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In the quiet village of Oji River, there was a boy named Chinedu who had a tough time growing up without much love. The people in the village thought it would be really hard for him to make it through all the challenges.

But then, something good happened. A kind teacher named Ngozi noticed that Chinedu seemed sad. She decided to help him and be like a guiding light during the tough times. Ngozi cared a lot about Chinedu and encouraged him, making him feel better.

As time went on, people in the village saw how things were getting better for Chinedu. Some of them who might not have been friends before started helping him too. Together, they supported Chinedu emotionally, and he not only made it through the tough times but also started doing well, leaving behind the difficult moments.

Chinedu's ability to bounce back became an inspiration to everyone, showing that people can get stronger even when things seem really hard. The village of Oji River, which once had doubts, now admired the strength that kindness and care could bring.

In the end, Oji River celebrated the success of helping and caring for one another. Chinedu emerged from his difficult past, showing that kindness can make a big difference in tough times.

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Can the end be justified

Can the end be justified
Once upon a time in the small town of Ethos, there lived an elderly man named Augustus. Augustus was known for his wisdom and gentle nature, and he spent most of his time sitting by the town fountain, listening to the stories and troubles of passersby. Many sought his advice, and he never failed to offer them a fresh perspective.

One sunny afternoon, a young girl named Emilia approached Augustus with a heavy heart. Tears streaked her face as she explained that her brother, Adrian, had been severely injured in a car accident caused by a reckless driver. The doctors said that Adrian might never walk again.

"Augustus, I don't understand how someone could cause so much pain and suffering to innocent people," sobbed Emilia, her voice tinged with anger. "How can we justify such an end for my brother? Can the end be justified?"

Augustus leaned back in his chair, his wise eyes sparkling with compassion. "Emilia, my dear, life is a tapestry woven with both joy and sorrow. And while we can never justify the pain caused by others, it's up to us to find meaning in the face of adversity."

He continued, "Adrian's injury is an undeniable tragedy, but from the darkest moments, the brightest lights can emerge. You see, sometimes these harsh endings lead us to a new beginning, a path we would never have taken otherwise."

Emilia listened intently, her tears subsiding as she absorbed Augustus' words. She began to spark a glimmer of hope within her heart. Despite the pain, she realized that the accident had brought her family closer together. They were supporting each other in ways they never had before.

Days turned into weeks, and Emilia watched as her brother struggled through grueling physical therapy. One day, Adrian's therapist invited Emilia to join the session. As Emilia joined her brother in his rehabilitation journey, she discovered a newfound passion for helping others through physical therapy.

Emilia's commitment to her brother's recovery inspired her to pursue a career in physical therapy. She spent years studying and honing her skills, determined to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Her dedication and empathy led her to open a rehabilitation center in Ethos, where she empowered countless individuals to regain their strength and independence.

Years later, as Augustus sat by the now-bustling fountain, he noticed Emilia approaching him with a radiant smile. She had become a symbol of hope and resilience in Ethos, making her mark on the town through her unwavering dedication.

"Augustus," Emilia began, her voice brimming with gratitude, "I now understand that while the end cannot be justified, it can be transformed into something meaningful. My brother's accident was a tragedy, but it led me down a path of purpose and service."

Augustus nodded, his eyes twinkling with pride. "My dear Emilia, you have learned the true magic of life. It isn't about finding the perfect answers or justifying every outcome, but rather about finding the strength and resilience to create something beautiful, even from the most devastating circumstances."

And so, the small town of Ethos learned that although the end cannot always be justified, it can be a catalyst for growth and transformation. The story of Emilia and Augustus continued to resonate through generations as a testament to the power of finding purpose in the face of adversity.

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Sting for a change

Simi was a bright and cheerful girl, but she had one stubborn little habit - she hardly ever listened to her mother's advice to dress her bed before she went to sleep. No matter how many times her mother reminded her of the importance of keeping a tidy bed, she would always find a way to wriggle out of it and just flop right in, blankets all tangled up and pillows everywhere. After all, it's just one of those things that "can wait till tomorrow," she thought.

One fateful night, as Simi snuggled into her untidy bed, she suddenly felt an odd itching sensation on her legs. She brushed it off at first, thinking it was just her imagination playing tricks on her. But as she started to drift off into the land of dreams, the itching turned into a mysterious, relentless tickle. Simi reached down to scratch at the source and... Yowch! She felt a sharp sting that made her jump out of bed in a flash.

