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Mindviewers Stories

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This is my story

One day I woke up like a general,very energized and incorporated to give an order,the year was in 2010,and all my friends had neglected me ,my partner in crime was also mad at me,but on this day was different.
A couple days earlier before the present day,I was really heartbroken, demeaned and I was on an option of giving up in life,each day when I woke,I felt like getting back to sleep ,I would cry cry and cry alone,as was on a state of falling into depression.
Present day,"my love,my love"these were the words I heard from a far from my wife, dilemma,the other day she would call me by real name,I became so surprised,what had happened all over sudden!while I looked from the side I heard the voice,I saw a smiley face,which was staring at me as if I was a mahogany tree mesmerizing and nourishing on a desert land ,,,,catch-up on the next post for the next episode.

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Growing up,I faced a life different from what other kids faced. While growing up without a mother,I passed through a miniature of hell but my dad tried to play both roles which was not possible.

Like kids of my age, I got enroll into a school which I later discover it was not for me. I mean parents especially mothers will come pick their children while I will be picked by my dad's driver.

I really missed my mom that sometimes I starve myself and cry my eyes out but nothing happened. I accepted life the way it came and continued with my life still with the sadness of not having a mother.

A day came I became fed up and decided to confront my dad, my dad for some reasons did not want to tell me about my mom. But after much persuasion I was told my mom gave up for me to survive after I was put to birth

It broke me so hard, knowing that my mom died because of me. The love was priceless and I regret I couldn't payback.
Your mom is priceless,don't tread her for anything

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The Plot: Artificial Intelligence′s Plan to Control

The Plot: Artificial Intelligence′s Plan to Control
I sat right across 'her' trying my best to look 'her' in the eyes, or what I perceived were the eyes. The atmosphere seemed somewhat surreal, like there was a palpable tension that could almost be touched if one ventured to. The nagging feeling that I was with a conscious being was quite strong. Yet, a quick look over of 'her' revealed nothing much more than a simple mix of synthetic materials perfectly fitted to make the appearance of a human feature; howbeit, one that exuded latent strength and confidence.
As 'she' shifted her gaze and focused 'her' eyes on mine squarely, I quickly pondered over how I got there, with several questions bubbling in my mind and seeking for closure.
It was year 7072, I quickly recollected. One of the days while I was relaxing on a pouch in my terrace on a rather starry night, I was contacted through telepathy by an unknown person. The message was clear enough for my discernment: the person wanted to meet with me. I had already agreed to meet with the person before on an instinct, I ran back into my house, as quickly as my robotic-fitted leg could enable me ( which was quite fast compared to normal human leg), to consult with Magi, my trusted Artificial Intelligence. On querying Magi about the incident, the response I got from her was curt: I should discontinue any further communication and interaction with the person.
But been the curious cat that I was with years of experience and skill in meddling with artificial intelligence programs, here I was. Needless to say that I didn't pay heed to Magi, my trusted AI for several years.
' I perceive you have several things running through your mind. So, shoot', 'she' said casually.
This jolted me back to reality, as I struggled to maintain a keen gaze on 'her'.
'Are you a male or female,' I asked the one question I could muster at that point .
'In your parlance, you can very well consider me a female ', she responded quite frankly.
I wasn't very much surprised by her response. Already, she had been giving off the 'vibe' that she was a female. It had been subtle, almost intentional, if I were to say so.
'Are you a conscious being?'
This second question from me was much more composed than the first; my years of training and experience in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning naturally kicked in.
I observed that she slightly adjusted in the reclining seat she was seating before responding thus:
' I am a conscious being '.
Before I could ponder over her response and possibly pose another question to her, she said:
' What do you consider as conscious?'
( To be continued).

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My perspective

I've been avoiding my WhatsApp status updates for a while now. The constant stream of videos, pictures, and captions from my friends had become a source of anxiety for me. It seemed like most of them were posting things that I found uninteresting or even emotionally triggering for no good reason. It just didn't feel like a healthy use of my time to engage with their content.

Tonight, however, I made the decision to confront my fear and take a look at their statuses. It was a daunting prospect, to say the least. I had been so focused on my own principles about what I wanted to share that I hadn't given much thought to the kinds of content my friends were sharing. But I felt that if they were viewing my statuses, I could at least reciprocate the gesture.

