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New Shifts

New Shifts
I had been looking forward to going home for a short break, but things didn’t go as planned. Life threw lemons, and before I knew it, the opportunity slipped away. I couldn’t make the trip, but I knew I had to find another way to show my love and care. So, I decided to send a gift home instead, something that could carry my heartfelt thoughts.

I reached out to a trustworthy friend and shared my plans with him. He understood how important this was to me and agreed to help. Within two weeks, he traveled to my state, picked up the gift I had prepared, and headed back home to deliver it directly to my Mom.

Then, the moment I had been waiting for finally came. My phone rang, and it was my Mom on the other end. She was so happy, screaming with joy, and full of gratitude. Her voice was filled with excitement, and she couldn’t stop thanking me. It was one of those moments where you just feel like everything was worth it.

Soon after, my sisters called as well. They were part of the plan too, and they were equally overjoyed. Each of them took turns expressing how much they appreciated the effort I made to make them all feel loved and thought of. It wasn’t just about the gift; it was about the thought behind it, and they all felt it deeply.

After I hung up, I sat there for a moment, letting it all sink in. I felt incredibly blessed. There was something about being able to provide for my family, even from a distance, that made me feel proud. It wasn’t just about being a son or a brother anymore; I was starting to understand what it meant to be someone they could rely on.

I realized that I was slowly stepping into a new role. I was becoming a caregiver, maybe even a man.

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Day Successfully Wasted in good rest

Day Successfully Wasted in good rest
Today was all about staying indoors, and I liked it a lot! After finishing my last school exam, I felt very tired. I knew I would go home soon, but I wanted to relax today.

When I woke up, I didn’t want to go outside. I had everything I needed inside my house: food, water, my phone.
I made a nice breakfast and sat down in my favorite movie spot. Then, I took my phone and started looking at social media.

As I scrolled through pictures and videos, I saw my friends sharing fun things. Some were posting funny photos and others showed cute animals. I laughed a lot! I also saw news about what was happening around the world. It was nice to learn new things while I relaxed.

I felt happy and calm as I stayed on my phone, enjoying fun stories and pictures. My skin felt soft, and my body was comfortable. I loved being inside my house, away from the busy school life.

I spent the whole day scrolling and eating snacks. Sometimes I would pause and drink some water. I watched funny videos and even saw some cool things people made

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A lot changed

A lot changed
I came home after some time at school and working outside. As I was returning, I enjoyed looking at my neighborhood. The palm trees were tall and green, just like I remembered.

Suddenly, I had a flashback. I thought about the days when we were all at home together. I didn't have to work back then. My big sister was still in university, and my little sister was in secondary school. We used to pick palm fruits after they were cut down from the trees. We had so much fun together.

How I laughed when I recall how cunny I was then just to ease my own workload. I always had a way to sweet talk my way at the slightest detection that I was lagging in picking speed.

Thinking about those times made me happy. But now, it felt different. My big sister is married, and my little sister is still in school. Things have changed a lot. I still love my family, but I miss the good old days when we were all together at home but that's growth for you.

Back then, it wasn't really like I enjoyed the stress of picking those fruits with my siblings, but remembering it, all I see is family love.

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The war in-between

There’s this stubborn wall gecko that’s been giving me serious headache for a while now. Every time I try to find it and kill it, the thing disappears like it has special powers. I can’t count how many times I’ve turned my room upside down just trying to catch it, but it always hides before I can even get close.

Tonight, I had enough. I bought a sniper spray and decided I wasn’t going to let it win this time. So, I waited patiently for it to show up. Sure enough, as usual, it crawled out from its hiding place. I didn’t even think twice and I quickly sprayed the sniper on it, hoping that would be the end.

But this gecko was stubborn. Instead of going down, it ran back inside its hiding spot like nothing happened. I was frustrated, but I knew it wouldn’t stay hidden forever. After a few minutes, it came out again and this time, it ran straight under my bed. At that point, I was done with the whole hide-and-seek game.

I couldn’t sleep knowing that thing was under my bed, so I decided to scatter everything and face it one on one. I started moving things around, sweating as I tried to bring it out from under there. The bed, the chairs, everything got shifted. The room was a mess, but I wasn’t stopping until I got rid of it for good.

After what felt like ages of chasing it around the room, I finally cornered the annoying creature. I gave it what it deserved. No more hiding, no more sneaking around. This was the end of its reign of terror in my room.

Now, my room feels lighter, like I finally got rid of a heavy burden. I cleaned up the mess and lay down, satisfied that the annoying gecko was gone for good. I just hope no new one comes around to test me again.

