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The leaking basket

In a small village, there was a wise old woman named Esi. One day, a young boy approached her and asked, "What is the secret to a happy life?"

Esi handed the boy an empty basket and said, "Go to the river, fill this basket with water, and bring it back."

Perplexed, the boy followed her instructions. But as he reached the river, the water leaked from the basket, leaving it empty. He returned to Esi, disappointed.

The wise woman smiled and said, "Life is like this basket. It's imperfect, and sometimes, our efforts may seem in vain. But the lesson is not in avoiding leaks; it's in appreciating the journey, even with imperfections."

The boy understood that happiness comes from embracing life's imperfections and finding joy in the journey. And so, in the quiet village, the tale of the leaking basket carried a profound lesson about the beauty of embracing life's flaws and finding happiness along the way.

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I bumped into Rose, my best friend from secondary school, on a busy street after three years. It was a total surprise! Luckily, I had some time, so we decided to grab a bite at a nearby eatery. While we ate, we chatted about life, school memories, and caught up on everything that happened since graduation. It felt like we hadn't missed a beat.

Sitting in that cozy corner, plates of food in front of us, we talked about the ups and downs of post-grad life. The place became an atmosphere for reconnecting, and our laughter filled the air. It was like we were back in secondary school, sharing stories and dreams. The joy of seeing an old friend made the whole day special.

A lot had changed about her and she made same comments about me. The once rough and stubborn Rose had become gentle as a dove, carrying herself with every sense of decency — maybe she finally learnt the right way to embrace womanhood. I remembered she loved acting like a musician back in school, "How many albums so far?" I chipped in-between crunches of food hoping she would get the joke, she paused and bursted into laughter, "I'm studying law now, I don't want to be a DJ anymore please." We couldn't help but continue to fill the air with laughter with every hilarious memory we could remember until there was no strength left for laughing.

As we finished our meal, we exchanged numbers, promising not to let so much time pass before talking again. With a warm hug and a wave goodbye, we headed our separate ways. Watching Rose disappear into the crowd, I felt grateful for the unexpected reunion. Life is funny that way, bringing people back into your world when you least expect it.

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Pension or not

Good morning.
Have you ever asked yourself the question, "why do we work"?
Some will say they work in order to avoid hunger. Some will say they work in order not to just stay idle at home. Some will say they work in order to fit into the society.
There are several other reasons why we work.

Until you start to ask questions about your building towards the future, then you are on the right path.
Have you ever asked yourself, "When a man is too old to work," what is my plan towards that phase?

You can't work forever, so now that you are still much younger, I hope you are working towards that stage and not just working to eat and survive the present moment or economy?

That job you are currently engaged in, is it a temporary or permanent solution? You should be able to identify a permanent solution or a temporarily solution and not confuse them.

I am trying to find a permanent solution and sacrificing my convinience at this stage. I hope I find it soon: a permanent solution to my human needs and questions. Because when I am too old to work, I hope I have something better than a pension.

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Emma the stubborn head

Emma the stubborn head
Once upon a time in a small town, there was a boy named Emma. Emma was known for his stubborn and curious nature. He always had to stick his nose into everyone else's business, much to the annoyance of his friends and family. One day, Emma's curiosity got the best of him.

As usual, Emma was snooping around where he shouldn't have been, poking his head into a neighbor's fence, trying to see what was going on. Little did he know that his overly large head would get him into trouble. Suddenly, his head slipped through the narrow gap between two louvres, and try as he might, he couldn't pull it out. He was well and truly stuck!

His panicked cries echoed through the neighborhood, drawing the attention of everyone within earshot. His family rushed to the scene and tried everything they could think of to free him, but Emma's head was wedged in tight.

Finally, they had to call the fire department. When the firefighters arrived, they struggled to keep a straight face at the sight of Emma with his head stuck in the fence. They tried to reassure him as he cried and wailed, but it was hard to contain their laughter.

After much effort and a lot of pushing and pulling, they finally managed to free Emma from his embarrassing predicament. As he sobbed with relief, Emma realized the seriousness of his actions. His stubbornness and nosy behavior had gotten him into a ridiculous and humiliating situation.

