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Mindviewers Stories

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Journey Of The Fittest

Journey Of The Fittest
The first time I had to leave my state for the first time, to another state for my university education, where I didn't have any relative. It was a moment I will never forget, I had to tearfully say goodbye to my friends and colleagues at place of work, I cried like a baby. My parents asked me where I'll sleep before renting a house for myself, I told them not to worry and travelled without any hesitation.

During the journey, I refused to let myself get bothered with how I'm going to sleep, bath or go about things, I just kept thinking about my family and friends, and how much I was missing them already. I arrived the state late in the evening and got to the university gate by 8 pm. Walking into the university, it was so cold, and quiet, with street lights shining on a long and wide interlocked path.

I found myself where to sit and relax, it's been a long journey and I was really hungry and tired, but saw no where to buy food nor snacks, and it was certainly not gonna be a night for a premium rest, because I had nowhere to sleep. I called my family to tell them that I had arrived, my father asked if I had where to sleep, I answered yes and told him I was fine, because I didn't want to stir up worries and unnecessary tension.

I went there with my school bag which contained my clothes, cup, sponge, soap, toothbrush, and my documents, it's funny, the way my house had a basic set of house tools. I felt safe inside the school environment, so I looked for a convenient, safe and hidden spot which was the veranda of the school library, laid some clothes on the floor and slept on it. The night very cold with cold breeze blowing in a turbulent manner, I couldn't sleep well, but I sha slept.

The school security came to me and asked why I was sleeping there, I narrated my story to them and they left me in peace. Very early in the morning, around 5 am, I woke up and took my bath in a running tap I found there, I used my cup as a scooper to pour the water on my body, brushed my teeth and changed my clothes, and once everywhere was bright, I quickly bought snacks to eat and went about my registration and clearance activities.

At the end of the day, I returned to my sleeping spot and this time a very heavy rain fell, it was terrible cold throughout the night, I was shaking. The same security met me again and I told them I wasn't able to go in search for a house to rent, and they understood. Woke up very early again, bathed, brushed and once it was morning, I decided to go and find a house, I prayed to God that I didn't want to walk up to 15 minutes before finding a house to rent.

Surprisingly, I walked straight to a house that had only one vacant room, God had answered that prayer, faster than I imagined, I rented that house. My landlady asked when I'm moving into the house, I told her I've moved in already. There was nothing in the house, so I slept in the floor, at least it was better than sleeping outside in the cold. I gradually purchased the house equipments I needed, and began my university journey in earnest, I find this story inspiring. I wanted to see how unique my survival skills are and how best I could take care of myself. I did great.

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School Prefect

School Prefect
I was in SS2, it was a third term, a time where the school management will choose prefects from SS2. I never pictured myself becoming a perfect, because I was extremely shy and I didn't want to take on so many responsibilities and tasks, so I made up my mind to decline any offer of prefectship, should it be pointed to me.

I was in class with my classmates during break time, when the compound master walked in and pointed out some of my classmates, including me, and took us to the principal's office. They wanted to make me the Senior Prefect, but I declined as planned and even recommended my classmate to them, to be appointed the Senior Prefect.

The principal wanted to know why I rejected the position, so I told him about my shyness, and he told me that we learn to do new things by doing them. After school was over, the compound master met me and told me that I have been appointed as the Senior Prefect, and that I should prepare a speech to be rendered after our inauguration the next day. I was terribly scared, I had never held any position before.

I got home and began to compose my speech, in as much as I was afraid, I didn't want to look confused when I'm called out to say something. The next day came, we were inaugurated and I had to address the whole school, both teachers and students, something I had never done in my life, I tried as much as possible to comport myself while I was addressing the school. I felt a sweet sensation when everybody clapped for me at the end of my speech, wasn't so difficult.

As time went on, the shyness couldn't just stay anymore, because I used to address the school twice a day, including meetings with principals and teachers, I was used to it already. Handling tasks and responsibilities helped improve me as an individual, I didn't abuse my power as the Senior Prefect, teachers and students loved me, because I always stood for the right thing. I'm happy to have been in that position, I learnt a lot, which includes how to handle tasks and responsibilities, how to manage people, boldness and decision making. It stays in me, I'm happy for that foundation.

