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Gaining weight

Gaining weight
This morning at 5 AM, I looked in the mirror and noticed something I didn’t want to see: I had gained weight. My friends had been saying that I looked heavier, but I didn’t really believe them until I saw my own reflection.

Seeing my body made me realize I needed to change something. I decided to skip meals today, thinking that would help me lose weight. I thought if I didn’t eat, I could get back to how I used to look.

But now, I’m feeling the effects of not eating. My head feels heavy, my legs ache, and my eyes are watery. I’m tired and weak from not having food.

I understand now that skipping meals isn’t the solution.
I never even knew what came over me that I decided to fast.
Make I first chop again.

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A Life Unfulfilled (True Story)

A Life Unfulfilled (True Story)
The sun rose early on August 1st, casting a gloomy shadow over the room where I slept. I, a hunchback boy now a man, lay in bed, my twisted spine aching with a familiar pain, as I stared blankly at the ceiling. Today was my 30th birthday, a milestone I had been dreading for weeks. I hated birthdays, not just because they reminded me of my physical deformity, but also because they highlighted my lack of accomplishments. While my peers had long since moved away, started families, and built successful careers, I remained stuck in this tiny house, with no job, and living with my aging father. As I slowly got out of bed, my hunched back making every movement a struggle, I felt a wave of sadness wash over me. What did I have to show for my life? Nothing but a string of failed dreams and unfulfilled potential. I thought of all the things I wanted to do but couldn't – travel, find love, make friends. I spent the day alone, wandering the empty streets, feeling like a failure. As the sun set, casting long shadows across the town, I returned home, my heart heavy with regret. I wondered if it was too late to change my life, to pursue my dreams, to find happiness. Or was I forever trapped in this prison of self doubt and sorrow? The silence of the night offered no answers, leaving me to face another year of uncertainty and longing.

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Sleep or Read?

Sleep or Read?
Today started off like any other day. Then, suddenly, I heard the announcement that we are to have a surprise test tomorrow morning!
I can’t say I didn’t read my school books, but I know I need to study more. So, here I am, sitting in my room, thinking about staying up all night to study. Ha! Who knew school could be so exciting? If I knew, I for just kukuma no write JAMB.

I opened my notes and textbooks, and I couldn’t help but laugh a little. "Who needs sleep before a big test, right?" I started looking over my papers, but my bed looked so comfy and inviting. I felt torn between studying and getting some sleep.

The test starts at 9 AM, so I really should go to bed early. But instead, I’m wide awake, holding my highlighter and trying to remember all the things I learned. I could hear my bed calling me, saying, "Just come sleep and forget about the test!"
The thought of waking up late and missing the test made me nervous, but sleeping sounded so nice.

While I still contemplate on if to sleep or not, I said "let me drop a story join"
At least if I sleep now and fail the test, I will be getting some cash as compensation.

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Time Loop

Time Loop
Today was a long day, or so I thought..
. It rained hard, and the drops hit my window loudly. The sky was gray and dark, making everything feel sad. My teacher even canceled our class, probably because he didn't want to go out in the rain.

Since I was stuck at home, I thought I would read. I had a stack of books waiting for me. But the rain made it hard to focus. I kept hearing the noise outside, and I couldn’t pay attention to the words. I flipped through the pages without really understanding anything.

To pass the time, I cleaned my room. I dusted and put things back where they belonged. But the rain reminded me how gloomy the day was. Every time I looked out, I saw the raindrops racing down the window.

As the day went on, I noticed something strange about time. It seemed to move so slowly. When I tried to read, it felt like the hours were dragging. The clock ticked slowly, and I kept looking at it, wishing it would move faster.

As night dawned on me, it suddenly seemed like time was fast.
You see the mystery too right?
Whilst I tried to read and dust some frames behind the clock, I thought time was slow but now that it's night time, it is like time was pretty fast.

I know why I thought time was fast- I had not achieved a lot during the day and that was why.
Okay pals, sorry for the late story, I was caught in the loop of time.

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A stranded friend

I just got back from helping my stranded friend at the bus park. I spent the whole day outside and couldn't charge my phone, so I didn't see her many missed calls until 8 pm. I felt terrible for not being available when she needed me, so I apologized and asked her to wait while I quickly freshened up.

