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At Least

The Groom


At the Lee's family mansion…...

Grandpa Lee could be seen patting Jeslyn on the back as she cried on his lap. After crying for a long time, she finally raised her head to look at her grandfather.

"W– when did you find out about…sniff, about the poison?" The old man's pupil dilated, ' She knew?' he thought.

"Don't lie to me, grandfather!" She yelled, knowing he was about to hide things from her.

She had lived with this man for 5 years after coming back from abroad, so she was very familiar with the expressions he makes when he wants to lie or cover things up.

The old man swallowed and asked: "How is my health related to you changing grooms at the last minute?"

"Because someone sent me messages on my phone…" that's right. Her phone! She searched her body but couldn't find her phone. "Where is my phone?"

"Your phone hasn't been with you since we left the wedding venue, Miss." A young lady with her hair made into a ponytail said from where she was standing.

"You said what?" Jeslyn couldn't believe it. Her phone was with her even when she was hugging her grandfather… no, that's not right. There was no phone with her… then where did she dropped her phone!?

"Maya, please, search for my phone. The evidence is on my phone. Call the hotel management, do everything you can to search for my phone!"

"Yes, Miss." Maya, who seems to be Jeslyn's assistant, walked a little distance from them to place calls to the hotel.

"Child, calm down, breathe in and breathe out…yeah, like that. Calmly tell me what the problem is. I don't need evidence to believe you." The old man gently rubbed her back to calm her down.

"Grandfather, Ray, he's a bad person. I was in my hotel room…" her mind flashed back to the event of that morning.

Few hours earlier…

Jeslyn was seen in a grand room getting dressed by two stylists and their assistants. One was applying makeup on her while the other was almost done with her hair.

The bride looked stunning with a beautiful smile on her lips as she imagined herself with Ray on the altar exchanging rings and kissing.

She chuckled to herself, evidence that she couldn't contain her happiness.

The stylist left after they were done with her. She stood by the floor to ceiling mirror in the room as she checked herself out. "I'm a beauty goddess." She stated with confidence.

Yes, she truly was a beauty goddess, no denying that, however her phone beeped, calling her attention from admiring herself any further.

She picked up the phone and saw a notification message for her email.

She opened it and saw there were a few videos, pictures and a note.

Jeslyn decided to watch the videos first. It might be a crazy fan's video of her. She thought.

Some of her enthusiastic fans edit her pictures most times with themselves in it and send them to her email with a love message attached to it, which was why this kind of message didn't look weird to her.

She sat on the bed and opened the first video. Instead of her picture, she saw Ray speaking to someone in a car. Somehow, only Ray's face was visible and the other person's appearance was blurred.

"Ray, what is wrong with you? Do you have to marry her? I thought the plan was different?"

"It was but she wanted the marriage and her grandfather approved of it. Also, if I don't marry her on her 26th birthday, the properties will be transferred to the orphanage the following day. It's not like you guys don't know that."

"Young Miss knows, but she's not happy about you getting married to another woman."

"I know she's angry, I'm also angry too, but what can I do? This whole idea of approaching the Lee family was hers in the first place, so why is she angry at me and not taking my calls?"

"Young Miss is afraid that you might grow feelings for Jeslyn after you both get married. She's a woman, so it's natural to get jealous and battle insecurities."

"Hahaha… how can she think so lowly of me? Jeslyn and I have been together for four years and I didn't fall for her. Will a marriage of six months make me start loving her? After our wedding, I'll travel with young Miss for six months and when I return, it's to divorce her. Young Miss already knows that, so why is she still upset? I only have my eyes for your young Miss–"

"And me?"

"Come on, we both know we don't have feelings for each other. We are just f*cking each other and nothing else, so don't take it serious." He touched the girl's face and leaned towards her.

A while later, Jeslyn could hear lewd sounds coming from the video as they kissed.

The girl's fingers traveled all over his body as she started to hastily take his clothes off, including his pants.

Jeslyn hurriedly paused the video as she looked at her screen dumbly for a long time. She couldn't believe what she just watched.

Tears slowly gathered in her eyes as she felt a stabbing pain in her heart. She slowly swallowed the lump that was forming on her throat and scrolled to the next video with her shaky fingers.

It was in a room, a hotel room. Ray and someone were in bed talking. The girl's photo was edited again. Her image was blurred, just like the first one. only Ray could be seen stark naked and standing in front of the bed.

Jeslyn closed her eyes for a moment, prompting the river of tears in her eyes to gush onto her cheeks. When she opened her eyes again, there was the determination to watch whatever they would be doing on that bed, after all, she had already heard enough on the first video.

"Ray, I delivered your message. Young Miss isn't throwing a tantrum anymore, but she still doesn't want to talk to you."

"I know." He sighed and got onto the bed. "She knows that if I don't marry Jeslyn, the brat won't be able to get those properties, and our plans over the years will be for nought."

