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Back to trouble land

Back to trouble land
As the joyful festive season came to an end, a wave of anticipation washed over me as I prepared to resume school. The warmth of family, the laughter of friends, and the enchanting glow of holiday lights had been my sanctuary, my escape from reality. But now, reality was knocking at my door, reminding me that responsibilities and challenges awaited.

As the first day of school approached, I felt a familiar yet unwelcome sensation creeping through my veins - anxiety. Thoughts of unfamiliar faces, daunting assignments, and the pressure to succeed consumed my mind, threatening to drown out the remnants of holiday cheer. The celebrations had provided a temporary respite from the worries of school, but now they seemed to transform into a cruel reminder of the impending reality.

As I entered the crowded hallways on that first day, my heart raced, and my palms grew clammy. The once-familiar environment suddenly felt overwhelming, as if the walls were closing in on me. Anxious whispers filled the air, mingling with the sound of shuffling footsteps. My breath became shallow, and with each passing moment, my anxiety tightened its grip on me.

Attempting to blend in, I found solace in observing the buzz of the school. Students reuniting after the break, their laughter echoing through the hallways, evoking a sense of camaraderie. But within me, a sense of isolation grew. Would I be able to find my place in this sea of faces once again? Would I be able to meet the expectations that loomed before me?

As the day progressed, I reminded myself that anxiety was only temporary. It was a feeling that would come and go, but it did not define me. In the depths of my anxiety, I mustered the courage to reach out to others, to seek comfort and support. And to my surprise, I discovered that I was not alone in my fears.

In these moments of vulnerability, I found strength in the genuine connections that I forged with fellow students. We shared our anxieties, our hopes, and our dreams, realizing that we were all embarking on this journey together. The weight of expectation seemed less daunting when we carried it collectively, supporting and lifting each other up.

As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, the anxious haze that had clouded my mind began to dissipate. I navigated the challenges with newfound resilience, and I celebrated small victories along the way. The familiar hallways once again became a place of growth, learning, and self-discovery.

Looking back, I realized that the festive celebrations, despite their transient nature, had left something lasting within me. They had instilled in me a belief that even in moments of anxiety and uncertainty, there was always hope. With every step taken, I grew into a stronger version of myself, armed with resilience and the knowledge that I could overcome any obstacle that came my way.

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The Quest for Laughter Seeds

In the village of Chuckleville, there were two friends, Bisi and Emeka, known for their love of jokes and mischief. One day, they decided to try their hand at farming but with a twist.

Bisi said, "Emeka, let's plant some laughter seeds. Imagine, we'll have a field full of jokes!"

Emeka scratched his head, "Laughter seeds? Where do we get those?"

Bisi grinned, "I heard the market sells them next to the tomatoes!"

So off they went to the market, looking for these magical laughter seeds. They asked the vendor, "Excuse us, do you have laughter seeds?"

The vendor raised an eyebrow, "Laughter seeds? You must be joking!"

Bisi and Emeka burst into laughter, thinking it was part of the joke. The vendor joined in, and soon the entire market was echoing with laughter.

With no laughter seeds in hand but hearts full of joy, Bisi and Emeka returned to Chuckleville. They told the villagers about their laughter seed quest, and soon, Chuckleville became famous for the village that grew laughter.

People from neighboring villages visited just to share a chuckle and take some laughter home. Bisi and Emeka's farm, without a single laughter seed, became the happiest place around.

And that's the tale of Bisi and Emeka, who, with a simple idea and lots of laughter, turned Chuckleville into the laughter capital of Nigeria. Sometimes, the best seeds to plant are the ones that make everyone smile!

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What a Year!

As the clock ticked closer to midnight on New Year's Eve, I found myself in a cozy corner of my favorite reading space. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation, but rather than feeling anxious about the uncertainties of the upcoming year, I embraced curiosity.

With a contented smile, I opened a book and began jotting down reflections of the year gone by. Each page became a reason for gratitude, capturing the moments of joy, challenges faced, and lessons learned. I whispered words of thanks to God for the beautiful experiences that shaped the past 365 days.

Outside, the world prepared for the countdown, with distant echoes of laughter, praises and cheer to God. However, in my sanctuary of serenity, the focus remained on the present moment. I acknowledged the simple pleasures of solitude and the comfort found in gratitude.
With each passing minute, I felt a gentle sense of drowsiness enveloping me. The weight of the year's experiences lifted, leaving behind a heart lightened by appreciation and a mind ready to welcome the mysteries of tomorrow.

As the clock struck midnight, the world erupted in celebratory cheers. The new year had arrived, and I embraced it with a heart full of gratitude and a soul curious about the adventures yet to come.

