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What it was like

As I made my way to church today to catch a sermon, the familiar sight of children, dressed in their neat school uniforms, flooded my senses. They walked with purpose, their bags hung over their shoulders, some of them held books in their hands. The image of these young students trooping to their respective primary schools stirred sleeping memories of childhood, transporting me back to the days when I too was part of that eager crowd.

I couldn't help but smile as I watched the young ones hasten to avoid being late, some sharing stories of what they ate before leaving home while others kept walking mute and focused.

As I walked amidst the bustling group of youngsters, I couldn't help but reflect on my own experiences during those years. The friendships I made, the lessons learned both in and out of the classroom, and the gradual change from a curious child to a young adult set to explore the world.

I wished these young souls the same enthusiasm for life that I had, the same thirst for knowledge, and the same determination to face the challenges that awaited them. Their journey was just beginning, and it held lot of opportunities, so much than they can ever imagine.

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The journey that never ended

Once, on a blistering summer's day, after my last exam, I embarked on what would become my worst journey ever. It all began innocently enough when I decided to travel the exact same day my exams ended which was supposed to end before noon. As usual I already have my lodge arrange and ready the previous day.

fortunately for the exam ended as expected, i packed my bags, kissed my friends goodbye, and set off on the long drive to delta state. Little did I know that this journey would test my patience and resilience in ways I had never imagined.

The trouble started when I hit an unexpected traffic jam on the highway. What should have been a simple drive turned into a seemingly endless ordeal of honking horns and frustrated drivers. Hours crept by, and my excitement began to wane. I cursed my luck and tried to keep my spirits high, reminding myself that the destination would be worth it.

As if the traffic wasn't bad enough, dark clouds began to gather overhead, threatening rain. I google map to see how far we've gone, hoping for some distraction, not long the drive tone on to a radio station, only to be met with a weather report predicting a severe thunderstorm in the area. Panic set in as I realized that we still have a long way to go and the time is far spent. With each passing minute, the storm drew closer, and my anxiety grew.

Finally, the traffic started moving, but it was too late. The heavens opened up, and rain poured down in torrents. I struggled to see through the blurred windshield, and the winding mountain roads became treacherous. Lightning illuminated the sky, followed by deafening thunderclaps that rattled my nerves.

On reaching the very first bus stop the driver entered to drop a few passengers, just on a reverse so the journey can continue hoping for a better and fast drive this time around. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, we heard a loud bang and felt the car shudder. We had hit a deep pothole hidden beneath the murky water on the road. My heart sank as I realized we had a flat tire, and changing it in the pouring rain demand we all exit the car

With trembling hands and soaked clothes, we managed to replace the tire, but by now, I was thoroughly drenched and shivering. Exhausted and disheartened, at this point I can't just continue with the journey but just because of the weather but we are already running very late into the night hours.

It was a humbling experience, to say the least. My worst journey had taught me the importance of being prepared for the unexpected and the resilience to face adversity head-on. As I finally made my way to a very close relations resident, I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Despite the mishaps and misfortunes, at least I had a tale to tell, a story of my worst journey ever, one that would be etched in my memory for years to come.

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Trip to Lagos

Last week, I happened to be opportuned to visit one of my uncles in Lagos in order for him to help me get a job back there in Lagos. The journey was kind of hectic and there was almost a time when we almost crashed into a car but I thank God we were able to reach safely.
On getting to his house, I was shocked because his house was like a palace and he's a person who always dress and appears like he doesn't have that kind of money but I was so shocked when I saw his house. He then made me understand that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. So after settling down, the next day I prepared my documents and he took me to three of his friends companies and he referred me to them and I also submitted my credentials and they all promised to get back to me. On getting home, I noticed something that was like a crusade because the whole place was crowdy and noisy. The road was blocked so my uncle had to park his car somewhere and we walked pass the crowd. But I was shocked why my uncle decided to leave his car instead of to horn or even force his way through but I didn't ask and as we walked pass the crowd that was when I noticed it was one of their festivals and there were many masquerades displaying and all of them were very tall, it was very amusing because I haven't seen any masquerade as tall as they were. My uncle soon spoke about why he left his car was that during such, they don't allow movement of vehicle.

