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Little Touts

Just yesterday, I went to visit a friend just to cool off and rest from the stress of week and all. As I arrived there, he was about going to the field to play football, so I just decided to follow so I could watch. We got there and there was too much crowd in the field and it was just only one field. So since everybody wanted to play, they were shared into up to six sets and gave 7mins for each round that will be played.
Everything seemed to be going well at the start and almost half of the sets have played when I noticed a group of small children came to the field claiming that one of the guys on the field insulted them and they brought sticks to fight the guy with. So some people tried calming the boys down but there was one who seemed to be their leader who wasn't ready to listen to anything. It was actually a funny and annoying experience because these little guys had their hair dyed red and none of them was more than 12yrs old and they were already showcasing and practising the life of cultist. Before we knew it these guys entered the field and said everyone should get out and not play ball there again that it's their land and their state that they are supposed to be paid before we can access the field which didn't even belong to them. There were series of arguments and all which almost led to a fight but everyone was cautious not to hit any of them because we are students in the area and their people might do anything to us anytime they like if we tried anything funny. That was how the whole fun was stopped by little children whom normally with one slap everything will be settled but because of improper home training these children were given they had enough guts and do anything they like.
It was a bad experience and it showed me the importance of proper home training respect to elders.

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Petrol Station fight

I went to buy fuel in my area, I waited in line for a long time before finally getting the chance to get my fuel. After buying I met an old friend, he was so happy to see me after 5 years, I was excited as well.

After we exchanged contacts, he offered lunch for me in a nearby eatery opposite the filling station, I accepted cause I was already hungry after being on queue for long. We got the same meal, jollof rice and chicken laps, we talked, laughed and ate our food for at least one hour.
We were not done when we heard screams coming from the petrol station, Jude, my friend was the first to rush outside before I joined him. Two boys were engaged in a hot struggle, part of their clothes were torn and smeared with dirt.

Fortunately for them, people rushed in and separated the fight, after the atmosphere was calm, one of them accused the other of trying to pour some of his petrol to another gallon. It was not nice at all, but it does not call for a fight, I stood there with Jude until they were sent off in peaceful terms.

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It was just another busy day in Uyo, Nse had got up at 4am to prepare for his work as a school bus driver. The nature of the work required punctuality, the kids he will have to transport everyday are usually ready from 7am, and to meet up, he has to be the earlier bird.

Within one hour, he had finished the necessary tasks, washing, bathing and most importantly eating to gain energy. He climbed into the Toyota HiAce (Hummer Bus) assigned to him, sleep messing with his mind but he has to go on.

Two trials and the bus came to life, he inspected his environment trying to figure if he forgot something before he drove out. On his way, he felt the sudden urge to urinate, "I didn't urinate at home", he murmured in annoyance. It's not safe at such a time as 5am to stop in the middle of nowhere and urinate but the urge was too strong.

He pulled over the car to the roadside just few metres away from a well fenced compound and alighted, he deemed it inappropriate to urinate around there, "I don't want to be harassed this morning by security men. I shouldn't have even parked there, let me just hurry." After half a minute walk from where he had parked, he finally felt the freedom to empty his bladder. He sighed as he completed easing himself, at least now he can continue driving, his comfort was terminated the moment he noticed an incoming ruffling in the nearby bush.

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It was on a Sunday morning, and as usual, I started my motorcycle and headed out to church. The morning started smoothly I must say and the mist in the air accompanied the chilly weather which I preferred to warmness.

On my way, I was cautious of the busy road and put my speed in check. It was at a junction where a small mass was attempting to cross and because I was in a light and happy mood, I halted my motorcycle entirely, and just as they went across the main road, I started behind their back, and then it happened.

A Bike man had hit the back of my motorcycle. It spun and threw me off. I landed on my shoulder, with my head hitting on the sharp end of the sidewalk drainage. I lost consciousness.

I began to regain consciousness when they pushed me on a wheelchair to a ward. My face was gushing blood, and I hardly could breathe.

"no we cannot do anything for him", a cold voice answered one of the strangers who conveyed me to the hospital when he requested my immediate treatment.

They didn't lay a hand on my pathetic body, nor was I offered a bed while I battled unconsciousness and loss of blood.
It wasn't one of my Sundays I guess. But after everything, I am here, stronger and better by each day.

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The scared thief

Good morning guys I want to share a life story of what happened to me early this week.
So, quickly, I went to school very early that morning because I had lectures by 7am,so I had to go early so that I could secure the front seat in order not to be left out in the class because the lecturer was that audible enough. But on getting to school, it was like the class has started because the class was almost filled up by just some minutes to 6. I was wondering whether everyone knew what was in my mind and planned ahead of me. An hour later, our lecturer arrived and the lecture kicked off. All my lectures for that day ended by 6pm but I didn't go home immediately because I had tutorials from 6:30pm to 8pm.
After the tutorials, I decided to use the Wi-Fi to download some important things and after I finished, it was already 10pm. As I went on the way I decided to take a short cut which wasn't along the road and people weren't passing there because it was dark but I was tired and couldn't follow the main road. So almost close to the school gate I noticed a giant guy approaching, he was very muscular and I was scared because there have been cases of theft and attack on students. So a thought came to my mind and I pretended that I was doing incantations and I noticed he was getting scared and he fled and that was how I was saved from him.
I didn't know that thieves too are also afraid of death and other things, imagine him running away, it was a scary and wonderful experience.

