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Mindviewers Stories

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Waste of efforts

had been looking forward to the practical test for days. I had prepared meticulously, going over every detail and equation until I was sure that I knew everything inside and out. My excitement had reached an all-time high, as I packed my bag and set out to arrive at the venue before time.

As I arrived at the practical hall, I couldn't help but feel the rush of anticipation and nerves coursing through my veins. After waiting around for nearly an hour and overcoming several tussles with jostling students, I finally entered the hall.

However, as I looked around, I couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion. None of the familiar faces were present in the room, and all around me were people I had never seen before. My heart sank, and an overwhelming dread began to consume me.

But I tried to shake it off and focus on the task at hand. I threw myself into the practical with enthusiasm, determined to do my best. The hours passed by in a blur, and I was surprised to find myself deep into the process before I realized that things weren't quite right.

It was then that the coordinator walked into the hall and made an announcement, one that would shatter my hopes and dreams. The practical, it turned out, was not meant for third-year students like myself. The test I had been slaving over for days was for 200 level students only.

All the excuses in the world wouldn't change the situation, and I was left with no choice but to pack up my belongings, downheartedly. As I made my way home, the disappointment I felt turned into exhaustion, and I could feel myself starting to come down with a sickness.

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In the betting shop

In the betting shop
I woke up, to the reality and there was no light in my house. I felt really disappointed. It meant no electricity for the day.

I needed my phone, so I tried to find a way to charge it. I looked for a power bank, but I couldn't find one. My phone's battery was getting lower and lower.

I went outside, hoping to find a place to charge my phone. I ended up in a busy betting shop. People there were talking about football and making bets.

I joined the conversation about football. It was fun, and I forgot about my phone for a while. But I kept an eye on it because I needed it.

After a while, my phone finally had enough charge. I was really happy. I left the betting shop with a smile. It had been a strange day, but I found what I needed and met some interesting people.

As I walked out of the shop, a young guy approached me. He looked worried and said he was having trouble breathing. He wanted to know if I had any advice or knew about medicine he could take. I felt sorry for him, but I didn't know much about medicine. Our short talk reminded me that life can bring unexpected encounters, even on a day that started with no electricity.

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Ayo and her friend Tope had been arguing for weeks about a group project they were working on for their class. Tope felt that Ayo wasn't contributing enough, while Ayo felt that Tope was trying to take over the project and not giving her enough say in the decisions. The tension between them was making it difficult for them to work together and get the project done on time.
One day, they decided to sit down and have a conversation to try to work out their differences. They agreed to use dialogue to solve their problem, to really listen to each other and understand each other's idea.
By using dialogue, Tope and Ayo were able to find a solution to their problem. They worked together much better and finished their project on time and received good compliments from the professor. From then on, they used dialogue as a tool for communication, helping them to avoid misunderstandings and to solve problems effectively.

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Dark Streets

Dark Streets
Emma as he preferred to be called, had always been a quiet boy. He wasn't one to take the spotlight or be the center of attention. But today, he had no choice. The history teacher had announced that the class was expected to give a presentation on any historical event they deemed significant. Emma was nervous, but he knew he had to prepare.

As he walked back home from school, he contemplated the presentation. What was he going to talk about? Would he be able to speak coherently in front of the class? All these thoughts consumed him as he arrived home.

But his fears were soon set aside as he was faced with a different problem. Emma realized that the street light on his street had gone out. This was not the first time it had happened, but it was a problem. Emma needed to iron his uniform for the presentation, and without a light source, he was in trouble.

As the evening dragged on, Emma prayed for a solution. It was then that he saw a group of agents from the electricity company walking past their house. Emma saw them as a ray of hope. They were there to fix the street light, but unfortunately, the light never came on.

As night fell, Emma tried to prepare himself for the presentation, but his mind kept wandering to the dark street outside his window. He imagined the street light shining brightly, lighting up the night, but sadly that never happened. Emma grew frustrated and could not sleep. The pitch-black darkness outside his window was discouraging.

As the hours ticked by, Emma could no longer bear to lay in bed. Despite being unhappy that he would be putting on rumpled clothes in front of all the students in school, he took the presentation most seriously and read with undiluted zeal and effort.