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City influence

Parents should not deviate from the normal disciplinary measures of training their children just because they left their home in the village to come live in the city.

Met a girl named Amara yesterday while trying to purchase something and the way this girl acted got me and I couldn't help.

I already ordered a roll of burgers and a soda to wash down the junk and the woman was struggling with the nylon bag when a fat, fair, and short lady in her early teens entered the canteen and started confronting the woman for having sold to her an expired product.

Yes, it was fair to complain, but the way she addressed this elderly woman was just out of place. Claiming she could have arrested her if it was in Lagos. She shouted at the woman to shut up when she tried to explain to her that the expiry date was still in a month.

I struck her face when she was just about dabbing the elderly and brushed her to the floor.
She wouldn't stop still. She claimed that her family had influence and all that and threatened me.
But come on, you are good off but you can't get over the fact that the little junk of #200 was stale?

With the help of other people around, they forced her to leave and never come close to the school canteen again.

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My fear of dogs

I have always been scared of animals. Any animal at all be it goat, cat, chicken, duck, turkey, snake, cow and even rat.
As a growing child, my mum kept chickens but somehow I couldn't overcome my fear of them. This afternoon, I went to a fruit store at the next street to buy some fruits. The shop is in front of a compound.
There was no one there and so I moved closer to the entrance of the compound and called out. That was when I saw a dog at the far end of the compound. I don't know why I did it but I just decided to stare at the dog. See me.
Me that is so scared of dogs that if I am heading somewhere and halfway there I see a dog sleeping on the street, I won't pass. If I don't see anyone to walk me across, I'll turn back and find an alternative route.
I stared at the dog and it stared back. I didn't look away, I kept staring. After some seconds the dog looked away but I didn't. I was already feeling like the Champion and conqueror.
It looked back at me and saw I was still staring and it took a step forward. Fear gripped me and I looked away. I took a step backwards even though it was a bit far from where I was standing. I looked at it again and realized it was coming forward steadily. Omo I tear race. The champion in me has come down to 0%.
I ran to the next street and checked from a vantage point. The dog has come out from the compound into the street. I didn't wait to think. I ran into another street and from there followed another longer route to my house.
Fruit I no buy again. I bought groundnut with the money to congratulate myself on yet another wonderful escape.


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In the small town of Benue, there lived a young boy named Ebube. Ebube had a unique talent that could captivate anyone who listened to him. His voice possessed the power to weave emotions and his artistic skills in drawing were equally impressive. However, his friends didn't appreciate his talents. They would mock and discourage him, belittling his dreams of making it big in the music industry.

But Ebube refused to let their negativity dim his light. He believed in himself and his abilities. Determined to pursue his dreams, he would often retreat to a quiet spot by the river, singing his heart out and filling the air with the melodies that came naturally to him. In those moments, he found solace, hoping that one day, someone would recognize his talent.

Little did Ebube know, that day would come sooner than he expected. One sunny day, as he sang his heart out in a crowded marketplace, unbeknownst to him, he was being recorded live by a passerby who was mesmerized by his voice. The passerby uploaded the video to social media, where it quickly went viral and caught the attention of music enthusiasts across the country.

A week later, Ebube received the biggest surprise of his life. A phone call came, and to his astonishment, it was from none other than Mavins Records, one of the biggest music producing companies in Nigeria. They had seen his viral video and were interested in signing him as their newest artist.

From that moment on, Ebube's life transformed. He signed a record deal, and with the support and guidance of Mavins Records, he nurtured his talents, honing his skills as a singer and performer. The once-mocking friends became awestruck admirers as they witnessed his rise to success.

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Are there angels?

Are there angels?
That's exactly what I asked myself when I met Precious. When we first started, I was way over the moon with ectasy and all romantic delusions that comes with falling in love.
I gave her my heart and everything that could make the relationship a success. She came with the appearance of an Angel clothed with love and affection...alas! I was too blinded by my emotions to see that she was not what she claimed to be.
One day I went to see her at her place only to see her locking lips with a total stranger... someone I have never seen or met. Even when I confronted her she calmly told me to go away from her and not come back because I'm no longer her choice
I begged, I cried, I tried to make her see how much I love her even with her cheating I still have feelings for her when I should have been angry with her actions.
I left her place broken, shattered and scattered which makes me to ask this question: ARE THERE ANGELS? I thought I had one only to realize that I was dinning with the devil without using a long spoon.