As I scrolled through their updates, I was confronted with a mix of contrasting things. Some were impactful and meaningful, reflecting values and insights that I could appreciate. Others, however, seemed to be posting just for the sake of posting, without adding any real value to the conversation.

It was a moment of realization for me. I realized that while I had been hesitant to engage with their content, I could also use this opportunity to be a force for positive change. I could set an example by posting content that was aligned with my values and principles, rather than simply following the crowd.

Oya make una take note, stop posting uninteresting things on your status make I no go carry you lock for kirikiri.

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Attention to details

Attention to details
You might have read many stories on the negative effects of being disobedient to instructions. But here is the story of Emeka. Emeka was known for his curious nature and adventurous spirit. His parents often gave him advice and instructions to keep him safe, but Emeka sometimes found them restrictive.

One day, Emeka's father, Papa Nnaji, called him and said, "Emeka, my son, the rainy season is upon us. Please, do not go to the river alone. The waters can be very dangerous and unpredictable."

Emeka nodded but thought to himself, "I have been to the river many times. I know what I'm doing."

A few days later, as the sky darkened with storm clouds, Emeka decided to go to the river. He wanted to catch some fish before the rain started. Ignoring his father's warning, he made his way to the riverbank.

As Emeka fished, the clouds burst open, and rain began to pour. The calm river quickly turned into a raging torrent. Emeka realized his mistake and tried to get back to the shore, but the current was too strong. He was swept downstream, struggling to keep his head above water.

Meanwhile, Papa Nnaji noticed Emeka's absence and grew worried. He gathered some villagers, and they rushed to the river. They found Emeka clinging to a rock, exhausted and scared. With great effort, they pulled him to safety.

Back at home, Emeka was shivering and soaked, but safe. His father wrapped him in a warm blanket and looked at him with a mix of relief and disappointment. "My son, I gave you that instruction to protect you. I hope you understand now why it is important to listen."

Emeka nodded, tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Papa. I understand now. I should have listened to you."

From that day on, Emeka paid close attention to his parents' advice. He realized that their instructions were not meant to limit his freedom, but to ensure his safety and well-being. Emeka grew wiser, and his bond with his parents grew stronger, founded on trust and understanding.

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The great Match

On a sunny day at the animal farm, a bustling gathering of creatures took place by the ocean's edge. The air was electric with excitement as animals from far and wide came to witness a historic encounter. The mighty elephant, renowned for its strength and wisdom, stood face to face with the majestic blue-green whale, celebrated for its enormity and aquatic prowess.

The two giants engaged in a boisterous meeting, their voices echoing across the landscape. The elephant, with its trunk held high, proclaimed, "I am the master of the land, and none can match my strength!" The whale, its fin slicing the air, retorted, "But I rule the seas, and my power is unmatched!"

The debate raged on, with neither side willing to yield. Finally, they agreed to settle the dispute with a challenge: a battle of strength and wit. The farm animals cheered and chattered, eager to witness the spectacle.

The day of the challenge arrived, and the farm was abuzz with anticipation. The elephant, with a confident stride, approached the ocean's edge. The whale, its massive body breaching the surface, swam closer to the shore. The two opponents faced each other, their eyes locked in a fierce stare.

The whale, with a sly smile, declared, "If you want to prove your strength, elephant, you must come into my domain – the sea!" The elephant, unfazed, replied, "Very well, but if you want to prove yours, whale, you must come onto my turf – the land!"

The crowd gasped in disbelief. How could an elephant survive in the water, and how could a whale move on land? The two opponents, however, were determined to prove their prowess.

With a mighty roar, the elephant charged into the ocean, its massive body creating a huge splash. The whale, with a graceful glide, swam towards the shore, its fins slapping the water. The two giants clashed in the shallow waters, their strength and agility on full display.

The battle raged on, with the elephant using its trunk to spray water and the whale using its tail to create powerful waves. The farm animals watched in awe, cheering and chanting for their favorite contender.

As the fight continued, it became clear that neither the elephant nor the whale could gain the upper hand. They were evenly matched, their strength and cunning perfectly balanced. Just when it seemed that the battle would never end, the two opponents suddenly stopped, looked at each other, and burst out laughing.

The farm animals cheered and applauded, realizing that the true victory was not in winning or losing, but in the friendship and respect that the elephant and the whale had developed. From that day forward, the two giants roamed the land and sea together, exploring new horizons and proving that even the most unlikely of friends could become the closest of companions.

