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Spots on my face

Spots on my face
I caught my reflection in the mirror. To my shock, I noticed a cluster of pimples had appeared on my face. I stood there for a moment, surprised and a bit worried, as I stares closer on the unwelcome spots that seemed to have taken over my once-clear skin.

As I paused to think about what could have caused this sudden outbreak, a few possible reasons came to mind: I hadn’t been exercising as much as I used to. My workout routine had evaporated to almost nothing, and I knew that my body was storing things that could have gone from sweating under my skin.
Another was my diet. Lately, I had been indulging in more oily foods, fries, and those delightful fried snacks that were just too hard to resist. And as if that wasn't enough, it had been ages since I’d eaten any oranges. I loved their slapping sweetness, but somehow, they had been pushed to the back of my budget and my mind.

I want to take action, so I decided that I needed to get rid of these pimples and regain my clear complexion. My first step is to stock up on oranges.

I also resolved to cut down on the oily foods. Stepping away from deep-fried indulgences.wouldn’t be easy, and I knew I couldn’t do it overnight,

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The new kid

The new kid
My name is Aisha and I had just moved to a small village in Nigeria with my family. I was nervous about starting at a new school, but I was excited to make new friends and explore my new surroundings. Little did I know, my life was about to take a dangerous turn.

On my first day at school, I met a girl named Zara. She was friendly and welcoming, and we quickly became friends. Zara introduced me to her group of friends, who seemed nice enough at first. But as I got to know them better, I realized that they were involved in some shady activities.

One day, Zara invited me to hang out with her friends after school. I was hesitant at first, but I didn't want to seem like a prude, so I agreed to go along. We ended up at an abandoned building on the outskirts of the village, where Zara's friends revealed their true colors.

They were members of a dangerous gang that operated in the area. They were involved in drug trafficking, theft, and even murder. I was terrified, but before I could make a run for it, they had me surrounded.

The gang members taunted me, threatening to harm me if I ever spoke a word about what I had seen. I was paralyzed with fear, unsure of what to do. Zara, who I thought was my friend, stood by silently, not daring to speak up against her friends.

I knew I had to get out of there before things escalated further. I managed to slip away when the gang members were distracted, but I knew that they would come after me if I didn't keep my mouth shut.

I confided in my best friend, Tunde, about what had happened. He was shocked and worried for my safety. We decided to keep a low profile and avoid any contact with the gang members. But little did we know, they had their eyes on us.

One evening, as Tunde and I were walking home from school, we noticed a group of shady-looking individuals following us. We quickened our pace, but they were hot on our heels. We took a shortcut through a dark alley, hoping to lose them, but they were relentless.

Suddenly, they caught up to us and surrounded us. I recognized one of them as the leader of the gang that had threatened me before. He sneered at me, his eyes filled with malice.

"You thought you could run from us, huh?" he said, his voice dripping with menace. "You're going to regret ever crossing us."

Tunde and I were trapped, with no way out. I could see the fear in Tunde's eyes, mirroring my own. We were at the mercy of these dangerous individuals, and I feared for our lives.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a sudden commotion broke out in the alley. A group of villagers had heard our cries for help and had come to our rescue. They fought off the gang members, giving Tunde and me a chance to escape.

We ran as fast as we could, our hearts pounding in our chests. We didn't stop until we reached the safety of Tunde's house. We were shaken but grateful to be alive.

Tunde's parents were horrified when we told them what had happened. They immediately contacted the authorities and reported the gang's activities. The police promised to investigate the matter and ensure our safety.

But I knew that the gang wouldn't give up that easily. They would stop at nothing to silence us and protect their illicit operations.

As days passed, Tunde and I tried to resume our normal lives, but the fear of the gang loomed over us like a dark cloud. We were constantly looking over our shoulders, afraid that they would strike again.

One day, Zara approached me at school, her eyes filled with guilt. She confessed that she had been a member of the gang all along and had lured me into their trap. I was shocked and betrayed by her deception.

"I'm sorry, Aisha," Zara said, tears streaming down her face. "I never meant for things to go this far. Please forgive me."

I was torn between anger and pity for Zara. I couldn't believe that someone I had trusted had turned out to be a traitor. But I knew that I had to stay strong and protect myself and Tunde from further harm.

