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Happy Ending Stories & Experiences

Read interesting Happy Ending stories from this online community.
At Least

Burying the hatchets

A young and ambitious king named James Jr ruled over the kingdom of Uzul. He was known for his bravery and desire to expand his kingdom's borders. His eyes were set on the Eastern Kingdom, a land filled with vast riches and fertile lands.

King James Jr. believed that the Eastern Kingdom should be part of Uzul, and so he gathered his armies and prepared for war. He thought that victory would come swiftly, and the Eastern Kingdom would fall under his rule without much resistance. As the battle began, the Eastern Kingdom's army proved to be a formidable opponent. The war raged on for months, and King James Jr. watched as his once-mighty army suffered heavy losses. The cost of the war was high, both in terms of lives lost and the devastation it brought to his own lands.

Realizing that the war was taking a toll on his kingdom and its people, King James Jr. decided to seek a different path. He sent messengers to the Eastern Kingdom, requesting a meeting with the Eastern King to discuss peace. The Eastern King agreed to meet, and both rulers sat down to negotiate. It was not an easy process, as there were deep wounds and grievances on both sides. However, after much discussion and compromise, they finally reached an agreement.

King James Jr. agreed to recognize the Eastern Kingdom's sovereignty and respect its borders. In return, the Eastern Kingdom agreed to trade peacefully with Uzul, benefiting both lands. They also pledged to help each other in times of need.

With the peace treaty signed and celebrated with a grand feast, the war came to an end. King James Jr. returned to Uzul with a fraction of the army he had set out with, but he had gained something much more valuable - a lasting peace that brought prosperity to his kingdom. As the years passed, King James Jr. learned that true strength lay not only in the conquest of lands but also in the wisdom to recognize when peace was the better path. His reign became known for its prosperity, and the people of Uzul celebrated their king for his decision to end the war and embrace peace.

Even in the face of conflict, the pursuit of peace and understanding could bring about the greatest VICTORIES

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Flower Vase

Flower Vase
It was part of the Cultural and Creative Art (CCA) curriculum; to make an alluring material or object with paper Marsh.
The project required some starch and soft paper shreds or tissue paper.

I pondered on which object my class would find it tasking and perfect to go for.
I was their fun teacher and they all looked up to me. I didn't want to make a regular cup or bowl like the rest of the classes were making, I wanted something different, yet not too difficult or simple.

We started by buying the required amount of starch, which we bought in sachets and tissue rolls.
We started shredding the rolls of tissue paper and some unuseful papers that we got from the classroom shelf.

I ensured that each student partook in the process. Some were shredding the papers, some fetched water, some were doing the pounding while some withdrew the paper paste from the mortar and finally, I did the mixing.

Just when I thought that the starch was enough to stick the paste together, it shattered.
I continued adding the powder until the paste was firm enough.

I started from the structures and positioned the paste with broomsticks to form a solid mold.
It took about 30 minutes for the students to identify what I was molding.
They shouted in astonishment and lured students from other classes.

Something was still mixing. The object stood perfectly but something was missing We figured it out in no time; It was color.

Students must have spread rumors and it must have gotten to the ears of the headmistress because, after break time, she came to see for herself. She praised the artwork and portrayed interest in having the object beautify her table.
I only told her to let it dry.

Long story cut short...
I got a better opportunity than teaching the next week after and I remember inserting the flower vase in a nylon.
Yes! The flower vase is with me now, and I'm starting at it as I write.

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Twist of Fate

Two years ago, let's dive right into the life of a lady who was close to being wedded. She was on the verge of fulfilling her dreams, for she was set to marry the love of her life, Michael, in just a few days. The entire town was vibrating with excitement, preparing for the grand celebration that was to be the wedding of the year.

Emily and Michael were the epitome of love, their connection strong and unwavering. They had been inseparable since they were teenagers, and their love had grown deeper with each passing year. Emily had never been happier, and Michael, a kind and handsome man, adored her with all his heart. However, fate took a cruel turn just days before the wedding. Emily and Michael were driving together one evening when a terrible accident occurred. A speeding truck collided with their car, causing devastation and chaos. Emily miraculously survived, but Michael was tragically pronounced dead at the scene.

