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Mindviewers Stories

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Adapting to Noise

Adapting to Noise
After classes were over on Monday, I made an unusual decision. I decided to stay back at school and spend some time reading in the classroom. It's been a while since I read in a school environment. Normally, I preferred to read at home or go to the library, but today I felt a strong urge to try something different.

As I started to read, the noise from different students in the classroom was distracting. They were engaged in various conversations, and it was a bit troubling. At first, their appearance it hard to focus, and I found myself tempted to leave. It was strange because I had always been able to concentrate in the midst of some noise, but today was different.

I felt an inner battle within me, a push to go home and a pull to stay and finish the reading. I knew that if I left, I probably wouldn't resume my reading when I got home. So, I fought against the urge to leave, determined to stay committed to my decision to read at school.

As time went by, something shifted inside me. I found myself adapting to the surrounding noise. It was like a light switch and suddenly, the conversations around me became background noise. The more I read, the more I seemed to tune out the distractions.

By the time I left the classroom and headed home, I realized that I had achieved something. I'd managed to focus despite all the distractions

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Nose Troubles

Nose Troubles
Today was a really tough day for me at school. Everything was going fine until the afternoon when I started feeling a tickle in my nose. At first, I thought it was just a small thing, maybe some dust or something that got stuck in there. But as time went on, it started to get worse.

I couldn't concentrate in my classes, and it was super frustrating. I kept sniffling and feeling uncomfortable. Even when I tried to eat my snacks, I couldn't enjoy them because I couldn't taste anything properly. It was like I was getting sick, even though I knew I wasn't.

By the time evening rolled around, I was really struggling. I was so relieved when the school day finally ended and I could go home. As soon as I got home, I rested my head and took some paracetamol to help me feel better. It did help a little, but I'm still sniffling, and I hope it goes away soon. It was definitely a challenging day, and I'm looking forward to feeling better. Good night

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The malpractice

The malpractice
It was time for our exams and I was just seated at my desk, looking at the exam paper before me. Fear filled my mind as I considered the questions. As I looked around the room and saw my friends confidently answering the questions, I was so desperate. I decided to cheat I took a tiny piece of paper out of my pocket and carefully drew it out, and started copying feeling like an expert.
I felt so remorse as I copied the answers into my exam paper. Even though I knew what I was doing was wrong, I couldn't help but be afraid of failure. As I completed the last question and turned in my paper, it felt like time stopped.
After days, the results came out. I was surprised that I passed. But I was ashamed instead of feeling proud. I felt terrible about cheating.
I made a vow to never cheat again after learning that honesty and the work you put are the paths to true achievement.

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Day 2❤️

Day 2❤️
I, a final-year student, of the university of Benin felt a mix of excitement and apprehension as the last week on campus approached. Like many others, I eagerly anticipated the tradition of themed outfits each day. However, as someone from a modest background, I soon realized the financial strain it would bring.

With each passing day, the pressure mounted. Reluctantly, I called my dad for assistance, only to hear that finances were tight. Disheartened, I turned to my uncle, whom I hadn't spoken to in months. Just as hope waned, my phone buzzed with his unexpected call, asking if I needed anything.

Overwhelmed with gratitude and relief, I poured out my concerns to him. Without hesitation, my uncle offered not just moral support but financial aid that surpassed my expectations. With renewed spirit, I accepted his gesture, feeling empowered to fully embrace the last week on campus.

Adorned in themed outfits, I participated not just as a student, but as someone who had overcome a challenge with the unwavering support of family. My experience became a testament to resilience and the profound impact of familial love, reminding me that in times of need, help often arrives from unexpected places.

#your latest graduate

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A voice before the downpour

A voice before the downpour
Chinedu woke up to the sound of heavy rain pounding on the roof of his small apartment in Yaba. As a third-year engineering student at the University of Lagos, he had a busy day ahead with an important lecture on Thermodynamics. Glancing at the clock, he realized he only had an hour before he needed to leave.

He looked at the overflowing basket of dirty clothes in the corner. His mother’s voice echoed in his head, reminding him of the importance of cleanliness. He knew he couldn’t put off the laundry any longer. Just then, his roommate, Ifeanyi, walked in.