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Petrol Station fight

I went to buy fuel in my area, I waited in line for a long time before finally getting the chance to get my fuel. After buying I met an old friend, he was so happy to see me after 5 years, I was excited as well.

After we exchanged contacts, he offered lunch for me in a nearby eatery opposite the filling station, I accepted cause I was already hungry after being on queue for long. We got the same meal, jollof rice and chicken laps, we talked, laughed and ate our food for at least one hour.
We were not done when we heard screams coming from the petrol station, Jude, my friend was the first to rush outside before I joined him. Two boys were engaged in a hot struggle, part of their clothes were torn and smeared with dirt.

Fortunately for them, people rushed in and separated the fight, after the atmosphere was calm, one of them accused the other of trying to pour some of his petrol to another gallon. It was not nice at all, but it does not call for a fight, I stood there with Jude until they were sent off in peaceful terms.

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The bullies noticed the change in Dominion, he refused to cower to any form of bullying. The bullies were taken aback by his newfound courage, but they didn't back down easily.

One day, when the bullies cornered Dominion and Ben in the schoolyard, Dominion's heart pounded in his chest. Fear engulfed him but then he caught a glimpse of his little brother's scared eyes. In that moment, Dominion knew he couldn't back down.

Summoning all his newfound courage, Dominion took a deep breath and confronted the bullies. He stood tall, ready to protect his brother at any cost. To his surprise, the bullies hesitated and eventually backed away, unable to face the newfound determination in Dominion's eyes.

As the days turned into weeks, Dominion's bond with his brother Ben grew stronger. Together, they faced challenges and supported each other through thick and thin. Dominion's journey from a fearful victim to a courageous defender was a topic for every student in that school.

From that day forward, Dominion embraced his new identity as a protector, not just for Ben, but for anyone who needed a champion. He became a ray of hope for those who felt oppressed, reminding them that even the meekest among us can find the strength to rise and shine.

@applecoral 🗿

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Kindness to a Fault

Simon was a devoted Christian who loved to treat people rightly. People usually gossiped about his extreme spiritual life, but he was determined to live by his principles and show kindness to all.

One day, while walking through the bustling streets of his small town, Simon witnessed a commotion near the local market. Curiosity getting the better of him, he inched closer to see what was happening. To his dismay, he found a homeless man being harassed by a group of bullies. Without hesitation, Simon rushed to the man's aid, standing up against the bullies and protecting the vulnerable stranger.

His act of bravery caught the attention of the townsfolk, who were both astonished and inspired by his actions. Simon's unwavering faith and dedication to doing what was right began to change the hearts of those who had previously judged him for his devotion. People started to see beyond the rumors and gossip, recognizing that Simon's extreme spiritual life was merely a reflection of his genuine love for others.

As time went on, Simon's reputation as a compassionate and selfless individual grew. People from all walks of life sought his guidance and sought to emulate his kind spirit. Simon happily lent a helping hand to everyone he encountered, never once seeking recognition or praise.

Word of Simon's caring nature reached the ears of a local orphanage in need of assistance. The orphanage housed children who had experienced hardships beyond their young years. Simon, being deeply moved by their stories, decided to devote his time and resources to help improve their lives.

He organized fundraising events, encouraged others to donate, and personally spent more time visiting them and impacting them positively.

Simon's legacy lived on, not only in the memories of those he touched but in the lasting impact he made on the very fabric of their community.

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Nse was still trying to make out what was coming through the bush, afraid, not knowing what to do, he brought out his torchlight and directed it towards what will be his worst nightmare, a massive Rottweiler with an unfriendly grin, stood before him.

Panicking but trying to maintain composure, Nse slowly backed away. His heart pounded at the sharp barks the Rottweiler sent into the air. He recalled awful stories of Rottweilers and he had no intention of being the next victim.

As if pumped, Nse sprang into action. He turned and dashed towards his car, his legs pumping with all their might. Behind him, the barks of the Rottweiler was relentless. Fear gave Nse wings, and he reached his car in record time. Fumbling with the keys, he managed to unlock the door just as the Rottweiler charged at him.

