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Sunset thoughts

Sunset thoughts
It was getting dark with the sunset, and I found myself lost in thought. Leaning against the balcony, I watched the world below, contemplating the affairs of life. Thoughts went through my mind like leaves caught in a gentle breeze, each one carrying with it a different emotion, a different perspective.

I couldn't help but wonder about the purpose of it all. What was the meaning behind the everyday routines, the struggles, the moments of joy and sorrow? Was there some design guiding the course of my life, or was it all just a series of random events?

As I pondered these questions, my thoughts turned to the people who had shaped my journey. Memories of laughter shared with friends, moments of heartache and many other thoughts occupied my mind. Each interaction, each relationship, had left a mark on my soul, shaping me into the person I am today.

But amidst the chaos of life, I also found moments of clarity. Moments when the noise of the world faded away, and I could hear the whisper of my own heart. In those moments, I realized that life wasn't about finding all the answers, but rather about embracing the journey, with all its twists and turns.

I may not have all the answers, but as long as I stay true to myself and follow my heart, I will find my way. And with that thought, I turned away from the balcony, closed my books and went home to face whatever tomorrow may bring.

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Made Stronger

Made Stronger
I can vividly recall the last semester in college. I have to admit, I wasn't as serious as I should have been. I cruised through classes, confident that I would still ace my exams without putting in my best effort. When the results finally came out, I was hit with a wave of disappointment and self-displeasure. I was disheartened and spent countless hours, over several days, dwelling in thoughts of my perceived failure.

As I replayed the events of that semester in my mind, I realized that I had let myself down. My lack of seriousness had finally caught up with me. I was held back by the specter of my own discontent, and I struggled to find motivation to move forward. It was a weight that seemed to sink my spirit further with each passing day.

However, in the midst of my turmoil, a realization struck me like a bolt of lightning. Just because I didn't perform as well as I had hoped didn't mean that I hadn't worked hard or that I wasn't intelligent. It was simply a test, a challenge to see if I would crumble under my setbacks or emerge stronger. It was a poignant reminder that our value isn't defined solely by our accomplishments, but also by our resilience in the face of adversity.

As I grappled with this newfound perspective, I found solace in the encouraging words I encountered on social media and within my Guinean community. They were words of resilience, determination, and the unyielding power of the human spirit. It was a turning point for me. I vowed to pick myself up, to shake off the doubt and disappointment, and take charge of my future.

I made the decision to double my defenses, to push myself harder, and to never let myself be held back by my own shortcomings

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Once upon a time ,there lived a blind man in a small town . He did not have any family . He always carry light Lamp in his hand whenever he went out at night. All the people in his town thought he was a mad man.

On one dark night, he was going with his light Lamp in his hand. A group of men was passing the same road where he was passing, and they started making fun of him. They said "oh blind man why do you carry light Lamp ? You're blind and cannot see anything!"

The blind man smile. The blind man politely replied, "yes unfortunately , I am blind and I can't see anything but a light Lamp which am carrying is for the people like you who can see. You may not see the blind man while coming and end up pushing me. That is why I carried s light Lamp ".
All of them were ashamed of themselves and beg for pardon.

Think twice before you speak and never judge others based on there condition

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My injured Leg

In the beautiful village of Ikot Abasi, my childhood was filled with joy, friendship, and football. Every day, my friends and I gathered at the village square, our special spot to play.
With our bare feet and our hearts full of excitement, we chased the ball through the streets. Each game was an adventure, testing our skills and passion for the sport.

But one day, during a game, I collided with another player and hurt my leg badly. I lay on the ground, feeling pain and disappointment. I worried I might never play football again.
But through it all, my mom was there for me, comforting me and taking care of me. She stayed by my side every step of the way.

For three weeks, I stayed in bed, my leg wrapped in bandages. But with my mom's love and care, I started to feel better. Even though I couldn't play football anymore, I found strength in my mom's support. She spent so much time with me praying that I will recover soon and be able to play ball again.
As I healed, I realized that while I might not play football again, the memories and the love of my mom would stay with me forever. With her by my side, I knew I could overcome anything life threw my way.


