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Mindviewers Stories

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Evening walk

Late evening walk was my thing.
Actually after my senior WAEC I did nothing much to keep myself busy during the first months. So I suddenly developed the habit of going for evening walks around the university in my area.

The sites and people I meet along the way during my strolls are usually worth it. I would take a longer route around the heart of the university with my music on and which after, I headed back home.

I did this for over two weeks without missing a day. It was later added to my hobbies by the way.
Anyway that I missed taking a stroll into the university area due to more important reasons, I end up feeling unfulfilled for that day.

Just like the normal times, I started a walk into the school as usual, but this time, the time was a bit late than my normal coming.
The roads were almost scanty. There wasn't electricity lights in the buildings too except the few using generators.

I had already walked past the heart of the school and heading back with my headset on and my voice echoeing through the streets when suddenly, a Honda motorcycle pulled up in front of me.

I wanted to avoid them and pass but one of them acted to be stranded and demonstrated a pleading hand, so I pulled out my headset to understand them better. My eyes caught a gun immediately, the second man on the motorcycle quickly pointed a gun at me and requested for the phone I had in my pocket.

After he collected the phone, he unplugged the headset and placed it on my shoulder and went on to search my pockets. Left in my pocket was a #100 note which I was saving to buy 2 cups of cooked groundnuts on my way home. They collected the note and threatened to shoot me.

And that was my story😭

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Mood swing

Nicholas had just gotten scholarship to one of the best University in the world after staying at home for 3years without gaining admission. His joy knew no bounds, he couldn't wait to share the good news with his family members, he hurriedly left the cafe and jogged to the nearest bus stop and boarded a bus going to oluaje street. The bus was moving very slow because it had been stopping at every junction they had come across, the driver was either calling for more passengers or alighting passengers. Nicholas was now being very impatient, he stomped his leg frequently on the rusted iron floor of the bus, at the same he was screaming at the driver to move fast. Almost immediately, a heavy rain downpour swept across the streets, causing a total halt to all moving vehicles.
And once again Nicholas got very impatient, he went on rattling to himself, everyone around him wondered if he was in a good state of mind, finally the rain stopped and the traffic cleared. Two junctions to his destinated street,the bus stopped again to pick up an elderly woman with five small children. The elderly woman spent a lot of time getting on the bus and this made Nicholas lose his nerves, he began to shout at the woman to hurry up and also scolded the kids to smart up. It was then, everyone in the bus got harsh towards Nicholas. The passengers rebuked him, the driver asked him to drop off from his bus, though not until he had paid the the bus fare. This got Nicholas mad and an hot argument broke out, which led to physical combat.
Nicholas strolled down to his street with swollen eyes and bleeding lips. His younger sister saw him afar off and ran to meet him.
"Welcome brother, how was it? Is it good news?"
"Whatever", Nicholas answered and brushed past her, he walked sluggishly into the house and bumped into his mum who was heading out of the house.
" Thank goodness you are back, I have been waiting for eternity, what took you so long?"
"I had........................"
" I'm heading out, can I get the change of the money I gave you".
Nicholas was getting irritated already, he had out of annoyance given the driver #500 without collecting change, his younger sister barged in almost immediately, Nicholas heaved a sigh of relief as he quickly made his escape into his room.
"Mummy is Nicholas okay? He seems to have fallen off a bike in annoyance"
"What do you think; that spells bad news ofcourse, he will have to wait another year at home".
Nicholas kept his good news to himself for two days, he was just not in the mood to tell anyone yet. Early the next morning, while they were having a family devotion, Nicholas mum started casting and binding the demons behind her son's progress, Nicholas at first was silent but not until his mum asked him to kneel in the mist of everyone, so they can lay hands on him.
"Mum I'm not bewitched by anybody"
"You don't understand my son, there are some..............."
"I got the scholarship!"
" Yes, by faith we claim it"
"Not that, I mean I was given the scholarship two days ago".

The atmosphere got cold immediately as silence made host that moment.

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It was on a Sunday morning, and as usual, I started my motorcycle and headed out to church. The morning started smoothly I must say and the mist in the air accompanied the chilly weather which I preferred to warmness.

On my way, I was cautious of the busy road and put my speed in check. It was at a junction where a small mass was attempting to cross and because I was in a light and happy mood, I halted my motorcycle entirely, and just as they went across the main road, I started behind their back, and then it happened.

A Bike man had hit the back of my motorcycle. It spun and threw me off. I landed on my shoulder, with my head hitting on the sharp end of the sidewalk drainage. I lost consciousness.

