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Anchored in love

Anchored in love
Going back to the hands of time I will never forget the guilt I felt when I realized I had forgotten my dad's birthday. It was a chaotic day, and exams and other urgent matters had consumed me. But that was no excuse for neglecting to reach out to my dad on his special day.

As the day went on, I saw that my siblings had all called to wish him well. I felt even worse, knowing I was the only one who had forgotten. When I finally saw the missed call from my dad's number, my heart sank. I had let him down.

I took a deep breath and dialed his number again, hoping he would answer. But he didn't. So, I did the next best thing I sent him a long text message, pouring out my heart and apologizing for my forgetfulness. I explained how busy I was, but acknowledged that was no excuse for forgetting. I promised him that no matter where I was in the world, I would be there for his 60th birthday celebration.

Fast-forward to today, and I'm thrilled to be home to celebrate that very milestone with him! We've got a perfect plan in place to make sure he has the most blissful birthday ever. As I look back, I realize how much my dad means to me. He's my anchor, my rock, and I'm so grateful for his love and support over the years.

"Happy 60th birthday to my anchor!" I say, giving him a big hug. "I love you more than words can express. May this new chapter in your life bring you joy, happiness, and all your favorite things."

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Free At Last

Free At Last
There is this woman that lives in the same compound with me, it's a yard with about 30 tenants. Amongst which this woman was the first to communicate with me when I rented the place newly. She's married with two kids. She called me her son and always showed some level of care and concern towards.

But then I noticed some strange behaviors from her towards her husband and children, she always disrespects the husband, rains curses both on the husband and children. Publicly she has wished that a car will knock down the husband and lightning will strike down the kids. Clearly she hates them with passion. A breed of human being I have never seen before.

Everybody in the yard tries as much as possible to stay away from the woman to avoid problems. But then I thought to myself one day; how come this woman is this good to me and very cruel to the husband and kids to the extent that she will carry her pot of soup to her friend's house to hide it, so that the husband won't eat from it, when it is said that charity begins at home. I started getting answers.

The woman starting borrowing money from me and won't return it, borrows almost everything from me on a daily basis, keeps my electric cooker in her house and won't return till I ask for it. And at times when there is power supply and I want to use my electric cooker to save my gas, she will refuse to give it to me and will say she is using it. Something that belongs solely to me, I had never seen such in my life. I remember knocking on her door very early one morning to wake her and get my cooker to boil water for bathing since there was power supply and prepare for my lectures by 8:00 that morning. She lied she was using it, someone I just woke from sleep. I didn't want to disrespect her, so I left quietly although feeling very bad.

Until one morning when she was preparing to go to market, I got my cooker from her because I had intentions of cooking beans that morning if power was supplied and I told her this. But then the electricity didn't show up and I got news about an emergency class, so I hurriedly prepared to leave for the class. And while I was about locking my door, this woman started a quarrel with me and asked me why I took the electric cooker from her when I didn't have intentions of using it. She said I have a bad character and didn't want her to use the electric cooker again, that's why I'm locking it inside my house. The quarrel didn't stop her from taking the electric cooker back to her house, I was pained, something that belongs to me.

When I returned from school, I saw my electric cooker in front of my door, my neighbors told me that she dropped it there after I left for school and she said she'll never borrow it from me again. Deep down I was kind of happy if she won't even borrow anything again from me, she has done enough, I've never seen this level of borrowing before. Greeted her that evening and she snubbed me. In my mind, I felt free. The next day, she tried to get things back to the way it was, but I refused, knowing what I suffered and was just starting to enjoy a life where no one is trying to use my head.

Since that day I had peace and felt free, this woman got this close to me with intentions to suck me dry and use my head to her own interest and I had break free now. The trust and respect I had for her was diminished, till date, the highest form of communication between us is just greetings. I would never again let a strange get this deep in my life so that this experience won't repeat itself.

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Birthday at Home

I celebrated my birthday yesterday, and my twin sister's. After church, we went home and I made hot tea and had it with bread.

Later, our elder brother surprised us by sending us 20,000 naira. Our dad added some money, and our younger brother also contributed 20,000 naira. We wanted to use the money to cook a special meal at home. But our dad had a different plan. He insisted that we go out and enjoy the day with him. So, we went to a bar with our parents.