"Hmm… that woman, Alice remained a bitch even to her death!" It was clear that the lady on the video was upset about Jeslyn's mother.

"That's why her husband hated her… so, why did you call me here? Don't tell me it's only to have a taste of me," Ray said.

"That aside. Young Miss said that the last dose of the poison has been administered to old man Lee and he won't have much time to live anymore, so our plan to get rid of that idiot after taking the properties from her will be a smooth sailing," The lady replied.

"That's good, and his properties, did he give a share to young Miss Christine?"

"He willed it all to Jeslyn, stating she can only get them after she got married."

"Why do they all want her to get married before getting the inheritance? I'm so tired of hearing that! That stupid rule is the reason I'm having issues with the love of my life right now and also, why is that idiot so lucky? She got all her mother's inheritance and now, her grandfather's. What about Christine? Is she not their daughter too? How do they expect Jeslyn to manage the empire of the richest man and woman in Rose city? Is that old man senile?"

"As if you don't know how careless and simple Jeslyn wants to live her life. She thinks she's a princess, so I bet they were scared that she'll be cheated out of her properties if she didn't have a husband to support her…ironic!"

"Ironic indeed. I wonder what her grandfather's face would look like when he finds out I'm one of those enemies he had been trying to tell Jeslyn about. Hahaha…"

The phone slid off Jeslyn's hold after watching that video. Her world shook and everything in it tumbled. She stood up and tried taking a step to the door but she fell against the coffee table. Her head felt heavy and her eyes turned blurry.

"No, Ray cannot do this to me. They are lying about everything, it must be a prank. Grandfather, my grandfather."

She murmured to herself even though she was suffering. She wanted to get up to go check up on her grandfather but she couldn't stand properly as the world was spinning under her legs and her eyes were also starting to dim.

Just when she was thinking of calling her assistant or grandfather, the door clicked open and someone walked in. It was a lady, but she couldn't see her clearly. She was wearing a black off shoulder dress.

The lady stood In front of her. Jeslyn could only see her mouth moving, but heard no sound. She struggled to stand on her feet with the support of the bed and tried to read the lady's lips but her unfocused blurry eyes were bastards.

Her sight started to go dimmer and dimmer, solidifying her belief that she was drugged.

The lady lowered herself and got back up with something like a phone. Yes, that should be her phone, but before she could make sense of what the lady wanted with her phone, her world turned dark and she felt herself falling.

When she woke up a while later, the truth she just discovered rushed back into her mind and the first thing she wanted to do at that moment was to call off the wedding.

But what happens to her mother's will? Her grandfather's will can still be changed, but her mother's can't? Will her grandfather even have enough time to change his will before anything happens to him? Because in the video, they didn't specify when the poison would ruin her grandfather.

Calling the cops will require enough evidence, but what if they claim the evidence she has was fabricated? She's a celebrity and has seen lots of such things happen in the entertainment industry.

So the only idea that stuck to her confused brain at that moment was to get married, but definitely not to Ray. Even a janitor, or a waiter would do, until she's able to sort things out.

She picked up her phone and left the room while crying along the way. It was like luck wasn't on her side because after walking through the corridors of her hotel room, she didn't find anyone until she saw him, that weird man coming out or entering the restroom.

She didn't care if her words would sound desperate or if she was making the wrong decision, however all she wanted at that moment was to solve one of the biggest problems, so she shamelessly proposed to him, ignoring the weird air surrounding him.

After hearing his granddaughter's story, old man Lee was so furious that he yelled. "That bastard!! I will–"

The old man frowned in pain and clawed his chest. "Argh!" He cried out. "Puff!" He coughed out black blood which got onto Jeslyn's wedding dress.

"G– grandfather, grandfather!"

Jeslyn rushed to support the old man who was slowly going down with his side.
"Grandfather, help!" She screamed while looking around the quiet and empty sitting room.

Her assistant was here a while ago, why isn't she here now? She didn't have the time to think of why the servants and guards that kept patrolling around the sitting room on other days like they were moths attracted to flame could not be found anywhere today.

"Somebody help me!!!" She continued to scream but no one came.

The old man kept coughing out black blood. He slowly raised his shaky hands to his granddaughter's cheeks and used a finger to wipe her tears. The stubborn old man who had never cried for decades felt hot tears sliding down his cheeks as he looked at his poor granddaughter screaming her lungs out for help.

He knew help won't come because the servants and guards in the house have been bought. He just found out a few days ago that he had been living with a deadly poison in his body when he started to cough out black blood.

He called his doctor to the house and his doctor told him he was only stressed and that nothing was wrong with him. The old man didn't believe his doctor and that was when he started to suspect that enemies were lurking around

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Positive rethinking

Positive rethinking
Dayo, a young man with dreams as vibrant as the sunset, once believed in the goodness of people. However, life's relentless blows left him battered and cynical, causing him to harbor resentment towards those who crossed his path.

