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When the reverse happens

He was a diligent employee at a local software company, where he had worked for many years. John loved his job, and he had always believed that it was the cornerstone of his stable and content life.

One fateful day, the company's management announced that they were downsizing, and John was among the unfortunate ones chosen to be let go. He was devastated. Losing his job, he thought, meant losing everything he had worked so hard for. He worried about his mortgage, his bills, and his family's well-being. What was once a source of fulfillment had turned into a crushing disappointment.

Weeks turned into months, and John struggled to find a new job. It seemed like every door he knocked on remained firmly shut. As his savings dwindled, he felt a growing sense of despair. But little did he know that the storm he was weathering would eventually lead him to a new and unexpected blessing.

One day, while attending a local networking event, John struck up a conversation with a stranger named Emily. She had overheard him talking about his background in software development. Emily, as it turned out, was an entrepreneur working on a groundbreaking project. She needed someone with precisely John's skills to help bring her vision to life.

John's disappointment had made him more open to new possibilities, and he decided to join Emily's startup. As they worked tirelessly together, they not only built an innovative product but also a deep friendship. John realized that he had discovered a passion for entrepreneurship that he had never known existed.

Years passed, and the startup thrived. John and Emily's creation became a household name, and they became industry leaders. John had not only found a new career path but also a newfound sense of purpose and fulfillment. His initial disappointment of losing his job had transformed into a blessing that had reshaped his life in the most unexpected and wonderful ways.

Looking back, John often marveled at the twists of fate that had brought him to where he was. He had learned that sometimes, the disappointments that hit the hardest could lead to the most incredible blessings when we are open to new opportunities and willing to embrace change.

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The cool ambiance hit my face as I peered outside the taxi I was sitting in.

I sighed. Today would be my last visit to where Tom was.

Tom was my younger brother whom I have been taking care of. It was my mother's last wish before she passed away.

"Take care of Tom, and protect him at all cost, Phoebe," she said as she let go of the hem of my gown.

Her words continued ringing in my ears for years. I have been shouldering the responsibility of taking care of Tom. He was someone I ought to take care of at all costs.

But now, things have changed because I was leaving for port-harcourt without him.

For some weeks now, whenever I went to visit Tom, he never answered back. I did the talking alone and listened to the bouncing back of my voice.

Hot tears ran down my cheeks. I no longer live a tough life. I was in money, but it looked like something was missing.

"We are here, Miss," the voice of the taxi driver jolted me back from my thoughts.

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand, took out a clean thousand naira note, and told him to keep the change.

I stepped out of the taxi and walked briskly to the duplex where I had workers taking care of Tom.
A slender, tall, fair lady came out of the building and welcomed me with a smile. I only waved in reply to her greeting and entered the building.

She took me to a room and left.

I stood in the cold room which housed a chair and comfy bed on which Tom was lying.

"it's me, Tom," I started to say as I pulled the chair and sat down.

My voice came back at me noisily.

"I am leaving for port-harcourt, so I decided to pay you a last visit," I continued.

"You know, I'm relieved I won't have to visit you anymore, it has been suffocating," I smiled.

I moved close to the place he was lying and lifted my eyes to the ceiling.

"At least, I would not have to see some scary cor…."

The words suddenly stuck in my throat. I choked on my saliva as I struggled to breathe.

I darted my eyes to where Tom was lying, I didn't see him there.

I felt a strong hand on my neck as the grip became tight.
A sinister chuckle echoed in the room and the hairs on my skin rose.

"This is impossible!" I shrieked as I struggled to break free from the stronghold.

Questions ran in my head.
Why was Tom awake? He was supposed to be dead. I killed him!

The person who gave me wealth said I would not have any problem if I follow the procedure of becoming rich- joining the secret society- killing Tom and visiting his corpse for 14 days.

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What Do I Do?

My name is Betty, and I have always been the kind of person who strives for excellence. Ever since I started school, my goal has been to secure the first position in my class. I studied hard, completed all my assignments on time, and participated actively in class discussions. But no matter how much effort I put in, I could never seem to rise above the third position in class.

Feeling frustrated, I began to wonder what I was doing wrong. I observed my classmates who consistently outperformed me, and I noticed something they all had in common - they were never distracted. While I tried to study, there was always something pulling my attention away, whether it was my favorite TV show, my friends visiting, and the like.

