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Mindviewers Stories

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Wisdom of the old

Ade was a bright and curious child, always eager to explore the world around him. One day, while playing in the bustling market, he stumbled upon a mysterious old man sitting under the shade of a baobab tree.

The old man had a kind smile and twinkling eyes that seemed to hold a wealth of wisdom. Ade was drawn to him instantly, and they struck up a conversation. As they talked, Ade learned that the old man's name was Babatunde, and he was a storyteller who traveled from village to village sharing tales of Yoruba folklore.

Fascinated by Babatunde's stories, Ade begged him to share more. And so, under the golden light of the setting sun, Babatunde began to weave a magical tapestry of myths and legends, filled with gods and goddesses, spirits and monsters.

From that day on, Ade and Babatunde became fast friends. Every evening, Ade would rush to the market to listen to Babatunde's stories, enraptured by the richness of Yoruba culture and tradition. Through their friendship, Ade not only learned about his heritage but also discovered the power of storytelling to connect people across generations.

As the years passed, Ade grew into a young man, but his friendship with Babatunde remained as strong as ever. Together, they continued to share stories, laughter, and wisdom, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

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The Woman I Loved

The Woman I Loved
Tunde's heart was a canvas of love, painted with vibrant hues of devotion, and Tosi was the masterpiece that adorned its center. He loved her with every fiber of his being, every beat of his heart, and every whisper of his soul. When her life hung in the balance, like a delicate petal trembling in the breeze, Tunde gave her the most precious gift – his kidney. The surgery was a symphony of hope, a melody of life, and Tosi's smile bloomed like a sunrise, illuminating the world around her.

Tunde's love was a gentle brook that flowed effortlessly, nourishing Tosi's parched soul. He was the anchor that held her steady, the shelter that shielded her from life's tempests, and the warm embrace that soothed her fears. But like a fleeting dream, their love was short-lived. Barely two years after her operation, a healthier and wealthier suitor appeared on the scene, and Tosi's eyes wandered like a lost traveler in a foreign land. She forgot the sacrifices Tunde had made, the pain he had endured, and the love he had poured out like a libation.

Tunde's heart shattered like a mirror, reflecting the shards of his shattered dreams. His soul was a desolate landscape, ravaged by the storm of Tosi's abandonment. He felt like a tree that had been uprooted, leaving him exposed and vulnerable. The ache in his soul was a constant reminder of the transience of love and the cruelty of human hearts. He had given his all, only to be discarded like a worn-out shoe, left to gather dust in the corner of Tosi's memory.

Yet, even in the depths of his sorrow, Tunde's love remained pure and unwavering, a beacon of hope in the darkness. He prayed for Tosi's happiness, even as she walked away from him, leaving behind only the echoes of their love and the scar on his body that would forever remind him of the woman he loved. Tunde's story is a testament to the enduring power of true devotion, a reminder that even in the darkest depths of sorrow, the human spirit can find solace in the beauty of its own resilience.


Kindly read and tell me what you think. I like writing what people will like to read so suggestion or criticism will be appreciated

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The Devil is a Good Man After All

The Devil is a Good Man After All
In the sweltering streets of Ikorodu, a father's world crumbled beneath his feet as his talented musician son was brutally snatched away by the cold hand of death. The once vibrant melodies that filled their home were now replaced with haunting whispers of accusation. The community, quick to judge, pointed fingers at the grieving father, branding him a murderer. The weight of their scorn crushed his soul, as he struggled to come to terms with the loss of his child. The memories of their laughter, their late-night conversations, and their shared passion for music now taunted him like a cruel reminder of his supposed guilt.

But fate, in its mysterious ways, slowly unraveled the truth. The son's wife, once a picture of innocence and devotion, was revealed to be the mastermind behind the heinous crime. Her deceit and betrayal cut deeper than any knife, as it emerged that she had killed her husband to conceal the shameful secret that their only son was not his. Mentioning DNA around her was the greatest offense anyone would commit against her because that for her son would be the evidence her remaining few supporters need to desert her - and perhaps, completely clear the father's name. Even so, the scars of the ordeal would still linger, a constant reminder of the darkness that humanity is capable of.

Close relatives, the very few that still cared, wandered through the desolate landscape of their hearts. The must have realized that the devil isn't the one fingers are pointed at. It was not the horned creature of myth and legend, but the one who wore a mask of love and deceived them all. Where is the goodness in masked angels?

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The Hillston′s house.