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In the Storm

Victor and Eseme, pals connected by friendship and a mutual love of the sea, set sail on their dependable boats, eager to discover the secrets that lie beyond. However, when a violent and merciless tempest struck, their adventure took an unexpected turn. Their boats were tossed around like toys as the storm wreaked havoc on the sea.

They tried everything possible to keep the boat afloat and it seemed to be working at first, and they were confident that with their expertise, this ocean will be simple to go through without struggling for it.

But as the storm continued and their strength began to fail, Eseme prayed to the heavens above in a shaky voice and with hopeful eyes. And just like that, the turbulent sea was suddenly miraculously calmed down—as though nature itself submitted to the force of Eseme's passionate plea.

Victor and Eseme looked out at the peaceful water, tears of praise spilling down their faces, their hearts full with amazement and awe. They continued sailing their boat towards the far horizon, singing songs of gratitude to God.

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Trying to beat time

Trying to beat time
Today was a day filled with frenzy and haste. I woke up slightly later than usual, and as I glanced at the clock, panic set in realizing that I had only a short time to prepare for school. I took the fastest bath of my life, brushed my teeth in record time, and dashed out of the house, the lingering scent of toothpaste still in the air.

The practical I had been preparing for was scheduled to start at 2 pm, and as I checked my watch, the time was already 2:06 pm. I rushed to school, my heart racing with the fear of being late. To my surprise, I found that when I arrived, the class hadn't even commenced. My hurried rush had been unnecessary!

With the tension of being late lifted, I decided to treat myself at a nearby canteen. Craving something sweet and refreshing on this scorching day, I grabbed a chilled soft drink. The cold liquid was a much-needed relief from the blistering weather. As I sipped my drink, I took a moment to relax and enjoy the unexpected serenity of the day.

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Alone with the clock

Alone with the clock
With each tik, the sound got nearer and my hearing capacity got better. It was 12 pm and I couldn't do anything but roll side by side on my bed.

The heat was too much, so I took of my clothes and lay naked, thanks to the fact that I lived alone.
The heat wasn't easing after all so I had to pick a thin book to give myself one of the most popular traditional method of ventilation that I knew about.

At each stroke, my arm grew weaker.
God knew that I wanted nothing more than the electricity distribution company to perform a miracle at that point in time.
Just recently, I have noticed a downside from their end...
... they always ensure that in a day of 100% we are with 7% with power, the rest of 93% leaves us wallowing in blackouts.

But then it's alright, I've got to go take my bath now and prepare for the AFCON match that awaits us, see yall later.

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Economy palaba

Economy palaba
When will things come back to normal in Nigeria? Could you believed I went to market to purchase some food items with the aim of getting what I intended to buy, but when I got there what I met on ground was so disappointing. Hmmmm, firstly I went to aboki where they are selling rice so that I could get it at cheaper price and he told me that custard rubber is 6500 naira 🙆🙆 and I thought he was just joking and I started to tell him aboki kai now me wet be correct customer I no go pay am for that price and aboki wanted to change it for me inside market to the extent that I have to control my self before aboki start to disgrace me publicly.
Because of that I couldn't ask him the price of beans because I don't know aboki intention. I went to buy beans and other items in another place and the price was as well disappointing.
And out of 20k that I took to market, I only buy few things that I almost cried in the market. But with the help of God I was able to control myself.
Nigeria don call obey ooo, I beg who get TINUBU number make he give me ooo before hungar finish me😃😃😃😃😃
Could you be