To her surprise, she found that she had been visited by a battalion of tiny, mighty ants, who were no doubt looking for an adventure in her unmade bed. In her squeals and flailing, Simi had somehow disturbed their peace, and those little critters had given her the most unwelcome stings on her lovely behind. And boy, did they mean business!

From that night on, Simi couldn't sleep a wink. Every time she tried to settle down, she'd feel another surprise sting, making her roll from side to side just to escape the tiny soldiers of the insect world. She was so busy swatting at the sneaky critters that she completely forgot about her unmade bed. They were having a laugh of their own, it seemed.

Finally, the next morning, Simi stumbled out of bed, bleary-eyed and red-bottomed, but she learned her lesson. From that night on, she made her bed every single day - not just to avoid a visit from the Ant Brigade, but also to restore her peace of mind.


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A glance through glass

A glance through glass
As the car moved swiftly down the road, I couldn't help but notice the changes on the roadside, the storey buildings.
Two years ago, no one could have thought that such structures could be erected and would transform the locality in the short range.

I smiled, nodding my head to the melody coming from the car speaker. The driver must have taken his time to select from my playlist; oh how much I loved those songs and how much it made me reminisce, they were not new songs.

A flyover was right ahead of us, towering feet's above the ground with its newly painted legs. It wasn't over a year that they laid the foundations to erect the structure but more surprisingly, it was the fastest project the government ever completed.

And I thought deep within me, if the nation's wealth was properly utilized, we'll be living in paradise.

Category Competition Winner!

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communication is key to any successful relationship

communication is key to any successful relationship
Once upon a time, there was a man named John who was deeply in love with his girlfriend, Alice. They had been dating for over a year, and John was convinced that she was the one. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, and he was certain that she felt the same way.
However, one day, John noticed that Alice was acting differently. She seemed distant and preoccupied, and she wasn't giving him the same amount of attention that she had in the past. John was worried and confused, and he didn't know what to do.
John decided to talk to Alice about his concerns. When John brought up his concerns, Alice was taken aback. She hadn't realized that she was acting differently, and she apologized for making John feel neglected. She explained that she had been stressed out at work and that her mind had been elsewhere. John was relieved to hear this, and he was happy that they were able to talk about what was going on. From then on, they made an effort to be more open and honest with each other, and their relationship grew even stronger. They learned that communication is key to any successful relationship, and they continued to make each other their top priority. 💘

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Missing purse

Missing purse
Today was supposed to be a simple trip to the market, but it turned into a wild purse-chase adventure! It all started when I hopped onto a public car, purse in hand, ready to tackle my shopping list. Little did I know, this innocent ride would become a comedy of errors.

As the car rattled along, I suddenly realized with a sinking feeling in my stomach that my purse had vanished into thin air. Panic set in, and I immediately suspected that a pickpocket had struck during the hustle and bustle of the journey. Determined to get to the bottom of this, I turned into the world's most enthusiastic detective.

I frantically searched through the passengers, mumbling apologies as I dug through their bags and pockets. The looks on their faces ranged from confusion to amusement as I carried out my impromptu investigation. I was sure the culprit was among us and there I was, giving the FBI a run for their money in my pursuit of justice!

Alas, my efforts were in vain, and the bus reached its destination without my purse in tow. Defeated but still hopeful, I thanked the passengers for their cooperation, believing in my heart that they were good people who tried to help. As I trudged back home with a heavy heart, I couldn't help but replay the craziness of it all in my mind.

But wait for it...the punchline was waiting for me at home. Lo and behold, as I walked through the door, I spotted my purse nonchalantly lounging on the table. I was dumbfounded! It dawned on me that in my rush to leave the house, I had left the purse behind when I was struggling to wrangle my shoes onto my feet.

Feeling equal parts relieved and embarrassed, I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

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"Babe you have a tail" I screamed as Bianca was about removing her panties.

"Babe please I can explain its not what you think "

She replied kneeling down and begging me not to expose her dirty secret.

Bianca said she grew up with a little tail at the top of her butt and that was what prevented her from having boyfriends until she met me.

