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At Least

My Traveling Experience

When I was traveling home for the holidays, I decided to take a bus since it was late at night. I boarded the bus with a mix of excitement and tiredness from a long day of travel. The journey started off fine, with the bus rolling smoothly along the dark, deserted roads.

However, as we got further into the journey, I noticed something unsettling. The bus driver, instead of focusing on the road, was engaging in lively conversations with the passengers. At first, it seemed harmless—a bit of banter to keep everyone awake during the late-night ride. But then, things took a turn for the worse.

I heard the driver talking about stopping for a break, and soon enough, he pulled over at a dimly lit roadside shop. What happened next shocked me. The driver and some of the passengers got off the bus and started buying alcohol. They brought the bottles back on board and began drinking, right there in their seats.

I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. Here we were, hurtling down dark highways at night, with the driver under the influence of alcohol. It was terrifying. I sat there, clutching my phone tightly, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach.

To make matters worse, my parents kept calling to check on me. They were worried sick, knowing I was traveling alone at such a late hour. Each time I answered their calls, I couldn't bring myself to tell them what was happening. I didn't want to worry them even more.

As the journey continued, the situation only grew more tense. The driver's conversation with the passengers became louder and more animated, filled with laughter that seemed out of place given the circumstances. I glanced nervously out of the window, praying silently that we would reach our destination safely.

Thankfully, after what felt like an eternity, the bus finally pulled into the terminal. I hurried off the bus, my legs shaky from fear and relief. I couldn't believe I had made it through such a harrowing experience. As I walked away from the bus, I vowed never to travel with that transportation company again.

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Relationship scam

“I am not ready for a relationship right now” these were the words Joshua said to me that night after a wonderful love making session, well I thought we were making love but realized later on that to him it was just casual sex.

This was something I was familiar with. Is it when David told me we should just remain friends or when Philip said he likes my friend better.

Dating has taught me a lot, especially in this part of the world, particularly Nigeria, where arguments come up online almost every two to three days. Arguments like who is to pay on the first date, should a girlfriend cook for her boyfriend and so many others.

I for one view dating from a subjective point of view, what works for you might not work for me and what works for me might not work for you.

Four years ago, I was at this party where I got dragged to. I didn't want to go, typical me like the pleasures of my house. Even after arriving there I sat down by the side watching my friend who invited me to the party, as she walked around mingling with different people, of course she knew almost everyone there. It was the birthday celebration of her coursemate.

I sat down quietly while games were going on, and we were divided into three different groups. The Master of ceremony then said every group should pick a female representative to come out. I don't know what it was on my face or maybe something I wore or probably the fact that I had been quiet the whole evening that made my group members pick me.

I stood up and went to where the other two girls who represented their groups stood. I had no idea what I was going to say or what game we were going to play but I had already prepared myself to lose easily and go back to my seat.

Interestingly it was a game I loved so much and I ended up winning, I believe that was what had drawn attention to my presence. Immediately I sat down, Joshua came to my side and sparked up a conversation, we spoke at lengths and I won't lie I was pretty much attracted to him.

We exchanged numbers before leaving and I believed that was a start of something great, he would call me and we'd gist about random stuff, I was the definition of “Fallen in love”.

Everybody close to me knew how I loved Joshua so much we were “The IT couple” or so I thought, gradually I started noticing changes in Joshua he'd stay days without speaking with me and even when I call we would talk for few minutes and he comes up with a flimsy excuse to end it.

Bear in mind that while all these were happening, Joshua had never for once asked me out, yeah! Funny, I know how stupid I was . Hey I'm not being harsh on myself, read to the end and if you don't agree I was stupid, then you'd surely agree I'm dumb.

I hadn't noticed we were not formally in a relationship because in my head we were married!!. Till that night I asked the most cliche question , “what are we?” It was at this moment Joshua gave me the most ridiculous answer I've ever heard “I am not ready for a relationship right now”.

You'd think after this, I'd receive sense and
Keep by pride intact by cutting ties with him, but No!!, instead I offered to be “the friend” he needed.

I guess deep down I believed that when he is ready for a relationship, he would choose me.

Joshua then traveled and things became worse, I will call and he won't pick up. Out of concern I begged my friend to follow me to his Friend's place and what I saw there shocked the living daylight out of me, it was his wedding program to another lady.

