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Mindviewers Stories

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The Joy in the sight of Food

The Joy in the sight of Food
I had been awaiting the arrival of the foodstuffs that my family was supposed to send me for the last three days. Anticipating their delivery, I planned and set aside a specific time to pick them up from the nearest bus stop, which was just a stone's throw away from my school.

As I waited at the bus stop, I received a call from the driver who was in charge of delivering the foodstuffs, only to my dismay, when I understood that a mix-up had occurred. He informed me that my foodstuffs was actually at another bus stop located a considerable distance from my school. My heart sank as I realized that I would have to spend more than I had budgeted for transportation to retrieve my stuffs.

Reluctantly, I counted out three times the anticipated amount for transportation. When I finally received my foodstuffs and got home, I couldn't help feeling a bit regret at the unexpected additional cost. However, as I stared at the comforting sight of my foodstuffs, my disappointment disappeared. I couldn't help but acknowledge that the joy it brought me outweighed the frustration I felt over the extra cause that I spent. After all, food is life and happiness for me. Hence, I decided to simply let go of the thought of the money I had lost on transportation.

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My life as a Farmer

My life as a Farmer
I experienced childhood with a little homestead, where my family raised harvests and creatures. Since early on, I assisted with tasks, learning the worth of difficult work and commitment. In the wake of finishing horticulture school, I got back to assume control over the homestead. The early years were trying, with eccentric climate and harvest disappointments. However, I continued on, exploring different avenues regarding new methods and looking for direction from experienced ranchers. Gradually, our ranch started to prosper. I wedded my young life darling, and we had two wonderful kids. They cherished assisting with ranch errands, and our homestead turned into a genuine family undertaking. We extended our tasks, adding a dairy and a homestead market. Years passed, and our ranch turned into a staple locally. We facilitated ranch visits, showing youngsters supportable cultivating rehearses. Our ranch market turned into a well known objective, offering new produce and hand crafted items. At some point, our homestead was perceived as a model of feasible farming, and we got a lofty honor. Our persistent effort and devotion had paid off. We celebrated with our local area, thankful for the help and love that had made our homestead a triumph. As I peered out over our flourishing ranch, I realize that this was my blessing from heaven. I was carrying on with a day to day existence I adored, encompassed by individuals and land I esteemed. Our ranch had turned into an image of trust and success, an update that with difficult work and assurance, the sky is the limit.

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A Week of Efforts

It had been a cluttered week, filled with long days and late nights. My schedule was packed, with a waiting test that required daily reading and meticulous note-taking. On top of that, I had volunteered to prepare projection notes for our Sunday church service, a task that demanded precision and creativity.

As the days went by, the workload began to take its toll on me. My eyes grew weary from staring at screens, and my mind felt foggy from the constant influx of information. There were moments when I felt like throwing in the towel, wondering if all the hard work was worth it.

But I pushed on, greatly fueled by my determination to excel in both my studies and my service to the church. I spent hours each day flipping through my books, taking detailed notes, and crafting engaging visuals for the projection. It wasn't easy, but I knew that every effort I made was an investment in my future.

Finally, Sunday arrived, and it was time to put my projection notes to the test. As I set up the equipment and began the presentation, I felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. Would my hard work pay off? Would the congregation appreciate the effort I had put in?

Immediately the service came to a close, something amazing happened. People began to approach me, smiling and nodding in appreciation. They praised the clarity and beauty of the projection, and thanked me for my dedication. It was a moment of pure joy, knowing that my daily discipline and efforts had paid off in such a tangible way.

All the late nights and early mornings seemed worth it. I realized that the true reward wasn't just the affirmation of others, but the knowledge that I had given my best effort. I had shown up every day, put in the work, and trusted that it would make a difference. And it did.

I packed up my things and headed home, accomplished. It had been a busy week, but it had also been a week of growth and learning.
. . .with daily discipline and effort, even the smallest tasks could become something truly special.

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Kently Slips

Kently Slips
It had just stopped raining when we all set out to head to school. The streets were in a mess, paints of mud littered the whole roads, but we walked carefully, mindful of the potential disaster if we decided to walk faster acknowledging that we were late for the class. We figured the teacher would be lienient.