I began to regain consciousness when they pushed me on a wheelchair to a ward. My face was gushing blood, and I hardly could breathe.

"no we cannot do anything for him", a cold voice answered one of the strangers who conveyed me to the hospital when he requested my immediate treatment.

They didn't lay a hand on my pathetic body, nor was I offered a bed while I battled unconsciousness and loss of blood.
It wasn't one of my Sundays I guess. But after everything, I am here, stronger and better by each day.

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True love

There was this guy that was in love with one of the f ok finest girls I have ever seen. The girl had brown eyes and pink lips, she looked like a Barbie. She was the true definition of beauty, perfect height, fair in complexion, voice as sweet as honey, and thick curly hair.

While the guy, her boyfriend on the other hand was a bushman, with the biggest brown teeth in history, well-shaped k-legs, a ridiculous height and a very decent pot belly.

I would love to finish the story but let's do this next time.
Remember to leave a like and wait for my next story

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Drugs and friends

Dan was a neighbor, he went for a party last week and the story is about to be told.

Dan was a young boy trying to survive, people always saw him as a hard working person but Dan kept bad friends, he was either seen gambling with touts sometimes or clubbing whenever he was done working.

Just last week, he was arrested.
Police came late evening and dragged him away.
We never heard the real gist yo to the reason why he was arrested until two days later.

In the usual restaurant where Dan clubbed, his friends ridiculed him and claimed he wasn't smart and that was arrested.
The story holds that Dan had made out with lady at the party but had no money to pay because he was drunk at first.

Now Dan's image is totally ruined, he can't even keep his head up while he walked. His friends deserted him. His friends are said to be more responsible than him.

Keep good company.

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After breakfast, Daniel washed and dressed and made ready to leave for school. With a quick kiss for his mum, he was out on the street, laughing as he hopped along, his best friend, Ben, joins him at their usual spot. They chatted away about the usual boys topic while Daniel giggles at everything. Ben had hit his leg on a stone and Daniel had laughed for 30minutes stretch till the bell was rung for assembly.
The assembly began with morning prayer,
"Their father, who's art upon heaven, hallowed to the name..........."
A young girl had confidently and loudly memorized the lord's prayer wrongly, Ben taps Daniel who is at his back and they both burst into a loud giggle. Suddenly the assembly hall grew silent and Ben stopped giggling, but Daniel won't, the principal screamed at him to keep quiet but he wouldn't listen.
That day Daniel was used as a scapegoat.
On their way home from school, the two boys were as silent as ever, Ben kicks at everything that touches his feet while Daniel walks slowly, taking one step at a time.
"Why wouldn't you stop laughing? Ben had asked quietly
"Don't know too, I just laughed and couldn't stop"
The next morning, Ben had waited for Daniel at their usual spot but had to go to school alone after waiting hours for Daniel. This went on for days and weeks, Daniel was also absent from school. Ben summoned courage on a Friday and knocked at the big gate where Daniel lived.
It was after midnight and Ben had just gone to bed, as he lay there, waiting for sleep to come, his thought troubled him.
"How could he be sick? He was fine until that day". Ben had discovered of Daniel's ailment.
Daniel was suffering from pseudobulbar
Came the early hours of the morning, Ben hurried to Daniel's house, sad faces welcomed him, he instinctively knew that it spelt bad news. Will had passed away that night.
20years later
Ben drove his kids down to school, they were 5minute late, he dropped his kids and turned to leave, twas then the pupils started chanting the "the lord's prayer". He freezes as he was long gone into MEMORIES

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**I'll appreciate everyone's opinion and additions...🙏**
# **Story**

The story of Alex is one of heartbreak, loss, and ultimately, resilience. Alex had already experienced the pain of abandonment when his father left him, but he had found solace in the love of his grandmother and the comfort of his therapy sessions. However, when Lily died in a tragic car accident, Alex was completely shattered.

His sensitivity, which had been both a strength and a challenge for him, became a burden that he struggled to bear. He felt as if he had lost a part of himself, and the pain was overwhelming. He became withdrawn and shut himself off from the world, unable to cope with the reality of his loss.

The first threshold that made Alex cry was the moment he found out about Lily's death. The news hit him like a ton of bricks, and he was unable to control his emotions. He cried uncontrollably, his grief consuming him.