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Small Life In A Small World

Small Life In A Small World
I have always emphasized the need to treat people nicely and avoid saying terrible things to people, it hurts so much and might leave an emotional trauma. My lady, although a very young lady at 23, did something that made me cry. Our toilet chambers had issues, so the tenants contributed money so that it can be repaired, and this happened during the repay of the chambers.

We were told that nobody will use the toilet till the repair is complete and is set to be used, we had no choice than to comply so that it can be fixed. The plumber came late in the afternoon and worked on the chambers, couldn't finish that day and had to come back the next day to complete the work. And after the work was done the following day, he told us that the toilet will be ready for use the next day which is the third day.

I met the landlady and told her that somebody like me doesn't have any relative or friend around, where I can go and use their toilet, and that it is not possible to tell people to stay for straight three days without using the toilet. She had friends and relatives around, and so she wasn't bothered because she had where to use a toilet. I was sure not to sound harsh or insulting, but I was shocked by her reaction, I didn't expect that from her.

She insulted, abused and cursed me, telling me I'm useless, stupid, senseless, uneducated and many more, telling me that it's not her business as to how I'll ease myself till the third day. I kept quiet, went inside and cried bitterly, no one has ever called me 'useless'. And now I just discovered that the final year project term paper that I have been spending sleepless nights, data and time to compile, belongs to my landlady, what a small world. She asked somebody to help her do it, and they person gave it to me to help do it, now her fate lays in the hands of the person she termed 'useless'. My landlady got to know that I'm the one doing her project, I don't know if she is ashamed of herself, because she has been avoiding eye contact with me, she hasn't said anything yet, I'm still waiting.

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Reviving my wardrobe

Reviving my wardrobe
I had been moving some things around when I caught sight of a familiar figure passing by, it was all these people that carried sewibg machines in hand, someone who sews and patches clothes.

I had this one short in mind that I've been wanting to stitch but my head was occupied with a million other things, but the sight of that tailor triggered the need to have the work done. I made my way to the bag where I had sput away clothes needing repair, thinking I’d find just the one.

As I unzipped the bag, Wetin my eyes see shock me. I hadn’t realized it until then, but aside that one short that i was looking for to repair, there were several more clothes that I thoufht I lost. Some were favorites I had worn often, while others were gifts that I had set aside due to small tears or loose seams. I couldn’t believe my eyes. So I just picked the bag itself and gave it to the tailor.

When all was said and done, the repair cost me just 1,000 Naira. I'm calling it just because the price was way lesser than the value of those clothes. Now, I had my seven good clothes back, hot boy in town.

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switching to Chrome

switching to Chrome
They told us Chrome was the major browser for operating an account efficiently, and then, I nodded, already planning how I'd make the switch.

Three days ago, I logged out of my usual lite browser and made the change to Chrome. The interface was a little different because it was long since I used the browser .

It was time to log in to my account, and I went through the process by entering my email, password, and confirming my settings.
The whole process was as if I was stepping onto a new stage where all the action, maybe a new earning feature would unfold, who knows.

After I logged in they mentioned an automated wait time of 24 hours before I could take action on my account again. That didn’t seem too bad initially, just a little patience, right?
But as each interval ticked down and I kept checking back, hoping to begin my usual tasks but I found myself locked out again. And I still had to wait an extra 24 hours.

Day after day, I went through this maddening cycle. I’d log in, only to find out that i was logged out, I was starting to feel frustrated at first, tussling through the chrome settings like I was a developer.

Then yesterday, something changed. Àfter I logged in directly from Google, it stuck, and here i am.

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School No be Joke

School No be Joke
See ehhn, I never knew nursing would be such a demanding course to study.
While I was yet to resume as a nursing student, I had always perceived nursing as a smooth going course, friendly, having to wear our white sparkly gowns and just address people's problems in peace.