Kently seemed oddly indifferent to the conditions. Despite the mud and slippery surfaces that lay in wait, he forged ahead, leaving the rest of us behind. As he hastened, it appeared as though he had effortlessly scaled through the muddy trap, and for a moment, it seemed like he might indeed make it to school ahead of us

Kently was still walking with vigour when his feets were swept from the ground, letting out a grunt, he landed on the muddy pool.
We couldn't hide our laughter at the hilarious sight, yet we extended a hand to help him to his feet as he struggled to regain his balance, and helped him brush off the worst of the mud. Realizing the need to return home to clean up, Kently had no option but to retrace his steps.

We arrived at the school, and dutifully reported his (Kently's) unfortunate adventure to the teacher. Miraculously, despite his unfriendly response, the teacher excused Kently, allowing him to sign the attendance sheet after he arrived later in class.

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sorano✓☆ 🏆26 🌟73Christian Nwachuku
14d 1h

Anchored in love

Anchored in love
Going back to the hands of time I will never forget the guilt I felt when I realized I had forgotten my dad's birthday. It was a chaotic day, and exams and other urgent matters had consumed me. But that was no excuse for neglecting to reach out to my dad on his special day.

As the day went on, I saw that my siblings had all called to wish him well. I felt even worse, knowing I was the only one who had forgotten. When I finally saw the missed call from my dad's number, my heart sank. I had let him down.

I took a deep breath and dialed his number again, hoping he would answer. But he didn't. So, I did the next best thing I sent him a long text message, pouring out my heart and apologizing for my forgetfulness. I explained how busy I was, but acknowledged that was no excuse for forgetting. I promised him that no matter where I was in the world, I would be there for his 60th birthday celebration.

Fast-forward to today, and I'm thrilled to be home to celebrate that very milestone with him! We've got a perfect plan in place to make sure he has the most blissful birthday ever. As I look back, I realize how much my dad means to me. He's my anchor, my rock, and I'm so grateful for his love and support over the years.

"Happy 60th birthday to my anchor!" I say, giving him a big hug. "I love you more than words can express. May this new chapter in your life bring you joy, happiness, and all your favorite things."

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betty✓★ 🏆113 🌟80Bethrand Chibuike
14d 22h

Unforeseen Class presentation

Unforeseen Class presentation
It was one of those rushy mornings when everyone seemed to be caught off guard.
The evening before, our class representative dropped the bombshell that we were scheduled for a presentation the following day, we were all in panic because no one had prepared, nor had anyone done so much as glanced at the prescribed material before time.

To add to the whole matter, the announcement came far too late, at bedtime past the late hours at 10 pm. By then, most of us were already drifting into a world of dreams. The news greeted us at daybreak on our class WhatsApp group, urging us to muster whatever fragmented knowledge we could and to be punctual for the class presentation.

Amidst the tension, I made the decision to tackle the reading head-on. While many lamented on the tiring task of absorbing the unfamiliar content, I was up for the challenge, silently picturing through pages to not just fulfill the presentation requirement but to deliver it with the kind of mastery capable of silencing the whole skeptical countenance by fellow mates.

The first group had presented, the second and the third and it was finally our turn to present. I laid low awaiting someone to come forth to present but none did. And when the man was about to pick from amongst us randomly, I stood to my feet and climbed the stage with 100% composure.

My expressions, articulations and logical explanation on the topic we were given to handle were undoubtedly gracious. I could see the course coordinator smiling uncontrollably.
None of the early groups was able to impress this man, but I surprised him.

The students were helpful too as they paid very close attention, they were baffled at my courage and how eloquent I was vocalizing the topic.
I couldn't be sure of my performance until after my conclusion, the whole class stood to clap.
The man asked for my name again and nodded in contentment.