Dayo's hatred for humanity only deepened until a fateful day when a reckless driver nearly claimed his life in a brutal accident. In the hospital bed, surrounded by the sterile white walls, he reflected on the fragility of existence. The isolation he had embraced suddenly felt suffocating,.at this point he realized that he can achieve little or nothing by standing alone in his world.

As Dayo slowly recovered, he decided to rewrite the narrative of his life. With newfound humility, he reached out to those he had alienated. Friends, family, and even acquaintances were met with his sincere apologies. Some were hesitant, but others saw the genuine change in his eyes.

Dayo's journey towards redemption became a testament to the power of human connection. As bridges were rebuilt, he discovered the strength that lies in unity. No longer burdened by the weight of bitterness, Dayo embraced the warmth of companionship and the shared struggles that make life meaningful.

The once solitary man found joy in rebuilding relationships, and his transformed perspective became a source of inspiration for those who had witnessed his change. Dayo's story became a reminder that, even in the face of adversity, rewriting one's wrongs and fostering connections can lead to a brighter, more fulfilling life.

Category Competition Winner!

2,000 NGN Prize successfully withdrawn to winners' wallet
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The Groom

The Groom

"Mister, please, will you marry me?" Jeslyn asked a man she saw entering the restroom of the wedding venue. 'He must be one of the guests,' she thought.

Jeslyn was taken aback by the coldness he was exuding when he turned to face her. His eyes held so much darkness that she flinched. All her senses woke up, ringing bells in her mind to walk away...but to where? She had been searching for a groom for a long time already and couldn't even find a janitor, let alone a waiter, so where else would she see a a husband? The auspicious time was already passing.

He assessed the withered bunny in front of him. Jeslyn's white wedding gown wasn't looking elegant nor was she putting in effort to look presentable.

His aura relaxed a little when he saw Jeslyn's makeup-smudged face and the line of tears on her cheeks.

Seeing this, Jeslyn breathe a sigh of relief. She tried to focus her mind so she could interact with him like the human he was.

The man looked to his right and then left, there was only the two of them, so he pointed at his nose while confusion filled his expression.

"Young Miss..." he hesitated. Then he frowned slightly, "you mean...me?"

Jeslyn nodded while wiping her face with the back of her hand, ruining the mascara even more.

The man chuckled after getting his answer. The girl in front of him is the most daring bunny he had ever come across. So tender, fearful, yet audacious!

"You don't know me, do you?" he asked after his weird chuckle.

She swallowed and shook her head, then said timidly with a tearful voice. "T–that makes it better."

The man raised a brow, "how so?"

"W—we will sign a marriage contract and get a divorce after one year, t—then you can continue your life," she explained.

"Oh, so you want to use my service when you don't know me? Interesting. It so happens that I need a woman for my brat but before then, Young Miss, i'd like to sound a note of warning...You might die. " he looked at her, waiting to see her flinch or show repulsion, but she didn't, so he continued.

"You are about to step into the abyss. Are you still willing?"

She nodded.

The man squinted his eyes at her for whatever reason before he relaxed and said: "Deal."

"Good, I'll send my assistant to bring you the contract after our wedding." Seeing him nod, she grabbed his wrist with one hand and held up her long, heavy wedding dress with the other before she hurried towards the wedding venue.

The tall man looked at her side profile with his dark chocolate eyes as an interesting smile found its way to settle on the corner of his lips.

"Where is the bride? The groom has been waiting here for more than fifteen minutes already!"

"I wonder what that young Miss' problem is."

"Young brats from rich families who are also celebrities are mostly like this, making people wait for them, hmph!"

"The more reason she should be scared of upsetting people...but no, young Miss Jeslyn would never consider her reputation. She knows exactly how bad it would be if word gets out that she kept the guests waiting for 20 minutes on her wedding day."

"How can you expect her to be so sensible when her reputation is already as bad as serpent's."

"I wonder why she's even the one getting married to young master Ray, with her ruined reputation. Her sister, Christine, would have been a better choice. Tch!"

"Quiet down, don't let her grandfather hear you say that. You'll be in trouble."

While the murmurs and words of displeasure were flying around in the hall, the relatives of the bride and groom were busy looking at the door, hoping to see the 'abomination' walk in through the entrance.

A man presumed to be the groom stood on the altar with the priest, waiting for the bride.

The groom had a little frown of impatience settling between his brows as he focused on the door with hands balled in tight fists and knuckles turning white. His jaw was clenched to suppress the fire in his heart.

'Did she dare to stand me up? Is she going to cancel the wedding at the last minute? No, she can't. She knows what's at stake if she refuses to get married today', he thought.

Amongst the guest sitting, an old man was seen resting his jaw on the back of his palms that were placed on the top of his walking stick as he appeared to be lost in thought.