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A few days ago, and I was at the market. I saw bright oranges. They looked shiny and fresh. I bought some, not knowing they would change my life.

The next morning, I woke up feeling great. I felt full of energy. I went to the mirror to look at my face. I was surprised. My skin looked better. The pimples I had worried about were less visible. I thought about when I lived with my parents. My face was clear then. But when I moved to Enugu for school, my skin changed. I did not eat bad food, but my face still had pimples.

Then it hit me. I used to eat oranges a lot at home. I had forgotten to eat them since moving. Maybe the oranges were helping my skin! In fact, not may be, it sure was helping my skin.

There are much value in things that we don't treasure because we have them in abundance at a point, and until reality hits, we will never unravel this hidden secretes

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Not the Regular

Not the Regular
While searching through the box, I found something I had forgotten about. It was an iron sponge, different from the tiny, old sponges I usually used. This one looked brand new, shiny, and strong. I remembered buying it because the advertisers promised it could clean tough stains better than the small ones that always got rusty.

As I held the sponge, I remembered my big pot sitting in the corner, neglected and covered in black stains from my cooking. I had given up on it after trying and failing many times with those tiny sponges. But today, I felt like trying out the lost but found sponge.

I filled the pot with water and some detergent, picked up the iron sponge and started scrubbing the hell out of the pot. To my excitement, the stains began to come off! I could hardly believe my eyes.

As I scrubbed, I started to enjoy the work. I imagined the pot thanking me for cleaning it after all this time. It felt good to see it shining again, just like when it was new. I remembered all the delicious soups and stews I had cooked in it before it got so dirty or rather stained.

After a good scrubbing, I rinsed the pot, and it looked beautiful again.
Try and get yourself good washing sponges too mindviewers!

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Over Excitement

Over Excitement
I was getting ready to go out and wanted my clothes to look super nice. So, I took out the iron and made it really hot. Just then, my phone rang and It was my friend, Onyinye! I couldng remember the last time that I spoke with her, it's been up to a whole year since we last spoke!

I was so happy to hear her voice that I sat down on the couch to chat with her. While we were talking, I smelled something burning, but I didn’t think much of it because I was having so much fun and I was really excited that I wanted details of every word as we were catching up with gists.

It was until I saw smoke coming from my clothes that I came back to my senses.
I jumped up to look, but to make matters worse, my slippery socks made me fall to the floor but let us leave that story for another day 😌

I quickly grabbed the iron and moved it away from my clothes, but it had already bitten off a lot of chunk from it. I looked at my poor shirt that was all burned and smoking. Onyinye was laughing on the phone.

Even though I felt guilty and thought that I should feel remorseful for losing one of my favorite shirts, I didn't.
It had really been a long time since I spoke with my best friend Onyii.

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Tasting a Scorpion′s sting

Tasting a Scorpion′s sting
I was lying on my bed, looking at funny videos on my phone. Suddenly, I felt a sharp sting on my back. It felt like electric shock reaching down my bones! I jumped up like a kangaroo!

I turned on my flashlight and shined it on my back and onto my pillow, and voila, there it was- A little scorpion! It had its tail all chargedup and waiting for the next round.
I was kind of scared and relieved, scared that a scorpion had stung me and relieved because it was a little one though the pain was still nailing it's way on my back.

I thought, No way I’m letting this tiny monster get away So I looked around and found my lighter. I felt like a superhero. But before I went to get my lighter, I had flicked it to the floor, carefully trapping the scorpion in a cup.

When I removed the cup, I started with it's arched tail and burnt the hell out of it. I wished that there were more severe punishment that I could administer, but I was out of thoughts.
It didn't take a second before it laid stale there, I wanted it running around while I burnt it but by bit.

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Weekly Roundups

Weekly Roundups
I had taken a nap from 6 — 9pm, and it turned out to be exactly what my body needed. It was an unexpected rest that helped me recharge and get back on track. When I woke up, my phone was buzzing. It was my mom, she never misses our Sunday call routine.

With a dizzy voice, I answered the call. She immediately started to apologize for disturbing me, but I cut her off. Honestly, what more could I ask for than the love and care of a devoted mother? Her calls are a regular part of my week, and they mean a lot to me.

Nobody else calls me as often as she does, especially on weekends. Her calls are a check-up on my progress, my health, and, most importantly, whether I made it to church. It’s something I look forward to each week.