I was worried about her safety since it was already dark outside, and I knew it wasn't a good idea for her to be alone at that hour. I rushed to pick her up and bring her to my place, but when we arrived, the compound was locked. I was relieved to see that my roommate was still awake, so I asked her to help me beg the compound head to open the door.

After a few minutes, the door finally opened, and I dragged her luggages to my room. We will spend hours talking and laughing together, sharing stories and memories from our past. It's so good to back together.

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First Judgement

First Judgement
Browsing through the TikTok when I saw a song that everyone was talking about. Lots of people were sharing it and saying it was great. I thought, "I have to hear this!" So, I downloaded the song and listened to it. But when I heard it, I didn't like it. It was boring and didn't sound special.

I listened to it again, thinking maybe I missed something. But no, I still didn't like it. I went on with my day, listening to my favorite songs and doing my usual stuff.

The next day, I was listening to music on my phone. I was using an app called Boomplay, and it was playing my favorite songs. When those songs finished, the song I didn't like started playing. At first, I thought, "Oh no, not this song again!" But something was different. The music felt good with my heartbeat. It was like the song was talking to me. I listened more closely, and I started to like it. I had to recheck the name of the song playing to confirm if surely it was same song that I called wack the previous day.

I listened to the song again and again. I couldn't stop! I thought, "Wow, I was wrong about this song. It's actually really good!" Now, it's my favorite song. I listen to it every day.

I still wonder why I didn't like it at first. Maybe I wasn't in the right mood? Maybe I needed to hear it again to like it? Maybe I needed to hear it after my favorite songs to appreciate it? I don't know, but I'm glad I gave it another chance. Now, I'm the one telling everyone how great the song is!

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My wife and i

My wife and i
So this evening when I returned from work, I discovered my wife had already prepared dinner for me. I was very happy. It has been long I had dinner by 6pm. This is because of our busy schedules. But she managed to return home early today.

She served me my food and was even offering to feed me.

It was fun doing it.

So while I lying on my bed pressing my phone, my wife tapped me and asked that we play a game.

I then remembered today is Wednesday and we were fond of playing our romantic games on Wednesdays. So today was when I saw the romantic side of my wife.

Without wasting time, I dropped my phone and asked.

"So which game are we going to play?"

"Truth and dare." She cooed in excitement.

"O come on, baby. We have been playing truth and dare since we knew each other. Right now you know everything about me and I have asked every question in the book. Suggest another game."

"Okay. You suggest a game for us."

"Hide and seek. I will tie your eyes and you will find me. When you catch me, then I will be the one to find you."

My wife shook her head.

"No na. That is an old game. I don't have the strength to be running up and down. I just want something we can play together on the bed without going anywhere."

"Okay fine. Suggest another game na. I am out of games to play."

My wife thought for a while. She clapped her hands and grinned like one who had won a million dollars.

"Praises, how about I ask you ten questions about me and if you fail to answer any of the questions, then I will bite you. So that means I will bite you for every question you fail to answer."

"Where will you be bitting me?" I asked.

"You hand of cause."

"So how about me, where will I bite you?"

My wife looked at her body. Then she said.

"You choose."

"I will bite you on your buttocks if you fail my questions." I told her.

"You and buttocks. Fine but it should end at only bitting o. Let it not tress pass to smooching." I laughed.

My wife offered to start the questions. She said when she was done asking the ten questions, then I can ask mine and bite her too if she fails.

I agreed.

We both sat facing each other.

After a moment of silence.

She asked.


"So Baby, what is the date of birth of my grandfather."

"Ah! What concern me with your grandfather na? Even your father does not know his date of birth."

"That one is not my business. Do you know it or you don't know it?"

"I don't."

My wife immediately grabbed my hands like sugar cane and used her teeth to bite me. I endured the pain.

Then she asked again.

"So my love and sweetheart, how many grandfathers have I had in my generation?"

That was when I exploded.

"Come which kind of useless yeye question is this? Am I supposed to be counting your grandfathers in your generation? Ask questions that I know and can answer."

My wife did not even say anything. She knew I did not know it, she grabbed my hand again like roasted yam that has been sauced with pepper and gave me the bite of my life.

This time I screamed.

Then she asked again.

"So my husband of my life. Can you tell me when my grandmother first visited my father when he was still single?"

I stood up from the bed. I told my wife to just bite me let me ask my own questions. She insisted that she was not done yet and it had to be up to 10 first before I ask mine.

I refused o.

