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River Fun

River Fun
The village people named the river the Echava River, E-C-H-A-V-A. That's where I went to swim with some of my friends. I think I had swum there once before, maybe twice, but this time I was swimming very freely. I had never heard of any rules governing the rivers or anything of the sort, and it was Christmas Day, so we went there to have fun.

We brought along some drinks, delicious cakes, tasty chops, and some chicken, which we enjoyed along the riverbank. Whenever we came to the riverbank, we took a few bites of our food before diving back into the water. It was truly a fun day, and I cherished the time with my friends.

While swimming, I decided to take a very long swim back to the other end of the river. I started off, and all of a sudden, I heard people shouting. At first, I had no idea they were shouting about me; I thought they were reacting to something else happening by the river. But when I looked up and waved, I realized they were actually telling me to come back. I quickly realized that I had made a mistake and had ventured too far. I never knew I could swim that fast these days; it amazed me all the way. However, I was also filled with fear and uncertainty as I made my way back.

As I swam and noticed that I was getting closer to them, I switched from swimming to walking when I reached the shallow end to meet my friends. When I finally got to them, they grabbed me and exclaimed how that part of the river had a history of drowning people and all sorts of bad news.
But such is never meant for me, God's favourite!

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Green Company

Green Company
can still remember vividly that I was about seven years old when I first encountered a snake. It was a beautiful green snake that lived around our construction site, which was an ongoing building project my father was overseeing. One day, as I was playing around the lowgrowing grasses on the site, I suddenly noticed something unusual green design against the wall.

As I drew closer, I realized it was a snake. Surprisingly, I didn’t panic at all. It was my first time seeing a snake up close—truly my first encounter. While I had seen snakes in movies and watched others being killed, I had never realized how stunning they could be, especially this enchanting green one. Its tongue flicked in and out, small me? I found it it entertaining.I was about to pick up a stick and touch the snake when my father appeared out of nowhere. I had no idea he was around. Thankfully, he caught sight of everything just in time and shouted my name. That jolted me back to reality, and I ran through the entrance of the building.

It was the seventh day since the construction had started, and as they reduced some pile of building blocks, the sliddering creature must had seemed another comfort zone. My dad brought a bamboo stick and with that, he was able to get rid of the snake.

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Leak of the year

Leak of the year
It was my first time moving to this new location, having relocated from my former apartment to this building. On my first day there, the weather was delightful; it didn’t rain, and everything felt cool and comforting. However, the very next day, the skies opened up, and that was one of the most challenging times in my life.

Rain poured down relentlessly, and I soon discovered that the roof of my apartment was in terrible condition. Water started seeping in, and it wasn’t just a few drips here and there; it was gushing through the cracks. I watched helplessly as water pooled on my bedside and cascaded onto my bed. It was a disastrous situation.

That night, I tossed and turned, unable to sleep as I battled to control the incoming water. I tried to reposition my bed, hoping to find a dry spot, but it seemed that no matter where I moved it, water droplets continued to leak from that angle.

When I got tired of the whole process, I decided to go and meet the landlord. When I met with him, this man wasn't making any sense. He told me that I would have to pay for it, even after I'd already spent a significant amount trying to move into a new apartment. Everybody in Nigeria knows that house agents often siphon money from their clients, and I had already spent a lot—nearly twice the amount of the lodging fees. So, I wasn't willing to spend any more money on anything related to the building itself. I tried to make my landlord understand this, but he wouldn’t budge. He insisted that I pay, fully aware that I had no other option. It was stated in the house agreement that once you moved in, there would be no refunds. This was a tough situation for me.

Well, two days passed, and I had to contact his specialist for help to fix the water leakage on the roof.

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Physical Fitness

Physical Fitness
I used to be very skinny and muscles-less in my secondary school days, and because of it, my classmates would look for my trouble, because physically I didn't look fit to compete in any strength contest. It was so humiliating at a point for me, I started feeling less of myself. Countless instances where they will look for my trouble, and there are times I tried to retaliate, but couldn't.

I was the smallest in the class, the big guys were respected and no one dared to mess with them. Looking at my age back then, I was 14 years old, I decided to pack on some muscles, at least to be well built to an extent. I couldn't do even one push-up at the start, but with consistency and persistency, I surpassed 15 push-ups, I started looking fit and my stamina increased. I made sure not to look like a weakling anymore.