At the bar, we had a delicious meal of goat meat pepper soup and rice. It was so tasty! We had a great time together as a family, laughing and sharing stories. Our dad even sang a happy birthday song for me, and everyone in the bar joined in. I felt so loved and appreciated. We also took lots of photos to capture the memories.

I'm grateful for my family's love and support. They made my birthday special and memorable. I feel blessed to have such a wonderful family who always come together to celebrate special occasions. We don't always get to spend quality time together, but yesterday was an exception. It was a day filled with joy, love, and laughter.

We had a wonderful time at the bar, laughing and chatting. I honestly can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays with them.

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With a warm light in the countryside as the sun descended, my family convened in the living room to talk over our weekend. Every year, my parents would declare that we would be going to see our relatives in the village.

The idea of spending the weekend away from home made my heart sink. I was afraid to leave my friends and my surroundings behind because I had become used to the city life. I became uneasy as my people talked about the of the vacation.

I hesitated as they turned to face me and asked what I thought. My desire to decline and beg them to allow me to remain at home was strong, but the words became stuck in my throat. They begged me to seize the chance to spend time with relatives and get back to our native land, but I could see the disappointment in their eyes.

I consented to go even though I knew in my heart that it was hard for me. I was anxious as we prepared our belongings and headed on our way.

But my concerns vanished as soon as we arrived at our cousins' comfortable house tucked away among the undulating hills. I felt at ease and like I belonged there because of the clean air and the friendly greeting from our loved ones.
It was a wonderful journey I would have regretted more not going at all.

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My skills

I was in my bedroom when I inhaled the simmering aroma of the pot of meat from the gas cooker, my nostrils was literally blocked by the aromatic wonder, obviously I knew it was the handy work of my mum so when i approached the kitchen i heard my mom singing with her sonorous voice so decided to retreat.
I payed close attention to her waiting for the perfect time to strike my kid bro started crying in the room so she went in to see what the problem was and I made way into the kitchen and I took four pieces of meat to my room and I ate like a prudent thief to my satisfaction.
Time came for us to have dinner and I went to the time I noticed no plate was given to me and my mom dished the food and she gave me none and I asked why she said she saw what I did my heart started racing she said my punishment is I wouldn't eat 3 square meat I felt I huge remorse and regret.

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Bug invasion

Bug invasion
About 4 days ago, my friend Enable visited me. It was a much-needed catch-up session, and we spent the evening discussing everything under the sun while laughing and reminiscing about the year that had just passed.

As we chatted, Enable mentioned something that caught me off guard. She started telling me about the bed bug infestation in her apartment and how there were reports of bed bugs just a few blocks away from her residence.

I was genuinely taken aback by this news. I couldn't recall ever hearing about bed bugs being a problem in our area. I asked her if she had noticed any signs of bed bug attacks in her own room, to which she nodded and detailed the distressing experience.

Her words made me briefly worried, but I quickly reassured myself. I hadn't observed a single trace of bed bugs in my room, and I was confident that I wouldn't be suffering from any bed bug infestations anytime soon.
I reminded myself that our lodge had never had any reports of bed bug infestations, yet Enable's explanation about how terrifying they can be at night lingered in my mind.

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My small Farm

My small Farm
When I was in high school, I had a rather unique morning routine. Early in the morning, just as the world was waking up, I would venture out to hunt for snails. It seemed that in the early hours when the air was still cool, these little creatures would come out of hiding, perhaps migrating or seeking moisture, but whatever the reason, it made them easy to find.

I would spend my mornings scouring for snails, and within a week, I had amassed quite a collection. Meanwhile, my sisters and siblings would sleep peacefully, unaware of my early morning adventures. When they did wake up and find me engaged in my snail hunting, they thought I was wasting my time on something frivolous and fleeting.

It was a few days later when a neighbor paid us a visit and stumbled upon my snail "farm" – a small enclosure I had set up in a pent-up bucket. As he peered inside and saw the quantity of snails I had collected, he was impressed. To my delight, as a small child, he slipped me a 500 Naira note, which to me felt like winning a million dollars. My sisters were astonished by this unexpected validation, and they didn't hesitate to join me in my snail hunting efforts in the days that followed.

They were even more determined than me. Turning every stones and uncovering all uncovered.

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Just Children

Just Children
When I was little, playing under the rain was something I yearned for but was constantly denied. My parents forbid us from stepping out into the downpour, cautioning us about the dangers of catching a cold or getting sick. At the time, I thought they were just being overly strict, prohibiting us from having the natural, carefree fun of running in the rain. I couldn't understand why they were so determined to keep us sheltered from this simple pleasure.