The entire town was shocked and grief-stricken, but as the news spread, whispers of blame and suspicion began to circulate. People couldn't understand how Emily could have survived while her beloved Michael had perished. They began to point fingers at Emily, accusing her of being responsible for the accident.

Little did they know, a sinister plot was unfolding behind the scenes. Michael had a twin brother named Daniel, who had been living abroad. Unknown to everyone, Daniel had returned to the city just days before the accident. He nurtured a dark and twisted obsession with Emily and had conceived a wicked plan to take advantage of his brother's absence.

Daniel had devised a scheme to impersonate Michael on the night of the accident, hoping to exploit Emily's vulnerability and claim her as his own. He had caused the crash deliberately, thinking he could manipulate the situation to his advantage. As the accusations against Emily intensified, she found herself isolated and ostracized by the very community that had once celebrated her upcoming marriage. Her world was shattered, but she remained calm, believing in her innocence and in the love she and Michael had shared.

In the midst of despair, a ray of hope emerged. A diligent detective, who had been consistently investigating the accident, uncovered the truth about Daniel's evil plot. With concrete evidence in hand, he exposed Daniel's wicked scheme to the town, and justice was swiftly served.

With the real culprit behind bars, the cloud of suspicion over Emily finally lifted. In time, Emily found the strength to heal and move forward. She knew that Michael would want her to be happy, and she eventually found love again, this time with a kind and compassionate man who cherished her just as Michael had.

Her time will come, though she has been cheated, this fate won't be the end of her

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Hope on mindviewers

I woke up early one morning to find a missed call from my younger brother. I couldn't help but wonder why he would call so early. Suspicion crept in as I questioned the reason behind this call. Sadly, I couldn't return it because I had insufficient airtime.

He persisted, sending me flash messages. It became clear I needed to call him back. Without delay, I decided to borrow airtime from MTN to reach out to him. Luckily, I was eligible for the offer.

As soon as I had the airtime, I dialed his number. He answered quickly, and after the usual greetings, I inquired about the reason for his early morning call. He seemed hesitant, unsure if I could assist him. Annoyed, I reminded him that he shouldn't have called if he wasn't sure I could help.

Eventually, he came to his senses and acknowledged my role as his older brother. He began explaining his situation. I realized I might not have enough to fulfill all his needs, so I asked which one was more urgent.

He mentioned needing money for his manual course registration, a sum of six thousand naira. It had to be paid urgently, by Monday. I initially knew I didn't have that money, but as an older brother, I felt obligated to help.

Then, I remembered having saved up 4,000 naira in my mindviewers account. It was a glimmer of hope. I quickly checked my account, and to my delight, my savings confirmed it

Then it was done on me that I also wrote a story the previous weekend for a competition ending that day. It could potentially add 2,000 naira to my funds, bringing it to the exact amount my brother needed.

I shared the story with my friends, hoping for their support. However, the problem arose when I realized my story was unopposed, making it impossible to accumulate more likes. I anxiously waited until 1 am to withdraw the money.

At 1 am, I received a disappointing message. I hadn't won the competition. Confused, I contacted @mindviewers to understand what had happened. It turned out that for unopposed stories, a minimum of 15 likes was required. I couldn't hold back my tears.

In the end, I couldn't raise the full 6,000 naira for my brother through the website, but I managed to secure 4,000 naira, which was a lifesaver. I'm grateful to @mindviewers for being a source of help.

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Today′s day

Today I woke up early, feeling a surge of determination to arrange my assignment and submit it before the noon deadline set by our strict lecturer, Mr. Thompson. Knowing his no-nonsense nature and firm code of conduct, it was necessary to follow all his rules to avoid failure.

I quickly got out of bed and ironed my clothes, making sure they were perfectly pressed for the day ahead. Gathering all the necessary materials, I prepared myself to head to school.