It wasn't until I got to spend just a week in the school did I notice how tasking it was.
Me that was known to be chubby before, now I can't tell because today I'm chubby and the next day, i am one skinny girl.

It's my fault that whenever I heard people complained that the tertiary institutions was not an easy experience, I always saw them as lazy and carelessly speaking.
Recalculating my experience in this nursing school, I think there's no word good enough to define how stressful it really is especially for serious students.

Where should I start?
From the expenditures?
Should I talk about the long hours of teaching?
Should I talk about our steady relocations for an outreach, or the fact that I don't currently have a thousand naira as savings?

Whenever it is said that the school is a center for learning, you people shouldn't just focus on the surface meaning.
As for me, I have learnt to be hungry, I've learnt to spend the money that I don't have, I have learnt to speak up, to explore any opportunity I catch and many other things.
My people, school no easy and I congratulate everyone of you in school. And if you are not in school, work hard on yourself and dont ever feel inferior because as they say: what Ada doesn't have, Obi will have.

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Unfair mistake

About three weeks before our church’s thanksgiving service, I paid a tailor to sew a senator outfit for me. I had taken my measurements and left him with the fabric to get started. I should have checked in on the progress after the first week, but I didn’t. I got too comfortable, and before I knew it, the service was just a day away.

So, the day before the service, I went to the tailor’s shop to pick up my outfit. When he handed me the cloth to try on, it wasn’t my size at all! I was confused and asked what happened. That’s when we found out his apprentice had mistakenly given my fabric to another client. Apparently, someone else was sewing the exact same material as mine, and somehow, the apprentice mixed them up.

To make things worse, the other person’s outfit had already been waybilled to Anambra state. We tried to reach the driver, but all efforts to contact him failed. After waiting for about two hours, I left the shop frustrated, knowing I wasn’t going to wear the senator outfit I had planned for the thanksgiving.
It was bitter, but I had no choice but to accept the situation.

When the cloth came back, one week after the service, I had to give it out to a close friend so I do not remind myself of the painful experience with the tailor.

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An unfortunate injury

Last week, I had some extra cash and decided to try hiking for the first time. The company in charge offered a reasonable price, and they even provided us with protective gear and a guide to show us the way. Our transport was fully covered both ways, and they gave us some snacks to keep us going.

At first, everything was going great. The weather was nice, and the journey was manageable. But then, I lost my stamina and slipped, breaking my ankle before we had even made it halfway up the mountain. It was painful, but I thought maybe I could push through and keep going with the group.

Unfortunately, the pain was too much, and I realized I couldn’t keep up. The guide was really kind and offered to stay behind with me, but I didn’t want to hold him back. I told him he should continue with the rest of the group and enjoy the hike. After all, my injury shouldn’t ruin his experience.

They gave me some first aid and made sure I was in a safe place while the others finished the hike. I waited patiently, trying to stay positive even though I was disappointed about not making it to the top.
When the hike was over, the guide returned to help me. He supported me as I hopped back to the vehicle, and we all made our way back together. Over half of my money was refunded too 😹 It's well

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Where Light met Darkness

Where Light met Darkness
I usually dislike going to the market during the day, especially in the afternoon when the heat is almost unbearable. If I miss the morning session, I know I’ll have to go at night when it’s cooler. So, I usually make my way to the market around 7pm, which has become my routine. However, today, when I arrived, I noticed something different that caught my attention.

As I approached my favorite stall, I saw a bright light illuminating the path leading to it. It was a nice change, but honestly, I prefer to walk in the shadows. The light made everything feel a bit too exposed. I paused at the boundary between the light and darkness, trying to decide whether I should step into the brightness or stay in the dark for a little while. With my AirPods in one ear, I could listen to my music while keeping an ear open for what was happening around me.