"I cannot allow you to be biting me anyhow. You have to answer mine today or we die in this house together. How many grey hairs did my grandfather have in his anus? No answer me o. You must answer me. How many grey hair?"

My wife opened the door and ran out of the bedroom. I followed her.

She doesn't know anything yet.

"Come back here, monkey. Tell me how many times my grandfather has polluted the air in his lifetime. You must tell me now."

My wife ran into the toilet and locked the door.

She was laughing and screaming.

"That is where you will sleep o. You better sleep in the toilet. Ehen. Or you come here let me bite you the three bites you gave me so we can sleep in peace. Every time you will be showing sense. Come let me bite you my own o or you sleep in that toilet this night."

Just see my hand.

See how she has mesmerized my hand with bite.

This woman has tiger

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Buried in thoughts

Buried in thoughts
I really feel overwhelmed by the three major tasks that have been weighing heavily on my mind. First and foremost, I have a critical exam waiting just three weeks away, and I still have a massive textbook to get through. The thought of it is intimidating.

Adding to my stress is the pressure from my client, who's been waiting for me to deliver a job that's long overdue. I can sense their frustration and anxiety, and it's only making me more anxious. I know I need to get it done, but somehow, time keeps slipping away.

But it's not just about work - my family is also on my mind. My sister's phone was stolen over two years ago, and I've been meaning to get her a new one ever since. As a job seeker, not having a phone can be a huge disadvantage. I feel terrible for not being able to get it done sooner.

Despite my best intentions, the week is ending, and I've only managed to scratch the surface of these tasks. It's disheartening to see how little progress I've made. I'm starting to worry that time is running out, and I might not be able to get everything done.

I know I need to stay focused and motivated, but it's hard when it feels like the tasks are piling up. I'm trying to prioritize, but each task seems equally important. I'm hoping for a miracle to happen before the month ends
Wish me the best my people 🙏🏽

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A slip that almost cost a life

A slip that almost cost a life
I loved climbing trees even as a girl, especially this particular tall one we called the Ujuru tree in Igbo. It had delicious fruits, but I didn’t climb it for the fruits. I climbed because I loved the view from the top.

My parents often warned me not to climb the Ujuru tree, but I couldn't resist. One day, I decided to climb all the way to the top, what a mumu move, As I reached the tip, I suddenly slipped and felt myself falling. In that scary moment, I saw my life flash before my eyes.
Doubt if you know that feeling.

But just as I thought I would fall, a branch caught me! I couldn't believe it. I managed to grab hold and slowly climbed down, and sat on the ground, thinking about how precious my life was than to view the beauty of nature from high angles.

I thought a lot about what had just happened. That experience taught me a big lesson. I realized that climbing the Ujuru tree wasn’t worth the risk and from that day on, I never climbed that tree again because I didnt want to meet my creator already.

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I Lost my House

"Go and provide an evidence my friend" The D.P.O yelled at me. I just stood there at the counter looking like a fool because I did not believe what I am hearing from the Police Boss.

How on earth can I show an evidence that I am given my wife money, even though I printed out my account statement, most of the transactions were withdrawn from ATM machine or through POS operators.

I was like........"what a hell is my wife which is now an ex is trying to do". All what I started seen is that I am fast loosing my house which I struggle to build with my hard earning income.

The struggle by my Ex-Wife to take over my house which she somehow succeeded was as a result of rumour that I had married a second wife and according to her, she will never allow any woman who did not have hand in the building of the house to share the apartment with her. All my efforts to convince her that it wasn't true proof abortive.

The Police Boss asked me to leave her environment because in her statement, I have been threatening her and they will not allow me to kill anyone in their jurisdiction, and if I fail to comply, I will be charged to court accordingly.

I have no option than to pack my cloth and some of my valuable goods. I rented a room apartment. I started all over and I am living happily.

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Proctected by God

My mum wanted to let us know the power of prayer and decided to tell us something that happened to her while she was still very young and wasn’t married at that time. My siblings gathered around, including me, to hear of this incident that she didn’t forget for such a long while. My mum was triggered to tell us this story because of our last born who likes to sleep whenever prayer sessions are going on in the house, as a way of encouraging all of us.

She said that on that faithful day, she had finished dressing to go out to somewhere, and as usual, she prayed before leaving. But the moment she stepped outside, a voice told her to go back inside and pray, she went back inside and prayed as the voice had told her. After praying, she left the house, and again the voice told her to go inside and pray again, she started wondering what could be wrong, but she obeyed and went back inside to pray. The voice still told her to go and pray the third when she wanted to leave again, and she obeyed and went back the third time to pray before finally leaving for where she was going to.

