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Toughest made the Easiest

Toughest made the Easiest
Today's exams was the best I've ever faced in the university, I didn't expect it to be so easy, right from the beginning of the semester, but it surprised me. The course title is Engineering Mathematics III, and as easy as it was to me, many came out lamented about how tough it was for them.

From the beginning of the semester, the lecturer that is taking the course doesn't allow anybody to enter the lecture hall again after he has started lecturing. He gives assignment every week, to be typed and printed, and submitted in the next class, anybody that doesn't make it to the lecture hall on time won't submit, as the door would have been shut.

The course had a practical aspect where an application called MATLAB is used to calculate the Engineering Mathematics. The practical was held twice in a facility outside the school, not too far from school, and it was already fixed by 4 pm, you're sure to be tired by this time of the day after stressing yourself from the beginning of the day. The practical was our C.A.

In all this, I was very active and participated in all, I never missed a lecture, did all the assignments and never went late to the lecture. The lecture was always by 8 am every Tuesday, and I was quite very afraid of the course, so I took it as a priority. I would leave my house by 6:45 am, just to make sure I'm there on time, and believe me, the attendance was very poor, only 20 students will show up in a department of 85 students. I personally did my assignments, studied in excess, I was fully involved.

The reason why the exam was very easy for me, and why it's difficult for others is very clear now. We all prayed concerning the course, it is the toughest of all, but only few could smile after the exams. God would only help those who help themselves. I told my coursemates as we walked back home, that there's no secret or shortcut to success, even God won't do anything in cases such as this. Study and God will help you understand and retain it, otherwise, you're on your own.

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Intense Fight For Power and Money

Intense Fight For Power and Money
Last week was local government elections, and in my local government, what followed after was chaos. I went to vote, it wasn't that peaceful, but at least it was not deathly and destructive yet, until the night after the elections. The people didn't agree with the results, they claimed it was rigged, and wanted something done about it.

I got home after a stressful day at the election ground, I had my shower and eat, and just when I about resting, I started hearing sounds. I started hearing gunshots, people running and screaming, these gunmen literally burnt houses, something I couldn't bring myself to understand why. Is this how to retaliate to a rigged election? obviously not.

I locked myself in, the compound I live has high walls and a gate, I really hoped they didn't break through the gate to attack us. A guy in the compound went out and joined the gunmen causing the chaos, they were obviously being paid by somebody who people suspect to have the lost the election, to carry on this act. In a couple of minutes, the gunshots became more intense, I thought it was the police.

It was a rival gang of whom rumor carriers couldn't comprehend, six innocent people died in the process, houses and properties were destroyed. People will do anything for power and money these days, it was a very tragic incident, I had to travel out of the place for some days till everything was back to normal. The guy from our compound who joined the chaotic display was gunned down in the process.

These guys were paid to do these things, but now that they're dead, what happens to the money? Power and money are very good, but not worth doing something bad for. The community was deserted completely, it's now that people have started returning there, the election result still remains, but the damages done can't be undone. I didn't get caught up, next time, I'll be sure to travel to a place far away, to avoid stories that touches the heart.

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The Accident Scenario

The Accident Scenario
About a month ago, a guy came to buy food at a restaurant close to my workplace, he looked like a Yahoo boy because of his dressing, his dreadlock and his flashy car. He joked with the lady that sold rice and stew for me, that he is going to use her for rituals. The lady and every other person took as a joke, although an expensive joke.

The guy left with the food in his car, and it wasn't up to 20 minutes, we heard that the guy knocked down three people to death instantly with his car on his way to wherever he was heading to. The most mind-blowing thing we heard is that he winded up his window glass, sat comfortably in his car after killing this three people, and eating rice and stew in a takeaway.

We wouldn't have believed our ears, if not for the fact that we saw him buy the rice and stew from the restaurant beside my workplace, where he joked about using the lady for ritual. The guy was eating comfortably in his car after taking the lives of three people, people knocked on the car and gestured that he winds down his window mirror or comes down from the car, as people began to question his act.

He didn't feel any remorse or regret or any sign of sympathy for what he had just done, he replied them by saying that none of them has money enough to talk to him in a disrespectful manner, and that they should call the family of the people he killed so that he can pay them and move on with where he was headed. This was very clear, to me I believe that he killed them deliberately for money rituals, I know I'm right.