I found myself standing there for nearly five minutes, which felt strange. I couldn't really explain why I stayed there so long. Something deep inside me felt off; it was like my instincts were telling me to move away from that spot. But I wasn’t ready to leave.
The sense of unease grew stronger. I could feel a disturbance in my spirit, almost like a warning sign that something wasn’t right. I was about to turn away from the bright path, when the weak shelter above me began to creak threateningly.

I sprinted away from that spot, barely escaping the collapsing structure. Thankfully, there was no one else around, or they might have been injured too. I took a moment to catch my breath and let the shock fade away. I had narrowly avoided a disaster that could have turned my ordinary market walk into something far worse.

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The time of Cartridge

My family always gathered in our living room to watch movies. My dad would usually sit in his favorite chair, located at the center of other cushions. No one dares to sit on it while he's in the sitting room.

We were still using what we called cartridges back then. I remember how we would select through the pile of cartridges trying to find "Igodo" our favourite movie.

The cartridge is inserted into the ... I can't remember what that one is called again.
To me, those were the good old days when high quality movies were produced in terms of educational and motivational before CD-ROMs, GoTV, or DSTV became part of our lives.

We sometimes called these cartridges cassettes, but whatever the name is, they held the power of good story in them. Each movie had a lesson to teach, and it felt like every actor on screen was wise beyond their years, the likes of Pete Edochie, Osuofia, Nkem Owoh, Keneth Okonkwo, Gentle Jack, Chika Ike, Chioma Chukwuka, Chinwetalagu and many more. Every scene had an interesting story to tell they were not just filling space, like the recent directors do.
I didn't know a lot then but as much as I could remember, back in those days, stories that were more than just entertainment were made.

My siblings and I would sit on the floor, captivated, while our parents shared the couch. The fun of sitting on the floor had this soft comfort that satisfies us as we glued to the television.

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Today was different from other Sundays. Waking up i knew that the rain was not going to stop anytime soon. And as the last Sunday of the month,i wasn't planning to stay back because I really wanted to use today to appreciate God and ask Him for guidance for the next Ember months.

While the rain was pouring heavily,I was preparing myself for service while my roommates were still cuddling in bed sleeping. I vowed that no matter what am not staying back.

After everything,my Bible and Hymnary well packed in my dugged bag,i headed for service. While in service i discovered many people could not attend the service according to them they'll use rain as an excuse.

I was asking myself if it was the normal business day,if they could stay back because of rain, which we already have the answer. A big NO.

After the service,the Preacher took his time to pray for us. Declaring that as we entered the rain to honor God that God will bless us more than the quantity of rain that fail on us

Knowing how soaked I was while coming,I believe that God's blessing was going to soaked me as well according to the Preacher's prayers . And I went home with a rainy blessings never to run dry.

@goddyfrank has received a total gift of 450 NGN on this; as TIPs from 2 people

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Change in Preference

Change in Preference
During my time in secondary school, I was pretty attached to wired earpieces and headphones. I always preferred reliability of the ones with wires and I can’t quite explain why, but there was something comforting about it, nobody should call me a cave man.
For me, it was never about the price; I just fancied earphones and headphones more than the wireless.

When I entered university, I noticed many of my friends using wireless AirPods.
I never took it at heart and have never talked less on how everyone on the street was using air pods, but after one day, they ridiculed my earpiece, I had to get a pair, but I initially saw them as just another gadget and nothing special. So I just put it away in my box while I rocked my earpiece.

It wasn't until about a week ago when a friend of mine got AirPods and let me try them on again after months of not using mine. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the experience this time around. The convenience of being wireless, the way they fit in my ears, and the ease of use all came rushing back to me.
After I got home, I threw the contents of my box apart and searched through for my long preserved Airpods.

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Designers added to collections

Designers added to collections
It was a really nice day after returning from church, I decided to unpack my clothes and rearrange them, then my eyes caught a jean that my aunt sent me. It was a pair of baggy shorts that I was really excited about.

Back then, When I first opened the package, I couldn't help but admire them, it was the blue dark colored type, my preferred jean colour.

Unfortunately, when I tried it on, it just didn’t fit. I was disappointed because I really liked the style, but I decided to reserve them for later. I carefully stacked them in my box, thinking that one day they’d be perfect for me.