She also was hard to give in to s..ex cause of her no to s..ex until marriage policy. But she gave in today cause she was too horny to resist.

I watched as Bianca confide her biggest secret to me with tears. I wish she knew all I ever want is just to go under her legs .

After the emotional Saga, I tried to get her back on the game but she wasn't in the mood, so I let go.

Truth be told Bianca is sexy and pretty in facial looks and that, attracted me. All I want is to knack her and move on with my life.

The next day I saw Bianca rushing and happily entering in my gates.she then broke the news to me that she just got a loan from the bank, to use in doing surgery.

I was amazed "wait what did you use as collateral for the loan" I asked.

She explained that she used her father's house as collateral. I was quite disappointed, because I wished she new all I ever wanted was her body.

Few weeks later the surgery was done with and not quite long I had my plan manifested , I ate her untouched apple.

After fulfilling my plans I began having feelings for Bianca, because her attention towards me doubled . But Still I decided not to give it a thought, we meeeove! .

Been weeks and I've been avoiding her, she gave lot of miss calls but I refused to pick. I was done with her I'll say to my best friend 'Ade' , but deep inside me I still wanted her

One day I was coming back from the club late at night with a stripper, only to see some one standing in my balcony. Behold Thier stands Bianca in tears.

She began begging me for help, even if I don't love her I should save her father's house , if not for her at least for her poor mother.

I pushed her outside my compound and locked the gate .

But as I was about knacking the stripper I got from the club, she said she won't let me in, unless I tell her what happened between I and Bianca.

After explaining to the stripper, she began advising me, I felt touched and my feelings for her showed up. The next day I went to the bank and paid off the loan.

Bianca came to my house to thank me, but rather I asked for her forgiveness and proposed...
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To be continued....


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Cloud of thoughts

And just after classes today and after the strenous walk from school to my apartment, I sat comfortably on the warm comfort of the soothing fabric -called bed, and dozed off deep in thoughts to the life I used to have as a kid.

The life I had was not used to this stress.
The life I had was peaceful and full of happiness memories and comfort, the only thing that ever worried me then was the denial of the sweet early morning sleeps that sets to mark trigger our student's role each working day.

The roads was always clear and peaceful and utterly was fun too to pick twigs and fling them to my fellow mates leaving roars of laughter as we strolled down the streets from school.

Things to eat wasn't a problem because dad and mum always provides, school fees wasn't a problem because eventually, it'd be paid.
We feared no harm on the way because as children, our hearts was pure and we knew no enemy.

Always absorbed in weekend play with the fellas and would skip morning and afternoon meals just so we could enjoy the fun to it's fullest.

Nature knew us and we understood its happiness.
I think I want my childhood back.

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My Nursing Journey

My Nursing Journey
Nursing school has been one of the toughest challenges I've ever faced. The days seem to blend together, one endless cycle of lectures, practical labs, and clinical rotations at the health center. Time has become a luxury, an elusive thing slipping through my fingers as I desperately juggle assignments, readings, and preparing for exams.

There's little time to do most of the things I was fond of. Story writing used to be my escape, a way to let my imagination soar and create worlds of my own. Composing poems felt like breathing, a part of me that I could express freely. But now, those passions have taken a back seat. I miss the joy of weaving words together, of creating something that brings life to my thoughts and emotions. There's an ache in my heart, knowing that my stories are left untold and my poems remain unwritten.

Social media used to be my platform to connect with others, to share my thoughts and creations. I miss the interaction, the sense of community among fellow writers and artists. My absence from these platforms feels like I'm slowly fading from a world I once felt connected to. The little time I have is consumed by studies and exhaustion, leaving me with little energy to engage in the activities that once fueled my spirit.

But amidst the chaos and relentless demands of nursing school, I remind myself why I chose this path. The passion for helping others, the desire to make a meaningful difference in people's lives. These dreams push me forward, igniting a flicker of determination in the depths of my fatigue.

Though the weight of nursing school feels suffocating at times, I know it's a temporary sacrifice for the greater good. So, I press on, knowing that one day, when I hold that nursing degree in my hand, I can reclaim the passions I've set aside.

Category Competition Winner!

