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A parents worse Nightmare

Losing a child and having to bury them. A man lost his son and couldn’t bare the thought of living without him. He was suffering and couldn’t believe his son was gone. He cried and cried every day and night, missing his son, wishing things were different.
He couldn’t sleep and hadn’t slept in a long time. One night an old medicine man came to him in a dream and told him “Enough!! That’s enough crying!!” The dad told him “I cannot stop, I am never going to see him again!” The old Medicine man said, “Do you want to see him again?” The dad says “yes of course” the old medicine man takes him to the entrance of happy hunting ground where he sees many little beautiful children, so happy and innocent, carrying eagle feathers into the happy hunting grounds, smiling and laughing and just so beautiful. The dad asks “where is my son? Who are these kids?” The old medicine man said “these are the children that are called home early, they are innocent and loved and they go right through to the happy hunting grounds, so happy” the dad says “and my son? Where is he? Why isn’t he with these children?” The old medicine man said, “come this way” and guided him to the side of entrance. A small boy with a beautiful smile was standing there watching all the children enter the happy hunting grounds. He was standing there within reach of an eagle's feather. His dad grabbed him and hugged him, and the boy kissed his dads' cheeks and told him he missed him. The dad said “why don't you have a eagles feather like the other kids? Why are you waiting here at the entrance?”
The boy said “I keep trying to get the eagle feather Daddy, but your tears pull it out of reach. I see you are so sad, and I am tied to that feeling so I wait here until you’re ok” the dad burst out crying for the last time, he told his son, “Get that eagle feather and go, I will be ok, and I know you will be too”
- Don't cry too long for that loved one you lost, whether son, daughter, husband, mother or father!! Let them rest in peace, don't torment your life, because they won't come back, have faith that you will be together again, and that Creator makes us a beautiful home with all our loved ones when we leave this world.

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It's one of those unusual days I set out for a long journey, those kinda journeys you sit for 2hrs+ twisting yourself in impatience, wishing you'd arrive soon.

Most times before that unpleasant numb feelings come, the journey takes me aback to my childhood when I used to travelled such distances with family, the excitement to travel, the eagerness to arrive and then sleeping in-between, you cannot deny it's a memory worth adoring.

While I thought about all these, I remembered the real purpose of my journey, an exam that lay ahead like an assassin that will overwhelm you silently but with strength. A frown takes over the smile that was starting to blossom on my face.

Amidst these restless thoughts, I dozed off, yes! Bus sleeps are the best, when I awoke, we had arrived. And so I stroll down the long gloomy path to undertake what has been waiting for a long time, it won't be easy but it'll be worth it.

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This particular girl stole my wallet when we first met at a Hotel.
She was sitting beside the receptionist. I thought she was also working as a receptionist but that was not the case.
I booked a room and stood at my door when she came there.
“Any error?" I asked thinking maybe there was an error in filling my files.
“No"she said, she was wearing slim trousers, having big buttocks and surreptitiously staring at me.
“Oh I thought there was a problem with my registration." I said as i held the door knob, trying to open to open it.
“I'm not even working as a receptionist." she said with a smile on her joys.
I turned with a stun, and stole a glance at her.
“Oh I see." I said.
“What are you doing there If you are not working as receptionist. I asked her straight.
I'm bored so i just want to visit the hotel.
“Oh I see."
“If you can take me up i will me happy."
“Oh seriously this time around I'm very tired. I don't need a guest. I just want to sleep."
“Oh I see, she said trying to approach me. She stood beside me and put her two hands on my shoulders, rubbing her lips as if she needs a hug.
“Don't you need someone to help you then?" She asked trying to makes me feel hot.
“Oh I will like to but I'm...."
“Shhhh" she intervened, “don't say anything." She pushed the door and entered the room before me.
But what disturbed most was smelling of Beer and cigarettes. This girl is suspicious.
I entered to the bathroom and left her at the room. I was bathing when I heard the door swung opened.
I wore my uniform as fast as I could. I stormed in the room. only to see the bed was empty. I stole a glance at my bag only to see it opened. I rushed and opened the bag hurriedly. She took my wallet with 105N in it.
I rushed at the corridor,i turned left, and right, but i did not see her.
I went down stairs at the receptionist.
“Hi this girl that was sitting with you, took my wallet and there was money there."
“Oh sorry I saw her going out. She was walking fast. She told me that she was waiting for her boy. I thought you were the man she was waiting."
“Oh my God" I screamed putting my hands on my head.