The police came and took the guy to their station, I haven't heard about how they handled the case from there. But today, I saw the guy again at the restaurant close to my workplace, he was there to buy the same rice and stew from the same lady, I was terrified when I saw him. I don't know if this is the new update; eating rice and stew after claiming lives. I prayed deep down that if it's his plan again today to kill people, that it won't work.

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For a Cable?

For a Cable?
Whenever I was on my phone whild laying on the bed, I knew that was stretching my charging cord. I guess I didn’t realize how much I was pulling on it. One moment, it was working fine, and the next, it just stopped.
I needed to get a new one, I had been wanting a chance to replace the old one that just got spout because it was slow in charging. So I resolved to use my last 500 Naira for that.

To me, 500 Naira wasn’t a small amount, but I convinced myself I could remove it from my daily budget. After all, it was as of I spoilt the charging cable intentionally.

When I got there, I approached the counter and asked for a charging cord. Immediately, they started talking in foreing languages and calling prices that left me baffled.
Because how can wire be sold for 2,000 Naira, 3,000 Naira, and even up to 4,000 Naira! I couldn’t believe it.

I explained that I only needed a charging cord to plug into my charger, but they didn’t seem to understand the difference that I was making from whatever expensive appliance that they were stating those costly pricesfor.
After a lot of back and forth, I reluctantly decided to buy a cord for 2,500 Naira.

Till now, I am shocked.
Ordinary charging cord?
Even this one that I got for 2500 isn't that original.

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The ease

The ease
Last night, before I slept, I was deep worried about how stressful today was going to be.
I was worried about the always disturbing schedules by my school.

We were supposed to have a long lecture this morning which is supposed to start by 8 AM and end at 4 PM. That is a long time to sit, isn't it? But this school keeps treating us as if we were robots.

I thought about how I was to get breakfast this morning as there were no shops usually open at 8 AM to buy food from.

This morning, at 7 AM, my phone rang. I checked my phone and saw a message that our class was cancelled.
I was so happy that I jumped up and down in Celebration.

Around 9 AM, I got up to get some tea from a nearby shop and that was the last stressful thing that I remembered doing today, after that, I spent the day in bed. I did nothing and just rested.

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from the roof

from the roof
My Dad once told me a funny story from when he was still a student. He said in their neighborhood, The EFCC, which is a group that checks for bad people, we all know what they do came to visit.
Everyone was scared because they were knocking on doors and some doors were broken.

He said that people started to hide because they didn’t want to be seen. My dad was really scared too, but he stayed quiet in his room. He listened as he heard loud bangs and people whispering.

The EFCC went from house to house, searching for people. They knocked louder and louder and all of a sudden, the noises died down and they head their vehicles zoom off.

After they left, everyone was curious about what happened. They came out of their hiding spots to see what happened by checking each room one by one. Then, they opened the door to a room next to my dad’s. When they walked in, they saw it was empty. But my dad said that as they were about closing the door, they heard a loud noise crash to the floor.

The guy who lived in that room had been hiding on the roof, But when he heard his neighbour's voice might have tried to come down but slipped and fell down through the ceiling.
Dust and pieces of the ceiling were everywhere.
He was covered with dust and cobwebs as he remained on the floor and laughed at himself, everyone was laughing despite the tension earlier.

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At the construction site

I recently followed my nephew to a building site that was still under construction. As we walked through the empty rooms, dust was everywhere, making it clear that work had been on hold for a while. My nephew explained that he had stopped construction because he ran out of funds.

We continued to go through the rooms, sharing ideas on how to restart building and what was the better plan to beautify the environment around the house.
While we were talking in one of the rooms, out of nowhere, a live snake dropped from the roof and landed right on his shoulder. I was too shocked to do anything and could only scream. Thankfully, the snake came off him and ran away.

Despite the scare, my nephew wasn’t hurt, and I thank God it didn’t turn into something worse. It could’ve been a lot more dangerous, but we left there unharmed.

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A day to remember

Back in my university days, there was one chaotic day I’ll never forget. A seminar class was announced early in the morning around 6am, but I was still fast asleep. When I woke up around 9:30, I realized the class was scheduled for 8:30. Instead of checking with anyone if the lecturer was there, I just started preparing desperately.