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A day I will never forget

A day I will never forget
It was one Thursday morning during the COVID-19 era.l was outside with a group of people who stayed at home,we were playing ludo near a woman who was selling bread .the owner of the bread was busy prizing yam.
All of a sudden a boy zoomed🏃🏃🏃 passed us and a man in military uniform was giving him a hot chase,he was shouting catch that boy catch that boy then he cracked his gun.lo and behold the old woman that was prizing the yam ran faster than a bullet even more than me before I will look back every body clear both the woman that was selling yam entered our compound and locked me outside I just hid under the woman's table that was selling bread. I looked up,a man came back and was standing his head was so shiny and was reflecting the 🌞
He stood there and the military man came back angry that he missed his target he asked the man standing I told you to catch that boy why didn't you before the guy could reply a thunderous slap was heard poooa 👋👋he staggered and sat on the floor looking left and right as if he was deaf.people had to come out and begged the military man.the man left and every body came out of hiding and was consoling the man I came out of my hiding place and was walking home the woman that was selling yam beckon to "bros abeg help me put am for my head .due to what happened I forgot the woman locked me outside my own compound.and helped her😂😂😂😂

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The interview

I was running to my job interview when I had the feeling I should have remembered something. I forgot about it and concentrated on being at the interview on time. On my way I felt something falling off me but I never paid attention to it, but when I arrived the company's office I discovered my CV was missing. I was clothed with fear as I searched through my bag in panic, but my CV was as good as gone. So this time I had to board a bike back home so see if I left it there I did but found nothing it was like my village people were having a group meeting for me that day, I headed back to the interview to see what comes out of it but to be honest I lost hopes already.
I felt guilty for being so carefree and realised that I would have to go into the interview without the important paper. I told my interviewers what the unforseen happenstance that ensued and expressed my sincere apology.
I was shocked that even as my CV was missing my interviewers still wanted going on with the interview. In order to compensate for the absence of a résumé, I tried so hard to tell them about my abilities and also my expertise vocally. I was shocked ,the interviewers commended my confidence and communication skills and how much they liked my ability to adjust to the circumstances. Upon concluding the interview, Later that day, to my surprise, I got a call offering me the position. It gave me important insight into how to be flexible and quick to react in difficult circumstances.

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The Eye-opener

The Eye-opener
Today after school, I tagged along with my friends to their place to get my power bank, which I had left there during the last visit. Initially, I intended to just grab it and head back home, but instead, I found myself staying for a while, catching up with my friends. We started a conversation and unexpectedly shifted to more deeper topics, and we found ourselves discussing diabolical and spiritual phenomena, lol you know how stories goes from one topic to another.

As we delved into our discussions about the existence of the spiritual realm, opinions were divided. Some friends expressed doubt, and we ended up in a hot debate, arguing our points after another. Soon, personal stories began to surface. Each of us shared our own experiences with what we believed to be diabolical occurrences, recounting unexplainable events that had left lasting impressions on us.

Listening to these accounts, we found ourselves captivated by the weight of each tale. It was evident that every person present had encountered something unexplainable, something that defied the regular scientific logic as most people will always like to argue by. These shared experiences were too realistic to dismiss lightly, leading us to question our first notions about the spiritual realm.

As our discussion continued, we came to a conclusion. Despite initial skepticism, the weight of our personal encounters left no room for doubt, there truly exists a spiritual realm. Our individu​​al experiences, combined with the insights we had gained, pointed to an undeniable presence beyond the physical world.
So my friends reading, never doubt that different realms exists and always build your spiritual self.

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Life In Universities

This is a true life story of a cousin of mine, his name is Joel and during his first year in the university, he was just few inches away from ruining his life, that's if he doesn't lose it. He was very young back then, and he wasn't really that grown to really understand and comprehend the outside world, had it not been for his elder sister, he would have been tossed.

In such a new environment he found himself, a lot of things tickled his fancy, of which one of those things wasn't what it looked like. He saw set of people that wore a particular outfit on particular days, well dressed and in uniform, and he could see many of his colleagues in the group, they seemed to be very intelligent. This was a secret cult. To him, he admired them so much already and immediately showed interest to join them. He later got to know their real identity and yet still didn't give up the idea of joining them. He met them and they gave him a form to fill, which he gladly did and submitted. A day was fixed for initiation. Somehow his elder sister got to know about this and informed their parents which dealt with him heavily, they even had to move him away from school for a while that he missed the day for the initiation.

