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Restarting the journey

Restarting the journey
It's been three long months since my laptop broke, and during that time, I completely stepped away from learning programming. I didn’t even think about coding or continuing my course. When my laptop finally got replaced last week, I decided to pick things up again, but I was shocked. The course looked completely foreign, like I had never seen any of it before. There was only choice I had, to start fresh.

When I sat down to resume learning, it felt like I was back at square one. I was surprised by how much I had forgotten in just a few months. It was frustrating at first, but I knew if I wanted to make real progress, I had to take things step by step. It felt strange going over things I thought I had mastered, but I realized it was the only way to rebuild my foundation.

That’s when I decided to approach things differently. Instead of feeling down about having to start over, I made a plan to study a little every day. I told myself that discipline was key. If I could commit to learning regularly, even for an hour or two daily, I’d start seeing results. This time, it wasn’t just about coding but forming a habit and sticking to it.

Yesterday, I spent almost 12 hours going over the basics, refreshing my memory with things I had learned before. Slowly but surely, things started clicking again. It was like dusting off an old book and remembering why I loved programming in the first place. The frustration began to fade, and excitement took its place as everything started coming back to me.

I’m not where I want to be yet, but I’m definitely back on track.

@applecoral would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Mon, 16th Sep. 2024.
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Wasted two weeks

After joining my friends on Catizen, I was really excited about qualifying for the airdrop. We had been playing for weeks, putting in time and energy. The day came for us to check if we made it. My friend was the first to check hers, and I immediately noticed the change in her expression. She went from smiling to frustrated in a matter of seconds. I asked her what she got, but she didn't say anything. Unfortunately, my app wasn’t working at the time, so I had to wait.

After about two long hours, she finally helped me check mine. The result was the last thing I wanted to see, I didn’t qualify for the airdrop. I couldn’t believe it. After spending my data and time playing the game for two whole weeks, it felt like all my effort had gone down the drain. I was really looking forward to that airdrop; it was supposed to be a reward for all the time and energy I put into the game.

I turned to my friend, still in disbelief, and asked her if this was how things usually go with the airdrops. She told me that sometimes things don’t always go as planned, and it hit me that this was just one of those unlucky times. It didn’t make it any less painful, though. All that effort and anticipation gone, just like that.

I had even started planning my budget, thinking about what I’d do with the money once I received it but I have to believe something better will come.

@borah would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Mon, 16th Sep. 2024.
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Unprepared for

Unprepared for
I had a roommate for a while, but he wasn’t fully a typical roommate. He didn’t pay rent or share utility bills. It was more like a kind gesture.
You see, he was in a tight situation and needed somewhere to stay temporarily, so I let him crash at my apartment for some weeks or rather a month per say.

He was an interesting guy, always full of stories and laughter and I was helping him out during his search for a new hostel space. After about a month, he found a spot in a hostel. When he settled in, he started packing his things, ready to move on.

I had to help him pack in order to avoid him leaving behind any valuable belongings. But despite our efforts to avoid this, he called about a week after and reported that he had forgotten in my kitchen, the ceramic plate which he won as a trophy as the fastest runner during an inter house sports that hosted about 10 schools in the region.

The next morning, I decided to help him out. I placed the ceramic plate on the table, beside the door where he would easily see it. I thought it would be super convenient for him to grab it on his way out.
But as fate would have it, while I was carrying some other things around, I tripped, shaking the table where it lay, and I watched in horror as the ceramic plate slipped from my saving hands. It fell to the floor and shattered into pieces.

I knew I had to lie to him about it, maybe tell him that I didn't find it, or that it was broken when I found it. But I am not a liar and he doesn't deserve to be lied to either.
I could hear the surprise in his voice as I told him about the broken plate.

He took it surprisingly well. I guess he understood that accidents happen. He wasn't so happy after I narrated what happened, but still we put that behind.

@kingsleysom would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sun, 15th Sep. 2024.
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From one problem to another

From one problem to another
We have had a lot of problems with electricity. It has been two years, and the power supply is very unsteady around this part where I live.
Sometimes the transformer is broken, other times the cables are damaged, or the connections are bad, it is either this story or another. One would say it's a curse.