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Leave me alone! Leave my mom, let her go haaaaaaaaaa!

Jackie sprang up from her terrifying dream, its same nightmare as usual, she watched her mom been beaten by the vampires and her only sister~
" yes the vampires, they do exist* I can remember always arguing with Jack that vampires never exist always laughs at her jokes until it happened right before my eyes ✍

Oh sorry guys, a proper introduction will do 😉

My name is Jackie Robinson, will be 18years old pretty soon, I have a twin sister named Jack and we are more like cat and dogs,
we never agreed in one thing, we do most of our things together except playing the guitar, it's so boring but Jack finds peace in it, and my Mom Selena? pufff !! she's always pissing me off but trust me she was the best thing that has ever happened to me, I missed her alot.

Ever since the vampires attack 10years ago? I didn't know there where about, the vampires beat them right before my eyes they passed out right before me but according to my Aunty Rose, we can't be turned by them, we are vampire hunters"

the Robinson's blood is the vampires antidote so they can't be turned into vampires but haven't seen them ever since then, I don't know what Jack will look like now, did she change her hair color to her favorite blonde? Did she quite music and playing guitar?

That I don't know, 'our birthday is coming up but as usual I won't celebrate it, I haven't celebrated my birthday without my sister, I haven't done that for the past 10years either ✍️ and.....

Jackie!!~ Its time for breakfast".. Oh right coming “~

That's my niece Emma♡ always a pain in the a** but we good,

Its another day to kick some vampires butt
“its one of the things I enjoy doing ever since Mom and jack disappeared, who knows I might find them one day, yeah just one day,
then maybe I will finally wake up from this nightmares

Ooohfff! Haaaf! Haaa”
~ It's a distance groans,


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Unavailing Nok, W′Africa′s 1st Complex Civilization

Unavailing Nok, W′Africa′s 1st Complex Civilization

Hidden beneath the savannas of modern-day Nigeria, whispers of a long-forgotten civilization echo in the form of baked clay. This is the Nok, the enigmatic first complex society of West Africa, whose legacy still speaks volumes despite their silence. Emerging around 1500 BCE, the Nok thrived for centuries, leaving behind a captivating narrative crafted not in words, but in fire-kissed terracotta.

Our understanding of the Nok is gleaned from fragmented pieces - their signature terracotta sculptures, unearthed by chance in 1928. These silent sentinels, depicting stylized human figures and animals with elliptical eyes and elaborate hairstyles, offer tantalizing glimpses into their lives. Farmers of millet and sorghum, skilled ironworkers, and creators of complex societies, the Nok were far more than just artistic pioneers.

Their terracotta masterpieces, found across an expanse stretching hundreds of miles, hint at a sophisticated social structure. From musicians and dignitaries to hunters and pregnant women, the Nok captured a vibrant tapestry of humanity in clay. Some scholars believe these figures played a central role in elaborate funerary rituals, whispering secrets of the afterlife into the baked earth.

Yet, much remains shrouded in mystery. The origin of the Nok, their language, and even their name are lost to time. Were they the first architects of ironworking in West Africa? Did they trade their precious sculptures across vast distances? Did they succumb to internal strife or succumb to external forces? These are questions that continue to tantalize archaeologists and historians, fueling the allure of the enigmatic Nok.

Though their empire faded by the 2nd century CE, the echoes of their impact resonate throughout West Africa. The Nok laid the foundation for subsequent complex societies, proving that innovation and social sophistication thrived far earlier than previously thought. Their terracotta whispers have ignited a deeper understanding of the continent's rich and multifaceted past, reminding us that history holds countless untold stories waiting to be unearthed.

So, the next time you encounter a Nok artifact, whether in a museum display case or a dusty museum archive, remember, it's not just a piece of clay. It's a whisper from a long-lost civilization, a testament to the enduring legacy of the Nok, West Africa's ancient masters.

