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Mindviewers Stories

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When the Stomach Cries for Help

When the Stomach Cries for Help
I woke up this morning with a sense of urgency. We were supposed to have a lecture starting from 10:00 am today. As I hurried around, I realized I was lagging in time, so I skipped breakfast and hastily made my way to school. Little did I know, that was the beginning of my plights for the day.

Arriving at the school, my classmates and I were informed that the lecturer had moved the supposed lecture to 1:00 pm. Hunger was creeping in on me, but it wasn't too serious at that point. So I decided to hang on until the first lecture was over.

Time seemed to drag on slowly, and by 1:30 pm, the lecturer finally arrived and commenced the lecture. My stomach couldn't bear its thirstiness for food, and it grumbled, making it difficult to concentrate.

I silently prayed for the lecture to end so that I could go find something to eat. Finally, when the lecture did end, to my dismay, another lecturer took over immediately.

My stomach's growls were becoming more audible, and my face must have shouted hunger. After a seemingly endless class that ended by 3:00 pm, I could finally eat.

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Fascinating practical

Fascinating practical
During my secondary school days, our basic technology teacher introduced us to the practical aspect of electrolysis. I remember the day vividly, with the excitement and curiosity bubbling inside me as I saw the setup unfold before my eyes.

I couldn't believe it when our teacher joined and set up a simple experiment using a matchstick with zinc, salt, water, and glass. He then placed a bulb to two wires, and to my amazement, it illuminated. The room was filled with a soft, warm glow as the bulb lit up, powered by the reaction happening right in front of us.

I was in disbelief. Salt generating electricity? It seemed impossible. Intrigued, I moved closer to where our teacher had set up the experiment and looked closely. I needed to be sure that my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. I observed as the bulb continued to shine brightly from just the combination of salt, water, and zinc. It was a moment of wonder and awe.

The experience sparked a strong passion within me. The realization that something as simple as saltwater and a few basic materials could generate electricity ignited a new zeal for understanding the world of science and technology.

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A Few bucks for consequences

I went to my favorite store to stock up on some provisions. I picked up a chocolate drink that I loved, but when I got home and tasted it, something was off. It tasted rotten! I thought maybe I was just being paranoid, but the taste was really bad.

I went back to the store and told them about the problem. But instead of apologizing and offering a refund, they told me that it was a new recipe and that's how it's supposed to taste! I was skeptical, so I decided to buy the same drink from a different store. It tasted like it used to - delicious!

I thought maybe it was just a one-time mistake, but then I noticed that the custard I bought from the same store had gone bad. It was all lumpy and smelly. I took it back to the store and they told me it was still good to eat! I couldn't believe it.

I was starting to get really frustrated with this store. How could they be so dishonest about the quality of their products? I decided to avoid them from then on. But then I went on holiday and forgot all about the issue. When I got bacm, I heard some shocking news - the store had been shut down! Apparently, they had been selling expired products left and right, and someone had finally reported them to the authorities.

At first, I felt a little bad for the store owners. I mean, losing your business is a big deal. But then I remembered all the times they had tried to pass off bad products as good, and how they had put people's health at risk just to make a quick buck.

It was a hard lesson for them to learn, but it's an important one. Honesty and integrity are essential in business, and if you compromise on those values, you'll eventually pay the price.

I'm just glad I was able to avoid any harm from their expired products. And I'll never forget the lesson I learned - always check the expiration dates, and never trust a store that tries to pass off bad products as good!

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Costly Lateness

Costly Lateness
remember last November when my roommate came back home very sad and anxious. He told me that his phone had stopped working earlier that day. He was really worried because he was almost late for an important exam and he had to put his bag down quickly. He didn't realize that his iPhone 11 was in the bag.

After the exam, he looked for his phone in the bag but it wasn't there. He asked people if they'd seen anyone near his bag, but no one had any helpful information. His phone was gone. It felt like something you'd see in a movie, and he started crying again as he told me the story.

