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Living the miracle

My friend told me he was feeling sick on Thursday, and I thought it was no big deal. I assumed he'd be better by Sunday. So, I sent him a text on Friday night, but I didn't hear back from him. Saturday was busy for me, so I didn't think much of it.

But then, on Sunday, after church, he called me with a weak voice. He said he had broken down and was taken to the hospital. I left church right away and rushed to the hospital, which was 40 minutes away by bus.

During the bus ride, I fell asleep and had a dream. In the dream, my friend came to me with a big smile on his face. I asked him how he was feeling, and he said, "Stephen, I'm fine. Nothing's wrong with me." I woke up to the conductor telling me we'd arrived at the hospital.

I got off the bus and went into the hospital, expecting to see my friend lying in bed, sick. But instead, he was sitting up and eating jollof rice. I asked him what happened, and he told me that after we last spoke, he slept and woke up feeling fine. He was just waiting for the doctor to discharge him.

I was convinced that my dream was a sign of his recovery. It was a miracle
God is still in the business of healing and answering prayers.

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Lydia′s hidden talent

Lydia′s hidden talent
Once upon a time there was a very young talented lady called Lydia whose passin was painting, All though she was exceptionally skilled,no one in her village ,not even her parent knew of her talent.
So one faithful day the head of the village announce competition about the best painting the head of the village select randomly but luckily for Lydia she's was part of those selected
She was very excited about this and also this is her chance to review her long hidden talent
So it day of the competition it about to begin she summon all her confident and courage but there ten participants.
The painting too quite long time, so after she was done everybody waiting for the result was amazed about her great work so eventually Governments helped build her career so she motivate everyone present there 'never give on your dream stay focused'

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A paltry Trade

A paltry Trade
I used to love fried foods, but lately, I just haven't been in the mood for them. So, it had been months since I last bought any.
The other day, I was so hungry! I had just gotten ingredients for a soup, but I couldn't wait for it to be ready. I needed something to hold me over.

That's when I spotted a woman selling potatoes and plantains nearby. I thought, "Perfect! I'll just grab some of those to munch while I cook."
I confidently approached the woman and handed her a 500 naira note. "Please mix some potatoes and plantains for me," I said. I was expecting a big bag full of food, like I usually get.

But when she finished, I was confused! There were only 4 small potatoes and 2 tiny plantain chips. I thought maybe she wasn't done yet, so I asked her to confirm. But she said, "Yes, that's it."

My 500 naira had gotten me almost nothing. I realized then that we're really struggling with inflation. Prices have gone up so much, and it's hard to get value for your money.
I left there feeling disappointed, hungrier, and tired. My appetite was gone as well as that once valuable naira note.

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Never tried to look back

Never tried to look back
On my way home from Sunday school. I was still young back then, and my mum always warned me not to take the short path home when it got late. But that evening, I felt so tired and hungry. The youth leader had given a long speech that lasted two hours after class, and I just wanted to get home quickly.

As I walked, I tried to convince myself, “There’s no one who could attack me; I’m a child of God.” That thought made me feel brave, so I decided to go down the forbidden path, the one Mum had told me to avoid.

But then, all of a sudden, I heard a voice say:
“Come here!” It was a dry, compelling voice that sent fear down my spine.
I didn’t think twice; I ran as fast as I could. My heart was racing, and I could not think of anything more or better than to run.

Finally when I reached my house, I took a time to catch my breath, and then I thanked God for keeping me safe. I promised myself I would never take that shortcut again once it was past 5 PM.

I never told anyone about what happened that night, especially not my mum.

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First Judgement

First Judgement
Browsing through the TikTok when I saw a song that everyone was talking about. Lots of people were sharing it and saying it was great. I thought, "I have to hear this!" So, I downloaded the song and listened to it. But when I heard it, I didn't like it. It was boring and didn't sound special.

I listened to it again, thinking maybe I missed something. But no, I still didn't like it. I went on with my day, listening to my favorite songs and doing my usual stuff.