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when i knew i wasn’t just a normal kid

this will be a short one
Growing up in the early 90s
i tried everything available as i lived with my mom
dads away working.
i play games
love American movies
i steal from mom to watch movies rent movies. play computer games
but as i grow
i started having dream paralysis
and before i enter the dream paralysis
i always see a whit light in my dream
it sucks me closer and boom i am frozen to my bed paralyzed.
i never told anyone
i fought silently and developed a way to break the paralysis but one this is
i never believed in witchcraft and wizardry but the case is different with my sisters who believed that my mom sis is a witch
they won’t eat her food but i will
i did all they are afraid of but to my surprise i am always good at the end. to this day my sisters believe that i am not normal
due to my constant ingestion of marijuana’s leaves with indomie from a young age.

anyways that’s a story for another day
stay weird and free

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In a quiet village embraced by emerald meadows, there lived a mysterious storyteller named Eldon. His eyes held the wisdom of centuries, and whispers of enchanting tales surrounded him. Yet, Eldon harbored a secret story, one he had never shared.

On a moonlit night, a curious young girl named Aria approached Eldon. "Tell me a story no one has heard," she pleaded.

Eldon hesitated but then began weaving a tale of a hidden garden within the village, blooming with magical flowers. Legend spoke of a key that unlocked its gate, nestled in the heart of kindness.

Intrigued, Aria embarked on a quest to find the key. Days turned into weeks, and as kindness blossomed within her, the garden revealed itself. Eldon, watching from afar, revealed the story's lesson: "The treasures of kindness unlock the most magical gardens hidden within ourselves."

Aria returned to the village, sharing the lesson. The once-hidden garden became a symbol, and kindness flourished, turning the village into a haven of compassion and understanding.

The untold story illuminated the profound truth: The magic within us awakens when we nurture kindness. In every act of compassion, a hidden garden flourishes, revealing the transformative power of a heart touched by kindness.

@grandmaster has received a total gift of 100 NGN on this; as TIPs from someone

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How Far Life Leads

How Far Life Leads
Excitement and expectation filled the air as I entered the university's well-known gates. After a lengthy holiday, it was the first day of classes again, and the campus was brimming with the enthusiasm of students ready to get back to their studies.

I saw familiar faces as I made my way through the masses, but something wasn't quite right. I noticed few friends speaking cheerfully as I got closer to my section, but there was a slight shift in the atmosphere. Some of them had left to pursue fresh opportunities in other departments. I saw that scenery of my scientific community had changed as time manipulated its complex pattern.

I couldn't help but think back on the four years that had brought me to this moment, as I was approaching the end of my academic career. Like a collection of images the lectures, the late-night study sessions, the victories and setbacks all flashed before my eyes. I came to see that the road had involved not only learning but also developing oneself and being adaptive.

Over the course of the day, I struck up conversations with both known and unfamiliar people. Although there was a lot of joy and laughing in the hallways, there was also a hint of nostalgia. The hallways appeared to echo with stories of friendships made, goals pursued, and academic achievements.
I stopped to sit in a serene campus area in between classes, where I could hear students talking in the distance and the sound of falling leaves. I took out my notebook and started jotting down the pivotal points, victories, and special occasions that characterized my academic journey.

I was feeling more and more thankful for the experiences that had built me with every hour that went by. I felt a fresh sense of purpose awakened when I realized I barely had a year left. This journey had been life-changing, and what lay ahead would be the actualization of years of effort and sacrifice.

Category Competition Winner!

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Contented with a plate

Contented with a plate
I had been looking forward to spending a lovely afternoon at a restaurant with my aunt and my spirited 7-year-old niece. However, as we perused the menu and eagerly anticipated our meals, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern about my limited budget. The money in my pocket was just enough for a plate of rice and a soft drink, and I silently hoped that it wouldn't cast a shadow over our outing.

As we placed our orders, I smiled to myself, feeling thankful that I would at least have a simple meal to enjoy. My aunt, on the other hand, was able to indulge in a plate of rice, a drink, and a generous portion of succulent chicken. I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as I glanced longingly at her savory dish while I contented myself with the modest fare in front of me.

Despite my silent longing for a taste of that delectable chicken, I focused on savoring my meal, determined not to let my limited finances overshadow our gathering. However, my aunt's kind heart and generosity unexpectedly turned the tide. With a beaming smile, she tore off a sizable piece of the chicken and unceremoniously plopped it onto my plate, a gesture that filled me with a surge of gratitude and warmth.