There was no way of committing suicide I didn't look up. It took a whole three months for me to get myself back, and by “get myself back” I mean continue my day to day activities. My once happy self was nowhere to be found…so when I say I've seen it all , you can at least give me a pass mark.

But hey! This is just one of many stories, it shouldn't determine your view on love because even for me it didn't. I admit it took a while for me to come back out into the dating world but I did.

And when I tell you I'm with one of the most amazing men right now, believe me and sure I didn't repeat my mistakes, he asked me out formally.

One thing I can say for sure about dating is that you need to experience it, to know it. But it all works out in the end.


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My Turning Point

My Turning Point
When I was in nursery and primary school, there was a period when I struggled to understand anything being taught. I couldn't read, write or even spell my name. My teacher at that time was a young man who frequently beat me, leaving me with cane bruises every day. The fear of his punishment made me dread going to school. My parents believed he was doing the right thing by disciplining me this way and even hired him as my tutor after school. This only intensified my fear, making it impossible for me to learn.

Everything changed when a new school opened in our compound, and my parents enrolled me there. I started in Primary 3 and met a kind and caring female teacher. Unlike my previous teacher, she never used the cane. Her gentle approach and encouragement helped me to feel comfortable and safe. Within one term, I learned to read and write, something I couldn't achieve under my former teacher's harsh methods. This new environment allowed me to thrive academically.

I soon became the top student in the class and took first place that term. The moment my name was announced in the assembly as the top student was incredible. My parents stood at the back, smiling proudly. I stood up, faced the school, and smiled back at them, knowing I had made them proud and that their efforts had paid off. They gave me a gift to celebrate my achievement, marking a turning point in my academic journey.

And since then my life changed because of that one teacher who made me love studying, and even till today, I haven't forgotten her and can never forget her. I hope to visit her in the nearest future and repay her for transforming my life. She laid the basic foundation of education for me. The thought of how my life would have looked like by now if I never met her terrifies me.

This experience taught me that children learn best in a supportive and loving environment. My previous teacher's harsh discipline only instilled fear and hindered my learning, while the kindness and encouragement of my new teacher helped me to excel. My story shows that with the right support and care, any child can succeed academically.

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angeltalented✓☆ 🏆43 🌟85Angel Chidiebube Mbaoma
24d 9h

Twice a Distance

Twice a Distance
I have this vivid memory from my time back in secondary school. We always took this long route to school, though it was short for some, it was quite a lengthy journey for us. The walk to the school took about 40 minutes, and I trudged along this route every day. On this particular day, after reaching the junction where we usually waited for the school bus, I realized my trousers had torn at the back. It was beyond frustrating, and the only solution was to walk back 40 minutes to change into a different pair. I could feel my frustration growing, and it was a traumatizing experience for me.

The thought of retracing my steps for such a significant distance was daunting. I made the journey back, changed into a new pair of trousers, and finally made my way to school. It was a day I certainly wouldn't forget. Fortunately, I've moved on from those days. Now that I'm at university, I take extra care to double-check my clothing before leaving in order to avoid any uncomfortable experiences.

I vividly recall feeling deeply embarrassed that day, even though no one seemed to take notice—thankfully, I was able to conceal my frustration. However, it taught me a valuable lesson and led to a daily routine of checking my clothing thoroughly to prevent such dilemmas. Looking back, it was still a rather embarrassing experience, but I've grown from it.

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Today was a struggle. I couldn’t wrap my head around the idea of having to write a test, especially after a long day at our clinical post-doc that was so far from the school. We got back from school around noon, whereas the test was scheduled to begin at 2.

It was a tough situation, and to make it worse, I hadn’t managed to eat before leaving. However, surprisingly, I wasn’t feeling overwhelmingly hungry this particular day. I thanked the Lord silently, as usually, when I spend long hours at school without eating, my stomach makes known its disapproval.

The test began, and I could say that the only studying I did was waiting for the clock to strike 2. When we saw the questions, others began to voice their complaints, but I remained silent. The questions seemed familiar and comprehensible to me, and I tackled them with confidence.

Afterwards, we created and marked the test as a group, and to my surprise, the outcome was favorable. I was content with my performance, and the experience turned out to be great, unlike how I had anticipated it to be.

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That Bloody Election

That Bloody Election
I still shudder at the memory of that fateful day. I had gone to vote with my friend, Ede, in Lagos. We were excited to exercise our civic duty and have a say in our country's future.