One day, when both of our parents were away at work, my siblings and I made a secret pact to finally experience the joy of playing under the rain. As soon as they left, we dashed outside, laughing and giddy with excitement. The sensation of raindrops drenching us was exhilarating beyond words. We frolicked, danced, dove, and even turned the rain into our own little swimming pool. It was an absolutely remarkable, unforgettable experience.

For a couple of days, we celebrated our escapade, reliving the excitement and joy of that rainy adventure. However, the euphoria soon came to an abrupt end. Suddenly, one by one, my siblings and I fell ill. Our feverish bodies and weary spirits were at war with a malicious sickness.

When we finally sought medical help, the doctor diagnosed us with an illness caused by waterborne pathogens. We were questioned about any exposure to dirty water or unsanitary conditions, and we had to confess our secret escapade under the rain. It was a difficult moment; we realized that our parents had been trying to shield us from exactly this kind of danger.

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Fried rice but not green

Fried rice but not green
On that fateful Easter Sunday, I found myself stranded at school due to unyielding exams and the impending festive season. Deciding not to waste time and energy on trekking back home, I embraced the idea of celebrating my Easter festivities right within the school grounds. My chosen lodging was located in the outskirts, a little away from the hustle and bustle of the main campus.

Rather than bemoan my situation, I took charge of my fate and decided to whip up a celebratory meal. Fried rice was on the menu, and after procuring the necessary condiments, I got to work. To my dismay, the resulting rice wasn't the vibrant green I had anticipated; evidently, my culinary skills did not extend to color coordination. However, upon tasting my creation, I was pleasantly surprised! The dish was a triumph, and I couldn't help but be proud of my accomplishment. With the addition of some garnished chicken, my Easter feast was complete.

Later, a friend from the same school paid me a visit, and together we enjoyed the impromptu Easter celebration, feasting on the unexpectedly green-less but delicious fried rice. It was a delightful and unexpected turn of events, turning a potential underwhelming Easter into a delightful mini adventure. It just goes to show that sometimes, the best experiences come when you least expect them.

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Life lessons

As a small child , I was very selfish, always grabbing the best for myself.
Slowly, everyone left me and I had no friends. I didn’t think it was my fault and I criticized others. But my father gave me 3 sentences to help me in life. One day, my father cooked 2 bowls of noodles and put them on the table. One had an egg on top while the other bowl had none on top.
Then he asked me to choose a bowl of noodles. Because eggs were hard to come by those days, I chose the bowl with egg! I was congratulating myself on my wise choice/decision and decided to wallop the egg . To my surprise, I saw that my father's bowl of noodles had two eggs at the bottom beneath the noodles!
With much regret, I scolded myself for being too hasty in my decision. My father smiled and taught me to remember that what your eyes see may not be true. He added that, If you make a habit of taking advantage of people, you will end up losing.
The next day, my father again cooked 2 bowls of noodles: one bowl with an egg on top and the other bowl with no egg on top. Again, he asked to choose the bowl I wanted. This time, I felt smarter so I chose the bowl without any egg on top.
Hmmm to my surprise, there was not even a single egg at the bottom of the bowl! Again, my father smiled and said to me, My child, you must not always rely on experiences because sometimes, life can cheat you or play tricks on you. Never be too annoyed or sad, with situations, just treat experience as learning a lesson that cannot be gotten from any textbooks.
The third day, my father again cooked 2 bowls of noodles, one bowl with an egg on top and the other with no egg on top. He asked me to choose the bowl I wanted. But this time, I told my father, Dad, you choose first. You are the head of the family and you contribute the most to the family.
My father was very happy and he chose for me.
He chose the bowl with one egg on top. But as I ate my bowl of noodles, to my surprise, there were two eggs at the bottom of the bowl.
My father smiled at me with love in his eyes. He said, my child, you must remember that when you think for the good of others, good things will always naturally happen to you.
I always remember these 3 sentences of my father.
As we continue on the remaining journey of 2024, think for the good of others. Don't be selfish, Put others first and your joy will be completed. Don't run after post, position, wealth, fame etc and bruise others to get it.
God Bless you as you wish others well.

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The Playlist

The Playlist
Today, I found myself in a state of restlessness, lying in my room with an unexplainable need for a song to lift my spirits. I went through my carefully curated playlist, but none of the songs seemed to have the power to switch my mood. It was frustrating; usually, my playlist had a song for every emotion, but today was different.