18:05,- The clock strikes as I had just returned from a three miles walk to the outskirt of the
town. I trudge to the miserable inn I had procured for the last three days. You could tell that I
am tired from the weary look on my face that I wish I could have someone that would do
things for me at that very moment.
I laid my back on the hard bed with a squeaking sound emanating from the wood and lumpy
with sheets that are stained. My eyes surveyed the small room filled with dust, cobwebs in
the corners, and a musty smell in the air. The rooms here are not properly tidied after being
used. The window is small and old, and it seems like it is almost detached from the walls.
There is a small fan hanging from the ceiling and a small lightbulb covered with dust casting
a yellow sickly light.
I began to count the ceilings minutes passed after taking a long gaze at a wall gecko who
attached his claws to the wall facing me. My mind flashed back to the misty and cold
morning. I had earlier taken it upon myself to look out for an apartment on the outskirts of
Grandville. I hurriedly took my bath in a small bathroom littered with a lot of sponges and
sachets of soaps locked at the end of the spot where water flush out to the dug spot at the
back of the inn.
Having dressed for my adventure, I passed by a young girl in the passage putting out
candles that were light the previous night. She gave me a lustful smile as I walked down the
path, but I wasn't in for that. I could still feel a slight headache on the right side of my
forehead, it seems like I had received a punch from a pro boxer. Oh! Well, I took a lot of
shots of beer the night before and I could not remember how I managed to find my way back
to the room.
A light-skinned chauffeur was standing right behind his car. He looks so calm and one would
detect that he is a responsible man from his mode of dressing. He is tall and well dressed,
with a neat appearance. I waved at him- his car looks so neat that I would say it attracted me
and which prompted me to choose him among all, - and I moved closer to him. He wore a
warm smile on his face and this signals a sense of duty and responsibility.
'Taxi? ' I said.
'Yes, it is. ' it was the answer.
'I had just moved to this town and I have done myself the honor of lodging in an inn. I
intended to stay for a week or more before, but I am not comfortable with the atmosphere.
Do you know of any available apartments up for rent? ' I asked with a submissive voice.
'Grandville is my town, sir, ' he paused and took a glance at my face with a smile to ease me.
' I have been to almost all parts of the town, it would be my pleasure to drive you anywhere. '
His response was everything I could wish for at that very moment. It felt like a heart-warm message brought by an angel.
He slowly opened the door and gestured that I should get in. He rolled down the windows
and at the same time reach to lock the doors. He inquired whether I would love to listen to
some country songs.
'Sure, ' I replied, and deep down within me, I rarely listen to country songs. I could not have
objected because of his calm manner of approaching me.
I sat in the back seat watching the world go by as the car moves down the road. I saw people
talking on their phones and women offering their wares at the pedestrian for sale. Cars and
bikes move along the road, honking their horns and whizzing past. I could feel the gentle
vibrations of the car as it roll along. I had a feeling of calmness and I was lost between sleep
and being awake.
The car severed into a pothole and I came out of my subconsciousness. We have been on
the road for the last fifteen minutes and probably I have lost track of time.
We are now on the outskirts of the town. The sky is clear here and filled with fluffy white
clouds. The trees along the sloppy road are lofty and green, and the scent of fresh grass
with heavy dew filled the air. The sound of the car engine mixed with the country song to
create a soothing symphony. The chauffeur took a turn and the car swayed gently as it went
through the bend. I have never felt so relaxed like this in months.

To be continued...

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The Arrival

The Arrival
Heloise and Ghal ride deeper into the forest, still feeling uneasy after their encounter with Theron.
As they move forward, the trees seem to close in around them, making them feel trapped. They exchange worried looks, staying alert for any signs of danger lurking nearby.

Suddenly, they hear shouting and the clashing of metal in the distance. Without hesitation, they rush towards the noise, determined to help whoever is in trouble.
They find a group of bandits attacking a lone traveler. Heloise and Ghal jump into action, fighting off the bandits with all their might.

The bandits are caught off guard by their sudden attack, and Heloise and Ghal manage to defeat them, driving them away into the shadows of the forest.
After the battle, the grateful traveler approaches them, thanking them for saving their life. Heloise and Ghal exchange tired smiles, relieved that they were able to help.

Emerging from the thick forest, Heloise and Ghal were greeted by a stunning sight: the kingdom of Azhi, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. The city spread out before them, its tall buildings and busy streets showing off its grandeur.
As they entered the city gates, they were met with a lively scene. Market stalls were filled with colorful spices and fabrics, while musicians played lively tunes on the streets. There was an energy in the air that made everything feel alive.

Heloise and Ghal couldn't help but be impressed by the beauty and culture of the kingdom as they walked through its streets. They admired the detailed designs on the buildings and the colorful paintings that told stories of the kingdom's past.

They tried the local food, enjoying the spicy dishes and sweet treats that filled the air with delicious smells. They watched as dancers performed traditional dances in the town square, moving gracefully to the music.

But it wasn't just the sights and sounds that captured their attention; it was the kindness and friendliness of the people of Azhi. Everywhere they went, they were welcomed with smiles and open arms, treated like honored guests in King Sun's kingdom.

to be continued...

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Seems like love but..

Seems like love but..
Seventeen years after parting ways with my former lover, I never imagined that I would run into him again. It was a chance encounter that changed everything, and little did I know that it would lead to a beautiful chapter in my life.

After our breakup, I had resigned myself to being alone. I focused on my work and tried to move on from the heartbreak of losing what I had thought was my forever love. But then, Akan came back into my life in the most unexpected way. We ran into each other at a local café, and I was taken aback to see him after all these years.

As we got talking, I found myself opening up about how broken I had been after our breakup. I didn't know why I was sharing these personal details with him, but something about the way he listened and understood put me at ease. With time, Akan and I started bonding over our conversations and shared experiences, and like magic, love began to bloom between us.

The feeling was so different from what I had experienced in the past. It was as if I had discovered a connection that was truly heavenly. With Akan, there was trust, open communication, commitment, and genuine love. I knew that this was the kind of love I had always yearned for.