The next day, he stood in front of the assembly, hands trembling, and was about to stutter, but all of a sudden, like a wave of fresh air, he remembered how hard he had prepared for it and how he risked his sleep.

An ovation shook the ground when he ended his speech flawlessly.
Behind those rumpled clothes was a soon-to-be most famous student in school.

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What Do I Do?

My name is Betty, and I have always been the kind of person who strives for excellence. Ever since I started school, my goal has been to secure the first position in my class. I studied hard, completed all my assignments on time, and participated actively in class discussions. But no matter how much effort I put in, I could never seem to rise above the third position in class.

Feeling frustrated, I began to wonder what I was doing wrong. I observed my classmates who consistently outperformed me, and I noticed something they all had in common - they were never distracted. While I tried to study, there was always something pulling my attention away, whether it was my favorite TV show, my friends visiting, and the like.

I started by setting stricter daily routines. I blocked out specific hours for focused studying, ensuring that I was free from any potential distractions. I turned off my phone entirely or put it on silent mode, refusing to let it steal my attention. As for my friends, I kindly explained my goals to them and asked for their support in keeping me accountable.

Furthermore, I chose to make my spare time count. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media or watching random videos, I sought out educational content to fill my leisure hours, scrolling through @mindviewers news updates and educative articles. I discovered countless informative websites, read books on various subjects, and explored documentaries that expanded my knowledge. I found myself growing intellectually even during my downtime.

Weeks turned into months, and I soon realized the positive impact of my newfound focus. My grades started improving significantly, and I noticed myself climbing up the leaderboard. I was finally approaching that elusive first position that I had always chased after.

The day arrived when the final rankings were announced. I held my breath as my teacher called out the positions one by one. When I heard my name being announced as the top performer in the class, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with joy. All my hard work and dedication had paid off. I had finally achieved the goal I had been striving for.

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Flower Vase

Flower Vase
It was part of the Cultural and Creative Art (CCA) curriculum; to make an alluring material or object with paper Marsh.
The project required some starch and soft paper shreds or tissue paper.

I pondered on which object my class would find it tasking and perfect to go for.
I was their fun teacher and they all looked up to me. I didn't want to make a regular cup or bowl like the rest of the classes were making, I wanted something different, yet not too difficult or simple.

We started by buying the required amount of starch, which we bought in sachets and tissue rolls.
We started shredding the rolls of tissue paper and some unuseful papers that we got from the classroom shelf.

I ensured that each student partook in the process. Some were shredding the papers, some fetched water, some were doing the pounding while some withdrew the paper paste from the mortar and finally, I did the mixing.

Just when I thought that the starch was enough to stick the paste together, it shattered.
I continued adding the powder until the paste was firm enough.

I started from the structures and positioned the paste with broomsticks to form a solid mold.
It took about 30 minutes for the students to identify what I was molding.
They shouted in astonishment and lured students from other classes.

Something was still mixing. The object stood perfectly but something was missing We figured it out in no time; It was color.

Students must have spread rumors and it must have gotten to the ears of the headmistress because, after break time, she came to see for herself. She praised the artwork and portrayed interest in having the object beautify her table.
I only told her to let it dry.

Long story cut short...
I got a better opportunity than teaching the next week after and I remember inserting the flower vase in a nylon.
Yes! The flower vase is with me now, and I'm starting at it as I write.

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Little Touts

Just yesterday, I went to visit a friend just to cool off and rest from the stress of week and all. As I arrived there, he was about going to the field to play football, so I just decided to follow so I could watch. We got there and there was too much crowd in the field and it was just only one field. So since everybody wanted to play, they were shared into up to six sets and gave 7mins for each round that will be played.
Everything seemed to be going well at the start and almost half of the sets have played when I noticed a group of small children came to the field claiming that one of the guys on the field insulted them and they brought sticks to fight the guy with. So some people tried calming the boys down but there was one who seemed to be their leader who wasn't ready to listen to anything. It was actually a funny and annoying experience because these little guys had their hair dyed red and none of them was more than 12yrs old and they were already showcasing and practising the life of cultist. Before we knew it these guys entered the field and said everyone should get out and not play ball there again that it's their land and their state that they are supposed to be paid before we can access the field which didn't even belong to them. There were series of arguments and all which almost led to a fight but everyone was cautious not to hit any of them because we are students in the area and their people might do anything to us anytime they like if we tried anything funny. That was how the whole fun was stopped by little children whom normally with one slap everything will be settled but because of improper home training these children were given they had enough guts and do anything they like.
It was a bad experience and it showed me the importance of proper home training respect to elders.