"Nna, this rain no get joy o. You sure say you wan wash these clothes today?" Ifeanyi asked.

"I don't have much choice, Ifeanyi. I won’t have any clean clothes for the rest of the week," Chinedu replied, determined to stick to his plan.

Ifeanyi suggested, "Why not use the new laundry service? I hear they’re very reliable and can even deliver back to you on campus."

Chinedu, however, was set on doing things himself. "I can handle it," he said, grabbing the basket and heading for the washing machine.

As the machine hummed and churned, Chinedu quickly got ready for his lecture. The rain showed no signs of stopping, and he was already worried about his clothes drying in such weather. But with no time to waste, he dashed off to campus, hoping for the best.

The lecture was engaging, but Chinedu found it hard to concentrate fully. His thoughts kept drifting back to his laundry. He imagined his clothes drying perfectly despite the rain. But deep down, he had a nagging feeling that things might not go as planned.

When the lecture finally ended, Chinedu hurried back home, his heart pounding with anxiety. As he turned the corner to his apartment, he saw the aftermath of the heavy rain. His clothes were nowhere to be seen on the drying line.

Rushing to the backyard, Chinedu's heart sank. The wind had blown his clothes all over the muddy ground. Shirts, trousers, and socks lay scattered, soaked, and dirty. Some pieces were even missing without a trace.

Chinedu stood there in the rain, feeling a mix of frustration and regret. If only he had listened to Ifeanyi's advice. Slowly, he began to pick up the clothes, mud clinging to his hands and clothes. The reality of the situation hit him hard.

Just then, Ifeanyi appeared, holding an umbrella over both of them. "Nna, I warned you," he said, trying to lighten the mood with a smile. "Come, let’s gather these clothes. We can wash them again."

Chinedu couldn’t help but chuckle despite the mess. "You were right, Ifeanyi. Next time, I’ll be more flexible."

Together, they collected the scattered clothes and brought them inside. Ifeanyi helped Chinedu wash the clothes again.

As he prepared for another day at the University of Lagos, Chinedu knew he was not alone in his journey. He had friends who had his back, and sometimes, listening to their advice was the best course of action.

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Nature is the best teacher

Nature is the best teacher
Sylvia, my dear friend, is a free-spirited girl who has a penchant for wearing tight gowns and short, skimpy skirts. No matter how many times I tried to advise her on her fashion choices, she just couldn't resist the temptation to wear these attention-grabbing outfits. I must admit, they always created an interesting impression, to say the least.

Now, one fateful day, as we were making our way to the minimarket in school, the heavens decided to open, and a harsh wind accompanied the rain. And wouldn't you know it, disaster struck! As the wind whipped around us, it caught Sylvia's short, skimpy gown and lifted it skyward, much to her dismay. Poor Sylvia looked utterly mortified as her dress billowed around her.

Doing my best to shield my friend from the intrusive gaze of onlookers, I guided her to a more sheltered area, and we managed to exchange her outfit for something more weather-appropriate. As I comforted her that day, I knew that this comical incident would serve as a turning point. I was confident that Sylvia, despite her love for unconventional fashion, would finally wave goodbye to her skimpy skirt collection.

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Relationship scam

“I am not ready for a relationship right now” these were the words Joshua said to me that night after a wonderful love making session, well I thought we were making love but realized later on that to him it was just casual sex.

This was something I was familiar with. Is it when David told me we should just remain friends or when Philip said he likes my friend better.

Dating has taught me a lot, especially in this part of the world, particularly Nigeria, where arguments come up online almost every two to three days. Arguments like who is to pay on the first date, should a girlfriend cook for her boyfriend and so many others.

I for one view dating from a subjective point of view, what works for you might not work for me and what works for me might not work for you.

Four years ago, I was at this party where I got dragged to. I didn't want to go, typical me like the pleasures of my house. Even after arriving there I sat down by the side watching my friend who invited me to the party, as she walked around mingling with different people, of course she knew almost everyone there. It was the birthday celebration of her coursemate.