The gang's threats escalated, and Tunde and I knew that we had to confront them once and for all. We couldn't live in fear forever, and we needed to put an end to their reign of terror.

With the help of the police, we devised a plan to lure the gang members into a trap. We set up a meeting at the abandoned building where they had first threatened me, pretending to surrender to their demands.

As the gang members arrived, we were ready for them. The police swooped in, arresting them one by one. The leader of the gang put up a fight, but he was no match for the authorities.

I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I watched the gang members being taken away in handcuffs. Tunde and I had finally put an end to the nightmare that had haunted us for so long.

With the gang members behind bars, Tunde and I could finally breathe a sigh of relief. We had overcome the odds and emerged victorious against the forces that had threatened our lives.

Zara came to me one last time, begging for forgiveness. I could see the remorse in her eyes, and I knew that she had learned from her mistakes. I forgave her, but our friendship would never be the same again.

Life in the village returned to normal, but the events that had transpired would always be etched in my memory. I had faced danger head-on and had come out stronger on the other side.

As I looked out at the sunset over the village, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. The dark chapter of my life was finally behind me, and I was ready to embrace a new beginning.

Tunde stood by my side, his presence a constant source of strength and support. We had faced the worst together and had come out stronger as a result.

I knew that the road ahead would be filled with challenges, but I was no longer afraid. I had survived the ordeal with the gang, and I was ready to face whatever came my way with courage and determination.

As the stars twinkled in the night sky, I made a silent vow to myself. I would never let fear dictate my life again. I was a survivor, and nothing could ever break

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Lost Routine

Lost Routine
Yesterday, I finally broke free from my busy student life and put on my shoes for a Saturday jog. I had been so occupied in the previous months that I hadn’t had the chance to get outside and run, but something about yesterday filled me with determination. I decided it was time to reclaim my Saturdays.

As I approached the school stadium, I felt a familiar air that I always felt In the past.
Before, I usually ran at least 15 laps around the stadium before getting tired, but this time felt different. By the time I completed my third lap, I was already gasping for air, feeling like every pore on my body was begging for me to stop and breathe.
I continued, telling myself that it was just a matter of getting back into the swing of things.

However, on the ninth lap, I could feel my legs starting to protest angrily. I had to stop. I was out of breath and my muscles were beginning to ache.
Strangely enough, I wasn’t too disappointed. It felt as if I was re-learning how to run again after being away from the tracks for long. I reminded myself that with a little persistence, I’d soon be back to my old self, maybe even running like a pro again.

Happy Sunday!

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First Paper

First Paper
Today is the day when we kick off our first papers for General Physiology 407. Our exam is set to start today, and time is ticking against me as I write this story.

General Physiology 407 is supposed to be a fair course, giving us an understandable exposure to basic physiological topics. However, the professor, who we affectionately refer to as the fat-tummy man, seems to make the course twice as complex. Despite everyone's efforts to understand the material, it never seems to be enough.

I spent the past few days reading the course materials, but it feels like the more I read, the more there is to learn. Last night, I stayed up until 12am to cover the last few chapters before I dozed off. This morning, my alarm woke me up at 4am to continue studying.

Well, I think that the whole tension is triggered by the feeling that this is our first paper, but we'll triumph.
See y'all later.

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What a life

What a life
I never taught this altitude of mine will be my downfall,,, been a year ago I was a very notorious guy in school they know me as opana which means gun in ebira language,, I was so popular that even neighbouring schools know about me, I was known as fighter and a dangerous person, I smoke I take harmful substances until one day I was arrested when I went to fought someone as usual but this time was not funny.
I was jailed for 13 years because the guy I fought with lost his life after 13 years in jail I came out with sorrow and pains cause now I cant go to school again I'm now a man to face the hardship of the world because my parents disowned me due to my altitude what a life have live without a progress what a life of pains and sorrow ohh what a life of everlasting pains and sorrows...

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Not to Impress

Not to Impress
For a while now, I've been using a phone with a damaged screen. Even though it was a good phone, the broken screen made me feel not so great. I felt like I needed to give myself a pep talk just to use it. I didn't have the money to fix it, and I kind of felt like getting it fixed was just me trying to show off or look good in front of others.

Some times, my close friends talked to me about how disappointed they were that I hadn't changed the phone screen even though they knew I had the money to.