A year later, we got married in a beautiful ceremony, surrounded by our friends and loved ones. We started a new chapter of our lives together, one built on trust, respect, and unwavering affection. I had learned valuable lessons from my past, and I promised myself that I would teach my daughter, when she was old enough, that not all that seems like love is indeed love. Akan and I lived happily ever after, creating a loving and nurturing environment for our family.

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In the Woods

In the Woods
Heloise and Ghal rode swiftly through the zigzag forest paths, their horses' hooves pounding against the earth. The sun projected dotted shadows through the dense canopy above as they made their way deeper into the woods. Heloise couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled over him since leaving the castle. It was as if the very trees themselves were watching them with silent suspicion.

As they traveled, Ghal regaled Heloise with tales of legendary archers who roamed these woods, skilled marksmen known to test their mettle against any who dared to trespass upon their domain. Heloise listened intently, his senses heightened by the anticipation of what lay ahead.

Suddenly, the tranquility of the forest was shattered by the twang of a bowstring and the whistle of an arrow slicing through the air. Before they could react, a figure emerged from the underbrush, clad in the gear of a skilled hunter, bow at the ready."
Halt! Who dares to intrude upon my territory?" the figure demanded, eyes narrowed in suspicion. Heloise recognized the voice as belonging to none other than the renowned archer, Theron, whose reputation preceded him."
We mean no harm, good sir," Heloise called out, raising his hands in a gesture of peace. "We are messengers of King Darius, bearing news of his daughter's upcoming wedding. We seek only to pass through these woods in peace."

Theron regarded them with a steely gaze, his bow still trained on them. "King Darius, you say? I care not for the affairs of kings and their kin. These woods are my home, and I will defend them from all who would trespass."

Before Heloise could respond, Ghal stepped forward, his voice steady despite the tension thick in the air. "Please, sir archer, we mean you no harm. We only seek to carry out our king's orders and spread the news of the wedding. If you allow us safe passage, we will trouble you no further."

Theron hesitated, his gaze flickering between the two men before finally lowering his bow. "Very well," he conceded, stepping aside to allow them to pass. "But beware, travelers. Not all who wander these woods are as forgiving as I."
With a nod of thanks, Heloise and Ghal urged their horses forward, leaving Theron and the shadows of the forest behind them.

...to be continued

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The drunk

The drunk
A drunk stammers out of a bar and runs into two priests. He runs up to them and says, 'I'm Jesus Christ.' The first priest says, 'No, son, I'm Jesus Christ.' So the drunk says it to the second priest. The second priest replies, 'No, son, I'm Jesus Christ.' The drunk says, 'Look, I can prove it.' and walks back into the bar with the priests. The bartender takes on look at the drunk and exclaims, 'Jesus Christ, you're here again?

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Fading petals

In the garden of our hearts, love once bloomed,
Like a rose in full bloom, its beauty consumed.
But as time passed, the petals fell,
Silent whispers of a fading spell.

Promises made in the moonlit night,
Now shattered in the harsh daylight.
Words left unspoken, feelings unsaid,
A love once vibrant, now filled with dread.

Like a river once flowing, now runs dry,
Tears fall like rain from a darkened sky.
The laughter we shared, now echoes in pain,
A love once strong, now strained.

Yet in the depths of this failing love,
There lies a glimmer of hope above.
For in the embers of what once burned bright,
New beginnings emerge in the dimming light.

So let us embrace the lessons learned,
From the love that once brightly yearned.
For in the ashes of what has passed,
New love can bloom, strong and steadfast.

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Sudden News

It was one of those dusks when Heloise would stand on the castle wall and watch the sunset, perhaps, he got unnatural peace from basking there. There was a growing urge to explore the massive forest that lay silent but inwards, he was tired from fighting all his life, he let out a loud sigh. "Are you okay, Commander Heloise?" his aide, Ghal asked, "Y-y-yes, alright," he stuttered in response.

Over years of fighting, Heloise and Ghal, had formed a strong bond that sparked envy between soldiers — it was supposed to be a military relationship not friendship. Heloise knew how much he had been saved by his dear aide and wouldn't replace him with another person. Several times, he opposed suggestions for a replacement, insisting that Ghal is an intelligent youth who understands he acts.

"Commander Heloise, King Darius summons you" an informant shook him out of his thoughts, "This better be good, I'm done fighting until new moon" Heloise murmured getting up from the bench. Ghal followed him until they reached the throne room and Heloise gestured for him to wait outside while he speaks privately with the King.

"Long live the King!" the Commander hailed, bowing in reverence, "Rise! My esteemed commander," the King admonished.
"How's your family?" The King asked, chewing on a walnut. "Everything is working perfectly, your Majesty," Heloise replied with a grin, wondering why the King asked.
"You see, most kings don't know about the lives of their loyal servants. Heloise, you've dedicated your entire lifetime fighting for the kingdom and I ought to know your well-being, right?" he paused to stare at the Commander who responded with an approving nod.
"I summoned you to break the news of my daughter's approaching wedding in two months" the King disclosed, "W-well, good news, good news!" Heloise exclaimed.
"Go now, spread the word to King Sun and King Arnel. Instruct your servants to carry the news across the kingdom. You may depart now," the King dismissed him.
"Surely, consider it done, your Majesty," Heloise responded and exited the throne room, not sure if he was dreaming. 'No battling today?' his thoughts roamed wild.