I sat down quietly while games were going on, and we were divided into three different groups. The Master of ceremony then said every group should pick a female representative to come out. I don't know what it was on my face or maybe something I wore or probably the fact that I had been quiet the whole evening that made my group members pick me.

I stood up and went to where the other two girls who represented their groups stood. I had no idea what I was going to say or what game we were going to play but I had already prepared myself to lose easily and go back to my seat.

Interestingly it was a game I loved so much and I ended up winning, I believe that was what had drawn attention to my presence. Immediately I sat down, Joshua came to my side and sparked up a conversation, we spoke at lengths and I won't lie I was pretty much attracted to him.

We exchanged numbers before leaving and I believed that was a start of something great, he would call me and we'd gist about random stuff, I was the definition of “Fallen in love”.

Everybody close to me knew how I loved Joshua so much we were “The IT couple” or so I thought, gradually I started noticing changes in Joshua he'd stay days without speaking with me and even when I call we would talk for few minutes and he comes up with a flimsy excuse to end it.

Bear in mind that while all these were happening, Joshua had never for once asked me out, yeah! Funny, I know how stupid I was . Hey I'm not being harsh on myself, read to the end and if you don't agree I was stupid, then you'd surely agree I'm dumb.

I hadn't noticed we were not formally in a relationship because in my head we were married!!. Till that night I asked the most cliche question , “what are we?” It was at this moment Joshua gave me the most ridiculous answer I've ever heard “I am not ready for a relationship right now”.

You'd think after this, I'd receive sense and
Keep by pride intact by cutting ties with him, but No!!, instead I offered to be “the friend” he needed.

I guess deep down I believed that when he is ready for a relationship, he would choose me.

Joshua then traveled and things became worse, I will call and he won't pick up. Out of concern I begged my friend to follow me to his Friend's place and what I saw there shocked the living daylight out of me, it was his wedding program to another lady.

There was no way of committing suicide I didn't look up. It took a whole three months for me to get myself back, and by “get myself back” I mean continue my day to day activities. My once happy self was nowhere to be found…so when I say I've seen it all , you can at least give me a pass mark.

But hey! This is just one of many stories, it shouldn't determine your view on love because even for me it didn't. I admit it took a while for me to come back out into the dating world but I did.

And when I tell you I'm with one of the most amazing men right now, believe me and sure I didn't repeat my mistakes, he asked me out formally.

One thing I can say for sure about dating is that you need to experience it, to know it. But it all works out in the end.


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My Turning Point

My Turning Point
When I was in nursery and primary school, there was a period when I struggled to understand anything being taught. I couldn't read, write or even spell my name. My teacher at that time was a young man who frequently beat me, leaving me with cane bruises every day. The fear of his punishment made me dread going to school. My parents believed he was doing the right thing by disciplining me this way and even hired him as my tutor after school. This only intensified my fear, making it impossible for me to learn.

Everything changed when a new school opened in our compound, and my parents enrolled me there. I started in Primary 3 and met a kind and caring female teacher. Unlike my previous teacher, she never used the cane. Her gentle approach and encouragement helped me to feel comfortable and safe. Within one term, I learned to read and write, something I couldn't achieve under my former teacher's harsh methods. This new environment allowed me to thrive academically.

I soon became the top student in the class and took first place that term. The moment my name was announced in the assembly as the top student was incredible. My parents stood at the back, smiling proudly. I stood up, faced the school, and smiled back at them, knowing I had made them proud and that their efforts had paid off. They gave me a gift to celebrate my achievement, marking a turning point in my academic journey.

And since then my life changed because of that one teacher who made me love studying, and even till today, I haven't forgotten her and can never forget her. I hope to visit her in the nearest future and repay her for transforming my life. She laid the basic foundation of education for me. The thought of how my life would have looked like by now if I never met her terrifies me.

This experience taught me that children learn best in a supportive and loving environment. My previous teacher's harsh discipline only instilled fear and hindered my learning, while the kindness and encouragement of my new teacher helped me to excel. My story shows that with the right support and care, any child can succeed academically.