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“Don′t Call It A Dream, Call It A Plan.“

“Don′t Call It A Dream, Call It A Plan.“
Queens echoed with boomboxes spitting beats, a rhythm young James danced to before he was even Cool J. At 14, rhyme-infused fury poured from his boombox, christening him "Ladies Love Cool James." Def Jam, a fledgling label, heard the heat, the swagger, the soul, and in 1985, "Radio" blasted forth.

Millions bopped to "I Need a Beat," LL's voice a force, rhymes sharp as diamonds. He rapped the streets, the struggles, the dreams, but also love, vulnerability, a softer side unseen before. He defied expectations, a mic-wielding knight breaking boundaries.

Years spun by, albums dropped like platinum bombs: "Walking With a Panther," "Mama Said Knock You Out," each a genre-bending masterpiece. He ruled charts, won Grammys, his rhymes echoing from Grammys to Hollywood blockbusters.

But through it all, James, the boy from Bay Shore, remained. He built schools, mentored kids, reminding them, "Don't call it a dream, call it a plan." Today, on his 56th birthday, the beats may be softer, the hair a touch grayer, but LL Cool J, the legend, still burns bright. His mic may be a microphone or a megaphone for good, but the message is the same: love, hustle, and never underestimate the power of a beat. Happy birthday, James. Keep rockin' the world.


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Some important uses of charcoal

Does your shoe smell bad? Just buy charcoal and put it in it.


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How I was freed

The first day I going back to school. I got admission to college in the year 1994. It happened, it was in another state. I was going on a friend's uncle's hospital Mitsubishi ambulance because my friends unle is a medical Doctor. On Geting to the last two towns boundary bus engine went of and it was getting late as well. A made came out from a bush nearby asked us who we are of which he was told I am a student going back to school. He left without words. After some minute, many men started coming out of the bush, as I can here the sound of many dried leaves because it was hamartan. They were all armed with guns,marchers,bows and so on. The terror was written all over my face they were up to hundred or more heading towards me. When they came, surrounded the means the vehicle, their leader asked who am I? The driver answers, that I am junior student one going to boarding the first time. Their claims follows, "you people are liers, you were simple sent as usual by the other village to kill our villagers as we are in war with them", they claimed. They said that as the war rages the opposition village will hire killers pay them, all they do is come in the middle of the bush stop the bus, when asked someone the answer that the vehicle is spoilt. Once they come out in mass they will open on then and all of them to the last person, then start the (bus) vehicle and drive off. By now I was breathing hard, bathed in sweat and almost shivering. We I finally freed after this long long engaging emotional and psychological war between me and this men. I told to search the vehicle and see for themselves college school student provisions, classroom locker, dornirtory or hostel cupboard. When they are done searching, "!they freed me"!.


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How fast is Slow?

Abel had grown up believing that the slowest animal on earth was the tortoise. It was what his teacher had always said, and all the students in school accepted it as a fact. But things took an unexpected turn during the last Christmas celebration.

During the festive period, Abel's family had decided to visit the local zoo. They spent the day wandering through the different enclosures, marveling at the diverse creatures from all corners of the globe. Abel was fascinated by the unique traits of each animal and found himself taking note of their behaviors and distinctive features.

As he strolled through the zoo, his curiosity led him to the tortoise cage. The tortoise was quietly moseying about, seemingly unfazed by the presence of onlookers. However, something caught Abel's attention. As he observed the tortoise, it suddenly seemed to pick up its pace and darted towards its little dark pit at an unexpected speed.

Abel stood rooted to the spot, utterly amazed at the sight. The supposedly slowest animal on earth had just demonstrated an unexpected burst of speed. He couldn't believe his eyes. He kept watching, waiting for the tortoise to slow down, but it showed no signs of returning to its leisurely pace.

Excited and bewildered, Abel couldn't wait for school to resume so that he could share his newfound revelation with his classmates. This revelation had turned his understanding of the animal kingdom upside down and he was eager to share this astonishing information with everyone. He learned that sometimes, what we believe to be true may not always match up with reality, and he couldn't wait to impart this valuable lesson to his peers.