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Let it find you

Nkiru was a stunning young woman, admired by many for her beauty and intelligence. Among her many admirers was a boy named Izu, who found himself drawn to her magnetic presence. However, Nkiru's fierce female pride made it difficult for her to express her true feelings. Izu who was unsure, kept his intentions hidden.

They both attended the same university, often finding themselves in the same social circles and classes. Despite their silent attraction towards one another, they maintained a cordial but distant friendship. Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, with neither Nkiru nor Izu taking a step forward to reveal their true emotions.

One day, the university organized an event, and Nkiru and Izu both volunteered to help. As they worked side by side, they discovered a shared passion for music. It was through their joint efforts that they began to forge a deeper bond, gradually breaking down the barriers of pride that had kept them away.

Finally, one sunny afternoon, as they sat on a bench in the university gardens, Nkiru found the courage to speak her heart. She confessed her feelings, her voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and sincerity. To her surprise, Izu's face lit up with a smile, and he admitted that he too had harbored deep affection for her.

From that moment on, their once-regular friendship transformed into something beautiful. Nkiru and Izu embraced their feelings, shedding their pride and insecurities, as they embarked on a journey of love and companionship.

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Play with me

The bony head seated beside me wasn't smiling and that was a red flag already.
I didn't read much for the exam and any little help I would find, I hoped to utilize. But the heavyweight 2000-pound head right beside me was even finding it hard to take my hands when I reached out for a handshake after being directed to the desk where I was to write the supposed exam.

It was half past the end time when I ran out of ideas; I had picked all the answers to the one I knew and perhaps a hand wouldn't hurt.
I glanced at the long face and he repositioned his paper and tried to conceal it from my eyes.

I felt bad for myself and for the family that birthed the simp. A lady doing that would be tolerable, but a full-grown man?..

I smiled and got back to my work, realizing just then that I had to rely on my knowledge and not cheat my way through the exam, no matter how difficult it seemed.

I tried my best to focus on the questions, going through them carefully and slowly. As I wrote, I couldn't help but wonder why the guy beside me had been so defensive. Was he more responsible than me? more righteous? Or could it be that it was pure wickedness?

Regardless of his reasons, I knew now that I had to do the right thing. I ignored the guy's presence and continued to work on my exam, determined to do my best.

As time ticked by, I managed to answer most of the questions, even if I wasn't entirely sure of all the answers. I finally put down my pen and handed in my exam paper.

Though I submitted earlier, I was to sit back and await the remaining time to countdown.
The man I had handed my paper over to was impressed by it obviously because he had been making good remarks about it and smiling same time at me.

"You finished early", I heard the big head say, with a grin.
I wondered if he was referring to me, could it be that he was one of these people whose brain touches, a minute they are responsible, the next minute, they are goats.

"Can you help me with questions number 25 to 60 please?", he added.
I could have turned away but then my curiosity pondered on what effrontery he had to ask for help after humiliating me and then I decided to help him. I am a good person.

He was filled with joy and thanked me after the exam as though I saved his life. I told him I was happy to help him, and while he left, I took a glance his way and let out a laugh. Surely he's getting an "F" on that course.

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Today′s day

Today I woke up early, feeling a surge of determination to arrange my assignment and submit it before the noon deadline set by our strict lecturer, Mr. Thompson. Knowing his no-nonsense nature and firm code of conduct, it was necessary to follow all his rules to avoid failure.

I quickly got out of bed and ironed my clothes, making sure they were perfectly pressed for the day ahead. Gathering all the necessary materials, I prepared myself to head to school.

Arriving in the classroom, a mix of nerves and determination filled me. I knew the importance of meeting Mr. Thompson's expectations and adhering to his guidelines. I approached his desk, my palms slightly sweaty as I handed in my assignment. His gaze, fixed and stern, left me unsure of his verdict.

Days passed, and anticipation grew amongst my classmates as they received their graded assignments. I anxiously awaited my turn, constantly questioning if I had followed every instruction to the letter. Doubts clouded my mind, but I reassured myself that I had put in my best effort.