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Twice a Distance

Twice a Distance
I have this vivid memory from my time back in secondary school. We always took this long route to school, though it was short for some, it was quite a lengthy journey for us. The walk to the school took about 40 minutes, and I trudged along this route every day. On this particular day, after reaching the junction where we usually waited for the school bus, I realized my trousers had torn at the back. It was beyond frustrating, and the only solution was to walk back 40 minutes to change into a different pair. I could feel my frustration growing, and it was a traumatizing experience for me.

The thought of retracing my steps for such a significant distance was daunting. I made the journey back, changed into a new pair of trousers, and finally made my way to school. It was a day I certainly wouldn't forget. Fortunately, I've moved on from those days. Now that I'm at university, I take extra care to double-check my clothing before leaving in order to avoid any uncomfortable experiences.

I vividly recall feeling deeply embarrassed that day, even though no one seemed to take notice—thankfully, I was able to conceal my frustration. However, it taught me a valuable lesson and led to a daily routine of checking my clothing thoroughly to prevent such dilemmas. Looking back, it was still a rather embarrassing experience, but I've grown from it.

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Today was a struggle. I couldn’t wrap my head around the idea of having to write a test, especially after a long day at our clinical post-doc that was so far from the school. We got back from school around noon, whereas the test was scheduled to begin at 2.

It was a tough situation, and to make it worse, I hadn’t managed to eat before leaving. However, surprisingly, I wasn’t feeling overwhelmingly hungry this particular day. I thanked the Lord silently, as usually, when I spend long hours at school without eating, my stomach makes known its disapproval.

The test began, and I could say that the only studying I did was waiting for the clock to strike 2. When we saw the questions, others began to voice their complaints, but I remained silent. The questions seemed familiar and comprehensible to me, and I tackled them with confidence.

Afterwards, we created and marked the test as a group, and to my surprise, the outcome was favorable. I was content with my performance, and the experience turned out to be great, unlike how I had anticipated it to be.

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Thin Escape

As I finished reading at 11:30 pm, I packed up my things and decided to head home through the bushy path. It was a shortcut that I had taken many times before, and I didn't think twice about it. The path was dark and quiet, but I knew it like the back of my hand.

When I emerged from the bushy path and onto the open road that leads home, I felt greatly relieved. I had made it through the tricky part, and now all I had to do was walk a few more minutes to get to my front door. I picked up my pace, eager to get home and get some rest.

But just as I was feeling safe, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a WhatsApp message from an acquaintance. My heart began to race as I read the words on the screen. "Hey, be careful on that path," he wrote. "I just got robbed there. I managed to run away, but they might still be around."

My mind raced as I processed this information. I had just walked through that path, and I had made it out unscathed. Had I just missed the robbers by a few minutes? Or had they seen me and decided to leave me alone? I didn't know, but I was grateful (to God) to have made it past them.

I quickened my pace, my heart still racing with fear. I couldn't believe how close I had come to danger. I made a mental note to avoid that path from now on, and to always be more aware of my surroundings. Those "jobless beings" might have missed me this time, but I knew that I would always have to be on my guard.

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Timely reminder

Timely reminder
I woke up that morning with zero plans, feeling like a blank slate. But, as I reached for my phone to check the time, I noticed a WhatsApp message from my class group. My heart skipped a beat as I read the words: "Class has been fixed for today at 10 AM." Panic set in as I realized I had less than an hour to get ready.

After a quick bath and a hasty breakfast, I rushed to the lecture hall, my mind racing with thoughts of what the class might cover. But, as I arrived, I was met with a surprise: a notice on the board announcing that the class had been rescheduled for 12 PM.

With two hours to kill, I decided to wait in the library, trying to make sense of the sudden change in plans. As I sat there, I couldn't help but feel frustrated. Why had the lecturer changed the time at the last minute? And what would we be covering in class, anyway?

Finally, at 12 PM, the lecturer arrived, and we began learning about blood platelets. She spoke at a rapid pace, covering complex concepts in what felt like a blink of an eye. I struggled to keep up, my mind racing with questions. But, determined to make the most of the class, I scribbled down notes as fast as I could.