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The pregnant virgin

The pregnant virgin
My name is Chioma , my parents are Farmers they are very poor but managed to send me to college . I am the most intelligent in my class people always bullyed me they said it was not true that I am a virgin because I was very beautiful but I didn't care I was always found reading my book unlike Ada the baddest girl in college always going to night club, sneeking out of school .
Ada: babes Fred called he said we should come to his party
Babe 1: ok na we are in
Ada : wear something sexy ohh this night is going to be wild
Babe 2: you no trust us we go package
Meanwhile Chioma was reading her book as always when the principal Called her to his office
Principal: Chioma sorry to disturb but I have bad news
Chioma: it's ok Hope no problem
Principal: someone just called me and said that your parents are really sick and need treatment
Chioma was sad she didn't have the money
Ada and her gang snuck out of college and went to the party
Fred: see I need another babe ohh or we are over
Ada: which Kain talk be that one where I go find another babe
Fred: I no care but she must fine ohh
Ada: ( standing up ) let's go babes
They all snuck back in and heard Chioma and the principal discursion
Ada: I have a plan
Babe 3: wetin you get for mind
Ada: just play along
Then Ada went to chioma hostel and saw her crying
Ada: I will give you money for your parents treatment Chioma if you agree to follow us to the club next week
Chioma: what...

This is just part one watch out for Episode 2
Thanks for reading


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Continuation of the pregnant virgin

Continuation of the pregnant virgin
Chioma was surprised
Chioma: you want me to loose my virginity for money
Ada: but if you don't your parents might die
Chioma: but my virginity
Ada: but your parents
Chioma: fine I will do it for my parent
Ada: yes, the party is tomorrow Evening
Chioma: ok
Ada left and went back to her hostel
Chioma pov
I do not want to loose my virginity for someone I do not know and I don't want my parents to die no life is more important I will go
Ada pov
So it was that easy to convince holy Mary ( referring to Chioma) let me call Fred
Ada: Fred I don find I babe we go come tommorow
Fred: eheh I go dey expect una.
The next day
Ada: let us sneeck you to that near boutique
Babe 2: ok then.
They snuck out and even got some clothes for Ada then it was time to go
Ada: Chioma let's go
Chioma: ok( with a scared voice)
They soon reached Fred house . Chioma was so scared so she kept a safe distance, Fred had already plans everything he went to the kitchen got some juice for Chioma but he put in some medicine to make her sleep.
Fred: Chioma have this juice
Chioma: thanks
So Chioma drank everything and immediately fell asleep, Ada and the rest left Chioma and Fred together, so Fred carried her to his room and their it happened, Fred dis-virgined Chioma.
The next day Fred quickly left the bed room so that Chioma won't know they slept together, when Chioma woke up she screamed to see she was in someone's bad room....
This is Episode 2 watch out for Episode 3 ....


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Episode 3 of the pregnant virgin

Episode 3 of the pregnant virgin
Chioma: what how did I get here how oh my goodness I am naked.
Chioma put on her clothes and went to look for Frank
Frank: omo when I fuck that girl virgin.
Frank said to his friends
Chioma: Frank how did I get up to that room and why was I naked
Frank: your friend brought you up( he lied)
Chioma: why was I naked
Frank: I don't know that one ( he lied again)
I didn't know what happened so I just believed him.
So we snuck back to college of course Frank gave me 20,000 I wasn't proud of what I did but I did it for my parents and their treatment. I started to feel some pain in my body to the extent I went to see the schools doctor.
Doctor: hello what can I help you with.
Chioma: doctor I feel pain.
Doctor: let me run some tests.
Chioma: ok doctor.
After running the test he brought the result
Doctor: Chioma you are pregnant.
Chioma: what I can't be I am still a virgin.
Doctor: I can't believe you would do such, I have to call the principal.
The doctor called the principal and told her everything, she was disappointed.
Principal: how come, no you can't stay here with this pregnancy, you are hearby suspended from school today.
Chioma: please ma I am sorry , I am still a virgin pls believe me.
Principal: I have made up my mind.
So I packed my things and went out of college not knowing where to go I couldn't face my parents.
That led chioma to a great disappointment and because of that she couldn't further her studies.


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The Snake Takedown

The Snake Takedown
It all began in the heat of the day, when the neighborhood had taken shelter from the scorching sun. I was indoors with the company of my mom and brother, unwary of any looming danger. The silence that had long gripped the house was broken when my sister pushed the front door open. Amidst the struggle of pulling her socks, she spotted a snake wrapped around my footwear and immediately raised the alarm that would soon spread into the neighborhood.