Fear this gender.

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Mood swing

Nicholas had just gotten scholarship to one of the best University in the world after staying at home for 3years without gaining admission. His joy knew no bounds, he couldn't wait to share the good news with his family members, he hurriedly left the cafe and jogged to the nearest bus stop and boarded a bus going to oluaje street. The bus was moving very slow because it had been stopping at every junction they had come across, the driver was either calling for more passengers or alighting passengers. Nicholas was now being very impatient, he stomped his leg frequently on the rusted iron floor of the bus, at the same he was screaming at the driver to move fast. Almost immediately, a heavy rain downpour swept across the streets, causing a total halt to all moving vehicles.
And once again Nicholas got very impatient, he went on rattling to himself, everyone around him wondered if he was in a good state of mind, finally the rain stopped and the traffic cleared. Two junctions to his destinated street,the bus stopped again to pick up an elderly woman with five small children. The elderly woman spent a lot of time getting on the bus and this made Nicholas lose his nerves, he began to shout at the woman to hurry up and also scolded the kids to smart up. It was then, everyone in the bus got harsh towards Nicholas. The passengers rebuked him, the driver asked him to drop off from his bus, though not until he had paid the the bus fare. This got Nicholas mad and an hot argument broke out, which led to physical combat.
Nicholas strolled down to his street with swollen eyes and bleeding lips. His younger sister saw him afar off and ran to meet him.
"Welcome brother, how was it? Is it good news?"
"Whatever", Nicholas answered and brushed past her, he walked sluggishly into the house and bumped into his mum who was heading out of the house.
" Thank goodness you are back, I have been waiting for eternity, what took you so long?"
"I had........................"
" I'm heading out, can I get the change of the money I gave you".
Nicholas was getting irritated already, he had out of annoyance given the driver #500 without collecting change, his younger sister barged in almost immediately, Nicholas heaved a sigh of relief as he quickly made his escape into his room.
"Mummy is Nicholas okay? He seems to have fallen off a bike in annoyance"
"What do you think; that spells bad news ofcourse, he will have to wait another year at home".
Nicholas kept his good news to himself for two days, he was just not in the mood to tell anyone yet. Early the next morning, while they were having a family devotion, Nicholas mum started casting and binding the demons behind her son's progress, Nicholas at first was silent but not until his mum asked him to kneel in the mist of everyone, so they can lay hands on him.
"Mum I'm not bewitched by anybody"
"You don't understand my son, there are some..............."
"I got the scholarship!"
" Yes, by faith we claim it"
"Not that, I mean I was given the scholarship two days ago".

The atmosphere got cold immediately as silence made host that moment.

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After breakfast, Daniel washed and dressed and made ready to leave for school. With a quick kiss for his mum, he was out on the street, laughing as he hopped along, his best friend, Ben, joins him at their usual spot. They chatted away about the usual boys topic while Daniel giggles at everything. Ben had hit his leg on a stone and Daniel had laughed for 30minutes stretch till the bell was rung for assembly.
The assembly began with morning prayer,
"Their father, who's art upon heaven, hallowed to the name..........."
A young girl had confidently and loudly memorized the lord's prayer wrongly, Ben taps Daniel who is at his back and they both burst into a loud giggle. Suddenly the assembly hall grew silent and Ben stopped giggling, but Daniel won't, the principal screamed at him to keep quiet but he wouldn't listen.
That day Daniel was used as a scapegoat.
On their way home from school, the two boys were as silent as ever, Ben kicks at everything that touches his feet while Daniel walks slowly, taking one step at a time.
"Why wouldn't you stop laughing? Ben had asked quietly
"Don't know too, I just laughed and couldn't stop"
The next morning, Ben had waited for Daniel at their usual spot but had to go to school alone after waiting hours for Daniel. This went on for days and weeks, Daniel was also absent from school. Ben summoned courage on a Friday and knocked at the big gate where Daniel lived.
It was after midnight and Ben had just gone to bed, as he lay there, waiting for sleep to come, his thought troubled him.
"How could he be sick? He was fine until that day". Ben had discovered of Daniel's ailment.
Daniel was suffering from pseudobulbar
Came the early hours of the morning, Ben hurried to Daniel's house, sad faces welcomed him, he instinctively knew that it spelt bad news. Will had passed away that night.
20years later
Ben drove his kids down to school, they were 5minute late, he dropped his kids and turned to leave, twas then the pupils started chanting the "the lord's prayer". He freezes as he was long gone into MEMORIES