As the lecture drew to a close, the lecturer announced that she would be asking questions. My heart sank as she called on me first. I hesitated, unsure of the answer. But then, I remembered the notes I had taken earlier. Discreetly, I glanced at my notebook and found the answer. Relieved, I responded correctly.

The class ended with me feeling fulfilled, and some students even expressed surprise at how I had answered the question. As I packed up my things and left the lecture hall, I realized that the morning's events had taught me a valuable lesson: the importance of being prepared, even when things don't go as planned.

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When the Stomach Cries for Help

When the Stomach Cries for Help
I woke up this morning with a sense of urgency. We were supposed to have a lecture starting from 10:00 am today. As I hurried around, I realized I was lagging in time, so I skipped breakfast and hastily made my way to school. Little did I know, that was the beginning of my plights for the day.

Arriving at the school, my classmates and I were informed that the lecturer had moved the supposed lecture to 1:00 pm. Hunger was creeping in on me, but it wasn't too serious at that point. So I decided to hang on until the first lecture was over.

Time seemed to drag on slowly, and by 1:30 pm, the lecturer finally arrived and commenced the lecture. My stomach couldn't bear its thirstiness for food, and it grumbled, making it difficult to concentrate.

I silently prayed for the lecture to end so that I could go find something to eat. Finally, when the lecture did end, to my dismay, another lecturer took over immediately.

My stomach's growls were becoming more audible, and my face must have shouted hunger. After a seemingly endless class that ended by 3:00 pm, I could finally eat.

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Fascinating practical

Fascinating practical
During my secondary school days, our basic technology teacher introduced us to the practical aspect of electrolysis. I remember the day vividly, with the excitement and curiosity bubbling inside me as I saw the setup unfold before my eyes.

I couldn't believe it when our teacher joined and set up a simple experiment using a matchstick with zinc, salt, water, and glass. He then placed a bulb to two wires, and to my amazement, it illuminated. The room was filled with a soft, warm glow as the bulb lit up, powered by the reaction happening right in front of us.

I was in disbelief. Salt generating electricity? It seemed impossible. Intrigued, I moved closer to where our teacher had set up the experiment and looked closely. I needed to be sure that my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. I observed as the bulb continued to shine brightly from just the combination of salt, water, and zinc. It was a moment of wonder and awe.

The experience sparked a strong passion within me. The realization that something as simple as saltwater and a few basic materials could generate electricity ignited a new zeal for understanding the world of science and technology.

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A Few bucks for consequences

I went to my favorite store to stock up on some provisions. I picked up a chocolate drink that I loved, but when I got home and tasted it, something was off. It tasted rotten! I thought maybe I was just being paranoid, but the taste was really bad.

I went back to the store and told them about the problem. But instead of apologizing and offering a refund, they told me that it was a new recipe and that's how it's supposed to taste! I was skeptical, so I decided to buy the same drink from a different store. It tasted like it used to - delicious!

I thought maybe it was just a one-time mistake, but then I noticed that the custard I bought from the same store had gone bad. It was all lumpy and smelly. I took it back to the store and they told me it was still good to eat! I couldn't believe it.

I was starting to get really frustrated with this store. How could they be so dishonest about the quality of their products? I decided to avoid them from then on. But then I went on holiday and forgot all about the issue. When I got bacm, I heard some shocking news - the store had been shut down! Apparently, they had been selling expired products left and right, and someone had finally reported them to the authorities.

At first, I felt a little bad for the store owners. I mean, losing your business is a big deal. But then I remembered all the times they had tried to pass off bad products as good, and how they had put people's health at risk just to make a quick buck.

It was a hard lesson for them to learn, but it's an important one. Honesty and integrity are essential in business, and if you compromise on those values, you'll eventually pay the price.

I'm just glad I was able to avoid any harm from their expired products. And I'll never forget the lesson I learned - always check the expiration dates, and never trust a store that tries to pass off bad products as good!