Every week, we all put our money together to pay for the electricity and to rectify the damage. Untill the whole transformer broke down, and we were without power for three weeks.
Just yesterday, they fixed it, and the power came back, but I didn't feel excited or anything even while the neighbourhood was in jubilation.

In just a minute, the power went out again. When it came back, it was so low that I couldn’t even use it properly. I didn’t care anymore. I went to my friend's house to charge my things, but when I came back home, the power was gone again.

I was still on not moved nor did I show any sign of care. Blackout had dealt with me and I was already used the the whole stress of finding a place to charge and battling to study.
As people lamented about how they thought that the power which was restored would atleast last some hours, I just chuckled and kept mute.

@janetogbole90 would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sun, 15th Sep. 2024.
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From fire to faith

From fire to faith
It's weekend again and just as usual no office duties and more excitingly no school activities, we all woke up with our phone on our hands nobody was ready to help with any of the house chores. My mum having seen our mood pretended as though everything was fine knowing fully well that we will soon be hungry and request for something to eat.

Though we're not ready for food at that moment but my mum can suspect so for my dad so she just had to prepare something for her lovely husband, when we saw her moves it was a relief but I can't necessarily tell why she decided to cook all of a sudden. Then out of curiosity we asked her what her reasons were, she answered with a smiling face and side "outside having you all as a blessing from God I was also blessed by a caring and a loving husband"

Dad settled into his favorite armchair, with his Bible , preparing for Sunday's sermon. My brother slipped out to grab some snacks, and we dive into it just like a hungry lion while focused on a video game competition. Meanwhile, Mom worked her magic in the kitchen. The tantalizing aroma is something else and none of us could afford to miss.

Just as we were about to sit down to eat, Mom ran out of the kitchen, all we could hear at the moment was her shouting voice. "Jesus! Oh Jesus!" repeatedly as she runs. My heart skipped a beat. What was wrong? The gas cylinder had malfunctioned, shooting a massive flame into the air. Mom was frantically calling for Dad.

Dad dropped his Bible and rushed into the kitchen. I followed, my heart racing. But incredibly, the fire had gone out, despite the gas still leaking. Dad immediately removed the cylinder, and we all exhaled in relief. Mom was shaken, repeating, "How did the fire just go out?" Dad wrapped his arms around her, his eyes closed. "It's the hand of God," he whispered.

We stood there, frozen in gratitude. The near-disaster turned into an impromptu prayer session, thanking God for saving us. Afterward, we sat down to enjoy Mom's delicious meal.

@sorano would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sat, 14th Sep. 2024.
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In touch with friends

In touch with friends
I wanted to talk to my friends, so I decided to make some phone calls. I had not called them for a little while, and I missed their voices.

First, I called my best friend, Patrick. When he answered, he sounded so happy! “Wow! It’s you!” he said. I laughed and told him I missed him. We talked about our games and how school was going. It felt really nice to hear him.

Then, I called all my other friends, one by one. Every time I called, they were surprised and excited. “Is that really you?” they asked. I could hear the smiles in their voices. We shared funny stories and talked about our favorite snacks.

After a while, I looked at my phone and saw that I used 1500 Naira for airtime. That’s a lot of money! But you know what? I didn’t care about the money at all. I was so happy talking to my friends.

@china would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 12th Sep. 2024.
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A New Likeness

A New Likeness
I visited my cousin’s house about a week now. I was excited to see him, but when I got there, I noticed something very interesting, it was a small dog.

Shaa, I’m not usually a fan of dogs. They can be loud and jumpy, and I usually prefer to stay away from them. But this little dog was different. It had curly hair all over and was so small and friendly. It shaked it's so fast when I walked in, and I couldn’t help but smile.

At first, I watched the dog from a distance, but as time passed, I got closer. I sat down, and the dog came up to me, looking up with its big, sparkling eyes. It cuddled my hand playfully, asking for some love. I started to pet it, and lol, I'll be truthful, it was adorable.

As I spent more time with my cousin and the dog, I realized something, I was starting to like dogs. Not all dogs, but this special little dog. We played together, and it made me laugh with its silly hop from here and there.