...to be continued

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The prank

The prank
Early this morning, jade knocked on my door. As soon as I opened it, he exclaimed, lekan I have a sure idea for us!!

Are you sure?" I inquired.

Yes, bro," He confirmed.

Let's hear it," I urged

Do you know what's trending now? All those contents creators doing pranks are making money," He explained.

What's that got to do with us?" I asked.

Let's start our own prank and post it online," He suggested enthusiastically.

"Sounds like a plan to make it big," I agreed.

Yes bro, we'll soon be richer than wizkid," He declared.

What should we call ourselves?" I asked.

Jaguar the pranksters" He said to me.

What about the camera I asked," we'll use my phone, he replied.

How do we start? I inquired.

You'll go to the bus stop, slap a thug, then run away, and we'll record it as a prank," He outlined.

And that's how I agreed to it.

I went to the bus stop, with jide recording. But instead of following through, I took off running from a safe distance.

Wicked friends.

I'd rather stick to my story writing.

Just the thought of slapping a thug, even my ancestors would be against it.

What if they broke a bottle on top my head? What would I tell God?

How would I enjoy this upcoming salaah(ileya)?

Prank my foot...

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Infinity′s melody

In the realm of hearts entwined,
Where love's sweet melody is defined,
Two souls in a dance divine,
A love story for all time.

Brush strokes of passion on canvas bare,
Aiden's guitar, Luna's flair,
In harmony, their hearts declare,
A love beyond compare.

Through distance and trials, they endure,
Love's flame forever pure,
In whispers soft and melodies sure,
Their bond shall always endure.

In the village, their tale is sung,
A love that forever young,
In the tapestry of life, they're strung,
A love song never unsung.

© Essey

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After I placed a withdrawal yesterday and was waiting patiently today to receive it, I was disappointed that at the required time that the millions was supposed to drop in my account, my account was still reading 0.
Immediately I had checked my transactions to see what must have happened. I had hoped that it was still pending but behold, the transaction failed.

With multiple hisses and sigh, I initiated another withdrawal, what else could be done?, I asked myself.
A thought came in and here I am, they said "ask and it shall be given to you". I will go on to ask now:

@mindviewers I wish to plead for a favour which I believe would be of good to all here.
Sometimes, due to bug or bank downtimes, a transaction fails and we are forced to i initiate a new transaction which would go for an extra 12hours again.
The time waste is just too much and most times, we could have budgeted the money for something serious but then would have to wait an extra 12hours.

please, if you could, we would love you to half the time taken for a successful withdrawal when a transaction fails
6hours is considerable as compensation to the inconveniences a failed transaction must have cost.

I'll lay down on my bed now with a little satisfaction that I have suggested an improvement and that my opinion would count.
Good night.


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Tade peeped behind the curtain separating his room from the living room for the third time.

"Ohhhhh" He mumured "Make dis woman comot nah"

He watched as his mother finally repacked her makeup kit and stowed it in it's usual position on the shelf.

"Tade!" She called

"Ma" he replied and walked into the room.

"I'm off to see Iya Gbenga, please don't leave this house, Salihu will come by to drop a new bale of clothes for me"

Tade's face soured 'No nah' he thought 'Not today of all days'

"Mama, but I have to go to church by Six" he said

"Church?!" His mother yelled "Dem no born you well, is it the church that is feeding you, Tade if you're not at home when Salihu deliver those clothes this house will not contain both of us" She hissed, tweaked her bright yellow gele that matched the rest of her outfit, picked up her handbag and stormed out of the house.

Tade sat on the steps in front of the house and waited on Salihu. He glanced at the cheap watch strapped to his left wrist, it was few minutes till Six, soon Kola would call for him.

He got up and walked a few paces forward and turned to stare at the rickety apartment he and his mother lived in. The walls were brown and so dirty he couldn't discern the original colour it was painted in, that is if it had ever been painted. The roof was rusty and leaked in several places. Most of the window shutters were broken giving free entrance to mosquitoes and other vile insects.

He sighed and shook his head but not after that day, after that day, things would change, after that day, his mother would never have to suffer again, instead of selling those nasty clothes, he'd open a boutique for her so that she can hold her head up high in the midst of other women. Yes, he assured himself, it was all for his mother, to give her a comfortable life.

Kola don show am the way, Kola don show am say good boy no dey pay.

He took one last glance at the road stretching to the end of the street. Seeing no sign of Salihu, he locked the house and dropped the key in it's usual hiding place.

He turned around and saw Kola behind him.

"Kola" he grinned

"My Gee" Kola replied bumping Tade's fists and patting his back "You don ready?"

"Yes" Tade said, nodding his head.

The two of them made their way around the cluster of houses Calling out to friends and replying greetings.

"Tade You dey go church?"

"Tade remember to pray for me oo"

"Tade, church boy"

"Tade where your Bible nah"

Tade shook his head, if only they knew...

It was not quite seven when they made it to the rendezvous point but it was already dark, it was the season where people ascribe the days as being 'shorter' and the nights 'longer'.

They were the first to arrive and while Kola chose to sit on a fallen log, Tade chose to remain standing, he was a bundle of nervous energy and he wondered how Kola could remain calm but then that was probably not his first time.

Not long after, the others arrived, three guys dressed in black.
Kola stood up and fist bumped each of them while Tade stood aside awkwardly.