I started by setting stricter daily routines. I blocked out specific hours for focused studying, ensuring that I was free from any potential distractions. I turned off my phone entirely or put it on silent mode, refusing to let it steal my attention. As for my friends, I kindly explained my goals to them and asked for their support in keeping me accountable.

Furthermore, I chose to make my spare time count. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media or watching random videos, I sought out educational content to fill my leisure hours, scrolling through @mindviewers news updates and educative articles. I discovered countless informative websites, read books on various subjects, and explored documentaries that expanded my knowledge. I found myself growing intellectually even during my downtime.

Weeks turned into months, and I soon realized the positive impact of my newfound focus. My grades started improving significantly, and I noticed myself climbing up the leaderboard. I was finally approaching that elusive first position that I had always chased after.

The day arrived when the final rankings were announced. I held my breath as my teacher called out the positions one by one. When I heard my name being announced as the top performer in the class, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with joy. All my hard work and dedication had paid off. I had finally achieved the goal I had been striving for.

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On this faithful day or should I say rather unfaithful, I was woken up by a call from my junior sister saying that they needed money to buy food stuffs urgently and I promised to do something immediately about it. After the call ended, I went to my savings without even counting the amount that was there, I just took #4,000 and I went to the pos and sent it to her, she was very happy and I asked her to manage it.
I later got home took my bathe and was about leaving for work and as usual I went to my savings to take transport fare and I noticed I was left with only #400 and to and fro work altogether is #300. I instantly knew I was dummed because I would go hungry throughout that day, so I decided to just go to work and see what comes out of it.
After I closed from work, I realized I made nothing extra as tip from patients so I was still left with #250. So transported my self to a distance before taking bike to reduce the cost and I was left with #150. I thought hard of what to buy with it in this country that could quench my hunger I thirst, until I saw where bread and beans was sold and I remembered how it used to satisfy me whenever I eat it. So I went there and realized my money was only capable of buying bread #120 and the woman refused to sell beans of #30 saying she only sells beans #100 so I stood there until I saw a guy and decided to ask him to help me buy mine too that the woman has refused to answer me because I was not fluent in Yoruba. After he bought his, as soon as he mentioned mine she shouted that she doesn't sell beans #50 because the guy helped me to make it #50. So, he said she should make it #100 and that was how I was able to get the beans and bread thanks to the guy, I didn't go to bed hungry that night.
It was a very annoying experience that has taught me to always check my money before taking out of it to handle something to avoid embarrassment as such.

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Out in the cold

David had always loved the rain. It was his favorite time of year in the rainy season, He would head out into the street, dancing in the downpour, feeling alive and free.

His friends and family always warned him about playing in the rain too much, telling him it was dangerous and that he was going to get sick. But David never listened. He felt invincible, and the joy he felt was worth any risk.

For years, David continued to play in the rain whenever he could. He loved the way it made him feel, and he couldn't imagine living without it.

But then, one day, something changed. David woke up feeling achy and tired, with a pounding headache and a fever. He tried to shrug it off, but as the day wore on, he began to feel worse. He was later taken to the doctor, who told him he had a severe case of pneumonia, most likely caused by his time spent playing in the rain.

David was devastated. He had only ever wanted to feel alive and free, and now he was confined to a hospital bed, unable to even breathe properly. He realized that he had been wrong all these years, that playing in the rain came with real risks and consequences.

But he couldn't have been convinced better if not for the experience.
He had been playing in the rain for years now and nothing had happened until now. Except that this time, he felt awful and knee deep down that the excess play under the downpour had resulted in the impact.

He decided from then to abstain from cold and rain, it was a hard decision to make but he got acclimated with time.

Playing in the rain is bad and so is staying out in the cold, taking cold baths, and eating icey and cold food.

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What it was like

As I made my way to church today to catch a sermon, the familiar sight of children, dressed in their neat school uniforms, flooded my senses. They walked with purpose, their bags hung over their shoulders, some of them held books in their hands. The image of these young students trooping to their respective primary schools stirred sleeping memories of childhood, transporting me back to the days when I too was part of that eager crowd.

I couldn't help but smile as I watched the young ones hasten to avoid being late, some sharing stories of what they ate before leaving home while others kept walking mute and focused.

As I walked amidst the bustling group of youngsters, I couldn't help but reflect on my own experiences during those years. The friendships I made, the lessons learned both in and out of the classroom, and the gradual change from a curious child to a young adult set to explore the world.