I was just about to savor this unexpected treat when my niece, attracted by the lure of the chicken, made a dash for it and attempted to wrestle it away. Her little hands clutched onto the savory morsel, and I realized that I had a mini tug-of-war on my hands. I chuckled inwardly as I gently knocked her on the head, and, with a mischievous grin, she finally released her hold on my precious piece of chicken.

Category Competition Winner!

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Me vs Rat

Me vs Rat
I was minding my own business, relaxing in my room, a rather uninvited guest made its grand entrance—a sneaky, beady-eyed rat. Now, I've always considered myself composed in the face of adversity, but when it comes to a scurrying rodent in my personal space, my calm facade quickly disintegrated.

Despite my best efforts, the crafty critter managed to evade my every attempt to corner it, employing a tantalizing combination of acrobatic leaps and lightning-fast sprints to keep me thoroughly flummoxed. It mocked my futile attempts at capturing it with a casual flick of its tail, leaving me exasperated.

Determined to banish the audacious interloper from my territory, I launched a full-scale campaign, arming myself with an impressive arsenal of homemade contraptions and makeshift traps. I concocted a maze of buckets and broomsticks, thinking it would outsmart this wily adversary, only to watch as the rat effortlessly leaped over each obstacle with an almost clown-like grace, leaving my strategizing in tatters.

I then resorted to availing myself of a broom, thinking I borrowed some of the dexterity of a seasoned ninja, only to find myself engaged in a slapstick ballet around the room, resulting in nothing more than a light-hearted chase that attracted a few curious glances from passing family members.

Finally, I mustered the most daring scheme yet – the valiant, albeit seemingly absurd, effort to charm the rat into submission with an impromptu recital of show tunes and an array of questionable dance moves. My spirited rendition managed to draw the attention of a few equally perplexed neighbors who quite possibly questioned if I had lost my mind.

As a final act of desperation, feeling like a character straight out of a movie, i shifted to a side, held the door open and hoped it came out of hiding. Lo and behold, my impromptu musical offering seemed to work, and to my own astonishment and resounding relief, my unwelcome visitor finally scampered out from its hideaway