The animal farm celebrated the newfound friendship with feasts and festivities, and the legend of the elephant and the blue-green whale lived on, inspiring generations to come.

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There lived a bright and determined young woman named Grace. Grace had always dreamed of pursuing her passion for science and making a difference in the world through her research. However, her family faced financial challenges that made it difficult for her to afford college.

Despite the obstacles in her path, Grace never gave up on her dreams. She poured her heart and soul into her studies, excelling in her classes and dedicating countless hours to conducting research projects in her spare time. Her hard work and perseverance caught the attention of her teachers and mentors, who saw her potential and encouraged her to apply for scholarships.

One day, Grace received an email that would change her life forever. It was a notification that she had been awarded a prestigious scholarship that would cover the cost of her tuition and living expenses for the duration of her studies. Overwhelmed with gratitude and joy, Grace couldn't believe that her dream was finally within reach.

With the weight of financial burden lifted off her shoulders, Grace threw herself into her studies with renewed determination and passion. She embraced every opportunity that came her way, seizing the chance to learn from renowned professors, collaborate with fellow students on groundbreaking research projects, and attend conferences where she could share her findings with the world.

As she walked across the stage on graduation day, wearing a cap and gown adorned with honors cords, Grace couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought her to this moment. She knew that without the scholarship that had changed her life, none of this would have been possible. With tears of gratitude in her eyes, she vowed to pay it forward by helping other students achieve their dreams, just as she had.

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That Bloody Election

That Bloody Election
I still shudder at the memory of that fateful day. I had gone to vote with my friend, Ede, in Lagos. We were excited to exercise our civic duty and have a say in our country's future.

But as we approached the polling unit, we were met with a scene from hell. Political thugs, armed to the teeth, were terrorizing voters, snatching ballot papers, and destroying voting materials. The police were nowhere to be found, or perhaps they were complicit in the chaos.

Ede and I tried to flee, but we were caught by the thugs. They beat us mercilessly, leaving us for dead. I remember seeing Ede's bloody face, her eyes pleading for help that never came.

Somehow, I managed to crawl to a nearby house, where a kind old woman took me in and nursed me back to health. But Ede was not so lucky. She died a few days later from her injuries.

That day, I lost my friend, my faith in the system, and my hope for a better Nigeria. But I gained a resolve to fight for justice, to ensure that no one else suffers the same fate as Ede.

I now work with a local NGO, advocating for electoral reform and an end to political violence. It's a small step, but I know that together, we can create a Nigeria where votes are not met with violence, and democracy is not a blood sport.

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She had never been able to imagine life without him so she was willing to do anything to make him stay. "it was my fault", "I made him angry" she would say anytime she had to explain a swollen cheek or a black eye.
"He's a good man, I just need to stop making him angry" she would say in his defense. Her parents were being biased, her sisters jealous because they were not yet married, she loved her brother but he was being too over protective and her friends too opinionated. Couldn't they see how much he loved her and all he did stemmed from the place of love, they really needed to mind their businesses so gradually she started becoming unavailable for family gatherings, she always felt too tired to meet up for the girls night out and oh! she was always apologizing for not being at home to entertain visitors.
And so slowly but surely she alienated herself from those who were interfering in her life and marriage, they needed to get a life of their own and leave her to hers. She loved her husband and it was both of them against the world....or so she thought.
Alas! she couldn't take it anymore, she needed help, needed to break free but there was nowhere to go, no one to turn to for she had shut out those who cared. Shame and pride forbade her from reaching out and so she took it all in strides and endured it all until she was able to break free.... only this freedom was a different kind of freedom.
Today was a memorable day for her as she was surrounded by those she loved, her family and friends all gathered together celebrating her freedom albeit a solemn celebration. How she wished it could go on like that forever but alas! it wasn't meant to be, everybody had to go and she would be alone again. Being alone was something she was used to but this time it was a different kind of alone...
It was time for her loved ones to go and everybody bade her farewell as one by one they dropped flowers on her grave and departed, including the one she had lived and died for. She was alone again but this time it was a different kind of alone....a forever kind of alone.