But as we approached the polling unit, we were met with a scene from hell. Political thugs, armed to the teeth, were terrorizing voters, snatching ballot papers, and destroying voting materials. The police were nowhere to be found, or perhaps they were complicit in the chaos.

Ede and I tried to flee, but we were caught by the thugs. They beat us mercilessly, leaving us for dead. I remember seeing Ede's bloody face, her eyes pleading for help that never came.

Somehow, I managed to crawl to a nearby house, where a kind old woman took me in and nursed me back to health. But Ede was not so lucky. She died a few days later from her injuries.

That day, I lost my friend, my faith in the system, and my hope for a better Nigeria. But I gained a resolve to fight for justice, to ensure that no one else suffers the same fate as Ede.

I now work with a local NGO, advocating for electoral reform and an end to political violence. It's a small step, but I know that together, we can create a Nigeria where votes are not met with violence, and democracy is not a blood sport.

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The Light of Hope: Nigeria′s Renewed Hope

The Light of Hope

Nigeria's Renewed Hope

Comrade Philip Tyongun Doki-Abua

In a Nigeria ravaged by darkness, fuel scarcity, and economic hardship under the Tinubu Renewed Hope government, one generator stood tall in Abuja's city center. It symbolized the nation's resilience, but its dwindling fuel supply mirrored the country's desperate state.
Kande, a young and determined girl, lived in a nearby slum. She had lost her father, a maize farmer, to the brutal attacks of Fulani herdsmen who had invaded their farm, seeking to graze their cattle on the lush crops. The tragedy had left her mother struggling to make ends meet amidst soaring food prices and rampant unemployment.
As the generator's roar grew fainter, Kande's hopes seemed to fade with it. But she refused to give up. She spent her days scavenging for scraps and her nights studying by the faint light of a dying phone battery. Her dream was to become an engineer, to bring light and power back to her community.
One fateful evening, while exploring the internet at a local cybercafe, Kande stumbled upon an online community discussing sustainable energy solutions. Inspired, she convinced her friends to join her in building a solar-powered mini-grid for their community.
As they worked tirelessly, the nation grappled with the crippling fuel scarcity, Yahoo Yahoo (internet fraud) syndicates exploited the desperation, and the cost of living continued to skyrocket. The government struggled to find solutions, but Kande's small solar project sparked a beacon of hope.
When the last generator finally died, Kande's solar grid roared to life, illuminating the darkness. The community rallied around her, and soon, the project expanded, powering homes, businesses, and even a local farm.
But Kande knew that the open grazing issue was a root cause of the conflict that had taken her father's life. She decided to expand her project to include a sustainable farming initiative, promoting ranching and feed production to replace open grazing.
With the help of her community, Kande established a model farm, showcasing the benefits of ranching and feed production. The initiative caught the attention of the government, which began to support and replicate the model nationwide.
As the solar grids expanded and the farming initiative took root, the nation slowly transformed:
- Farmers could grow their crops without fear of invasion
- Herdsmen could graze their cattle on designated ranches
- Food production increased, reducing prices
- The conflict between farmers and herdsmen decreased
- The community became a model for sustainable development
Kande's initiative inspired a national movement, and soon, solar panels, mini-grids, and model farms sprouted across Nigeria. The nation slowly transformed, harnessing the power of innovation and collective action to overcome its struggles.
Under the Tinubu Renewed Hope government, Nigeria began to experience a renewed sense of hope and progress. The story of Kande and her community served as a beacon of inspiration, showing that even in the darkest of times, the power of resilience, innovation, and collective action could drive positive change.


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She had never been able to imagine life without him so she was willing to do anything to make him stay. "it was my fault", "I made him angry" she would say anytime she had to explain a swollen cheek or a black eye.
"He's a good man, I just need to stop making him angry" she would say in his defense. Her parents were being biased, her sisters jealous because they were not yet married, she loved her brother but he was being too over protective and her friends too opinionated. Couldn't they see how much he loved her and all he did stemmed from the place of love, they really needed to mind their businesses so gradually she started becoming unavailable for family gatherings, she always felt too tired to meet up for the girls night out and oh! she was always apologizing for not being at home to entertain visitors.
And so slowly but surely she alienated herself from those who were interfering in her life and marriage, they needed to get a life of their own and leave her to hers. She loved her husband and it was both of them against the world....or so she thought.
Alas! she couldn't take it anymore, she needed help, needed to break free but there was nowhere to go, no one to turn to for she had shut out those who cared. Shame and pride forbade her from reaching out and so she took it all in strides and endured it all until she was able to break free.... only this freedom was a different kind of freedom.
Today was a memorable day for her as she was surrounded by those she loved, her family and friends all gathered together celebrating her freedom albeit a solemn celebration. How she wished it could go on like that forever but alas! it wasn't meant to be, everybody had to go and she would be alone again. Being alone was something she was used to but this time it was a different kind of alone...
It was time for her loved ones to go and everybody bade her farewell as one by one they dropped flowers on her grave and departed, including the one she had lived and died for. She was alone again but this time it was a different kind of alone....a forever kind of alone.