Believe it or not, your physical appearance accords you a lot of respect, there are people you can't stand in front and talk or act carelessly, because of how they appear; fit and strong. One of my classmates challenged me to friendly strength contest, and I defeated him, I was surprised myself. Something I was never close to before, I earned myself some level of respect before I finished secondary school.

You can't eat so much and become so fat as a guy, it's not healthy, your body has to be in shape, the same goes for ladies. Do your findings, you will see that fitness of the body also accords you respect, and determines the way people approach you. I do see a lot of rich men jogging in the morning, so you see it's not about flat tommy, it's about being physically fit and in shape, otherwise they would have consumed slip tea.

Just this evening, my neighbor came around and said I look physically fit, he desires to be like that, but ready to pay the price of setting time for daily exercise. Googling the benefits of exercise, it builds us physically, mentally, and many more. My father some days back was doing exercise, something he has not done in years. Better to know the benefits and engage in it now, rather than when you're old, it's more effective now. I treat my physical look very important, when you're fit, you'll look more handsome. And you hardly fall sick, but for me, it's the respect your appearance accords you that I like the most. That's the truth.

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Christmas: Displeasing Self To Please Others

Christmas: Displeasing Self To Please Others
It's the season of the celebration of the birth of Jesus, celebrations of different forms is at play currently. This is the best Christmas celebration I have ever had, in the sense that I am not under any kind of tension, I'm celebrating according to my capacity, and above all, I am not pleasing anybody and displeasing myself. Christmas is about the celebration of the birth of our Saviour, and not going into depression to please people, but sadly this was my case.

My friends have always looked up to me, in seasons like this, to take them out, fund their Christmas celebration and buy gifts for them. I can not remember ever looking up to any of my friends during this season for any kind of benefit, I was always the one in the spotlight. And it was not as if I had more money than them, it was just that I loved putting smiles on people's faces. But I was doing all this at a high cost; displeasing myself and sending myself into depression.

Most times, nothing will be left for me after this season, as I would have spent everything to make my friends happy. What am awful life. I have promised not to pass my limits in spending, and this Christmas is evidence that I've kept my words. What I find funny is that as usual, my friends have contacted me and asked me if I'm take them out, good for me I learnt how to say 'NO' to people. More funny how about three of my friends have sent their bank account details to my WhatsApp.

I didn't tell any of them to send their bank account details, I've told them that they are the ones to host me this season, but unfortunately, no one has invited me to anywhere, not even to share a plate of rice. It's now as if I was always the one moving the motion, and nothing would be done without me. Well, it's not bad to be the only one giving out and making others happy, but that will only happy when I'm capable enough, not spending more than you have.

I have a lot of plans for next year, so I'm not going to spend more than I'm supposed to. I have still been able to split some amount and celebrate this season with my family members, and I'm not feeling depressed like other years, no kind of tension, I'm perfectly alright. My account has not been wounded. Moving forward, I'm never displeasing myself to please others again, it's Christmas, and we're even supposed to share with others, and show love and peace and care, not extorting from others

Enjoy the season!
Happy new year in advance!

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Back Then And Now

Back Then And Now
So many things have changed when it comes to Christmas, I remember how it used to be years back when I was a kid, it is not to be compared to the way it is now. The momentum has gone down, not the way it used to be. I have walked around, checked everywhere, I'm yet to see any incident that is similar to the ones that occurred every Christmas as a kid. I don't know if it's the hardship in the economy, a lot has changed and it's not that much fun anymore.

I remember how my mother will use broom stick or sewing thread to measure my legs for my Christmas shoe. Christmas cloth will be bought some days to Christmas, I can remember sleeping with my Christmas cloth, shoe, fancy eye glasses and hat on my bed, every night before Christmas. Making sure to check up on the items on a daily basis, giving it maximum care and respect and all efforts made to prevent it from staining with dirt.

My parents kept a criteria to be qualified for all this items, it could be that you must obedient, and not stubborn. It could be that you must pass your exams well, and I'm telling you that every kid back then will put on his/her best behavior in order for their parents to buy them Christmas clothes and shoes. That is why we had more good kids back then, children didn't give their parents problems. And if you fail to meet up with the criteria, you fit the prize.