Today, everything was in order. I had made it to church, my health was good, and I updated her on everything she wanted to know. The stress I had been feeling lately seemed to lift, thanks to her love and concern. It’s amazing how such a simple phone call can have such a positive impact on my day.

Hanging up, I felt much better and more grounded. It’s moments like these that remind me of how lucky I am to have such a caring mother in my life.

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Out of routine

Out of routine
It is a new month and immediately I woke up, I wished my loved ones, relatives and all my friends a prosperous new month.

When I turned on my data at noon when I returned from church service. I saw multiple messages and well wishes. Some in response to my initial wishes, while some were from friends, social groups and course mates.
I started replying them in line, starting from the earliest to send me a message, I responded.
I was still on the process when my eyes caught a text from my uncle who I had wished well during the morning hour, the text read: happy new month my dear, send your account details.

Nothing else gave me a better feeling today than seeing this text alone.
I immediately forwarded my details and in no time, he sent me 10k and said I should make sure that I celebrated today very well.

I quickly dressed up and headed to the market to get some condiments.
With happiness, I decided to go for extra as I told the seller to add some carrots, vegetables, green beans and cabbages to the bulk that I already bought.
I had never spent as I spent today just on a day's meal as a student, but I was going to act rich just in one day, in respect to my uncle's remarks.

It was a lot of task to cook and process all the condiments that I bought, but I scaled through. In less than 3hrs, my food was done and I got some yoghurt to help wash it down.
Taking a plate to my closest neighbour , she remained in shock of the sumptuous plate of food that I dropped on her palm. And as I left, she praised me.

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Would be a long night

Would be a long night
I was sleeping when i suddenly noticed that i was feeling too cold as if i had wetted myself on bed. It was supposed to be a beautiful sleep but i couldnt continue to sleep halvely.

I stood up and looked around the dark room. My heart sank when I noticed the water cup had fallen over, soaking my bed. I let out a frustrated sigh and ran my hand through my hair.

"I thought I had already suffered enough through the day," I said quietly to myself. Now I had to change my clothes and clean up the bed, which felt like a lot of work.

I wanted to sleep, but it felt like I had awakened a haunting memory of sleepless nights. With a sigh, I got some towels to clean up the mess, knowing this night would be longer than I wanted.

And instead of just wasting the rest of the night feeling so annoyed, I'd rather write this story.
Good night dearies.

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Once upon a time
There lived a man called Hebert, who hails in a village called ogbaku in Oguta local government area of IMO state Nigeria
He is married with two children named Nkemefuna and Chukwuebuka
Nkemefuna is the first son of Herbert and elder brother to Chukwuebuka
Chukwuebuka is the second and last born of Herbert and younger brother to Nkemefuna
One day Herbert decided to conduct a loyalty test on his Children
He called both of them and gifted different packages to them and instructed them not to open it till the next 15 days
Chukwuebuka collected his own with gladness of heart even though he has not known what’s inside but Nkemefuna rejected his because his father refused to give him money that he has been asking for not knowing that the content of his package is far more than what he has been asking for
He later collected it and threw it away, after 15 days his father gave them the go ahead order Chukwuebuka opened his package and found a check that changed his life for good while Nkemefuna saw it rushed to dustbin where he threw his own but it’s no where to be found ..

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Favourite Charger

Favourite Charger
It all started when I bought my favorite charger for 5,000 Naira. It wasn’t just any charger; it was special to me. I had hoped it would last for years and not break down on me, even after five years. I took good care of it, always keeping it safe and using it gently.

One day, I went to a friend’s place and used my charger to boost my phone’s battery. We had a great time chatting and relaxing, and I lost track of the hours. By the time I wanted to leave, it was late. I hurried to gather my things but somehow, in the rush, I forgot my charger at the station. I was so tired that I barely thought about it.

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I thought about was my charger. I had a funny feeling in my stomach as I remembered I had left it behind. I quickly rushed to the station, hoping it would still be there. But when I arrived, the spot where I had left it was empty. My heart sank.

I searched everywhere, looking under the benches and asking people if they had seen it. I waited for a while, but no one seemed to have found it. It felt like my charger had disappeared into thin air, swallowed by the abyss. I couldn’t believe it. I had treasured that charger, and now it seemed to be lost forever.

As I walked home, I felt a mixture of sadness and disappointment. How could I have been so careless? I should have been more careful and made sure I had everything before leaving. That charger meant more to me than just money; it was a part of my daily life.