Just when he snapped out of his daze and was about to wave over one of his bodyguards standing around the hall, he heard an uproar from behind and turned sharply to see if it was his granddaughter entering the hall with grace.

Lo and behold, it was his granddaughter, but wasn't entering with grace, but rather with disgrace!

The old man's eyes dilated and his lips parted in shock. If her appearance was not bad enough to shock him into a coma, then the fact that she was running in with an unknown man would.

The guest gasped in surprise and watched in confusion as the famous young Miss of the Lee family ran to the stage with a man, an unknown man!

The groom stood there with narrowed eyes, not understanding what she was up to. However, he had a weird feeling that things were about to go bad for him and he needed to stop her real quick!

"What do you think you are doing, Jeslyn?" He asked her when she climbed the altar. His eyes resting on the man who had a slight smile on his lips.

Ray was the most handsome young man in the city and that was one of the attributes Jeslyn fell for, however, the man in front of him was simply gorgeous– if a man could be called that.

And it stirred something in his heart seeing such a handsome specie with his fiance.

Instead of her answering his query, she pushed him aside in a hurry and said to the priest.

"I'm sorry for coming late and wasting your time. I have decided to change my groom at the last minute, please start the program."

At her words, the hall fell into deep silence for more than two minutes before it erupted into a commotion.


"What joke is this?!"

"Has she finally gone mad!?"

"Oh my... I had thought she was kidnaped on her way here. I never expected this move," One of the girls sitting in a corner said with a chuckle.

"That's right, Emma, it seems she's finally smart and understood what we've been trying to make her understand for the longest time."

"She might probably have been hit on the head, Jeslyn loves that idiot too much to leave him," Emma said with a deep thought.

"I think something happened, I mean her appearance is too bad for this to be a prank," Ava disagreed.

Emma nodded, "probably. We'll ask her later."

Jeslyn's grandfather composed himself and continued to watch in silence. If his beloved granddaughter who had been the happiest about her marriage, and had the best designers and makeup artists in the city dress her up and made her into a fairy this morning would enter her wedding venue looking like a used woman, then something serious must have happened.

That was the old man's thoughts as he sat there, watching the play on the altar.

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Why Naija might not work

Nigeria is like a 3 flatmates living a 3 bedroom flat apartment.
Two of the flatmates are coniving against one to deny him access to the sitting room and the kitchen.
When the 3rd guy decided that he wants to leave, they locked the door and made sure that he stays and accept the status quo.

Yet these two expect that their flatmate is going to cooperate with them and then peace should reign.
How do you expect such a setting to work?
How do you expect the 3rd guy to cooperate with you, unless he's a coward? 😂

It's why Nigeria may never know peace. It's not a curse.
"A house divided against itself does not work"

As long as there's a delibrate approach to malign a major tribe in this country, Nigeria cannot work. You know why?
This will ensure that our energy will be chanelled towards the agenda and most of our actions will be made based on hate instead of reason and logic. This will ensure that we never get leadership right.

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How i do what i do

some people around me if not most think i am an atheist.
yes i am a catholic church goer but stopped years ago when i started questioning things i see and hear. went far in finding facts and found mystery about the church especially the ones in Nigeria. Omoh I love God
i still pray with my heart most times before bed. i hate doing evil things to man and animals. but i no sha understand why if you no go church for some months people start talking. i also have this beards that makes me look like muslim so when these folks talk about God and i share my own insight and even questions that is when they start saying i sound like a muslim an atheist.
Live your life o
Man and God for the Journey
Find God your own way and know peace ✌🏿.
stay healthy mindwise

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Last Sunday, I promised myself I was going to get a-2 hours nap mid-day. At 2pm, I lay down to get the supposed nap, but guess what? Each time I tried to settle into sleep, I felt a nudge in my mind. I had been procrastinating on calling the electrician, I was too lazy to do it! So each time I try to doze off, I get this mental reminder of this little undone task, and it made me so restless. I couldn't achieve the bigger goal which was to get adequate sleep during the day.

In our journey to effectiveness, this endless mental reminder of small undone tasks add up to big stress. Completing these small tasks silences the reminders and create a calm and productive environment.

The 1-minute rule suggests that if a task takes less than a minute to complete, you should do it right away instead of delaying it. This rule encourages quick action on small tasks, such as fixing your bed, replying to an email or organizing your workspace, to prevent accumulation and potential procrastination and to maintain productivity. By promptly handling short tasks, you reduce the chances of forgetting or neglecting and keep your workload more manageable.

The term "1-minute rule" was coined by Gretchen Rubin, and is described as "incredible easy, incredible effective"


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The Unusual Journey

The Unusual Journey
"I don't recognize these routes", I repeated to myself as the driver swerved right again to an unknown path.
I was sure I enquired that the bus was to make a final stop at a precise car park, but the bus driver didn't seem to recognize this.
He took wrong lanes, encountering numerous go-slow and making unnecessary rants at those who questioned his navigation.