The next day, I was listening to music on my phone. I was using an app called Boomplay, and it was playing my favorite songs. When those songs finished, the song I didn't like started playing. At first, I thought, "Oh no, not this song again!" But something was different. The music felt good with my heartbeat. It was like the song was talking to me. I listened more closely, and I started to like it. I had to recheck the name of the song playing to confirm if surely it was same song that I called wack the previous day.

I listened to the song again and again. I couldn't stop! I thought, "Wow, I was wrong about this song. It's actually really good!" Now, it's my favorite song. I listen to it every day.

I still wonder why I didn't like it at first. Maybe I wasn't in the right mood? Maybe I needed to hear it again to like it? Maybe I needed to hear it after my favorite songs to appreciate it? I don't know, but I'm glad I gave it another chance. Now, I'm the one telling everyone how great the song is!

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My wife and i

My wife and i
So this evening when I returned from work, I discovered my wife had already prepared dinner for me. I was very happy. It has been long I had dinner by 6pm. This is because of our busy schedules. But she managed to return home early today.

She served me my food and was even offering to feed me.

It was fun doing it.

So while I lying on my bed pressing my phone, my wife tapped me and asked that we play a game.

I then remembered today is Wednesday and we were fond of playing our romantic games on Wednesdays. So today was when I saw the romantic side of my wife.

Without wasting time, I dropped my phone and asked.

"So which game are we going to play?"

"Truth and dare." She cooed in excitement.

"O come on, baby. We have been playing truth and dare since we knew each other. Right now you know everything about me and I have asked every question in the book. Suggest another game."

"Okay. You suggest a game for us."

"Hide and seek. I will tie your eyes and you will find me. When you catch me, then I will be the one to find you."

My wife shook her head.

"No na. That is an old game. I don't have the strength to be running up and down. I just want something we can play together on the bed without going anywhere."

"Okay fine. Suggest another game na. I am out of games to play."

My wife thought for a while. She clapped her hands and grinned like one who had won a million dollars.

"Praises, how about I ask you ten questions about me and if you fail to answer any of the questions, then I will bite you. So that means I will bite you for every question you fail to answer."

"Where will you be bitting me?" I asked.

"You hand of cause."

"So how about me, where will I bite you?"

My wife looked at her body. Then she said.

"You choose."

"I will bite you on your buttocks if you fail my questions." I told her.

"You and buttocks. Fine but it should end at only bitting o. Let it not tress pass to smooching." I laughed.

My wife offered to start the questions. She said when she was done asking the ten questions, then I can ask mine and bite her too if she fails.

I agreed.

We both sat facing each other.

After a moment of silence.

She asked.


"So Baby, what is the date of birth of my grandfather."

"Ah! What concern me with your grandfather na? Even your father does not know his date of birth."

"That one is not my business. Do you know it or you don't know it?"

"I don't."

My wife immediately grabbed my hands like sugar cane and used her teeth to bite me. I endured the pain.

Then she asked again.

"So my love and sweetheart, how many grandfathers have I had in my generation?"

That was when I exploded.

"Come which kind of useless yeye question is this? Am I supposed to be counting your grandfathers in your generation? Ask questions that I know and can answer."

My wife did not even say anything. She knew I did not know it, she grabbed my hand again like roasted yam that has been sauced with pepper and gave me the bite of my life.

This time I screamed.

Then she asked again.

"So my husband of my life. Can you tell me when my grandmother first visited my father when he was still single?"

I stood up from the bed. I told my wife to just bite me let me ask my own questions. She insisted that she was not done yet and it had to be up to 10 first before I ask mine.

I refused o.

"I cannot allow you to be biting me anyhow. You have to answer mine today or we die in this house together. How many grey hairs did my grandfather have in his anus? No answer me o. You must answer me. How many grey hair?"

My wife opened the door and ran out of the bedroom. I followed her.

She doesn't know anything yet.

"Come back here, monkey. Tell me how many times my grandfather has polluted the air in his lifetime. You must tell me now."