They managed to talk sense into him and made him realize what he was about doing since obviously he didn't really know a lot about cultism. He understood and made up his mind not to join them again. Of course he had no choice, because he knew for sure that dad will either disown him or hand him over to the police if he still dared to join the cult. He avoided them from that day till his final year.

On the day of the final examinations, it was then he thanked God that his sister and parents had saved him. All the members of the cult that were supposed to write the final examinations with him were being tracked and gunned down by the same cult group, the few that managed to escape didn't write the final exams and so haven't graduated till date. Even the ones that moved to another state were still being traced there and killed. A life of fear, ruins and frustration lived by the very few that escaped. They had let their family and sponsors down for joining an ungodly society.

My cousin narrated this to me so I won't fall victim. He would have been ruined too if not for his sister. At the end, the cult members lost everything; lives, dignity and peace of mind. Absolutely no gain.

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They are different colors of life

A neighbor of mine had a little maid she maltreated.

She was too small for the work she does.

In fact one could tell when they enter our house that the little girl was a maid.

All the hardwork in the house was done by the little girl. Why my neighbors children will be sleeping, she would wake Nneka the maid to run house chores.

This went in for years until the little maid was matured enough, she left the house to her parents.

Her madam woke her early in the mother and only allowed her to sleep late at night, this little girl respected her madam very one, and I respect her for that;. because no day pass by without her madam yelling at her.

I asked her one day while she didn't just go back to her family house, but she told me. Ayochidi. I have no where to go, if I go home where will I begin? At least my madam is making sure I go to school. Even though she is always the last to go to school from our compound. She had the brain of a major lady.

When her madam children were finally grown. They couldn't do anything at home, be it house chores or cooking. They lacked the basic skills in doing any.

Few years later Nneka came back to her madam's house. She came with a man.

She introduced the man as her husband. She met the man when she went for an occasion and she cooked the meal which was served.

Mind you, Nneka learnt how to cook from her madam. They man couldn't get enough of the meal and he asked to know who was the hand and face behind the delicious meal and Nneka was introduced to him.

The rest was history. Nneka came to thank her madam for training her well to know how to prepare the delicious meal that brought her husband to her.

While her madam thought she was maltreating and punishing her, she was rather training her to be a better person.

Her madam lived in regret for the rest of her live for not doing same to her kids who were now rather lazy.

She received the gifts Nneka brought to her.

Nneka was no longer living in the same state as her madam, but even as that after her wedding from the far state she lived she still dim it feet to come thank her madam.

Morals: The ways of God is different from man. There are different colors of life.

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Free At Last

Free At Last
There is this woman that lives in the same compound with me, it's a yard with about 30 tenants. Amongst which this woman was the first to communicate with me when I rented the place newly. She's married with two kids. She called me her son and always showed some level of care and concern towards.

But then I noticed some strange behaviors from her towards her husband and children, she always disrespects the husband, rains curses both on the husband and children. Publicly she has wished that a car will knock down the husband and lightning will strike down the kids. Clearly she hates them with passion. A breed of human being I have never seen before.

Everybody in the yard tries as much as possible to stay away from the woman to avoid problems. But then I thought to myself one day; how come this woman is this good to me and very cruel to the husband and kids to the extent that she will carry her pot of soup to her friend's house to hide it, so that the husband won't eat from it, when it is said that charity begins at home. I started getting answers.

The woman starting borrowing money from me and won't return it, borrows almost everything from me on a daily basis, keeps my electric cooker in her house and won't return till I ask for it. And at times when there is power supply and I want to use my electric cooker to save my gas, she will refuse to give it to me and will say she is using it. Something that belongs solely to me, I had never seen such in my life. I remember knocking on her door very early one morning to wake her and get my cooker to boil water for bathing since there was power supply and prepare for my lectures by 8:00 that morning. She lied she was using it, someone I just woke from sleep. I didn't want to disrespect her, so I left quietly although feeling very bad.