My mum said that she was still living in her village that time, and the place was very undeveloped as at then. She navigated a road that was very lonely, quiet and bushy. A man stepped out from the bush and blocked her, while calling out to another man inside the bush to bring something which later turned out to be a cutlass. According to my mum, she was still standing there and didn’t attempt to escape. The first man carried up the cutlass to strike my mum, but his hand became stiff and he couldn’t execute the action no matter how hard he struggled, it was as if something was holding his hand so he could not swing the cutlass. But he was able to put the cutlass back gently, the second person decided to try and the same thing happened again. They gave up after they could not swing the cutlass at my mum, looked at her in shock and made way for her to pass.

My mum passed and got to where she was going safely, that voice that told her to pray must have been God and He had delivered her from death that day. She saw the two men in church the following Sunday, they miraculously repented after that encounter, they also wanted to find out and get involve in wherever my mum worshipped, because it was very clear to them that it was not an ordinary being that protected her, it was the supreme and almighty God. We were very much surprised to hear this story of hers.

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Anger: The destroyer

Anger: The destroyer
A long time ago, I used to get angry at any slightest provocation, I was very hot tempered and will always displayed my anger to the fullest anytime someone looks for my trouble, no matter how insignificant it is. It was a difficult time for me, because I started losing friends, and every body knew me for my hot temper. My parents complain about it almost in a daily basis. This was when I turned 13 years, and I felt people should try not to piss me off.

My classmates used this weakness against me, they will deliberately make me angry just to see my angry face and reaction, and they always got me with this anytime they tried. No day passed without any of my age mate intentionally plotting ways for me to get even angrier. But this lifestyle cost me so much, because I have damaged so many items because of anger, I have injured myself so badly that the scar is still there till today because of anger.

This anger started becoming violent and more violent as the day goes by, my father had to complain to my teacher in school that I was very close to. The anger was triggered the first time the teacher talked to me about my anger issues, but he didn’t give up and kept telling me the damages that it has incurred in my life already and what more damage it can do. I turned 14 and slowly I started reflecting on my life, there is absolutely no benefit and the things that anger has damaged in my life is too numerous to count.

Today I saw an article that explains that during the stage of adolescent, abnormal behaviors like anger is common to be found on an individual, of which I believe it to be true. I just found myself slowly overcoming this anger as I grew older, people couldn’t make me unnecessarily angry again and my life continued peacefully and smoothly. But till date I still regret that time of my life, I have a scar on my hand, memories of things I have destroyed out of angry. I will say that period was the worst time in my life ever.

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Not so Bad

Not so Bad
This morning, I woke up to find that there was no electricity at home. At first, I thought it would be a frustrating day. But as it turned out, it was a wonderful surprise. My phone was fully charged, so I started scrolling through social media as usual. But then, disaster struck! My phone died around 11am, and I was left with nothing to do.

I looked around and saw a book on my shelf that I had been meaning to read for a long time. I picked it up and started reading. At first, it was a bit hard to focus because I was used to constant notifications and distractions. But as I turned the pages, I became more and more engrossed in the story.

The silence and stillness of the morning were perfect for reading. I didn't hear any notifications, no social media updates, no text messages. Just me and the book, there was nothing to distract me.

As I read, I realized how much I had been missing out on by always being connected to my phone. I was so focused on the book that I didn't even notice the time passing. The hours flew by, and before I knew it, the power was back on and I was back to my normal life (chuckles).

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Some years Memories

Some years Memories
I was cleaning up my room, sorting through old clothes, when something caught my eye. A small, familiar object was between my bed frame and the wall. I picked it up, and my heart skipped a beat as I studied it closely. It was my old memory card! I had lost it a year ago, and I had given up all hope of ever finding it.

I had searched every nook and cranny of my room, but it had somehow managed to hide from me. I quickly inserted it into my phone, and as the files loaded, I felt a rush of excitement.

The first thing I did was open my Boomplay app. I had forgotten that my old playlist was stored on that memory card.
I went through the list of songs on my favourite playlist and I was tempted to connect my Bluetooth. Each song brought back old memory as I played it on my mp3 player, memory of friends, family vacations, and quiet moments.