Now that I’m back home, I can’t stop thinking about that little dog. I want one for myself! But then I remember that having a dog means spending money and taking care of it. I know I would have to make sure it eats well and stays healthy.

@destinyhunter would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 12th Sep. 2024.
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My Mother′s Healing

My Mother′s Healing
A very long time ago, I think I was about 9 years old as at then, something happened in our family that really touched everyone, even the smallest of us that was about 3 years old, felt it the same way we all felt it. I remember the tension in the house, the lost appetite, the sleepless nights, the tears, the worries. I'm the eldest child, and I remember having to comfort my younger siblings during that time, it was a very critical time in our family and even till today, we still remember it, how God turned things around for us.

One day, my mother's neck started swelling, it was very painful as she could not eat or drink or even swallow saliva, she was always awake at night due to the pains and crying and praying for God to heal her. She went for a test, the test result was very scary, she was told that fibroid was growing in her neck and the only solution will be a surgical operation in the neck. It was during holiday, because I remember we were always at home, assisting my mother to refill a small container with sand for her to spit saliva in, since she couldn't swallow. My mother didn't eat for days, she slimmed down and even as a kid, I lost appetite for play, food and many others.

She went to the hospital and booked a day for the operation, and about two weeks to the operation, a stranger met her on the road and told her that God sent him to tell her not to go for the operation, that she will be healed. My mother was very surprised, she never told anyone about the illness, neither did we, she instructed us not to tell anyone about it, so really it was God. The day of all other days came, where the tension, cry, lost of appetite and so on climbed to the fullest, my mother wanted to go to the hospital for check-up on how fatal the fibroid had grown and if she still had much time left. I remember I was eating with my siblings in the kitchen when my mother walked in and told us she was going to the hospital, and that she doesn't know how her visit to the hospital will be, she said this in a breaking tone as if she was about crying.

And immediately, we lost appetite, tears started rolling down from my eyes, and my siblings started crying too, my mother at this point could not hold her tears anymore, all of us cried including the last born. My mother tried to console us, but how could we be consoled when she was still shedding tears. My siblings and I immediately remembered God as the great healer and physician, and so we said a little word of prayer for my mum while tears was still flowing, that God should heal her. We watched her leave for the hospital, the cry didn't stop, and I prayed so hard that it shouldn't be the last time I'll ever get to see my mother, everyone had lost appetite for everything. She returned from the hospital with a happy and nervous mood, the test result showed that the fibroid in her neck had disappeared without traces, and she was completely fine, as no illness could be found in her. She was nervous because the throat was still swelled, but amazing the throat returned to it's normal form within two days, and she was fine as if she was never sick, the illness vanished the same way it appeared. God had healed her and kept her alive for us, since then I see it that God is fast to act when children cry and are heartbroken, it might be.

@grandmaster would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 50+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Wed, 11th Sep. 2024.
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New Shifts

New Shifts
I had been looking forward to going home for a short break, but things didn’t go as planned. Life threw lemons, and before I knew it, the opportunity slipped away. I couldn’t make the trip, but I knew I had to find another way to show my love and care. So, I decided to send a gift home instead, something that could carry my heartfelt thoughts.

I reached out to a trustworthy friend and shared my plans with him. He understood how important this was to me and agreed to help. Within two weeks, he traveled to my state, picked up the gift I had prepared, and headed back home to deliver it directly to my Mom.

Then, the moment I had been waiting for finally came. My phone rang, and it was my Mom on the other end. She was so happy, screaming with joy, and full of gratitude. Her voice was filled with excitement, and she couldn’t stop thanking me. It was one of those moments where you just feel like everything was worth it.

Soon after, my sisters called as well. They were part of the plan too, and they were equally overjoyed. Each of them took turns expressing how much they appreciated the effort I made to make them all feel loved and thought of. It wasn’t just about the gift; it was about the thought behind it, and they all felt it deeply.

After I hung up, I sat there for a moment, letting it all sink in. I felt incredibly blessed. There was something about being able to provide for my family, even from a distance, that made me feel proud. It wasn’t just about being a son or a brother anymore; I was starting to understand what it meant to be someone they could rely on.