Well, hope for the best and will accept all your well wishes, The man is indeed strict.

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Wasted Time

The morning began with a hushed calmness and a hopeful atmosphere. As I opened my eyes, I couldn't shake off the underlying tension that gripped me. We had a daunting exam looming over us, scheduled for 11 am, and on top of that, an intricate assignment had to be handed in that very morning.

I was engrossed in the assignment, consumed by the fear of disappointing the strict individual who had assigned it to us. Due to this, I sacrificed my time for reading and studying. The result was an inadequate preparation as I couldn't dedicate enough time to gather the necessary knowledge.

I found myself fervently working on the assignment from 4 in the morning until approximately 11:53 am. Just as I was submerged in the task, absorbed in every word, my phone startled me with a call. It was a friend informing me that our peers were already being ushered into the exam hall. Panic set in, forcing me to abandon my work in haste and sprint towards the examination venue.

Exhausted and flustered from rushing, I commenced the exam. However, I quickly realize that my lack of preparation had left me vulnerable. The questions and concepts became unfamiliar, and I struggled to conjure up the appropriate responses. It was disheartening to grasp that my limited reading had compromised my ability to perform well.

To add salt to the wound, news broke that the submission date for the assignment had been extended until the following Tuesday. The flurry of mixed feelings washed over me, a strange blend of relief and regret. It felt as though all my efforts and time had been squandered unnecessarily. The opportunity to allocate more time and energy towards the assignment had been taken away, leaving a lingering sense of waste.

In the quiet aftermath that followed, I couldn't help but reflect on the events of that day.

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When exam comes

As the sun broke through the morning mist, casting a warm glow on the university campus, I felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. It was the day I was to write my most feared course, which happens to be a compulsory requirement if you must go to the next level.

I had spent weeks preparing for this exam, poring over textbooks, taking copious notes, and participating in study groups, there were days I read without food. Despite my efforts, anxiety gnawed at me as I entered the examination hall, my heart racing with anticipation.

The room was abuzz with students flipping through their notes and sneaking last-minute glances at their textbooks. I found my assigned seat, my hands slightly trembling as I set down my pen and exam booklet. The clock on the wall seemed to tick louder with each passing second.

Among the things that disturbed my memory was the noice from fellow students whispering to one another trying to remember the thing they read and memories. The invigilator was a bit inhuman as he would not just serve us with the question paper but kept us in a standby situation for hours.

As the exam paper was distributed, I took a deep breath and read through the questions. To my surprise, they were challenging, delving deep into the subjects we had covered. Panic threatened to engulf me, but I reminded myself of the hours I had invested in preparation. I began tackling the questions one by one, my mind racing to recall the information I had studied.

Minutes turned into hours, and despite my best efforts, time seemed to slip through my fingers. Doubts crept in, but I pushed them aside, focusing on each question with determination. Even when I encountered a particularly tricky problem, I forced myself to keep going, refusing to give up.

Finally, the last few minutes of the exam arrived. With a mix of relief and exhaustion, I reviewed my answers, making quick corrections where needed. As the invigilator announced the end of the exam, I submitted but the invigilator will not let us go it was at that moment he remembered we are to sign attendance

At this point the hall was scattered but in the end we signed the attendance and we are out of the hall. Don't ask me about the result because it's personal, just give me a like. Enjoy your weekend.

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Love Me Now

Felix was a carefree and jovial soul, known for his infectious laughter. However, he suffered from a peculiar problem - stinky shoes and soles.

His hostel mates teased him about it, and Felix felt deeply humiliated. Felix refused to let his shoe odor define him and focused on his academics and art. He realized that just like a flower, he too had the power to bloom and transform himself. Felix took extra care of himself, practicing good hygiene and trying out natural remedies. Despite his efforts, the smell did not completely go away, but Felix refused to be disheartened.

His hostel mates noticed Felix's determination, kindness towards others, and passion for art. They realized they had overlooked the amazing person he was inside. One by one, Felix's hostel mates apologized for their behavior, and they were inspired by Felix's resilience and his ability to rise above the taunts and embrace his true self.

Felix's journey became a source of inspiration for his entire college community. His artistic talent and the positive energy he radiated became admired, and Felix's smelly shoe and sole no longer defined him.