Nse leaped into the safety of the car and slammed the door shut. Breathing heavily, Nse locked the doors and watched as the Rottweiler circled the car, its barks echoing through the environment. It seemed like an eternity before the Rottweiler finally lost interest and went down the street.

Shaken but relieved, Nse sat in his car, his heart still racing. The simple act of answering nature's call had transformed into a heart-pounding escape from danger. As he drove away from the street, he couldn't help but smile at the unlikely adventure he had just survived. From that day on, Nse always remembered to choose his restroom stops more wisely, and when not safe, move until it's confirmed.

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The farmer

There was a farmer. The monsoon-rain has arrived and the weather was cool and The land was full of water as the plants needed water.

Raju was a farmer who harvested his crop and put the load of his crop on his cart.
He started his journey to the town to sell his crops and went early in the morning so that he could sell all his crops at a good price.

When he was on his way the wheel of the cart stuck into the mud.

The More he pulled, the more the cart was getting-stuck in the mud.
As there was heavy-rain last night, the road has turned into mud.
When he saw the wheel get stuck, he came out of the cart and saw the wheel.
Then he looked around but found no one to help him.

He gets distressed and starts cursing his life for this.
Then he started blaming his situation and see himself as a loser and defeated.

He didn’t make any effort to put the wheel out of the mud but Only he was cursing his situation and life because of his anger.
Then he raised his hand facing the sky and asked God, Lord, it is only me where you send problems. Why am I so unlucky? Please come down to help me”!

God listen to his prayers and came down for help.

By blaming your situation you will not get out of the problem And by blaming your life will not help you take the wheel out of the mud. Nobody will help you unless you help-yourself. Do you even help-yourself and try to take the wheels out of the
mud? You must help-yourself and try. The Lord said.

After listening to the Lord, the man sat near the wheels of the cart and pulled with all his power and because of his hard-work of pulling the wheel, he succeeded to take-out the wheel out of the mud.

The man got his lesson that he should try his own strength to help-himself and He thanked The Lord for advice and continued his journey.

Moral lesson; Every problem has a solution and God will help and advise us in whatever hard situation we face.

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“Laughter′s Fruit: The Magical Market Tale“

In a bustling market in Lagos, there was a fruit seller named Bola. Bola was known for her charm and persuasive selling techniques. One day, she had a brilliant idea to attract more customers to her fruit stand.

She decided to put up a sign that read, "Magic Fruits! Taste them and gain superpowers!" People passing by were intrigued by the sign and gathered around her stall with curiosity.

A skeptical man approached and asked, "Magic fruits? Really?"

Bola grinned and replied, "Absolutely! These fruits are from a secret garden where they are blessed by ancient Nigerian spirits. Just one bite, and you'll be able to fly like a bird!"

The man laughed, thinking it was all a joke, but he couldn't resist trying it out. He took a bite of an ordinary-looking mango and pretended to flap his arms like wings. Everyone burst into laughter, and Bola joined in, encouraging the man, "Keep trying! It takes a few moments for the powers to kick in!"

Soon, more people gathered around, and Bola's magic fruit stall became the talk of the market. People started trying different fruits, pretending to have superpowers - some claimed to be invisible, some said they could read minds, and others claimed to have super strength.

Even the local police officer couldn't resist the fun. He took a bite of a banana and jokingly announced, "I can now catch criminals with my eyes closed!" Everyone cheered and had a good laugh.

As the day went on, the crowd grew bigger and merrier. Bola sold more fruits than ever before, not because of their magical properties but because of the joy and laughter she brought to the market.

At the end of the day, Bola confessed to everyone that the magic was all in the imagination and that they were just regular fruits. People laughed even harder, feeling both entertained and amused by the clever fruit seller.

From that day on, Bola's fruit stall became the most popular spot in the market, not for magic fruits, but for the magic of laughter and fun. And so, Bola's fruit-selling business thrived, making her the happiest and most beloved fruit seller in Lagos.

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We had just heard of the call-off order by the governor of the state instructing indigenes to stop observing the usual sit-at-home orders on Mondays.

People couldn't obey the instructions due to fear, gunmen usually paraded the road and most time, they deal with defaulters.
After the news of the Governor's order was disseminated, people rumoured and trembled at the repercussions of continuing with their business on that day.