So, I kept using the phone despite the broken screen for about three months. Then, just yesterday, I realized that I finally had enough money to get it repaired. I didn't exactly have a lot of money, but I had enough to fix the screen. After getting it repaired, I looked at my phone, and it made me feel happy. Not because I did it to impress anyone, but just because it made me feel good to have my phone looking nice again.

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I was sitting in my room reminiscing on my school life over the years when something struck me.

Before I finish my primary school, I had a strong desire to be a Medical Doctor because of the numerous young kids of my age that died while we grew up due to lack of proper medical services.

But I discovered I had some fears,( you may call it allergies) when ever I visit the hospital,its either I pass out or I'll be traumatized for a week.

This continued and I discovered I cannot be successful with this phobia and I was greatly disappointed.

When I was about writing my common entrance examination,my parents advised that I go for the art course but I wasn't sure if I could make it with art cos I was into science deeply.

Few years later,I got admission to study physiotherapy but I still had the interest of those young kids in mind.

After graduating, I decided to start my own therapy at home due to my phobia for hospital and with the help of my dad I was able to start a charity organization for the less privileged kids.

At the beginning I was distressed and disappointed but seeing the number of young kids I was able to cater for and to take care of their hospital bills I felt fulfilled.

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All that is Needed

All that is Needed
As I sat late at night, buried in chores and studying for an upcoming MCQ test, I suddenly heard a loud explosion nearby. It was the transformer close to the street, and within seconds, the entire area was thrown into darkness. I couldn't help but hope that the transformer had just blown due to some minor glitch and that it would be fixed soon.

The next day, when I woke up, the entire street was still blanketed in blackout. It seemed that the issue with the transformer was more severe than I had initially thought. I had wished that I ironed my shirts earlier but I didn't.

After what seemed like an eternity, the electricity came back, but to my surprise, it was of low current, and the appliances struggled to work properly. Despite this, I found it amusing that I could still iron my clothes even though the pressing iron heated slowly and that my phone was still adding a charge after charge from the low current.

At that moment, it struck me that perhaps the brightness was unnecessary. In that dim glow, I found what I needed. The low current allowed me to meet my basic necessities, and I started to think that maybe I didn't need full brightness to carry on with basic life needs and you all must agree with me.

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Brighter Triumph: A youthful tomorrow

Brighter Triumph: A youthful tomorrow
I remember when I was a teenager, full of dreams and ambitions, ready to conquer the world. But then, life happened. Disappointments, failures, and setbacks started to pile up, and suddenly, my once bright future became a dark and uncertain path. I lost hope, and with it, my drive to keep going. I was just another youth lost in the sea of hopelessness and despair. But then, I met him. An old man with a weathered face and a gentle smile. He told me his story, how he had faced countless challenges and failures, but he never gave up. He said that life is all about perseverance and resilience. It's not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up. At that moment, I realized that hope is not something to be lost but something to be found within ourselves. We may stumble, we may fall, but we must never lose hope. It is the fuel that keeps us going, the light that guides us through the darkness. The old man became my inspiration, my guiding light. Every time I felt like giving up, I thought of him and his unwavering determination. He taught me that failure is not the end, but an opportunity to learn and grow. He showed me that no dream is too big and no obstacle too great if we have hope and resilience. Now, as I look at the present youth generation, I see the same struggles and doubts that I once had. But I also see potential, passion, and determination. I want to be an inspiration to them, just like the old man was to me. I want them to know that despite the challenges and uncertainties, they must never lose hope. They are the future, and their dreams are worth fighting for. So, my message to the present youth generation is this - never lose hope. Believe in yourself, and never give up on your dreams. You may face obstacles and failures, but remember, they are just temporary roadblocks on your journey to success. And one day, when you look back, you will see that they were the stepping stones that led you to greatness.

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Trying a New Technique

Trying a New Technique
I started gathering all the ingredients to cook my "Spag", but as I reached for the bottle of oil to start frying the tomatoes, something struck me and I thought, "Do I really need to use so much oil just to fry some tomatoes?" The thought came from my desire to be more careful with my cooking habits, and also due to rising grocery costs.
I stood contemplating and finally I decided that I would try cooking the tomatoes instead of frying them.