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**I'll appreciate everyone's opinion and additions...🙏**
# **Story**

The story of Alex is one of heartbreak, loss, and ultimately, resilience. Alex had already experienced the pain of abandonment when his father left him, but he had found solace in the love of his grandmother and the comfort of his therapy sessions. However, when Lily died in a tragic car accident, Alex was completely shattered.

His sensitivity, which had been both a strength and a challenge for him, became a burden that he struggled to bear. He felt as if he had lost a part of himself, and the pain was overwhelming. He became withdrawn and shut himself off from the world, unable to cope with the reality of his loss.

The first threshold that made Alex cry was the moment he found out about Lily's death. The news hit him like a ton of bricks, and he was unable to control his emotions. He cried uncontrollably, his grief consuming him.

The second threshold that made Alex cry was when he had a massive fight with Jake. In his pain, he lashed out and pushed away the one person who was trying to help him. He ran away, leaving everyone worried sick, and felt ashamed and guilty for what he had done. When he finally returned, he cried as he apologized to Jake, realizing the depth of his mistake.

The third threshold that made Alex cry was when he realized that he couldn't keep running away from his pain. He knew he had to confront his emotions and try to find a way to move forward. It was a difficult and painful process, but he talked to his therapist and his loved ones, and he slowly started to work through his grief. He cried as he let out all the pain he had been holding inside, but he also felt a sense of relief and release.

As time went by, Alex learned to find joy in the moments he shared with others. Although he would never forget Lily, he realized that he could honor her memory by living his life to the fullest. He also learned that his sensitivity was a gift, and he was grateful for the support of his grandmother, his therapist, and his friend, Jake.

Through his tears, Alex found strength and resilience. He knew that life was full of challenges, but he also knew that he had the strength to face them. He had learned that it was okay to cry, that it was okay to feel pain, and that it was okay to lean on the people who loved him. And with that knowledge, he faced the future with courage and hope.

*the end*

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My father′s Ghost

So this happened to me so so fast I can't seem to believe it my father is gone so soon I have always imagined how people that their father or mother died how did they manage to pass through this stage in their life so so difficult it was constantly in my mind 24/7 so fast to this present day my dad died two days ago and I couldn't cope the bond between us it was indeed a covalent us I started seeing my dad in my dream she comes to play with me at night at times he will instruct me to do the unspeakable at times I will start using knife to cut myself so painful but I always followed the things he says to me I started stealing at times I will start banging my head against the wall and all the while I thought it was my dad not knowing it was the devil that ceased that opportunity to shift my life as wheat my life my dreams started becoming an illusion seemingly like a mirage and I was to caught up in the whole happenstance , people started to complain that I was loosing and it was suggested I should be taken to the hospital so they did it grew worse but God intervened a man of God came for an outreach and then explained it was a familiar spirit not my dad then it came to a halt.

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Gone wrong

I attended a program yesterday a very awesome one I have attended the ones of the previous ones but this one seems different the conventional place they do it they changed it because it's a rainy season so the sound guys are done with set up and all then they kick started with opening prayer and it started to rain everyone was flabbergasted as the sun was still very much up so everyone were like it wouldn't last that it will still stop so we believe the rain started to disrupt the program they started packing the speaker from the rain as the downpour was so so intense even where we were seated the rain entered the place the generator was to be put off people that were asthmatic started having an attack some fainted because they were so went they have to be rush to the clinic I must say it was such a disaster but we are elated that no one lost his life.

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This is my real story

My good names are Joseph w. Kamau ( Jose God's Son, i am 28years old from kenya, I am a person living with a disability and wheelchair user.But I was not born with a disability, my life changed in a split of a second up todate I was diagnosed with a paraplegia secondary to a fall from a height wich occurred on 21st of September 2014.