Arriving in the classroom, a mix of nerves and determination filled me. I knew the importance of meeting Mr. Thompson's expectations and adhering to his guidelines. I approached his desk, my palms slightly sweaty as I handed in my assignment. His gaze, fixed and stern, left me unsure of his verdict.

Days passed, and anticipation grew amongst my classmates as they received their graded assignments. I anxiously awaited my turn, constantly questioning if I had followed every instruction to the letter. Doubts clouded my mind, but I reassured myself that I had put in my best effort.

Well, hope for the best and will accept all your well wishes, The man is indeed strict.

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Mr Perfect

Dyspine was a young boy known for boasting excessively and constant mocking of others in his classes. He always found opportunities to insult his teachers, even at the smallest of mistakes, proudly asserting his perfection. As a result, people did not enjoy talking to him or being around him. His arrogant attitude created a negative atmosphere, and he seemed unaware of the effect his words had on others.

However, one fateful day, Dyspine made a mistake that would completely change his perspective. His mistake was exposed in front of the whole school and he became a victim of humiliation and ridicule. The same actions he had previously directed at others are now directed at him. It was a harsh experience for Dyspine, as he went through the mental trauma of badmouthing others. The shame and ridicule he faced served as a boost for change. Dyspine realizes the power and consequences of his words, and for the first time, he truly regrets it. Determined to change himself, he began apologizing to those he had previously insulted. He took responsibility for his past behavior and began actively working to improve himself.

Slowly but surely, Dyspine began to change. He learned the value of compassion and understanding, trying to treat people with kindness and respect. Instead of putting others down, started uplifting and supporting them. His conversations became more positive and meaningful, and those around him noticed the positive change. Dyspine's new personality allowed him to form true friendships and repair damaged relationships. He became someone that others could trust and rely on. Through his own personal growth, Dyspine was able to inspire change in others as well. He encouraged his classmates to think before they speak, fostering a culture of empathy and respect within the school.

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My flower, my happiness

Every day, Stanley would take the longer route to school just so he could walk past a beautiful flowering plant that captivated his heart. Its delicate petals, vibrant colors, and enchanting fragrance lured him in, whispering secrets of nature's beauty.

Stanley couldn't resist the temptation to bring a small twig with a budding flower home with him. He carefully broke off a twig, ensuring not to harm the plant, and placed it gently in his backpack. It became a daily ritual for him to seek out this plant, committing its details to memory and nurturing his collection of delicate floral treasures.

However, Stanley's friends began to grow restless with his solitary detours. They urged him to join them on their regular route to school, accusing him of being a loner and an introvert. But Stanley remained undeterred, his love for the unique and rare flower burning brightly within him.

One day, Stanley decided to share his passion with his family. He carefully planted the twigs he had collected in front of their yard, hoping they would bloom. With love and care, he tended to the plants, watering them, and providing them with plenty of sunshine.

Months passed, and to Stanley's delight, the flowers began to bloom. Their radiant colors and sweet fragrance filled the air, enchanting everyone who passed by. Stanley's family was amazed by his talent and dedication. Neighbors and friends would come to admire the blossoms, believing they brought good luck to those who beheld them.

Time flew by, and two years later, the world faced a shocking revelation. News spread like wildfire that a particular plant, the very one Stanley had loved and nurtured, had gone extinct in the wild. Scientists and researchers scrambled to find a solution, but the plant had vanished from its natural habitat.

As the news circulated, word reached the eyes and ears of those who had visited Stanley's house, marveling at the flowers in his yard. News channels and platforms clamored to know more about Stanley's remarkable feat. Stanley became famous overnight, garnering interviews and invitations to talk shows.

Stanley humbly shared his story and his profound love for the once-rare flower. His passion had not only captured the hearts of his loved ones but had also preserved the beauty that was now lost from the world. With the fame came an opportunity to spread awareness about the importance of preserving endangered species and the wonders of nature.