We finally found ourselves at a car park and we were a bit excited that the journey was to end at last. Unbeknownst to us it Was the wrong path, It was after some minutes that I noticed some of the passengers after we all alighted, start to lament.

There was no problem being at the wrong park, I thought. It was all about boarding a tricycle that could transport me to my lodge at the usual amount.
I thought it problems had ended when one of the tricycle drivers took my bags from me and helped me convey them to where his ride was parked.

After bargaining the price which was literally worth millions to me, I entered and we drove off.
As he drove, he promised to make the drive worth it without delay.
I took these words as mere boisterous remarks which would yield to nothing but to my surprise, this very driver drifted through go-slows like a wind.

He took shortcuts and in no time I recognized how close we were to my lodge. Though I was still worried on how I was going to deep my hands deep into my purse and produce the amount he charged.

Finally I arrived my destination safely, and he jumped off to help me with the bags to my doorstep, he was a jovial young man.

Thank God for safe journey.

Category Competition Winner!

2,000 NGN Prize successfully withdrawn to winners' wallet
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types of Kidnappers in Abuja

Residents of Abuja now live in fear as report of kidnapping keeps spreading like wild fire.
we did not just get here overnight.the security agencies have refused to find a lasting solution giving them more confidence to perpetrate their nefarious activity .
Downlisted are 3 types of Kidnappers and their modus operandi

1 bandit kidnappers - these guys are very very deadly.they operate like terrorist.they attack villages around the capital city from Niger, kaduna and Kogi state .they mostly operate around Bwari, Kaduna road, abaji, keti and Interiors of Kuje. In recent times, they attacked some estates around pyakasa,Keiti and sheretti.
They mostly attack at night and take their victims on foot or bikes into the forest .these guys are dangerously armed and mostly non Nigerians .

2 City Boys- called them city Boys because they work inside the city centers and the surburbs.
Their targets is mostly isolated estates and quiet estate roads . They work both at night and day .their weapons are mid range .they are often opportunistic kidnappers who walks around like hungry lions looking for who to devour.

3 One chance Kidnappers - popularly known for using unpainted taxis to carry passengers . Most times they rob their victims for those operating withing town and area one while those running kubwa express often take their victims for ransom . Most times they take them to kaduna road and dump them somewhere after collecting small ransom via POS or the victims card .

In summary it is important that the security agencies partner with the citizens to effectively secure the citizens.emmergency toll lines are not reliable .and even when you get through,they don't respond on time .
They need to be proactive rather than reactive to nip insecurity in the bud.
Citizens also should avoid unnecessary late nights and notify the authorities when ever they notice suspicious movements around them.
May God see us through.

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`~*VAMPIRES REALM*~```*_Theme: *The vessel_* Ep 24

Theme: *The vessel


The bell is ringing DIG DOG the bell is ringing DIG DOG it's a sign that school is over 🎶🎶🎶 I sing happily as i find my way out of the class but then ~“~
Jackie! Jackie! stop right there you a**hole¡ oh no that's Titiana!!🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Before I could step an inche she grabbed me from behind, and the rest of the beating is nothing to write home about”

Okay Tina calm down and I will explain everything to you, I pleaded breathing heavily☆
That's your everyday headline, "" Tina I can explain, just take a chill pill and you will understand me better she mimicked,

You ran off yesterday with no explanation, left me standing on the highway without calling back or messaging, I called, texted but you didn't f**king answer, it's not the first, not the second, not the third and it's not gonna be the last, we are best friends, we are not supposed to hide secrets from each other, she roared holding onto my hair“~ okay fine I promise to tell you once you let go of my hair》
Alright now start talking!! She thundered,

Okay Tina I have been hiding something from you ~”

I know that Jackie Robinson she shipped,

Yeah alright, there's this dude, I started my unending story“~

I was coming outta my room on the Saturday morning humming a song

_I didn't know when I pumped into a body》 lifting my eyes up, it's like a slow-motion, I saw him, his small lips like that of a baby is shining, his sky blue eye, his pointed nose, his long hair flying right in front of me, his perfectly built arms, he has a cold face, not a single smile, his sweet scent like that of a raw flower”
by just looking at his body I already imagined us ~~

_Are you okay?? He asked making me stand but I staggered back, couldn't stand it, my two legs are shaking, no word is coming out, before I could speak, he left°°
_ then ... stylishly looking at Tina, I can see her neck long like that of a zebra out of curiosity?¿
Then what?? She urged,


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Obsessed with ice cream

Obsessed with ice cream
Lily was an ordinary girl with an extraordinary love for ice cream. Every day after school, she would head straight to the little ice cream parlor near her house, skipping and humming with joy. The flavors, the creamy delight, the sugary sweetness – they all held an irresistible allure for her. She'd spend her pocket money on scoops of colorful, delicious temptation, leaving the parlor with a wide grin plastered across her face, her fingers sticky and her heart content.