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The sick wise man

```A 78-year-old 👵man 👨collapsed and was rushed to hospital 🏥. He was given oxygen to support him for 24 hours. After a while, he was better. So, the doctor gave him his bill of $500,000, and when he saw the bill, he started crying 😢.
```The doctor told him not to cry 😢because of the bill. But the man 👨said, "I'm not crying 😢 because of money 💰, I can pay all the money 💰, I'm crying 😢 because for only 24 hours of oxygen use, I have to pay $500,000, but I have been breathing the air of God for 78 years, I never pay anything, do you know how much I owe him?```
He gave it, then who am I not to serve him, who am I to ignore his words, he started pouring out his heart in a song saying 🎶🎶 NOTHING WEY I GET WEY YOU NO GIVE ME“~ NOTHING WEY I GET WEY YOU NO GIVE ME ~” WHERE WOULD I HAVE BEEN WITHOUT YOU🎶🎵

```"The doctor lowered his head and burst into tears 😢,"
now, to you who read this, you breathe air free from God without any price to pay for years please take just 2 seconds of your time to appreciate GOD, yes! It's not by your power 🙏
A big testimony is coming to everyone who share this starting with you reading this.`" 🙌🤲

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On getting to the back of the crowd, someone cried out.
"Isn't that Jeslyn? What is she doing here?"

At those words, the reporters rushed to her and pointed their cameras at her while others shoved their mics into her face.

"Miss Jeslyn, tell us. Is it true you killed your grandfather?"

"Miss Jeslyn, what can you say for yourself?"

"Miss Jeslyn, how could you cheat on your poor fiance and abandon him at the altar?"

"Miss Jeslyn, say something. The people wants to know.

"Miss Jeslyn…."
Jeslyn grabbed her messy hair tightly as she felt a throbbing pain in her head. Just when she thought the reporters would be the death of her, a loud sound rang in her ear accompanied by a stinging pain on her right cheek.

She turned her gaze to see who it was and came face to face with her sister's teary eyes mixed with rage.

"You monster! I'll kill you!" Christine yelled and was about to attack Jeslyn's face with her long nails when Ray rushed forward and grabbed her by the waist, preventing her from going physical.

"C–Christine?" Jeslyn called as she held her stinging cheek.

"Don't call me, you devil! What did grandfather do to you? Grandfather loved you so much and saw only you as his granddaughter, yet you paid him back with this? You killed him! What kind of heart do you have? You devil!!"

She flung her hands in the air in an attempt to fight Jeslyn but Ray wouldn't let her go further.

"Christine, I didn't do anything, I–"

"When has a thief ever agreed that they stole anything? Even when they are caught red-handed, they would say they were just about to keep the stolen goods in its right place."

Hearing that voice, Jeslyn shifted her gaze to Ray's older sister who just spoke, and returned her gaze to her sister. It doesn't matter if the world doesn't believe her, but her sister has to.

"I didn't do anything. Grandfather was poisoned and he–"

"Stop lying! Grandfather was healthy. He was pushed and hit his head on the coffee table. Maya and the guards witnessed it all!"

"W–what are you saying?" Jeslyn looked lost and immensely confused.
"Maya and the guards gave their testimony to the police, which included video clips of how you and grandfather argued over what you did to brother Ray.
Then you disagreed with grandfather and he slapped you.
You got upset and started to yell at him. Realizing his mistake, he tried to pull you for a hug like he always did and you pushed him, you pushed him!" Christine yelled.

By now, all the guests were gathered and most of them were already jeering at her and pointing fingers, while the others were loudly cursing her and calling her names.

"Christine, that's not true, that's a lie!" She yelled as she held her head to block off all the noises in her mind.

"Shove the evidence in her face. She will never cry until she sees the coffin." Someone said from the crowd.

Ray's older sister pulled out her phone. She scrolled through it and brought out the evidence. She started playing the video before literally shoving the phone into Jeslyn's face.

Jeslyn subconsciously rescued the phone from falling while coincidentally seeing the footage.

What drew her attention was her old man. Teardrops slowly fell from her eyes and dropped on the screen.

All that was being said or scripted in the video didn't gets to her. She wasn't even hearing any of it as all her attention was focused on her old man.

She brushed the phone with her fingers, outlining his figure and suddenly she jolted when the lady on the screen that looked like her pushed the old man who fell back and hit his head on the side of the coffee table.

"Grandfather!" She screamed, at the same time, dropping the phone to the floor.

"Officers, arrest her!" Christine said to the policemen that just walked over.

"Miss, please come with us to the police station." Said one of the policemen.

"I didn't kill my grandfather, he was poisoned, ask the doctors. Christine, I did nothing to grandfather."

Christine chuckled in rage. "What doctors? Is it the ones you bribed? Unfortunately for you, the doctors testified against you. They told the police that you urged them to cremate grandfather the minute he was pronounced dead to hide what really caused his death and you also forced him to diagnose you with fake mental health issues…"

"That's not true! Stop lying!"

"I didn't lie against you, sister, those were the doctors' statements in the station."

"Where are the doctors, tell me, they–"

"It's unfortunate because the two doctors committed suicide out of guilt."

"W– w– what are you talking about?" Her heart dropped to her stomach when she heard that. How was she going to prove her innocence now?