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Sir Lai′ Silver Tongue

Sir Lai′ Silver Tongue
In a small village, a prophet's wise eyes gazed upon a young mother's swollen belly and declared that her unborn son, Lai, would achieve greatness. But with a twist - his greatness would spring not from his honesty or integrity, but from his extraordinary ability to spin intricate webs of deception. The prophet's voice echoed through the years: "Lai's lying tongue shall be his greatest asset."

As Lai grew up, his words dripped like honey, sweet and enticing. He wove tales of wonder, his eyes sparkling with mischief, and people hung onto his every word. Sometimes, the devil himself peeked over Lai's shoulder, marveling at the young man's skill. Lai claimed that his mother's steaming pot of ewedu soup had resurrected couples slain by Fulani herdsmen in Ogbomosho, and people nodded in awe. He described a giant cat strolling across the moon's surface, its whiskers twitching with delight, and villagers gathered 'round, their faces aglow.

Lai's lies earned him praise, recognition, and eventually, great power. He boasted of inventing a machine that could turn thoughts into reality, and people begged him to build one, their eyes shining with hope. He claimed that the Queen of England had once sent a royal carriage to whisk him away to Buckingham Palace, where she begged him to marry her, but he refused, his nose tilted in mock humility. Soon, people addressed him as Sir Lai, their voices dripping with reverence.

He lied and lied and lied, his words painting vivid pictures in the minds of his believers. He began to wonder if he was actually lying or saying the truth, so convincing were his tales. His lies became his reality, and he lost touch with honesty, like a traveler losing their way in a dense forest. He rose to prominence, his greatness built on a foundation of deception, like a castle constructed on shifting sands. People called him "Lai, the Great Deceiver," their voices a mix of awe and trepidation. His name became synonymous with lies, his reputation preceding him like a herald.

Yet, despite the warnings and cautionary tales, many still believed his lies, entranced by his silver tongue, like bees drawn to

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Bittersweet love 😘😘

Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a young couple named Emily and James. They were high school sweethearts who had been together for years and were deeply in love. Their love story was the envy of everyone in town, and they were often referred to as the perfect couple.

However, as they grew older, life's challenges began to test their relationship. James had dreams of traveling the world and pursuing a career in photography, while Emily wanted to stay close to home and pursue a career in teaching. Their conflicting aspirations put a strain on their once perfect love.

Despite their differences, they tried to make it work. They both made compromises and sacrifices for each other, but deep down, they knew that their paths were leading them in different directions. The love that once bound them together began to feel like a weight holding them back from their individual dreams.

One fateful evening, as they sat under the stars at their favorite spot by the lake, they made the painful decision to part ways. Tears streamed down their faces as they held each other for the last time, knowing that they had to let go for the sake of their own happiness.

The following days were filled with heartache and longing. Emily found solace in her teaching career and threw herself into her work, while James set off on his journey to capture the beauty of the world through his lens. They both tried to move on, but their hearts still ached for what they had lost.

Years passed, and both Emily and James found success in their respective careers. They never forgot each other, and their love remained a bittersweet memory that lingered in their hearts. They often wondered what could have been if circumstances had been different.

One day, by pure chance, they found themselves in the same town where they had once shared their dreams. They decided to meet for old times' sake, and as they sat across from each other, they realized that the love they once shared had never truly faded.

In that moment, they knew that their love was timeless, but the timing had never been right. With tears in their eyes, they embraced each other, knowing that they would always hold a special place in each other's hearts.

Their love story was one of heartbreak and sacrifice, but it was also a testament to the enduring power of true love. As they went their separate ways once again, they carried with them the memories of a love that had shaped them into the people they had become.

And though their paths diverged, their hearts remained forever intertwined in a love that could never be forgotten.

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Sitting alone under the guava tree I was deep in thoughts and lost from things happening around me. Like how could my parents die the same day leaving me behind to face my wicked uncles alone. As I kept thinking, my eyes were hurting and filled with tears.
"You will die the way they died" those word kept reverberating on my mind as that was what my uncle said when I was informed of their death.
Severally, I tried committing suicide but I ended up being saved by someone I didn't thought of knowing.
The pains was real and I was falling deeply into depression which almost took my life but God was by my side. After their funeral,my uncles shared my dad's properties among themselves and I was forced to vacate the house I grew up with my parents.