In a moment of spontaneous inspiration, I opened TikTok and began scrolling through the videos just trying to get something that would resonate with me. And then, there it was—a video featuring a song by Celine Dion. Intrigued, I delved into the video, but I couldn't find the name of that particular song. Determined to identify it, I spent almost half an hour searching until, finally, I found it.

I played the song, and as the beautiful melody filled the room, I felt the heavy weight on my shoulders gradually lift. It was exactly what I needed; its soothing rhythm became the soundtrack to my day, playing in the background as I went about my tasks. Even at night, it remained on the play, becoming my newfound favorite song.

Guess what?, the music is still on even as I write this.
The name of the song is "I Love You" by C-line Dio*.
Good night fam.

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Late night ruins

Late night ruins
I had spent the entire day and part of the night engrossed in my books. By the time I finally decided to take a break and sort out some of my things, it was already 11 o'clock. As I began ironing my clothes, I suddenly recalled that I had left my bedsheet hanging outside to air. I left the iron forgetfully on my chair and dashed outside to retrieve the bedsheet. I got so caught up in arranging my bed that I completely forgot about the iron plugged in.

It wasn't until I felt a nudge in my mind that I was still freshening my clothes. I glanced over at the table and realized with true horror that the iron was still resting on my shirt. I raced over to it and thankfully managed to remove it in time, but it had already left a faint stain. I let out a sigh of relief and silently thanked the Lord that it was only a slight mark. I couldn't bear to think about what I would wear to school the next day if the stain had been worse.

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Unexpected Stranger

Unexpected Stranger
It was a regular evening, and I was getting ready for bed. I was just about to tidy up my room when I noticed something strange happening near the door. It was a rat trying to squeeze its way through the little gap at the bottom. I was completely shocked and didn't know what to do at first.

I quickly made some noise and tried to scare it away, but it didn't work. The rat darted into the kitchen, and I knew I had to act fast. I closed off all the openings where it could sneak in and took precautions to make sure it couldn't get back inside.

After a while, I was able to get rid of the rat, but it was really stressful and unexpected. I had never experienced anything like that before. I was really worried that another might come back, so I spent the rest of the evening making sure my house was all sealed up. It was a bit scary, but I felt relieved that I was able to handle the situation on my own.

I know you reading this story might be back there saying, "This girl is this proud for getting rid of a rat", Oh yes I am.

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Art of Repair

Art of Repair
Today my MP3 player started malfunctioning. It was as though it suddenly became louder and then it kept tripping off. I suspected it was the battery causing these issues. In a rush of desperation, I decided to try an unconventional fix. I remembered a spare battery from another MP3 player I had lying around. I decided to attach it to my current one in hopes of restoring its functionality.

To my surprise, after connecting the spare battery, my MP3 player not only started working again but it sounded even better. The only downside was its appearance. The spare battery was attached from the outside, with the wire neatly inserted inside, but people often looked at it and assumed it had been damaged or altered. Regardless of its unconventional look, it continued to work just fine, playing my favorite tunes and keeping me entertained.

Sure, the battery's longevity might not follow the standard, but I'm just happy that it's functioning. I learned to embrace its unique appearance, and most importantly, it's still doing its job. After all, it's all about the music, not just the look.

So instead of wasting transport money and other expenses to go have it fixed, I could use that money for something more important.
My steez still remains 100%.

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Unbroken bond

Unbroken bond
I remember when my cousin got that big, lovable, furry dog. It was just a little pup when it came into our lives, and I immediately formed a bond with it. We spent countless hours playing, running around, and just enjoying each other's company. As the years went by, that dog became a constant companion, always by my side, eagerly waiting for me to return home from school.

I love the moments we spent together, and I made sure to take it for long walks, exploring the neighborhood and creating memories along the way. I couldn't imagine a day without its warm welcome, wagging tail, and slobbery kisses.

However, as time passed, I noticed changes in the dog's behavior. It started to become more irritable and aggressive, especially towards strangers. It was about 14 years old when it began lashing out, biting two visitors, and even my cousin. Despite my deep connection with the dog, I knew it was a serious issue that needed to be addressed.

My mom warned me to be cautious around the dog, but I couldn't bear the thought of severing the bond we had built. I continued to take it for walks and gave it all the love and attention I could offer. It was a conflicting situation, torn between the strong bond we shared and the increasing danger it posed to others.