Beside the trauma of the accident, I was confronted with unknown consequences due to the accident. The reality stroke me that I will never be able to walk again. In addition, I could say my body has been affected by more conditions. I have been also diagnosed with an acute compression fracture on my spinal cord which is level T10-T11 dislocation and transection and adjacent cord contusion which causes my bladder/bowel problem..”

What is a spinal cord injury? Spinal cord injury (SCI) is damage to the spinal cord that results Is a loss of function such as mobility or feeling wich has also affected me I can't feel from the chest downward.

The spinal cord and the brain are the two components of the central nervous system (CNS). The spinal cord extends from the base of the brain, down the middle of the back, to the lower back, and it coordinates movement and sensation in the body. It contains nerve cells, supporting cells, and long nerve fibres (axons) that connect to the brain and carry signals downward from the brain along descending pathways and upward to the brain along ascending pathways.

"I have a lack of sensations where my bladder and bowel would get full without being aware of I do use catheter ,and adult diapers each and everyday. I have trouble standing up because of the damage to the nerves on my both legs and became paralyzed which has led to not experience sensations . I have been admitted to many hospitals here in Kenya for treatments the first admission was in kiambu hospital,then Kenyatta national hospital, Shalom hospital where I stayed for Nine months , and later spinal injury hospital, following a referral from shalom hospital . I have undergo seven successful surgeries and I thank God for keeping me alive he has done a lot in my life.

The spinal cord consists of several segments along its length, with higher segments controlling movement and sensation in upper parts of the body and lower segments controlling the lower parts of the body.

The types of disability associated with SCI thus depend directly on the type and severity of the injury, the level of the cord at which the injury occurs, and the nerve fibre pathways that are damaged. Severe injury to the spinal cord causes paralysis and complete loss of sensation to the parts of the body controlled by the spinal cord segments below the point of injury. Spinal cord injuries also can lead to many complications, including pressure sores which has affected me and increased susceptibility to respiratory diseases...

After spending years and months in the hospitals, a hospital doctor discharged me to the nearest facility for follow up and phiyio therapy.However due to financial difficulties I have not been on follow up as per the guideline

When i was in the hospital my mother separated with my father because of my situation I remember very well Just like Yesterday what my father told my mum because I was just next to him is ( Oya kionje Ng'iaku umenye kúria úgutwara ) meaning Take your cripple I cried alot but I had no otherwise my mum to just to take his kionje i even tried to kill my self thrice same day .This have left my mother being the only primary caregiver as she takes care of me and stays with me on a rental houses where our life is not good because of her unemployment state she lost her job back in the year 2016 because of me ,because I was not independent enough even I was not able to turn myself in bed and I was requested by doctors to be turned every after two hours to avoid bed sores, and many more..

Due to this she is not in a position to meet all my needs she has been doing vibarua here n there atleast to help where she can ,I do use alot of stuffs like adults diapers, catheters,Urine bags,and many more which it's more expensive she can't afford because the little she get we use to buy food and to pay rent which its more difficult to get sometimes we sleep without eating anything sometimes landlord locks our house
like for now we have been going been going through difficult time like putting a meal on the table and struggling to buy personal paraphernalia Like adults diaper catheters urine bags and much more.

Some months back I started a Hawking business atleast to help my mum to buy food and to pay rent but Due to healthy issues I lost my business up to date and I've not managed to start up again And the wheelchair I was using damaged the batteries and they more expensive I can't afford to buy them. if i can get a capital and wheelchair batteries I am ready to start up again ive been thinking about sausage and boiled eggs bussines because that one I will not walk alot.