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The Yam-yam Comedy Fest Caper

In the lively village of Chuckleville, Nigeria, where laughter was more common than the rooster's crow, lived two friends, Tunji and Kemi. They were known for their mischievous antics, but one escapade took the humor to new heights.

Tunji, with a penchant for pranks, decided to play a trick on the village elders during the annual "Jolly Jamboree." He crafted a lifelike scarecrow dressed as the village chief and strategically placed it near the communal yam barn.

As the elders gathered for a serious discussion about the upcoming harvest, Tunji hid nearby, stifling giggles. The sight of the scarecrow caught everyone off guard. After a brief pause, Kemi, notorious for her infectious laughter, burst into uncontrollable giggles.

The infectious laughter spread like wildfire, turning the serious meeting into a riot of mirth. Even the goats in the nearby pen seemed to join in with their own version of bleating chuckles. The village chief, initially bewildered, couldn't help but crack a smile, realizing the elaborate prank.

Tunji and Kemi, witnessing the uproar they had caused, emerged from their hiding spot, wearing sheepish grins. Instead of anger, the village elders, appreciating the unexpected dose of laughter, decided to turn the event into an impromptu comedy festival.

And so, Chuckleville's first-ever "Yam-yam Comedy Fest" was born. Tunji and Kemi, now hailed as the village jesters, entertained everyone with their witty banter and slapstick humor. The scarecrow, once a prank, became the mascot of Chuckleville's newfound tradition.

As night fell on Chuckleville, the echoes of laughter lingered in the air. The Jolly Jamboree, transformed into a night of joyous celebration, became an annual event that brought the community together in laughter and camaraderie.

And that, my friend, is the tale of how Tunji and Kemi turned a simple scarecrow prank into Chuckleville's most cherished tradition, where laughter is not just encouraged but celebrated with open arms.

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New Year′s Eve in silence

New Year′s Eve in silence
As I sit here on the eve of the new year, my mind drifts back to a week earlier, when I had eagerly awaited the arrival of 2024. In my dreams, I had envisioned a grand celebration for the first day of the year, complete with a feast fit for royalty. Two succulent chickens would be the centerpiece of the sumptuous meal, filling the house with their appetizing aroma.

But as the first day of the new year dawns upon me, reality sets in. I sniff the air, hoping to catch a whiff of the tantalizing scent of roasted chicken. Yet, all I smell is the familiar fragrance of my everyday surroundings. I search my pockets, only to find them devoid of the funds needed to acquire the ingredients for my dream feast.

However, even in the face of this small disappointment, I refuse to let it dampen my spirits. For you see, the essence of the new year lies not in the material luxuries or extravagant celebrations, but in the joy and anticipation that it brings.

And so, with happiness illuminating my heart and undiluted excitement coursing through my veins, I step into the new year. My expectations soar as high as the fireworks that light up the sky above, for I know that this year holds endless possibilities, infinite opportunities, and moments of pure bliss.

I am not defined by the absence of chicken or lavish feasts. Rather, I am defined by the gratitude in my soul, the love in my heart, and the hope that guides my every step. No matter the circumstances, I choose to embrace this new chapter with open arms, ready to create, to learn, and to evolve.

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"Hello I'm home"... "Daddddddy" we all shout excitedly and run to him. "I got something for the birthday girl" he said with a smile on his face. "Meeeee" I squeal excitedly as he handed me one of the bags he came home with. I quickly opened the bag to reveal the clothes he'd gotten me. My siblings and I "oohed" and "ahhhed" as we brought out each cloth and inspected it. At the bottom of the bag, there was a sealed nylon bag. I opened it to see the most beautiful jean outfit and a frown began to appear between my brows. My siblings"ahhhed"at it with stars in their eyes but the frown only got deeper and something hot began to burn my eyes just as a wedge lodged itself in my throat.

My siblings looked at me with something akin to envy on their faces. They probably thought that my reaction was because I was feeling overwhelmed with gratitude but I must have shocked them when I screamed "noooo" and ran to my dad with tears running down my face. "This isn't my style, I don't wear things like this, I don't like them" I screamed at him. I took a breath to calm my racing heart and continue more calmly but with no less venom, "all my life, you and mom keep making me wear things I'd rather not. I thought by now, you would have realized that I'm old enough to know what I want and respect them. All these years I've lived with you, I have never worn anything like this but I bet you didn't notice. You were more interested in getting me what you liked instead of what I liked" I told him as I walked out and locked myself up in my room.