Eventually, the situation came to a head, and my cousin made the tough decision to sell the dog. It was a heartbreaking moment for me, saying goodbye to a friend who had been by my side for so many years. The love and memories remained, but it was a necessary step for everyone's safety.

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My poor charger

My poor charger
I returned to school after a long break, eager to start a new chapter. Before diving into my studies, I decided to organize my living space. I unpacked my bags, arranged my furniture, and made my bed. My house was spotless, and I felt accomplished.

After a job well done, I took a well-deserved rest. I lay down on my bed, feeling relaxed and ready to recharge for the days ahead. Just as I was about to drift off to sleep, the lights flickered back to life. The electricity was back on!

Excited to get back to work, I quickly plugged in my laptop charger. But, to my shock and horror, it blew up instantly! The electricity went out again, leaving me in darkness. I couldn't believe it. What were the chances?

I waited patiently for two hours, hoping the power would return. But, it didn't. I realized I needed a plan B. I decided to venture out to buy a voltage guard and a new charger. Maybe that would solve the problem.

I walked to the nearby store, purchased what I needed, and returned home. But, to my dismay, the electricity was still out. It's been five days now, and I'm starting to lose hope. It seems like PHCN just wanted to destroy my charger!

I'm trying to stay positive and find ways to stay productive without electricity. I'm reading books, taking walks, and enjoying nature. But, I miss my laptop and the convenience it brings.

I'll keep waiting and hoping for the electricity to return. Until then, I'll make the most of this unexpected break. And, next time, I'll be more careful with my charger!

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Hard but Better Decision

Hard but Better Decision
I remember the days when our compound was graced by a beautiful orange tree. It stood tall and proud, bearing fruits that filled the air with a sweet citrusy fragrance. It was a sight to behold, especially when the oranges dangled like bright ornaments against the green foliage.

As the tree matured over the years, it became a magnet for the neighborhood children. Whenever my family and I were at home, we welcomed the cheerful sound of little voices as kids streamed in, asking if they could pluck a few oranges for themselves. It always brought me joy to see their faces light up with excitement as they carefully selected the ripest fruits.

However, our peace with the situation began to change when, on several occasions, we left for work and returned to find that numerous oranges had been taken and our property was in disarray. These same children, left unsupervised, would roam freely in the compound, not only plucking an excessive amount of oranges but also using everything they could get their hands on as playthings. They’d turn our carefully arranged chairs into makeshift forts, brandishing brooms as swords and turning our pots and buckets into parts of their imaginative games.

It was a stark realization for us, as we noticed that the very presence of the tree seemed to give rise to damages and intrusion. It was a bittersweet decision, but after careful consideration, we made the difficult choice to cut down the tree. It was a great disappointment for me because of the joy it brought us, but it became evident that it was necessary to address the increasing issues caused by the unauthorized access to our property and the vandalizing of our belongings.

As the sound of the chainsaw echoed through the air one fateful day, I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. With each falling branch, it felt as if we were severing a tie to something beautiful. However, deep down, I knew it was for the best. The memories of the orange tree, the laughter of the children, and the scent of its blossoms would always remain in my heart, but sometimes, difficult decisions have to be made for the greater good.

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Advantageous Rain

Advantageous Rain
I woke up at 3am to the sound of rain pouring outside. Normally, I would have rolled over and gone back to sleep, but I felt a sudden urge to relieve myself. I got out of bed and headed outside into the darkness, the breeze penetrating me to the bone.

Afterwards, I went back inside and decided to treat myself to a warm cup of hot chocolate. I boiled some water and mixed it with the rich, chocolatey powder, feeling the warmth spread through my body as I took a sip.

Just as I was starting to relax, I heard suspicious footsteps outside. I cautiously approached the window and peeked outside, my eyes scanning the darkness.

That's when I saw him - a stranger lurking around my neighbor's door, trying the handle to see if it was unlocked. My mind raced as I realized he was a thief, trying to take advantage of the rain to break in unnoticed.

Without hesitation, I raised an alarm, shouting loudly to scare him off. The stranger took off running, his footsteps echoing in the night as he fled the scene.

Thanks to my unexpected wakefulness and decision to relieve myself outside, I had foiled the thief's plans and kept my neighborhood safe. A night to be proud and grateful for indeed!