I remembered singing along to this song with my best friend on our way to school, and dancing to that song at my cousin's wedding. It has been 4years now.
How time flies.

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This week, I made a conscious decision to boost my productivity. I set a daily limit of just 10 minutes for TikTok and chess, and instead dedicated my time to research, learning, and data collection. I also made sure to browse useful websites to expand my knowledge. On top of that, I committed to finishing a book called 'Good Morning Holy Spirit' by Benny Hinn.

At first, it was tough. The first three days felt like a struggle, and I had to push myself to stay on track. But as the days went by, something shifted inside me. I started to feel a sense of purpose and direction. It was like I had migrated to a new reality, one where I was in control and focused on my goals.

I sat down to reflect on my progress a few hours ago, sipping on a packet of Hollandia drink, I felt an overwhelming sense of fulfillment. My dopamine levels were flying! I wonder if I should make this new routine a permanent part of my life.

The thought of continuing on this path excited me. I imagined the possibilities - the knowledge I could gain, the skills I could develop, and the goals I could achieve. It's a fascinating prospect, and I can't wait to see where it will take me.

For now, I'm basking in the glow of a productive week, feeling proud of myself for staying committed. Who knows what the future holds? Maybe this is just the beginning of an incredible journey.

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Making today great

Making today great
This Sunday, I decided to do something special for myself. The last few Sundays, I had just been eating plain rice with no chicken, no meat, and no drinks. I wanted to change that, just for today!

So, I planned to make a nice salad to go with my rice. I went to the market and picked up some fresh vegetables: cabbage, carrots, green beans, and more. I felt excited as I put everything in my basket.

When I got back to my kitchen, I cooked a big pot of fluffy rice. I wanted it to be healthy and taste good with my salad. I was a little unsure about making the salad since it was my first time, but how hard could it be?

I chopped the cabbage, cut the carrots, and cut the green beans. Mixing everything together, I made a creamy sprinkle of salad cream and stirred. When I tasted it, I was happy! The salad turned out crunchy, creamy, and full of flavor. It was much better than my usual plain rice.

After enjoying my meal, I treated myself to an ice-cold drink

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Could be better

Could be better
I decided to follow in my elder brother's footsteps and try my hand at repairing damaged electrical appliances. For years, I had watched in awe as he effortlessly brought dead devices back to life. His patience and skill seemed almost magical, and I longed to possess the same abilities.

My opportunity arrived when my charger started malfunctioning, only delivering partial current. I figured it was the perfect candidate for my maiden repair attempt. With a mix of excitement and trepidation, I loosened the screws and cautiously began to explore the inner workings.

As I fondled with the wires, I couldn't help but wonder if I was doing everything right. My brother made it look so easy, but now I was faced with the daunting reality of potentially causing more harm than good.

Despite my doubts, I pressed on, reassembling the charger with a sense of determination. The moment of truth arrived when I plugged it into the extension cord to test it. I kept a safe distance, stretching my hand to plug it in, my heart racing with anticipation.

And then, in an instant, the expected explosion happened. A loud spark, a flash of light, and a jolt of electricity sent me leaping backward, desperate to catch my breath. I had barely escaped the blast, my heart still racing from the close call.

As I stood outside, trying to process what had just occurred, I couldn't help but laugh at my own naivety. I had underestimated the power of electricity and overestimated my abilities.

Though my first attempt ended in failure, I was determined to try again, But for now, I'll stick to observing from a safe distance. I still believe that what a man can do, a woman can too.

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If only I had known

If only I had known
*Title: If Only I Had Known*

In the quiet solitude of her dimly lit room, surrounded by echoes of a life that could have been, Amaka murmured to herself, "If only I had known..."

If only I had known that leaving him would lead to a lifetime of regret, I would have stayed.

If only I had known that the grass wasn't greener on the other side, I would have tended to my own garden.

If only I had known that true love was worth every battle, I would have fought with all my might.

Amaka’s mind drifted back to the day she first met Emmanuel, her first love. They were young, wild, and filled with the boundless energy of youth. Their love was untainted, and their hearts brimmed with hope. But as the years rolled on, doubts began to creep in, and fears slowly overshadowed their joy. Allowing her insecurities to take the lead, Amaka made the heartbreaking decision to walk away.

The years passed, leaving Amaka with a life filled with "what could have beens." She measured every relationship against what she once had with Emmanuel, but none ever came close. The painful truth settled in far too late—true love is rare, and she had let hers slip away.