"Hey Cecee" my best friend called as she snapped her fingers at me. "Where'd your mind wander to? You totally spaced out on me again" she said with a reproving stare. "Is it your dad?" She asked and I nodded my head weakly. She clicked her tongue sympathetically and patted my back soothingly, "I was just so stuck in myself that I couldn't even see or appreciate his efforts and sacrifices" I said with tears in my eyes as I turned to look at her. "He loves me, he never did say it but he showed it and I was too self-absorbed to see it or appreciate it. I feel really terrible Noni. It took being a thousand miles away from him to finally realize it". I cried as I continued to sob. "Hush now, it's going to be okay. I'm glad you finally realized how much your dad loves you, it took you a while but you finally saw it. Christmas break would be here soon, that'd give you the opportunity to make things better" Noni said as she stood up and dusted the seat of her pants. "But, I don't want to go home " I whisper quietly, "why?" Noni asked "I feel so ashamed" I whispered even more quietly. "Oh my poor baby" she said as she stooped to look into my face, "your dad hasn't stopped loving you. In fact I bet it'd make him happy to see you trying to make things better. You were young and stupid, he understands that". "Hey" I protested weakly as I playfully hit her shoulder. "What?" She laughed as she swatted my arm. "Now, if you're done with the retrospection, have pity on me, and come let's get dinner" she said as she straightened up and extended her hand towards me. "Alright" I said as I let her pull me to my feet. "For someone with such a slight frame, you sure eat a lot" I grumbled at her, "whatever, I'm starving. Your tears have taken a toll on me" she said with a smile in her voice. "Oh yeah", I replied "we finished a whole pot of pasta just an hour ago". "It was just an hour ago? I thought it was ages ago. Well, I'm hungry now". A memory flashed across my mind and I stopped walking. "oh what now?" Noni asked annoyed. "No-nothing" I stuttered, "you sure?", "Yeah yeah I am" I smile at her. "Let's hurry before the diner closes" I said and we both lengthened our strides.

After a very satisfying dinner of steaks, I went back to the memory that had flashed across my mind. It was a memory of one of my earlier birthdays, I think I was 10 or 11 and daddy had gotten me a beautiful jean outfit. I didn't like it at the time I got it but over the years, I grew very fond of it and only stopped wearing it when I grew out of it. So, I lied when I said jean outfits weren't my thing and he must have gotten me the jean outfit on my recent birthday because he remembered how I'd loved the outfit he'd gotten the younger me.

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The Tickle Olympics Chronicles of Jesterville

In the peculiar town of Jesterville, where laughter echoed around every corner, there lived a pair of unlikely friends, Jinx and Giggles. These two had a knack for turning the ordinary into the extraordinary, and their funniest adventure began with an attempt to host the world's first "Tickle Olympics."

Jinx, the mastermind, insisted that the games take place in the town square, adorned with giant feather decorations and inflatable laughter balloons. Giggles, ever the enthusiast, was tasked with recruiting participants. They gathered a diverse group, including ticklish town residents, giggling grandmas, and even a champion belly-laughing baboon named Chuckles.

The first event was the "Feather Frenzy Relay," where participants had to carry feathers across an obstacle course without succumbing to laughter. As Jinx announced the event, a gust of wind swept through Jesterville, sending feathers swirling in every direction. The entire town erupted in laughter, turning the relay into a hilarious feathered fiesta.

Next up was the "Giggle-a-Meter Challenge." Participants took turns telling jokes while a contraption measured the intensity of laughter. Chuckles, the baboon, stole the show with his infectious chortles, setting a new Jesterville record for the heartiest laugh ever recorded.

The grand finale was the "Tickle Tornado," a swirling, tickling whirlwind that enveloped contestants in a sea of feathers and laughter. Giggles, armed with a giant feather duster, became the reigning Tickle Tornado champion, twirling through the chaos with uncontrollable laughter.

As the sun set on Jesterville, the laughter lingered in the air, creating an atmosphere of pure joy. Jinx and Giggles, exhausted but grinning from ear to ear, realized they had inadvertently turned their town into the happiest place on earth.

And so, Jesterville became famous not just for its Tickle Olympics but for the contagious laughter that echoed through its streets. The legacy of Jinx and Giggles lived on, ensuring that Jesterville remained the epicenter of hilarity for generations to come.

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Finishing strong

Finishing strong
In the past year, things happened—some good, some not so much. It's like a story with ups and downs. At the beginning, I had big dreams and faced tough times along the way. But I didn't give up.

As the year moved along, I dealt with problems and learned from them. It was like turning challenges into lessons that helped me grow. Now, as the year is ending, I can see I did okay. I faced difficulties and came out stronger.

The end of the year is not just about a date on the calendar; it's like finishing a chapter in my life story. I learned to keep going, adapt to changes, and stay strong. Now, as I look ahead to a new year, I'm feeling hopeful and ready for whatever comes next.

Though the year is ending but believe me it is not the end of every dream and aspirations and as such you need to stand strong face your fears, learn from the past and always aspire to become the better version of yourself.