I realized that I was slowly stepping into a new role. I was becoming a caregiver, maybe even a man.

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Day Successfully Wasted in good rest

Day Successfully Wasted in good rest
Today was all about staying indoors, and I liked it a lot! After finishing my last school exam, I felt very tired. I knew I would go home soon, but I wanted to relax today.

When I woke up, I didn’t want to go outside. I had everything I needed inside my house: food, water, my phone.
I made a nice breakfast and sat down in my favorite movie spot. Then, I took my phone and started looking at social media.

As I scrolled through pictures and videos, I saw my friends sharing fun things. Some were posting funny photos and others showed cute animals. I laughed a lot! I also saw news about what was happening around the world. It was nice to learn new things while I relaxed.

I felt happy and calm as I stayed on my phone, enjoying fun stories and pictures. My skin felt soft, and my body was comfortable. I loved being inside my house, away from the busy school life.

I spent the whole day scrolling and eating snacks. Sometimes I would pause and drink some water. I watched funny videos and even saw some cool things people made

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A lot changed

A lot changed
I came home after some time at school and working outside. As I was returning, I enjoyed looking at my neighborhood. The palm trees were tall and green, just like I remembered.

Suddenly, I had a flashback. I thought about the days when we were all at home together. I didn't have to work back then. My big sister was still in university, and my little sister was in secondary school. We used to pick palm fruits after they were cut down from the trees. We had so much fun together.

How I laughed when I recall how cunny I was then just to ease my own workload. I always had a way to sweet talk my way at the slightest detection that I was lagging in picking speed.

Thinking about those times made me happy. But now, it felt different. My big sister is married, and my little sister is still in school. Things have changed a lot. I still love my family, but I miss the good old days when we were all together at home but that's growth for you.

Back then, it wasn't really like I enjoyed the stress of picking those fruits with my siblings, but remembering it, all I see is family love.

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The war in-between

There’s this stubborn wall gecko that’s been giving me serious headache for a while now. Every time I try to find it and kill it, the thing disappears like it has special powers. I can’t count how many times I’ve turned my room upside down just trying to catch it, but it always hides before I can even get close.

Tonight, I had enough. I bought a sniper spray and decided I wasn’t going to let it win this time. So, I waited patiently for it to show up. Sure enough, as usual, it crawled out from its hiding place. I didn’t even think twice and I quickly sprayed the sniper on it, hoping that would be the end.

But this gecko was stubborn. Instead of going down, it ran back inside its hiding spot like nothing happened. I was frustrated, but I knew it wouldn’t stay hidden forever. After a few minutes, it came out again and this time, it ran straight under my bed. At that point, I was done with the whole hide-and-seek game.

I couldn’t sleep knowing that thing was under my bed, so I decided to scatter everything and face it one on one. I started moving things around, sweating as I tried to bring it out from under there. The bed, the chairs, everything got shifted. The room was a mess, but I wasn’t stopping until I got rid of it for good.

After what felt like ages of chasing it around the room, I finally cornered the annoying creature. I gave it what it deserved. No more hiding, no more sneaking around. This was the end of its reign of terror in my room.

Now, my room feels lighter, like I finally got rid of a heavy burden. I cleaned up the mess and lay down, satisfied that the annoying gecko was gone for good. I just hope no new one comes around to test me again.

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Death gaze👀

Death gaze👀
I usually hear people saying that girls are afraid of a lot of things. You know, I'm a total example of that, especially cockroach😂.
You could even say I fear cockroaches more than scorpions 'cos they have wings so ultimately, they become superior😔.
There was a day I went to ease myself casually, I had gotten used to the fact that cockroaches rarely attack except when attacked. I got into the bathroom and the side of my eye caught a figure at the top of the wall near the ceiling. Of course, I thought it to be cockroach since that's what I usually see on the wall.
I calmly eased myself but as I was about to leave, the figure seemed to be bigger than a normal sized cockroach. I shrugged in fear as I turned swiftly to check what it was. I panicked and screamed my brother's name as it was the largest scorpion I had ever seen.
“ALMOST AS LARGE AS A DESERT SCORPION”, You can search Google to understand my point of view🥲.
Recalling that I once thought I feared cockroaches more than scorpions, that thought immediately vanished and what got stuck in my teeny brain was “What if it fell from up there and landed on my back”??
I couldn't shake the fear off and unconsciously, I started thanking God for my life.
My two brothers sprung into action and within seconds, they had killed and brought the monster down. My mom had gone on a trip so we took its photos and sent to her.
I've become so sensitive to the fact that scorpions can climb walls all the way to the ceiling and believe me or not...