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Costly Lateness

Costly Lateness
remember last November when my roommate came back home very sad and anxious. He told me that his phone had stopped working earlier that day. He was really worried because he was almost late for an important exam and he had to put his bag down quickly. He didn't realize that his iPhone 11 was in the bag.

After the exam, he looked for his phone in the bag but it wasn't there. He asked people if they'd seen anyone near his bag, but no one had any helpful information. His phone was gone. It felt like something you'd see in a movie, and he started crying again as he told me the story.

He felt really upset and gloomy after losing his phone. His parents got him a new one, but it was different - it was an android, not an iPhone. He started to feel a bit better, but he wasn't as happy as before because he really missed his old phone. The change to an android phone made him feel a bit sad, even though he tried to feel better. The memory of his iPhone 11, and the switch to a new phone, made him feel a bit sad for some time.

Well, I don't blame him too much for having felt that way. IPhones boosts a person ego and status and I know what it feels like to use an android after being known as an iPhone user.

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Good morning great educators in the building.........it's weekend splash

As a class room teacher have you experienced this?

(Phone ringing............) Mummy Shalom calling

Auntie Sharon; Hello ma! How is the family ma and my daughter?

Mummy Shalom; Don't greet me at all......... Did you run away from the class room then when is mathematics lesson period? Ahhba!!!!

Auntie Sharon: No ma.

Mummy Shalom: It's a lie you do during your school days. If not you won't calculate rubbish on my daughters' report sheet.

Auntie Sharon: Please don't be offended ma, it's the calculator I used is at fault.

Mummy Shalom: See you, calculator! Where schools are using Electronic Report sheet this days, if your school cannot subscribe to school software system management, they can afford the automated master sheet now, very cheap, accurate, safe stress and error free. Order for one now.

Pchat for more info.


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Night Class Discoveries

Night Class Discoveries
As I entered the dimly lit classroom for night class, I spotted Odili, a long-time acquaintance, sitting at a desk. We weren't particularly close, but having a familiar face in the room gave me a sense of comfort. Little did I know that this nightly study session would reveal a side of her I had never seen before.

As we settled in for a long night of reading, I couldn't help but notice the array of snacks that Odili had brought along. Carbonated drinks, biscuits, sausage rolls (gala), and peanuts surrounded her, creating a mini feast on her desk. When she offered me a sausage roll, I accepted it with a smile, but as I observed her consumption of the sugary and processed snacks, I couldn't help but feel concerned.

I gently expressed my unease about her indulgence, especially the carbonated drinks, and cautioned her against consuming too many unhealthy snacks. I could sense her surprise at my unsolicited advice, but I felt compelled to speak up, despite our limited friendship.

As the night wore on, I thought nothing more of our discussion about snacks until Odili suddenly began to gasp for breath, her chest heaving as she struggled to inhale. Panic gripped me as I rushed to her side, trying to understand what could be causing such distress. Desperately, I reminded her of our earlier conversation about the carbonated drinks and their potential impact on her breathing.

While I comforted her as best I could, I couldn't shake the feeling that her excessive consumption of sugary and carbonated snacks had contributed to her current predicament. As we sought help, I hoped that Odili's health scare would serve as a wake-up call, not only for her but for anyone who underestimated the effects of unhealthy eating habits. It was a night that taught me that sometimes, even casual acquaintances can reveal unexpected sides of themselves, and that genuine concern knows no boundaries.

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Never a Bad Decision

Never a Bad Decision
I've always been passionate about crafts and drawing. As a child, I would spend countless hours fiddling with paint, pencils, and various craft materials, engrossed in creating artwork that held my heart. My love for artistic expression was deeply ingrained in my being, and I cherished every moment spent immersed in the world of creativity.

When I enrolled in secondary school, my fascination with the arts only grew stronger. I eagerly embraced every opportunity to learn and hone my skills, pouring myself into my craft with unrelenting fervor. I was known for my dedication to drawing and my enthusiasm for all things art-related. There was a certain joy that came from seeing my sketches come to life and witnessing the beauty that emerged from my hands.