My wife ran into the toilet and locked the door.

She was laughing and screaming.

"That is where you will sleep o. You better sleep in the toilet. Ehen. Or you come here let me bite you the three bites you gave me so we can sleep in peace. Every time you will be showing sense. Come let me bite you my own o or you sleep in that toilet this night."

Just see my hand.

See how she has mesmerized my hand with bite.

This woman has tiger

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The best of plans

The best of plans
This morning, I wanted to get to church early. I wasn’t feeling great, so I thought it would be good to start the day right. I planned to wake up early and take my devices to my friend’s house, which is near the church. I knew this would take some time, so I made sure to leave early.

Our street light was having faults and we have not perceived electricity for some days now.
I had already contacted a friend who lived close to the church and as he confirmed that their vicinity had electricity, I planned how to cover the distance and still make it in church early.

After I arrived at my friend’s place, I plugged in my phone and other devices to charge. Then, I went to church.

I was so happy because I got to church 15 minutes before the service started! I sat in the front row and looked around. I felt ready to pray.

The Sunday was very nice, and now I’m back home, feeling good about my time at church.

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I finally gave in to my friend's persuasion to try out a newly opened restaurant in town. I'm not a fan of buying food outside, but my gas cylinder was empty, and I had no choice. She assured me that they cooked amazingly well, so I decided to give it a try.

I was pleasantly surprised by the appearance of the restaurant. It looked clean and welcoming. Whild waiting for my order, I saw a familiar face walk in (my lecturer.) He came in a Jeep and looked quite casual, far from his usual formal self in class.

I mustered up the courage to introduce myself, and to my relief, he recognized me instantly. I guess being an outspoken student in his class had its bonuses. We exchanged pleasantries, and he even gave me his number, asking me to text him later.

Now, onto the main event - the egusi soup. Oh my goodness 😭, it was love at first taste. The condiments were perfectly mixed, and the flavor was heavenly. I ended up wanting more, but, I had only bought one plate.

All in all, it was a great experience. I'm glad I gave in to my friend's pressure, and I'm definitely going back for more of that delicious egusi soup.

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When duties call′s or danger.

Wednesday was one of those days where I just wanted to collapse onto my bed as soon as I walked through the door. I got home around 8 pm, exhausted, and realized I had no food to eat. So, I headed out to grab something to eat, too tired to even think about cooking.

As I was walking back to my apartment, a kid came running around the corner and collided with me, sending my phone flying to the ground. My screen cracked a little. But you know what? I was too tired to even get angry. I just picked up my phone, dusted it off, and continued walking.

Things only got worse when I got home. I was so exhausted that I dropped the food I had just bought. And in my tiredness, I decided to dress my bed, forgetting that my AirPod was still on it. The next thing I heard was a smashing sound, my AirPod had fell to the tiled floor and scattered.

It was like the universe was conspiring against me. But sometimes, you just have to laugh at it all.

Luckily, my friends came to the rescue the next day, and we managed to fix my AirPod.

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Buried in thoughts

Buried in thoughts
I really feel overwhelmed by the three major tasks that have been weighing heavily on my mind. First and foremost, I have a critical exam waiting just three weeks away, and I still have a massive textbook to get through. The thought of it is intimidating.

Adding to my stress is the pressure from my client, who's been waiting for me to deliver a job that's long overdue. I can sense their frustration and anxiety, and it's only making me more anxious. I know I need to get it done, but somehow, time keeps slipping away.

But it's not just about work - my family is also on my mind. My sister's phone was stolen over two years ago, and I've been meaning to get her a new one ever since. As a job seeker, not having a phone can be a huge disadvantage. I feel terrible for not being able to get it done sooner.

Despite my best intentions, the week is ending, and I've only managed to scratch the surface of these tasks. It's disheartening to see how little progress I've made. I'm starting to worry that time is running out, and I might not be able to get everything done.