He came around with armored cars and several security bodies who were armed to the tooth.
They passed a fine bill on the business centers that weren't open. It was a #100,000 fine for defaulters to pay not considering the economics situation.

On Tuesday, business owners and managers weren't having it. It was inappropriate to extort such amount from those who simply were protecting their lives.

The next day, they took to the streets on a protest movement. They cutoff all banners having pictures of the state governor and littered the road to portray their annoyance.

It didn't end well by the way, some incurred severe injuries when the force was sent to restrict the movement. There were more critical casualties.

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It was just another busy day in Uyo, Nse had got up at 4am to prepare for his work as a school bus driver. The nature of the work required punctuality, the kids he will have to transport everyday are usually ready from 7am, and to meet up, he has to be the earlier bird.

Within one hour, he had finished the necessary tasks, washing, bathing and most importantly eating to gain energy. He climbed into the Toyota HiAce (Hummer Bus) assigned to him, sleep messing with his mind but he has to go on.

Two trials and the bus came to life, he inspected his environment trying to figure if he forgot something before he drove out. On his way, he felt the sudden urge to urinate, "I didn't urinate at home", he murmured in annoyance. It's not safe at such a time as 5am to stop in the middle of nowhere and urinate but the urge was too strong.

He pulled over the car to the roadside just few metres away from a well fenced compound and alighted, he deemed it inappropriate to urinate around there, "I don't want to be harassed this morning by security men. I shouldn't have even parked there, let me just hurry." After half a minute walk from where he had parked, he finally felt the freedom to empty his bladder. He sighed as he completed easing himself, at least now he can continue driving, his comfort was terminated the moment he noticed an incoming ruffling in the nearby bush.

𝑇𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑒𝑑...

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Evening walk

Late evening walk was my thing.
Actually after my senior WAEC I did nothing much to keep myself busy during the first months. So I suddenly developed the habit of going for evening walks around the university in my area.

The sites and people I meet along the way during my strolls are usually worth it. I would take a longer route around the heart of the university with my music on and which after, I headed back home.

I did this for over two weeks without missing a day. It was later added to my hobbies by the way.
Anyway that I missed taking a stroll into the university area due to more important reasons, I end up feeling unfulfilled for that day.

Just like the normal times, I started a walk into the school as usual, but this time, the time was a bit late than my normal coming.
The roads were almost scanty. There wasn't electricity lights in the buildings too except the few using generators.

I had already walked past the heart of the school and heading back with my headset on and my voice echoeing through the streets when suddenly, a Honda motorcycle pulled up in front of me.

I wanted to avoid them and pass but one of them acted to be stranded and demonstrated a pleading hand, so I pulled out my headset to understand them better. My eyes caught a gun immediately, the second man on the motorcycle quickly pointed a gun at me and requested for the phone I had in my pocket.

After he collected the phone, he unplugged the headset and placed it on my shoulder and went on to search my pockets. Left in my pocket was a #100 note which I was saving to buy 2 cups of cooked groundnuts on my way home. They collected the note and threatened to shoot me.

And that was my story😭

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One Good Act

Doing good really pays, I'm going to tell a story of a very great guy, he's loved by everyone in the school because he always assist whenever necessary.
He created a watsapp group for aspirants of the University and gave maximum help, guidance and assistance to them right from before they were given admission and after. Many of the students couldn't help but locate him once school resumed and they gave their sincere thanks.
So, one faithful day, the guy went out to eat with his friend and he was hoping to pay with his ATM because he was only have #200 on him. After eating, he tried paying with his ATM but found out that he account was restricted and immediately he realised he was in trouble because his friend also wasn't with cash. As he continued trying he became frustrated and his countenance changed and one of the 100level students he helped approached him and thanked him for the guidance he offered to him and also asked what was wrong and the 100level students helped pay the bill and also transported him home.
So, u see why I said it pays to do good. This guy was doing a selfless work that he wasn't paid for and he never relented. Who knows what might have happened if he didn't help the needy in the past.

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Xmas Day

Christmas was always something we celebrated in our home. No matter how tough things were at the time, we never miss to celebrate.

On this very day, we had already eaten and drank and it was time for more sightseeing. We always enjoyed visiting relatives and having them gift a little pennies.