One of the men came up to him "Na de boy be dis?"

"Yes boss K" Kola replied

Boss K surveyed Tade, from his low-cut hair to his button down shirt and plaid trousers.

"See as he dress, you think say na evangelism we dey go do?" He chuckled and his henchmen laughed along side him.

Boss K punched Tade's shoulders and he flinched

"Dis boy dey fear oo, you get de mind?"

"Yes sir" Tade replied

"Oya nah, make we go"

The site of the operation was Chief Olushola's house. Chief Olushola, a widower was a real estate tycoon, owning properties all over Lagos and surrounding states.
The house was enclosed in high walls and an iron fence but that was not a problem. Boss K had an 'in' with Ajayi, the gateman. He walked up to the gate, tapped lightly and the gate creaked open noiselessly.

"He dey inside?"

"Yes Boss" Ajayi replied "de money dey him study"

"Good boy" Boss K grinned "Go wait for us for location, when we return, I go settle you"

"Yes sir" Ajayi said and ran out of the compound.

Tade watched as Boss K dropped the bag he held on the ground and began handing out black masks and guns, he shivered as his fingers closed over the cold metal of the one given to him.

"No worry" Kola assured him "You no go use am"

Boss K led them to the door of the house and knocked. The door opened and he shoved the person inside the house.

Tade's breathing hiked, he could feel the sweat pouring out of his forehead and his shirt was already soaked despite the chilliness of the evening.
He took deep breathes " Do it for mama" he whispered to himself, trying to keep calm. He noticed that the others were already inside the house and he quickly followed them.
He saw a middle aged woman, probably the house help cowering on the floor beside chief Olushola who was being tied by one of Boss K's Lackeys.

Tade and Kola was left to cover both of them while the rest of the gang went upstairs to raid the study.
Tade surveyed chief Olushola, he was lying on the ground, his eyes closed, his breathing shallow. There was an angry gash on his forehead, he must have been hit by one of the guys. Tade wished the men to be faster so they'll leave the house and the Chief can be taken to a hospital.

"Tade" Kola called "I dey come, make I go piss"

Kola stepped out of the front door to relieve himself and Tade sighed he was feeling very uncomfortable and wondered why Boss K and his men were taking so long.
Suddenly, he heard a shriek and something shattered behind his head, he could feel blood trickling down his neck. Without looking back, he aimed the gun behind him and shot twice, he heard a gasp and a heavy thud as the person fell.

He turned to glance at the person on the ground behind him and screamed. All he could see was yellow, a bright yellow with two large patches of crimson.
He dropped to his knees pulling off his mask so he can see better.
"No...No..." He chanted "Not mama, mama is at Iya Gbenga's house ,No..."

"Tade" She whispered, blood sputtering from out of her mouth, the brightness in her eyes fading.

"No..." Tade clutched her hand with one of his own and stared at her glassy, lifeless eyes. Closing his fingers around the gun still in his other hand, he shoved it into his mouth and pulled the trigger.

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Ants and treasure

Ants and treasure
There lived a man named Ike. Ike was a simple man, content with his humble life in his small mud house. However, his abode was often besieged by hordes of ants and termites that scurried around, much to his annoyance. The villagers often snickered and made fun of Ike, and even his closest friend hesitated to visit him, fearing the relentless ants that infested his home.

One day, feeling exasperated by the ceaseless pestering of the insects, Ike decided he had enough. He armed himself with a broom and set out to rid his mud house of the pesky creatures. As he swept with determination, he came across a tiny, peculiar object glistening among the debris. Curious, he picked it up and inspected it closely. It was a minuscule, radiant stone, but Ike couldn't recognize it for what it truly was.

Intrigued, Ike decided to show the stone to the village elder. The wise elder's eyes widened with astonishment as he examined the sparkling gem. He explained that it was not just a stone; it was a rare pearl, and one of immense value. Ike was dumbfounded. Unbeknownst to him, while clearing out the ants' nests, he had stumbled upon an incredible treasure that had been hidden for years right beneath his very home.

Eager to secure his newfound fortune, Ike wasted no time in seeking out buyers for the precious pearl. To his amazement, a wealthy merchant offered him an exorbitant sum of money for the rare gem. With the newfound wealth at his disposal, Ike's fortunes changed almost overnight.

In a matter of days, he transformed the barren plot of land where his mud house once stood into a grand estate. The small, humble dwelling was replaced by a magnificent mansion, adorned with opulent embellishments that sparkled in the sunlight. The villagers who had once mocked him now marveled at the grandeur of his new home, and Ike's once hesitant friend visited him, awe-struck by the remarkable transformation.

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The Chase

The Chase
Lost in my own thoughts, I heard desperate cries coming from down the road as I was strolling home from work. I turned the corner out of curiosity and saw something that would stay with me forever. A small child was being violently taken from his distressed mother by a group of men wearing masks. The mother was sobbing and holding to her child's arm. I watched in fear, caught in shock at the nightmare that was playing out in front of me. My heart was pounding in my chest.

I felt like time stopped for a second when I realized how serious the situation was. The mother's cries for assistance went through the atmosphere and set my heart on fire. I was aware that I had to step in, take some action, anything at all, to protect the kid. As I desperately looked around for a weapon, I noticed a big stone resting close by. I immediately rushed forward, picked up the stone, and threw it as hard as I could toward the kidnappers' car. As the stone hit its target, there was a loud cracking sound that made the kidnappers briefly loosen their hold on the infant.