But as time passed, I forgot about the shorts until today.
As I opened the box, I realized, oh damn, the shorts.
Guess what guys?
As I tried it on, it fitted every single curve, let me talk less.
One more added to my collections.

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Getting better

For the past few days, I’ve been really sick, feeling drained and just trying to get by with some medication. Unfortunately, it wasn’t helping much, and I was still feeling miserable. But today, I decided to push myself and take a short walk outside, hoping some fresh air would do me some good.

After passing by the first street, I got an unexpected call from a friend I hadn’t heard from in over a year. It caught me off guard because we hadn’t spoken in so long. He told me he had a surprise for me and asked for my account number. I was curious, so I sent it without thinking much of it.

A few minutes later, I received an alert for 10,000 naira! When I asked him why, he simply said he felt I could use the money since he hadn’t seen or heard from me in a long time. It was such a random and kind gesture that it completely changed my mood.

I was so grateful and excited that I temporarily forgot about how sick I was feeling. I ended the walk right there, deciding to treat myself to some yoghurt with the money. I will get better from here.

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Frustrating coincidence

Frustrating coincidence
I had this important event at school that I was told I absolutely had to attend. But, at the same time, I was waiting for a client of mine to give me the final go-ahead to start his work. It was a confusing situation because I didn’t want to miss out on the event, but I also didn’t want to delay the client’s project.

After weighing my options for a while, I made up my mind to head back to school. The trip itself took about five hours, and I was much tired by the time I arrived. I decided to take some time to rest and prepare for the next day, thinking everything would go as planned.

Later that night, I got the frustrating news that the school event had been canceled. That alone was disappointing enough. But to make matters worse, my client finally reached out, right after the event was called off and gave me the signal to start working on his project.

At that point, I was beyond frustrated. I had already made the long trip to school, which now felt like a total waste, and I realized I’d have to make the stressful journey back just to get started on the work. The timing of everything was worse.

It’s hard not to feel a bit annoyed by the whole situation. If I had just known about the event cancellation a little earlier, I could have avoided all this unnecessary stress and stayed where I was, ready to begin the client’s work as soon as he called.

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Energy boost or sleep buster

Energy boost or sleep buster
Last night, I decided to take Fearless drink so I could stay awake. It was my second time trying it, but the first time was during the day, so I didn’t notice anything unusual. I didn’t expect that it would mess with my sleep. I was just trying to stay alert and finish some work.

Once I went to bed, I kept waking up every single hour until morning. At first, I didn’t even think it had anything to do with the drink. I just thought maybe I wasn’t tired enough, I’d fall asleep, and the next thing, I’m awake again.

When I finally got up in the morning, the first thing I did was go to the bathroom. That’s when I noticed something strange, I was urinating way more than usual. But even then, I brushed it off, thinking maybe I drank too much water before bed or something simple like that.

By 10 am, I was so tired from the messed up night that I ended up falling asleep again. I didn’t wake up until 3pm. After I woke up, I found myself rushing to the bathroom once again, passing out more urine. That’s when I mentioned it to my roommate, and she was quick to point out I had taken Fearless. It hit me that the drink was responsible.

After that realization, I didn’t waste any time. I grabbed the bottle, and without a second thought, I threw it in the trash. I wasn’t about to mess with that stuff again, especially knowing how it messed up my body like that.
Next time, I’ll definitely think twice before buying an energy drink, especially late at night.

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Me and my Catarrh

Me and my Catarrh
started having a really bad cold, What we call catarrh.

At first, I was just sniffling a bit, but then as hours passed, it got worse, and soon I couldn't even breathe.

Miraculously, i dont know why but I couldn't stop crying because my nose was so runny. It felt like I had been beaten up.
My face got puffy too, and I realized this was not like the usual small cold I usually had before, where I would just sniffle a little for one day and forget about it. This time, it didn’t go away, it was like it booked a long session because it stuck around for three whole days.