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Chijioke as a freshman

Chijioke as a freshman
In Nsukka, a lively town, Chijioke was getting ready for the new semester at the University of Nigeria. Excitement buzzed in the air as students returned to campus. Chijioke, a hardworking student, looked forward to his studies.

His friend among many others Ngozi, shared the excitement. They explored the university's winding paths, surrounded by jacaranda trees. In the lecture hall, you could hear Igbo names like Nkem, Obinna, and Chinyere – a mix of identities.

As they faced academic challenges, Chijioke and Ngozi found comfort in the rich Igbo culture around them. Igbo sayings filled the air, passing on wisdom from one generation to the next.

Throughout the semester, friendships grew, and the university felt alive with energy. Chijioke, guided by his values, tackled his studies with determination. The campus, in Enugu State, became a place of learning and cultural sharing.

As the sun set, Chijioke thought about the journey ahead. The new semester at the University of Nigeria wasn't just about classes; it was a celebration of identity, friendship, and the pursuit of knowledge within the embrace of Igbo heritage.

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Aliko Dangote, the titan of African industry, is back on top after a brief dethronement. Just days after Johann Rupert, the South African luxury king, snatched the Forbes Africa billionairish crown, Dangote has reclaimed his position with a $10 million surge in net worth, bringing him to a cool $10.1 billion.

This victory is as much about sweat as it is about cement. Dangote's empire, built on the foundation of Dangote Cement, remains a pillar of African infrastructure. It's a testament to his vision, resilience, and ability to navigate market fluctuations.

While Rupert's fortunes dipped due to a decline in the luxury goods sector, Dangote's diversified holdings, spanning cement, sugar, and even banking, provide a sturdy bedrock for his wealth. This agility and adaptability are key to his enduring success.

But the story isn't just about numbers. Dangote's rise represents a beacon of hope for many Africans. He's a self-made billionaire, proof that ambition and hard work can build empires even in challenging environments. His impact stretches beyond his own bank account, with his businesses employing thousands and his philanthropic efforts leaving a lasting positive mark.

While the competition at the top is fierce, Dangote's recent climb reminds us that success isn't a single sprint, but a continuous marathon. His return to the summit is a testament to his staying power, and a reminder that the path to the top is paved not just with gold, but also with grit and a vision for a better future.

So, raise a glass of locally-produced Dangote Sugar, and celebrate the king's return. Just remember, the real winners are not just the billionaires, but the millions whose lives are touched by their endeavors. And in that sense, this victory belongs to all of us.

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Aiden and the broken toys

Once in a bustling town, there lived a young boy named Aiden who had a peculiar talent – he could mend broken toys with a touch. The word spread, and soon, children from all around brought their cherished toys for Aiden to fix.

One day, a girl named Lily handed Aiden a broken music box, a family heirloom. Aiden carefully worked on it, mending the delicate gears with his magical touch. As he returned the now-repaired music box to Lily, he noticed tears in her eyes.

Curious, Aiden asked, "Why are you crying, Lily? Your music box is fixed."

Lily smiled through her tears and explained, "This music box belonged to my grandmother, who recently passed away. It holds a special melody that used to bring her immense joy. Today, you not only fixed the music box but mended a piece of my heart."

Aiden learned that day that his gift was not just about fixing toys but about healing hearts. The lesson he carried forward was profound – sometimes, the magic lies not just in what you do but in the impact it has on others.

And so, in the heartwarming tales of the town, Aiden became known not only as the Toy Mender but as the Bringer of Joy, teaching everyone that acts of kindness, no matter how small, have the power to heal and bring happiness to others.

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Your destiny is in your hands.

Your destiny is in your hands.
A drunk guy went to a native doctor and requested to know how bright his destiny will be.

The native doctor drew a circle with a white chalk and another circle with a black chalk. He placed a dead millipede on the floor and asked the guy to watch carefully. He said he would say some incantations to make the dead millipede to start crawling. He told the guy that if the millipede crawls into the white circle, it means his destiny will be bright but if it crawls into the black circle, it means his destiny will be dark.