This was totally new for me, and I was a bit nervous about it. I had always stuck to the traditional method of frying the tomatoes, and trying a new technique felt quite risky. But I decided to trust my instincts and give it a shot. As I watched the tomatoes cook, I couldn't help but wonder if this was going to turn out well or become a disaster.

Time passed, and soon enough, the tomatoes were cooked. When I tasted them, I was pleasantly surprised. Not only were they perfectly cooked, but they also had a sweetness that was missing when I fried them.
I started questioning all the oil I had been using for so long. I realized that I had been using too much oil and this new method not only saved oil but also brought out the flavors of the tomatoes in a way I hadn't experienced before.

Taking it a step further. I added a small portion of oil to the mixture and watched as the textures and flavors melded together beautifully. The final dish was exquisite. In that moment, I felt like a first class chef, creating something truly flavorful and memorable. The discovery of this new cooking method not only changed my perception of how I used oil in my cooking, but also boosted my confidence in experimenting with different techniques in the kitchen.

I know my readers will be like- don't you know they cook tomatoes before?

What can I say, its my first time trying and as such, I discovered the technique.

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A day of chaos

A day of chaos
I left my music player at a friend's house to charge. He's a friendly guy who often has lots of people over, so I was a bit worried about my belongings. But I asked him to keep an eye on it, and he said he would, so I trusted him. Then I went to work, hoping to have a good day.

Unfortunately, I had a terrible day at work. A client was very angry with my boss because he hadn't finished a project on time. The client came to our office and was very mean to me. He even threatened to call the police and have me arrested! Luckily, he didn't, but he told me to pass on a message to my boss, which made me feel really uncomfortable.

I was really upset and stressed out after that. I was looking forward to listening to some music to calm down and take my mind off the awful day I had. Music always helps me relax and improves my mood. But when I got back to my friend's apartment, I found out that my music player had been stolen! I couldn't believe it.

I was so annoyed and frustrated. I didn't know what to do. I had been counting on listening to music to lift my spirits, and now it was gone. I felt like everything was going wrong. First, the terrible day at work, and now my music player was stolen. It seemed like the universe was conspiring against me.

I decided to just go to sleep and hope that things would get better the next day. Sometimes, a good night's sleep can help put things into perspective and make you feel better.
I just had to move on and focus on the good things in my life, even if it felt like everything was going wrong at that moment.

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Life after lectures

Life after lectures
I sat back down after a long day of lectures. As the school day came to an end, some of my classmates matched casually in our classroom, each with their own plans for the post-lecture period. While many had plans of reading their textbooks, a few others were engrossed in gists and conversations. A couple of my peers had decided to form a study group, and I was interested

As the chatter and camaraderie filled the room, I found myself drawn towards a group of students who were animatedly exchanging movies. The excitement in their voices as they discussed the plots and characters was captivating, and I felt tempted. However, I resisted the urge to join in. I had made a conscious decision to refrain from watching movies, as I believed that indulging in them often led to a squandered time that could be spent on more better things. While I acknowledged that movies could be enjoyable, I deemed it an unwise choice in the midst of my academic responsibilities.

Despite the distractions, I managed to maintain my focus and dedicate my time to reading. I was determined to make the most of the remaining hours of the day and ensure that I was maximizing my productivity. Now, as I prepare to retire for the night, I am content in the knowledge that I stayed true to my commitment. I might not have given in to the allure of films, but I am proud of my determination to devote my time wisely.

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Evil Deeds Hunts

Evil Deeds Hunts
Few years back, there was this neighbor I had that was a tailor, his name was John, he had just moved in newly. He rented a shop for his tailoring work just in front of his house, so he was always around. He was very friendly and easy to relate with, but it later turned out to be only a camouflage.

There came a time John came to borrow certain amount of money from me and promised to pay back in two weeks, I gladly helped him out. But then the two weeks came and passed, months passed and nearly a year, and he didn't still pay me the money back. He had lots of customers he sew clothes for, so he had the money, but I wondered why he refused to redeem himself from the debt.

Soon, John was no where to be found, he ran away from the town entirely and even changed his phone number, unlinked himself from all the friends and customers he had made while he was still here. Then I discovered I wasn't the only one John was owing, he had borrowed money from almost all the neighbors, including his landlord. He ran away with electric stabilizer and pressing iron he had borrowed from his friend. He took along with him, the clothes his customers had paid him to sew. People came out and lamented bitterly.