Without hesitation, my elder brother who was seated about an arm's length from the door reached out and pulled her inside first, before dashing out to tackle the situation. In the aftermath of the alarm, pandemonium erupted — my mom rushed out first to have a glimpse that left her stunned, she could only scream "Bring a pestle, bring me something!!!"
Fortunately, my sister understood the situation and selected the deadliest weapon from the arsenal — a cutlass, handed it over to my mom who flung it onto the verandah and shut the door behind us.

In the midst of this chaos, I had remained seated convinced it was just a little lost snake until my brother called for immediate backup. Reluctantly, I answered the Call to Duty and stepped out. The alarm had already awakened several people who gathered to cheer my brother on as he continued to besiege stacks of concrete blocks where the cunning creature had taken refuge. I was eager to see the scoundrel that had posed a nuisance to my state of tranquility.

My brother beckoned to me the moment I arrived, "Hold this stick! Once you spot its head, strike without hesitation." My goodness, I arrived on the battlefield without any knowledge of the enemy's plan. This guy won't let me settle, and neither will the crowd, as they continue cheering from a distance. I did a quick survey of these newfound fans — a granny, two middle aged women, a couple who seemed to be in their early sixties and my mother, now the cheerleader of this temporary supporters club.

The ambush was perfect, the first strike forced the snake out and it raced towards the granny, mama responded by galloping for safety. Fortunately, the chase was intercepted and the snake returned to its refuge. As we rallied around it trying to figure out the best way to end this disturbance, a girl emerged with a cup of kerosene — quite the African way to finish off snakes. And for a big one like this, it will be wise to deploy the immobilization before extermination strategy and so we emptied the cup's contents right inside the block stacks.

Left with no space to breathe nor escape, the snake made one final death launch to the open space that will soon become its graveyard. We answered in kind but fully on guard against being bitten as it slithered left and right writhing for life. Alas! it was subdued and when the dust settled, I drew out the cutlass that had been buried in sand during the siege and proceeded to end the battle.

The couple made a request to take photographs before its head was detached. What a lovely, hilarious sight as the man picked up and jokingly threw the snake to his wife, so the battlefield had now become a playground for them. I had no option than to leave the dying snake to itself, my work there is done and the couples would determine its fate.

Like a returning soldier, I nodded my head in satisfaction at the cheers of the neighborhood, praising us for taking out a major threat to their safety. What a Day! 🌃

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A glance through glass

A glance through glass
As the car moved swiftly down the road, I couldn't help but notice the changes on the roadside, the storey buildings.
Two years ago, no one could have thought that such structures could be erected and would transform the locality in the short range.

I smiled, nodding my head to the melody coming from the car speaker. The driver must have taken his time to select from my playlist; oh how much I loved those songs and how much it made me reminisce, they were not new songs.

A flyover was right ahead of us, towering feet's above the ground with its newly painted legs. It wasn't over a year that they laid the foundations to erect the structure but more surprisingly, it was the fastest project the government ever completed.

And I thought deep within me, if the nation's wealth was properly utilized, we'll be living in paradise.

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My Nursing Journey

My Nursing Journey
Nursing school has been one of the toughest challenges I've ever faced. The days seem to blend together, one endless cycle of lectures, practical labs, and clinical rotations at the health center. Time has become a luxury, an elusive thing slipping through my fingers as I desperately juggle assignments, readings, and preparing for exams.

There's little time to do most of the things I was fond of. Story writing used to be my escape, a way to let my imagination soar and create worlds of my own. Composing poems felt like breathing, a part of me that I could express freely. But now, those passions have taken a back seat. I miss the joy of weaving words together, of creating something that brings life to my thoughts and emotions. There's an ache in my heart, knowing that my stories are left untold and my poems remain unwritten.

Social media used to be my platform to connect with others, to share my thoughts and creations. I miss the interaction, the sense of community among fellow writers and artists. My absence from these platforms feels like I'm slowly fading from a world I once felt connected to. The little time I have is consumed by studies and exhaustion, leaving me with little energy to engage in the activities that once fueled my spirit.