I know I need to stay focused and motivated, but it's hard when it feels like the tasks are piling up. I'm trying to prioritize, but each task seems equally important. I'm hoping for a miracle to happen before the month ends
Wish me the best my people 🙏🏽

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A slip that almost cost a life

A slip that almost cost a life
I loved climbing trees even as a girl, especially this particular tall one we called the Ujuru tree in Igbo. It had delicious fruits, but I didn’t climb it for the fruits. I climbed because I loved the view from the top.

My parents often warned me not to climb the Ujuru tree, but I couldn't resist. One day, I decided to climb all the way to the top, what a mumu move, As I reached the tip, I suddenly slipped and felt myself falling. In that scary moment, I saw my life flash before my eyes.
Doubt if you know that feeling.

But just as I thought I would fall, a branch caught me! I couldn't believe it. I managed to grab hold and slowly climbed down, and sat on the ground, thinking about how precious my life was than to view the beauty of nature from high angles.

I thought a lot about what had just happened. That experience taught me a big lesson. I realized that climbing the Ujuru tree wasn’t worth the risk and from that day on, I never climbed that tree again because I didnt want to meet my creator already.

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Bullying s Bully

Bullying s Bully
There was a little boy named Leo who was shy. He had just moved to a new town with his parents. It was his first day at a new school, and he was feeling nervous.

At school, there was a bully named Felix. He was big and noisy, making fun of kids to feel strong. During break perious when Leo went to the the canteen , Felix spotted him right away. “Hey, new kid! What are you doing here? You lost?” he yelled.

Leo felt scared and looked down staring at the floor. “No, I’m just getting lunch,” he said quietly.

Felix laughed and pushed Leo’s lunch tray onto the floor, making a mess. “You should go back to where you came from!” Felix shouted.

Leo felt upset but promised himself that he wouldn’t let Felix keep bullying him. That afternoon, while walking home, Leo noticed that Felix took the same shortcut near his house. An idea popped into his head.

The next day, Leo had a plan. He had a young dog who was very loyal. The dog understood a limited Number of instructions.

The next day, Leo watched from his window as Felix walked down the path, laughing with his friends. Leo felt excited and a little nervous.

When Felix got close to the trap, Leo whispered to his dog wagged his tail, ready to help. As Felix stepped over the rope, he tripped and fell flat on the ground!

Before Felix could get up, the young jumped forward, barking loudly. Felix’s eyes grew wide as the little dog ran toward him.

“Get it off! Get it off!” Felix yelled, backing away from the young dog, who just wanted to play.

Leo laughed and shouted, “You think you’re tough? Try dealing with my dog then"

Felix, who was once the bully, was now scared and running away from a small dog.

After a while, Felix managed to run off, looking embarrassed. Leo called after him and laughed his intestines out..
In school the next day, the bully kept his distance from Leo.

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Woeful Attempt

Woeful Attempt
Emma was rich, and he was really good at catching bush meats. He sold them for at least #600, which felt like a lot of money as of back then when Naija's financial corruption was still kinda minimal.
I was jealous because while he bought all sorts of snacks at school, I was stuck with my small #100 snack pocket money.

One day, my dad came home from work with an iron trap. I had been begging him one for months! I was so happy! "This is my chance!" I thought, hoping for the best time to lay my new trap.

The next day, I set my trap eagerly. I picked a nice spot near the bushes where I saw some wild animal activity on the root of crops. I was filled with hope and anticipation as I slept that particular night.

I couldn’t wait to catch something. But the next morning, I found... nothing! Just my neighbor’s cat, who seemed to be judging me for my failure.

I didn’t give up, though! I tried again the next day. And the week after. I kept setting that trap, thinking I would catch something delicious. But every morning brought disappointment. No bush meat. No success. No fancy snacks like Emma.

By the third week, even the cat had lost interest in me and just slept in the middle of my trap. I could almost hear it laughing at me.

Finally, I gave up. I realized I wasn’t going to be a great trap setter. I would have to stick to my small #100 for snacks.

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I Lost my House

"Go and provide an evidence my friend" The D.P.O yelled at me. I just stood there at the counter looking like a fool because I did not believe what I am hearing from the Police Boss.