As I hurried out, my shirt got caught on the door and tore badly. I was frustrated, but I quickly threw on another shirt and rushed out. On my way, while trying to run, I hit my foot on a tree root. My big toe started bleeding, but I couldn’t stop, I just had to make it to class.

I finally arrived, only to find that the lecturer hadn’t even shown up. I waited an hour in pain and frustration. Then, our class rep called, saying the class was canceled.

Everyone was overjoyed by the news, but I was sitting there, feeling completely drained and annoyed by all the unnecessary stress.

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About a week ago, I started noticing weevils showing up everywhere in my home. At first, I didn't pay much attention to them, but things got a bit weird when they began crawling on my body. I was baffled about where they were coming from, and it took me a while to investigate. Eventually, I discovered that an old bag of beans I had abandoned had become a full breeding ground for bean weevils. That bag had turned into their little kingdom.

To be honest, I’m not a huge fan of beans. I don’t have strong feelings for or against them, but they're not really my go-to food. So, that bag had been sitting untouched for quite some time. Once I realized what was going on, I knew I had to deal with it. Today, I took the step of sieving the beans and over 100 weevils spilled. I’d never seen anything like it.

Now that their little home has been disrupted, I’m left to wait for the wanderers to scatter and leave. Their apartment has been destroyed, but they don’t seem to be in much of a hurry to vacate. I keep spotting a few here and there, clinging to what’s left of their precious beans. It's like they haven't quite accepted that the party is over.

At this point, I’m just hoping they’ll get the hint and move on soon. I never thought I’d have a weevil invasion to deal with, but here I am, playing landlord to some very unwanted guests. All because I left a bag of beans sitting for too long!!!

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Not Yet

It’s hard to believe that lectures have already started ed in school . Just two days ago, I saw photos on our departmental group chat of my friends back on campus, smiling and ready for another semester, I laugh at them. I am still in my father’s house, enjoying the comforts of home, going back to school any soon is not even a thought to think.

My mother have reminded me like the hundredth time, her voice with concern about my academics, but still, I have no plans to return that soon.

The thought of packing my bags and enduring the run around and stress of school again just doesnt go well with me.
Here, in my father’s house, life is good. I wake up to good smell of food oozing from the kitchen. I can start talking about all the good food my mom makes without having to worry about exams, group projects, or struggling for seats in a crowded lecture hall.

With not so much choice, Just a few more days I’ll go back. But deep down, I was in no rush to leave this land of peace or my soft bed or even this region.

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Enjoyed the day better

Enjoyed the day better
After church services, I returned back to my lodge feeling hungry, my stomach sang like it was just newly signed to a record label.
I had some beans remaining in those sagged bags under my kitchen cabinet that it's cibtents had sustained me till now.
Cooking today was just out of place.

Nonetheless, I still pondered on which was better and more better, to cook or buy two plates of food outside.
If I was to cook, it'll take at least 2000k from my pocket just to buy the condiments, and some extra loss: gas, strength and spices.
But if I was to purchase food, it would only cost 2600k for the two plates, my strength would be conserved and i wont have to waste my gas.

I was about to conlude my decisions when a thought hit me: soup would last you more than a day.
The thought rang in my head over and over and then I took up a pen and wrote down the required condiments for cooking egusi soup and also gauged it with my budget, the cost arrived at 3700k after calculations.

I went ahead with my plans, skipping to the last part. The soup came out so nice that I lick the plate after eating.
Currently, only remembering that my pot of soup is full and that there's an assured meal after lectures tomorrow gives delights me.

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Surprising fortune

Surprising fortune
Today was all spent on my Dad's assignment, I focused on the sheets in front of me, carefully following the instructions my dad had to given, and I took my time to make sure everything was neat and orderly.

After I finished, I handed the sheets to my dad with a proud smile. He glanced over my work and nodded.

Immediately he finished reviewing all the sheets, he handed me #2000.
My eyes shined in shick and happiness.
Two thousand naira felt like a small fortune, especially for a Sunday afternoon task

After I pocketed my riches, I thought about how I will spend my earnings. Maybe I'll use a part of it to get some snacks or save it until I returned to school? Regardless, I felt proud not just because of the money, but also for completing the task my dad had trusted me with. It was a simple assignment, but it meant a lot to my dad, he was to submit it back to the headquarters the next day and he had no time to do it himself.