One particular Tuesday, Lily had been given money by her parents for school supplies - books, stationery, and other items vital for the upcoming semester. Yet, as if under a trance, she found herself strolling into the ice cream parlor without a second thought. The money meant for textbooks now jingled in her pocket, ready to be exchanged for her favorite treat. As the weeks went by, her icy indulgence started to consume more and more of her funds, leaving the academic necessities a hazy afterthought.

Lily's obsession with ice cream knew no bounds until one scorching afternoon everything changed. She had just devoured a triple scoop of her beloved dessert, when a sudden, sharp pain gripped her abdomen like a vice. It felt like a thunderstorm raging inside her, with flashes of regret and throbs of anguish. Lily was struck with the most terrible stomach ache of her life. As she lay in bed, pale and groaning, she realized her folly. The consequences of her gluttonous love affair with ice cream had caught up with her, leaving her yearning for relief from the torment.

The experience transformed Lily. The once-endless delight that accompanied her ice cream outings now held a looming shadow of discomfort. She couldn't bring herself to relive the pain, and the sight and smell of the decadent treat no longer sparked joy in her heart but served as a reminder of the agony she had endured.

From that day on, Lily became a wiser young lady, understanding the value of balance and responsibility. She learned to cherish her pocket money and invest it in things that truly mattered, like school supplies and educational opportunities. And as for her love of ice cream, she approached it with a newfound moderation, savoring it on special occasions but always mindful to not overindulge. The memory of the excruciating stomach ache stayed with her, guiding her choices and teaching her an important lesson she wouldn't soon forget.

Category Competition Winner!

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God over everything 🥺🙏

Gift of life, provisions,shelter and good health being underated 🤦


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Love yourself

I used to think people opinion really mattered. So I dressed and behaved the way people wanted. Sorry for late introduction, my name is mae, a fresher who just got admission into the university. I was this naive little Christian girl who didn't know much about the world just me and the church.
Everything started when I started living in the hostel and met 3 beautiful ladies amaka,Steph and Juliet as roommates. Being the youngest amongst them they treated me like a younger sister and fought anyone who dared come near me. Thinking I was in safe hands I fully trusted them not knowing what was in stall for me.
That faithful day, Juliet sent me to a "friends"house to give something to him. On getting there the guy and his friends started laughing at me saying..see the way this one is dressed ,she didn't even do her hair well...all these Mary amaka sisters with all back and so on.
I felt really demoralized and little of my self, instantly inferiority complex set in and I went home crying. When they saw me crying and asked what happened,I explained all to them and they laughed saying but it's true now.
Then they advised to brush up and start looking "good". That's how I started dressing indecently just to please others not knowing I was walking into a trap set up by them.
The then introduced me to Micheal and that will change the course of my life forever.
Like for pf 2


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Girls can do it better

Today, feeling a bit idle and restless, I decided to take on a new challenge and try my hand at something completely out of my comfort zone. I wanted to prove to myself that I could tackle something challenging and unconventional. And so, I set my sights on repairing an old DVD player that had been gathering dust ever since I made the switch to a plasma TV and DSTV.

Now, I am not what you'd call an "electronics whiz." In fact, my knowledge of electronic devices barely extended beyond how to switch them on and off. Yet, I was determined to prove the age-old adage that "what guys can do, females can do better." My brother had a knack for fixing things without any formal training, so I figured I could give it a shot as well.

With a deep breath and a quick online search as my guide, I gingerly disassembled the DVD player, carefully trying to remember where each and every screw went. I tentatively rearranged some wires, tightened some screws, and did my best to follow the jumble of circuitry and components.

Once I felt that I had done all I could, I cautiously stood at a safe distance from the socket and, with apprehension, stretched my arm out in gloved hands to plug the DVD player back in. I honestly had little faith in my handiwork, but I had hoped for the best. However, my optimism was short-lived.

I barely had time to register what was happening before the air was filled with a puff of smoke and a small explosion sounded from the depths of the now very much disassembled DVD player. I burst into laughter at the comical turn of events. It was abundantly clear that my foray into electronics repair had not gone as planned.

As I sat amidst the smoke and wreckage, I couldn't help but chuckle at my failed attempt. While I may not have fixed the DVD player, I certainly had a memorable and amusing experience. Perhaps electronics repair is not my forte, but at least I can say I gave it a shot!

Category Competition Winner!

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`~*VAMPIRES REALM*~```*_Theme: *The vessel_* Ep 2

`~*VAMPIRES REALM*~```*_Theme: *The vessel_* Ep 2

Chattering and breaking of stuffs could be heard on the background, anger, pain and revenge fills the air “~

A man with a dangerous arora could be felt, he's dressed neatly in suits and a black glove on his hands, his face can't be seen but just by looking at his direction, you know he's not a joke, he's a mystery”

Haaaa how dare her, how could she kill the most Precious thing in my life, who the hell is she?