I remember one certain Christmas where I fumbled, and couldn't meet up with the criteria, I was denied the prize, I cried my eyes out, but I made sure it never happened again afterwards, I did better. All this starting losing momentum when kids don't have to compete or put on their best to get the Christmas prize. Something I used to spend sleepless nights, imagining how I will flex with my outfit on Christmas, we looked up to the day as the most special of all days.

Not to talk about harmattan and fireworks. Back then harmattan will literally turned people into white, but now there is no more harmattan, not in my state, everywhere looks like other regular months. Fireworks would have been rocking everywhere, but now it's too expensive to spend cash on, when you haven't finished buying garri and rice and Christmas chicken. So expensive that you will be pained to buy it, and that's why I haven't heard any this season. I don't know if it is like this in other states, but this is the situation currently in my state.

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Everything Quality

Everything Quality
I returned home for Christmas about two days ago, and I must say that these past two days have been some of the best two days of my life. I never knew I could sleep before 11 PM, but in the last two days, I have been asleep by 8 PM, which really baffles me. I’m quite surprised by this change.
Seemed like the thought of school was cleared of my head and allowing me the freedom of enjoying quality sleep.

I had always thought my body couldn’t handle sleeping any earlier than 11 PM, but these two days have proven me wrong. I’ve been getting quality rest and finding myself waking up around 5 AM each day. This early wake fills me with energy, and I can even see a glow in my skin! Honestly, nothing pleases me more.

School can be really stressful, but I know it’s something that must be completed. After all, one must finish school to find their purpose in life. Until then, I wish you all a joyous Christmas! Do celebrate well, and please don’t forget to leave my chicken!

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Service of Glory

Tomorrow is the long-awaited day—Christmas! Tonight, we are all joyous with excitement as we prepare for the festivities. We've already cooked some delicious rice and fried some perfectly seasoned chicken, filling the air with mouthwatering aromas. We can't wait for the celebrations to begin already.

Right now, I've just taken a refreshing bath and laid out my clothes for the church service. Yes, it’s a cherished tradition for us to attend an all-night church service that is rounded off at midnight. The thought of coming together with our community to celebrate has a special effect on me

I'm currently waiting for the clock to strike 9 PM so that I can get ready and go to church. This is a church service where I usually pray and worship. We gather to thank God for His goodness throughout the year and for being faithful to us. This church service means a lot to me; it’s about the love we share, the happiness, and the joy we experience before we celebrate Christmas Day at midnight. It’s much anticipated, and right now I have my clothes set out and ready to go to church and praise the Lord. Well, friends, for now, I will leave you all and see you tomorrow. Happy Christmas, friends!

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God Sustains

God Sustains
We were on a bus heading to Asata, when suddenly we noticed the vehicle ahead of us start to malfunction. We could see the driver struggling to control the car, but he couldn’t manage it. Upon closer inspection, I realized that one of the car's tires had already sprung out from its socket and was rolling down the road.

The driver couldn’t see the tire loss; he was still trying to balance the vehicle. Miraculously, the car didn’t flop or sag at the point where the tire was lost. It instead bounced up and down and moved uncontrollably, but somehow, it never fell over.

I prayed silently, not only for the lives in that vehicle but also for God not to let me witness a tragic event during this period.
I thought about the occupants family mbers and what they had as plans, and this made me plead more to God not to permit the plans of the enemies to prevail.

We thanked God for this tiny miracle, and our driver decided to overtake the malfunctioning vehicle. We had to inform him about the situation. He quickly stopped, and together, we expressed our gratitude, thanking God for our safety and for everything we still have.

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Too long for a journey

Too long for a journey
For the first time, I traveled from Bayelsa to my state, and I had planned to get there before 5pm sharp. Everything was supposed to go smoothly, but the transport company had a different script in mind. The journey started well, but soon after, the driver began stopping at random locations to deliver items. It felt like we were on a delivery run, not a passenger bus. I was frustrated, but little did I know, that was just the beginning of our troubles.