Just know that you can convert your weakness for a personal strength

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Today′s Exam

I was glistening with joy and my face should joy and confidence. With friends talking, you easily spotted out my voice and loud laughter.

I was prepared for the exam. Had all reasons to remain confident, expecting a smooth easy paper. It wasn't an easy task but I was able to finish the course outline a night before.

After we were admitted into the exam center, we were seated in a well spaced pattern. Voices heard were distance and faint when the exam started.
The sparks which had remained in my eyes disappeared instantly and I dared not smile at the questions.

The questions were so complex and cruel to behold. I would love to continue the story but sleepy now. So to cut the long story short, when we were done with the exams, none of my friends or me either attempted cracking a joke. It was simply not what we expected.
But anyway...

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My Old Friend

Life in primary school has all the best of memories ranging from friends to events to teachers, to literally everything. Life was so easy and humorous then.

After my elder siblings had graduated from City of Grace (primary school where we all studied), they had to move me to a closer school since I was too young to walk the long distance to school.

Shalom was the name of my new school. It had colourful walls with animated paintings that interested all, a play ground which wasn't so large but could contain enough and finally a canteen behind where anyone could get all he/she wanted.

At first I noticed this dark, slim but beautiful round face girl during break period, she wouldn't stop staring at me where she stood.
I was leaning against the wall and would have tripped if not for the concrete support.

The next day I found thesame girl, this the she took my position where I leaned the day before and was beaming with smiles when I approached her. We greeted and she asked if I could play a game which she explained to me.

We became very tight friends until the day we graduated, I was going to see my wife no kore I thought. She gifted me before we parted ways and promised to keep our love intact till we met again.

I saw Ezinne last week, she was all grown up and not as dark, but not as beautiful as before. I called her but she didnt recognize me. I had to explain and express all the descriptive skills I had before she could scream "Oh" and hugged me.

What happened to our promise?
We were only but kids.

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Being nice to a fault

You see sometimes our good intentions can as well be to our detriment. Have you ever considered that?. Anyways if you haven't I will tell you about my own little experiences

Just woked up after a long night, and was getting ready for the activities of the new day. Still in that state a friend of mine entered with facial expressions that seems all isn't well just on a sight I was able to notice that.

What is the issue with you this early morning I asked? without any ado or any form of hesitation he answered my phone. How about it!!! it developed a fault he said. I took a deep breath knowing fully well that there is a problem.

The goal now is to fix the phone and with the little money he has but the problem is that he doesn't have physical cash with him for transportation. So I volunteered to give him the only one thousand naira left in my account hoping that after he rectifies fault in his phone he can give me back my money of which he agreed to do so.

On reaching the market there were lots of technicians calling on us but then we just needed to make sure we're in the right hands fortunately we spotted a place and we headed directly to the lucky guy

After formal greetings we gave him the phone and in our senses we thought is just a minor fault and he just needed to give it a touch. But to our greatest surprise it wasn't what we thought, as the phone technician can't just tell what the problem was. I may need to refer this phone to my senior colleague he said.

Now the journey started moving from one table to another some said is the battery another says it's the charging ic their most promising technician said is the mother board of which there is no remedy for it.

Just in disappointment we started coming back home it was just at that moment I remembered that the money we used for transportation was actually my last cash and I'm not expecting any soon.

Though we have an agreement of him refunding my money but on a second thought of the fact that our mission was aborted I couldn't stress more on him refunding my money but only left him to his fate.

You know what, even till now I'm still anticipating the money but it doesn't seem coming. Maybe I should just forget about it what do you think? drop it in the comment section and don't forget to drop a like.👎

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The smart 🤓 Gee

I had this test last week and it is really a dreaded course everyone is afraid of the course , because of most alumini's in the school always warns about that particular course so normally am a sharp guy I must always find a sure 😊 route.
So i read enough for the course will sleepless nights it's a computer based test so we make use of the computer and there is this button for refresh on the system that is F5 so I walked confidently into the hall and I started solving and writing on a paper, because the issue with the course is always time I had 10 minutes left I haven't picked any answer I then pressed F5 the questions swapped my time was still the same I pressed it over and over again it didn't change and my time ran out so painful.