A year later, I heard about how John went to apply and get a contract to sew uniforms for an organization which was worth millions of naira. He entered the presentation room to present designs he had come up with. But then he quickly recognized one of the board members to be one of the people he had borrowed money and items from, and ran away with it some time ago. He knew for sure he wasn't going to get the contract, and so he made a move to turn back and leave immediately. But that was too late as the securities were asked to detain him and he was handed over to the police.

The man who arrested John demanded that John must pay him back, but John had nothing at the moment, he was very broke and even his family members refused to help him because he had duped them too. John owed so many people of which amounted to the sum of one million naira, and since he didn't have the money, but could sew very well, he was made to sew all the uniforms for the organization for free, under the supervision of the police. The sewing took him up to a month without a day's rest and he wasn't paid a dime. I was surprised hearing this. He paid heavily for his deeds, lost trusts, friends, and his reputation as no one ever wanted anything to do with him ever again.

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A Week of Efforts

It had been a cluttered week, filled with long days and late nights. My schedule was packed, with a waiting test that required daily reading and meticulous note-taking. On top of that, I had volunteered to prepare projection notes for our Sunday church service, a task that demanded precision and creativity.

As the days went by, the workload began to take its toll on me. My eyes grew weary from staring at screens, and my mind felt foggy from the constant influx of information. There were moments when I felt like throwing in the towel, wondering if all the hard work was worth it.

But I pushed on, greatly fueled by my determination to excel in both my studies and my service to the church. I spent hours each day flipping through my books, taking detailed notes, and crafting engaging visuals for the projection. It wasn't easy, but I knew that every effort I made was an investment in my future.

Finally, Sunday arrived, and it was time to put my projection notes to the test. As I set up the equipment and began the presentation, I felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. Would my hard work pay off? Would the congregation appreciate the effort I had put in?

Immediately the service came to a close, something amazing happened. People began to approach me, smiling and nodding in appreciation. They praised the clarity and beauty of the projection, and thanked me for my dedication. It was a moment of pure joy, knowing that my daily discipline and efforts had paid off in such a tangible way.

All the late nights and early mornings seemed worth it. I realized that the true reward wasn't just the affirmation of others, but the knowledge that I had given my best effort. I had shown up every day, put in the work, and trusted that it would make a difference. And it did.

I packed up my things and headed home, accomplished. It had been a busy week, but it had also been a week of growth and learning.
. . .with daily discipline and effort, even the smallest tasks could become something truly special.

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The interview

I was running to my job interview when I had the feeling I should have remembered something. I forgot about it and concentrated on being at the interview on time. On my way I felt something falling off me but I never paid attention to it, but when I arrived the company's office I discovered my CV was missing. I was clothed with fear as I searched through my bag in panic, but my CV was as good as gone. So this time I had to board a bike back home so see if I left it there I did but found nothing it was like my village people were having a group meeting for me that day, I headed back to the interview to see what comes out of it but to be honest I lost hopes already.
I felt guilty for being so carefree and realised that I would have to go into the interview without the important paper. I told my interviewers what the unforseen happenstance that ensued and expressed my sincere apology.
I was shocked that even as my CV was missing my interviewers still wanted going on with the interview. In order to compensate for the absence of a résumé, I tried so hard to tell them about my abilities and also my expertise vocally. I was shocked ,the interviewers commended my confidence and communication skills and how much they liked my ability to adjust to the circumstances. Upon concluding the interview, Later that day, to my surprise, I got a call offering me the position. It gave me important insight into how to be flexible and quick to react in difficult circumstances.

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Free At Last

Free At Last
There is this woman that lives in the same compound with me, it's a yard with about 30 tenants. Amongst which this woman was the first to communicate with me when I rented the place newly. She's married with two kids. She called me her son and always showed some level of care and concern towards.

But then I noticed some strange behaviors from her towards her husband and children, she always disrespects the husband, rains curses both on the husband and children. Publicly she has wished that a car will knock down the husband and lightning will strike down the kids. Clearly she hates them with passion. A breed of human being I have never seen before.

Everybody in the yard tries as much as possible to stay away from the woman to avoid problems. But then I thought to myself one day; how come this woman is this good to me and very cruel to the husband and kids to the extent that she will carry her pot of soup to her friend's house to hide it, so that the husband won't eat from it, when it is said that charity begins at home. I started getting answers.