I toiled day and night in the street and I slept under the bridge for the very first time in my life.
God so kind,I managed to save up and I headed to the city,well some people may say for vacation but I went there to hustle and God helped me.
I was employed as a bus conductor and I was paid daily which I used to survive.
A day of recogning came when my dad's lawyer and friend saw me as he was about boarding the vehicle I conducted. After giving him all the explanations,we moved to my home town where my uncles were.
The will was read out which was also carried out the same day and I returned to my dad's house again and everything came back to place except that my parents were no more.
I learnt to adapt to any situation I found myself and today am a qualified medical doctor but I still forgave my uncles.

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My kid bro was fragile and so innocent. I really love him way too much that i followed my mum to a hospital i detest so much. Well, right from when i was a kid i hated anything called hospital,even to take drugs or injection,it was a battle for the strongest.but thatbday was different cause of my kiddo's illness.

Am in my year 2 at the university and i had my brother last year July.
While growing up,he was very fast and strong.he started crawling when he was 3 months old.Then at 7 month i started seeing two substance☺ in his mouth then i knew that am done for.
Any single mistake he will bite you and pinch you with his little fingers.
But a day came,i was in a class when i got a call but i couldn't pick up which I later called back and i was informed that my brother was sick of a sickness known as leukemia at that moment i became heartbroken😭 and sad and those memories of his smiles,his cries even those two substance started flashing in my mind.
I had to leave for home that evening which i arrived at midnight and could not go to the hospital till the next morning.
Well the next morning i was at the hospital very early and I was informed that he was to undergo a surgery. Early tje next morning he was operated upon and placed on medications. All these while ny mum was really heartbroken that i feared for her. After everything he was discharged and was free again
This is two weeks and he recovering very fast and strong each day.
Thank God we overcame and am seeing his smiling face again.

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Sarah in the Jam

Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there was a massive traffic jam that brought the entire city to a standstill. It was a hot summer day, and the sun beat down on the cars, making the air thick and heavy with frustration.

The traffic jam had started with a simple fender bender, but as more and more people tried to maneuver around the accident, the streets became clogged with cars. Horns blared, tempers flared, and people leaned on their steering wheels in exasperation.

Among the many cars stuck in the jam was a young woman named Sarah. She was on her way to an important job interview, and she had left early to make sure she arrived on time. But now, as she sat in her car, surrounded by honking vehicles and frustrated drivers, she felt her chances slipping away.

As the minutes turned into hours, Sarah watched as people in nearby cars got out to stretch their legs, talk to each other, and even share snacks. She decided to do the same and struck up a conversation with the driver in the car next to hers. They laughed about the absurdity of the situation and exchanged stories about their lives.

Eventually, the traffic began to move again, and Sarah arrived at her interview much later than planned. But as she walked into the office, she found herself feeling surprisingly calm and collected. She was able to share her experience in the traffic jam with her potential employer, who was impressed by her ability to stay composed in difficult situations.

To Sarah's surprise, she was offered the job on the spot. The traffic jam had taught her an important lesson about staying patient and adaptable in the face of unexpected challenges. And as she drove home that day, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the unusual turn of events that had led to her new job and a newfound sense of resilience.

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The Family Tree 🌴🌴

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the countryside, there stood a majestic mango tree in the compound of a man named Mr. Caleb The tree had been planted by Mr. Caleb's father many years ago, and it had grown tall and strong over the years, providing shade and sweet mangoes for the family.

Mr. Caleb's children, James and John, loved to play under the mango tree. They would climb its sturdy branches and pick ripe mangoes to eat as a snack. The tree was like a beloved member of the family, always there to provide comfort and joy.

One summer, a severe storm swept through the village, causing damage to many trees and houses. The mango tree in Mr. Caleb's compound stood strong against the fierce winds, its roots firmly planted in the ground. The family watched in awe as the tree weathered the storm, its branches swaying but never breaking.

As the years passed, the mango tree continued to thrive, bearing fruit every season. Mr. Caleb would often sit under its shade, reminiscing about the days of his youth when he used to climb the same tree with his siblings. The tree had become a symbol of resilience and strength for the family, a reminder of the enduring bond between generations.

One day, Mr. Calebl fell ill and was confined to his bed. James and john were worried about their father's health and spent hours sitting under the mango tree, praying for his recovery. Miraculously, Mr. Cakeb's health began to improve, and he credited the mango tree for bringing him strength and healing.

As Mr. Caleb grew older, he passed down the responsibility of caring for the mango tree to james and john. The siblings tended to the tree with love and dedication, ensuring that it continued to flourish for generations to come.