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The girl in the dark

I suppose it starts back in June 2023. She was a friend to my my very good friend at that time, they've been friends only for a few weeks . Seeing her for the first time , I didn’t really say much to her as I am a very shy and socially awkward person. I think I managed to get a few hellos out but nothing more than that.

The next time I met her was on a night class. Trust me that night was fun nothing much actually happened, I had always been a fan of Celine Dion. To be honest I meant no harm that night I was only doing my thing, so I started playing Dion on a very low volume while we read.

Little did I know that I have caught her attention but she couldn't show much of it because of my friends presence so as the hands of clock kept moving into the late hours of the night my friend slept off leaving the both us, "is time to make a friend with this maiden a voice within spoke to me'' but I resisted the voice.

Still in that trauma, I had a soft voice spoke to me "you know I have always loved Celine Dion". Can you sing if THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES, she asked?? Without any hesitation I played the song and I started singing in words in line and in rythem as my phone plays. You are really a good singer she complimented. Before she did her own version of the song indeed she had this voice of an angle.

And then the song ended. I now have the very best opportunity to talk with her, we talked from one story line to another I tried being funny as much as I could and she was overwhelmed with laughter it was such an amazing time with her. I wish to continue but it was already deep in the night she need to have a nap before dawn. Still trying to create a space for her to do that while she fell to my laps and slept off.

You can imagine the rest of the story, but then I had fun that very night.

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Rush hour

This life is full of wonders and unforgettable experiences and memories too. An incident occurred that took me by surprise and shock, keep reading to hear it all and pls drop a like afterwards.
It was just last week Monday, I was hurrying to work because all teachers were supposed to be in school before 7:30 and they normally take attendance and in case of any defaulter, his salary will be deducted.
So, after taking my bath and wore my clothes, I hurriedly stepped out and on getting to where I would pick a bus I locked at my dressing to do the final inspection and noticed I had an oil stain on my perfectly ironed white shirt not knowing how it came, I was tempted to go back but just ignored it and went on.
On getting there, it was 7:28 and I breathed a sigh of relief and the principal was also sitted at the entrance waiting for late staffs, something he was never done and as I passed by, he told me that I was lucky I came before the deadline. That day many teachers were caught and their salaries deducted from but it wasn't over yet, the owner of the school decided to meet with the staffs that same day and we were assembled and he spoke extensively mostly about our dressing, he then spotted the stain on my shirt and made an example out of me, I was so embarrassed, it wasn't my habit to be improperly dressed but I was also glad at least my salary wasn't deducted.

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My lift

My secondary school days were among the fun times in my life. Though not seemingly fun then but reminiscing over that last and the presents provides a prudent answer.

The distance from home to school was far, very far I must say, about an hour and 30 minutes fast walk. But we don't mind, we never mind walking it 😂.

With friends, the distance always seemed shortened. We just save up our supposed transport fare so we can buy larger snacks during real-time in school.

Most often when we are running late, we do wait along a long tarred path definitely after walking an hour walk.
Free lifts do give people free rides there to the junction and that saves a lot of energy and time.

This particular day, we were running late and decided to wait for a free lift. While waiting, someone I knew stopped for me, he drove a mate-mortorcycle. I was running to meet up with it when a female in senior class who was also waiting for a free ride ran ahead and mounted the motorcycle🥴.

He didn't even check if it was me who mounted it, he zoomed off and almost immediately, the force jerked the senior off. She landed with a loud crash. Her nyash slamming the hard floor😔

And then he looked back and called me, I ran to him and mounted it, shaa I said sorry to the fallen victim 😂.

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It's one of those unusual days I set out for a long journey, those kinda journeys you sit for 2hrs+ twisting yourself in impatience, wishing you'd arrive soon.

Most times before that unpleasant numb feelings come, the journey takes me aback to my childhood when I used to travelled such distances with family, the excitement to travel, the eagerness to arrive and then sleeping in-between, you cannot deny it's a memory worth adoring.

While I thought about all these, I remembered the real purpose of my journey, an exam that lay ahead like an assassin that will overwhelm you silently but with strength. A frown takes over the smile that was starting to blossom on my face.

Amidst these restless thoughts, I dozed off, yes! Bus sleeps are the best, when I awoke, we had arrived. And so I stroll down the long gloomy path to undertake what has been waiting for a long time, it won't be easy but it'll be worth it.

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