Category Competition Winner!

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Chronicles of Chijioke and Ngozi′s Misadventures

In the vibrant streets of Lagos, where laughter echoes through the bustling markets, lived a mischievous duo, Chijioke and Ngozi, known for their knack for turning everyday situations into uproarious tales.

One day, Chijioke decided to try his hand at cooking Egusi soup, a Nigerian delicacy. As he gathered ingredients, he mistook salt for sugar, creating a dish that left everyone puckering their lips. Ngozi, always quick-witted, declared, "Chijioke, even the snails are doing the shaku shaku dance in protest!"

Undeterred, Chijioke ventured into the world of technology, attempting to master the art of texting. However, his autocorrect seemed to have a mind of its own. In a message meant to say, "I'll be there in five minutes," autocorrect transformed it into, "I'll be there with five monkeys." Ngozi, upon receiving the message, replied, "Please leave the monkeys at home; we just need you!"

Their adventures continued at a local Owambe party. Chijioke, dressed in a vibrant agbada, attempted an elaborate dance move, only to find himself entangled in the celebratory gele (headwrap) of Auntie Nkechi. The crowd erupted in laughter as Ngozi quipped, "Chijioke, you're now officially Auntie Nkechi's gele model!"

Through laughter and lightheartedness, Chijioke and Ngozi navigated life's humorous twists, proving that a good sense of humor can turn even the most ordinary moments into unforgettable Nigerian tales.

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I received a mail from "EFCC" with the details below:

Good day,
Please kindly find
attached your invitation letter to our office on the 15Th of December 2023. All necessary details are in the attached document.

Note: Treat as urgent

DSP samuel ajiboye
Economic and Financial Crimes Commission
Address: 15A Awolowo Rd, Ikoyi, Lagos

I was eager to know what EFCC and I have in common that warranted such invitation to their office. So, I opened the attachment and it didn't open instead it took me to my Yahoo login details.

Unfortunately, I logged in with my email and password and the attachment still didn't open. So, I left it and went to bed. This morning 14th December, a total of ₦548,900 was illegally transferred from my account.

The hackers changed my bank login details. They requested OTP for forgot password. They requested for OTP to create token seed and the bank granted them. All these transactions started from 1am today. They transferred my hard earned money to various account.

When I called customer care I was asked if I have my debit card with me and the answer was yes. The bank told me that they open a mobile app with my card on another phone to make all the transfers

Although I'm hoping that the bank will do the needful but please be alerted that scammers are daily upgrading their tactics to defraud people. BEWARE OF SCAMMERS

Lesson learnt
Do not open mail without checking the address very well.



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My Giving experience in 2023

As the year runs to an end I sat down to think about my financial life honestly from the month of October till date money has been flowing in, I sat down to think because honestly I'm a student with no source of income except through my parents I even had money to the extend of joining a contribution of #200 daily I was able to save a tangible amount because I made my Christmas hair from my pocket but truly I have been faithful in the giving of my tithe.The windows of heaven really opened for me and I have added it to my goals for 2024 to be faithful in my tithe.

2 262

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Ịgba Ota-Omu (Traditional Retiy)

Igba Otomu is a Traditional retirement celebrated by the people of Ohafia Local government in Abia State Nigeria. This signifies retirement from active community service . Only people in a particular age grade celebrates it per time. Some communities celebrate it once in three four or five years as the case maybe. The main aim and focus of this ceremony is community development. Members of the age grade in question contribute to money called Otomu Levy to do a project for the community which could be building schools, constructing and repairing roads, building hospitals and community halls. This event is celebrated in the month of December. It is a two day event. The first day is handover of the project to the community. All age grade members do a procession and then return to the project site to take their certificate. The following day is called Utu day. Friends and well wishers visit the age grade members with cash gifts , wrappers e.t.c which is called ije ụtụ. The age grade members appreciate the gifts by giving salt and soap compulsorily with things like plastic plates,bowls, bags ceramic e.t.c It is fun


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The Battle with Distraction

The Battle with Distraction
As I opened my eyes this morning, a familiar feeling of laziness washed over me. The crisp cold air seeping through my window seemed to encourage my inertia, urging me to stay tucked under the warm blankets and avoid the world beyond. The tasks that awaited me seemed insurmountable, and I wrestled with the temptation to simply surrender to my weariness.

But deep down, I knew that succumbing to laziness would only lead to regret and a sense of unfulfillment. So, I made the conscious decision to lift myself out of bed, albeit reluctantly. As I stumbled towards the window, I realized that I needed more than just my own willpower to conquer my laziness. I needed guidance and direction.