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Sweatcoin challenge

Sweatcoin challenge
In September, my friends and I decided to take on a challenge through the Sweatcoin app, which required 150,000 steps for the month. We all saw it as a fun way to make memories, so we agreed to do it together. On a Saturday morning, we kicked things off, starting our walk at 7am.

By 11am, I had already reached 70,000 steps. But as much as I wanted to keep going, my body had other plans. I told my friends I couldn't continue, and they quickly agreed that it was time to stop before any of us fainted in the name of winning.

We found a nearby restaurant and decided to take a break. We ordered rice, ate, and rested there until about 1pm. It was a well-needed break to rest after the long walk. Feeling somehow refreshed, we trekked halfway back home before catching a tricycle for the rest of the journey.

When I finally got home, I checked the app and saw that I had managed to hit 76,000 steps for the day. Even though I didn’t reach the goal, I felt satisfied with my effort. Most importantly, I cherished the time I spent with my friends.
At the end of the day, the challenge wasn't just about contest anymore but the fun and memories we created together.

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Zero accountability

Zero accountability
This morning, I woke up really late, just a few minutes to 11am, even though I went to bed around 3am. Right from when I opened my eyes, I could already feel it was going to be one of those lazy days. I wasn’t in a hurry to do anything, but I knew I had to get a few things done.

The first thing I did was wash my clothes. I didn’t want to wait too long before the neighbors started their weekend washing. I finished washing and spread the clothes out to dry, thinking I’ll go out later to get some fresh air.

By the time I was done with the pile of clothes, I was already feeling drained. It was more work than I expected. I decided to take a quick bath to refresh myself, but that quick bath turned into a long nap. I was so tired that I crashed and slept for about five hours.

When I woke up later, I had something to eat and, feeling even more relaxed, went right back to sleep. It was honestly one of the most peaceful, lazy Saturdays I’ve had in a long time. No calls, no need to go anywhere, just pure rest.

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Face with adversity

There was a time when I hadn’t yet secured a place to stay, so I ended up squatting with a friend in her hostel. I reasoned it would be temporary, but just two weeks after moving in, I noticed my hair had become infested with lice. It was shocking and frustrating, and after trying different things, the only real solution was to cut it all off.

This was my long, cherished hair that I had been growing for three years. Losing it because of the dirty environment around me felt so unfair, but I knew it had to be done. Even though it hurt to let go of my hair, my health came first, so I made the tough decision and cut it all off.

A week later, things got worse. The environment around the hostel became so unsafe that I was forced to pack my things and leave. It wasn’t just about the lice anymore, my safety was at risk, and staying there any longer was not an option.
Sometimes, the girls will complain of seeing a man at night walking around the girls' hostel and so many other disturbing things. Omo, thank goodness I survived.

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Uni beginner

Uni beginner
A'ght.. people always mistake my personality and identity to something untraceable or rather unpredictable. I'm not proud about that, but well...

Let's take a ride back to my first year in the university.
Oh how friendly the guy was. But I am an introvert, so how possible was I so friendly?
Perhaps it was the excitement of being in the Uni?
Or maybe I had turned an extrovert after being admitted?
Who knows?, I don't myself.

Well let's get to the best part, I had very personal and intentional relationship with everyone in the department, and with time I took the post of the departmental DOI (director of Information) expanding my little influence afar from just the department.

The university and it's beauty had no ends, talk about all the pretty faces, the complexions, unimaginative elegance and the unique personalities of the lot that I encounter daily.

Usually before I write a story, I pick a plot, but not this time, so let's get on with it.
My position as the DOI got my DM filled up with texts and messages from students who are either texting for fun or to make inquiries, and I enjoyed it.
I never turned off my data, and if I'm gone by a minute, then I must have kept a hundred unread messages waiting (exaggerating).

Life was certainly beautiful in first year until the Nationwide academic strike struck.
Skip to later, after the strike, I lost my touch with people as the strength was subdued. All this time away from school, focusing on earning extra income and all other things had clouded a part of me, and in some way the influx of messages and all the uneccessary questioning became tiring.

I should continue this story but I've got to rest a bit.

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Hike in everything

Hike in everything
Yesterday was a disturbing day after I realized I was out of soap, I didn’t want to spend my precious lunch money on that kind of sudden expense, so I used the little bar which was left until it was lost in-between my sponge.