The unknown asked grabbing one of his fellows collar,
She's o-n-e o-f t-h-e Ro-bin-son's the fellow answered with trembling lips and fear”

_Find her!! Find out everything about her, her weakness, her fears, her strength and what she values the most,

He ordered with so much authority,_ the fellow ran off to carry out his order and the room was silent again but still yet the Unknown didn't reveal his face, his fingers could be seen tapping his majestical chair he sits on, it only means one thing, ANGER.

Find me a fresh food for lunch ! He once again roared with authority

We all know what the fresh food is right? Fresh blood!! Yes a VAMPIRE


It's such a long day today!
Fighting Vampires and saving lives, am a hero aren't i??

Jackie check this out, we have a new neighbor and he's as handsome as an angel, he has a long hair, good abs and he walks so magically like he doesn't wanna hurt the ground ~“~ Emma said cutting off my sweet thoughts.
Oh please Emma give me a break! Not like am interested in stuffs like that”
pufff“~ oh yeah I forgot you're a lesbian she said rolling her eyes at me before storming out of the room, so boring she muttered on her way out,
I heard that Emma!! I yelled after her

Looking through the window I can see the neighbors window open, he's coming out of the bathroom, oh damn he's window is next to mine, I can see through his room is all white, his long hair white, everything is white ?? Just like Emma described him.
I was lost staring at his window that I didn't notice him waving at me,
Oh sh*t”
am screwed, he saw me staring
How can he be so Angelic? Is he even a human?

Many questions filled my head but nobody can answer that for me, I tried piping out again but our eyes locked together, he was standing right there looking at me straight in the eye.
It's as if he knew I was gonna pipp through his window again

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The Lost

There was a lost dog named Davis. He seemed sad and confused after getting separated from his owner. Luckily, a kind person named Femi noticed him and brought him home.

Davis found a new family with Femi. They became the best of pals, and Davis forgot about feeling lonely. Femi took Davis on walks through the meadows, played fetch in the backyard, and even taught him a few tricks. Davis thrived under Femi's care.

One sunny day, a girl named Juliet, with a picture of Davis, knocked on Femi's door. She had been searching for her lost dog. When Juliet saw Davis, her eyes lit up with joy, and she exclaimed, "Davis, you found your way back!" The reunion was heartwarming, and Femi couldn't help but smile at the happiness radiating from the pair.

As Juliet spent time with Davis, she and Femi shared stories about their experiences with the lovable dog. They decided to have a small celebration, complete with dog treats and laughter, commemorating the newfound friendship forged through their shared love for Davis.

Despite the bittersweet moment of saying goodbye, Femi knew Davis belonged with Juliet. The trio shared a final walk together, creating lasting memories before Davis officially went back home with Juliet. Femi waved them off, grateful for the unexpected joy Davis had brought into their lives.

Show some love. Gift @choice something as TIPs

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Once Lonely

Once Lonely
I stepped out for a short stroll this evening, eager to stretch my legs and clear my mind. As I ambled through the streets, I couldn't help but notice the stark contrast from just a week ago. The usually serene surroundings were now teeming with noise and activity. It was as if the whole city had come alive.

A week prior, the streets had been tranquil, the quiet broken only by the occasional passerby or the distant hum of a car. The festive break had prompted many students to return to their hometowns, leaving the city feeling somewhat empty. Now, however, the streets were pulsating with energy and excitement.

Every shop along the way seemed to be bursting at the seams with people. Laughter and chatter spilled out onto the sidewalks, creating a cacophony of sound that filled the air. The entire area was bathed in a warm, inviting glow from the lights that illuminated every nook and cranny. It was exhilarating to witness, like an orchestra of life in full swing.

I couldn't help but feel a rush of joy for the city. It was as if it had regained its heartbeat, with the return of the students infusing it with new vitality and vigor. The spirits were high, and the collective hum of anticipation was palpable. As I continued my walk, I found myself smiling at the infectious elation that enveloped the city. It was a beautiful sight to behold, and I reveled in the sense of life that had returned to the very heart of the place I called home.

Category Competition Winner!

2,000 NGN Prize successfully withdrawn to winners' wallet

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My First Day At School

I had just woken up from bed, at exactly 5:45am, when I heard someone knocking my room door.
It turned out to be my Dad waking me up to observe subh, one of the five daily salat in Islam.
After, observing my salah, I quickly ran to the bathroom not wanting to be late on my first day in school. Ohh my data is almost exhausted, I would finish the story on my next post
Kindly like follow and share because if I win this, there would be a giveaway.
LOVE YOU GUYS @everyone@mubaraq


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A Funny Joke Told a Friend, Mr. Funny Bami

A Funny Joke Told a Friend, Mr. Funny Bami
Heard a funny joke today? This one was told to me by my funny friend Bami. His name is Bamidele but we, his folks, call him Bami for short. He's a talented story teller like none I've met before. He told some funny jokes before I started recording.
Below is my favorite from our last night's hangout.