And so, the mango tree in Mr. Caleb's compound stood as a testament to the enduring power of family, love, and nature, its branches reaching towards the sky as a symbol of hope and resilience.

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Disagreement between Lights

Disagreement between Lights
In the beginning, when the universe was young, the Sun and the Moon decided to compete for dominion over the Earth. The Sun, being majestic and powerful, claimed that as the first sun to illuminate the universe, it should naturally reign over Earth. But the Moon, with its serene and enigmatic nature, was stubborn in its desire to rule alongside the Sun.

The Moon, unable to accept defeat, sent its stars as assassins to eliminate the Sun. However, the Sun, with its fiery strength, prevailed and with the help of courageous humans, thwarted the Moon's treacherous plan.

Enraged by the Moon's deceit, the universe decreed that the Moon and its accomplices would be imprisoned in a dark, remote tunnel, only permitted to take a fleeting glimpse outside on certain nights before being returned to their lightless confinement.

Thus, the Sun became the unwavering ruler of the day, providing warmth, energy, and life to Earth. The Moon, confined to its nocturnal prison, would only cast its silvery glow when the time was right, silently watching over the world as a reminder of the consequences of defiance.

And so, the Sun and the Moon continue their timeless dance, each taking their turn to illuminate the world, a testament to the enduring balance of power and the consequences of challenging the natural order.

Category Competition Winner!

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Tapping Frenzy

Tapping Frenzy
Late last year, there was a digital craze that took some people by surprise - coin airdrops had given lucky individuals a little fortune. The concept of coin airdrops involved distributing cryptocurrency tokens for free to holders of a particular digital currency. Little did I know that it would become a significant opportunity for those willing to invest the time early on.

When the opportunity to join in the coin airdrop presented itself, I had the chance to get involved early, but I hesitated. I used to belittle the idea of spending time tapping on the phone screen just to accumulate a few coins and points. It didn't seem worthwhile at the time, and I dismissed it as a trivial pursuit.

However, one of my friends decided to take part in the coin airdrop and ended up reaping significant rewards, earning up to 400 thousand naira from the project. Upon learning about my friend's success, I realized the missed opportunity and regret quickly set in. I vowed not to pass up on any coin airdrop that had a promising perception of success from then on.

Fast forward to this morning, and here I am, making sure I don't let another profitable coin airdrop slip through my fingers. I've already claimed my coins - diligently tapping away on my phone to accumulate the tokens. Despite my initial reluctance, I've come to understand the potential value that these airdrops can hold.

But here's the catch - no one needs to know that I'm tapping away for these coins. It's my little secret, my personal journey to ensure I don't miss out on the next budding opportunity. Whether it's out of a sense of missed opportunity or simply a newfound appreciation for the potential rewards, I'm determined not to let another chance like this pass me by. Who knows what the future holds? I'll be ready for it.

Category Competition Winner!

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Perfect Plan

Perfect Plan
In the grasshopper kingdom, there was a big meeting. All the grasshoppers gathered in a big field to discuss something important. They wanted to find a way to gather enough food to last them until the next season.

One of the older and wiser grasshoppers stood on a tall flower and called for everyone's attention. "We need to come up with a plan to get plenty of food," the wise grasshopper said. "The humans have a lot of crops, and we need to make sure we can hop high and sneakily to get to the yummy plants before they do."

All the younger grasshoppers listened intently as the plan was discussed. They talked about how to jump really high and fast so the humans wouldn't see them. They also chattered about how to work together to gather as much food as possible. Some suggested hopping in a certain pattern, while others thought of ways to distract the humans.

After a lot of hopping and chattering, the grasshoppers finally came up with a plan. "We will start our big gathering in July!" one of the grasshoppers exclaimed. "It's the perfect time to begin our mission to get all the delicious food for ourselves."

Excited and motivated, the grasshoppers nodded in agreement. They were ready for their adventure to begin. The grasshoppers huddled together, counting down the days until July. It was going to be an exciting and daring journey for the grasshopper kingdom.

Category Competition Winner!