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Encounter with the underworld

So as early in the morning last week Monday I went outside to wash my mouth and I saw a letter underneath our gate and. The content of the letter States that some thieves will come and Rob us and they gave the dates they were to come and do that and they told us in 5 days times they will come but they didn't come that day not until yesterday when no one was expecting they robbed us empty such a painful experience.

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My campus is really really choked up right now students everywhere so insecurity and everything has increased too so last night 6 phones were stolen in my lodge and the windows and all were shut it was just like a jinx they used charms to steal their phones and my phone wasn't stolen buh I feel the pains for the victims.


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So today was just so so weird 😬 because there was a robbery in my area, the operation took 3hrs, the gunshots was so terrifying and we couldnt sleep in our house either we were just praying the operation doesn't get to us , everyone if us didn't go to church buh we thank God it didn't get to our house.


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I and my sis were attacked in a Keke we were coming from mpape and when we were approaching Bingham junction a university most of the passengers alighted the Keke already before we came towards that junction and there was a guy with the rider in front they were having conversations since when we got to that junction the guy pulled out a knife and said we should give him our phones unfortunately I wasn't with my phone that day I left at home πŸ˜” we were gripped with fear they took my sister's phone and left so painful.


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I travelled to Kano state to celebrate my Easter, and we were been kidnapped on the highway by some random folks and were been asked to call our loved ones for a ransom the money wasn't forth coming they started killing some of us but it's a miracle I escaped.


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Yesterday was really a terrible day for me I almost died because of the election it was really really hot a escaped with a minor injury.

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Gunmen yesterday kidnapped at least six persons including a corps member at Ikem community in the Isi-Uzo local government area of Enugu State.

The local government had come under attack recently following the recent invasion by suspected Fulani militia at Eha-Amufu. Please let's be very conscious how we move.


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In my area something not to be heard of happen πŸ˜’ someone was owing man for years without paying him the money he has gone severally to demand the money from the so called man but all was to no avail because the doesn't want to pay back so the man that was been owed caught the other man in the bush he killed him and started eating his flesh raw then some people caught him so pathetic and inhumane.

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Some days back US evacuated most of it's workers in Nigeria because of threat of terrorist attacks they said Abuja is going down in 196 hours , everyone is in fear Because it hasn't been long some prisoners broke out from kuje prison in Abuja let each and everyone not be oblivious about the happens around let's not hesitate to report any funny occurrence stay safe.


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I was almost butchered by herds men in my area they are in my area two people have been killed by them a young boy and a woman her eye was plugged out from the socket so having that in mind when returning late at Night I was so vigilant to the core so this fateful day as I was walking along the lonely paths two of them came from no where it was as though they couldn't speak English while I was begging them to spare my life buh I had no choice I took to my heels they also followed, me been a good athlete I gave them a reasonable distance and ran into a nearby church having Night vigil that was how my life was spared. We ain't safe in Nigeria anymore

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What is Nigeria turning into, the rate of insecurity is very alarming
Despite assurances by Nigeria’s security forces that they are well positioned to contain the current wave of terrorist threats on the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja, residents of the city have not been sleeping with both eyes closed.
Many ordinary and Very Important Personalities (VIP) in the city have lost confidence in the ability of the Federal Government to contain the growing attacks and threats from the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) and Boko Haram terrorists and have adopted extra security measures, including prayers, to protect themselves against the marauders.
As residents were gradually recovering from the shock of the jailbreak, the terrorists, on Monday, July 25, threatened to kidnap President Muhammadu Buhari and Kaduna State Governor, Nasir el-Rufai
This is so heart breaking, oh Lord heal our land

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My Friday wasn't a good one at all when I went to the market to get some groceries 😁 and ladies stuffs I was almost done buying all I needed them I started hearing people shouting and in just few seconds dust was everywhere and normally the market is a congested one people were running there was too much friction between people's bodies, people started shouting and crying my , my money and many other things and I didn't still seem to know what was happening I still kept and running until saw hausa boys with knives and cutlass destroying people things my pulse increased then one stopped me and almost slapped for me to hand him my things then we started hearing sirens it was soldiers and police so they took off to their heels and ma made way home.

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My school was raided by 15 unmasked men , they came by 11pm and they operated for an hour undisturbed students were going hay wire at the happenstance of the event it wasn't funny at all but after that it started seeming funny the way students behaved out of fear, when they started hearing the gun shots people were leaving the hostel and coming off campus and the operation was off campus but fear gave them the wrong move that moment, the girls hostel was filled with fainting ladies and no one seemed to want to stay to resuscitate a friend because everyone was trying to save his or her life and people off campus were running to their friend's houses off-campus too , villagers were killed and a little girl though not a student of the institution was kidnapped at her father's shop his worker was shot and killed the man seemed a very wealthy man a business tycoon. It is my earnest prayer the little girl is released .Tension is still in the air in the school because a hunter shot his gun again and students were at it again guys were jumping from the storey hostels to run for their life unawares it might kill them faster.
@group/gist Sunday

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