The second threshold that made Alex cry was when he had a massive fight with Jake. In his pain, he lashed out and pushed away the one person who was trying to help him. He ran away, leaving everyone worried sick, and felt ashamed and guilty for what he had done. When he finally returned, he cried as he apologized to Jake, realizing the depth of his mistake.

The third threshold that made Alex cry was when he realized that he couldn't keep running away from his pain. He knew he had to confront his emotions and try to find a way to move forward. It was a difficult and painful process, but he talked to his therapist and his loved ones, and he slowly started to work through his grief. He cried as he let out all the pain he had been holding inside, but he also felt a sense of relief and release.

As time went by, Alex learned to find joy in the moments he shared with others. Although he would never forget Lily, he realized that he could honor her memory by living his life to the fullest. He also learned that his sensitivity was a gift, and he was grateful for the support of his grandmother, his therapist, and his friend, Jake.

Through his tears, Alex found strength and resilience. He knew that life was full of challenges, but he also knew that he had the strength to face them. He had learned that it was okay to cry, that it was okay to feel pain, and that it was okay to lean on the people who loved him. And with that knowledge, he faced the future with courage and hope.

*the end*

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Just the Best

It was one of its usual cold mornings throughout Lagos City as I won't up shivering. I slept without clothes on, but that isn't the story.

A minute or two later, my alarm went off, it signaled the competition time.
Quickly, I grabbed my phone and went through the competition details that was to start in 5 minutes.

Commenting would have to be quick and comprehensive for one to win.
Luckily, I was the winner. The smile on m face was pure. The day had started off good, I thought.

Though I couldn't recall when exactly I joined the site, I didn't forget that this very site have fed many for more than 3 years, yet improving daily.

After I saw the gift box icon beneath my comment, which denoted my winning, I checked my balance, I had already accumulated over #2000, so I requested for withdrawal.

Withdrawing from this special app is never a worry. Once the credit countdown was over, your accumulated money drops into your account instantly. And never had there been a case of missing fund, never.

Can't tell how the entire day went, but with this site which has stood the test of time, no day was/is a bad one.

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The Fake Pastor and the Yahoo Boy

There was a young man named Chidi who was a yahoo boy. He used to scam people online by pretending to be a rich businessman or a foreign lover. He made a lot of money from his victims, but he was not satisfied. He wanted more.

One day, he met a fake pastor named Olu who claimed to have spiritual powers. Olu told Chidi that he could help him get more money from his clients if he followed his instructions. Chidi was curious and agreed to try.

Olu told Chidi to bring him a goat, a chicken, and a bottle of palm wine. He said he would use them to perform a ritual that would make Chidi's clients more gullible and generous. Chidi bought the items and brought them to Olu's church.

Olu took the items and went inside his office. He told Chidi to wait outside and pray. Chidi did as he was told, but he was also suspicious. He decided to peek through the window and see what Olu was doing.

To his shock, he saw Olu eating the goat and the chicken and drinking the palm wine. He realized that Olu was a fraud who was only interested in his money. He became angry and decided to teach him a lesson.

He went back to his car and took out a gun. He stormed into Olu's office and pointed the gun at him. He shouted, "You are a fake pastor! You have been deceiving me! Give me back my money or I will shoot you!"

Olu was terrified and begged for mercy. He said, "Please don't kill me! I'm sorry for what I did! I will give you back your money! Just spare my life!"

Chidi said, "Where is the money? Show me!"

Olu said, "It's in my bank account. I will transfer it to you right now. Just give me your account number."

Chidi gave him his account number and watched as Olu typed it on his phone. He waited for the alert to come.

But instead of an alert, he received a message from Olu that read: "You have been scammed by Pastor Olu. Thank you for your donation to God's work."

Chidi looked up and saw that Olu had escaped through the back door. He ran after him, but it was too late. Olu had vanished.

Chidi cursed and cried. He realized that he had been outsmarted by another scammer. He learned a bitter lesson that day: what goes around comes around.

The moral of the story is: don't cheat others or you will be cheated yourself. Be honest and work hard for your money. God bless Nigeria! 🇳🇬


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A Jayant Crocodile

A Jayant Crocodile
Once upon a time, in a lush and verdant jungle nestled along the banks of a serene river, there lived a Jayant crocodile named Jax. Jax was not your ordinary crocodile; he possessed a gentle heart and a kind soul. Unlike his fellow crocodiles, who were known for their ferocity, Jax had a reputation for his compassion and understanding.