How on earth can I show an evidence that I am given my wife money, even though I printed out my account statement, most of the transactions were withdrawn from ATM machine or through POS operators.

I was like........"what a hell is my wife which is now an ex is trying to do". All what I started seen is that I am fast loosing my house which I struggle to build with my hard earning income.

The struggle by my Ex-Wife to take over my house which she somehow succeeded was as a result of rumour that I had married a second wife and according to her, she will never allow any woman who did not have hand in the building of the house to share the apartment with her. All my efforts to convince her that it wasn't true proof abortive.

The Police Boss asked me to leave her environment because in her statement, I have been threatening her and they will not allow me to kill anyone in their jurisdiction, and if I fail to comply, I will be charged to court accordingly.

I have no option than to pack my cloth and some of my valuable goods. I rented a room apartment. I started all over and I am living happily.

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The great pizza heist

One day, a man named Bob ordered a pizza, but when he opened the box, he found it was empty except for a note that said, "I'm afraid I've been cheesed off!" Bob was confused and called the pizza place, where they told him that a mischievous employee had been playing pranks on customers.

Bob asked to speak to the employee, and when he got on the phone, he said, "You've got some nerve, cheesing off a paying customer like that!" The employee replied, "Hey, someone's got to keep things gouda around here!"

Bob couldn't help but laugh and ended up getting a free pizza out of the deal. And the employee? He got a promotion to head cheesemonger!

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Nabbed mystery

I saw a crowd of neighbors gathered around something serious. They were shouting angrily at a man who looked scared and on the floor. I pushed my way to the front and found out he was a thief, caught stealing from the shops along the street.

The thief started to explain himself, saying, thaf he didn’t mean to cause trouble, that he used voodoo on the doors to make them open! He could get into the shops and take things without leaving any signs!" His words shocked everyone around.

He went on, saying he had been stealing from shops for weeks without anyone noticing. But that night was different. He didn't know that the shop owner was sleeping inside his shop, and he thought he could sneak in. Instead, he ended up alarming the shop owner wheb he made some sounds on the door, which led to his capture.

The shop owner, still a bit shaken, shared how he woke up to knocking and decided to call for help. How could anyone think they could get away with stealing using voodoo?

Soon, the police came and took the thief away. As the situation calmed down, I realised that I had spent several hours entertaining myself at the scene, I just started a race home and that is the end of my story.

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Excursion to the home of food

Excursion to the home of food
During my SS2 class, we embarked on an exciting excursion to the Food and Nutrition Department at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The anticipation chilled within me as we boarded the chartered bus, ready for a day filled with learning and exploration.

Our group was greeted warmly by the staff, who were eager to show us around their food world when we arrived. We split into smaller groups to tour the different units under the department, and to be honest, my whole consciousnesses was stolen by the aroma that filled the place.

As we moved through the various labs and kitchens, the scent of fries flooded my senses. I could smell freshly baked bread, spices, and the rich aroma of various ingredients mingling together. My stomach made noises in response, betraying my hope that we might get a chance to sample some of the delicious aroma that met our noses.

Watching them, I wished I could jump in and try my hand at cooking alongside them, maybe then, I'll have the opportunity to take a bite.

Finally, after hours of touring and getting enough knowledge about the department and its units, it was time to go.
Without having to sample any of the hot fries.

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Rickety Journey

Rickety Journey
Stylish in my well-ironed clothes, I boarded the bus, eager to get to my destination quickly. But little did I know, my journey was about to get twisted.

When the bus was full, it was time to leave, but it wouldn't start. I couldn't believe it. We were all stranded! The driver tried everything, but nothing seemed to work.
To my dismay, the driver asked us to help push the bus! I couldn't contain my disappointment. Me, in my nice clothes, pushing an old bus? It was almost too much to bear.

But, I didn't have a choice. I joined the others, and together we started pushing. I was worried about getting dirty and sweaty, but I knew I had to help.