I wished these young souls the same enthusiasm for life that I had, the same thirst for knowledge, and the same determination to face the challenges that awaited them. Their journey was just beginning, and it held lot of opportunities, so much than they can ever imagine.

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As she was walking down the quiet street towards her apartment, she noticed a man walking towards her. Instinctively, she crossed the street, hoping to avoid any confrontation. But the man followed her, and before Kosiso knew it, he had snatched her laptop and disappeared into the night.

Kosiso was devastated. All her hard-earned money had gone to waste, and she felt violated that someone had taken something she treasured so much. She felt afraid and betrayed that someone could steal from her so easily.

The next day, Kosiso mustered up the courage to file a police report. Although she knew it was unlikely that she would ever see her laptop again, she still felt a sense of relief that she had taken the first step in seeking justice.

As she left the police station, feeling exhausted and deflated, she noticed a group of children playing with makeshift soccer balls on the street. Despite her sadness, she couldn't help but smile at their laughter and enthusiasm.

Kosiso approached the children and started a conversation with them. Before she knew it, they had invited her to join in their game. Kosiso gladly obliged, forgetting about her worries and immersing herself in the joy of the moment.

In that moment, Kosiso realized that although the laptop was valuable, it was the experiences, the memories, and the connections she built with the people around her that truly mattered. She may have been robbed of material possessions, but she had gained something far more valuable: a renewed appreciation for the little moments of joy and connection that make life worth living.

Always be conscious when you walk.

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My wicked landlord

My name is Sarah, but my friends call me mumummy G.O I have this ability to Sense danger before it happens, don't know if it is a gift from God, Also I never knew I could see Ghosts too until one Saturday morning.

I was sitting outside, my new compound that i just parked in few days ago, the space outside was like an air conditioned room, the breeze there could make one to sleep. I sat for about 20 minutes, before I dozed off.

Not too long I slept, Someone tapped me, then I woke up, it was a lady, she was quite pretty, fair in complexion and was around her late twenties.

She asked me if I was new here, I told her yes, and I asked her who she was looking for, as I have never seen her face before. There was something odd about this girl, the foul smell that came from her could tell something, but I wasn't getting what was it.

Then I remembered When my friend classic told me about ghosts. 'Jesus Christ could it be that am chatting with a ghost, No way! .

Hey Miss am looking for your Landlord.
My Landlord is not around he travelled I told her.
Ok when he comes back tell him I came looking for him.

When my Landlord came back, I forgot to tell him about what happened.
Few days later I started having nightmares.

There was this lady always chasing me in the dream, she was looking harmless, but she kept chasing after me like I owed her something.

This continued for weeks untill I then finally remembered the lady that came the other day.
I told my Landlord, He just laughed and said mummy G.O are you sure of what you saw?Because the lady in your description died last year.
No sir it is not possible I saw a ghost, I felt ashamed of myself, because my landlord did not believe my story.

I left and since after that day I stopped having nightmares.It was then I started believing I actually saw a ghost.
I was prepared for her Incase she comes next time.

Life continued I almost forgot about the ghost incident,when one Saturday morning my Landlord was found Dead in his room.
What a world, few weeks back I told him about the ghost,then he dies
Is like this my Landlord hand no clean.

I went to see his family and sympathize with them.He had three children, he left now for his poor wife to train. I had much pity on them,but I know God will see them through.

As I was leaving the compound, I saw her, the Ghost lady.
What are doing here, I know that's your doings pointing at my Landlord house.

Tell me more about yourself and how you died
Because the way am seeing this, my Landlord has hand in your death. Yes he sure does the ghost replied it called tooth for tooth my family members saw how I died unjustified so they buried me with matchet and torch to fight for my self.

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A Ray of Hope

A Ray of Hope
It's an open field with bright grasses and I'm walking on it, towards a massive sword-like ray of light that appeared from the heaven projecting all the way to the earth. This ray of light was so thick that I couldn't see through it, I was so sure that's no ordinary sunlight, out of it came every beautiful creature that I had never gazed on or heard about.

Intrigued about what will be on the other side of the light, I increased my pace in an attempt to reach it sooner but a different, opposite event begun immediately. Dark loopholes randomly appeared on the field and in the air sucking in the beautiful creatures that came out of the light and anything that comes close, the once bright grasses turned black. A dark giant cloud filled with smoke and lightning shot out of the ground and reached for the heavens, terrifying winged creatures came out of it, with ear-piercing screeches, they shook the atmosphere.