I seized the chance, snatched the kid, and pulled them out of harm's way. Nevertheless, my little moment of victory was brief for the kidnappers twisted their faces in anger and hatred as they turned to face me. I decided in a single second to run for my life, with adrenaline rushing through my veins. I ran down the street, my heart beating in my ears as I hurried towards safety, ignoring the cries and threats behind me.

I turned off the main road and into a thicket of bushes as soon as I got to the neighborhood's edge in the hopes of becoming lost in the deep bush that would hide my attackers. After what seemed like a lifetime, I eventually emerged from the bushes, breathing heavily and with an beating heart. I looked over my shoulder and there was no evidence of the kidnappers, but I could still picture their scary expressions.

I staggered home, shaking and shivering, my head spinning from the terrifying trauma I had just gone through. It was not until I passed out on my doorway, long after 10 o'clock at night, that the reality of what happened really set in. I had just about escaped with my life after witnessing the unimaginable and intervening in a terrifying circumstance. Even though I would always be bothered by the memory of that dangerous evening, I knew that I had done the right thing and what was required to protect an innocent child.

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The Crystal of Light

In the mystical land of Eldoria, there lived a man named Mgandi. Mgandi possessed extraordinary powers granted to him by the gods themselves. He had a heart filled with compassion and a spirit brimming with courage. Little did he know that his destiny was intertwined with the fate of the world.

Eldoria was a land plagued by darkness and suffering. A malevolent sorcerer named Zorlok had risen to power, spreading chaos and despair wherever he went. The people of Eldoria lived in fear, their hearts heavy with sorrow. They yearned for a savior, someone who could restore peace and harmony to their world.

Deep within the ancient forests, Mgandi grew up under the guidance of the wise elder, Aelwyn. Aelwyn recognized the immense potential within Mgandi and knew that he was destined for greatness. He revealed to Mgandi the truth about his powers and the prophecy that foretold his role in saving Eldoria.

According to the prophecy, Mgandi would embark on a perilous journey to retrieve the legendary Crystal of Light. This sacred artifact held the power to vanquish darkness and restore balance to the world. With the crystal in his possession, Mgandi would become the beacon of hope that Eldoria desperately needed.

Mgandi set out on his quest, traversing treacherous mountains, dense jungles, and vast deserts. Along the way, he encountered numerous challenges and faced formidable adversaries who sought to thwart his mission. However, Mgandi's unwavering determination and his growing mastery of his powers enabled him to overcome these obstacles.

During his journey, Mgandi also encountered individuals who had lost all hope, their spirits broken by Zorlok's tyranny. With his gentle words and compassionate heart, Mgandi inspired them to rise up and join him in his noble cause. Together, they formed a band of brave warriors, united in their determination to bring about change.

Finally, after enduring countless trials, Mgandi arrived at the heart of the forbidden labyrinth, where the Crystal of Light awaited him. The labyrinth tested his courage and resolve, but Mgandi's pure heart guided him through its complex maze. As he laid his hands upon the crystal, a surge of radiant energy coursed through his veins, empowering him with unimaginable strength.

Armed with the Crystal of Light, Mgandi led his loyal companions back to Eldoria, their spirits ablaze with hope. The final battle against Zorlok raged, as darkness clashed with light. Mgandi summoned every ounce of his power, unleashing a torrent of brilliant light that engulfed Zorlok, banishing him from the realm forever.

As the darkness dissipated, the land of Eldoria began to heal. Flowers bloomed where once there was desolation, and laughter replaced the cries of sorrow. Mgandi's name echoed throughout the land, spoken with reverence and gratitude.

Mgandi had fulfilled the prophecy, saving Eldoria from the clutches of darkness and restoring peace to mankind. He became a legendary figure, his story passed down through generations as a reminder of the power of compassion, bravery, and the indomitable spirit of one man who dared to believe in a brighter future.

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The Ajuko Tree: Guardians of Harmony and Hope

The Ajuko Tree: Guardians of Harmony and Hope
In the mystical land of Aja, there existed a magnificent tree known as the Ajuko tree. This extraordinary plant, located deep within an enchanted forest, was not your ordinary tree—it was the legendary Tree of Life, revered by the inhabitants of Aja for its incredible powers.

Standing tall, the Ajuko tree reached towards the heavens, its branches spreading out like welcoming arms. Its leaves shimmered in shades of emerald and gold, emitting a mesmerizing glow that bathed the entire forest in a magical light. According to the legends whispered among the people, the tree possessed the ability to bestow immortality, heal the wounded, and grant wisdom to those who sought it.

Within the heart of Aja, the village elders were entrusted with safeguarding the secret knowledge of the Ajuko tree. They dedicated their lives to unraveling the mysteries within and harnessing the tree's mythical potential. For generations, wise men and women had studied the tree, unveiling some of its secrets and utilizing its powers for the betterment of their community.

Once a year, during the festival of Omo-Aja, people from far and wide would gather beneath the Ajuko tree. They would sing songs of gratitude, offer prayers, and present gifts of flowers and fruits. It was believed that the tree's blessings were most abundant during this sacred time.