He felt really upset and gloomy after losing his phone. His parents got him a new one, but it was different - it was an android, not an iPhone. He started to feel a bit better, but he wasn't as happy as before because he really missed his old phone. The change to an android phone made him feel a bit sad, even though he tried to feel better. The memory of his iPhone 11, and the switch to a new phone, made him feel a bit sad for some time.

Well, I don't blame him too much for having felt that way. IPhones boosts a person ego and status and I know what it feels like to use an android after being known as an iPhone user.

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Good morning great educators in the building.........it's weekend splash

As a class room teacher have you experienced this?

(Phone ringing............) Mummy Shalom calling

Auntie Sharon; Hello ma! How is the family ma and my daughter?

Mummy Shalom; Don't greet me at all......... Did you run away from the class room then when is mathematics lesson period? Ahhba!!!!

Auntie Sharon: No ma.

Mummy Shalom: It's a lie you do during your school days. If not you won't calculate rubbish on my daughters' report sheet.

Auntie Sharon: Please don't be offended ma, it's the calculator I used is at fault.

Mummy Shalom: See you, calculator! Where schools are using Electronic Report sheet this days, if your school cannot subscribe to school software system management, they can afford the automated master sheet now, very cheap, accurate, safe stress and error free. Order for one now.

Pchat for more info.


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Night Class Discoveries

Night Class Discoveries
As I entered the dimly lit classroom for night class, I spotted Odili, a long-time acquaintance, sitting at a desk. We weren't particularly close, but having a familiar face in the room gave me a sense of comfort. Little did I know that this nightly study session would reveal a side of her I had never seen before.

As we settled in for a long night of reading, I couldn't help but notice the array of snacks that Odili had brought along. Carbonated drinks, biscuits, sausage rolls (gala), and peanuts surrounded her, creating a mini feast on her desk. When she offered me a sausage roll, I accepted it with a smile, but as I observed her consumption of the sugary and processed snacks, I couldn't help but feel concerned.

I gently expressed my unease about her indulgence, especially the carbonated drinks, and cautioned her against consuming too many unhealthy snacks. I could sense her surprise at my unsolicited advice, but I felt compelled to speak up, despite our limited friendship.

As the night wore on, I thought nothing more of our discussion about snacks until Odili suddenly began to gasp for breath, her chest heaving as she struggled to inhale. Panic gripped me as I rushed to her side, trying to understand what could be causing such distress. Desperately, I reminded her of our earlier conversation about the carbonated drinks and their potential impact on her breathing.

While I comforted her as best I could, I couldn't shake the feeling that her excessive consumption of sugary and carbonated snacks had contributed to her current predicament. As we sought help, I hoped that Odili's health scare would serve as a wake-up call, not only for her but for anyone who underestimated the effects of unhealthy eating habits. It was a night that taught me that sometimes, even casual acquaintances can reveal unexpected sides of themselves, and that genuine concern knows no boundaries.

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Never a Bad Decision

Never a Bad Decision
I've always been passionate about crafts and drawing. As a child, I would spend countless hours fiddling with paint, pencils, and various craft materials, engrossed in creating artwork that held my heart. My love for artistic expression was deeply ingrained in my being, and I cherished every moment spent immersed in the world of creativity.

When I enrolled in secondary school, my fascination with the arts only grew stronger. I eagerly embraced every opportunity to learn and hone my skills, pouring myself into my craft with unrelenting fervor. I was known for my dedication to drawing and my enthusiasm for all things art-related. There was a certain joy that came from seeing my sketches come to life and witnessing the beauty that emerged from my hands.

However, as I progressed through my secondary education, a new love began to germinate within me – a love for science and all things related. I found myself captivated by the wonders of the natural world, the mysteries of the universe, and the awe-inspiring discoveries that science had to offer. The allure of scientific exploration ignited a fresh fire within me, and I realized that I was drawn to the intricate complexities of the sciences just as fervently as I was to the arts.