Jax spent his days basking in the warm sun and observing the abundant wildlife that shared his habitat. He was fascinated by the harmony of the jungle and the diverse creatures that coexisted peacefully. His friends included mischievous monkeys, colorful birds, and wise old turtles, all of whom admired Jax's caring nature.

One day, as Jax was enjoying the tranquility of the riverbank, he heard a faint cry for help. Curiosity piqued, he swiftly swam towards the sound and discovered a baby monkey perched on a tree branch, tears streaming down its tiny face.

With a warm smile, Jax gently approached the distressed monkey. "What seems to be the matter, little one?" he inquired, his voice soothing and comforting.

The baby monkey sniffled and replied, "I've lost my way. I can't find my family, and I'm scared."

Jax's heart swelled with empathy. He understood the feeling of being lost and alone, and he knew he had to help. With his agile tail, he created a makeshift bridge for the young monkey to cross safely to the riverbank.

"Come with me," Jax offered kindly, "I will guide you back to your family."

Grateful for Jax's kindness, the baby monkey hopped onto his back, holding on tightly as they navigated through the dense jungle. Jax skillfully maneuvered around treacherous vines and dense undergrowth, making sure to protect his tiny passenger at every turn.

Finally, after a long and adventurous journey, they reached a towering tree where a group of anxious monkeys awaited their lost family member. The baby monkey's parents were overjoyed to see their beloved child, safe and sound, thanks to the selfless actions of Jax.

The monkey family expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Jax, and the entire jungle soon heard of his heroic deed. Animals from far and wide flocked to the riverbank, eager to meet the compassionate crocodile who had proven that kindness and bravery could overcome any obstacle.

Jax's reputation as a gentle guardian spread throughout the jungle, and he became a trusted friend to all creatures. He spent his days helping others, whether it was rescuing a stranded bird or offering a comforting presence to those in need. Jax's acts of kindness touched the hearts of everyone he encountered, and his presence brought harmony and unity to the jungle.

And so, the story of Jax, the Jayant crocodile with a heart of gold, was passed down from generation to generation. His selflessness and compassion served as a reminder to all that kindness and empathy can truly change the world, one act at a time.

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The Bully

We were occupants in a 3 stories building in the past 3 years. We inhabited the 3rd floor, while different tenants occupied the 2nd and lower floor.

Stephen was a pin in the flesh around the vicinity, once you hear a child crying, he was behind the scene. He bullied all around him and commanded them too.

I came down one day to play with the children, and all of a sudden, he started beating a friend of mine for no reason. I stood to confront him, but he slapped me. I cried and wanted to fight back, but his intimidating height was something I couldn't face.

From that day, I avoided Stephen. I would keep a distance and threaten him and then run when he approached to beat me up.
But I ensured I always declared that he wouldn't go unpunished for the slap he once gave me.

After some weeks, I saw Stephen's family packing out.
They shattered a bus and were stuffing it all up with their properties. I quickly thought about how to fulfill my words. I promised that he wouldn't go unpunished and I would keep to my word.

I watched as they stuffed the bus and when they were done, they bid us and the other tenants farewell and as they were entering the bus to depart, the bus was horning all through because they have delayed him enough.

I looked at my mum as she untied the diaper (pampers) from Angel my last born, I smiled and grabbed the diaper full of poo 💩, went to the outlet targeted Stephen's head and released the faeces 😂
I'll leave the rest of the story untold.

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Being good

Back when I was small, I was very obedient. I went for all errands without complaining. Always there to do chores
I was hardworking also. I always read and my dad promised that he would give me a surprise reward one day.
It was when I wrote my Junior WAEC, I performed so well that made my family happy. He told me that time again that he was going to surprise me.

But I was waiting for the surprise throughout the whole week, even the next week but nothing came And I gave up.
Surprisingly after a month, my dad called me inside and began to about at me. I didn't know it was all his plan.
I did nothing to warrant him shouting at me, so I was lost and in tears and just then he brought out a brand new phone and handed it over to me.

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How would you discipline an only child


As I was running like Flash to get home before the poo poo in "bum bum" will disgrace it's ancestors not me, I noticed Aunty Nekky, the seamstress near our house, ,flogging her 5 year old daughter.

"So a girl of your age cannot help her mother to bring out things from the shop, idiot !"

She screamed at the little innocent girl who was crying while entering the shop to probably bring out the transparent bucket used in show casing " a strong flour recipe" we call "KPOMBE".

Two of that KPOMBE can hold hunger for the next 48 hours. No cap.