According to the tales, those fortunate enough to be chosen by the tree would have the opportunity to make a single wish. The selected individuals, their hopes and dreams filling their hearts, would approach the majestic trunk of the Ajuko tree. There, they would whisper their desires, their voices carried away by the gentle rustling of the leaves.

Attentive and wise, the Ajuko tree listened intently, its ancient wisdom discerning the true intentions of those who approached. Some sought healing for their ailments, and the tree would grant them renewed vitality. Others sought guidance and clarity, and the tree would illuminate their minds with profound insights. And there were a few, with hearts pure and selfless, who wished for the well-being and happiness of their loved ones and the entire village.

Yet, the true gift of the Ajuko tree lay not in the fulfillment of individual desires, but in the unity and harmony it fostered within the community. The tree's mythical powers served as a reminder that the well-being of one was intricately connected to the well-being of all. It taught the villagers the importance of compassion, empathy, and the responsibility that accompanied the blessings they received.

As time passed, news of the Ajuko tree spread far and wide. People from distant lands embarked on perilous journeys, driven by their desire to find the fabled tree and experience its mythical powers. Some arrived with pure hearts, seeking wisdom and enlightenment, while others had ulterior motives. The village elders, wise in their knowledge, welcomed these seekers and guided them toward the tree, always mindful of maintaining the delicate balance between sharing its gifts and protecting its sanctity.

The Ajuko tree continued to thrive, its branches reaching higher and its roots growing deeper. It remained an enduring symbol of hope, unity, and the boundless potential of the human spirit. And in the land of Aja, the legacy of the Ajuko tree lived on, passing through generations and reminding them of the power of compassion, the pursuit of wisdom, and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

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Arize′s Trio

Arize′s Trio
In the bustling town of Okpachi, there lived a man named Arinze, who had found himself in quite the peculiar predicament. You see, Arinze had not one, but two wives—Kachi and Kamso, both equally unique in their own delightful ways.

Arinze was a charming and charismatic fellow, but he often found himself caught between the mischievous antics of his two loving wives. Kachi was known for her adventurous nature, always seeking out new experiences and dragging Arinze along for the ride. Kamso, on the other hand, was a master of wit and sarcasm, keeping Arinze on his toes with her clever banter.

One sunny day, Arinze decided to take his wives on a spontaneous trip to the beach. Kachi, ever the daredevil, convinced Arinze to try his hand at surfing. With a gleeful smile, she handed him a bright pink surfboard, claiming it would bring him good luck. Arinze, not one to back down from a challenge, eagerly jumped into the waves.

As Arinze paddled out into the ocean, Kamso sat on the shore, watching with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. She had a plan up her sleeve. Unbeknownst to Arinze, she had secretly replaced the wax on his surfboard with a particularly slippery variety.

As Arinze caught his first wave, he quickly realized something was amiss. The moment his feet touched the waxed surface, he went flying off the board, arms flailing and hair in disarray. Kachi burst into laughter, rolling on the sand as Arinze emerged from the water, drenched and looking rather sheepish.

But the fun didn't end there. Determined to get back at Kamso for her clever prank, Arinze hatched a devious plot of his own. That evening, as they sat down for a home-cooked meal, Arinze presented a dish he claimed was a secret family recipe—a spicy pepper stew.

Kamso, known for her love of spicy food, eagerly took a bite, only to find her mouth engulfed in an inferno of heat. As she reached for a glass of water, Arinze and Kachi exchanged a mischievous glance. It turned out that Arinze had added an extra kick to the dish, just for Kamso's amusement.

From that day forward, Arinze, Kachi, and Kamso continued to fill their lives with laughter and playful pranks. They understood that life was too short to take everything seriously, and their unique bond made each day an adventure filled with love, laughter, and a healthy dose of good-natured mischief.

And so, in the quirky town of Okpachi, the legend of Arinze and his two wives, Kachi and Kamso, lived on, leaving behind a trail of laughter and fond memories wherever they went.

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The Awakening of the Dark Water: The Legend of Thoma

The Awakening of the Dark Water: The Legend of Thoma
Deep in the heart of the mystical land of Sobali, nestled along the treacherous riverbank, lived a man named Thomas Uligwe. Thomas was an ordinary villager with an extraordinary curiosity for the unknown. Little did he know that his insatiable quest for knowledge would lead him to a truly terrifying encounter.

One fateful night, as the moon hung low in the ink-black sky, Thomas found himself drawn to the river's edge. A chilling wind whispered through the tall reeds, sending shivers down his spine. Ignoring the warning signs, he ventured closer, his heart pounding with both fear and excitement.

It was then that he noticed a faint glimmer in the water, a mystical glow that danced upon the surface. Intrigued, Thomas reached out, his fingers breaking the stillness of the river. Suddenly, a surge of energy coursed through his veins, filling him with an otherworldly power.

Unbeknownst to Thomas, his touch had awakened an ancient and vengeful spirit that dwelled within the river. The spirit, known as the Dark Water Serpent, rose from the depths, its monstrous form coiling and writhing with malicious intent.

A haunting voice echoed through the night, chilling Thomas to the core. "You dare disturb my slumber, mortal?" the spirit hissed, its voice a symphony of malevolence. "Prepare to face the consequences of your reckless curiosity."