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When exam comes

As the sun broke through the morning mist, casting a warm glow on the university campus, I felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. It was the day I was to write my most feared course, which happens to be a compulsory requirement if you must go to the next level.

I had spent weeks preparing for this exam, poring over textbooks, taking copious notes, and participating in study groups, there were days I read without food. Despite my efforts, anxiety gnawed at me as I entered the examination hall, my heart racing with anticipation.

The room was abuzz with students flipping through their notes and sneaking last-minute glances at their textbooks. I found my assigned seat, my hands slightly trembling as I set down my pen and exam booklet. The clock on the wall seemed to tick louder with each passing second.

Among the things that disturbed my memory was the noice from fellow students whispering to one another trying to remember the thing they read and memories. The invigilator was a bit inhuman as he would not just serve us with the question paper but kept us in a standby situation for hours.

As the exam paper was distributed, I took a deep breath and read through the questions. To my surprise, they were challenging, delving deep into the subjects we had covered. Panic threatened to engulf me, but I reminded myself of the hours I had invested in preparation. I began tackling the questions one by one, my mind racing to recall the information I had studied.

Minutes turned into hours, and despite my best efforts, time seemed to slip through my fingers. Doubts crept in, but I pushed them aside, focusing on each question with determination. Even when I encountered a particularly tricky problem, I forced myself to keep going, refusing to give up.

Finally, the last few minutes of the exam arrived. With a mix of relief and exhaustion, I reviewed my answers, making quick corrections where needed. As the invigilator announced the end of the exam, I submitted but the invigilator will not let us go it was at that moment he remembered we are to sign attendance

At this point the hall was scattered but in the end we signed the attendance and we are out of the hall. Don't ask me about the result because it's personal, just give me a like. Enjoy your weekend.

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Love Me Now

Felix was a carefree and jovial soul, known for his infectious laughter. However, he suffered from a peculiar problem - stinky shoes and soles.

His hostel mates teased him about it, and Felix felt deeply humiliated. Felix refused to let his shoe odor define him and focused on his academics and art. He realized that just like a flower, he too had the power to bloom and transform himself. Felix took extra care of himself, practicing good hygiene and trying out natural remedies. Despite his efforts, the smell did not completely go away, but Felix refused to be disheartened.

His hostel mates noticed Felix's determination, kindness towards others, and passion for art. They realized they had overlooked the amazing person he was inside. One by one, Felix's hostel mates apologized for their behavior, and they were inspired by Felix's resilience and his ability to rise above the taunts and embrace his true self.

Felix's journey became a source of inspiration for his entire college community. His artistic talent and the positive energy he radiated became admired, and Felix's smelly shoe and sole no longer defined him.

Just know that you can convert your weakness for a personal strength

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Be a Farmer

In a tiny town, lived Ada, a determined girl with a passion for nature and agricultural science. From an early age, Ada had a fascination with life and the possibilities of sustainable food production.

Ada went on to pursue a degree in Agricultural Science at the university. However, she faced ridicule and scorn from the public for her chosen field of study. Agriculture was seen by many as an inelegant and outdated discipline.

She embraced cutting-edge farming techniques, integrated the latest technologies, and understood the importance of sustainable practices. She believed that agriculture had the power to make a positive impact on the world.

After graduating, Ada acquired a small plot of land on the outskirts of the town to fulfill her dream of creating a flourishing, sustainable farm. Day and night, she toiled, nurturing her land and cultivating her crops. Ada saw every success and challenge as a valuable lesson.

People witnessed the bountiful harvests from Ada's land. Her dedication and meticulous approach had paid off, inspiring others to reconsider their assumptions about agriculture.

Aware of the negative perceptions surrounding agricultural studies, Ada established a scholarship program with the profits from her farm, aiming to support students aspiring to pursue agricultural science. Ada believed that by empowering these young minds, she could change society's perception of agriculture.

The scholarship program flourished, with numerous students passionately immersing themselves in agricultural science. Ada mentored them, sharing her experiences and illustrating the practical importance of their studies. Through her efforts, the students gained confidence, and their collective impact began to challenge prevailing biases.