But amidst the chaos and relentless demands of nursing school, I remind myself why I chose this path. The passion for helping others, the desire to make a meaningful difference in people's lives. These dreams push me forward, igniting a flicker of determination in the depths of my fatigue.

Though the weight of nursing school feels suffocating at times, I know it's a temporary sacrifice for the greater good. So, I press on, knowing that one day, when I hold that nursing degree in my hand, I can reclaim the passions I've set aside.

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In a quiet village embraced by emerald meadows, there lived a mysterious storyteller named Eldon. His eyes held the wisdom of centuries, and whispers of enchanting tales surrounded him. Yet, Eldon harbored a secret story, one he had never shared.

On a moonlit night, a curious young girl named Aria approached Eldon. "Tell me a story no one has heard," she pleaded.

Eldon hesitated but then began weaving a tale of a hidden garden within the village, blooming with magical flowers. Legend spoke of a key that unlocked its gate, nestled in the heart of kindness.

Intrigued, Aria embarked on a quest to find the key. Days turned into weeks, and as kindness blossomed within her, the garden revealed itself. Eldon, watching from afar, revealed the story's lesson: "The treasures of kindness unlock the most magical gardens hidden within ourselves."

Aria returned to the village, sharing the lesson. The once-hidden garden became a symbol, and kindness flourished, turning the village into a haven of compassion and understanding.

The untold story illuminated the profound truth: The magic within us awakens when we nurture kindness. In every act of compassion, a hidden garden flourishes, revealing the transformative power of a heart touched by kindness.

@grandmaster has received a total gift of 100 NGN on this; as TIPs from someone

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In a small village nestled between rolling hills, there lived a wise old woman named Elara. Her eyes, though weathered by time, sparkled with the wisdom of a thousand stories. The village sought her counsel in times of joy and sorrow.

One day, a young girl named Lila approached Elara with a plea. "I yearn for the extraordinary, the magical. How can I find it?"

Elara smiled and handed Lila a small, plain-looking box. "Within this box lies the secret to the extraordinary. Open it only when your heart feels heavy."

Curiosity in her eyes, Lila thanked Elara and carried the box with her through life's journey. As the years passed, she faced trials and tribulations, moments of joy and heartbreak. Yet, she resisted opening the box, hoping for the perfect moment.

One day, burdened by the weight of her struggles, Lila finally opened the box. To her surprise, it was empty. Confused, she returned to Elara, asking, "Why was the box empty? Where is the extraordinary you promised?"

Elara chuckled softly. "The lesson, dear Lila, is in the journey. Life's magic lies not in waiting for perfect moments but in embracing imperfect ones. The extraordinary is woven into the fabric of your everyday experiences, waiting to be discovered."

Lila realized the depth of Elara's wisdom. From that day forward, she learned to find beauty in the mundane, joy in small victories, and magic in the ordinary moments of life. Elara's lesson became a guiding light for the village, reminding them that the extraordinary is not a distant destination but a companion on the journey of life.

@grandmaster has received a total gift of 400 NGN on this; as TIPs from someone

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In a small coastal town nestled between rolling hills and a serene bay, lived a young woman named Isabella. She was known for her kindness, but her heart carried a burden of unfulfilled dreams. Isabella yearned to explore the world beyond the town, to chase the echoes of distant adventures that whispered through the salty sea breeze.

One day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Isabella strolled along the shoreline. Her gaze fixed on the distant horizon, she longed to unravel the mysteries concealed beyond the waves.

An old fisherman named Elias noticed Isabella's contemplative demeanor and approached her. With a weathered smile, he began weaving a tale of an ancient seafaring tradition. Legends spoke of a mystical lighthouse that appeared only to those with pure hearts and unquenchable curiosity. Its light guided the seekers to realms unexplored.

Eager to embark on this quest, Isabella set sail with a small crew of kindred spirits who shared her dreams. As their ship ventured into the vast ocean, they encountered challenges that tested their resolve – tempests, uncharted waters, and moments of doubt. Yet, with each trial, Isabella's determination grew stronger.