As we pushed, the vehicle suddenly coughed back to life. We all cheered, and immediately, I jumped in.
Even though my fellow girls shyed away from pushing the bus, I didn't though I grudged initially.

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Sleeping in the House of God

I woke up normally on Sunday morning, rush to the kitchen to prepare my favorite food which is Semo, then rush to the bathroom to bath.

I put on one of my nice suit ate my food, and left for the church service. Instead of boarding bus, I decided to trek to church to save the transport fare for another thing.

The journey took me about ninety minutes, I was already tired by the time I got to the church where the praise team were already thrilling the audience, I mean the worshippers with heavenly praises. I join them in the melody as I dance away my sorrow..........Praise the Lord.....the Pastor baritone envelope the atmosphere as we chorus Hallelujah......let us have our sit in the presence of God, the pastor continue and that was the last thing I heard......until I suddenly raised my hands up and the Pastor says "Hallelujah, come to the front of the alter, let the whole church pray for this young brother........it finally down on me when I realise what happen....."I had raised my hand when the Pastor says he needed five people to donate five millions Naira each to the church and I was the only one that raise my hand, which means that I had slept throughout the sermon time.

Well, I had no option, I stood up, use style and shamefully went out, and that was the last day I step my leg into that church.

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The madman saga

I was walking home from school on a Friday afternoon, lost in thought as I walked through the my favourite short cut. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. At first, I thought nothing of it, assuming it was just another passerby. But as the footsteps grew louder and closer, I began to panick.
I quickened my pace, but the footsteps kept on coming. I could sense a presence closing in behind me. And gathered courage and turned behind to look and That's when I saw him - the madman, he was very fierce
and he was a terror in our area.
Panic set in as he started to gain on me. I started running but no matter how fast I ran, the madman kept closing in.

Just when I thought all was lost, I spotted a narrow path on my left. Without hesitation, I quickly took it, hoping to lose my pursuer. I emerged on the other side, gasping for breath, and didn't stop running until I reached the front of my door.

I locked the door behind me and leaned against it, trying to process the terrifying encounter. It was a terrible experience that left me scared, but I'm grateful to have escaped unharmed.

Please like guys 🙏🙏🙏

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A Reminder

A Reminder
When I was in 200 level, I had a friend I loved so much. We were Soo close that people thought, we were siblings. He was a very jovial person, almost everyone in school knows him, he would go to any extent to make people happy. We bought food together, ate together, sat together in class and evening during exams. Some weeks to our examination, we had an argument, he did something that pained and instead of me to call his attention to it, I decided to leave him till he realise what he had done. For days we didn't talk, some of our friends tried to find out what was wrong, but I wasn't giving in. I wanted him to apologize in a way that I would be satisfied. And the fact that we stopped talking and he didn't bother to ask what was wrong made me even more upset.

After our exams, we had to go for our Industrial Work Experience, at this point, I had to check on him, it was weeks and I haven't heard from him or seen him. When I called, he didn't pick and when he called back, he explained that he was at the hospital and when I asked what the nature of his sickness was, he said it was diabetes. I was really worried, I prayed for him and I kept checking up on him, but after a while I got busy with work and I couldn't.

Some weeks after, my course mate called me to inform me that John was dead, I was shocked to the core, I couldn't talk for a while. I tried to reason how someone I spoke to some days ago could have died just like that. I cried, I spent days trying to gather myself together.

Today, I was going through my gallery when I saw his picture, the pain was there. I wished I had forgiven him and made more memories. I felt bad for breaking a friendship out of my lack of maturity. It's been two years since he died and his memories are still intact with me.

All I have left of him are memories be it pleasant or unpleasant. For what it's worth, live each day like it's your last with the best of intentions and a good heart. Forgive those who hurt you. Forgive those who apologize for hurting you. Apologize when you hurt others as well. Love and love! Still love again and again, regardless. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed, those of us who saw today hope to see tomorrow but the power of that is in God's hand alone! Please, live a simple and a dedicated life to God.

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