terrible out there in the streets. How would a fifteen years old girl like me survive out there in the dark?........"i won't survive a night " i whispered as tears began to roll down my face.


@oluwaseun_01 would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 4th Jul. 2024.
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