"You heard me. You killed two innocent workers too! Officer, take her away." Christine turned her face away in disgust as the policemen tried to force the resistant Jeslyn out of the crowd.

"Let her go." The voice wasn't loud, nor was it low. However, it was able to stop the commotion.

The people turned to look at him. He pulled the policeman's hand away from Jeslyn's wrist and said: "I'll bring her."

Jeslyn raised her misty eyes to look at the man in front of her and slowly recalled he was the man she got married to.
She wasn't the only one who remembered who she was. Those present that attended the wedding last week knew this man because of his outstanding appearance and the suppressed air around him.

"I–it's you?" Jeslyn asked like she didn't expect him to be here.

"What are you doing here?!" Ray, who hasn't said anything since finally spoke up when he saw this man again, his enemy.

The groom ignored everyone else and held Jeslyn by the wrist as he walked her out of the crowd with the policemen following behind them.

The crowd watched as the man and Jeslyn got into a black inconspicuous car parked not far away.


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Amidst life's adversities, Chike exhibited unwavering determination to realize his aspirations, undeterred by the trials he faced. A pivotal moment materialized when his stepmother, deciding he should reside with his grandparents in Enugu State, presented a seemingly difficult choice. Little did he know that this relocation would catalyze a fortuitous encounter with Nnamdi, a convergence of two positive mindsets.

While their initial interaction was not without its challenges, the duo, recognizing the potential synergy between them, chose to forge a collaborative path. Chike and Nnamdi, both harboring ambitions beyond their current circumstances, formed a strategic alliance, leveraging their individual strengths. Chike's adept financial acumen positioned him as the steward of their resources, while Nnamdi, endowed with creative prowess, assumed responsibility for marketing endeavors.

Despite confronting inevitable hurdles, their steadfast friendship and collaborative spirit became the bedrock of their joint pursuit. Their collective resolve and coordinated efforts propelled them through adversities, embodying the notion that shared aspirations and tenacity can transcend obstacles, paving the way for the realization of their dreams.

Category Competition Winner!

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Trending Now

16 years Jarvis AI Splashes 150 million on a new car . According to flying rumors , she now charges over 1m for promo and 500k to appear on any skit .

Truth be told , in this social media age you can become everything . It makes it easier when you are in Nigeria cus once you blow , brands rush you .

She started like a joke on TikTok and today she has grown so big .

If you are a content creator , try to be unique , do it differently and you will succeed . Don’t copy , just bring something unique and you’ll make it .

Na me this in my 30s and since sharp I ain’t chop .

Una follow @emilylovefyp

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"Why are you finding it difficulty to help me? Remember, it's me, your love. Please do this for me, and I assure you. You will never live to regret this, I swear. If you know you don't love me, why did you accept to be my girlfriend? Why do you want to disappoint me at this time when I need your help most? Why would you allow the devil to steal the love you have for me now? Why would you give the devil a chance? Tell me why?" Alfonso muttered faintly.

I was short of words. I didn't know the right word to say again that would gladden his mind. I was speechless for a while, searching for the right word to say.

"Please stop saying that. Why can't you also understand me? Why are you pressuring me to take what does not belong to me? This is very risky, you know. I am scared because I don't want to have a family issue with my elder brother. He would deny me and kick me out of his house. I am too young to start begging. I am too young to go into the street and live like I don't have a home. Please, try to understand my point here," I said, trying to stand my ground.

"If anything happens to you, you don't have to worry about that when you have someone like me. Consider my home to be your home, and consider me to be your father, brother, and another family at heart. I can't watch you go into the street and suffer. Instead, you will park into my house and stay. I promise you, you will never regret this act of kindness. Just give it a try, please baby." Alfonso replied.

"Please, I am so scared of doing this. Just give me some time to think about it and see what I can do." I assured him.

When we ended the call, I was lost in deep thought concerning what Alfonso told me. I didn't know what else to do because the business didn't belong to me. Besides, Alfonso is the only guy who I have fallen in love with. I love him so much and I didn't want to lose him either. Seeing him in such a critical situation made my heart shatter into tiny pieces. So I thought of a way to help him, but not particularly with the 10 million naira that he requested.

I also thought about what if he doesn't pay back. What if he runs away with the money and changes his line? So many things pondered in my mind that I could not understand. I also thought about what my brother would do to me if he found out about it.

I know my brother to be a hot-tempered person. He may kick me out of his house or may not train me in the university as he has promised to. He was already on the verge of fulfilling that as soon as I gained admission. To me, this was a temptation. My soul was tempted.

A lot of things came to my mind. I was scared and confused at the same time. While I was still thinking, I fell asleep on top of the sofa I was sitting on. I had a horrible and confusing dream.