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The Playlist

The Playlist
Today, I found myself in a state of restlessness, lying in my room with an unexplainable need for a song to lift my spirits. I went through my carefully curated playlist, but none of the songs seemed to have the power to switch my mood. It was frustrating; usually, my playlist had a song for every emotion, but today was different.

In a moment of spontaneous inspiration, I opened TikTok and began scrolling through the videos just trying to get something that would resonate with me. And then, there it was—a video featuring a song by Celine Dion. Intrigued, I delved into the video, but I couldn't find the name of that particular song. Determined to identify it, I spent almost half an hour searching until, finally, I found it.

I played the song, and as the beautiful melody filled the room, I felt the heavy weight on my shoulders gradually lift. It was exactly what I needed; its soothing rhythm became the soundtrack to my day, playing in the background as I went about my tasks. Even at night, it remained on the play, becoming my newfound favorite song.

Guess what?, the music is still on even as I write this.
The name of the song is "I Love You" by C-line Dio*.
Good night fam.

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Late night ruins

Late night ruins
I had spent the entire day and part of the night engrossed in my books. By the time I finally decided to take a break and sort out some of my things, it was already 11 o'clock. As I began ironing my clothes, I suddenly recalled that I had left my bedsheet hanging outside to air. I left the iron forgetfully on my chair and dashed outside to retrieve the bedsheet. I got so caught up in arranging my bed that I completely forgot about the iron plugged in.

It wasn't until I felt a nudge in my mind that I was still freshening my clothes. I glanced over at the table and realized with true horror that the iron was still resting on my shirt. I raced over to it and thankfully managed to remove it in time, but it had already left a faint stain. I let out a sigh of relief and silently thanked the Lord that it was only a slight mark. I couldn't bear to think about what I would wear to school the next day if the stain had been worse.

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Sir Lai′ Silver Tongue

Sir Lai′ Silver Tongue
In a small village, a prophet's wise eyes gazed upon a young mother's swollen belly and declared that her unborn son, Lai, would achieve greatness. But with a twist - his greatness would spring not from his honesty or integrity, but from his extraordinary ability to spin intricate webs of deception. The prophet's voice echoed through the years: "Lai's lying tongue shall be his greatest asset."

As Lai grew up, his words dripped like honey, sweet and enticing. He wove tales of wonder, his eyes sparkling with mischief, and people hung onto his every word. Sometimes, the devil himself peeked over Lai's shoulder, marveling at the young man's skill. Lai claimed that his mother's steaming pot of ewedu soup had resurrected couples slain by Fulani herdsmen in Ogbomosho, and people nodded in awe. He described a giant cat strolling across the moon's surface, its whiskers twitching with delight, and villagers gathered 'round, their faces aglow.

Lai's lies earned him praise, recognition, and eventually, great power. He boasted of inventing a machine that could turn thoughts into reality, and people begged him to build one, their eyes shining with hope. He claimed that the Queen of England had once sent a royal carriage to whisk him away to Buckingham Palace, where she begged him to marry her, but he refused, his nose tilted in mock humility. Soon, people addressed him as Sir Lai, their voices dripping with reverence.

He lied and lied and lied, his words painting vivid pictures in the minds of his believers. He began to wonder if he was actually lying or saying the truth, so convincing were his tales. His lies became his reality, and he lost touch with honesty, like a traveler losing their way in a dense forest. He rose to prominence, his greatness built on a foundation of deception, like a castle constructed on shifting sands. People called him "Lai, the Great Deceiver," their voices a mix of awe and trepidation. His name became synonymous with lies, his reputation preceding him like a herald.