As I was offloading the rubbish I have eaten for the past one week because of SAPA, sweating like someone that ran a marathon race with the Kenyans, I started having thoughts on why Aunty Nekky would be flogging her daughter that way because she didn't help her, A 5 year old for that matter.

My thoughts gave me some reasons for her disciplinary action on the girl.

Firstly, Aunty Nekky was the only surviving girl out of 5 girls that was born to her parents, she had 3 other brothers.

Despite being the only girl, she was severely disciplined which evidently helped her throughout the cause of her life.

So she wants give her daughter the same disciplined her parents gave her.

Secondly, the girl is her first child after a year of marriage and since then she had no more kids.
So she does not want her only child and a girl at that to be lazy and indisciplined.

This disciplinary acts made her daughter to be obsessed with greetings, she could greet you even if she saw you 20 times a day.

But regardless of this reasons and perspective, I have some questions.

1. Must we give our kids the same disciplinary act that our parents used on us?

2. Did our parents disciplinary actions really affects our behaviours later in life?

3. Are there not pampered children that have good manners and disciplined kids that are waywards?

How would you disciplined an only child?

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Mindviewers has so far been the best website that I could proudly boast of, refer to without regrets, and also show proofs of withdrawal and unargued credibility but something happened this late morning around 1am.

My last @stories competition was due for a win and before the winning time, I accumulated more likes than all my opponents, but then as soon as the countdown was over, the cash price was withdrawn to @simon11 account.

I was displeased with the whole outcome so I messaged the admin @mindviewers immediately and made my complaints with him and also sent my proofs to him. But he did nothing. After several messages, he replied finally and claimed that @simon11 had higher likes as at 12am whereas the competition ends by 1am. He also defended that the selection was automated and therefore correct. But I ask, what is the value of the admin if he couldn't try to trace for computerized mistakes or bugs.

@simon11 woke up definitely around 4/5/6am and magically he accumulated more likes to qualify his win.
Guess what?, @mindviewer admin bought it.

This is in no way meant to insult or judge, it's just my story.

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One Good Act

Doing good really pays, I'm going to tell a story of a very great guy, he's loved by everyone in the school because he always assist whenever necessary.
He created a watsapp group for aspirants of the University and gave maximum help, guidance and assistance to them right from before they were given admission and after. Many of the students couldn't help but locate him once school resumed and they gave their sincere thanks.
So, one faithful day, the guy went out to eat with his friend and he was hoping to pay with his ATM because he was only have #200 on him. After eating, he tried paying with his ATM but found out that he account was restricted and immediately he realised he was in trouble because his friend also wasn't with cash. As he continued trying he became frustrated and his countenance changed and one of the 100level students he helped approached him and thanked him for the guidance he offered to him and also asked what was wrong and the 100level students helped pay the bill and also transported him home.
So, u see why I said it pays to do good. This guy was doing a selfless work that he wasn't paid for and he never relented. Who knows what might have happened if he didn't help the needy in the past.

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I can Swim

"Come with me, I am visiting a swimming pool by 2pm today, prepare if you want to join"
My brother said to me when we were done emptying the Sunday rice plates.

When we arrived at the location, people were all over the place, they laughed, dived, struggled and pedaled in the pool.

I was excited and all I wanted was to jump into the pool immediately.
My brother instructed that I trail his steps and stay close to avoid touching stories, which I obeyed.

We started a game, we were to escape from a chaser whenever he approached us.
I loved and enjoyed the game but not so much because I wasn't as good in swimming which made it easier for a chaser to catch me whenever I am targeted.

When the game ended, I stood a side and studied the best swimmers closely to find their trick. After minutes of watching, I went to the center edge of the swimming pool, and started imitating those guys. I flapped and flapped my hand but whenever I got up to check if I had swam to the other side, I was still at the same spot I started.

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The scared thief

Good morning guys I want to share a life story of what happened to me early this week.
So, quickly, I went to school very early that morning because I had lectures by 7am,so I had to go early so that I could secure the front seat in order not to be left out in the class because the lecturer was that audible enough. But on getting to school, it was like the class has started because the class was almost filled up by just some minutes to 6. I was wondering whether everyone knew what was in my mind and planned ahead of me. An hour later, our lecturer arrived and the lecture kicked off. All my lectures for that day ended by 6pm but I didn't go home immediately because I had tutorials from 6:30pm to 8pm.
After the tutorials, I decided to use the Wi-Fi to download some important things and after I finished, it was already 10pm. As I went on the way I decided to take a short cut which wasn't along the road and people weren't passing there because it was dark but I was tired and couldn't follow the main road. So almost close to the school gate I noticed a giant guy approaching, he was very muscular and I was scared because there have been cases of theft and attack on students. So a thought came to my mind and I pretended that I was doing incantations and I noticed he was getting scared and he fled and that was how I was saved from him.
I didn't know that thieves too are also afraid of death and other things, imagine him running away, it was a scary and wonderful experience.