The bus started breaking down, not once, not twice, but multiple times along the way. To make matters worse, the traffic was terrible, and before we could process what was happening, it was already 9pm, and we were still in Aba far from our destination. The delay was getting unbearable, and you could see the worry and frustration on the passengers' faces. Everyone just wanted to get home.

The driver, however, was determined to reach our state before the next day, no matter what. He kept driving late into the night, pushing through even though he was tired. By then, my family had started calling non-stop, asking where I was and if I was safe. I could only assure them that I was fine, but deep down, I was also worried. It was a tense atmosphere in the bus as everyone silently prayed to reach their destination without any more issues.

Finally, we arrived at 11pm. It wasn’t funny at all. The delay, the breakdowns, and the late-night driving had everyone worried. My family was relieved to see me, and I was just thankful the long journey was over. It’s an experience I won’t forget in a hurry, but honestly, I hope it’s one I never have to repeat.

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Great disappoinment

It’s been ages since I got anything worthwhile from airdrops, and I was really hoping this one would be different. I had my eyes set on it, thinking this might finally be the turnaround I’d been waiting for. With December around the corner, my plans were already forming. You know that feeling when you’re budgeting imaginary money? That was me, ready to ball out for Detty December with the “profit” I was expecting.

A few days before the listing, my friend told me to let go of any hope I had for the project. He said it wasn’t looking good and that I should move on. But me? I’m stubborn. How could I agree when I’d already started spending the money in my head? I told him he was being negative and convinced myself it would work out. After all, wasn’t this how people hit it big sometimes?

Then came the listing day, and my heart broke into tiny little pieces. The coin didn’t even give me back a quarter of what I put into it. The value was so bad it felt like a joke. I sat there staring at my phone, wondering why I didn’t listen to my friend or at least wait it out. But no, I had to believe in my “Detty December dreams.” That’s how reality gave me a slap to wake up.

After this disaster, I’ve decided to stay off Telegram for a while. If any project or group starts to call my name, I’ll ignore it unless an angel descends from heaven to tell me otherwise. For now, I need to regroup, focus on what’s real, and forget about the promises of quick cash. Lesson learned the hard way.

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Lesson from the Track

Lesson from the Track
My life took a dramatic turn when I gained admission to study Human Kinetics. I often found myself feeling like an outsider, especially compared to my two roommates, who seemed to have it easy without the rigorous 7am morning workouts and physical activities that came with my program.

There's one day that's will always inscribe in my memory forever. Even thinking about it make me feel suffocated and depressed at the same time. It was a day that started like any other, but took an unexpected turn.

Initially, I had an athletic class scheduled for that morning, but our coach unexpectedly postponed it until the evening due to unforeseen circumstances. I was caught off guard by the news, and to make matters worse, I had an assignment that was due that same evening,i need to rush thing as per student life era.

As the evening arrived, I headed to my practical class, where we were instructed on the proper technique for throwing a discus. Our coach guided us through the steps, and then it was our turn to try individually.

When it was my turn, I gripped the discus confidently, following the steps I had just learned. I was excited to showcase my skills, but my enthusiasm was short-lived. As I released the discuss, I lost my balance and found myself tumbling to the ground alongside the discus.
It was an embarrassing moment, and I wished the ground would swallow me whole as laughter rolled out from the mouth of the coach and my classmates. I thank God i didn't sustain much injury. But as I reflected on the incident, I realized that I had made a terrific mistake by skipping meals throughout the day.

That embarrassing moment taught me a valuable lesson to never underestimate the importance of fueling up before a physically demanding class.

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Living at home

Living at home
After a long trip, I finally made it back home. The first day back was rough; my whole body ached from sitting for so long during the journey. I decided to take it easy and spend the next two days resting, hoping to shake off the exhaustion. But even after five days, I still felt drained. It was hard to find the energy to go out or meet people. I wasn’t my usual self, and it showed.

Today, I decided to push myself a bit and went to church. Meeting people there was uplifting, but I still wasn’t in the mood to hang around after the service. As soon as it ended, I left right away. The struggle continued when I tried to get transportation afterward. Every regular stop was crowded, and I just couldn’t wait. I told my siblings it was time to go, and thankfully, we all managed to head back home.