Do not eat from anybody, my mum would say. We started our journey and our pennies were growing. With my siblings and a few other neighboring children, we went from house to house to showcase our special Christmas wear.

By the time we were to visit the last place on our list, I was already hungry. On getting there, they didn't ask if we would eat as others did. They just brought in food and big chunks of chicken. While others resisted and declined the invitation to eat, I didn't. I rushed the chicken and that was it.

We went home, they reported me, I was stroked mercilessly, what a Christmas day it was.

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Two Slaps

I had this friend who I called uncle while I was in primary school. He often bought me junk foods whenever he returned from class. He was a student at a close university.

I ran errands for him and I don't miss a mouth watering reward afterwards. He was also friendly to everyone but he was my uncle (I called him uncle), so we were much closer.

Returning from school one day, I walked along the usual path I use while going and returning from school. On this day I decided to wave my friend (uncle) and maybe he would bless the day.

I was heading for the door when I heard sobbing sounds inside. Out of curiosity, I stretched and opened the window blinds, and there was my uncle with a female guest. They were bare.

Adrenaline pumped through my blood immediately and I was confused on what to do. I dashed out and continued my walk home, thinking of who to tell first about what I saw.

I was almost home when I saw my uncle, I don't know how he did it, but he was approaching me, he must have taken a shortcut and intercepted me.

The look on his face was terror as he shouted at me and asked angrily why I opened his window. He struck my face twice and instructed that no one heard of what I saw.

With teary face, I returned home and everyone gathered, my face was swollen. I couldn't have said a word but on a second thought, I spilled the whole gist.

A week later, he moved out, my uncle moved out. Guess he couldn't bear the shame any longer. I didn't feel it though because I cut off the friendship instantly after the first slap.

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The recompense for Stealing

Been a few weeks since this tragic incident occurred, yet the street, the building, and the road bore marks of that very past.

I was flipping through a text when I heard muffled cries, shouts, and angered chattering. It was a mob parading this young guy who they have beaten into a pulp.

I was filled with pity as I gazed through my window and tried to identify the culprit but couldn't.

Some landed critical blows on the head with solid materials, while some hurled stones at him.

What could it be that this poor guy did? I asked myself.
On a second thought, I decided to go down and ask of what was happening.

"he was the notorious thief that always stole from the market shops",
Somto answered after I asked. Somto was my lodge mate.
He went on "Can you imagine, he set 3 shops ablaze after he stole from them?"

He last statement was rhetorical but he inquired for an answer which never came.

The beatings were much for the poor lad and I knew just then that he won't survive it.
After sometime, I returned to my room and continued my study until Somto returned and narrated how the thief had collapsed and how he was identified dead afterwards.

I couldn't help but think about what desperation could cause. This was a young boy who was filled with hot blood.
If he had channeled this energy towards something worthwhile, he could be living off a cool life or even at least be alive. What surpasses life?

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What can you do if you cannot cook?

I have always been the kind of person who paid little or no attention to the kitchen, but must also mention that I love eating, not a chronic lover, but I do alright eating good foods. I don't fancy eating outdoors if it's not urgent or perhaps, I am away from where close ones or I can make my food.

At a stage, when I was done with my secondary school education, my family members started making commentaries on how I was going to survive living in the university without knowing how to cook so well.

Get your mind off it!
Not like I didn't know how to cook.
I always knew within myself counting the many times that I had helped my mummy and siblings in the kitchen to cook, but never had I prepared food for the whole family asides from jollof rice, yam, beans, and some fries too.

On a good day, I decided to surprise them.
My mum already bought foodstuffs for soup and instructed my elder sister to cook it.
She was to start cooking by noon so I had to resume earlier.

It was a tough time I must confess, having to cut/squeeze the vegetables, pound lots of pepper and prawns, the ede too, and all other processes that I had to put in balance.

After several hours, I was done cooking. Normally, it would take my sister less than an hour to do that.

They were left speechless when I called out that they should gather in the dining so I would serve them.

My dad was first to go, he swallowed down a bolus while the rest watched.
He stood and stretched his hands which were sticky at me to shake as he congratulated my cooking skills. The rest couldn't believe the taste of the soup when they tested it.

Now I am finally in school and bet me, I make the best tasty meals.

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