Over time, Ada's farm became a symbol of innovation, sustainability, and triumph. The town recognized the crucial role that agriculture played in their lives and its potential for the future. Ada's vision reshaped the narrative surrounding agriculture.

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Growth from Trenches

In a city, a young street boy Daniel, despite his challenging environment, never gave up on his dreams. He found solace in the magic of movies and yearned to be part of the film industry.

Gathering knowledge from books on acting, screenwriting, and filmmaking at the local library, Daniel's determination burned fiercely, he wanted to become an actor someday. His luck changed when he met a theater director named Mr. Johnson, who saw potential in him and offered him a role in a play.

Daniel seized the opportunity and shone in every performance, gaining recognition in the theater scene. A renowned filmmaker noticed his talent and offered him a major movie role. The film's success propelled Daniel to success, allowing him to inspire others from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Daniel used his fame and fortune to support street kids and aspiring artists through foundations and initiatives. Daniel's story shows that with determination and passion, dreams can come true, regardless of one's background.

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Smart skills

I could remember learning repairs, it was like a big war between my brain, imaginations, and my thoughts. Sometimes I can sense the right approach but then how do I put it to work is a problem.

But not until I ask my boss sir please how are you able to trace those faults, are you sure they're no magic or even rituals behind your excellency and accuracy. Because to me it's almost impossible to understand the working principle of all of this circuit.

It will interest you to know that in a TV circuit board there is about 1000 resistors 500 capacitor 300 diodes and lot more the damage of just one resistor will cause the full circuit not to function effectively. How do I encapsulate this whole stuff into my memory was a challenge.

And then he said, take one day at a time and feel yourself in what you are doing, correct your failures and celebrate your wins.

wow those words entered deep inside me and as days turns into weeks weeks into months and as months ran into years those words begins to found expression.

The story became more interesting when I understand that you don't necessarily need to know everything in the circuit but if that is your interest maybe you can consider electric engineering as a discipline in the university.

But so long you are here all you need is NAVIGATION ( The mind that tells you! If this is this then this should be that and if this is happening then that should not be happening) pardon my choose of words. 😂😂😂😂

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The bullies noticed the change in Dominion, he refused to cower to any form of bullying. The bullies were taken aback by his newfound courage, but they didn't back down easily.

One day, when the bullies cornered Dominion and Ben in the schoolyard, Dominion's heart pounded in his chest. Fear engulfed him but then he caught a glimpse of his little brother's scared eyes. In that moment, Dominion knew he couldn't back down.

Summoning all his newfound courage, Dominion took a deep breath and confronted the bullies. He stood tall, ready to protect his brother at any cost. To his surprise, the bullies hesitated and eventually backed away, unable to face the newfound determination in Dominion's eyes.

As the days turned into weeks, Dominion's bond with his brother Ben grew stronger. Together, they faced challenges and supported each other through thick and thin. Dominion's journey from a fearful victim to a courageous defender was a topic for every student in that school.

From that day forward, Dominion embraced his new identity as a protector, not just for Ben, but for anyone who needed a champion. He became a ray of hope for those who felt oppressed, reminding them that even the meekest among us can find the strength to rise and shine.

@applecoral 🗿

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Found my love

there was a man named Steve. He felt empty inside, like something was missing. But one day, he found a special book in a little bookstore. This book had stories about love and fate. Steve was inspired by one story and made a wish to find true love and happiness.

After a few months, Steve met Emily at a community event. They instantly connected with each other. They had so much in common, shared dreams, and felt a deep emotional bond. Being with Emily made Steve feel complete and loved like never before.

Their love story grew and they supported each other through all the ups and downs of life. Steve's encounter with the magical book had led him to the love he had always wanted.

This story reminds us that love can heal and make us feel whole. It shows that the universe guides us towards love, even when we least expect it. If you're looking for love, have hope and be open to new experiences. Trust in the power of destiny.