A woman, a dark-skinned woman, was chasing after me with a long cane. The woman looked so ugly, tattered and helpless. She wanted me to help her with some money. According to her, if I did not help her, She would keep chasing me, and disturbing me till I made up my mind to help her.

"I can't help you. I am still a child. I don't have any money to help you. Please stop chasing after me and leave me alone." I pleaded with her but she was merciless. There was no sign of pity in her dictionary.

'You have so much money, you are rich, but you don't want to help me. I will make sure that you have no peace of mind until you help me. I will keep tormenting your life if you don't help me." She said.

I was scared. I looked at myself and wondered why she said I was rich. What did she really see in me that made her even think so? It was hilarious. Even though I was a rich person, was it by force to help someone? I didn't see the reason why her own case was different. To be frank, I haven't seen this kind of person in my life before.

I started running, but the slippers I was wearing seemed to slow me down; they appeared to be a barrier. So I pulled it off, and held it in my palm. Then, I continue running, while she keeps chasing after me. Twenty minutes later, I was exhausted. My legs were hotting me badly. My throat longed for water, but there was no water available for me to sip.

So I continued running faster, while she kept chasing after me. She didn't relent, and I too didn't relent. I kept running for my dear life. At a point, I fell to my knees and was breathing heavily like a starving dog. As she was approaching me, I stood up and started running again. I was scared of the cane in her hand because I didn't want to be flogged.

What baffled me most was that even though I tried as much to increase my ease, it seemed as though my legs were held captive. I couldn't run faster than my shadow despite all my effort. I found myself tip-toed, hit my toes on a stone and stumbled to my feet.

I was completely laying helplessly on the dusty ground as the woman ambled towards me with rage. I could see her eyes turning to different shapes of colour which I couldn't


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In a small village nestled between rolling hills, there lived a wise old woman named Elara. Her eyes, though weathered by time, sparkled with the wisdom of a thousand stories. The village sought her counsel in times of joy and sorrow.

One day, a young girl named Lila approached Elara with a plea. "I yearn for the extraordinary, the magical. How can I find it?"

Elara smiled and handed Lila a small, plain-looking box. "Within this box lies the secret to the extraordinary. Open it only when your heart feels heavy."

Curiosity in her eyes, Lila thanked Elara and carried the box with her through life's journey. As the years passed, she faced trials and tribulations, moments of joy and heartbreak. Yet, she resisted opening the box, hoping for the perfect moment.

One day, burdened by the weight of her struggles, Lila finally opened the box. To her surprise, it was empty. Confused, she returned to Elara, asking, "Why was the box empty? Where is the extraordinary you promised?"

Elara chuckled softly. "The lesson, dear Lila, is in the journey. Life's magic lies not in waiting for perfect moments but in embracing imperfect ones. The extraordinary is woven into the fabric of your everyday experiences, waiting to be discovered."

Lila realized the depth of Elara's wisdom. From that day forward, she learned to find beauty in the mundane, joy in small victories, and magic in the ordinary moments of life. Elara's lesson became a guiding light for the village, reminding them that the extraordinary is not a distant destination but a companion on the journey of life.

@grandmaster has received a total gift of 400 NGN on this; as TIPs from someone

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The infinite search

The infinite search
Today, I ventured into the crowd marketplace with a singular purpose in mind—to find a sleeveless cardigan that would add a touch of sophistication to my school uniform. The sun beat down mercilessly, and the air was thick with the energy of vendors and shoppers alike. Undeterred by the dust and the throngs of people, I embarked on my quest, determined to locate this elusive piece of clothing.

Shop after shop, I weaved through the maze of cloth and ware stalls, inquiring about the sleeveless cardigan. Each time, my hopes were dashed as the shopkeepers shook their heads and apologetically informed me that they didn't carry such an item. Frustration began to seep in as I could not find what I was looking for. The thought had initially seemed like a minor task, yet here I was, embroiled in a fruitless pursuit through the labyrinth of the marketplace.

As the midday sun reached its zenith and my spirits began to flag, I reluctantly conceded defeat and prepared to make my way back home. However, a glimmer of optimism emerged as I recalled that a friend lived in the vicinity of the marketplace. With a sense of serendipity, I made my way to his home, intending to offer a brief hello and perhaps seek solace in familiar company.

My friend's warm welcome and the coalescence of his hospitality injected a dash of brightness into what had thus far been a disheartening day. He ushered me into his home and, to my surprise and delight, offered me a refreshing array of juices and the finest baked flour. The disappointment and fatigue that had weighed on my shoulders slowly melted away in the company of a true friend and the joy of spontaneous camaraderie.

As we sat together, sharing laughter and conversation, the woes of my failed shopping excursion faded into the background, replaced by a sense of ease and contentment. The initial frustration of not finding the cardigan receded, eclipsed by the simple pleasure of reconnecting with a friend and reveling in the gracious hospitality extended to me.

Category Competition Winner!

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