As I approached the end of my secondary education, I was faced with a pivotal decision – to follow my passion for the arts, which I excelled in, or to pursue a career in the realm of science that had ignited a newfound zeal within me. It was a tough choice, as both paths held pieces of my heart.

In the end, I decided to take on a science-related field of study at the university. The decision didn't diminish my love for the arts; instead, it broadened the horizons of my interests. I embraced the pursuit of scientific knowledge while still finding time to indulge in my artistic endeavors. I realized that art was my talent, my calling, while the sciences had become a deep-seated passion that I could not ignore.

Throughout my university journey, I successfully preserved my adoration for both disciplines. I dabbled in scientific research while still exploring the boundless depths of expression through art. I reveled in the synergy between the two worlds, understanding that each fed into the other, and that I could find my place in any art field while studying a course in the sciences.

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Love for food

Love for food
Chika was a bottomless pit when it came to eating. Wherever he went, if there was food, he was there, salivating like a hungry puppy. His love for food was unmatched, and it seemed like his stomach had no limit.

One fateful day, Chika had an important presentation at school. It was early in the morning, and his father advised him to have a simple breakfast like tea and bread, just like everyone else. But Chika had other plans. He believed that a heavy meal would keep him strong and focused, so he decided to go all out.

Ignoring his father's advice, Chika pulled out a stash of fufu and okro from his bag. He smacked his lips and dug in with gusto, not caring about the consequences. Little did he know that the thick, slippery soup was being sprinkled all over his crisp white shirt.

Unbeknownst to Chika, disaster was looming. As he stood before the school authorities and students, ready to deliver his presentation, the crowd burst into laughter. Confused, Chika looked down and saw the evidence of his food frenzy plastered all over his shirt.

Embarrassment flooded his face, and his heart sank. How could he have been so oblivious to the mess he had made? But even in his distress, he couldn't help but chuckle along with the raucous laughter of the audience.

The situation was ridiculous, and the absurdity of it all struck Chika in the funniest way. Despite the humiliation, he couldn't help but find the humor in the fact that his love for food had caused such chaos. And as he stood there, covered in soup, he realized that sometimes, laughter is the best way to cope with life's little unexpected incidents, so he let out a chuckle himself.

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A peaceful reunion

It had been months since my friend, Peace, and I last spoke. We had a big falling out, and I wasn't sure if our friendship could ever be repaired. But as time went on, I realized how much I missed her and how much I valued our friendship. I wanted to make things right between us.

I decided to take a step towards reconciliation by making her a special gift - a beautiful photo frame with a picture of the two of us from happier times. I chose a serene environment, a peaceful garden, to invite her to meet me. I wanted the surroundings to be calming and soothing, to help ease any tension that might still be between us.

As I waited for Peace to arrive, I felt a mix of emotions - nervousness, excitement, and hope. I wasn't sure how she would react to my gesture, but I was determined to make things right. When she arrived, we exchanged awkward hellos at first, but as we sat down together, I could see the tension start to fade.

I handed her the gift, and as she opened it, a smile spread across her face. She was touched by the thoughtful gesture, and we both felt hugely relieved. We started talking, sharing stories and laughter, and before long, it felt like no time had passed at all.

We opened up to each other about our hurt and anger. We listened to each other's perspectives, and slowly but surely, we started to understand and forgive. The weight of our past argument began to lift, and our minds experienced freedom and renewal.

Our conversation flowed easily, and we rediscovered the connection that had once been so strong between us. We talked about our hopes and dreams, our fears and insecurities, and we found common ground once again.
The sun began to set, it was time to disperse, each to own residence. We hugged each other tightly, grateful for a second chance of friendship.

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Over seriousness

Over seriousness
Some days ago, I decided to head back to my university after spending a relaxing night at a place close to the campus. The sun hadn't yet risen as I set out on my way, and I loved the peace of the early morning.

As I approached the university gates, I was met with a strangely empty campus. Where were all the students? Had I missed some kind of announcement? It seemed unreal that no one was around, especially on a weekday during the second week of the semester.