I’ve been taking some medicine called Flu-J with some vitamin C, ans so today, I feel a bit better, even though my voice sounds funny and hoarse. I’m thankful to God for the gift of life by the way.

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CEO′s Story

Yesterday, the awaited Hamster airdrop finally paid out, but the amount was so small that many people were calling it "dust." It was disappointing after waiting for two months and tapping their game daily, but I didn’t really expect much to begin with.

With the little I got, which amounted to just 9,000 naira, I decided to treat myself. I made a delicious pot of okro soup with some good beef to lift my spirits. At least, if the money wasn’t plenty, I could still eat well and feel a bit better about the whole thing.

Honestly, I can’t say I deserved more from the airdrop. The platform had a huge community, so I wasn’t surprised that the reward wasn’t much. It’s always a gamble with these things, especially when there are a lot of people involved.

Even though the payout was underwhelming, I appreciate that they even paid at all. Some projects never do. So, in a way, they tried, and that’s worth acknowledging.

All the same, I’m still hopeful for better opportunities. Maybe the next airdrop will be bigger and more rewarding. I keep praying for a lucky one, because small wins like these are what we rely on sometimes.

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Levels in Perfume

Levels in Perfume
I thought the perfume that I bought smelled great and was sure others would notice it too. But then, a friend of mine came to visit, and everything changed.

The moment she walked in, the smell of the fragrance he wore immediately entered my nose, filled the room and instantly brought me joy.

The scent was so strong and captivating that it made mine feel a little inferior.
I could tell this because as we stepped outside, whenever he passed by, people would comment on how great he smelled. It was not like my perfume wasn't good, but his own dispersed far and stronger. I felt like people would need to hug me really closely to even notice my perfume.

I later found out that he bought his perfume for 15,000 Naira, while mine was only 8,000 Naira. Even though the prices differed, he said it wasn’t a competition. But honestly, who has 12,000 Naira to spend on perfume?

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My name is Ada, I grew up without any parental care apart from the ones I received from a foster mom who took me in after her child die.

Growing up,I was so attached to my foster mom as if she was my biological mother and she loved me unconditionally.

Our lives was in full blossom because she was a single mother not until her proposed boyfriend came into the picture.

Things started going wrong when my mom's boyfriend usually touched me carnally when mom wasn't around but I couldn't tell her because of fear.

It became worse when my mom decided to travel to her hometown for her uncle's burial which according to her wasn't a ceremony but a mourning.

After that day,my nightmares began as I was left alone with her boyfriend. Days passed without any help until the night before my mom gets back.

I was sleeping cuddling myself in the duvet when I felt it leaving my body,then i felt hands on me,I was really scared because I knew that no matter what happened I was all alone.
He dragged me down and told me to undress,I was fidgeting and shaken before he torn my dress leaving me only in my panties.
He pushed me down and forcefully torn the only cloths I had on and forced himself in me. I cried until I passed out waking up to find myself in a bath tub.
Out of fear and shame, I left the house without waiting for my mum's return with intentions of having revenge but after 2 days I heard about his death in a fatal accident.
But for years now I've been living with that rape trauma that I decided to voice it out to see if i can find that peace and joy again.
Do be silent.

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Good Convincing

Good Convincing
I had my mind made up on getting a body spray specifically, the red RIGGs body spray.

I called the vendor to ask if she had the red riggs, the ones that I had my heart set on, I have used it before and I knew that it smelt good.

Unfortunately, she informed me that they were out of stock. But almost immediately, she offer a recommendation which was the black riggs body spray.

Usually, I stick to what I know and love, so I insisted on getting the precise red riggs. But the way she spoke about the black rigs hypnothised me. She was just too sure when she made comparisons between the both. After some deliberation, I decided to try the black rigs instead. What do I have to loose?, and it was still thesame price.

The next morning, just before school, I applied the spray and instantly I was contented with what it smelt like. Throughout the day, I noticed people acknowledging the the fragrance.

After I got the 3rd commendation, I concluded that the black was more befitting for me

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