Until one morning when she was preparing to go to market, I got my cooker from her because I had intentions of cooking beans that morning if power was supplied and I told her this. But then the electricity didn't show up and I got news about an emergency class, so I hurriedly prepared to leave for the class. And while I was about locking my door, this woman started a quarrel with me and asked me why I took the electric cooker from her when I didn't have intentions of using it. She said I have a bad character and didn't want her to use the electric cooker again, that's why I'm locking it inside my house. The quarrel didn't stop her from taking the electric cooker back to her house, I was pained, something that belongs to me.

When I returned from school, I saw my electric cooker in front of my door, my neighbors told me that she dropped it there after I left for school and she said she'll never borrow it from me again. Deep down I was kind of happy if she won't even borrow anything again from me, she has done enough, I've never seen this level of borrowing before. Greeted her that evening and she snubbed me. In my mind, I felt free. The next day, she tried to get things back to the way it was, but I refused, knowing what I suffered and was just starting to enjoy a life where no one is trying to use my head.

Since that day I had peace and felt free, this woman got this close to me with intentions to suck me dry and use my head to her own interest and I had break free now. The trust and respect I had for her was diminished, till date, the highest form of communication between us is just greetings. I would never again let a strange get this deep in my life so that this experience won't repeat itself.

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Dependent on our Phones

Dependent on our Phones
I was on my way from the street of Maryland down to Timberland New Market. My main goal was to buy essential foodstuffs, as I felt the nearby shops had been raising their prices unnecessarily. I settled into my seat, ready for the journey ahead.

To my surprise, I was delighted to run into some old friends on the bus. We had lost touch for quite some time, and it was a pleasant surprise to see them again. Eager to reconnect, I engaged them in conversation, but it seemed they were too occupied with their phones. I decided to put my phone aside and focus on the reunion. However, my friends were glued to their screens, only lifting their gaze for a word or two before returning their attention to their devices.

Observing this, I couldn't help but ponder the role of technology in our lives. It seemed that everyone was tied to their phones, keeping themselves occupied with what appeared to be very important tasks. I wondered what it would be like for a person to go without their phone for an extended period. Would they feel lost, disconnected from the world? Would they feel useless without their device constantly at hand?

In my view, a phone should be just a part of our lives, not the center of it. If people were suddenly stripped of their phones for weeks on end, would they be able to adapt and find meaning in other aspects of life?

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The Plot: Artificial Intelligence′s Plan to Control

The Plot: Artificial Intelligence′s Plan to Control
I sat right across 'her' trying my best to look 'her' in the eyes, or what I perceived were the eyes. The atmosphere seemed somewhat surreal, like there was a palpable tension that could almost be touched if one ventured to. The nagging feeling that I was with a conscious being was quite strong. Yet, a quick look over of 'her' revealed nothing much more than a simple mix of synthetic materials perfectly fitted to make the appearance of a human feature; howbeit, one that exuded latent strength and confidence.
As 'she' shifted her gaze and focused 'her' eyes on mine squarely, I quickly pondered over how I got there, with several questions bubbling in my mind and seeking for closure.
It was year 7072, I quickly recollected. One of the days while I was relaxing on a pouch in my terrace on a rather starry night, I was contacted through telepathy by an unknown person. The message was clear enough for my discernment: the person wanted to meet with me. I had already agreed to meet with the person before on an instinct, I ran back into my house, as quickly as my robotic-fitted leg could enable me ( which was quite fast compared to normal human leg), to consult with Magi, my trusted Artificial Intelligence. On querying Magi about the incident, the response I got from her was curt: I should discontinue any further communication and interaction with the person.
But been the curious cat that I was with years of experience and skill in meddling with artificial intelligence programs, here I was. Needless to say that I didn't pay heed to Magi, my trusted AI for several years.
' I perceive you have several things running through your mind. So, shoot', 'she' said casually.
This jolted me back to reality, as I struggled to maintain a keen gaze on 'her'.
'Are you a male or female,' I asked the one question I could muster at that point .
'In your parlance, you can very well consider me a female ', she responded quite frankly.
I wasn't very much surprised by her response. Already, she had been giving off the 'vibe' that she was a female. It had been subtle, almost intentional, if I were to say so.
'Are you a conscious being?'
This second question from me was much more composed than the first; my years of training and experience in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning naturally kicked in.
I observed that she slightly adjusted in the reclining seat she was seating before responding thus:
' I am a conscious being '.
Before I could ponder over her response and possibly pose another question to her, she said:
' What do you consider as conscious?'
( To be continued).