It slowly dawned on me, it was actually Sunday! I had somehow mixed up the days and come back a day early. This ridiculous realization made me chuckle. There I was, ready to dive back into the world of academia, while the rest of the student body was enjoying a well-deserved day off. If only I had checked the calendar more carefully.

For a brief moment, I considered simply heading back to my temporary abode and enjoying another day of home-cooked meals and relaxation. The thought of returning to the comfort of home was tempting, but I knew I couldn't procrastinate the inevitable return to my studies for much longer. After a good laugh at my own expense, I turned around and decided to make the best of my return a day early.

As I strolled back to my temporary dwelling, chuckling at my own confusion, I promised myself that I would pay more attention to the calendar next time. After all, it wouldn't do to continue to mix up the days and miss out on the opportunity to savor those home-cooked goodies for a while longer.

Who should I blame?, it was over seriousness that caused it.

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I left the exam hall on Friday afternoon, I felt a mix of emotions: relief, exhaustion, and pride. I had given it my all, pouring every ounce of energy into the past week's exams. Five days, five papers, and countless hours of studying had finally come to an end.

From Monday to Friday, I had risen early each morning, fueled by determination. I practiced problems, and rehearsed answers until they became second nature.
But now, as I submitted my final paper, I felt accomplished. I had done my best, and that knowledge was all that mattered. The weight of uncertainty lifted, and I could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

I packed up my belongings and bid farewell to my neighbors. The semester was over, and a well-deserved break awaited me. I was headed home, where warm meals, cozy comforts, and loving family would welcome me.

For the next few weeks, I would leave my textbooks and notes behind, trading them for lazy mornings, good looks, and long naps. I had earned this rest, and I was ready to embrace it with open arms. The semester may have been challenging, but I had emerged stronger, wiser, and more resilient.

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A Fairy Tale Master

Once upon a time, in a land of rolling hills and enchanted forests, there lived a wise and kind old man named Ealdred. Ealdred was known throughout the kingdom as the Fairy Tale Master, for he possessed the rare ability to craft stories that came to life. His tales were not just words on parchment but living, breathing adventures that enchanted all who heard them.

Ealdred lived in a cozy cottage at the edge of the Whispering Woods, a place where the trees seemed to murmur secrets to those who listened. His home was filled with scrolls and quills, enchanted inkpots, and shelves upon shelves of books that glowed with a magical light. Children and adults alike would visit Ealdred, eager to hear his tales of bravery, love, and wonder.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the land, a young girl named Elara approached Ealdred's cottage. Elara was a curious and adventurous soul, with bright eyes and a heart full of dreams. She had heard of Ealdred's magical tales and yearned to experience one for herself.

"Master Ealdred," Elara said, her voice trembling with excitement, "I have come to ask for a story. One that is filled with magic and adventure, where I can be the hero."

Ealdred smiled warmly at the girl. "Ah, Elara, you have the spirit of a true adventurer. Sit by the fire, and I shall weave a tale just for you."

As Elara settled by the hearth, Ealdred dipped his quill into an inkpot that shimmered with iridescent colors. He began to write, and as he did, his words took on a life of their own. The room filled with a soft, magical light, and Elara found herself drawn into the story.

In the tale, Elara became a brave knight in a kingdom plagued by a terrible curse. The land was shrouded in darkness, and its people lived in fear of a powerful sorceress who had stolen the kingdom's light. With a magical sword and a loyal steed, Elara embarked on a quest to confront the sorceress and restore the light to her kingdom.

Elara's journey was filled with challenges and wonders. She crossed enchanted forests where trees whispered secrets, scaled towering mountains guarded by mythical creatures, and solved ancient riddles that tested her wit and courage. Along the way, she met companions who joined her quest: a mischievous fairy, a wise old owl, and a brave squire.

As Elara and her companions neared the sorceress's lair, the challenges grew fiercer. But with each obstacle, Elara's bravery and determination shone brighter. Finally, in a climactic battle, she faced the sorceress and, with the help of her friends, broke the curse that had darkened the land.