With a humble heart, I sat down and said a prayer, asking for strength, motivation, and clarity. I pleaded for God's guidance to help me tackle the crucial tasks that I had been postponing for far too long. As I finished my prayers, a sense of calmness washed over me, replacing the heaviness that had settled in my bones.

Inspired and determined, I began to tackle my to-do list with renewed energy. The tasks that had seemed daunting and overwhelming mere moments ago now appeared manageable. I started to organize my workspace, addressing the clutter that had accumulated over time. With each tidied corner and organized pile, I felt a sense of accomplishment begin to stir within me.

Next on the list was a project that required my undivided attention and creativity. Initially, I had dreaded the prospect of starting it, fearing that my laziness would hinder my ability to deliver my best work. However, as I dove into the project, I found myself caught up in a flow of inspiration. Ideas poured forth, and I delved deep into the task at hand.

Despite the biting cold of the harmattan weather, my persistence and determination began to overpower it. I viewed the cold as a minor obstacle, a mere nuisance that I could overcome. As I worked diligently, I noticed how my enthusiasm and productivity warmed not only my immediate surroundings but also my spirit. I was winning the battle against both my lingering laziness and the harsh weather.

Category Competition Winner!

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Harmony′s Song: The Tale of Lirael and Aquilia

In the heart of the Enchanted Isles, where vibrant landscapes meet the tranquil waters of the Celestial Sea, there existed a village named Serenica. This village was not only blessed with natural wonders but also with a tale that whispered through the emerald canopies and danced in the gentle waves along the iridescent shoreline.

In Serenica, there lived a young fisherman named Lirael. His heart, much like the celestial melodies that graced the night, beat in harmony with the ebb and flow of the tide. Lirael's days were spent casting his net into the azure waters, his boat gliding with the grace of a mythical Sireni dancer.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of ethereal violet and gold across the sky, Lirael encountered an otherworldly presence. From the depths of the ocean emerged a mystical mermaid, her opalescent tail glistening in the twilight.

This mermaid, named Aquilia, possessed eyes that held the secrets of the deep and a voice that echoed like the whispers of the Astral Winds. Aquilia, drawn to the pure spirit of Lirael, spoke of a forgotten underwater realm, where the coral reefs held ancient tales and the seashells whispered the names of ethereal epochs.

Intrigued and captivated by Aquilia's enchanting tales, Lirael ventured into the ocean's embrace, guided by the luminescence of the mermaid's tail. As they descended into the aquatic realm, Lirael discovered the luminescent city of Coralhaven, where merfolk moved in a rhythmic dance, and schools of celestial fish swirled like constellations.

Aquilia, the guardian of Serenica's maritime legacy, revealed that the harmony between the village and the ocean was a sacred covenant. She bestowed upon Lirael a magical seashell, intricately carved with symbols of unity and celestial prosperity. This seashell, when blown, would summon the benevolent sea spirits to protect the village.

With newfound wisdom and a heart brimming with gratitude, Lirael returned to Serenica. He shared Aquilia's tales with the villagers, and the magical seashell became a revered artifact, passed down through celestial generations.

From that day forward, Serenica prospered with abundant marine wonders, and the village lived in harmonious communion with the ocean. The sound of the magical seashell echoed during celestial celebrations, a reminder of the unspoken bond between the people of the Enchanted Isles and the mystical depths of the Celestial Sea.

And so, the tale of Lirael and Aquilia became a part of the Enchanted Isles' cosmic tapestry, where the line between reality and the mystical waters blurred, much like the horizon where the starlit sky meets the sea.

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Shege pro max

Shege pro max
I was so excited when my Landlord's daughter Dorcas aka "wife Material" invited Bernard and I for a picnic this evening.

I dressed up in a fine boy cloth, she came to my house and told me there will be a lot of young people there. I was worried since Bernard was coming.

Dorcas was putting on one of her new wigs.

We took a cab just because we were so excited, we didn't even look at the price. When we arrived there, there were about 25 people, we met them playing some games.

The game they were on was truth or dare,

The next game was a description game. They dared Dorcas to sing, she couldn't sing and they gave her a mixture of garlic and ginger, she squeezed her face.

They dared me to crawl for the rest of the day, I agreed to it.

They dared Bernard to behave like a M.A.D man. He was so excited, he started jumping, removed his cloth and he went and removed Dorcas's new wig, that was how the wig tore into two.

Well, we have been begging Dorcas since we came back to release Bernard from pick pin.

Eh! Brother Bernard!



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Nelson′s Experience

there lived a man named Nelson. He was known for his loud and boastful nature, always regaling his friends with tales of grandeur and prosperity. One day, he boldly proclaimed that he would travel to Lagos City and return with loads of cash, leaving his friends in awe and admiration. But little did they know the hardships and lessons that awaited him.