I told myself that maybe I could budget and save up to buy a new one. But honestly, it wouldn’t be the same. I regretted taking it for granted, thinking it would last forever. I learned a hard lesson about being responsible for my things and taking the time to check before leaving.

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Fear Women

Once upon time, back in those days as a young guy. My girlfriend told me she was going over to her friends place for a visit and possibly sleepover. I asked which of her friends and she told me her bestie, Richard. They've been friends for years, longer than even our relationship. I helped her pack the few clothes she needed while she ordered Uber. We chatted and talked throughout her trip to his place. Then I got busy and attended to other things. Few hours later, around 8PM, my phone rang and it was my baby.
"Hello, love, you didn't even call me to find out if I've gotten here."
I replied, "Sorry, baby, I was just about to call you."
"Okay, love. I got here over an hour ago, the traffic was crazy."
"Pele my love, how's Richard?"
"He's fine, he's here. Richard, my baby is saying hi."
"King King, I greet you brother!"
I heard Richard shout over the phone. I smiled.
"Okay baby, Richard want to prepare dinner and since I don't want to die of food poisoning, I have to monitor his kitchen duties."
"Alright love, you guys should have..."
"Big head, I thought you said you have Yoghurt in the fridge, I'm not seeing anything."
Sandra's voice interrupted my call.
"Check the freezer" I said to her.
"Baby, who's that?"
My girlfriend asked.
"Oh, it's my friend"
"Which friend?"
"Sandra, my bestie. She just came in a few minutes ago."
"You didn't tell me Sandra was coming".
"I didn't know she was coming, but she was passing through and decided to stop by so I asked her to sleepover."
My girlfriend ended the call immediately. One hour later, around past 9PM, I heard a knock on the door.
It was my girlfriend. She was back with her things.
Fear Women.

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My list balloon

When I was 5 there was the balloon game we always love to play also know as try your luck we would use our allowance to play this game every week hoping to win the biggest balloon,so one day I used my allowance of 10naira to play it with all hopes and prayers I got a moderate sized balloon of my favorite color which was blue and had tiny cute little markings on them I was so happy I had won it after all the times I have played,I would play with it every day, petting it so it won't burst I so much loved it but one very fateful day I was playing with it alone because the other kids were kinda rough so I was having an alone time with my favorite balloon when all of a sudden my giant of a cousin showed up....tbc

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Many years ago when I was still a kid, I lost my best friend at a very tender age, literally we shared everything together and we even slept together in each other house many times but everything came to a standstill when I lost him.

Well, I was told they traveled but I couldn't believe the fact that my best friend will travel without letting me know first but I accepted it but I kept hoping that we will see again anytime I looked at the necklace he gave me

Some years later, I was later told my friend didn't traveled but had gone to the hospital for leukemia and couldn't make it out. Hearing that my legs were limb and my tongue tied up.

I ran to my room to get the necklace he gave me but I couldn't find it anymore and I lost it completely. For the fact that my friend died and the lost necklace as well, I was emotionally drained.

Thank God for the timely intervention of my parents, I was rehabilitated, according to them I was going through an emotional trauma which could have affect me badly

Growing up I still live with the regret of not helping my friend and losing the necklace he cherish, I always cry thinking about him always telling me that everything will be fine.

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Journey Beginnings

Journey Beginnings
A long time ago, after I completed my secondary school education, I was not so sure about what comes next in my life, the only thing I had in my head was that I want to proceed to the university to study Civil Engineering. I don't think it would have turned out to be a smooth and successful run if changes were not made.

We grew up and lived in villages (developed ones) our whole life, never even seen a bank as at then, and there was a lot I did not know. My father knew what was ahead; I want to be a Civil Engineer, and that is not achievable with a village based life, smartness and exposure are very vital, and so he sent me to live with my uncle who lives in the city.

I endured a little while of taunts and laughter during the early days of living with my uncle who has grown up children, because I must admit, I really behaved like someone who has never been to a city before, I would spend all my time looking at buildings, cars and many others whenever I went out with my uncle, of course I had never lived in such an environment.

I remember going to the bank for the first time with my cousin, and I found the entrance door to the bank very amusing, the way it opens and you step in, the back closes and the front opens for you to step inside the bank, same process while going out. While my cousin was still inside the bank, I went outside and came back inside the bank, up to four times, just to pass through the door that I referred to as a spinning door and saw as fun.