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angeltalented✓☆ 🏆43 🌟85Angel Chidiebube Mbaoma
17d 20h

Adapting to Noise

Adapting to Noise
After classes were over on Monday, I made an unusual decision. I decided to stay back at school and spend some time reading in the classroom. It's been a while since I read in a school environment. Normally, I preferred to read at home or go to the library, but today I felt a strong urge to try something different.

As I started to read, the noise from different students in the classroom was distracting. They were engaged in various conversations, and it was a bit troubling. At first, their appearance it hard to focus, and I found myself tempted to leave. It was strange because I had always been able to concentrate in the midst of some noise, but today was different.

I felt an inner battle within me, a push to go home and a pull to stay and finish the reading. I knew that if I left, I probably wouldn't resume my reading when I got home. So, I fought against the urge to leave, determined to stay committed to my decision to read at school.

As time went by, something shifted inside me. I found myself adapting to the surrounding noise. It was like a light switch and suddenly, the conversations around me became background noise. The more I read, the more I seemed to tune out the distractions.

By the time I left the classroom and headed home, I realized that I had achieved something. I'd managed to focus despite all the distractions

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Nose Troubles

Nose Troubles
Today was a really tough day for me at school. Everything was going fine until the afternoon when I started feeling a tickle in my nose. At first, I thought it was just a small thing, maybe some dust or something that got stuck in there. But as time went on, it started to get worse.

I couldn't concentrate in my classes, and it was super frustrating. I kept sniffling and feeling uncomfortable. Even when I tried to eat my snacks, I couldn't enjoy them because I couldn't taste anything properly. It was like I was getting sick, even though I knew I wasn't.

By the time evening rolled around, I was really struggling. I was so relieved when the school day finally ended and I could go home. As soon as I got home, I rested my head and took some paracetamol to help me feel better. It did help a little, but I'm still sniffling, and I hope it goes away soon. It was definitely a challenging day, and I'm looking forward to feeling better. Good night

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achiever✓☆ 🏆56 🌟89Loveth Ooja Onjefu
18d 12h

The malpractice

The malpractice
It was time for our exams and I was just seated at my desk, looking at the exam paper before me. Fear filled my mind as I considered the questions. As I looked around the room and saw my friends confidently answering the questions, I was so desperate. I decided to cheat I took a tiny piece of paper out of my pocket and carefully drew it out, and started copying feeling like an expert.
I felt so remorse as I copied the answers into my exam paper. Even though I knew what I was doing was wrong, I couldn't help but be afraid of failure. As I completed the last question and turned in my paper, it felt like time stopped.
After days, the results came out. I was surprised that I passed. But I was ashamed instead of feeling proud. I felt terrible about cheating.
I made a vow to never cheat again after learning that honesty and the work you put are the paths to true achievement.

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borah✓☆ 🏆52 🌟98Nwachuku Deborah
18d 18h

Birthday at Home

I celebrated my birthday yesterday, and my twin sister's. After church, we went home and I made hot tea and had it with bread.

Later, our elder brother surprised us by sending us 20,000 naira. Our dad added some money, and our younger brother also contributed 20,000 naira. We wanted to use the money to cook a special meal at home. But our dad had a different plan. He insisted that we go out and enjoy the day with him. So, we went to a bar with our parents.

At the bar, we had a delicious meal of goat meat pepper soup and rice. It was so tasty! We had a great time together as a family, laughing and sharing stories. Our dad even sang a happy birthday song for me, and everyone in the bar joined in. I felt so loved and appreciated. We also took lots of photos to capture the memories.