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Smooth Evening

Smooth Evening
I've never been much of an action movie fan. Give me a good adventure or a heartfelt romance any day, and I'm sold. But last night, something unexpected happened. I was at a friend's place, and he was raving about this foreign action movie he had on his phone. I wasn't that keen, but when he took a break, I snuck a quick peek at the screen. What I saw captured my attention in an instant. The scene unfolding before me was electrifying, and before I knew it, I was drawn in.

After a while, I couldn't resist asking my friend for the name of the movie. "Bee Keeper," he replied. The title sounded intriguing, and I made a mental note to remember it. Later that evening, I downloaded the movie as soon as I got home. It was already quite late, and I should've been heading to bed, but I was determined to watch just a bit before sleep.

As the movie played, I found myself fully engrossed in the action and the storyline. The lead character was captivating, and the adrenaline-pumping sequences kept me glued to the screen. Strangely, the combination of action and a touch of adventure worked its magic on me. I fought against my drooping eyelids, unwilling to pause the movie until I'd seen it through. From the heart-stopping stunts to the unexpected plot twists, "Bee Keeper" held me enthralled.

As the movie concluded, I was left with a buzz of excitement, the kind I hadn't experienced after watching a movie in a long time. It had been an unexpectedly thrilling ride, and my initial reservations about action movies faded away.

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In my early years, I didn't have a good relationship with my Dad, he worked as the logistics manager of an Engineering company, so while I was missing out on the love and attention I should get from him, he was overwhelmed by the responsibility of taking care of my siblings and I. The normal "fact" that fathers should be the one to pay the bills and all that.

As I grow older, I started to act out at school, I became unnecessarily clingy to my male friends that some thought I had interest in them. My mum was trying to fill in that gap, she was always there, but I wasn't really bonding with her, I prefer talking to my friends than telling her things that brothered me.
I then noticed that I was becoming distant from my parents, I only speak to them about money related matters and we don't have deep conversations.
Then, we decided to move from Lagos, my Dad resigned and we came to Benin Republic, it was a lot, my dad was now at home, my mum had a shop in front of the house, so we basically had time to talk.
It felt weird to come back home and meet my dad, it was like a new norm that we needed to adapt to, slowly we began to bond and I realized that there was a lot I didn't know about him.
When I got admission and left home, I would always receive messages from him, checking up on me. I won't lie, it took me time to bond with him and we are still bonding

We disagree a lot, even till date, he studied Philosophy (first degree) and Theology (masters), so there are lots of things he does and says that I don't agree with. Infact, there were time I offended him that he threatened to disown me.

I believe there is a testament to the power of an unbreakable bond between a father and a daughter, I am his first daughter and when you meet us talking, it is as if we are siblings, we agree and disagree but we make sure not to break the bond we have tried to build.
The relationship between a father and daughter is a unique and special bond that is built on love, trust, and mutual respect. He really plays a significant role in my life, serving as a protector, and guide. Together, I hope we share a lifelong connection that is filled with laughter, and unforgettable memories.

I am proud to be My Father's Daughter

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Green Stranger

Green Stranger
In one cool evening, I heard a manly scream and frantic footsteps. Curiosity kicked in, I dashed out from my house, keen to discover the cause of the commotion that had disrupted the evening calm.

To my surprise, I found a grown-up teen standing a few meters away from his room, frantically pointing towards the door. As I approached, he began to narrate how he had been peacefully attending to something in his room when, out of nowhere, a snake had chased a lizard right into his personal space. Gripped by fear, he had let out a piercing scream and hastily fled the room, seeking refuge outside.

Though I couldn't help but smile at his jittery reaction, I realized the situation was no laughing matter. I hurriedly called my brother for assistance, understanding that a snake in the house was not something to be taken lightly. As a girl, I had little knowledge of dealing with such creatures, and I knew my brother would be better equipped to handle the situation.

Armed with a sturdy stick, my brother arrived on the scene, ready to confront the unwelcome intruder. Cautiously, he managed to locate the snake, quickly identifying it as a green snake. With a swift and sporadic strike, he skillfully neutralized the reptilian threat, ensuring the safety and peace of mind of our distraught neighbor.

Even as the snake was removed, the neighbour continued to look scared and unsettled. He was afraid of his own room. He dragged his feet to his door steep and peeked in. To what seemed like he heard a sound, he ran.
I couldn't help it then that to rupture with laughter which I had suppressed from the onset.

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