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The Guy who sacrificed everything for Love

Once upon a time, there was a kind-hearted young man named Alex who lived in a small town. He fell in love with a beautiful girl named Emily, who was rich and came from a wealthy family. Alex's love for Emily was so strong that he couldn't stop thinking about her.

Even though they were from different backgrounds, Alex couldn't help but admire Emily from a distance. He wanted to tell her about his feelings, but he knew it wouldn't be accepted in their society.

As time passed, Alex's love for Emily grew even stronger. He decided to do something special to show his love. He sold all his belongings and gave the money to people in need. He believed that by giving up everything he had, he could prove his love for Emily was real.

People in the town didn't understand why Alex was doing this, but he didn't care. All that mattered to him was Emily and the love he had for her.

When Emily heard about Alex's sacrifice, she was moved and wanted to know why he did it. Alex told her that his heart belonged only to her and that he would do anything to show his love.

Emily was touched by Alex's selflessness and realized that she couldn't let go of such a rare and genuine love. From that day on, they became a couple, and their love story became famous in the town.

Together, they showed everyone the power of true love that goes beyond material things. They proved that love can overcome anything and create a bond that is unbreakable.

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Her gaze was thrilling as she stared towards my direction. She had pink lips and her nose was carefully carved to perfection.
Her skin glowed and radiated the light coming from the window where she stood, she was a god.

I looked upon her in awe. Captivated by her beauty and feminine stature, my jaw dropped.
"who is this girl", my mind spoke audibly.
I took another quick look around, to regain consciousness and then fixed it back on her face, her eyes caught mine and...

I had never looked upon a woman the way I was doing. In fact no beauty could ever move me. I have trained myself over the years never to be carried away by any female and have maintained this until now.

I should have pulled my face away from her beautiful prying eyes, but I didn't. I kept on looking until the lecturer began.
While he (lecturer) taught, I stole glances at the angel, some which were noticed by her and some which she was oblivious of.

I was pushing through between a group of students who chose no better place to exchange pleasantries but the exit when my arm was seized by a soft flesh. I swerved back and it was her, it was the angel, it was the treasure, it was my weakness.

"what is your name?, I am Amaka"
she said.

"I am Andy, you have a pretty name"

We went back in and picked two seats, adjusted and sat.
We spoke for at least 15minute. She laughed at all my jokes and I smiled at her presence.
Her voice were like melodious strings which rang rhythms that suited my heart.

I think I have found love.

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Rush hour

This life is full of wonders and unforgettable experiences and memories too. An incident occurred that took me by surprise and shock, keep reading to hear it all and pls drop a like afterwards.
It was just last week Monday, I was hurrying to work because all teachers were supposed to be in school before 7:30 and they normally take attendance and in case of any defaulter, his salary will be deducted.
So, after taking my bath and wore my clothes, I hurriedly stepped out and on getting to where I would pick a bus I locked at my dressing to do the final inspection and noticed I had an oil stain on my perfectly ironed white shirt not knowing how it came, I was tempted to go back but just ignored it and went on.
On getting there, it was 7:28 and I breathed a sigh of relief and the principal was also sitted at the entrance waiting for late staffs, something he was never done and as I passed by, he told me that I was lucky I came before the deadline. That day many teachers were caught and their salaries deducted from but it wasn't over yet, the owner of the school decided to meet with the staffs that same day and we were assembled and he spoke extensively mostly about our dressing, he then spotted the stain on my shirt and made an example out of me, I was so embarrassed, it wasn't my habit to be improperly dressed but I was also glad at least my salary wasn't deducted.

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The Future is bright

The Future is bright
Randy was a child who grew up strong and confident admits his not-too-comfortable background. He was a friendly fellow with a good sense of humor.

He communicated well and though he had few enemies, it didn't hinder him from continuing with his welcoming lifestyle.

At a time Randy wouldn't have it anymore, he needed money to sort out problems, feed, and many other things he needed money for.
His friends and people he knew were diving into fraudulent activities but he didn't want to.