The woman starting borrowing money from me and won't return it, borrows almost everything from me on a daily basis, keeps my electric cooker in her house and won't return till I ask for it. And at times when there is power supply and I want to use my electric cooker to save my gas, she will refuse to give it to me and will say she is using it. Something that belongs solely to me, I had never seen such in my life. I remember knocking on her door very early one morning to wake her and get my cooker to boil water for bathing since there was power supply and prepare for my lectures by 8:00 that morning. She lied she was using it, someone I just woke from sleep. I didn't want to disrespect her, so I left quietly although feeling very bad.

Until one morning when she was preparing to go to market, I got my cooker from her because I had intentions of cooking beans that morning if power was supplied and I told her this. But then the electricity didn't show up and I got news about an emergency class, so I hurriedly prepared to leave for the class. And while I was about locking my door, this woman started a quarrel with me and asked me why I took the electric cooker from her when I didn't have intentions of using it. She said I have a bad character and didn't want her to use the electric cooker again, that's why I'm locking it inside my house. The quarrel didn't stop her from taking the electric cooker back to her house, I was pained, something that belongs to me.

When I returned from school, I saw my electric cooker in front of my door, my neighbors told me that she dropped it there after I left for school and she said she'll never borrow it from me again. Deep down I was kind of happy if she won't even borrow anything again from me, she has done enough, I've never seen this level of borrowing before. Greeted her that evening and she snubbed me. In my mind, I felt free. The next day, she tried to get things back to the way it was, but I refused, knowing what I suffered and was just starting to enjoy a life where no one is trying to use my head.

Since that day I had peace and felt free, this woman got this close to me with intentions to suck me dry and use my head to her own interest and I had break free now. The trust and respect I had for her was diminished, till date, the highest form of communication between us is just greetings. I would never again let a strange get this deep in my life so that this experience won't repeat itself.

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Adapting to Noise

Adapting to Noise
After classes were over on Monday, I made an unusual decision. I decided to stay back at school and spend some time reading in the classroom. It's been a while since I read in a school environment. Normally, I preferred to read at home or go to the library, but today I felt a strong urge to try something different.

As I started to read, the noise from different students in the classroom was distracting. They were engaged in various conversations, and it was a bit troubling. At first, their appearance it hard to focus, and I found myself tempted to leave. It was strange because I had always been able to concentrate in the midst of some noise, but today was different.

I felt an inner battle within me, a push to go home and a pull to stay and finish the reading. I knew that if I left, I probably wouldn't resume my reading when I got home. So, I fought against the urge to leave, determined to stay committed to my decision to read at school.

As time went by, something shifted inside me. I found myself adapting to the surrounding noise. It was like a light switch and suddenly, the conversations around me became background noise. The more I read, the more I seemed to tune out the distractions.

By the time I left the classroom and headed home, I realized that I had achieved something. I'd managed to focus despite all the distractions

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My perspective

I've been avoiding my WhatsApp status updates for a while now. The constant stream of videos, pictures, and captions from my friends had become a source of anxiety for me. It seemed like most of them were posting things that I found uninteresting or even emotionally triggering for no good reason. It just didn't feel like a healthy use of my time to engage with their content.

Tonight, however, I made the decision to confront my fear and take a look at their statuses. It was a daunting prospect, to say the least. I had been so focused on my own principles about what I wanted to share that I hadn't given much thought to the kinds of content my friends were sharing. But I felt that if they were viewing my statuses, I could at least reciprocate the gesture.

As I scrolled through their updates, I was confronted with a mix of contrasting things. Some were impactful and meaningful, reflecting values and insights that I could appreciate. Others, however, seemed to be posting just for the sake of posting, without adding any real value to the conversation.

It was a moment of realization for me. I realized that while I had been hesitant to engage with their content, I could also use this opportunity to be a force for positive change. I could set an example by posting content that was aligned with my values and principles, rather than simply following the crowd.

Oya make una take note, stop posting uninteresting things on your status make I no go carry you lock for kirikiri.