Yet, despite the warnings and cautionary tales, many still believed his lies, entranced by his silver tongue, like bees drawn to

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Thin Escape

As I finished reading at 11:30 pm, I packed up my things and decided to head home through the bushy path. It was a shortcut that I had taken many times before, and I didn't think twice about it. The path was dark and quiet, but I knew it like the back of my hand.

When I emerged from the bushy path and onto the open road that leads home, I felt greatly relieved. I had made it through the tricky part, and now all I had to do was walk a few more minutes to get to my front door. I picked up my pace, eager to get home and get some rest.

But just as I was feeling safe, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a WhatsApp message from an acquaintance. My heart began to race as I read the words on the screen. "Hey, be careful on that path," he wrote. "I just got robbed there. I managed to run away, but they might still be around."

My mind raced as I processed this information. I had just walked through that path, and I had made it out unscathed. Had I just missed the robbers by a few minutes? Or had they seen me and decided to leave me alone? I didn't know, but I was grateful (to God) to have made it past them.

I quickened my pace, my heart still racing with fear. I couldn't believe how close I had come to danger. I made a mental note to avoid that path from now on, and to always be more aware of my surroundings. Those "jobless beings" might have missed me this time, but I knew that I would always have to be on my guard.

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Unexpected Stranger

Unexpected Stranger
It was a regular evening, and I was getting ready for bed. I was just about to tidy up my room when I noticed something strange happening near the door. It was a rat trying to squeeze its way through the little gap at the bottom. I was completely shocked and didn't know what to do at first.

I quickly made some noise and tried to scare it away, but it didn't work. The rat darted into the kitchen, and I knew I had to act fast. I closed off all the openings where it could sneak in and took precautions to make sure it couldn't get back inside.

After a while, I was able to get rid of the rat, but it was really stressful and unexpected. I had never experienced anything like that before. I was really worried that another might come back, so I spent the rest of the evening making sure my house was all sealed up. It was a bit scary, but I felt relieved that I was able to handle the situation on my own.

I know you reading this story might be back there saying, "This girl is this proud for getting rid of a rat", Oh yes I am.

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Art of Repair

Art of Repair
Today my MP3 player started malfunctioning. It was as though it suddenly became louder and then it kept tripping off. I suspected it was the battery causing these issues. In a rush of desperation, I decided to try an unconventional fix. I remembered a spare battery from another MP3 player I had lying around. I decided to attach it to my current one in hopes of restoring its functionality.

To my surprise, after connecting the spare battery, my MP3 player not only started working again but it sounded even better. The only downside was its appearance. The spare battery was attached from the outside, with the wire neatly inserted inside, but people often looked at it and assumed it had been damaged or altered. Regardless of its unconventional look, it continued to work just fine, playing my favorite tunes and keeping me entertained.

Sure, the battery's longevity might not follow the standard, but I'm just happy that it's functioning. I learned to embrace its unique appearance, and most importantly, it's still doing its job. After all, it's all about the music, not just the look.

So instead of wasting transport money and other expenses to go have it fixed, I could use that money for something more important.
My steez still remains 100%.

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victorugochukwu✓☆ 🏆5 🌟6Victor Ugochukwu Okonkwo
27d 22h

Water with Taste

Two days ago, I went to buy a bag of water. I expected to pay the usual 250 Naira, but to my surprise, the price had gone up to 400 Naira. It was a bit of a shock, but I really needed the water, so I paid the new price.

When I got back to my place and took a sip, the water tasted weird. It didn't seem right, so I decided to do a chemical test. To my dismay, the water didn't pass the test. I had paid 400 Naira for water that didn't meet my standards. I felt frustrated and disappointed.

I went back to the seller to explain the issue, hoping to either get a refund or exchange the water. However, the seller was uncooperative and refused to take the water back or give me my money back. Feeling stuck, I had no choice but to throw the water away because I couldn't stand the taste.

The next day, I went to a nearby shop to buy water again, but this time I made sure the previous seller saw me. I wanted her to know that I didn't appreciate the way she had treated me. I bought a different bag of water from a different seller, and even though she seemed disappointed, I didn't care.

I felt better knowing I had stood up for myself and made it clear that I wouldn't tolerate being treated unfairly. I won't let anyone take advantage of me, especially when it comes to something as essential as water.