Immediately realizing they were creating a strong distraction to keep me from reaching the light, I sprinted in utmost fear avoiding the dark loopholes but they weren't going to let me go that easy, in unison they flew towards me, hitting as if they intended to knock me down. I became weak, unable to keep running as I had sustained injuries to almost every part of my body.

Eventually, I came to a halt and the darkness began sucking me in, I could still see the light but there was no hope of getting there. But in that very instant, bolts of lightning fired from the sky and the ray of light became a being who appeared to have the stature of a man and when these evil creatures flew towards him, he breathed massive fire, enough to burn them to ashes, a hurricane gust of wind accompanied his breath, vaporizing everything that bred from the darkness.

With the last strength, I yelled out "Help!" There was a significant distance between us, I didn't expect him to hear me but somehow, I was convinced he was fighting to rescue me.

Until next time... Adios

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The Old house

Emily picked up an old leather-back book. She blew off the dust, revealing the title, "The Forgotten Land." Intrigued, she curled up in a corner even though the walls were full of dust and began turning the fragile pages. With each word, she was transported to a realm where knights fought dragons, fairies whispered secrets, and legends came to life.

For hours, Emily continued reading the enchanting story, completely absorbed by the world unfolding before her. She laughed at little provocations as if she acted a character.

As the evening sun became pale and painted an orange across the library, Emily closed the book, reluctantly leaving her newfound companions. With a smile glowing on her face, she knew her adventure had only just begun. The mansion had shared its hidden gem, an ancient tale, with her, igniting a spark of curiosity that would guide her through countless future expeditions.

Emily left the old house and rushed home in happiness. She took her bath and scrubbed her skin hard. She wanted to be clean of the dirt on her skin but not the pictures on her mind, she couldn't wait to tell mother.

Her hands were afloat, and her face was sad.
She had made mention of her adventure to Mother but Mother was displeased with it.
She assumed the place was mysterious and her daughter Emily should have kept away from the building as it might bring bad luck.

On the bed, she felt a bit unfulfilled and sad but the joy of discovering the wonderland surpassed. She couldn't wait to return the next day.

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The journey that never ended

Once, on a blistering summer's day, after my last exam, I embarked on what would become my worst journey ever. It all began innocently enough when I decided to travel the exact same day my exams ended which was supposed to end before noon. As usual I already have my lodge arrange and ready the previous day.

fortunately for the exam ended as expected, i packed my bags, kissed my friends goodbye, and set off on the long drive to delta state. Little did I know that this journey would test my patience and resilience in ways I had never imagined.

The trouble started when I hit an unexpected traffic jam on the highway. What should have been a simple drive turned into a seemingly endless ordeal of honking horns and frustrated drivers. Hours crept by, and my excitement began to wane. I cursed my luck and tried to keep my spirits high, reminding myself that the destination would be worth it.

As if the traffic wasn't bad enough, dark clouds began to gather overhead, threatening rain. I google map to see how far we've gone, hoping for some distraction, not long the drive tone on to a radio station, only to be met with a weather report predicting a severe thunderstorm in the area. Panic set in as I realized that we still have a long way to go and the time is far spent. With each passing minute, the storm drew closer, and my anxiety grew.

Finally, the traffic started moving, but it was too late. The heavens opened up, and rain poured down in torrents. I struggled to see through the blurred windshield, and the winding mountain roads became treacherous. Lightning illuminated the sky, followed by deafening thunderclaps that rattled my nerves.

On reaching the very first bus stop the driver entered to drop a few passengers, just on a reverse so the journey can continue hoping for a better and fast drive this time around. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, we heard a loud bang and felt the car shudder. We had hit a deep pothole hidden beneath the murky water on the road. My heart sank as I realized we had a flat tire, and changing it in the pouring rain demand we all exit the car

With trembling hands and soaked clothes, we managed to replace the tire, but by now, I was thoroughly drenched and shivering. Exhausted and disheartened, at this point I can't just continue with the journey but just because of the weather but we are already running very late into the night hours.

It was a humbling experience, to say the least. My worst journey had taught me the importance of being prepared for the unexpected and the resilience to face adversity head-on. As I finally made my way to a very close relations resident, I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Despite the mishaps and misfortunes, at least I had a tale to tell, a story of my worst journey ever, one that would be etched in my memory for years to come.