I was very fast to adapt this new environment, only three months with my uncle and I drove his car without anybody's assistance, learnt to move around on my own and I explored places like airport, stadiums and many others, including the bank. I didn't need anybody to follow me around or guide me on how to navigate my way anymore. I met very important and prominent people and built connections with them. I learnt a lot to the extent that it can truly be said that I'm ready to take on the course I'm studying now, I acquired lots of knowledge on areas I never knew before, developed myself when it comes to boldness and other basic and necessary attributes to the best I can.

My father till date is proud of the decision of sending me to live with my uncle. A good and fertile ground to kick start my Civil Engineering journey.
At times I imagine how I would have behaved like if my admission into the university is what brought me to the city for the first time, tragic.

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Spoiling myself

Spoiling myself
I had been looking forward to my jollof rice and fried plantains all day. After a long week of lectures at school, I decided to treat myself to my favorite meal from EazyFood. The delivery was supposed to arrive within an hour, but after two hours passed, my stomach was crying, and I noticed a missed call from an unknown number.

When I called back, the delivery man told me he was outside, but when I asked which gate, he ignorantly mentioned “the big gate” near a “yellow building.” None of this made sense, and I quickly realized he was lost. Frustration building, I tried guiding him over the phone, but it was clear he had no idea where he was and he didn’t even have Google Maps.

Annoyed but starving, I put on my slippers and went out to find him. After wandering for a bit, I finally spotted him near a completely different set of gates, nowhere near my building. He pointed to a purple coloured house and called it “yellow,” holding out my food with a foolish look.

I sighed, took the bag, and handed over the money, too hungry to argue. Back in my lodge, I finally sat down to eat, though the frustration had almost killed my appetite. As I took my first bite, my appetite quickly jumped back in.

Despite the frustration, the jollof was as delicious as ever, and by the end of the meal, I realised that half of my life saving was gone just because I felt like giving myself a princess treatment.

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Making a change

Making a change
When I joined, things were a bit confusing. People didn’t know their jobs, and we were not communicating well. I remembered my past roles, where I learned how to organize and lead. I knew I could help make things better even though I was a girl.

Being a girl made it very hard to make suggestions so I asked to meet the committee leader and shared my ideas. I told him we needed a clear plan, assigned tasks, and a timeline. He liked my ideas, and we worked together to improve the committee.

In the days before the elections, I helped the team understand their tasks. We held meetings, set deadlines, and practiced our speeches. It was busy, but I enjoyed it because we all had the same goal.

Finally, election day came. I stood at the front of the room and watched as students arrived, excited for the event. I smiled, proud of what we had done as a team. The elections went well, with candidates giving good speeches, and the audience was interest

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Right on Time

Right on Time
I was still in primary school back then when this incident happened.
It was a normal day when my sister and I came home from school. We sat down to eat our lunch, smelling the delicious food my mom had made, when suddenly we heard a strange sound. It was like stones hitting the roof, making a loud noise.

Curious, we jumped up and ran outside. What was happening? We stood there in shock, looking at the sky. That’s when we realized it wasn’t stones at all—it was ice! Ice was falling from the sky, bouncing off the ground and rolling away.

It felt like a scene from a movie, and we were excited to watch. My sister and I looked at each other with big eyes, and without thinking, we started to pick up the pieces of ice. We were thrilled, thinking it would be fun to eat it.

My sister collected a lot of ice in her little hands. We were just waiting for the right time to try it, but then our mom came outside. She saw us and rushed over with a worried look on her face.

Taking the ice from our hands. She explained that it might not be safe to eat ice that had fallen from the sky. We felt a little sad but listened to her. She spoke to us friendly and softly so that we dont feel bad before pouring them away and taking us back inside the house.

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Poor Seat

Poor Seat
Last week, my fat friend came over for a visit, and I was really looking forward to it. We’ve been friends for a long time, and I’ve always been supportive and never made him feel bad about his weight or size. I figured it would be just another fun hangout like usual.

We had fixed a date for him to come over, and I was excited to catch up. But honestly, I didn’t think much about my furniture before he arrived. I mean, my seats and bed have seen better days, but they’ve always worked for me.

When he finally got here, we settled down to chat and enjoy each other's company. That’s when it happened. He sat down on one of my chairs, and I could hear this terrible cracking sound. Before I knew it, the seat broke right underneath him! I felt so embarrassed; I didn’t know what to say. I reassured him that it was alright and that it had probably been on its last legs anyway.

But then, things got even worse. As the visit went on and we were having a good time, he accidentally spilled something on my bed. It soaked through the sheets, and I knew I was going to have to deal with that later.

Since then, I've been avoiding his visits.
I think the first day signs was a sign to something.
Let's see how it goes shaa.

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