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Fried rice but not green

Fried rice but not green
On that fateful Easter Sunday, I found myself stranded at school due to unyielding exams and the impending festive season. Deciding not to waste time and energy on trekking back home, I embraced the idea of celebrating my Easter festivities right within the school grounds. My chosen lodging was located in the outskirts, a little away from the hustle and bustle of the main campus.

Rather than bemoan my situation, I took charge of my fate and decided to whip up a celebratory meal. Fried rice was on the menu, and after procuring the necessary condiments, I got to work. To my dismay, the resulting rice wasn't the vibrant green I had anticipated; evidently, my culinary skills did not extend to color coordination. However, upon tasting my creation, I was pleasantly surprised! The dish was a triumph, and I couldn't help but be proud of my accomplishment. With the addition of some garnished chicken, my Easter feast was complete.

Later, a friend from the same school paid me a visit, and together we enjoyed the impromptu Easter celebration, feasting on the unexpectedly green-less but delicious fried rice. It was a delightful and unexpected turn of events, turning a potential underwhelming Easter into a delightful mini adventure. It just goes to show that sometimes, the best experiences come when you least expect them.

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Life lessons

As a small child , I was very selfish, always grabbing the best for myself.
Slowly, everyone left me and I had no friends. I didn’t think it was my fault and I criticized others. But my father gave me 3 sentences to help me in life. One day, my father cooked 2 bowls of noodles and put them on the table. One had an egg on top while the other bowl had none on top.
Then he asked me to choose a bowl of noodles. Because eggs were hard to come by those days, I chose the bowl with egg! I was congratulating myself on my wise choice/decision and decided to wallop the egg . To my surprise, I saw that my father's bowl of noodles had two eggs at the bottom beneath the noodles!
With much regret, I scolded myself for being too hasty in my decision. My father smiled and taught me to remember that what your eyes see may not be true. He added that, If you make a habit of taking advantage of people, you will end up losing.
The next day, my father again cooked 2 bowls of noodles: one bowl with an egg on top and the other bowl with no egg on top. Again, he asked to choose the bowl I wanted. This time, I felt smarter so I chose the bowl without any egg on top.
Hmmm to my surprise, there was not even a single egg at the bottom of the bowl! Again, my father smiled and said to me, My child, you must not always rely on experiences because sometimes, life can cheat you or play tricks on you. Never be too annoyed or sad, with situations, just treat experience as learning a lesson that cannot be gotten from any textbooks.
The third day, my father again cooked 2 bowls of noodles, one bowl with an egg on top and the other with no egg on top. He asked me to choose the bowl I wanted. But this time, I told my father, Dad, you choose first. You are the head of the family and you contribute the most to the family.
My father was very happy and he chose for me.
He chose the bowl with one egg on top. But as I ate my bowl of noodles, to my surprise, there were two eggs at the bottom of the bowl.
My father smiled at me with love in his eyes. He said, my child, you must remember that when you think for the good of others, good things will always naturally happen to you.
I always remember these 3 sentences of my father.
As we continue on the remaining journey of 2024, think for the good of others. Don't be selfish, Put others first and your joy will be completed. Don't run after post, position, wealth, fame etc and bruise others to get it.
God Bless you as you wish others well.

Show some love. Gift @emmanuelsunday61 something as TIPs

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The Playlist

The Playlist
Today, I found myself in a state of restlessness, lying in my room with an unexplainable need for a song to lift my spirits. I went through my carefully curated playlist, but none of the songs seemed to have the power to switch my mood. It was frustrating; usually, my playlist had a song for every emotion, but today was different.

In a moment of spontaneous inspiration, I opened TikTok and began scrolling through the videos just trying to get something that would resonate with me. And then, there it was—a video featuring a song by Celine Dion. Intrigued, I delved into the video, but I couldn't find the name of that particular song. Determined to identify it, I spent almost half an hour searching until, finally, I found it.

I played the song, and as the beautiful melody filled the room, I felt the heavy weight on my shoulders gradually lift. It was exactly what I needed; its soothing rhythm became the soundtrack to my day, playing in the background as I went about my tasks. Even at night, it remained on the play, becoming my newfound favorite song.

Guess what?, the music is still on even as I write this.
The name of the song is "I Love You" by C-line Dio*.
Good night fam.

Category Competition Winner!

10,000 NGN Prize successfully withdrawn to winners' wallet
Show some love. Gift @miracleukwueze something as TIPs

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