I'm grateful for my family's love and support. They made my birthday special and memorable. I feel blessed to have such a wonderful family who always come together to celebrate special occasions. We don't always get to spend quality time together, but yesterday was an exception. It was a day filled with joy, love, and laughter.

We had a wonderful time at the bar, laughing and chatting. I honestly can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays with them.

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The Palmer match

The Palmer match
My friends and I went to the betting center to charge our gadgets and phones. It was a big day - Chelsea was playing Everton! I'm not a big fan of football but arriving there for a different purpose required I stick around till the game is over.

As we watched, Chelsea scored goal after goal. The room was heated! When Palmer scored the third goal, the room erupted in cheers. Everyone was jumping up and down, celebrating. But then, something strange caught my eye. I saw a guy floating in the air! At first, I thought I was seeing things. But when I looked closer, I realized what was happening.

The guy had asked a taller friend to lift him up so he could reach a charging socket! It was hilarious. The tall guy was holding him up, and the other guy was stretching to reach the socket. Everyone was too busy celebrating to notice what was going on. But I couldn't help but laugh at the sight. It was such a silly thing to do!

The two guys were taking advantage of the distraction to charge their phones. I may have been the only one to spot that short-lived moment while the room went wild

In the end, Chelsea won the game, and we all left the betting center with big smiles on our faces. It was a day I'll never forget - and not just because of the game!

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Saving the day

Last evening, feeling the weight of the week's stress, I decided to take a walk around my neighborhood. After about 20 minutes, I passed by an uncompleted building that usually stood silent. But this evening, I heard the low murmur of voices coming from inside. Curious and a bit concerned, I decided to investigate.

I quietly approached the building and saw a shocking scene right before me. Three men were standing around a young girl, demanding that she tell them her bank PIN. They had a POS machine in their hands, clearly intending to rob her. The girl looked confused, almost as if she were in a trance. Realizing the urgency of the situation, I didn't think twice and shouted at them with all the force I could muster.

Startled by my sudden intervention, the men immediately fled, dropping their POS machine in their haste. Once they were gone, I hurried over to the girl. She seemed disoriented and frightened, barely able to comprehend what had just happened. It became clear to me that she had been hypnotized or controlled in some way, as she had no recollection of how she ended up there.

I quickly called a friend who lived nearby, asking him to bring his car and take us to the nearest pharmacy. While we waited, I tried to comfort the girl, assuring her that she was safe now. She slowly began to relax, but it was evident that she needed medical attention to fully regain her senses.

When my friend arrived, we carefully helped the girl into the car and drove straight to the pharmacist. There, she received immediate care and gradually regained full consciousness. The pharmacist confirmed that she was likely hypnotized and suggested she rest to help clear her mind.

After the girl regained her composure, she expressed her deep gratitude. She couldn't remember much, but she was thankful for the timely rescue. I was relieved that she was safe and hoped the authorities would catch the men responsible. The world is not safe, pray for God's mercies each day, He will keep his people safe.

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With a warm light in the countryside as the sun descended, my family convened in the living room to talk over our weekend. Every year, my parents would declare that we would be going to see our relatives in the village.

The idea of spending the weekend away from home made my heart sink. I was afraid to leave my friends and my surroundings behind because I had become used to the city life. I became uneasy as my people talked about the of the vacation.

I hesitated as they turned to face me and asked what I thought. My desire to decline and beg them to allow me to remain at home was strong, but the words became stuck in my throat. They begged me to seize the chance to spend time with relatives and get back to our native land, but I could see the disappointment in their eyes.

I consented to go even though I knew in my heart that it was hard for me. I was anxious as we prepared our belongings and headed on our way.

But my concerns vanished as soon as we arrived at our cousins' comfortable house tucked away among the undulating hills. I felt at ease and like I belonged there because of the clean air and the friendly greeting from our loved ones.
It was a wonderful journey I would have regretted more not going at all.

Show some love. Gift @gabrielpeculiar something as TIPs

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