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Sweetest Summer Rain

Chapter 1: A Chance Encounter

My story begins! The sun beamed down on the picturesque town of Agbani, casting its golden rays across the rolling hills. Joe, a young man with a wild spirit and an insatiable curiosity, strolled down the main street, his eyes wandering over the charming shops and colourful houses. He had always yearned for adventure, seeking solace in the unknown and the unexpected.

As he meandered along, a burst of laughter caught his attention. Curiosity piqued, Joe turned towards the source of the joyous sound and found himself drawn to a small café tucked away in a corner. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the melodious chatter of people enticed him inside.

The café was bustling with activity, and Joe's eyes scanned the room, searching for the source of that infectious laughter. And then, he saw her. Mary, sitting at a corner table, her vibrant paintings displayed around her, emanating a sense of whimsy and joy. Her eyes sparkled like the summer rain, inviting all who looked upon her to embrace the magic of life.

Unable to resist the pull, Joe made his way towards her table, feeling an inexplicable connection. He introduced himself, and their conversation flowed effortlessly. They spoke of dreams and passions of hidden desires and untold stories. It was as if they had known each other for a lifetime, their souls entwined by an invisible thread.

Hours passed like fleeting moments, and as the sun began its descent, Joe and Mary realized they had shared something extraordinary. They exchanged contact information, promising to meet again. With a lingering smile and a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes, Joe bid Mary farewell, his heart brimming with excitement for what the future might hold.

As Joe stepped outside, the first droplets of rain began to fall. The summer rain was a gentle embrace, refreshing the air and cleansing the world around him. He tilted his head back, letting the raindrops kiss his face, and in that moment, he felt a surge of hope and possibility. Little did he know that this sweet summer rain would mark the beginning of an unforgettable journey, where friendships would blossom, secrets would unfold, and the magic of life would reveal itself in the most unexpected ways.

Anticipate!!!! CHAPTER TWO (2)....

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Bittersweet love 😘😘

Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a young couple named Emily and James. They were high school sweethearts who had been together for years and were deeply in love. Their love story was the envy of everyone in town, and they were often referred to as the perfect couple.

However, as they grew older, life's challenges began to test their relationship. James had dreams of traveling the world and pursuing a career in photography, while Emily wanted to stay close to home and pursue a career in teaching. Their conflicting aspirations put a strain on their once perfect love.

Despite their differences, they tried to make it work. They both made compromises and sacrifices for each other, but deep down, they knew that their paths were leading them in different directions. The love that once bound them together began to feel like a weight holding them back from their individual dreams.

One fateful evening, as they sat under the stars at their favorite spot by the lake, they made the painful decision to part ways. Tears streamed down their faces as they held each other for the last time, knowing that they had to let go for the sake of their own happiness.

The following days were filled with heartache and longing. Emily found solace in her teaching career and threw herself into her work, while James set off on his journey to capture the beauty of the world through his lens. They both tried to move on, but their hearts still ached for what they had lost.

Years passed, and both Emily and James found success in their respective careers. They never forgot each other, and their love remained a bittersweet memory that lingered in their hearts. They often wondered what could have been if circumstances had been different.

One day, by pure chance, they found themselves in the same town where they had once shared their dreams. They decided to meet for old times' sake, and as they sat across from each other, they realized that the love they once shared had never truly faded.

In that moment, they knew that their love was timeless, but the timing had never been right. With tears in their eyes, they embraced each other, knowing that they would always hold a special place in each other's hearts.

Their love story was one of heartbreak and sacrifice, but it was also a testament to the enduring power of true love. As they went their separate ways once again, they carried with them the memories of a love that had shaped them into the people they had become.

And though their paths diverged, their hearts remained forever intertwined in a love that could never be forgotten.

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sorano✓☆ 🏆26 🌟73Christian Nwachuku
28d 1h

Business Travel

Business Travel
I had a important business deal to attend to at home, so I boarded the first bus to get there as quickly as possible. But, little did I know, the journey would be a challenging one. As soon as we hit the road, we got stuck in a traffic jam.

After several hours on the road, a heated argument broke out between two men. Their loud voices and angry words made everyone uncomfortable. I hoped it wouldn't get out of hand.

Just as the argument started to die down, the bus was pulled over by a police officer. He boarded the bus, searching all the male passengers for anything suspicious. I held my breath, wondering what was going on. The search felt like it took forever, but eventually, we were allowed to continue our journey.