Thomas stumbled backward, his heart pounding in his chest as the Dark Water Serpent advanced toward him. Its eyes glowed with an unholy light, and its fangs dripped with venomous malice. Paralyzed with fear, Thomas knew he had awakened a force beyond his comprehension.

Desperate to survive, Thomas frantically searched his mind for a way to appease the wrathful spirit. Remembering tales from the village elders, he realized that only an offering of the purest intentions could quell the spirit's anger.

With trembling hands, Thomas reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, intricately carved wooden figurine, a cherished possession that symbolized his deepest desires for peace and harmony. Holding it aloft, he spoke with a voice laced with sincerity.

"Great spirit of the river, I offer you this token of my humility and respect," Thomas pleaded, his voice barely a whisper. "Forgive my ignorance and spare me from your wrath. I seek only understanding."

Silence hung heavily in the air, and for a moment, Thomas feared that his plea had fallen on deaf ears. But then, as if touched by an invisible hand, the Dark Water Serpent's demeanor softened. Its monstrous form began to dissolve, revealing a gentle river nymph, her eyes shimmering with a mixture of sorrow and acceptance.

"You have shown remorse, mortal, and for that, I spare you," the nymph said, her voice now gentle and soothing. "Remember, knowledge can be a double-edged sword. Seek wisdom, but always respect the boundaries of the unknown."

With those words, the river nymph vanished, leaving Thomas alone on the riverbank. From that night on, he carried with him a newfound reverence for the mysteries of the world, forever mindful of the dangers that lurked just beyond his reach.

And so, the tale of Thomas Uligwe, the man who dared to awaken a vengeful spirit, became a cautionary legend whispered by the fireside for generations to come, reminding the people of Sobali to tread carefully in the realm of magic and the unknown.

As the legend of Thomas Uligwe spread throughout the village of Sobali, it took on a life of its own, growing in both fear and fascination. People recounted the tale with hushed voices and wide eyes, passing it down from one generation to the next.

The villagers, once intrigued by the mysteries of the river, now approached its waters with caution and respect. They offered small tokens of gratitude, such as flowers and prayers, to the spirits that dwelled within. They heeded the lesson that Thomas had learned the hard way: that the pursuit of knowledge should always be tempered with reverence and humility.

Thomas himself became somewhat of a local hero, though he carried the weight of his encounter with the Dark Water Serpent as a solemn reminder. He dedicated himself to studying the ancient lore of Sobali, seeking to understand the delicate balance between the mortal realm and the realm of magic.

With time, Thomas became an esteemed elder, sought after by both villagers and travelers alike for his wisdom and guidance. He shared his story with all who would listen, emphasizing the importance of respecting the boundaries of the unknown and the dangers that lay in arrogance and ignorance.

The legend of Thomas Uligwe became a pillar of Sobali's cultural identity, shaping the village's relationship with magic and the supernatural. It fostered a deep sense of community, as the villagers united in their shared understanding of the delicate harmony that existed between their world and the mystical forces that surrounded them.

To this day, Sobali remains a place where ancient traditions thrive, where the children are raised on stories of Thomas Uligwe's encounter with the Dark Water Serpent. The riverbank, once feared and shunned, is now regarded as a sacred place, a boundary between the tangible and the ethereal.

And as the villagers gaze out across the river's shimmering surface, they are reminded of the bravery and humility of Thomas Uligwe, whose tale serves as a constant reminder of the power and peril that dwell within the realm of magic.

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Amani the Adventurer

Amani the Adventurer
Amani was known for his adventurous spirit and his unyielding curiosity about the world beyond the village. Every day, he would gaze up at the majestic peak of the mountain, wondering what lay on the other side.

One bright morning, as the sun cast its golden rays over the village, Amani made a bold decision. He announced to his family that he would set out on a journey to climb the mountain and discover the mysteries that lay beyond. His family and friends were astonished, but Amani's determination shone in his eyes, and they knew he was destined for greatness.

Armed with only his sturdy walking stick and a small bag of provisions, Amani set off on his quest. The climb was arduous, and the path was filled with obstacles. But Amani pressed on, driven by his unwavering resolve. As he ascended, the air grew cooler, and the landscape transformed into a breathtaking panorama of lush valleys and cascading waterfalls.

Several days into his journey, Amani encountered a wise old woman who lived in a humble cottage near the mountain's peak. She welcomed him warmly and offered him shelter for the night. Over a crackling fire, the old woman shared tales of the ancient legends surrounding the mountain and its hidden wonders.

Encouraged by the old woman's wisdom and kindness, Amani awakened the next morning with renewed vigor. He bid farewell to his newfound friend and continued his ascent, finally reaching the summit as the sun began to dip below the horizon. As he stood at the pinnacle, a sense of awe and wonder enveloped him, for before him lay a vast, uncharted land stretching as far as the eye could see.

Amani's heart swelled with gratitude and a deep sense of accomplishment. He knew that his journey had only just begun, and he descended the mountain, eager to share the stories of his incredible adventure with his village. From that day on, Amani became a beacon of inspiration, his courage and determination serving as a reminder to all that boundless wonders await those who dare to dream and embark on their own extraordinary journeys. And in the village, his tale was told for generations, inspiring others to pursue their dreams with unwavering faith.

And so, the legend of Amani, the fearless young adventurer, lived on, a testament to the power of courage, curiosity, and the indomitable spirit of the human heart.

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