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Xmas Day

Christmas was always something we celebrated in our home. No matter how tough things were at the time, we never miss to celebrate.

On this very day, we had already eaten and drank and it was time for more sightseeing. We always enjoyed visiting relatives and having them gift a little pennies.

Do not eat from anybody, my mum would say. We started our journey and our pennies were growing. With my siblings and a few other neighboring children, we went from house to house to showcase our special Christmas wear.

By the time we were to visit the last place on our list, I was already hungry. On getting there, they didn't ask if we would eat as others did. They just brought in food and big chunks of chicken. While others resisted and declined the invitation to eat, I didn't. I rushed the chicken and that was it.

We went home, they reported me, I was stroked mercilessly, what a Christmas day it was.

Category Competition Winner!

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My father′s Ghost

So this happened to me so so fast I can't seem to believe it my father is gone so soon I have always imagined how people that their father or mother died how did they manage to pass through this stage in their life so so difficult it was constantly in my mind 24/7 so fast to this present day my dad died two days ago and I couldn't cope the bond between us it was indeed a covalent us I started seeing my dad in my dream she comes to play with me at night at times he will instruct me to do the unspeakable at times I will start using knife to cut myself so painful but I always followed the things he says to me I started stealing at times I will start banging my head against the wall and all the while I thought it was my dad not knowing it was the devil that ceased that opportunity to shift my life as wheat my life my dreams started becoming an illusion seemingly like a mirage and I was to caught up in the whole happenstance , people started to complain that I was loosing and it was suggested I should be taken to the hospital so they did it grew worse but God intervened a man of God came for an outreach and then explained it was a familiar spirit not my dad then it came to a halt.

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Gone wrong

I attended a program yesterday a very awesome one I have attended the ones of the previous ones but this one seems different the conventional place they do it they changed it because it's a rainy season so the sound guys are done with set up and all then they kick started with opening prayer and it started to rain everyone was flabbergasted as the sun was still very much up so everyone were like it wouldn't last that it will still stop so we believe the rain started to disrupt the program they started packing the speaker from the rain as the downpour was so so intense even where we were seated the rain entered the place the generator was to be put off people that were asthmatic started having an attack some fainted because they were so went they have to be rush to the clinic I must say it was such a disaster but we are elated that no one lost his life.

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Nzube was my friend, we were very close that our relationship brought both families close too. We often played along the street where most younglings of the area joins us.

On a particular day, we left our street and was strolling down a street next to ours when a familiar face who sometimes we allowed to play with us when numbers needed in our children games were low. He was coming towards us with three of his friends making them four.

He expressed anger on how he was usually treated whenever he came to our street to play and how he is determined to make us pay. He drew a line and threatened that we continued with our journey if we dared to.

I usually didn't like violence but something else I detest is having my rights trampled on. I walked past the line and was walking ahead when I received a blow on my cheek, I was about retaliating when another ran towards me and brushed me down. The other two picked on Nzube making him shed tears.

I couldn't sleep properly at night because I couldn't lay on my favourite position, my face was in pains. I cried deeply in my heart and prayed for same opportunity.

I was fetching water some days after when I saw the bully walk past with a dust bin. Quickly, I rushed two blocks away and hollered at Nzube and informed him of the golden opportunity to have our revenge. He joined me immediately and we hid ourselves and waited for the scapegoat.

We came out from hiding immediately he reach our spot on his way back and he didn't act surprised or threatened when we crept in on him. He acted stubborn and fearless and was about to push at Nzube when I struck his face with a loud slap. He struggled to get back at me but I made for his legs and brushed him down to the grounds while Nzube was throwing punches at him. I desperately wanted him to cry and feel what I felt that day.

I told Nzube to pin him down while I pulled the bully's nicka, removed my slippers and gave his dark bum bum about 4 hot strike when he cried out. We soon left him and ran when we saw a young man running to the scene.

We got our revenge, I was happy more than anything that day and I was sure Nzube too was.
We waited for another battle but it never came.
We won😂.

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