I've been going through difficult challenges but what makes me live is Hope because I Know my tommorow will be greater than today and and I love my self the way am even if accepting the situation was not easy

I've been experiencing and feeling more pain on my spine and experiencing catheter infection s spasms and many challenges but no matter what am going through I can't because I know give up Giving up is not an option."even if as person it comes to the certain stage whereby you feel priceless where you can't do anything but just to give up but I am not willing to give "Ju siwezi taka kumuacha mzazi wangu akiteseka peke yake .imekua matamanio yangu kumtoa mamayangu kutoka kwa nyumba za kukomboa nimununulie ploti na nimjengee nimuondolee machozi ile amekua akilia kila mwisho wa mwezi ju ya kukosa pesa ya rent lakini sina uwezo lakini naamini siku moja mungu atanitimizia ndoto yangu

Request: On 11 may 2022 i went to Aic kijabe hospital for surgery to correct my spine and reduce the pain I have been experiencing and I thank God surgery was successful they managed to do CORPECTOMY PLUS POSTERIOR INSTRUMENTAL FUSION T9-L2 .. After discharge I have not been going to phyio therapy Even though I am required to continue with it as per the doctors guidelines which will be a huge expense,which my mum and I went are not unable due to financial difficulties..

Therefore am humbly requesting for your Assistance as per your ability to help me to continue with my follow-ups and physio It my wish to continue with follow ups so that I can begin to lead a normal life again ,Also if you are here and you are in position to assist me start up a business to relly on my self also to Archive my dream to buy a plot and build a house for my and I.Please I need your hand on this.

Any little help will be greatly appreciated your kindness can save me and great support for me.

Thank you in advance for your potential support to improve my well-being.

Kind regards
Joseph w kamau

Thank You!

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MODERATOR NOTE: Looks like a copied post.
Please share narratives in your own words.
Please house what does this mean bcos I have been thinking about it.
Ever since we got married in 2015, our marriage has been having one issue or another. Though we quarrel and settle sometimes, but there was this thing my hubby did one night that I'm still thinking 🤔 about it till now bcos there was no response from him when I noticed.
There was one night I was sleeping, my hubby came into my room and switched off the light.
I was lying down facing up. He put on his phone touch and was raising my cloth small small with his phone in his hand pointing directly to my private part. I don't know if he was videoing or snapping my pussy. He was doing that and I noticed someone was lifting my cloth up and I woke up.
I warned him not to try such thing again but he was shocked I caught him and never said anything about it till date. I have been thinking what was he trying to do.
Pls any idea as he refused saying anything about it.
Sorry for the long post 🙏🙏


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Dear God,
Thank You for new beginnings. What an incredible day this is with a fresh year's potential stretched out before me. I want to be found faithful this year in each and every opportunity You bring to me. Thank You, Lord, for new beginnings. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.


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There is this latest trend on the internet t.o.t.o
I found out from twitter that it was originally posted by davido on his handle. I also came
across a video where young students were having s.e.x😔😔
I dont know why the society is getting worse day by day but i pray it stops


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It really took all my courage and a little more to even post this.
Last night, I cried so hard, I cried myself to sleep. I held my hand over my mouth to reduce the sound escaping. My heart is heavy. I'm tired. During the week I received news of someone really close to me, committing suicide. I just want to say this, PLEASE IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING BOTHERING YOU, LOOK FOR SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO AND CLEAR YOUR MIND. Because of the ASUU strike, I myself have been going through alot of things because things are stressful at home and I can't go to school to distract myself. please let's take care of ourselves and our loved ones.


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I witnessed something very funny today
My friend's boyfriend's birthday is today and she posted his picture on WhatsApp and wrote a lot of things and made so many promises and I was surprised and I replied the post... I said that I go love only for her to tell me that she only added his friends and few people to view the post and that the guy is just a side boo😀I was like WHAT d FUCK


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From my gambling addicted neighbour😩

Just Friday and Saturday I lost 100plus all my savings to bettings,
Am bleeding and looking at my 2yers old plus boy now if not for him I know what to do now.
Av read and read many talking about betting is not good and I know. But av fall victim in just two days I lost all. Money am saving for house rent all gone. If I cant make it. Am leaving this miserable life all gone. 32 years am nothing wat am I waiting for

Advice needed 🙏


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Shehu was a very dull boy. His peers called him "Father of f0ols".

When he was in a Private school he got the following results:

Maths = 2%
English = 5%
Science = 0%
Social Sciences = 1%

He was taken to a government school and got the following results:

Maths = 0%
English = 1%
Science = 0%
Social Sciences = 0%

His parents were very disappointed but still decided to put him in a Christian school even though they were not Christians.
The First term Shehu passed and was the first in the class.