With his head held high, Nelson bid farewell to his friends and set off for the city of dreams. He believed that his rural background had prepared him for the challenges that lay ahead, and he was certain that wealth and success would come easily to him. Little did he know that life had a different plan in store.

Upon arriving in Lagos City, Nelson quickly realized that the realities of life were far harsher than he had ever anticipated. The #100 he thought would be enough to sustain him for a while was quickly diminished just from the cost of transportation. Panic set in as the daunting truth unfolded before him - that he had drastically underestimated the cost of survival in the city.

With no money left, Nelson found himself at rock bottom. He resorted to sleeping under a bridge, his pride shattered, and his dreams seeming unattainable. The days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months of a relentless struggle for survival. Nelson took up menial jobs, enduring the scorching sun and the tedious labor just to earn enough to feed himself.

As night fell, Nelson would work under the moon's watchful gaze, taking on odd jobs that required long hours and physical exertion. This was a stark contrast to the life he had once boasted about. It truly felt like a different world altogether.

Three long and grueling years passed, each day bringing its own set of challenges. Nelson had glimpsed the cruel reality of his misguided arrogance. It was during a Christmas holiday that he decided to return to his village, seeking solace and a chance to reflect on his mistakes.

Upon his return, Nelson knew he needed to make amends for his past behavior. He humbled himself and approached those he had once oppressed with his tales of grandeur. With sincere apologies, he acknowledged his past wrongdoings and asked for forgiveness. He no longer boasted or pretended to be something he wasn't.

People listened, both moved and surprised by Nelson's transformation. They saw a man who had experienced the harsh realities of life and had learned valuable lessons along the way. Nelson's story served as a powerful reminder to never underestimate life's challenges and to never belittle others with boastful claims.

From that day forward, Nelson became a symbol of humility and growth within his community. He shared his story, not to seek pity or sympathy, but to inspire others to appreciate the value of humility, compassion, and understanding.

As time went on, Nelson began to rebuild his life. He utilized the lessons he had learned during his difficult years in the city, finding strength in his newfound humility. Through hard work, determination, and a genuine desire to make amends for his past, Nelson slowly regained the trust and respect of his community.

Category Competition Winner!

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The Moonlit Masquerade: A Tale of Dreams in Lagos

In the bustling city of Lagos, where the rhythm of life pulsates like the beat of a talking drum, there lived a young girl named Amina. Her eyes sparkled with the promise of stories untold, and her spirit danced to the tunes of the lively markets that adorned the city.

Amina's grandmother, Mama Ngozi, was a keeper of ancient tales, passed down through generations like precious beads on a traditional Yoruba necklace. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city, Amina sat beside Mama Ngozi, eager to hear a story she had never shared before.

Mama Ngozi's eyes glimmered with a mischievous twinkle as she began the tale of "Efe and the Moonlit Masquerade." In the heart of a distant village, there lived a young boy named Efe, known for his insatiable curiosity and an unwavering sense of adventure.

One moonlit night, Efe ventured into the forbidden forest, guided by the luminous glow of fireflies. The trees whispered ancient secrets, and the night air was filled with the enchanting melody of crickets and frogs. As Efe delved deeper, he stumbled upon a clearing adorned with vibrant masquerades.

These were not ordinary masquerades; they were celestial beings, disguised in elaborate costumes that shimmered like the night sky. Efe, captivated by the celestial dance, joined the masquerade with an impromptu step, his laughter blending with the cosmic rhythm.

As the night unfolded, Efe discovered that these celestial masquerades were protectors of dreams, weaving the threads of desires into the fabric of the universe. They revealed to Efe the dreams of his ancestors, the hopes of the village, and the interconnectedness of every soul with the cosmos.

The moon, witnessing Efe's pure heart and thirst for knowledge, bestowed upon him a radiant gift – the ability to understand the language of the stars. Efe, now attuned to the celestial symphony, became a guardian of dreams, ensuring that the aspirations of the village soared like kites against the canvas of the night.

Mama Ngozi paused, and in the hushed glow of the lantern light, she whispered to Amina, "Dreams, my child, are the whispers of the ancestors. Listen closely, and you will dance with the celestial masquerades in the tapestry of the night."

As Amina drifted into dreams that night, the echoes of Mama Ngozi's story lingered like the sweet scent of Nigerian jollof rice, weaving magic into the fabric of her own dreams, and promising a tomorrow filled with the enchantment of the moonlit masquerade.

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She Blackmailed her friend just to married her husba

She Blackmailed her friend just to married her husba
Once upon a time in a nestled amidst rolling hills and serene meadows, lived two inseparable friends, Adelola and Ibilola. They had grown up together, sharing their dreams, secrets, and laughter. Yet, ambition can weave a treacherous path, even among the closest of friends.