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Trip to Lagos

Last week, I happened to be opportuned to visit one of my uncles in Lagos in order for him to help me get a job back there in Lagos. The journey was kind of hectic and there was almost a time when we almost crashed into a car but I thank God we were able to reach safely.
On getting to his house, I was shocked because his house was like a palace and he's a person who always dress and appears like he doesn't have that kind of money but I was so shocked when I saw his house. He then made me understand that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. So after settling down, the next day I prepared my documents and he took me to three of his friends companies and he referred me to them and I also submitted my credentials and they all promised to get back to me. On getting home, I noticed something that was like a crusade because the whole place was crowdy and noisy. The road was blocked so my uncle had to park his car somewhere and we walked pass the crowd. But I was shocked why my uncle decided to leave his car instead of to horn or even force his way through but I didn't ask and as we walked pass the crowd that was when I noticed it was one of their festivals and there were many masquerades displaying and all of them were very tall, it was very amusing because I haven't seen any masquerade as tall as they were. My uncle soon spoke about why he left his car was that during such, they don't allow movement of vehicle.

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Today′s stress

I woke up early this morning feeling tired. As I stumbled out of bed, I realized it was going to be another long day filled with endless house chores. The laundry, the dishes, the cleaning. There was a lot for me to do.

Throughout the day, I rushed from one chore to another, barely pausing to catch my breath. The laundry seemed never-ending, the dishes seemed to multiply on their own, and the dust seemed to have a mind of its own, continuously settling on every surface in the house a minute after I wiped.

Each time I thought I had crossed one task off my list, two more would take its place. My stress levels soared as the hours ticked by, and I found myself yearning for a rest.

As night approached, I realized that I had reached the end of my to-do list for the day. The house was clean, the chores were done, and I could finally take a moment for myself.

As I sank into the couch, tiredness and fatigue engulfed me.
I was in deep sleep for close to two hours when I jerked up, I hadn't posted my today's story. A hobby that kept my joy running.

And so, with a heart full of hope and a mind ready for whatever lay ahead, I surrendered to the embrace of sleep, knowing that tomorrow is a blank cardboard paper waiting to be painted on.

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Adam and his school uniform

Adam had a knack for pestering his mother and causing a nuisance to his family. No matter how hard his mother tried to discipline him, Adam determined to test the limits of his stubbornness.

One fateful day, Adam's mother cautioned him not to touch any of the electronic appliances at home. She reminded him that he was not old enough to handle them safely. However, being the stubborn boy that he was, Adam chose to ignore his mother's advice.

He plugged in the iron, disregarding his mother's warnings. As he clumsily attempted to iron, the iron lid got so hot that it burnt a large, irreparable hole in his school shirt.

The next day at school, he had to face the school authorities and receive his punishment. They assigned him additional tasks and chores each day to teach him the importance of obedience and responsibility.

Throughout the days of punishment, Adam's attitude began to change. He realized how his stubbornness not only caused trouble for him but also affected the people around him. His mother noticed this transformation and saw a glimmer of hope in her son.

Witnessing the consequences of his actions and the impact they had on his life, Adam understood the importance of listening to his mother's advice and following the rules. He started to become more considerate and cooperative, both at home and at school.

From that day forward, Adam began to thrive as a good boy. He understood that his stubbornness had held him back, and he wanted to make amends for his past behavior. His family was overjoyed to see him grow into a responsible and obedient young man.

A lesson learned from burning his clothes. Sometimes, children should be left free when they cling to the fire, there's no better teacher than experience.

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My misfortune

When I was younger , I lived alone with her mother who sells food at the roadside.

My mother hated me so much. She believed I deprived her a whole lot.
I was still in my 2nd year at the university when i got pregnant. My only boyfriend who was also a student denied being responsible for the pregnancy.

My aunt whom I stayed with sent me back to my parents. But my parents couldn't pay my fees, so i dropped out.

The child came out looking like my boyfriend and that added to my trauma.

Whenever i looked at the child, it reminded me of the father and all the pain he caused me.

It's more than 15 years since i dropped out of school but i can't get over those feelings of regrets.

At any slightest provocation, I call her names, belittles her and even regrets ever giving birth to her.

Chika my child lacks love and affection. She doesn't believe she's good at anything because of the way I her mother talks to her.