This week has been nothing short of eventful. Yesterday, a filling station near my area caught fire and exploded. It was a scary sight, and the news spread like wildfire. Despite the chaos, I also found time to explore a part of town I had never seen before. It felt refreshing to discover something new so close to home.

In the spirit of Christmas, I visited the Christmas Village for the first time. It was a nice way to get into the Christmas spirit.
Looking ahead, I’m hoping this week will be better. I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs, but I’m optimistic that things will fall into place. There’s still so much to do and plenty to prepare for as the holidays approach.

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The Banana was nowhere to be found

The Banana was nowhere to be found
After the Sanctuary work on Saturday, I wanted to ease myself so I went to the toilet to urinate. On my way back, I heard one of the old women narrating her experience the previous Saturday. She had smoked some banana /plantain for them to enjoy after work. She told her friends if they are interested in bole (smoked plantain) with palm oil.

On hearing this, some of her friend already took position, spread clothe on the ground and sat down to unleash their hunger on this delicious food. She brought out the oil, poured it inside a plate and she was looking for the bole. The bole is nowhere to be found.

Her friends disappointed but they trusted her that she can't joke with such things.

On getting home, she sighted the bole on her kitchen couch. She packed everything but the bole.

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Unexpected crowd

Unexpected crowd
I was in the market to get some gadgets. My mother had sent me on a mission to help her pick up a few items. As I entered the market, I wasn’t expecting the kind of crowd I saw inside. It was just too many people blocking the way; the entrance was packed, and everywhere felt crowded. To maneuver just a short distance, one will have to push almost for an hour.

As I made my way through the bustling crowd, I overheard a vendor enthusiastically demonstrating a new gadget. "This one has the best camera!" he exclaimed, showcasing a sleek phone. I paused for a moment, intrigued, and made a mental note to check it out later.

Continuing on, I noticed a group of friends gathered around a booth, laughing and sharing their finds as they picked goodlooking cloths from a cloth stand. The seller was calling out a cheap price for each and i was almost tempted to go check for my sizes, but I hadnt come out with my own money, I needed to find what my mother wanted and get home before it got too late.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I reached a store that had everything on my mother’s list. I picked up a few gadgets, my arms now full, and began to make my way back through the market, another hour of struggling through the crowd.

As I left the market, I couldn’t help but wonder if I ever behold such number of people in any market before

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I′m Gonna Flee

I had already decided with about five of my neighbors from the lodge that we were not going to travel home for Christmas. We planned to stay back in the school area and enjoy the holiday together—just the five of us. However, in the last three days, things began to change. One by one, my friends started to leave. First, a friend departed, then two more left, and finally, just three of us were left. Now, it's only me and one other friend remaining, which feels really disappointing.

This isn’t what I had planned. I was anticipating a fun and joyous Christmas, but with only one neighbor left, it seems impossible to enjoy the holiday spirit as I had hoped. Today turned out to be quite futile; I spent the day packing up my clothes and washing everything in preparation to leave the next day.

It’s going to be a long journey, and I'll have to spend money on transport, but that doesn't really matter now. What’s important is that I’m going home. Home, sweet home. I'll be home soon, and despite the unexpected changes, I know that being with family will bring me joy.

Abeg guys, see you all later, first let me pack up my remaining belongings that will escort me home.

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Sew garbage

Sew garbage
It had been about three weeks since I gave the tailor some fabric to sew a perfect outfit for my ASOEBI demonstration. I had been eagerly waiting for the day she promised I could come and pick up the clothing.

When I arrived at her shop, I was relieved to see that she had already completed the garments. However, as I looked closely, I realized that the clothes did not resemble the design and style I had selected. Trying to keep an open mind, I decided to try the outfit on before voicing my concerns.

As I put on the clothes, I was sad and disappointed. I felt as if I looked like a baby in diapers. The fit was completely off, and I couldn’t understand how, after all this time, she could present something manageable.what she presented was far from satisfactory. It was evident that she had rushed the sewing process, which caused the clothing to turn out poorly.
After realizing her mistakes, she begged that I return a week later to check on the adjustments.

I reminded myself that this tailor wasn’t incompetent; I had seen her previous work, and she had never let me down before. This wasn’t the first time I had entrusted her with making my clothes, so let me give her another chance to regain my trust.