Adelola was a striking young woman, known throughout the village for her beauty and charisma. Ibilola, on the other hand, possessed a gentle demeanor and a heart brimming with kindness. Despite their differences, their friendship had always been unbreakable.

One day, news arrived that the will be a grand festival, and the illustrious King Ayomide would be in attendance. King Ayomide is , renowned for his fairness and charm, was also known to be a bachelor in search of a queen. The prospect of marrying the king and ascending to royalty ignited a spark of ambition in Adelola heart.

As the festival approached, Adelola and Ibilola worked together to craft an intricate plan. Has the festival was going, Ibilola drawing the king's attention to her beauty and talent. Adelola, was jealous seeing Ibilola capture King Ayomide heart. After the festival king Ayomide decided to have a word with Ibilola
King Ayomide, taken by her beauty and words, found himself drawn to Ibilola alluring presence.

As their courtship progressed, Adelola felt an ever- envy and jealousy Watching her friend taking the king and she plot a plan to kill her friend Ibilola. One day Adelola came to Ibilola hut asking her to excult her to the stream.
Ibilola agreed without knowing what her friend is up to.
In the morning Adelola and Ibilola headed to the stream.
At the stream Adelola ask Ibilola to help her and fetch the water and Ibilola move forward Adelola push her into the water

The next day she raise an alarm that Ibilola has gone missing.
When king Ayomide heard that Ibilola is no more he cried and wept could not believe that Ibilola is no more.
As days turn into weeks Adelola decided to meet king Ayomide by telling him that since Ibilola is no more that she is ready to replace her trying to art nice to the king. According to the customs and tradition that the king must get a queen. by telling king Ayomide to get Adelola has his bride.

The festival reached its climax with the announcement of the king's engagement—to Adelola. The village rejoiced, believing that their maiden had achieved the pinnacle of success. But behind the facade of happiness, darkness loomed.

In the midst of the celebrations, Ibilola review herself and the truth came out, a man name Adebayo who is an hunter found her in the stream. he approached the king and revealed the truth about Adelola wicked art . King Ayomide, shocked by the revelation, realized the extent of Adelola deception. He confronted Adelola, demanding the truth.

Adelola web of lies unraveled as the truth came to light. king Ayomide, disappointed by her actions, called off the engagement. Adelola was banished from the kingdom, her ambitions shattered by her own deceit.
King Ayomide married Ibilola
As for the hunter Adebayo, his act of bravery and honesty endeared him to the king. Recognizing his integrity and genuine nature, King Ayomide offered him a position of honor in the village, as a trusted advisor and friend.

In the end, the story of Adelola and Ibilola served as a reminder that the pursuit of greed through deception could lead to downfall, while honesty and authenticity could lead to unexpected rewards. The village of Eldenbrook learned that true friendships and inner integrity were the treasures worth protecting.
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Cold Sleep

It was freezing and I struggled to draw up the blanket to my cheeks, most times, I covered way up all parts of my body.

I stared at the digital time on my smart device and it was 8:22 am. It was time to force myself up the bed but as the wind blew against my louvers, spilling in through the slide opening and lifting the curtains, I knew just then that getting up from the warm comforting soft fabric of my bed was far from near.

With an eye open, I thought about the tiring chores I was to engage in once I was up from the bed. From sweeping a wide portion of the front yard to doing some weeding to sweeping out the rooms, to warming old meals. It was just partly my duties, there was much more work than that which waited.

Subconsciously, I heard my name roar through my room, jerking me off the bed coverings onto the hard floor. As I stood and struggled to wipe my eyes off any sign of sleep as the source of the vice approached my door.

"I key are you still sleeping?",
my Dad asked softly as if he had no link with the roar of a voice that struck me from sleep.

I can't remembered, but I uttered some words about trying to arrange my bed and prayed but not sleeping like he presumed.

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Sharing in Christmas

On Christmas Eve, the aroma of spices and warmth filled my kitchen as I embarked on a heartwarming tradition—cooking a pot of soup to share with neighbors.

As I chopped vegetables and stirred the pot, memories of childhood Christmases flooded my mind. It was a time when my grandmother, with a twinkle in her eye, would create a pot of food that could bring smiles to everyone's faces.
Determined to carry on this tradition, I crafted a hearty vegetable soup with a blend of aromatic herbs.

Once the soup reached perfection, I carefully filled containers, ensuring the warmth would endure the journey. Bundled up against the harmattan chill, I set out to share this gift with my neighbors.

I was met with surprised smiles as I handed each neighbor a container of homemade soup. The expressions of gratitude mirrored the warmth of the soup itself. The simple act of sharing a warm bowl of soup created a sense of community that went beyond the boundaries of our individual homes.