The road itself was a nightmare. Potholes made the bus sway throwing us around. I held on tight, praying the bus wouldn't break down or worse.

After what felt like an eternity, we finally arrived in my hometown. It was already 9 pm, and I knew my parents would be fast asleep. I let myself in with a spare key, not wanting to disturb them. I crept into the house, exhausted but relieved to be home.

That was when I realized my ATM card was gone! I desperately searched my room, but it was nowhere to be found. I must have lost it while I was sleeping on the bus, but I had no idea if it fell out on the bus or outside. There was nothing I could do than block it to avoid story that touches the heart

I went straight to my room, collapsed onto my bed, and fell into a deep sleep. The journey had been exhausting, but I was safe and sound at last.

The next morning, I woke up refreshed and went to greet my parents. They were surprised to see me, not knowing I had arrived the night before. We hugged, and I told them about my eventful journey.

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Sitting alone under the guava tree I was deep in thoughts and lost from things happening around me. Like how could my parents die the same day leaving me behind to face my wicked uncles alone. As I kept thinking, my eyes were hurting and filled with tears.
"You will die the way they died" those word kept reverberating on my mind as that was what my uncle said when I was informed of their death.
Severally, I tried committing suicide but I ended up being saved by someone I didn't thought of knowing.
The pains was real and I was falling deeply into depression which almost took my life but God was by my side. After their funeral,my uncles shared my dad's properties among themselves and I was forced to vacate the house I grew up with my parents.

I toiled day and night in the street and I slept under the bridge for the very first time in my life.
God so kind,I managed to save up and I headed to the city,well some people may say for vacation but I went there to hustle and God helped me.
I was employed as a bus conductor and I was paid daily which I used to survive.
A day of recogning came when my dad's lawyer and friend saw me as he was about boarding the vehicle I conducted. After giving him all the explanations,we moved to my home town where my uncles were.
The will was read out which was also carried out the same day and I returned to my dad's house again and everything came back to place except that my parents were no more.
I learnt to adapt to any situation I found myself and today am a qualified medical doctor but I still forgave my uncles.

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Price Bargains

Price Bargains
It was a quiet day at school, so me and my friend Pat decided to take a walk through the market on our way home. Pat wanted to buy a reading table, so we were checking out different shops to find the best deal.

As we wandered through the market, we noticed that the sellers were asking for high prices. They probably thought we didn't know much about bargaining because we were just boys. Pat tried to negotiate at two shops, but the sellers didn't budge on the price.

I felt bad seeing Pat having a hard time, so I stepped in to help. I went to another shop and asked for the price of the table. The seller gave us a fair price, but I didn't stop there. I bargained and managed to get an even better deal. Pat was so surprised and happy, he couldn't believe we got such a good price.

To celebrate our successful bargaining, Pat bought me some treats to take home. He wouldn't stop smiling, from what he budgeted for purchasing the table, he still had #3000 left.

We walked home with big smiles on our faces, feeling proud of our little adventure at the market. Pat was more happy as he felt the naira notes in his pockets, he knew he wouldn't be walking home with any penny if by chance, I didnt render the expertise help which I learnt from my mother.

Category Competition Winner!

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My kid bro was fragile and so innocent. I really love him way too much that i followed my mum to a hospital i detest so much. Well, right from when i was a kid i hated anything called hospital,even to take drugs or injection,it was a battle for the strongest.but thatbday was different cause of my kiddo's illness.

Am in my year 2 at the university and i had my brother last year July.
While growing up,he was very fast and strong.he started crawling when he was 3 months old.Then at 7 month i started seeing two substance☺ in his mouth then i knew that am done for.
Any single mistake he will bite you and pinch you with his little fingers.
But a day came,i was in a class when i got a call but i couldn't pick up which I later called back and i was informed that my brother was sick of a sickness known as leukemia at that moment i became heartbroken😭 and sad and those memories of his smiles,his cries even those two substance started flashing in my mind.
I had to leave for home that evening which i arrived at midnight and could not go to the hospital till the next morning.
Well the next morning i was at the hospital very early and I was informed that he was to undergo a surgery. Early tje next morning he was operated upon and placed on medications. All these while ny mum was really heartbroken that i feared for her. After everything he was discharged and was free again
This is two weeks and he recovering very fast and strong each day.
Thank God we overcame and am seeing his smiling face again.

Show some love. Gift @goddyfrank something as TIPs

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