The kingdom was bathed in light once more, and its people celebrated Elara as a hero. As the tale came to an end, Elara found herself back in Ealdred's cottage, the warmth of the fire flickering in her eyes.

"Thank you, Master Ealdred," Elara said, her voice filled with wonder. "That was the most magical adventure I've ever experienced."

Ealdred smiled, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. "Remember, Elara, the magic of a story lies not just in the words, but in the heart of the one who lives it. You have the heart of a hero, and your own adventures await you."

With that, Elara left Ealdred's cottage, her spirit soaring with the possibilities of her own future. And in the Whispering Woods, the trees continued to murmur their secrets, knowing that the Fairy Tale Master had once again woven a story that would be remembered for generations to come.

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A Fearsome Dragon Named Draknor

Once upon a time in a far-off land, nestled between towering mountains and vast forests, there existed a kingdom known as Eldoria. This kingdom was ruled by King Leonidas, a wise and just monarch loved by all his subjects.

However, Eldoria was not without its challenges. Deep within the dark forests that bordered the kingdom, a fearsome dragon named Draknor had made its lair. Draknor was no ordinary dragon; it was massive, with scales as hard as steel and eyes that gleamed with intelligence. For years, Draknor had terrorized the land, demanding tribute from villages and occasionally venturing out to wreak havoc.

The people of Eldoria lived in fear of Draknor, their hearts heavy with the burden of constant danger. But amidst this fear, there arose a young blacksmith named Aric. Unlike most villagers who cowered in the shadow of the dragon, Aric harbored a burning desire to confront Draknor and rid his land of its tyranny.

Armed with nothing but his courage and determination, Aric set out on a quest to slay the dragon. Along the way, he encountered allies—a skilled archer named Elara, a wise sorcerer named Aldric, and a loyal knight named Sir Roland. Together, they formed a fellowship determined to bring peace back to Eldoria.

Their journey was perilous, filled with trials and tribulations. They faced enchanted forests, treacherous mountains, and dark magic that sought to thwart their every move. But through sheer grit and camaraderie, they overcame each obstacle, growing stronger with every challenge.

Finally, after months of relentless pursuit, Aric and his companions reached Draknor's lair. The dragon emerged, its massive form casting a shadow over the land. But Aric stood undaunted, his sword gleaming in the sunlight.

A fierce battle ensued, shaking the very foundations of Eldoria. Aric's skill as a blacksmith turned warrior proved invaluable, as did Elara's precision with her bow, Aldric's mastery of magic, and Sir Roland's unwavering bravery. Together, they fought as one, their hearts united in purpose.

In a climactic moment, Aric plunged his sword into Draknor's heart, ending its reign of terror once and for all. The kingdom rejoiced, celebrating the bravery and valor of Aric and his companions. King Leonidas honored them with titles of nobility, and Eldoria entered a new era of peace and prosperity.

But Aric knew that true strength lay not in the blade, but in the bonds of friendship and the courage to stand up against adversity. And so, the legend of Aric and the fellowship of Eldoria echoed through the ages, inspiring generations to come to rise against darkness and forge their own destinies.

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Amara The Village Girl

Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled between rolling hills and whispering streams, there lived a girl named Amara. Amara was a vision of grace and kindness, with eyes like shimmering emeralds and a smile that could brighten the gloomiest day.

She spent her days helping her parents tend to their modest farm, her nimble fingers weaving through the fields like a dance. Her heart was as vast as the endless skies above, and her dreams soared higher than the tallest trees in the forest.

Despite the simplicity of her life, Amara's spirit was adventurous. She would often wander into the woods, where she found solace among the ancient trees and playful creatures. It was there, in the heart of nature, that her imagination flourished.

One day, while gathering wildflowers by the riverbank, Amara stumbled upon a wounded bird. Without hesitation, she carefully cradled the bird in her hands and tended to its injuries with gentle touches and soothing words. Miraculously, the bird recovered under her care, and from that day on, it became her loyal companion, soaring alongside her on her daily journeys.