A very distinguished lady was on a plane arriving from Switzerland. She found herself seated next to a nice priest whom she asked: "Excuse me Father, could I ask a favor?" "Of course my child, What can I do for you?" "Here is the problem, I bought myself a new sophisticated hair remover gadget for which I paid an enormous sum of money. I have really gone over the declaration limits and I am worried that they will confiscate it at customs. Do you think you could hide it under your cassock?" "Of course I could, my child, but you must realize that I can not lie." "You have such an honest face Father, I am sure they will not ask you any questions", and she gave him the hair remover. The aircraft arrived at its destination. When the priest presented himself to customs he was asked, "Father, do you have anything to declare?" "From the top of my head to my sash, I have nothing to declare, my son",he replied. Finding this reply strange, the customs officer asked, "And from the sash down, what do you have?" The priest replied, "I have there a marvelous little instrument designed for use by women, but which has never been used." Breaking out in laughter, the customs officer said, "Go ahead Father. Next!"

I hope you also find if funny like I did 😂😂🤣🤣


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Modern Day Slavery of Africans by Saudi and Kuwaiti

I hope that one day this curse upon Africans ends but we as Africans still have a long way to go.

A lot of our women who end up as slaves in these Arab countries were not captured by Arabs, but rather deceived by fraudulent travel agents who lie to these women about how much money they can earn working as house helps in Saudi Arabia.

These women arrive in these Arab countries only to get their passport seized by their Arab "buyers" who use them as Sex slaves and every other form of inhuman treatment. They can't even leave afterwards even if they wanted to.

A sane government in Africa should be sensitizing its citizens on the dangers of traveling to Arab countries as an African. Unfortunately our government has no regards for its citizens.

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Why I Must Stop Arguing About Football

Why I Must Stop Arguing About Football
The air in "Sam Soap's Viewing Centre" in Makurdi vibrated long after the final whistle blew on Man United and Spurs. Sweat stuck to foreheads, clenched fists hung stiffly in the air, and the stale smoke of cigarettes and frustration lingered. The match, a rollercoaster of missed chances and equalising goals, had left its mark.

Philip, draped in his United jersey, eyes as red as the club's colours, stamped on the dusty floor. "Rashford! How? How he miss that, ehn?!" His voice, booming across the room, silenced the groans from the Spurs supporters huddled in the corner.

Agada, decked in Tottenham white, his nose wrinkled in annoyance, retorted, "You talk as if United did anything all game! Bentancur's rocket was pure fire, eh!"

And so it began, the familiar dance of banter turning into a heated debate. Statistics were thrown around like verbal grenades, refereeing decisions dissected with venomous precision, players' mothers dragged into the fray. Philip's voice grew hoarse, Agada's face contorted with righteous fury. The screen, once displaying the Premier League logo, seemed to shrink in the face of their animosity.

Across the room, Madam Cash, wiping down sticky tables with a sigh, watched the scene unfold. She'd seen it countless times before – friendships strained, tempers flaring, all over a ball kicked around by millionaires in faraway stadiums.

It wasn't the passion that bothered her, Madam Cash loved football herself. It was the blindness, the inability to see past club colours and into the shared humanity on the other side. Here, in her dimly lit viewing centre, the lines between United and Spurs, Liverpool and Chelsea, faded away. They were all Makurdi boys, struggling with the same tough times, hustling for the same Naira, laughing at the same jokes.

Finally, Madam Cash had enough. "Enough!" she boomed, her voice a clap of thunder in the smoky air. Both Philip and Agada looked at her, startled. "This game is over, but your lives go on," she continued, her gaze sweeping across the room. "Is a goal worth losing a friend, a neighbour? This football, it should bring us together, not tear us apart."

Her words hung in the air, heavy with truth. Philip shuffled his feet, shamefaced. Agada offered a hesitant smile. Slowly, the tension subsided, replaced by a grudging respect.

Later, as the crowd thinned, Philip approached Madam Cash. "She was a beauty, that Bentancur shot," he admitted, a sheepish grin on his face. Agada chuckled and slapped him on the back. "Don't tell your boys that, eh?"

That night, in Sam Soap's Viewing Centre, the football didn't disappear. But amidst the cheers and banter, a new understanding flickered. They were still fans, still passionate, but they were also neighbours, friends, Makurdi boys sharing a love for the beautiful game. And maybe, just maybe, that love was bigger than any rivalry.

Because in the end, it wasn't about who won or lost on the pitch. It was about who we were off it. And on a dusty Sunday night in Makurdi, Madam Cash reminded them and infact all of us, that sometimes, the most important match happens not on the green field, but right here, in the shared space of our lives.

Honestly, I use to argue a lot about football but yesterday's experience has changed that side of me. For good I guess.


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