At school, she doesn't interact much with her classmates. At home, she doesn't have time to read her books and she hardly does her assignments. This made her performance poor.

She spent most of her time doing chores and helping me her mother out in her business. She tried so hard to finish every task I gave her in order not to be scolded.

She usually helps me carry plates of food to the shops of our regular customers.

This is the story of me and my daughter and I have been living in regrets every since.

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Samuel was undoubtedly slow in class and can be called a dullard but he was always a conscious child.
Growing up, he had received strokes either for being a slow right, having rough handwriting, or not being able to read.

Despite the flaws, Samuel had charming looks, a white set of teeth, and captivating eye balls. He dreaded canes and anytime he came to school, his heart throbbed hardly at his chest till it was dismissal.

Samuel experienced a hard life, basically in school. Always bullied, bellitled and when he should seek safety from his teacher, she ends up stroking him.
No one knew or understood why Samuel hated going to school because he wasn't much of a talker and so his life continued.

Break time was the only opportunity that placed Samuel in an important position. Due to the fact that it was Third term and the school regularly hosted a graduation ceremony where they display many colourful exhibition in honour of the graduants and all moving on to a higher class.

During breaktime, they practiced marching walks and Samuel was always put at the front as a result of how stylishly, he moves his hands and legs and how he tilted his head and shoulders.

It was the day of the graduation and the students were already lining up. Samuel was waiting to join the queue when his brother Mark caught his hand and begged that he borrowed him his shorts.
Mark was graduating that year and was given many roles to perform. Considering this, Samuel agreed to exchange after gaping at the ink stain that painted the shorts which would have spoilt his brother's image.

After they exchanged, Samuel ran to retain his front position but when the coordinator sighted his shorts. She asked him out...

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Thoughts in a bus

I will miss my granny, I thought while leaning back on the dusty squeaky grey seat. The bus still produced a lively humming sound which pointed out that the engine was still in a good state, unlike the interior.

My granny had selected the seat for me after she took me to the motor park.
"Go in Nonso, drop your bag on that row", she said to me, gesturing at the position she wanted me to assume.
For a moment, I glanced at her and instantly, I missed her and the people, the friends I made in the village. I stayed with Granny throughout the long vacation and should return home when it's only a few days before school begins

Let's not make it look pathetic; staying with my grandmother was fun. I did have to eat all varieties of local foods and enough beverages, and most importantly, the whole experience was filled with love and warmth.

Granny had a small but cozy house, tucked away in a serene neighborhood, the walls were adorned with family photos and colorful paintings, giving the space a nostalgic charm.

The days spent with Granny were filled with laughter, stories, and endless adventures. We would explore the the far lands that the family possessed, either to harvest crops or till the soil. It was not adventurous per say, but worth it.

Her cooking was legendary, and I eagerly awaited each mealtime. From delicious soups to mouthwatering stews, she knew all the secretes of the pots and luckily I learnt as I helped out in the cooking.

But it wasn't just the food that filled my heart with joy; it was the love and care Granny showered upon me.
I was still in deep thoughts with a smile on my face when the ratty vehicle fell into a pot hole jolting me back to reality.

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Burying the hatchets

A young and ambitious king named James Jr ruled over the kingdom of Uzul. He was known for his bravery and desire to expand his kingdom's borders. His eyes were set on the Eastern Kingdom, a land filled with vast riches and fertile lands.

King James Jr. believed that the Eastern Kingdom should be part of Uzul, and so he gathered his armies and prepared for war. He thought that victory would come swiftly, and the Eastern Kingdom would fall under his rule without much resistance. As the battle began, the Eastern Kingdom's army proved to be a formidable opponent. The war raged on for months, and King James Jr. watched as his once-mighty army suffered heavy losses. The cost of the war was high, both in terms of lives lost and the devastation it brought to his own lands.

Realizing that the war was taking a toll on his kingdom and its people, King James Jr. decided to seek a different path. He sent messengers to the Eastern Kingdom, requesting a meeting with the Eastern King to discuss peace. The Eastern King agreed to meet, and both rulers sat down to negotiate. It was not an easy process, as there were deep wounds and grievances on both sides. However, after much discussion and compromise, they finally reached an agreement.

King James Jr. agreed to recognize the Eastern Kingdom's sovereignty and respect its borders. In return, the Eastern Kingdom agreed to trade peacefully with Uzul, benefiting both lands. They also pledged to help each other in times of need.