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A few days ago, and I was at the market. I saw bright oranges. They looked shiny and fresh. I bought some, not knowing they would change my life.

The next morning, I woke up feeling great. I felt full of energy. I went to the mirror to look at my face. I was surprised. My skin looked better. The pimples I had worried about were less visible. I thought about when I lived with my parents. My face was clear then. But when I moved to Enugu for school, my skin changed. I did not eat bad food, but my face still had pimples.

Then it hit me. I used to eat oranges a lot at home. I had forgotten to eat them since moving. Maybe the oranges were helping my skin! In fact, not may be, it sure was helping my skin.

There are much value in things that we don't treasure because we have them in abundance at a point, and until reality hits, we will never unravel this hidden secretes

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Not the Regular

Not the Regular
While searching through the box, I found something I had forgotten about. It was an iron sponge, different from the tiny, old sponges I usually used. This one looked brand new, shiny, and strong. I remembered buying it because the advertisers promised it could clean tough stains better than the small ones that always got rusty.

As I held the sponge, I remembered my big pot sitting in the corner, neglected and covered in black stains from my cooking. I had given up on it after trying and failing many times with those tiny sponges. But today, I felt like trying out the lost but found sponge.

I filled the pot with water and some detergent, picked up the iron sponge and started scrubbing the hell out of the pot. To my excitement, the stains began to come off! I could hardly believe my eyes.

As I scrubbed, I started to enjoy the work. I imagined the pot thanking me for cleaning it after all this time. It felt good to see it shining again, just like when it was new. I remembered all the delicious soups and stews I had cooked in it before it got so dirty or rather stained.

After a good scrubbing, I rinsed the pot, and it looked beautiful again.
Try and get yourself good washing sponges too mindviewers!

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Over Excitement

Over Excitement
I was getting ready to go out and wanted my clothes to look super nice. So, I took out the iron and made it really hot. Just then, my phone rang and It was my friend, Onyinye! I couldng remember the last time that I spoke with her, it's been up to a whole year since we last spoke!

I was so happy to hear her voice that I sat down on the couch to chat with her. While we were talking, I smelled something burning, but I didn’t think much of it because I was having so much fun and I was really excited that I wanted details of every word as we were catching up with gists.

It was until I saw smoke coming from my clothes that I came back to my senses.
I jumped up to look, but to make matters worse, my slippery socks made me fall to the floor but let us leave that story for another day 😌

I quickly grabbed the iron and moved it away from my clothes, but it had already bitten off a lot of chunk from it. I looked at my poor shirt that was all burned and smoking. Onyinye was laughing on the phone.

Even though I felt guilty and thought that I should feel remorseful for losing one of my favorite shirts, I didn't.
It had really been a long time since I spoke with my best friend Onyii.

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Tasting a Scorpion′s sting

Tasting a Scorpion′s sting
I was lying on my bed, looking at funny videos on my phone. Suddenly, I felt a sharp sting on my back. It felt like electric shock reaching down my bones! I jumped up like a kangaroo!

I turned on my flashlight and shined it on my back and onto my pillow, and voila, there it was- A little scorpion! It had its tail all chargedup and waiting for the next round.
I was kind of scared and relieved, scared that a scorpion had stung me and relieved because it was a little one though the pain was still nailing it's way on my back.

I thought, No way I’m letting this tiny monster get away So I looked around and found my lighter. I felt like a superhero. But before I went to get my lighter, I had flicked it to the floor, carefully trapping the scorpion in a cup.