He began making the incantations and the dead millipede started crawling. When it got in between the two circles, it turned and started crawling towards the black circle. The guy watched . As it was about to crawl into the black circle, the guy picked it and gently dropped it on the white circle. The native doctor got furious and asked why he did that. The guy replied that he won't fold his arms and watch his destiny crawl into darkness because HIS DESTINY IS IN HIS HANDS.

MORAL: Don't let anything discourage you and remove your destiny that is in your Hands. Act today, act now, act fast.


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For better for worst

For better for worst
A Guy who has no job got married to a banker, despite his fears and several advices that it's not good to marry without a job. Every month the girl would give the guy her full
salary of #80,000 after removing her tithe. The guy would give the wife #20.000 for personal upkeep and the guy determined what
happened to the remaining money.
This happened for 3 good years. There was
happiness in the family and the wife never refused to do her primary home duties for
that 3 years, despite wrong advice from friends that 'you can't be paying the bills and still be doing all the work'. There was a particular month the guy used about #50.000 to travel from region to region for different interviews. He finally got a job with a good firm. His salary was₦380,000 monthly for a start. He
bought his first car (a brand new) for 2.2million naira he gave the wife the car key,& continued to take public transport to work for about 3 years. Then he bought the 2nd car for 4million took the keys of the first car & gave his wife the keys of the 2nd new car. They eventually moved into their own house after few years. One day, the wife was looking for some documents. She stumbled on a file neatly hidden, when she opened it, she saw her
wedding picture when she was very slim in the first page of the file. She then saw that the document the purchase of the land and every other thing in the house were all written in her name! At the last page was the husband's wedding picture and a note written by him: ''MY WIFE IS ALL I HAVE GOT. NOT EVEN THIS HOUSE WORTH 100 million AT THE TIME I BUILT IS MINE’’.
Tears started to roll down her eyes. This couple got married in 1998. They are blessed with 3 children. True LOVE still exists till this day. Are you sure the love you have for your partner can be compared to this one you just read? No matter what remember you chose each other. It doesn't matter who puts food on the table or who pays the bills. Always know, NO CONDITION IS PERMANENT.

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The mysterious Cold

The mysterious Cold
I woke up today with a shiver, feeling the chill as if the harmattan season had just begun again or rather intensified after some break. I was puzzled by how the weather had intensified overnight. Just last week, the nights had been so unbearably hot that I couldn't sleep without a fan. I had to reluctantly switch it off when the power went out. I was even considering getting the air conditioner fixed (I no get air conditioner oo), that's how hot it was. But now, the cold was so severe that I thought I might be in for a bout of pneumonia.

I hurried to my wardrobe and pulled out the thickest coat I owned, bundling myself up in layers to protect against the biting cold. As I stepped outside, the air felt almost foreign, like a sharp slap to the face.

Later in the morning, I stumbled upon updates on Mindviewers, the community information platform, and found out that the unusual weather was the result of pollution, not a natural occurrence. It was disheartening to learn that something as transient as weather patterns was being influenced by the impact of human activity on the environment. It made me more aware of the importance of taking better care of our planet and the consequences of neglecting our responsibility to protect it.

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Debt′s Toll: A Graduate′s Ransom

Debt′s Toll: A Graduate′s Ransom
Tartenger clutched the worn acceptance letter, the paper crinkling under his sweaty palm. Finally, his bachelor's degree in Engineering awaited, just beyond the registrar's counter. But between him and that coveted parchment stood a wall of debt: unpaid tuition fees, a grim mountain grown over three years of struggle.

He'd juggled menial jobs, nights bleeding into bleary mornings, sleep a luxury traded for textbooks. Each cobbled naira felt like a chip at the granite edifice of his debt. Dates turned into coffee dates, friendships frayed around the edges of borrowed textbooks. Every laugh felt tinged with guilt, every triumph haunted by the phantom figure of his due.