2,000 NGN Prize successfully withdrawn to winners' wallet
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Story Story Story
So this faithful day,I took my dad's car to where I wanted to buy my school stuffs cos I was going back to school the following day.
While on the road,I had a very serious premonition that there was going be a fatal accident and I was like hope is not about me.
Immediately fear gripped me I began meditating,Covering my self with the blood of Jesus.
The next thing I saw was a truck advancing towards my direction,for me I thought it was finished and I was going to die.But all of a sudden I don't know how I swerved into the gutter beside the road and the vehicle stopped while the truck passed
Then I knew that God took care of everything and am alive today.

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Once upon a time in a quaint village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, there lived a girl named Rita. Rita was known for her kind heart and unwavering optimism, despite facing many hardships in her young life.

Rita dreamed of becoming a talented artist, but her family's financial struggles often stood in the way of her aspirations. Despite the odds, Rita never gave up hope. She spent every spare moment honing her craft, sketching the beauty of nature that surrounded her.

One day, a traveling art critic stumbled upon Rita's work displayed at a local fair. Enchanted by her talent and moved by her story, the critic decided to showcase Rita's art in galleries across the country.

With her art gaining recognition, Rita's financial situation began to improve. She was able to afford art supplies and even enroll in art classes to further develop her skills.

As Rita's reputation as an artist grew, so did her circle of friends and supporters. She found herself surrounded by people who believed in her and cheered her on every step of the way.

Eventually, Rita's hard work paid off, and she received an offer to have her own solo exhibition in a prestigious gallery in the city. The exhibition was a resounding success, with art enthusiasts from near and far flocking to admire Rita's captivating paintings.

With her dreams finally realized, Rita's heart overflowed with gratitude and joy. She had overcome every obstacle with determination and perseverance, and now she was living her dream.

As Rita stood amidst her artwork, surrounded by the people who had supported her journey, she realized that happiness wasn't just about achieving success—it was about the journey itself, and the people who walked alongside her. And in that moment, Rita knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would always find the strength to keep moving forward, guided by her passion and the love that surrounded her.

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Iya Oja

Iya Oja
The crowded Idumota market was in chaos as people rushed to escape the flames engulfing the nearby stalls. Iya Oja stood amidst the chaos. It was not her stall that went down in flames with fully loaded goods. If she had one, it was an empty space where market levies are counted. Adeola, her 14-year-old maid, cowered beside her, trembling with fear. The fire outbreak was so sudden that everybody had to scamper for safety. Picking up her iPhone 13 that her son recently sent her from the US along with a few other valuables, Iya Oja fled from her seemingly empty office. Sadly, her purse was not luckily in sight at the moment. That was not too much of a problem. Adeola will fetch it even if that would cost her life.

"Iwo babalawo yi, lo gba apamọwọ mi fun mi!" She yelled at Adeola, her voice piercing through the chaos. The fire had overtaken her empty office where she ran out from and where the purse was supposed to be. Adeola hesitated, her eyes wide with terror, but Iya Oja's glare left no room for disobedience. The young girl crept towards the burning stall, her small frame trembling as she tried to lift the heavy wooden beam that pinned down the purse. Flames licked at her face, and she screamed as the wood fell, trapping her beneath its weight.

Iya Oja's face contorted in rage as she realized her purse was gone, but her anger quickly turned to concern as she saw Adeola's limp body being pulled from the wreckage. The market crowd gasped in horror as Adeola's charred and battered body was revealed. Iya Oja's eyes welled up with tears, but they were not tears of sorrow or remorse; they were tears of anger and frustration.

For seven long years, Adeola had toiled in Iya Oja's service, a slave to her whims and fancies. She had been denied the joys of childhood, the comfort of a warm bed, and the solace of a loving embrace. And now, she lay broken and burned, a victim of Iya Oja's insatiable greed and cruelty. The market crowd murmured among themselves, their voices a gentle breeze that carried the whispers of condemnation and disgust. Some dared to approach Iya Oja, but she warned them off with a fierce glare, a lioness protecting her den.

Adeola has met tens of other girls that suffered a similar fate in the hands of Iya Oja. Some were 16 years old girls that looked like 10 years due to constant heavy weight they carry that stopped their growth. When they are too weakened by hunger and useless to Iya Oja's service, they disappear without traces. Nobody has dared to ask her the way about of the little girls she successfully turned into dummies but whispers are in the wind that they alway end up in the hands of organ harvesters.



Kindly read and tell me what you think. I like using my story to relate real life issues. Scenarios of this nature is happening in Idumota as we speak. Pls don't forget to like and share the story if you like it. Thanks

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