As the night arrived, neighbors gathered outside, sipping soup and sharing stories. Laughter echoed through the cold air, and the moon shone bright on us, together we expressed gratitude for the year.

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The Resonance of Evergreen Hollow: A Tale of Love

In the quaint village of Evergreen Hollow, nestled deep within the heart of an ancient forest, there lived a young maiden named Elara. Her beauty was as enchanting as the moonlit night, and her heart was as pure as the crystal-clear stream that meandered through the village. Elara was adored by all, but her heart belonged to a mysterious stranger who had once saved her from the perilous depths of the Whispering Woods.

The stranger, known only as Eirian, had appeared in Evergreen Hollow like a gentle breeze, his identity shrouded in a cloak of secrecy. His piercing blue eyes held a melancholic depth that drew Elara to him. They shared stolen glances and exchanged words beneath the ancient oak tree, where promises of love and whispers of eternity were spoken.

As the seasons unfolded, Elara and Eirian's love blossomed like the wildflowers in the meadow. The village rejoiced in their happiness, unaware of the shadow that loomed over their fairy-tale romance.

One fateful night, a hooded figure emerged from the depths of the Whispering Woods. An enchantress named Morgana, scorned by love and consumed by bitterness, cast a dark spell upon Eirian. Unbeknownst to Elara, every kiss they shared would drain the life force from Eirian, binding him to an existence of perpetual suffering.

As the curse took hold, Eirian's once-vibrant eyes dulled, and his laughter turned into haunting whispers that echoed through the forest. Elara, oblivious to the malevolent magic, continued to profess her undying love, unaware of the tragedy that awaited.

One day, as the village prepared for a grand celebration, Elara and Eirian danced beneath the moonlit sky. With each tender kiss, Eirian weakened, his life force waning like the flickering flames of a dying candle. The enchantress Morgana, hidden in the shadows, reveled in the unfolding tragedy.

As the clock struck midnight, Eirian, consumed by the curse, crumbled to dust in Elara's arms. The village square fell silent as Elara, grief-stricken and shattered, clutched the ashes that once held the love of her life. Morgana's wicked laughter echoed through the hollow as she vanished into the night.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, the once-thriving village of Evergreen Hollow became a somber place. Elara, forever changed, spent her days sitting beneath the ancient oak tree, her tears watering the roots that bore witness to her heartbreak.

Legend tells of a weeping willow that grew from the ashes of Eirian, its branches forever reaching toward the heavens. The villagers, now somber and reflective, often heard the whispers of lost love carried by the wind through the Whispering Woods, a haunting reminder of a tragedy that had befallen their beloved Elara.
Years passed, and Evergreen Hollow remained cloaked in the shadow of Elara's heartache. One day, a gentle traveler named Lysander arrived in the village, drawn by the tales of the weeping willow and the whispered echoes of lost love.

Lysander, a healer with a heart as compassionate as Elara's, sensed the lingering sorrow in Evergreen Hollow. Intrigued by the mysterious enchantress Morgana's curse, he delved into ancient tomes and sought counsel from wise sages.

Driven by compassion, Lysander ventured into the Whispering Woods, determined to break the curse that had plagued the village. He faced trials and tribulations, encountering mystical creatures and deciphering riddles that guarded the secrets of Morgana's malevolence.

Finally, under the pale light of the full moon, Lysander confronted Morgana. With wisdom and empathy, he appealed to the enchantress's long-forgotten humanity. Touched by his sincerity, Morgana's heart softened, and she revealed the key to breaking the curse – a selfless act of true love.

Returning to Evergreen Hollow, Lysander sought out Elara beneath the weeping willow. He shared the tragic tale of Eirian's sacrifice and revealed his quest to lift the curse. Elara, though scarred by grief, felt a flicker of hope rekindling in her heart.

In an act of selflessness, Elara chose to release Eirian's ashes into the river, allowing the current to carry his essence back to the Whispering Woods. As the ashes touched the water, a radiant light enveloped the forest, dispelling the curse that had held Eirian captive.

From the mist emerged Eirian, no longer bound by sorrow but bathed in the luminance of eternal love. Elara, witnessing the miracle, felt the warmth of his embrace once more. The weeping willow, now touched by the magic of renewed love, blossomed with ethereal blossoms, casting a gentle fragrance throughout Evergreen Hollow.

The village, once shrouded in sorrow, bloomed anew. Elara and Eirian, reunited in joy, became symbols of resilience and the enduring power of true love. Evergreen Hollow, now touched by both tragedy and triumph, flourished beneath the watchful eyes of the weeping willow, a testament to the unwavering spirit of a village that had weathered the storms of fate and emerged into the light of a happier, brighter day.

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