As I said earlier I didn't want to use my last 1,000 Naira note to buy a soap that I wasn't sure of the price even though I know it was necessary that I replaced the soap nefore my second bath, but I postponed buying it till evening before taking my second bath.

After I returned from lecture I went to a nearby shop with 500 Naira which was usually the normal price that an Eva soap was sold for.

I stretched my precious 500 Naira note to the seller telling her to give me an Eva soap.
Instead of collecting the money, she was looking closely at the Naira note that I was stretching out to be sure of what i didn't know.
She quickly told me that the money I had with me wasn't enough to buy an Eva soap. I looked at my 500 I told that it was 500 I was holding and wondered how the price of soap had raised in the past week. Thesame soap that I bought about two weeks for 500 Naira has increased with a 300 Naira difference.
I was disappointed not in the woman, not in myself, but in the country Nigeria. Where are we headed?

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Whirl wind

It was my first time seeing a whirl wind that was moving with a lot of force.
I was on a bus going to the market when my eyes caught a cloud of dust. Actually a smoke of thick dust was rotating around a particular region.
I was engrrossed with the view even the people in the bus joined me as we glanced closely at what actually was causing the dust but we didn't see anything causing it.
Was just the wind playing with the dust, I thought. The only thing making it weird was thatit made very Sharp noises and it was my first time witnessing one moving so violently.

The bus driver slowed down and we had the opportunity to look and see what this whirl wind was going to do as if was taking the path leading towards the direction of the marketplace.

Lucky enough the market women had taken shades before it hit their tables, carrying heavy gallons of oil high up in the sky with tables, some fruits, stones, bags, etc.
It carried them very high up in the sky and then dispersed them far away.I never saw something like that before, I thought it was going to be an interesting view but then it turned scary like in the movies.

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Everyone on the field

I am someone who values health and wants everyone in my household to also see their health as important as I do.
I want everybody basking in good health and then bubbling strong even when they are aging especially my Dad and Mom.

So after looking up some health tips, I studied on diet and exercises and how they could help elongate lifespan

so in a particular Saturday, I was able to convince my parents and all my siblings to come out for a little jogging.
But before the jogging, the evening earlier, I already bribed them with some drinks. I just used my little savings and got some bottles of drinks for every member of my family and then at that moment I seized it and convince them to follow me to sporting the next morning.

Well... I wanted them to value the proposed activity more even though they reluctantly prepared.
we all later went for the jogging and it was a good time together, I pray they all agree to join me this coming Sartuday too.

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Touch of shock

Touch of shock
My fellow prople come oo, I bought a hotplate with dreams of boiling water, cooking quick meals, and other things especially as an emergency helper if my gas finishes while cookibg.
For the first few days, it was fantastic. I loved how fast it heated up and blah blah blah, all at first!

But then, something lead to another and our street had some electrical issues in the house that lasted about a week or two, I can't rember exactly.
It was best to keep the hot plate unplugged and tucked away until everything was fixed, I put it in a safe area to avoid stories that touches the heart.

This morning I woke up to see light.
Feeling excited , I carried the hotplate from where i kept it to my kitchen.
I plugged it on and then placed a kettle of water on it.

As I watched the water start boiling. I was ready to make my tea. The steam began to rise, and I could see the little bubbles dancing on the boiling water.

I bent to grab my kettle from the hot plate. And that’s when it happened, the kind of shock i received on my hand. After I trembled back, I stood back and still got about 5mins thinking about several things that I can't even mention.

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Just the blare

Just the blare
I looked around my room, hoping something would just make me happy or less moody. But, nothing good to My sight . I just wanted to feel light but after staring, to see, nothing came out, plus I was tired of pressing my phone.I was definitely in a downcast mood, but I had to do something to change it after glancing at my bluetooth. And then it hit me, music would do it.

I rushed over to my speakers, I didn’t care about anything else at that moment. I just wanted some good tunes to play away the weight in my mind. And then I connected my phone, raised up the volume.

My room felt alive. I could feel the beats shaking the walls, vibrating into my soul. It felt like the music worked because for moment it started distracting me away from all those heavy thoughts.
I didn’t want to hear anyone’s opinions, and I didn’t care about the world outside. All I wanted was to let the sound fill my space, to drown out everything else, even if just for a little while. Neighbors always complain in meetings about loud music, but if only I was to disobey today, then no troubles.

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