As time passed, news of Amara's kindness and compassion spread throughout the village. People would seek her out for advice, comfort, and healing. She became known as the village's guardian angel, a beacon of hope and love in a world often clouded by darkness.

But Amara's greatest adventure was yet to come. One starry night, as she sat beneath a blanket of twinkling stars, her bird companion by her side, a shooting star streaked across the sky. With a whispered wish, Amara closed her eyes, her heart full of dreams waiting to unfold.

The next morning, the village awoke to a sight that took their breath away. In the heart of the village square stood a magnificent tree, its branches stretching towards the heavens, adorned with sparkling lights that danced like fireflies. It was as if magic had woven itself into the very fabric of their existence.

Amara stood beneath the tree, her eyes shimmering with joy and wonder. The villagers gathered around, their faces aglow with gratitude and awe. From that day forward, the tree became a symbol of hope and unity, a reminder of the power of kindness and the beauty of dreams.

And so, the story of Amara, the village girl with a heart of gold, lived on in the hearts of those who knew her. She taught them that no act of kindness is ever too small, and that true magic lies within each and every one of us, waiting to be shared with the world.

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A Little Girl Named Luna.

Once upon a time, in a bustling city nestled between mountains and seas, there was a curious little girl named Luna. She had eyes that sparkled like the stars and a heart full of wonder. Luna lived with her grandmother, Sofia, in a cozy cottage surrounded by a magical garden.

One day, as Luna explored the garden, she discovered a hidden pathway covered in ivy. With a mix of excitement and curiosity, she followed the winding trail deeper into the woods until she stumbled upon an ancient, overgrown fountain. Intrigued, Luna brushed aside the moss and leaves to reveal a shimmering pool of water.

To her amazement, the water was enchanted. As she gazed into its depths, she saw glimpses of far-off lands, fantastical creatures, and wondrous adventures. Luna couldn't resist the temptation and dipped her hand into the pool. Instantly, she was transported into a world beyond her wildest dreams.

In this enchanted realm, Luna met a mischievous fox named Jasper, who became her loyal companion. Together, they embarked on daring quests, solved riddles, and encountered magical beings like talking trees and singing rivers.

But their greatest adventure began when they discovered an ancient prophecy hidden in a forgotten library. It spoke of a looming darkness threatening the realm and the key to its salvation lying in the hands of a courageous soul. Luna, with her pure heart and unwavering bravery, realized that she was the chosen one.

With Jasper by her side and the support of newfound friends, Luna embarked on a journey to save the enchanted realm. Along the way, she faced trials that tested her courage, kindness, and determination. Yet, she never wavered, guided by the belief that even the smallest of heroes can change the course of destiny.

In the end, Luna and her friends triumphed over the darkness, restoring peace and harmony to the enchanted realm. As she bid farewell to her magical companions and returned home through the ivy-covered pathway, Luna carried with her the memories of her extraordinary adventures and the knowledge that courage and kindness truly make the world a brighter place.

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Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a young girl named Akua. She lived with her cruel and abusive stepmother, who made her do all the household chores and treated her like a slave. Akua's father, a kind and gentle man, had passed away when she was just a child, and her stepmother had married him for his wealth and property.

Akua's life was a nightmare. She was constantly beaten, starved, and belittled by her stepmother. Despite her hardships, Akua was a bright and curious girl who longed to go to school and make a better life for herself.

One day, Akua's stepmother went too far, and Akua was left with no choice but to run away from home. With a small bag of clothes and a few coins, she set out into the unknown, determined to make a new life for herself.

As she traveled to the city, Akua faced many dangers and challenges. She had to beg for food and sleep on the streets, all while avoiding the clutches of her stepmother, who was determined to find her and drag her back home.

But Akua was resilient and resourceful. She soon found work as a maid in a wealthy household, where she was treated with kindness and respect. She also began attending night school, where she excelled in her studies and discovered a passion for science and mathematics.

Years went by, and Akua's hard work and determination paid off. She earned a scholarship to a prestigious university, where she studied engineering and became one of the top students in her class.