When I removed the cup, I started with it's arched tail and burnt the hell out of it. I wished that there were more severe punishment that I could administer, but I was out of thoughts.
It didn't take a second before it laid stale there, I wanted it running around while I burnt it but by bit.

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Weekly Roundups

Weekly Roundups
I had taken a nap from 6 — 9pm, and it turned out to be exactly what my body needed. It was an unexpected rest that helped me recharge and get back on track. When I woke up, my phone was buzzing. It was my mom, she never misses our Sunday call routine.

With a dizzy voice, I answered the call. She immediately started to apologize for disturbing me, but I cut her off. Honestly, what more could I ask for than the love and care of a devoted mother? Her calls are a regular part of my week, and they mean a lot to me.

Nobody else calls me as often as she does, especially on weekends. Her calls are a check-up on my progress, my health, and, most importantly, whether I made it to church. It’s something I look forward to each week.

Today, everything was in order. I had made it to church, my health was good, and I updated her on everything she wanted to know. The stress I had been feeling lately seemed to lift, thanks to her love and concern. It’s amazing how such a simple phone call can have such a positive impact on my day.

Hanging up, I felt much better and more grounded. It’s moments like these that remind me of how lucky I am to have such a caring mother in my life.

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Out of routine

Out of routine
It is a new month and immediately I woke up, I wished my loved ones, relatives and all my friends a prosperous new month.

When I turned on my data at noon when I returned from church service. I saw multiple messages and well wishes. Some in response to my initial wishes, while some were from friends, social groups and course mates.
I started replying them in line, starting from the earliest to send me a message, I responded.
I was still on the process when my eyes caught a text from my uncle who I had wished well during the morning hour, the text read: happy new month my dear, send your account details.

Nothing else gave me a better feeling today than seeing this text alone.
I immediately forwarded my details and in no time, he sent me 10k and said I should make sure that I celebrated today very well.

I quickly dressed up and headed to the market to get some condiments.
With happiness, I decided to go for extra as I told the seller to add some carrots, vegetables, green beans and cabbages to the bulk that I already bought.
I had never spent as I spent today just on a day's meal as a student, but I was going to act rich just in one day, in respect to my uncle's remarks.

It was a lot of task to cook and process all the condiments that I bought, but I scaled through. In less than 3hrs, my food was done and I got some yoghurt to help wash it down.
Taking a plate to my closest neighbour , she remained in shock of the sumptuous plate of food that I dropped on her palm. And as I left, she praised me.

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Would be a long night

Would be a long night
I was sleeping when i suddenly noticed that i was feeling too cold as if i had wetted myself on bed. It was supposed to be a beautiful sleep but i couldnt continue to sleep halvely.

I stood up and looked around the dark room. My heart sank when I noticed the water cup had fallen over, soaking my bed. I let out a frustrated sigh and ran my hand through my hair.

"I thought I had already suffered enough through the day," I said quietly to myself. Now I had to change my clothes and clean up the bed, which felt like a lot of work.

I wanted to sleep, but it felt like I had awakened a haunting memory of sleepless nights. With a sigh, I got some towels to clean up the mess, knowing this night would be longer than I wanted.

And instead of just wasting the rest of the night feeling so annoyed, I'd rather write this story.
Good night dearies.

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Once upon a time
There lived a man called Hebert, who hails in a village called ogbaku in Oguta local government area of IMO state Nigeria
He is married with two children named Nkemefuna and Chukwuebuka
Nkemefuna is the first son of Herbert and elder brother to Chukwuebuka
Chukwuebuka is the second and last born of Herbert and younger brother to Nkemefuna
One day Herbert decided to conduct a loyalty test on his Children
He called both of them and gifted different packages to them and instructed them not to open it till the next 15 days
Chukwuebuka collected his own with gladness of heart even though he has not known what’s inside but Nkemefuna rejected his because his father refused to give him money that he has been asking for not knowing that the content of his package is far more than what he has been asking for
He later collected it and threw it away, after 15 days his father gave them the go ahead order Chukwuebuka opened his package and found a check that changed his life for good while Nkemefuna saw it rushed to dustbin where he threw his own but it’s no where to be found ..

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