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An honest mistake

An honest mistake
Today started like any other day. I left my house, excited about a business deal I had been preparing for. My shop was waiting for me, and I was eager to get to work.

On my way, my client called. “I’m on my way,” I told him. I was looking forward to meeting him because this deal could really help my business. We met at the site and we talked about our ideas. The conversation went well, and by the end, I felt good about what we had planned. My client seemed happy too.

But as I got ready to leave, I suddenly realized I couldn’t find my shop key. I checked my pockets and my bag, but it was nowhere to be found. I had always been careful with that key, so I was really surprised and worried.

For about half an hour, I searched everywhere. I retraced my steps, looking on the floor and around the site. I felt frustrated and a bit defeated. What was I going to do if I couldn’t get into my shop?

Finally, I decided to head to my shop, feeling down. When I got there, I noticed something strange. The padlock was locked, but the key was still in it! I had locked the padlock without taking the key out. It was such a simple mistake, but it had caused me so much stress.

I felt a wave of relief wash over me, and I couldn’t help but laugh at how silly I had been. What I thought was a disaster turned out to be a small mistake. I unlocked the door, stepped inside my shop, and felt grateful for the day. Sometimes, unexpected things happen, and they can teach us valuable lessons.

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unending semester

I started the semester with a lot of enthusiasm and seriousness. I made sure to attend all my classes because I knew it was going to be a short semester. I was determined to do well, especially since I heard we might have exams before the Christmas break.

As the semester went on, we all waited for the department to post the exam timetable. Days turned into weeks, and it seemed like it was taking forever. Meanwhile, I noticed that other departments had already started their exams. It became clear that we wouldn’t be having our exams before the short break.

With no other choice, I decided to travel for my break. I was excited to go home, but it wasn’t quite what I had expected. Instead of enjoying the holiday fully, I found myself thinking about the exams that would come right after the Christmas break. It was hard to relax knowing that I would have to dive back into studying soon.

Even though I was with family and friends, my mind was still on the upcoming exams. I tried to enjoy the season, but the thought of school took over me. It was a strange mix of celebration and anxiety, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that the break was just a pause before the real work began.

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picnic at last

I always wanted to spend time with John, but we lived far apart. When I heard he was coming for Christmas, I was so happy! I decided to plan a picnic for us.

I thought about a nice spot by the lake, with tall trees around. I made a list of things to bring: a warm blanket, hot cocoa, and snacks. I even packed a small speaker for our favorite songs.

The day finally came. I woke up early, feeling excited. It was cold outside, which was a perfect weather for a perfect picnic I dressed warmly and took everything to the lake.

When I got there, I saw John walking toward me, all bundled up. His cheeks were red from the cold. We smiled at each other and hugged. It felt great to finally be together.

We sat on the blanket, drank hot cocoa, and shared stories. We laughed and talked about good times we had. As the sun set, the sky turned beautiful colors, and I felt really happy.

I played our favorite song on my phone, and we sang along. In that moment, I knew this was what I wanted a fun time with John, without any distance between us.

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Found Comfort in my Hands

Found Comfort in my Hands
Just across the tarred road side, around the new market axis, stood the decent house. I had rang the electronic bell two times now, and was about to enjoy the fun of pressing a button again, when my ears recognized some footsteps approaching the modern wooden door from the inside.

It was undoubtedly nice inside, with the large chandelier hanging gloriously from the tall P.O.P ceiling, radiating its whiteness to all around the large living room. The lighten wasn't just the only beautiful thing about my uncle's place, the walls were one of a kind - it was made to shine like glass which threw me in awe.
"How can walls be made to look like they were made of glass?".
I was pondering on my self-afflicted question and answer when Aunty Mary beckoned on my consciousness

Her stomach wasn't as big now, and in the loose gown that she wore, she looked older.
There were dozens of large portraits lined at the hall way, and I wanted to study them.
Trailing Aunty Mary step was more vital than the distracting paintings that called put to me. Aunty was taking me to the baby's room.

The baby was snuggling up to my uncle's fatherly arms as I made to carry her. She was a living beauty. Brushing the curly hair that dropped down to her brows with a finger made her widen those magical eyes that one would mistake as unreal.
She smiled at my finger, clutching tightly to it as if she had just been gifted my index finger as toy.

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