He could remember his mum's instructions never to engage in fraudulent practices even though his friends were.
Even though Randy had access to join his friends and make some cash, he didn't but rather endured despite the pressure.

He went online looking for skills and opportunities to earn. Many he found were fake and not paying. He didn't give up.
Sometimes later, he saw a campaign and picked it to learn. He started learning how to trade forex. Within months, he became an international tutor and made hundreds of dollars from a single trade.

He bought a car and started building his house after few months later.
He would never run out of money again. His money was pure and legal.

Be like Randy today.
Just focus on your hustle.
Don't be distracted.

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She dreamed of the stars. She became one

She dreamed of the stars. She became one
*The Starry Dream*

Lola was a young girl who loved to look at the stars. She dreamed of becoming an astronaut and exploring the wonders of the universe. She read books about space, watched documentaries, and joined the astronomy club at school. She was fascinated by everything related to astronomy and astrophysics.

However, not everyone shared her passion. Some of her classmates teased her for being a nerd and a weirdo. They said that she was wasting her time on something that was impossible and unrealistic. They told her that she should focus on more practical things, like fashion, sports, or music. They said that she would never achieve her dream, because she was not smart enough, brave enough, or rich enough.

Lola felt hurt by their words, but she did not let them discourage her. She knew that they were just trying to make themselves feel better by putting her down. She knew that they did not understand her vision and ambition. She knew that she had a unique gift and a special purpose in life.

She decided to ignore their negativity and stay true to herself. She continued to study hard, work hard, and dream big. She applied to the best universities and scholarships that offered programs in aerospace engineering and astronautics. She participated in various competitions and projects that showcased her talent and skills. She made friends with other people who shared her interests and supported her goals.

She never gave up on her dream, no matter what obstacles or challenges she faced. She never let what people said distract her from her path. She always stayed true to herself, no matter what.

And one day, she finally got the opportunity to make her dream come true. She was selected as one of the candidates for a mission to Mars. She was overjoyed and grateful for this chance. She packed her bags, put on her spacesuit, and boarded the rocket.

As she looked out of the window, she saw the Earth fading away and the stars getting closer. She smiled and whispered to herself:

"I did it. I made it. I am a star."

*Moral lessons:*

- The story teaches us that we should always follow our dreams and passions, no matter what others say or think.
- The story teaches us that we should not let negative comments or opinions affect our self-esteem or confidence.
- The story teaches us that we should work hard and persevere to achieve our goals and aspirations.

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True love

There was this guy that was in love with one of the f ok finest girls I have ever seen. The girl had brown eyes and pink lips, she looked like a Barbie. She was the true definition of beauty, perfect height, fair in complexion, voice as sweet as honey, and thick curly hair.

While the guy, her boyfriend on the other hand was a bushman, with the biggest brown teeth in history, well-shaped k-legs, a ridiculous height and a very decent pot belly.

I would love to finish the story but let's do this next time.
Remember to leave a like and wait for my next story

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Just the Best

It was one of its usual cold mornings throughout Lagos City as I won't up shivering. I slept without clothes on, but that isn't the story.

A minute or two later, my alarm went off, it signaled the competition time.
Quickly, I grabbed my phone and went through the competition details that was to start in 5 minutes.

Commenting would have to be quick and comprehensive for one to win.
Luckily, I was the winner. The smile on m face was pure. The day had started off good, I thought.

Though I couldn't recall when exactly I joined the site, I didn't forget that this very site have fed many for more than 3 years, yet improving daily.

After I saw the gift box icon beneath my comment, which denoted my winning, I checked my balance, I had already accumulated over #2000, so I requested for withdrawal.

Withdrawing from this special app is never a worry. Once the credit countdown was over, your accumulated money drops into your account instantly. And never had there been a case of missing fund, never.

Can't tell how the entire day went, but with this site which has stood the test of time, no day was/is a bad one.

Category Competition Winner!

2,000 NGN Prize successfully withdrawn to winners' wallet

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