However, as I progressed through my secondary education, a new love began to germinate within me – a love for science and all things related. I found myself captivated by the wonders of the natural world, the mysteries of the universe, and the awe-inspiring discoveries that science had to offer. The allure of scientific exploration ignited a fresh fire within me, and I realized that I was drawn to the intricate complexities of the sciences just as fervently as I was to the arts.

As I approached the end of my secondary education, I was faced with a pivotal decision – to follow my passion for the arts, which I excelled in, or to pursue a career in the realm of science that had ignited a newfound zeal within me. It was a tough choice, as both paths held pieces of my heart.

In the end, I decided to take on a science-related field of study at the university. The decision didn't diminish my love for the arts; instead, it broadened the horizons of my interests. I embraced the pursuit of scientific knowledge while still finding time to indulge in my artistic endeavors. I realized that art was my talent, my calling, while the sciences had become a deep-seated passion that I could not ignore.

Throughout my university journey, I successfully preserved my adoration for both disciplines. I dabbled in scientific research while still exploring the boundless depths of expression through art. I reveled in the synergy between the two worlds, understanding that each fed into the other, and that I could find my place in any art field while studying a course in the sciences.

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Love for food

Love for food
Chika was a bottomless pit when it came to eating. Wherever he went, if there was food, he was there, salivating like a hungry puppy. His love for food was unmatched, and it seemed like his stomach had no limit.

One fateful day, Chika had an important presentation at school. It was early in the morning, and his father advised him to have a simple breakfast like tea and bread, just like everyone else. But Chika had other plans. He believed that a heavy meal would keep him strong and focused, so he decided to go all out.

Ignoring his father's advice, Chika pulled out a stash of fufu and okro from his bag. He smacked his lips and dug in with gusto, not caring about the consequences. Little did he know that the thick, slippery soup was being sprinkled all over his crisp white shirt.

Unbeknownst to Chika, disaster was looming. As he stood before the school authorities and students, ready to deliver his presentation, the crowd burst into laughter. Confused, Chika looked down and saw the evidence of his food frenzy plastered all over his shirt.

Embarrassment flooded his face, and his heart sank. How could he have been so oblivious to the mess he had made? But even in his distress, he couldn't help but chuckle along with the raucous laughter of the audience.

The situation was ridiculous, and the absurdity of it all struck Chika in the funniest way. Despite the humiliation, he couldn't help but find the humor in the fact that his love for food had caused such chaos. And as he stood there, covered in soup, he realized that sometimes, laughter is the best way to cope with life's little unexpected incidents, so he let out a chuckle himself.

Category Competition Winner!

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A peaceful reunion

It had been months since my friend, Peace, and I last spoke. We had a big falling out, and I wasn't sure if our friendship could ever be repaired. But as time went on, I realized how much I missed her and how much I valued our friendship. I wanted to make things right between us.

I decided to take a step towards reconciliation by making her a special gift - a beautiful photo frame with a picture of the two of us from happier times. I chose a serene environment, a peaceful garden, to invite her to meet me. I wanted the surroundings to be calming and soothing, to help ease any tension that might still be between us.

As I waited for Peace to arrive, I felt a mix of emotions - nervousness, excitement, and hope. I wasn't sure how she would react to my gesture, but I was determined to make things right. When she arrived, we exchanged awkward hellos at first, but as we sat down together, I could see the tension start to fade.

I handed her the gift, and as she opened it, a smile spread across her face. She was touched by the thoughtful gesture, and we both felt hugely relieved. We started talking, sharing stories and laughter, and before long, it felt like no time had passed at all.

We opened up to each other about our hurt and anger. We listened to each other's perspectives, and slowly but surely, we started to understand and forgive. The weight of our past argument began to lift, and our minds experienced freedom and renewal.

Our conversation flowed easily, and we rediscovered the connection that had once been so strong between us. We talked about our hopes and dreams, our fears and insecurities, and we found common ground once again.
The sun began to set, it was time to disperse, each to own residence. We hugged each other tightly, grateful for a second chance of friendship.

Category Competition Winner!

2,000 NGN Prize successfully withdrawn to winners' wallet
Show some love. Gift @applecoral something as TIPs

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