Maths = 90%
English = 93%
Science = 95%
Social Sciences = 89%

His parents could not believe it. They asked him how he managed to pass and he said;

"When I saw a man nailed on the cross at every corner of the school building, I knew that these teachers don't joke with students here, they will nail me too if I fail".

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom🤣🤣🤣🤣🙏🙏🙏🙏


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I heard from my friend his plans on how to become a millionaire💵this month.
His words to me ;
This month I will use all my salary to buy a female dog(bulldog)

Later I will go to the bank to collect a loan of 200k💵 to buy food for me and the dog

I will name the dog precious(because she reminds me of somebody)😂💔

Emeka my friend has a male breed of the same dog. I will take my dog(precious) to Emeka's house.

My dog and Emeka's dog will do chuku chuku .

My dog will get pregnant and give birth to 5 puppies which I will sell for 300k each(Las price)

I will make 1.5 million naira💵

When my loan is due I will go back to the bank to pay back my loan.

Use 100k💵 do small doings for Emeka and his dog for their contribution to my success.
Remaining balance will be 1.2 million💵

Boom🎆 I will become the newest millionaire in town💵😂🤣


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There are 4 girls Blessing, Dorcas, Faith and Favour who were good friends but along the way had a quarrel that made them to separate
Blessing came to visit me and it was late so she had to go, I left her almost at her house
On her way home, Dorcas and Faith attacked her saying that she insulted them that they normally wear torn panties and Favour on seeing that came out to help Blessing because they were neighbors
After the fight, Blessing went home and informed her mum about it, on hearing it her mom rushed to favour's house to confront her thinking that she planned it.
Favour was very angry when Blessing's mum was raining insults on her and gave Blessing a hot slap and Blessing returned the slap
Meaning Favour's mum was on her way back from church when she saw them in her house quarreling, she dropped her bible and pushed Blessing's mum to the ground, Blessing's mum stood up immediately and retaliated
Just then Blessing's elder brother arrived the seen and grabbed Favour's mum on the neck and neighbors immediately separated them
When Favour's father heard about it, he called the police and arrested the Blessing's family
When the police heard the story they arrested all the girls that fought and favour's mum too
Blessing's mum and favour's mum were later released and the police said the girls should make peace with each other in the cell before they will be released
They still dey cell dey settle o


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This is a personal experience
I went to the market yesterday to get a chicken for easter, I saw chickens with prices ranging from 5k to 6k but I was looking for a cheaper one when I had the money to buy a big chicken
Later, I saw a Hausa man with a very big chicken and asked of the price and he said 3500 I was very happy
But on a second thought I wondered why people haven't bought it yet, I later noticed the chicken was sick but I didn't mind, I bought the chicken and went home
On reaching home I noticed the chicken was dead o, I couldn't believe my eyes
Cheap things no good o, right now I dey chop fish o


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would like to share with you a story...
Not my experience shaa but a friend narrated this to me....
When you think of haunted dolls, it’s likely the creepy old Victorian-looking porcelain kind that springs to mind. None of which you probably have laying around. Still, don’t get too comfortable around any kids toys too soon, though: a Disney’s Frozen Elsa doll that was gifted for Christmas seemingly haunted him and his household..
According to him, they started noticing unusual things about the doll early this year and the wife decided to throw it out only to find it on their door step the following morning....
At first they thought it was the work of someone in the neighborhood but after throwing it out again along with other garbage, they still found it a day later at their backyard...
Who would possibly dig it out of the garbage to play that prank?...
The family got really scared and that's when my friend told me he toke the doll himself and buried it on his way to farm last Saturday... It hasn't made its way back since then....
That's the latest gist I heard in the course of the week😊😊😊😊

81 NGA

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Good evening my people. The gist in town is about a girl named toyosi who made false accusations on some 3 guys who she did hookup with. After their business, I think they had a disagreement which the guys didn’t want to let her leave till they settle it, and she threatened to post on twitter that she’s being kidnapped and being raped at the same time, which isn’t true. Now, they’re all cooling off at panti, yaba. They guys will be arraigned in court for holding toyosi against her will, while Toyosi will be arraigned for false accusations and disturbing public order. I hope you enjoy my gist, like and comment. Thanks 😊


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