With the peace treaty signed and celebrated with a grand feast, the war came to an end. King James Jr. returned to Uzul with a fraction of the army he had set out with, but he had gained something much more valuable - a lasting peace that brought prosperity to his kingdom. As the years passed, King James Jr. learned that true strength lay not only in the conquest of lands but also in the wisdom to recognize when peace was the better path. His reign became known for its prosperity, and the people of Uzul celebrated their king for his decision to end the war and embrace peace.

Even in the face of conflict, the pursuit of peace and understanding could bring about the greatest VICTORIES

Category Competition Winner!

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Flower Vase

Flower Vase
It was part of the Cultural and Creative Art (CCA) curriculum; to make an alluring material or object with paper Marsh.
The project required some starch and soft paper shreds or tissue paper.

I pondered on which object my class would find it tasking and perfect to go for.
I was their fun teacher and they all looked up to me. I didn't want to make a regular cup or bowl like the rest of the classes were making, I wanted something different, yet not too difficult or simple.

We started by buying the required amount of starch, which we bought in sachets and tissue rolls.
We started shredding the rolls of tissue paper and some unuseful papers that we got from the classroom shelf.

I ensured that each student partook in the process. Some were shredding the papers, some fetched water, some were doing the pounding while some withdrew the paper paste from the mortar and finally, I did the mixing.

Just when I thought that the starch was enough to stick the paste together, it shattered.
I continued adding the powder until the paste was firm enough.

I started from the structures and positioned the paste with broomsticks to form a solid mold.
It took about 30 minutes for the students to identify what I was molding.
They shouted in astonishment and lured students from other classes.

Something was still mixing. The object stood perfectly but something was missing We figured it out in no time; It was color.

Students must have spread rumors and it must have gotten to the ears of the headmistress because, after break time, she came to see for herself. She praised the artwork and portrayed interest in having the object beautify her table.
I only told her to let it dry.

Long story cut short...
I got a better opportunity than teaching the next week after and I remember inserting the flower vase in a nylon.
Yes! The flower vase is with me now, and I'm starting at it as I write.

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City influence

Parents should not deviate from the normal disciplinary measures of training their children just because they left their home in the village to come live in the city.

Met a girl named Amara yesterday while trying to purchase something and the way this girl acted got me and I couldn't help.

I already ordered a roll of burgers and a soda to wash down the junk and the woman was struggling with the nylon bag when a fat, fair, and short lady in her early teens entered the canteen and started confronting the woman for having sold to her an expired product.

Yes, it was fair to complain, but the way she addressed this elderly woman was just out of place. Claiming she could have arrested her if it was in Lagos. She shouted at the woman to shut up when she tried to explain to her that the expiry date was still in a month.

I struck her face when she was just about dabbing the elderly and brushed her to the floor.
She wouldn't stop still. She claimed that her family had influence and all that and threatened me.
But come on, you are good off but you can't get over the fact that the little junk of #200 was stale?

With the help of other people around, they forced her to leave and never come close to the school canteen again.

Category Competition Winner!

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Little Touts

Just yesterday, I went to visit a friend just to cool off and rest from the stress of week and all. As I arrived there, he was about going to the field to play football, so I just decided to follow so I could watch. We got there and there was too much crowd in the field and it was just only one field. So since everybody wanted to play, they were shared into up to six sets and gave 7mins for each round that will be played.
Everything seemed to be going well at the start and almost half of the sets have played when I noticed a group of small children came to the field claiming that one of the guys on the field insulted them and they brought sticks to fight the guy with. So some people tried calming the boys down but there was one who seemed to be their leader who wasn't ready to listen to anything. It was actually a funny and annoying experience because these little guys had their hair dyed red and none of them was more than 12yrs old and they were already showcasing and practising the life of cultist. Before we knew it these guys entered the field and said everyone should get out and not play ball there again that it's their land and their state that they are supposed to be paid before we can access the field which didn't even belong to them. There were series of arguments and all which almost led to a fight but everyone was cautious not to hit any of them because we are students in the area and their people might do anything to us anytime they like if we tried anything funny. That was how the whole fun was stopped by little children whom normally with one slap everything will be settled but because of improper home training these children were given they had enough guts and do anything they like.
It was a bad experience and it showed me the importance of proper home training respect to elders.

Show some love. Gift @simon11 something as TIPs

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