Today, though, hope burned brighter than exhaustion. He'd scraped together the final chunk, a crumpled wad of bills held together by desperate prayer. Crossing the threshold into the bank on campus, he was met by the registrar's bored gaze. Tartenger laid down the money, watching the stack disappear with a bureaucratic sigh.

"Clearance received," the registrar droned at back at the academic complex, handing him a slim folder.

Fingers trembling, Tartenger unfolded the document. There, in stark black and white, was his name, his degree, and a bittersweet freedom. Relief, like a dam breaking, washed over him. He left the registrar's office a lighter man, the weight of debt replaced by the promise of a new beginning. The paper rustled in his hand, a testament not just to academic achievement, but to a debt paid, a ransom settled, and a graduate finally set free.

In God I trust!


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female banker kills her self in Lagos

A tragic incident unfolded in Ikorodu, Lagos State, where a female bank employee identified as Amarachi Ugochukwu took her own life inside the Staff Toilet room due to economic hardships.

The 32-year-old lady was said to have ingested a poisonous substance while in the bank’s restroom, leaving a note behind.

In the note, she expressed despair over her financial struggles, citing low figures and a pervasive sense of nothing working in her life. Additionally, she conveyed a bleak outlook for the future, attributing it to the increasing economic challenges.

Others at work started to look for her because her phone was ringing on her desk, and she wasn’t there to answer.

A police source confirmed that they later found Ugochukwu dead in the bathroom, along with a bottle of insecticide and her suicide note.

She wrote:

“Nothing is working in my life. My figures are low. My brain is clogged up. The economy is getting harder. My decisions are wrong. My mind is messed up. The future doesn’t seem bright at all. I see extreme hardship. I can’t bear the pain anymore.”

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As it came.

One must be gracious during bad times, because time takes no time to change.

Don't stop being alive.

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Kofi and the lantern

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a wise old woman named Nia. Nia possessed a magical lantern that had the power to illuminate the path ahead but only for those with a pure heart.

One day, a young man named Kofi approached Nia, seeking the lantern's guidance. Nia handed him the lantern, cautioning, "This light will guide you if your intentions are true."

Excitedly, Kofi set off on a journey, and the lantern glowed brightly, revealing a path through the dark forest. However, as Kofi walked deeper, he encountered a wounded bird. Despite the lantern's glow, Kofi ignored the suffering creature and continued on his way.

The lantern's light began to flicker.

Further along, Kofi found a bag of gold coins abandoned on the path. Greedily, he pocketed the coins without a second thought.

The lantern's glow dimmed.

Finally, Kofi reached a crossroads where a beggar sat shivering in the cold. Ignoring the lantern's fading light, Kofi walked past without offering any help.

The lantern's light extinguished.

Perplexed and lost in the darkness, Kofi returned to Nia, disappointed. The wise old woman explained, "The light of the lantern reflects the purity of your heart. Kindness, compassion, and selflessness keep it aglow. Greed, indifference, and cruelty snuff it out."

Kofi learned that the journey illuminated by a pure heart shines brighter than any lantern. And so, in the quiet village, the tale of the magical lantern taught the invaluable lesson that true guidance comes from a heart filled with compassion and kindness.

@grandmaster has received a total gift of 300 NGN on this; as TIPs from someone

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A Wise Woman

A Wise Woman
A wise woman builds herself and her Relationship...

A wise woman once said, Beauty attracts men but wisdom keeps them.
Elegance catches men’s attention but intelligence convinces them.
Nagging irritates men but constructive silence weakens them. The ‘boy’ in every man pumps out occasionally, the ability to handle this is a woman’s truest maturity.
Men have secret struggles and silent pains, should you ever find them out, you have exhibited the greatest maturity.

In the long-run,  your ‘words’ matters more to a man than your ‘looks’, so invest the right words. Earn a man’s respect and he will consider you the yard stick for all his action. Learn to mold the moods of your man. Men will naturally give you their future if they can recall your maturity in yesterday’s issues… Women are everywhere but real queens are scarce. Let the queen in you come alive and he will hold you in high esteem. Woman, Build your Relationship through Wisdom!📌❤

God Bless You ✌🙏❤

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