Meanwhile, Akua's stepmother had been searching for her everywhere, but Akua had changed her name and kept a low profile, always staying one step ahead of her tormentor.

Finally, the day came when Akua graduated at the top of her class and landed a high-paying job at a top engineering firm. She was hailed as a rising star in her field and became a role model for young girls everywhere.

But just as Akua was about to start her new life, her stepmother appeared out of nowhere, demanding that Akua come back home and take care of her. Akua, now a confident and successful woman, stood up to her stepmother and refused to go back.

In a dramatic confrontation, Akua revealed her true identity and exposed her stepmother's cruelty and abuse to the world. Her stepmother was arrested and brought to justice, and Akua was finally free to live her life in peace and happiness.

And so, Akua's story became a legend, inspiring countless young girls and women to stand up against abuse and oppression, and to never give up on their dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem.

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Almost missed it

I was super stressed out last week because I had a really important test in my major subject. I had been studying like crazy for it, making sure I knew all the material inside and out. On the day of the test, I woke up early, feeling confident and ready to pass it.

But then, as luck would have it, I got stuck in the worst traffic jam ever. I mean, I've seen some bad traffic before, but this was on a whole other level. I had hopped on a tricycle, thinking it would be a quick ride to campus, but man, I was wrong.

As the minutes ticked by and I saw the time slipping away, panic started to set in. I knew I was going to miss the test, and there was nothing I could do about it. I was frustrated, angry, and just plain disappointed in myself for not leaving earlier.

Once I finally made it to campus, I rushed to the department office to explain what happened. Thankfully, the head of the department was understanding. He listened to my explanation, nodded sympathetically, and assured me that everything would be okay.
He told me not to worry, that there would be a make-up test scheduled for students who missed the original one. I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling grateful for his understanding and willingness to help me out of a tough spot.

Even though missing the test was a major setback, knowing that there would be another chance for me to prove myself helped ease some of the stress and anxiety I had been feeling. It was a tough lesson learned about the unpredictability of traffic, but I was determined to make the most of the second chance I had been given.


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An epistle of love

As I sit down to pen these words, my mind reflects back to the very night we first met, it was really in night class. I can remember we were preparing for our first anatomy exam "upper limbs" Your voice, like a melody in the darkness, drew me in, sparking a connection that has only grown stronger with time.

I think that night we were unable to secure a class so we decided to use the coscharies quadrangle, story leading to stories one of which was you exposing me to the fact that you had a twin sister. And just deep into the night you slept on my laps. Being a nice guy that I am, I pulled out my outer shirt to cover you from the cold weather.

Our friendship, forged through late-night conversations and shared experiences, has become a beacon of light in my life. Your trust in me, inviting me into your world with open arms, is a gift I cherish deeply.

Lol 😂 just remembered the very night that tested the depths of our connection. It was a night like no other, filled with anticipation and longing, as I waited patiently for your roommate to depart.

Minutes stretched into hours, and the stillness of the night enveloped me as I stood outside your door, consumed by the desire to be near you. In those solitary moments, I felt the weight of our friendship and the strength of our bond, urging me to persevere despite the uncertainty.

And then, like a whisper in the darkness, your message arrived, a beacon of hope illuminating the path ahead. With bated breath, I watched as your roommate finally left, clearing the way for us to be together.

Stepping into your presence that night was like stepping into a dream, a dream where time stood still and the world faded away, leaving only the two of us in its wake. I held you close, cherishing the fleeting moments we had together, knowing that every second was precious beyond measure.

As I reflect on that night, I am reminded of the depth of our friendship and the lengths we are willing to go for each other. It is a testament to the bond we share, forged through countless shared experiences and unwavering trust.

In you, I have found not only a friend but a kindred spirit, someone who understands and accepts me in a way that words cannot express. Our friendship is a treasure beyond compare, a guiding light in the darkness, leading us through life's twists and turns with grace and resilience.