As tears traced silent paths down her cheeks, Amaka made a promise to herself: if fate ever granted her a second chance, she would cling to it with everything she had and never let go. But for now, all she could whisper was, "If only I had known..."

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Me and the greeny thingny

Me and the greeny thingny
When I was about four years younger, there was a guava tree next to our house that I loved to climb. I felt like an explorer, sitting up high and looking at the pretty view. But one day, everything changed.

I was up there in thd tree, daydreaming and watching the clouds float by, when suddenly I saw something that made my heart stop. I quickly took a closer look and saw a tail slithering up the branches. Oh no! It was a green snake!

I freaked out! My brain started racing. What should I do? Make friends with it? Offer it a guava? Nah, definitely not! So, I called for my brother, running around the tree like a crazy person. “Help! There’s a snake! A bright green one, it will bite me!"

But my brother was inside, happily munching on snacks and totally oblivious of the trauma that I was facing. I decided I had to jump down from the tree. I looked at how tall it really was, and guess what? It wasn’t that tall after all (this judgement was out of panicked)

So, with all the bravery left in me, I leaped off the tree and landed on the ground with a thud. I was safe! But I didn’t waste any time. I ran inside faster than I ever had, craving some chilled water to calm my nerves.

When I got inside, I flopped onto the floor, panting like I’d just run a marathon. I couldn't wait to tell everyone about my big adventure. “I have an amazing story!” I shouted, waving at my other siblings who were engrossed looking at a movie.

Immediately I mentioned that a snake was close by, they all gathered around me as I spilled my story to them.

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Just a Carpet

Last week, I moved into my new rented place, and I was excited to make it feel like home. My dad was kind enough to support me financially, and he promised to visit once I'd finished setting up. I had everything I needed, except for one thing - a carpet.

I ordered the carpet online, thinking it would be faster. But the vendor kept giving me excuses, day after day. "The design is out of stock," "The delivery guy is sick," "The carpet is still being made"... I mean, come on! I was patient at first, but as the days went by, I grew more frustrated.

The day my dad was supposed to visit finally arrived, and I was still waiting for the carpet. I was starting to get anxious, thinking he would see my bare floors and think I hadn't made an effort. But then, the vendor finally showed up... with a carpet that was completely different from the design I had chosen! I was angry.

At that point, I was so fed up with her excuses and delays that I just collected the carpet and spread it across my room. I didn't even bother to argue or ask for a refund. I just wanted the whole ordeal to be over. But when my dad saw the carpet, he was annoyed too. "You should have gone to the market yourself," he said, shaking his head.

I knew he was right. I should have taken control of the situation instead of relying on an unreliable vendor. But I had trusted her, and look what happened! Now I'm using a carpet that doesn't even match my room's color.
My dad's visit was still great, despite the carpet wahala. We spent quality time together, and he even helped me arrange my furniture.

I still feel a bit annoyed. But I'm also grateful for my dad's support and wisdom. And, at least my room is finally complete... even if it's not exactly what I had asked for

Category Competition Winner!

2,000 NGN Prize successfully withdrawn to winners' wallet
Show some love. Gift @bestie_love something as TIPs

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Thought I lost my dollars

Thought I lost my dollars
I was determined to get in on the Monorix airdrop, but the network was being painfully slow. I had to pay a gas fee to secure my spot, and I was getting anxious. I sent the payment to @applecoral for the Trons I needed, but as the minutes ticked by, I started to worry.

"Where is it?" I thought to myself. "@applecoral said he already transferred it, but it's not showing up in my wallet!"

I began to imagine the worst case scenario where my payment get lost in cyberspace, my chance at the airdrop slipping away. I felt my heart racing as I repeatedly refreshed my wallet, wishing the Trons to appear.

But then, just as I was about to give up hope, they finally showed up! 10 long minutes had passed, but my relief was to dramatic that I stood on my bed for some time.

In the end, I was able to exchange the Trons for the airdrop, and all was well. I couldn't help but laugh at the drama I had put myself through. "Note to self," I thought, "be patient when dealing with slow network for this Nigeria.

@applecoral you will pay me for adding you in my story oo, but before we negotiate the price, leave a like first.

Category Competition Winner!

2,000 NGN Prize successfully withdrawn to winners' wallet
Show some love. Gift @janetogbole90 something as TIPs

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