One moonlit night, guided by the stars and an inner compass, they spotted the ethereal glow of the elusive lighthouse. It stood atop an undiscovered island, surrounded by lush landscapes and vibrant flora. As they approached, the air was filled with the harmonious sounds of nature, and the island whispered tales of ancient civilizations.

Isabella and her crew explored the hidden wonders, finding not just treasures of the land but also treasures within themselves. The lessons learned during their journey were profound – the importance of perseverance, the beauty of embracing the unknown, and the transformative power of curiosity.

As the adventurers returned to their coastal town, Isabella carried the newfound wisdom like a beacon in her heart. The story of her extraordinary journey spread, inspiring others to chase their dreams with unyielding passion.

The lesson of Isabella's tale echoed through the town: Life's most fulfilling adventures await those who dare to pursue their dreams, navigate the seas of uncertainty, and discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. And so, the coastal town became a haven for dreamers, forever touched by the magic of Isabella's journey.

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Why borrowing money from online loan app are danger

One day, i needed money, so i took out a loan from fairmoney #7500 and bought a short, i never knew that borrowing from online loan apps require you to be working, so later when due i borrowed from branch, to pay back, then downloaded another loan, app and took out 70k which was later frozen in my firstbank account, since then i went into default, and receiving calls from loan collection agency, since then i lost focus, so all i have been doing is just begging them, so i don't know how to do it.

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A Garden′s Lessons In Vulnerability

Once in a quaint village, there lived an elderly woman named Abena, known for her magical garden. Legend had it that her vibrant flowers held the power to reflect one's true emotions.

Curious youngsters often visited Abena's garden, hoping to witness the magic. One day, a young girl named Nia entered, carrying a heavy heart burdened by unspoken sorrows.

As Nia walked through the garden, the flowers began to wilt and lose their color. Alarmed, she confessed her struggles to Abena. With a kind smile, Abena whispered, "The first step to healing is sharing your pain."

Nia opened up, and as she did, the garden transformed. Vibrant hues returned to the flowers, reflecting the release of Nia's burdens. Abena's lesson echoed through the petals: the power of vulnerability and the magic that blooms when we share our stories.

In that moment, Nia learned that in the garden of life, our honesty and openness can bring forth the most beautiful blossoms of healing and connection.

@grandmaster has received a total gift of 150 NGN on this; as TIPs from someone

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Fighting with Dust

Fighting with Dust
Yes, they were clean pairs of new shoes, I said to myself as I looked down at the new shoes that i just bought looking all brown, dirty and old, it was the dust.

I cursed the harmattan season and how it had always continued to make me look dirty no matter how carefully I walked.
I couldn't be more angrier than the passer-by, they all had the dirty stamp on their footwear. It looked like they were worried about it as I was.

Under a shade, I bent to wipe of some of the dirt with the little piece of rag that i had with me, i had made it a companion some days back. I struggled to clean the shoe to shine as it had when I was still about to leave the house, but was disappointed with the result, nevertheless, some stains were wiped whereas a good portion remained.

I think the best thing to do from now henceforth is to always leave the house along with my shoe polish. I can't continue to look like a result of pig's rummage in dust.

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Last Sunday, I promised myself I was going to get a-2 hours nap mid-day. At 2pm, I lay down to get the supposed nap, but guess what? Each time I tried to settle into sleep, I felt a nudge in my mind. I had been procrastinating on calling the electrician, I was too lazy to do it! So each time I try to doze off, I get this mental reminder of this little undone task, and it made me so restless. I couldn't achieve the bigger goal which was to get adequate sleep during the day.

In our journey to effectiveness, this endless mental reminder of small undone tasks add up to big stress. Completing these small tasks silences the reminders and create a calm and productive environment.

The 1-minute rule suggests that if a task takes less than a minute to complete, you should do it right away instead of delaying it. This rule encourages quick action on small tasks, such as fixing your bed, replying to an email or organizing your workspace, to prevent accumulation and potential procrastination and to maintain productivity. By promptly handling short tasks, you reduce the chances of forgetting or neglecting and keep your workload more manageable.

The term "1-minute rule" was coined by Gretchen Rubin, and is described as "incredible easy, incredible effective"


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