Despite the challenges we've faced, whether it be waiting anxiously for your roommate to leave or navigating encounters with security personnel on my way back, our connection has remained unwavering.

As I reflect on the journey we've embarked on together, I am filled with gratitude for the moments we've shared and the memories we've created. Your presence brings joy to my days and comfort to my nights, and for that, I am truly thankful.

So here's to us, to the late-night conversations and the shared laughter, to the moments of quiet understanding and unwavering support. May our friendship continue to grow and thrive, illuminating our lives with its warmth and grace.


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When he was small

When he was small
When I was still in primary school, I always felt like I couldn't quite measure up to the rest of the students. I knew I wasn't as academically sharp as many of my classmates, and because of that, the teachers often seated me at the front of the class. It was their way of prodding me along, making sure I could keep up with the lessons. I was smart, but not as quick as the others.

But then something amazing happened that changed everything. Our school was gearing up for the inter-house sports event, and as we practiced, a remarkable discovery was made – I was the best at marching! It seemed like a small thing, but it was a moment that transformed everything. I was chosen to lead the procession, and as our class marched past in perfect unison, we went on to win the trophy. I had never felt so proud in my life.

From that day on, things were different. Suddenly, my name was on everyone's lips, and the other students looked at me with newfound respect. It was an experience that made me strive to be better. It became my motivation, my driving force to overcome my insecurities and doubts.

Students gathered around me during break time and this made me talk more than before. They asked me to learn how to match like I did and that was how I became a leader.
I started talking more in class, attempting questions, and becoming fast in writing.

At the end of the term, I took the 5th position, and I wouldn't trade the joy of my dad's fave when he checked my result scores. He had noticed changes in me during the term and also wanted to see if it would affect my academic performance, which he did.

He smiled at me and gave me a #50 note and then he told me that I could do better.
Onwards I was better, in all things concerning school, I was better.
Looking back now, I remember how I escaped a dumb cycle of my life.

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Tackling cranial nerves in a day

Tackling cranial nerves in a day
I complain vehemently about having to tackle anatomy courses. The thought of delving into the ethmoid bone, the cranial fissure, and the intricacies of the cranial nerves fills me with dread. These are the kinds of complexities that the professors take years to master, yet I am expected to cram and regurgitate them all within a single day. The pressure is suffocating.

What could I do when the test is in no distant time?
Been scaling the text unsure if I am understanding or not. But shaa, I be smart girl normally.

Of all the cranial nerves, the trigeminal nerve stands out as the pinnacle of complexity, encompassing not just itself, but three additional nerves within its intricate web. The overwhelming nature of the material feels insurmountable, and I feel a sense of resignation settling over me. How can I possibly absorb all this information in such a short time and then regurgitate it in an exam?

The weight of the challenge is relentless, and I struggle to find a single space to breath.
As I round up this story, I'll get on with my reading.
I doubt if there's sleep for me tonight.

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Last days of the semester

Chukwudi, a determined college student with dreams as vast as the city skyline, found himself on the brink of completing his final exams. With excitement coursing through his veins, he eagerly anticipated the journey back home to his small town nestled in the rolling hills.

However, fate had a different plan in store for Chukwudi. Just when he could almost taste the freedom of finishing his exams, a sudden announcement echoed through the corridors of the university: the exams were postponed by a week, sending shockwaves of disappointment through Chukwudi's carefully laid plans.

Despite the setback, Chukwudi refused to let despair consume him. With his finances already stretched thin, he resolved not to burden his parents with his troubles, determined to navigate this storm on his own.

As the days dragged on, Chukwudi faced a series of challenges. His gas tank emptied, leaving him stranded in the city streets. With an empty pantry and a growling stomach, he relied on sheer willpower to fuel his determination.

Yet, with each passing obstacle, Chukwudi's resolve only grew stronger. He poured himself into his studies, channeling his frustration into a relentless pursuit of knowledge.

Category Competition Winner!

2,000 NGN Prize successfully withdrawn to winners' wallet
Show some love. Gift @sorano something as TIPs

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